16/04/2012 | SEGGER Microcontroller - Flasher PPC Production Tools Subscribe to Flasher PPC softw are notification Supported Devices Flasher PPC Overview Search Flasher PPC Flash Programmer for PowerPC cores Flasher PPC is a programming tool for PowerPC based microcontrollers w ith on-chip or external flash memory. Flasher PPC is designed for programming flash targets w ith the J-Flash softw are or stand- alone. It connects via Ethernet, USB or RS232 interface to a PC, running Microsoft Windows 2000, Window s XP, Windows 2003, Window s Vista or Window s 7. Flasher PPC itself has a built-in 20-pin JTAG connector but is shipped with an 14-pin adapter for Pow erPC devices. Features Stand-alone JTAG programmer (Once set up, Flasher can be controlled without the use of PC program) Support for Pow erPC cores Supports programming of internal and external flash memory 64 MB memory for storage of target program Host interfaces: Ethernet, USB, RS232 Serial in target programming supported Data files can be updated via Ethernet/USB using J-Flash, via RS232 or via the mass storage functionality of Flasher PPC. Target interface: JTAG No power supply required, pow ered through USB Programming speed up to 138 Kbytes/second depending on target hardw are Currently, programming of the internal flash memory of the follow ing devices is supported by Flasher PPC: Device ST SPC560B40 ST SPC560B44 ST SPC560B50 ST SPC560C40 ST SPC560C44 ST SPC560C50 ST SPC560P40 ST SPC560P44 ST SPC560P50 lf your device is not listed here, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us: info@segger.com Specifications Supported OS Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity (non-condensing) Size (without cables) Weight (w ithout cables) USB Host Interface Ethernet Host Interface RS232 Host Interface Target Interface Pow er Supply Target interface voltage (VF) Target supply voltage Target supply current Reset Type Reset low level output voltage (Vo,) LOW level input voltage (Vj) www.segger.com/cms/flasher-ppc.html CPU core Flash size [kBytes] e200z0 (Pow erPC) 20020 (Pow erPC) e200z0 (Pow erPC) e200z0 (Pow erPC) e200z0 (Pow erPC) 20020 (Pow erPC) e200z0 (Pow erPC) e200z0 (Pow erPC) 20020 (Pow erPC) 320 (256 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 448 (384 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 576 (512 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 320 (256 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 448 (384 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 576 (512 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 320 (256 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 448 (384 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) 576 (512 KB Code flash + 64 KB Data flash) General Microsoft Window s 2000 Microsoft Window s XP Microsoft Window s XP x64 Microsoft Window s 2003 Microsoft Window s 2003 x64 Microsoft Window s Vista Microsoft Window s Vista x64 Microsoft Window s 7 Microsoft Window s 7 x64 +5C...+60C - 20C... + 65C <90% rH Mechanical 121mm x 66mmx 30mm 119g Available interfaces USB 2.0, full speed 10/100 MBit RS232 9-pin JTAG 20-pin (shipped with 14-pin adapter for Renesas PPC) JTAG Interface, Electrical USB pow ered, 100mA for Flasher PPC. 500 mA if target is pow ered by Flasher PPC. 1.2...5V 4.5V ... 5V (on the 14-pin adapter the target supply voltage can be switched betw een 3.3V and 5V) max. 400mA Open drain. Can be pulled low or tristated Vo <= 10% of Vir For the whole target voltage range (1.8V <= VIF <= 5V) VL <= 40% of Vig 1/216/04/2012 SEGGER Microcontroller - Flasher PPC HIGH level input voltage (Vj) Vin >= 60% of Vie For 1.8V <= Vip <= 3.6V LOW level output voltage (Vo ) with a load of 10 kOhm VoL <= 10% of Vir HIGH level output voltage (Vo 4) with a load of 10 kKOhm Von >= 90% of Vir For 3.6 <= Vip <=5V LOW level output voltage (Vo,) with a load of 10 kKOhm Vor <= 20% of Vig HIGH level output voltage (Vo) with a load of 10 kOhm Von >= 80% of Vir JTAG Interface, Timing Max. JTAG speed up to 12MHz Data input rise time (T,gj) Trai <= 20ns Data input fall time (T;g)) Trgi <= 20ns Data output rise time (T,go) Trdo <= 10ns Data output fall time (Tego) Trdo <= 10ns Clock rise time (T,.) Tre <= 10ns Clock fall time (Ts,.) Ty, <= 10ns JTAG interface connection (14-pin) Pin Signal Type Description 1 TDI Output 3 TDO Input 5 TCK Output Too NC 8 NC 9 nRES VO 10 TMS Output 11. VDDE7 Input 13. nRDY Input 14 JCOMP Output Notes: JTAG clock signal to target CPU. It is recommended that this pin is pulled to a defined state on the target board. Typically connected to TCK on target CPU. JTAG data output from target CPU. Typically connected to TDO on target CPU. JTAG clock signal to target CPU. It is recommended that this pin is pulled to a defined state on the target board. Typically connected to TCK on target CPU. This pin is not connected to Flasher PPC. This pin is not connected to Flasher PPC. Target CPU reset signal. Typically connected to the RESET pin of the target CPU, which is typically called "nRST", "nRESET" or "RESET". JTAG mode set input of target CPU. This pin should be pulled up on the target. Typically connected to TMS on target CPU. This is the target reference voltage. It is used to check if the target has pow er, to create the logic-level reference for the input comparators and to control the output logic levels to the target. It is normally fed from Vdd of the target board and must not have a series resistor. Nexus ready output. Indicates to the development tools that the data is ready to be read from or written to the Nexus read/write access registers. JTAG TAP Controller Enable / JTAG Compliancy (JCOMP). JCOMP is used to enable the TAP controller for communication to the JTAG state machine for boundary scan and for debug access. This pin is set to HIGH by Flasher PPC (in order to enable the JTAG TAP controller on the target device). e All pins marked NC are not connected to Flasher PPC. Any signal can be applied here; Flasher PPC will simply ignore such a signal. e Pins 2, 4, 6, 12 are GND pins connected to GND in Flasher PPC. They should also be connected to GND in the target system. Performance of MCUs with internal flash memory The follow ing table lists program and erase performance values for different controllers. Microcontroller Size [kByte] Erase time [sec] Program time [sec] Verify time [sec] Total time [sec] ST SPC560B50 576 4.747 4.159 1.929 10.917 Imprint Disclaimer Sitemap aw back to top www.segger.com/cms/flasher-ppc.html 2/2