TLE 4269 TLE 4269 5-V Low-Drop Fixed Voltage Regulator Features Output voltage tolerance 2 % Very low current consumption Early warning Reset output low doown to VQ = 1 V Overtemperature protection Reverse polarity proof Settable reset threshold Very low drop voltage Wide temperature range Integrated pull up resistor at logic outputs Type Ordering Code Package TLE 4269 A Q67000-A9190 P-DIP-8-4 TLE 4269 G Q67006-A9173 P-DSO-8-1 (SMD) TLE 4269 GM Q67006-A9288 TLE 4269 GL Q67006-A9192 P-DIP-8-4 P-DSO-8-1 P-DSO-14-4 (SMD) P-DSO-20-6 (SMD) New type Functional Description This device is a voltage regulator with a fixed 5-V output, e.g. in a P-DSO-8-1 package. The maximum operating voltage is 45 V. The output is able to drive a 150 mA load. It is short circuit protected and the thermal shutdown switches the output off if the junction temperature is in excess of 150 C. A reset signal is generated for an output voltage of VQ < 4.6 V. The reset threshold voltage can be decreased by external connection of a voltage divider. The reset delay time can be set by an external capacitor. Reset and sense output have integrated pull up resistors. If the integrated resistors are not desired TLE 4279 can be used. It is also possible to supervise the input voltage by using an integrated comparator to give a low voltage warning. Semiconductor Group 1 P-DSO-20-6 P-DSO-14-4 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Pin Configuration (top view) P-DIP-8-4 P-DSO-8-1 1 8 Q S 2 7 SO RE 3 6 R D 4 5 GND S RE D 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 Q SO R GND AEP01668 AEP01813 Pin Definitions and Functions (TLE 4269 A and TLE 4269 G) Pin No. Symbol Function 1 I Input; block directly to GND on the IC with a ceramic capacitor. 2 SI Sense Input; if not needed connect to Q. 3 RE Reset Threshold; if not needed connect to ground. 4 D Reset Delay; to select delay time, connect to GND via external capacitor. 5 GND Ground 6 R Reset Output; the open-collector output is internally linked to Q via a 20 k pull-up resistor. 7 SO Sense Output; the open-collector output is internally linked to the output via a 20 k pull-up resistor. 8 Q 5-V Output; connect to GND with a 10 F capacitor, ESR < 10 . Semiconductor Group 2 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Pin Configuration (top view) P-DSO-14-4 RE D GND GND GND GND R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 SI GND GND GND Q SO AEP02248 Pin Definitions and Functions (TLE 4269 GM) Pin No. Symbol Function 1 RE Reset Threshold; if not needed connect to GND. 2 D Reset Delay; connect to GND via external delay capacitor for setting delay time. 3, 4, 5, 6 GND Ground 7 R Reset Output; open-collector output, internally connected to Q via a pull-up resistor of 20 k. 8 SO Sense Output; open-collector output, internally connected to Q via a 20 k pull-up resistor. 9 Q 5-V Output; connect to GND with a 10 F capacitor, ESR < 10 . 10, 11, 12 GND Ground 13 I Input; block to GND directly at the IC by a ceramic capacitor. 14 SI Sense Input; if not needed connect to Q. Semiconductor Group 3 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Pin Configuration (top view) P-DSO-20-6 RE D N.C. GND GND GND GND N.C. N.C. R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 S N.C. GND GND GND GND N.C. Q SO AEP01802 Pin Definitions and Functions (TLE 4269 GL) Pin No. Symbol Function 1 RE Reset Threshold; if not needed connect to GND. 2 D Reset Delay; to select delay time connect to GND via external capacitor. 4-7, 14-17 GND Ground 10 R Reset Output; the open-collector output is internally linked to Q via 20 k pull-up resistor. 11 SO Sense Output; the open-collector output is internally linked to Q via 20 k pull-up resistor. 12 Q Output; connect to GND with a 10 F capacitor, ESR < 10 . 19 I Input; block directly to GND at the IC by a ceramic capacitor. 