Technical Data Green Products
Data Sheet M2669, Rev. -
• 221 West Industry Court Deer Park, NY 11729-4681 (631) 586-7600 FAX (631) 242-9798 •
• World Wide Web Site - http://www.sensitron.com • E-Mail Address - sales@sensitron.com •
Maximum Ratings:
Characteristics Symbol Condition Max. Units
Peak Inverse Voltage VRWM - 45 V
10(Per leg) Max. Average Forward IF(AV) 50% duty cy cle @TC =105°C,
rectangular wave form 20(Per device) A
Max. Peak One Cycle Non-
Repetiti ve Surge Current
(per leg)
8.3 ms, half Sine pulse
Electrical Characteristics:
Characteristics Symbol Condition Max. Units
VF1 @ 5A, Pulse, TJ = 25 °C
@ 10A, Pulse, TJ = 25 °C 0.70
0.84 V
Max. Forward Voltage Drop
(per leg)* VF2 @ 5 A, Pulse, TJ = 125 °C 0.57 V
Max. Reverse Current at DC
condition (per leg) IR1 @VR = rated VR
TJ = 25 °C 1.0 mA
Max. Reverse Current (per
leg)* IR2 @VR = rated VR
TJ = 125 °C 15 mA
Max. Junction Capacitance
(per leg) CT @VR = 5V, TC = 25 °C
fSIG = 1MHz 190 pF
Typica l Series Inductance
(per leg) LS Measured lead to lead 5 mm from
package body 8.0 nH
Max. Voltage Rate of Change dv/dt - 10,000 V/µs
Clip mounting, the epoxy body
away from the heatsink edge by
more than 0.110" along t he lead
Clip mounting, the epo xy body is
inside the heatsink. 3500
RSM Isolation Vol ta ge
(t = 1.0 second, R. H. < =30%,
TA = 25 °C)
Screw mounting, the epoxy body
is inside the heatsi nk. 1500
* Pulse Width < 300µs, Duty Cycle <2%
Thermal -Mec hanic al Spe cif ica tions:
Characteristics Symbol Condition Specification Units
Max. Junction Temperature TJ - -55 to +150
Max. Storage Temperature Tstg - -55 to +150
Maximum Thermal
Resistan ce Ju n ctio n to Case
(per leg)
RθJC DC operation 3.5 °C/W
Approximate Weight wt - 2 g
Mounting Torque TM - 6(Min.)
12(Max.) Kg-cm
Case Style ITO-220AB