Operating systems
A range of portable royalty-free, small-footprint operating
systems to meet a variety of application constraints from
low cost to high security.
Supplier Description
www.tasking.com EDE development environment, Tasking VX compiler,
debugging/programming via JTAG
Green Hills Software
www.ghs.com Multi development environment, GHS C/C++
compiler and Green Hills probe (USB or Ethernet/JTAG)
www.hitex.com HiTOP5 development environment, Tasking VX compiler
and Tantino (USB/JTAG)
www.iar.com EWARM development environment, IAR C/C++
compiler and J-Link (USB/JTAG)
www.keil.com RealView MDK with uVision3 software, ARM C/C++
compiler and ULINK (USB/JTAG)
www.raisonance.com RIDE development environment with GNU C/C++
compiler and RLink (USB/JTAG)
www.rowley.co.uk CrossWorks with CrossStudio software, GNU C/C++
compiler and CrossConnect (JTAG)
RTOS supplier RTOS
CMX Systems: www.cmx.com CMX-RTX
www.FreeRTOS.org FreeRTOS
IAR: www.iar.com PowerPac
Keil: www.keil.com ARTX-ARM
Micrium: www.micrium.com µC/OS-II
Segger: www.segger.com embOS
© STMicroelectronics - October 2007 - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved
The STMicroelectronics corporate logo is a registered trademark of the STMicroelectronics group of companies. All other names are the property of their respective owners.
Order code: BRSTM320807
Development tools
A complete range of high-end and low-cost development
tools is available, including complete development
tool solutions, easy-to-use starter kits, and embedded
operating systems, all tailored to the STM32 ARM
Cortex-M3-based MCUs.
Evaluation board STM3210B-EVAL
Complete hardware evaluation
platform with the STM32F103,
implementing the full range of
device peripherals and features.
For more information, visit
Third-party development solutions
Choose from a full range of development solutions that
offer start-to-finish control of application development
from a single environment. Third-parties offer solutions
with a development environment, C/C++ compiler
and in-circuit emulator for the STM32 and other
ARM core-based devices.
Low-cost and application-specific starter kits
Using the STM32 Primer, play,
explore and develop applications
on a low-cost, innovative
development platform with the
Raisonance toolset, free demos
and an online community at
www.stm32circle.com, to stimulate creative embedded
designs. Evaluate STM32 performance in real time,
with the STM32-PerformanceStick, DashBoard device
performance evaluation GUI, sample applications and
unlimited Hitex software toolset.
For information about compatibility with other tools,
refer to the relevant third-party internet site.
Part number Description
STM3210B-PRIMER Raisonance STM32 Primer with RIDE (debug up to
32 Kbytes of code), GNU C/C++ compiler, and a fun,
stimulating learning and development platform with
MEMS-based controls and integrated RLink (USB/JTAG)
STM3210B-PFSTICK STM32-PerformanceStick with integrated debugging/
programming via USB, unlimited Hitex HiTOP5 and
Tasking VX compiler and DashBoard GUI
STM3210B-SK/HIT Hitex kit with unlimited HiTOP5, Tasking VX compiler,
STM32-PerformanceStick with integrated debugging/
programming via USB, extension I/O board with
peripheral evaluation features, DashBoard GUI
STM3210B-SK/IAR IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (for up to
32 Kbytes of code), IAR C/C++ compiler, J-Link
(USB/JTAG), evaluation board
STM3210B-SK/KEIL Keil RealView MDK with uVision 3 (for up to 16 Kbytes
of code), ARM C/C++ compiler, ULINK (USB/JTAG),
evaluation board
STM3210B-SK/RAIS Raisonance REva kit with RIDE (debug up to 32 Kbytes
of code), GNU C/C++ compiler, modular evaluation
hardware with integrated RLink (USB/JTAG)
STM3210B-MCKIT ST motor control starter kit with complete sensor
and sensorless libraries, motor control GUI, evaluation
hardware platform for vector drive of three-phase PMSM
and induction motors, plus Segger J-Link debugger for
host PC interface