Batteries and Chargers
For Fast, Dependable Service, Make Just One Call Ñ 1-800-433-5700 ALLIED
Rechargeable Lead-Calcium Batteries
For Use In:
Security Systems
Emergency Lighting Systems
Computer Stand-by
Portable TVs and Radios
Electronic Cash Registers
UPS Systems
Portable Medical Equipment
Telephone Equipment
And Many Others
Tin-Plated Brass, Tab-Type
0.187" ´0.031" 15¡
Standard On 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.6,
4, 4.6 AH Batteries
Optional On
Other Batteries
Tin-Plated Brass, Tab-Type
0.250" ´0.031" 90¡
Standard on All Single
Cell Batteries Optional
On Other Batteries
Tin-Plated Brass, Tab-Type
0.250" ´0.031" 15¡ Standard on
4.5, 5, 5.3, 5.5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 18,
20, 25, 30 and 33. All Batteries
Optional On Other Batteries
Stock Mfr.Õs Nom. Standard Normal Cap.
No. Type Volt Terminal* AH 20 HR.
Dimensions (Inches)
L W H Including Term.
1-9 10-49 50-99 100-Up
710-0611 CF6V1/2 6 A 0.50 1.92 1.00 2.00 2.25 18.78 18.17 16.13 14.57
710-0601 CF6V1 6 A 1.00 2.00 1.65 1.97 2.20 21.65 20.90 18.60 16.80
710-0666 CF6V1.3 6 A 1.30 3.82 0.98 2.21 2.20 6.31 6.00 5.47 5.10
710-0645 CF6V4.5 6 A 4.50 2.72 1.83 3.86 4.19 7.45 7.09 6.46 6.02
710-0668 CF6V5 LANTERN 6 S 5.00 2.63 2.63 3.78 4.28 8.73 8.31 7.57 7.06
710-0607 CF6V7 6 A 7.00 5.94 1.34 3.70 3.91 10.74 10.20 9.42 8.50
710-0608 CF6V8 6 A 8.00 5.94 1.97 3.70 3.94 16.98 16.40 14.57 13.17
710-6010 CF6V10 6 A 10.00 5.94 1.97 3.70 3.94 11.56 11.19 10.67 9.91
710-0670 CF6V12 6 A 12.00 5.94 1.97 3.70 3.94 11.93 11.35 10.35 9.64
710-0672 CF6V14 6 A/C 14.00 4.25 2.75 5.50 5.50 12.53 11.93 10.88 10.13
710-0650 CF6V50 6 P 50.00 7.24 4.40 7.42 8.32 77.96 75.25 67.59 60.87
710-1205 CF12V1/2 12 A 0.45 1.92 2.05 2.00 2.25 16.06 15.50 13.79 12.87
710-1268 CF12V1.3 12 A 1.30 3.82 1.89 2.01 2.21 9.68 9.21 8.40 7.82
710-1270 CF12V2 12 A 2.00 7.01 1.38 2.39 2.62 10.11 9.62 8.77 8.17
710-1272 CF12V3 12 A 3.00 5.28 2.64 2.36 2.56 11.06 10.53 9.60 8.94
710-1274 CF12V4.5 12 A 4.50 3.53 2.76 3.98 4.23 11.76 11.19 10.20 9.50
710-1266 CF12V7.2 12 A 7.20 5.94 2.56 3.70 3.90 25.26 24.44 23.31 22.28
710-1276 CF12V12 12 C 12.00 5.94 3.86 3.70 3.98 28.53 27.14 24.76 23.05
710-1278 CF12V14L 12 A/C 14.00 8.50 2.75 5.50 5.50 28.53 27.15 24.75 23.05
710-1280 CF12V17 12 P 17.00 7.08 2.95 6.57 6.57 32.85 31.26 28.50 26.55
710-1282 CF12V26 12 P 26.00 6.89 6.50 4.92 4.92 44.95 42.77 39.00 36.33
710-1284 CF12V29 12 C 29.00 6.51 4.91 6.53 6.75 72.44 68.93 62.85 58.55
710-1286 CF12V33/U1 12 P 33.00 7.72 5.16 6.73 6.73 52.83 50.28 45.84 42.70
710-1288 CF12V40 12 P 40.00 7.76 6.50 6.69 6.69 71.57 68.11 62.10 57.85
710-1290 CF12V65 12 P 65.00 13.78 6.54 6.89 6.89 98.54 93.77 85.50 79.64
