PCIe, Single Lane, 2:1/1:2 Multiplexer and
Redriver with Equalization
Detailed Description
The MAX4969 is an active 2:1/1:2 multiplexer designed
to equalize and redrive PCIe signals up to 5.0GT/s. The
MAX4969 features PCIe-required electrical idle and
receiver detection on each channel, and improves signal
integrity at the receiver through independent program-
mable input equalization and output deemphasis.
Enable Input (EN)
The MAX4969 features an active-high enable input (EN).
EN has an internal pulldown resistor of 60kI (typ). When
EN is driven low or left unconnected, the MAX4969
enters reduced power standby mode and the redrivers
are disabled. Drive EN high for normal operation.
Active Input/Output Select (SEL1, SEL2)
SEL1 selects the active output for channel 1 and SEL2
selects the active input for channel 2. Drive SEL1 or
SEL2 low or leave unconnected to activate A inputs or
outputs. Drive SEL1 or SEL2 high to activate B inputs or
outputs. SEL1 and SEL2 have internal pulldown resistors
of 60kI (typ).
Programmable Output Deemphasis
(ODE_0, ODE_1)
The MAX4969 features independent programmable out-
put deemphasis capable of providing 0dB, 3.5dB, or
6dB deemphasis on any channel. When both ODE_0 and
ODE_1 are driven low or left unconnected, the output is
in low-swing mode (750mV typ) (see Table 1). ODE0,
ODE1, ODEA0, ODEA1, ODEB0, and ODEB1 have inter-
nal pulldown resistors of 60kI (typ).
Programmable Input Equalization
(INEQ_0, INEQ_1)
The MAX4969 features independent programmable
input equalization capable of providing 0dB, 3.5dB, or
6dB of high-frequency equalization on any channel (see
Table 2.) INEQ0, INEQ1, INEQA0, INEQA1, INEQB0, and
INEQB1 have internal pulldown resistors of 60kI (typ).
Receiver Detection (RX_DET)
The MAX4969 features receiver detection on each chan-
nel. Receiver detection initializes on the rising edge
of EN, or upon initial power-up if EN is high. Receiver
detection can also be initiated on a rising or falling edge
of the RX_DET, SEL1, or SEL2 inputs when EN is high.
During this time, the part remains in reduced power
standby mode and the outputs are squelched, despite
the logic-high state of EN. Once started, receiver detec-
tion repeats indefinitely on each channel. Once a receiv-
er is detected on one of the channels, up to 216 more
attempts are made on the other channel. Upon receiver
detection, channel output and electrical idle detection
are enabled (see Table 3). RX_DET has an internal pull-
down resistor of 60kI (typ).
Electrical Idle Detection
The MAX4969 features electrical idle detection to pre-
vent unwanted noise from being redriven at the output.
If the MAX4969 detects that the differential input has
fallen below VTX-IDLE-THRESH, the MAX4969 squelches
the output. For differential input signals that are above
VTX-IDLE-THRESH, the MAX4969 turns on the output and
redrives the signal.
Table 1. Output Deemphasis
Table 3. Receiver Detection
Table 2. Input Equalization
X = Don’t Care
X = Don’t Care
0 0 0, low swing
0 1 0, full swing
1 0 3.5, full swing
1 1 6, full swing
0 X 0
1 0 3.5
1 1 6
X 0 Receiver detection inactive
0 1 Following a rising or falling edge; indefinite retry until receiver detected
Rising or falling edge 1 Initiate receiver detection
1 1 Following a rising or falling edge; indefinite retry until receiver detected