SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Characteristics Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Unit 450 V Electrical Data HV SKAI 2 Three-phase IGBT inverter SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Target Data Features * * * * Optimized for HEV and EV high power density high overload capability Compact integration in IP67 Enclosure: V, I, T sensors Gate driver with protection features EMI filters Liquid cooling DC link capacitor Typical Applications* * commercial application vehicle * hybrid vehicle * battery driven vehicle No. 14282013 Visol DC, t = 1 s 3000 VCC DC supply voltage 350 Inom rms @ rated conditions: dV/dt = 10l/ min, 50% Glykol/ 50% H20, fsw = 4kHz, VCC = 350V, Vout = 200V, fout = 50 Hz, cos(phi) = 0.85, M = 0.93, Tcoolant = 65 C, Tair = 65 C 300 V A fsw Switching frequency 1 15 kHz CDC DC Bus Capacitance 0.9 1.25 mF Cy EMI Capacitor; DC to enclosure 0.66 RF DC+ to enclosure, DC- to enclosure 7.5 M RBL DC+ to DC- 1 M F Mechanical Data Weight 15 kg Height 109 mm Width 244 mm Length 475 mm Mt AC / DC terminals (M8 screw) 13 14 15 Nm Mc Cover of terminal box (M5x16 flat-head-screw) 3.5 4 4.5 Nm Mcg Me Mgnd AC / DC cable glands (recommended) Assembly of M8 screw enclosure; thread (l): > 15mm M6 screw Ground connection 10 13 Hydraulical Data Pressure drop@ 10l/min, dp Tcoolant = 25C p Operating pressure P 14 Nm 20 Nm 14 Nm 15 Nm 100 mbar 2 Power dissipation to coolant; rated conditions 1.9 bar kW Environmental Data Tstg storage temperature -40 85 C Tno Non operating temperature range Operating range, derating for Tair > 85C Operating range, derating for Tcoolant > 65C Enclosure protection level -40 105 C -40 105 C -40 75 C 5000 m Tair Tcoolant IP With external connector protection Altitude VCC =450 V IP67 IP6K9K HV SKAI 2 (c) by SEMIKRON Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 1 SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Characteristics Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Unit 8 12 16 V 900 mA 3000 mA Vs + 0.3 V 0.3 * Vs V 0.9 s 3 s Interface parameters Vs ViH Auxiliary supply current primary side without driving a gate (Vs = 12 V) Auxiliary supply current primary side, driving the gates (Vs = 12 V) Input signal voltage (HIGH) ISO IS HV SKAI 2 Three-phase IGBT inverter SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Target Data Features * * * * Optimized for HEV and EV high power density high overload capability Compact integration in IP67 Enclosure: V, I, T sensors Gate driver with protection features EMI filters Liquid cooling DC link capacitor Typical Applications* * commercial application vehicle * hybrid vehicle * battery driven vehicle No. 14282013 ViL Input signal voltage (LOW) tPOR Power-on reset completed tpRESET Error reset time 0.7 * Vs GND - 0.3 0.1 Controller switching parameters td(on)IO Input-output turn-on propagation time 0.5 0.6 s td(off)IO Input-output turn-off propagation time 0.5 0.6 s tjitter Signal transfer prim - sec (total jitter) 50 ns tSIS Short pulse suppression time 0.2 0.25 0.3 s tet Input impulse extension time 0.9 1 1.1 s td(err)DSCP Error input-output propagation time for DSCP error 0.2 1 s td(err)OCP Error input-output propagation time for OCP error 10 s td(err)TMP Error input-output propagation time for temperature error 50 ms tTD Top-Bot interlock dead time 4 4.1 s tbl VCE monitoring blanking time 5 5.1 s 4 Protection functions TPCBtrip Over temperature protection trip level (PCB) 100 C TCStrip Over temperature protection trip level on ceramic-substrate 120 C TRelPCBtrip Release temperature for PCB overtemperature trip level 90 C TRelCStrip Release temperature for ceramic substrate overtemperature trip level 85 C VDCtrip Trip level of DC-link voltage monitoring 450 V VVStrip Under voltage protection trip level of board primary side VVSrst Threshold voltage level for driver reset after failure event ITRIPSC 7 V 8 V Overcurrent trip level 850 APEAK Ioutsens AC sensing range -924 mIoutsens Gradient of output current sensing 10.8 11.13 924 A 11.47 mV/A BWIoutsens Bandwidth (3 dB) of AC current sensing VDCsens Measurable DC-link voltage mVDCsens Gradient of DC-link voltage sensing BWVDCsens Bandwidth (3 dB) of DC-link voltage sensing TCSsens Temperature sensing range on ceramic substrate mTCSsens Gradient of temperature sensing on ceramic-substrate 83.3 mV/C BWTCSsens Bandwidth of temperature sensing on ceramic-substrate 100 Hz 17 kHz 0 19.669 20.067 600 V 20.472 mV/V 0.25 30 kHz 150 C HV SKAI 2 2 Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 (c) by SEMIKRON SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Signal Connector PIN Signal Function Specifications X1:01 PWR_VP INPUT Auxiliary power supply / battery "+" Supply voltage Vs X1:02 PWR_GND Auxiliary power supply ground Ground of auxiliary power supply X1:03 DC_LINK_DISCHAR INPUT GE HIGH, NOT CONNECTED (n.c.) or module not supplied with Auxiliary power = DC Link discharge active LOW = DC Link discharge disabled (internal pull-up resistor, external pull-up resistor required as well) X1:04 CMN_HALT INPUT/OUTPUT All connected units have to change the signal mode to dominant" if following happens: The unit is not ready to operate Error happened All connected units must be able to process (read) the signal. In case of recognised dominant signal, following steps need to be performed: The unit must be switched to a defined safe operation mode The unit must interrupt the main process unitl a recessive signal has been recognised LOW (dominant) = not ready to operate HIGH (recessive) = ready to operate X1:05 CMN_TEMP_GND Ground for temperature sensor signal CMN_TEMP Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:06 HB1_TOP INPUT Switching PWM signal [push/pull] Digital PWR_VP logic LOW = IGBT off HIGH = IGBT on X1:07 HB1_BOT INPUT Switching PWM signal [push/pull] Digital PWR_VP logic LOW = IGBT off HIGH = IGBT on X1:08 HB2_TOP INPUT Switching PWM signal [push/pull] Digital PWR_VP logic LOW = IGBT off HIGH = IGBT on X1:09 HB2_BOT INPUT Switching PWM signal [push/pull] Digital PWR_VP logic LOW = IGBT off HIGH = IGBT on X1:10 HB3_TOP INPUT Switching PWM signal [push/pull] Digital PWR_VP logic LOW = IGBT off HIGH = IGBT on X1:11 HB3_BOT INPUT Switching PWM signal [push/pull] Digital PWR_VP logic LOW = IGBT off HIGH = IGBT on X1:12 CAN_GND (c) by SEMIKRON GND Ground of CAN bus Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 3 SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI PIN Signal Function Specifications X1:13 PWR_VP INPUT Auxiliary power supply / battery "+" Supply voltage Vs X1:14 PWR_GND Auxiliary power supply ground Ground of auxiliary power supply X1:15 CMN_GND Ground for CMN_DIAG, CMN_HALT, CMN_GPIO Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:16 CMN_TEMP OUTPUT Temperature sensor signal CMN_TEMP This pin is used to transmit the temperature sensor analog signal. Max. output current: 5 mA Nominal voltage range: 0...10 V X1:17 Reserved X1:18 HB1_GND X1.19 Reserved X1:20 HB2_GND Ground for HB1_TOP, HB1_BOT Internally connected to PWR_GND Ground for HB2_TOP, HB2_BOT Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:21 Reserved X1:22 HB3_GND Ground for HB3_TOP, HB3_BOT Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:23 CAN_L INPUT/OUTPUT CAN interface LOW line Input impedance = 121 Specification: ISO 11783 (2.5V, 250 kbit/sec minimum, quad twisted cable) or J1939/11 (250 kbit/sec minimum, twisted shielded pair). X1:24 PWR_VP INPUT Auxiliary power supply / battery "+" Supply voltage Vs X1:25 PWR_GND Auxiliary power supply ground Ground of auxiliary power supply X1:26 CMN_DIAG INPUT/OUTPUT Single line CAN communication [dominant/recessive] Dominant/Recessive diagnose input/output signal. All connected units can communicate using this serial signal for setting/getting parameters of the unit and reading error information from unit registers. X1:27 CMN_DCL OUTPUT DC-Link voltage signal [analog] This pin is used to transmit the DC-Link voltage level. Max. output current: 5 mA Nominal voltage range: 0....+10 V X1:28 CMN_DCL_GND Ground for DC-Link voltage signal CMN_DCL Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:29 HB1_I OUTPUT Current sensor out for HB1 [analog] Max. output current: 5 mA Nominal voltage range: -10 ... +10 V X1:30 HB1_I_GND Ground for HB1_I Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:31 HB2_I OUTPUT Current sensor out for HB2 [analog] Max. output current: 5 mA Nominal voltage range: -10 ... +10 V X1:32 HB2_I_GND Ground for HB2_I Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:33 HB3_I OUTPUT Current sensor out for HB3 [analog] Max. output current: 5 mA Nominal voltage range: -10 ... +10 V X1:34 HB3_I_GND Ground for HB3_I Internally connected to PWR_GND X1:35 CAN_H INPUT/OUTPUT CAN interface HIGH line Input impedance = 121 Specification: ISO 11783 (2.5V, 250 kbit/sec minimum, quad twisted cable) or J1939/11 (250 kbit/sec minimum, twisted shielded pair). 4 Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 (c) by SEMIKRON SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Power Connectors Terminal Function cable harness cross section Cu / mm DC+ HVDC Bus "+" 70 DC- HVDC Bus "-" 70 L1 Phase L1 70 L2 Phase L2 70 L3 Phase L3 70 Coolant fittings Terminal Function IN Coolant Inlet OUT Coolant Outlet (c) by SEMIKRON Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 5 SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Fig. 1: Normalized output current vs. cos(phi) Fig. 2: Normalized output current vs. coolant temperature Fig. 3: Normalized output current vs. ambient temperature Fig. 4: Normalized output current vs. coolant flow Fig. 5: Overload capability Fig. 6: Legend 6 Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 (c) by SEMIKRON SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI Fig. 7: Pressure drop characteristic Fig. 8: Safe operating area Fig. 9: Normilized output current vs. output frequency (c) by SEMIKRON Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 7 SKAI 90 A2 GD06-W12DI This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, Chapter IX * The specifications of our components may not be considered as an assurance of component characteristics. Components have to be tested for the respective application. Adjustments may be necessary. The use of SEMIKRON products in life support appliances and systems is subject to prior specification and written approval by SEMIKRON. We therefore strongly recommend prior consultation of our staff. 8 Rev. 10 - 20.04.2011 (c) by SEMIKRON