710-1292 CF12V80 12 P 80.00 13.03 6.81 8.43 9.53 124.47 118.45 108.00 100.60
710-1294 CF12V100 12 P 100.00 13.03 6.81 8.43 9.53 159.05 151.35 138.00 128.55
710-1801 CF18V1 18 A 0.90 5.00 2.00 1.97 2.20 72.79 70.24 63.31 63.10
Carefree Magnum
710-0406 CFM4V4.6 4 A 4.60 1.89 1.89 4.02 4.25 14.63 14.13 12.56 11.25
710-0410 CFM4V10 4 A 10.00 4.03 2.00 3.75 3.93 11.46 11.05 9.83 9.34
710-0620 CFM6V3 6 A 3.00 5.30 1.35 2.37 2.56 17.27 16.67 14.82 13.39
710-0606 CFM6V6.5 6 C 6.50 6.00 1.34 3.75 3.95 18.76 18.14 17.15 16.37
710-0610 CFM6V10 6 C 9.50 6.00 2.00 3.75 3.93 29.99 29.04 27.42 26.22
710-0618 CFM6V18 6 C 18.00 3.60 3.34 6.49 6.70 29.10 28.16 26.86 25.68
710-0633 CFM6V33 6 C 33.00 6.25 3.35 6.50 6.75 43.46 42.06 40.11 38.35
710-0632 CFM12V3 12 A 3.00 5.28 2.52 2.30 2.48 47.73 46.09 41.37 37.38
710-0624 CFM12V4.6L 12 A 4.60 5.54 1.89 4.02 4.25 33.62 32.48 29.13 26.33
710-1262 CFM12V6.2L 12 C 6.20 6.12 2.42 3.94 4.16 31.65 30.61 29.21 27.91
710-0628 CFM12V10 12 C 9.50 6.00 4.00 3.75 3.93 31.41 30.34 27.23 24.60
710-0629 CFM12V12.5 12 ** 12.50 5.53 4.25 5.50 5.50 36.23 34.99 31.40 28.37
710-1218 CFM12V18 12 C 18.00 7.21 3.34 6.49 6.70 67.04 64.88 61.89 59.16
710-1225 CFM12V25 12 C 25.00 6.51 4.91 6.53 6.75 74.22 71.82 68.51 65.49
710-1233 CFM12V33 12 C 33.00 6.72 6.25 6.50 6.75 98.33 95.16 90.75 86.75
Carefree HE Series
710-2663 HE6V7.7 6 A/90¡ 7.70 5.95 1.35 3.69 3.88 13.37 12.91 11.47 10.36
710-2664 HE6V12.7 6 A/90¡ 12.70 5.95 1.97 3.69 3.88 16.12 15.57 13.83 12.50
710-2665 HE12V7.7 12 A/90¡ 7.70 5.95 2.43 3.69 3.88 22.38 21.62 19.40 17.53
710-2666 HE12V12.7 12 A/90¡ 12.70 5.95 3.94 3.69 3.88 43.34 41.86 37.57 33.95
710-2669 HE12V18 12 P 18.00 7.12 2.99 6.54 6.54 41.49 39.48 36.00 33.53
710-1400 CF12V2PP 12 ADPT 2.00 8.75 1.70 3.00 3.00 68.86 65.53 59.74 55.65
710-1402 CF12V6.2PP 12 ADPT 6.20 6.12 2.42 3.94 6.60 61.81 58.81 53.63 49.95
710-1404 CF12V14LPP 12 ADPT 14.00 8.50 2.75 5.50 5.50 69.07 65.72 59.92 55.82
*P Ñ Post with bolt and nut. **Standard is recessed terminals, negative is 0.187" wide ´0.03" thick; positive is 0.250" ´0.03" thick.
Carefree Chargers
Stock Mfr.Õs Charger Normal Terminal
No. Type Voltage Current Type
1-24 25-99 100-Up
710-7001 PNP694A 15.0 500 mA Cigar Adapter 15.10 13.58 12.25
710-7650 CFC6V500F 6.9 500 mA Alligator Clip 28.30 27.39 26.12
710-7655 CFC12V500.F 13.9 500 mA Alligator Clip 33.15 32.08 30.60
710-7656 CFC12V500C 15.1 500 mA Alligator Clip 33.15 32.08 30.60
Electrolyte Non-Gelled Ñ 100% Capacity Delivery
First Cycle
Stand-By or Cyclic Service
No Memory
Lead Calcium Grid
Use In Any Position
Compact and Lightweight
Optional Terminal Orientation Available
Dual Seal
Eagle Picher