20 SI Sense Input; if not needed connect to Q. Semiconductor Group 4 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Circuit Description The control amplifier compares a reference voltage, made highly accurate by resistance balancing, with a voltage proportional to the output voltage and drives the base of the series PNP transistor via a buffer. Saturation control as a function of the load current prevents any over-saturation of the power element. In the reset generator block a comparator compares a reference voltage independent of the input voltage with the scaled-down output voltage. If the output voltage reaches 4.6 V the reset delay capacitor is discharged and the reset output is set to low. This low is guaranteed down to an output voltage of 1 V. As the output voltage increases again, from 4.6 V onward the reset delay capacitor is charged with constant current. When the capacitor voltage reaches the upper switching threshold VdT, the reset returns to high. By choosing the value of this capacitor, the reset delay time can be selected over a wide range. With the reset threshold input RE it is possible to lower the reset threshold Vrt. If pin RE is connected to pin Q via a voltage divider, for example, the reset condition is reached when this voltage is decreased below the switching threshold Vre of 1.35 V. Another comparator compares the signal of the pin SI, normally fed by a voltage divider from the input voltage, with the reference and gives an early warning on the pin SO. It is also possible to superwise an other voltage e.g. of a second regulator, or to build a watchdog circuit with few external components. Application Description The input capacitor CI is necessary for compensating line influences. Using a resistor of approx. 1 in series with CI, the oscillating circuit consisting of input inductivity and input capacitance can be damped. The output capacitor CQ is necessary for the stability of the regulating circuit. Stability is guaranteed at values 10 F and an ESR 10 within the operating temperature range. For small tolerances of the reset delay the spread of the capacitance of the delay capacitor and its temperature coefficient should be noted. Semiconductor Group 5 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Q Error Amplifier 20 k 20 k Current and Saturation Control Reference Trimming D RE R Reference SO SI AEB01669 Block Diagram Semiconductor Group 6 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Absolute Maximum Ratings Tj = - 40 to 150 C Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. Unit Notes 45 V - max. Input Input voltage VI - 40 Input current II - - - internal limited Input voltage VSI - 0.3 45 V - Input current ISI 1 1 mA - Voltage VRE - 0.3 7 V - Current IRE - 10 10 mA - Voltage VD - 0.3 7 V - Current ID - - - internal limited IGND 50 - mA - Voltage VR - 0.3 7 V - Current IR - - - internal limited Sense Input Reset Threshold Reset Delay Ground Current Reset Output Semiconductor Group 7 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Absolute Maximum Ratings (cont'd) Tj = - 40 to 150 C Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. max. Unit Notes Sense Output Voltage VSO - 0.3 7 V - Current ISO - - - internal limited Output voltage VQ - 0.3 7 V - Output current IQ -5 - mA - Junction temperature Tj - 150 C - Storage temperature TStg - 50 150 C - Input voltage VI - 45 V - Junction temperature Tj - 40 150 C - Rthja - 100 200 70 70 K/W K/W K/W K/W P-DIP-8-4 P-DSO-8-1 P-DSO-14-4 P-DSO-20-6 Rthjc - 60 60 30 30 K/W K/W K/W K/W P-DIP-8-4 P-DSO-8-1 P-DSO-14-4 P-DSO-20-6 5-V Output Temperature Operating Range Thermal Data Junction-ambient Semiconductor Group 8 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Characteristics VI = 13.5 V; Tj = - 40 C < Tj < 125 C Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. typ. max. Unit Measuring Condition Output voltage VQ 4.90 5.00 5.10 V 1 mA IQ 100 mA 6 V VI 16 V Current limit IQ 150 200 500 mA - Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq - 150 300 A IQ 1 mA, Tj < 85 C Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq - 250 700 A IQ = 10 mA Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq - 2 8 mA IQ = 50 mA Drop voltage Vdr - 0.25 0.5 V IQ = 100 mA1) Load regulation VQ - 10 30 mV IQ = 5 mA to 100 mA Line regulation VQ - 10 40 mV VI = 6 V to 26 V IQ = 1 mA Switching threshold Vrt 4.50 4.60 4.80 V - Reset pull up - 10 20 40 k - Reset low voltage VR - 0.1 0.4 V Rintern Delay switching threshold Vdt 1.4 1.8 2.2 V - Switching threshold Vst 0.3 0.45 0.60 V - 0.1 V VQ < VRT 9.5 A VD = 1 V Reset Generator Reset delay low voltage VD Charge current 1) Id - 3.0 6.5 Drop voltage = VI - VQ (measured when the output voltage has dropped 100 mV from the nominal value obtained at 13.5 V input.) Semiconductor Group 9 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Characteristics (cont'd) VI = 