Motor Overload
Electronic thermal overload relay
Instantaneous Over-
Motor coasts to a stop at approx. 250% or more of Inverter rated current
Overload Motor coasts to a stop after 1 minute at 150% of Inverter rated output cur-
Overvoltage Motor coasts to a stop if DC bus voltage exceeds 410 V
Undervoltage Stops when DC bus voltage is approx. 200 V or less (approx. 160 V or
less for single-phase series).
Momentary Power
The following items are selectable: Not provided (stops if power loss is 15
ms or longer), continuous operation if power loss is approx. 0.5 s or short-
er, continuous operation.
Heatsink Overheat Protected by electronic circuit.
Stall Prevention Level Can be set to individual levels during acceleration/constant-speed opera-
tion, provided/not provided available during deceleration.
Cooling Fan Fault Protected by electronic circuit (fan lock detection).
Ground Fault*4 Protected by electronic circuit (overcurrent level).*3
Power Charge
ON until the DC bus voltage becomes 50 V or less. RUN indicator stays
ON or Digital Operator indicator stays ON.
Seven of the following input signals are selectable: Forward Run Com-
mand, Reverse Run Command, Forward/Reverse Run (3-wire sequence)
Command, Fault Reset, external fault, multi-step speed operation, Jog
Command, acceleration/deceleration time select, External Baseblock,
Speed Search Command, Acceleration/Deceleration Hold Command,
LOCAL/REMOTE selection, communication/control circuit terminal selec-
tion, emergency stop fault, emergency stop alarm, Up/Down Command,
self-test, PID control cancel, PID integral reset/hold, Inverter overheat
The following output signals are selectable (1 NO/NC contact output, 2
photocoupler outputs):
Fault, running, zero speed, frequency agree, frequency detection, over-
torque detection, undervoltage detection, minor error, baseblock, operat-
ing mode, Inverter run ready, fault retry, UV, speed search, data output
through communications, PID feedback loss detection, frequency refer-
ence loss, Inverter overheat alarm
Standard Functions Voltage vector control, full-range automatic torque boost, slip compensa-
tion, DC injection braking current/time at startup/stop, frequency refer-
ence bias/gain, MEMOBUS communications (RS-485/422, max. 19.2 k
bps), PID control, energy-saving control, constant copy, frequency refer-
ence with built-in potentiometer, unit selection for frequency reference
setting/display, multi-function analog input
Voltage Class 200 V single-/3-phase
3-phase 20P1 20P2 20P4 20P7 21P5 22P2 24P0 25P5 27P5
Single-phase B0P1 B0P2 B0P4 B0P7 B1P5 B2P2 B4P0 - -
Protective FunctionsOutput Functions
Input SignalsOutput Signals