13.5 V; Tj = - 40 C < Tj < 125 C Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. typ. max. Unit Measuring Condition Delay time L H td 17 28 - ms CD = 100 nF Delay time H L tt - 1 - s CD = 100 nF Switching voltage Vre 1.26 1.35 1.44 V VQ > 3.5 V Sense threshold high Vsi, high 1.24 1.31 1.38 V - Sense threshold low Vsi, low 1.16 1.20 1.28 V - Sense output low voltage VSO, low - 0.1 0.4 V VSI < 1.20 V; Vi > 3 V Rintern Sense pull up - 10 20 40 k - Sense input current ISI -1 0.1 1 A - Input Voltage Sense Semiconductor Group 10 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 1 8 C 470 nF 1000 F CQ 22 F TLE 4269 S V Q 2 4 5 D VS CD 100 nF 6 GND VR 7 3 VSO RE VQ VRE VD AES01670 Measuring Circuit (P-DIP-8-4/P-DSO-8-1) V < t RR V RT VQ dV d = dt C D VDT VST VD t RR td V RO Power-on-Reset Thermal Shutdown Voltage Dip at Input Undervoltage Secondary Spike Overload at Output AED01542 Reset Timing Diagram Semiconductor Group 11 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Sense Input Voltage VSI, High VSI, Low t Sense Output High Low t AED02559 Sence Timing Diagram Semiconductor Group 12 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Charge Current Id versus Temperature Tj d Switching Voltage Vdt and Vst versus Temperature Tj AED01803 16 A 14 V = 13.5 V V C = 1.0 V 12 AED01804 3.2 VD V 2.8 V = 13.5 V 2.4 10 2.0 8 1.6 6 1.2 4 0.8 Vdt Vst 0.4 2 0 -40 0 40 80 0 -40 120 C 160 0 40 80 Tj Tj Drop Voltage Vdr versus Output Current IQ Reset Switching Threshold Vre versus Temperature Tj AED01805 500 V dr 120 C 160 Vre mV AED01806 1.7 V 1.6 400 1.5 1.4 300 1.3 Tj = 125 C 200 1.2 Tj = 25 C 1.1 100 1.0 0 0 30 60 90 120 mA 0.9 -40 180 Q Semiconductor Group 0 40 80 120 C 160 Tj 13 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Current Consumption IQ versus Input Voltage VI Output Voltage VQ versus Input Voltage VI AED01807 30 q mA VQ V 25 10 20 8 RL = 33 15 10 0 6 RL = 100 2 RL = 200 0 10 20 RL = 50 4 RL = 50 5 AED01808 12 30 0 40 V 50 0 2 4 6 V Output Voltage VQ versus Temperature Tj AED01809 1.6 AED01671 5.2 VQ V V = 13.5 V 1.5 V 10 V Sense Threshold Vsi versus Temperature Tj V si 8 V 5.1 V = 13.5 V 5.0 1.4 Sense Output High 1.3 4.9 Sense Output Low 1.2 4.8 1.1 4.7 1.0 -40 0 40 80 4.6 -40 120 C 160 40 80 120 C 160 Tj Tj Semiconductor Group 0 14 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Output Current IQ versus Input Voltage VI Current Consumption Iq versus Output Current IQ AED01810 350 AED01811 12 Q mA q mA 300 10 V = 13.5 V Tj = 25 C 250 Tj = 25 C 8 200 6 Tj = 125 C 150 4 100 2 50 0 0 10 20 30 0 40 V 50 0 20 40 60 80 mA 120 Q V Current Consumption Iq versus Output Current IQ q AED01812 1.6 mA 1.4 V = 13.5 V Tj = 25 C 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 mA 50 Q Semiconductor Group 15 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 Package Outlines GPD05583 P-DIP-8-4 (Plastic Dual In-line) Sorts of Packing Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book "Package Information" Semiconductor Group 16 Dimensions in mm 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 P-DSO-14-4 (SMD) (Plastic Dual Small Outline) 1.27 0.1 0.35 +0.15 2) 8 max. 4 -0.2 1) 0.19 +0.06 1.75 max 1.45 -0.2 0.2 -0.1 0.35 x 45 0.4 +0.8 0.2 14x 6 0.2 14 8 1 7 8.75 -0.21) Index Marking 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side 2) Does not include dambar protrusion of 0.05 max. per side Sorts of Packing Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book "Package Information" SMD = Surface Mounted Device Semiconductor Group 17 GPS05093 Dimensions in mm 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 GPS05121 P-DSO-8-1 (SMD) (Plastic Dual Small Outline) Sorts of Packing Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book "Package Information" SMD = Surface Mounted Device Semiconductor Group 18 Dimensions in mm 1998-11-01 TLE 4269 1.27 0.35 0.35 x 45 7.6 -0.2 1) 0.23 +0.0 9 8 ma x 2.65 max 2.45 -0.2 0.2 -0.1 P-DSO-20-6 (SMD) (Plastic Dual Small Outline) 0.4 +0.8 +0.15 2) 0.2 24x 20 0.1 10.3 0.3 11 GPS05094 1 12.8 1) 10 -0.2 Index Marking 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusions of 0.15 max per side 2) Does not include dambar protrusion of 0.05 max per side Sorts of Packing Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book "Package Information" SMD = Surface Mounted Device Semiconductor Group 19 Dimensions in mm 1998-11-01