December 2010
Digital Video Broadcasting - Asynchronous Serial Interface (DVB-ASI)
IP Core User’s Guide
© 2010 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 2 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
Quick Facts ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Features ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 2. Functional Description ........................................................................................................ 6
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Transmitter ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Receiver ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Interface Description .................................................................................................................................... 7
Top-Level I/O Interface ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Interface Description ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Layer 2 Tx Interface ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Layer 2 Rx Interface................................................................................................................................... 10
SERDES Tx Interface ................................................................................................................................ 10
Layer 2 Function Outputs........................................................................................................................... 10
SERDES Rx Interface ................................................................................................................................ 10
Interface Waveforms .................................................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 3. Parameter Settings ............................................................................................................ 12
PHY Settings Tab................................................................................................................................................ 12
PHY Function ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Tx FIFO Options......................................................................................................................................... 13
Rx FIFO Options ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Layer 2 Rx Settings............................................................................................................................................. 14
Rx Sync Identification Scheme .................................................................................................................. 14
Thresholds ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 4. IP Core Generation............................................................................................................. 16
Licensing the IP Core.......................................................................................................................................... 16
Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................... 16
IPexpress-Created Files and Top-Level Directory Structure............................................................................... 19
Running Functional Simulation ........................................................................................................................... 21
Synthesizing and Implementing the Core in a Top-Level Design ....................................................................... 21
Hardware Evaluation........................................................................................................................................... 22
Enabling Hardware Evaluation in Diamond................................................................................................ 22
Enabling Hardware Evaluation in ispLEVER.............................................................................................. 22
Updating/Regenerating the IP Core .................................................................................................................... 22
Regenerating an IP Core in Diamond ........................................................................................................ 22
Regenerating an IP Core in ispLEVER ...................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5. Application Support........................................................................................................... 24
Simulation and Verification.................................................................................................................................. 24
Simulation Strategy .................................................................................................................................... 24
DVB-ASI IP Demo Design.......................................................................................................................... 24
Test Bench ................................................................................................................................................. 25
DVB-ASI Sample Designs................................................................................................................................... 25
Single-Channel Demo Design.................................................................................................................... 26
Two-Channel Demo Design ....................................................................................................................... 28
Board-Level Implementation and Testing ........................................................................................................... 29
Board Switch Assignments for the Demo Designs..................................................................................... 29
Chapter 6. Core Verification ................................................................................................................ 31
Chapter 7. Support Resources ............................................................................................................ 32
Lattice Technical Support.................................................................................................................................... 32
Table of Contents
Lattice Semiconductor Table of Contents
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 3 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Online Forums............................................................................................................................................ 32
Telephone Support Hotline ........................................................................................................................ 32
E-mail Support ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Local Support ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Internet ....................................................................................................................................................... 32
Lattice DVB-ASI Web Page ....................................................................................................................... 32
References.......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Revision History .................................................................................................................................................. 33
............................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Chapter 8. Resource Utilization........................................................................................................... 34
LatticeECP3 Devices .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Ordering Part Number................................................................................................................................ 34
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 4 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) is a suite of open standards for digital television. The interface schemes for DVB
are defined in the European standard EN 50083-9, “Interfaces for CATV/SMATV Headends and Similar Profes-
sional Equipment”. DVB via Asynchronous Serial Interface (DVB-ASI) is one of the primary mechanisms to trans-
port MPEG-2 based streams over cable media. DVB-ASI is a three-layered architecture with the top layer (Layer 2)
specified by IEC 13818-1 and the bottom layers, Layer 1 and Layer 0, specified by the Fibre Channel standard IEC
141165-1, part 1. This IP core along with LatticeECP3™ SERDES/PCS implements Layer 1 of the DVB-ASI inter-
face. A part of Layer 2 functionality is also supported by the IP core.
The transmit (Tx) path in the Layer 1 protocol includes rate matching FIFO, comma insertion, 8b10b encoding and
serialization. The receive (Rx) path includes clock data recovery, deserialization, 8b10b decoding, comma removal
and rate matching FIFO. The LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS block is used for the 8b10b encoding/decoding, serializa-
tion, clock data recovery and deserialization. The rest of the Layer 1 functions are implemented by the IP core. The
Layer 2 functions in the IP include packet size/sync byte determination, runt/giant packet detection and receiver
lock status indication. The DVB-ASI IP core is designed to be easily and seamlessly integrated with the
Refer to the Lattice DVB-ASI web page at
for links to the documents related to the DVB-ASI as well as related video interfaces.
Note: Throughout this document, “comma” is used to denote the Fibre Channel comma character (K28.5) or physi-
cal “sync bytes” that are used as padding bytes for rate matching and as preceding bytes for start of MPEG-2 pack-
ets. The term sync byte is used to denote the start of packet byte (47h or B8h) of the higher level MPEG-2 transport
stream packets.
Quick Facts
Table 1-1 gives quick facts about the DVB-ASI IP core.
Table 1-1. DVB-ASI IP Core Quick Facts
Tx and Rx Tx Only Rx Only
Core Requirements FPGA Family Supported LatticeECP3
Minimum Device Required LFE3-17E-6FN484CES
Typical Resource
Targeted Device LFE3-95E-7FN1156CES
Data Path Width 8 8 8
LUTs 480 170 310
sysMEM™ EBRs 2 1 1
Registers 350 140 210
Design Tool Support1
Lattice Implementation Lattice Diamond™ 1.1 or ispLEVER® 8.1SP1
Synthesis Synopsys® Synplify™ Pro for Lattice D-2010.03L-SP1
Mentor Graphics® Precision™ RTL 2010a.218
Simulation Aldec® Active-HDL™ 8.2 Lattice Edition
Mentor Graphics ModelSim™ SE 6.3F
1. Design tool support for IP core version 1.1.
Chapter 1:
Lattice Semiconductor Introduction
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 5 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
The following are the major features of the Lattice DVB-ASI IP core:
Configurable Tx FIFO supporting independent Layer 2 transmit clock
Configurable Rx FIFO supporting independent Layer 2 receive clock
Automatic start of packet comma insertion in the transmit side
Rate-matching comma insertion in the transmit side
Handshake signals for sync and data valid for transmitter and receiver
Tx and Rx FIFO full indicators
Rx sync byte indicator for identifying start-of-packet
Optional configurable almost full and almost empty indicators for the FIFOs
Matching port names for seamless connection with LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS
Layer 2 functions including lock, sync byte, packet size, runt and giant indicators
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 6 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
DVB-ASI is based on a layered architecture, with each layer doing a specific electrical or logic function. The layered
architecture for DVB-ASI over coaxial cable is shown in Figure 2-1. Layer 0 is the physical layer that includes the
amplifier, impedance matching and the connectors that ensure electrical compliance to the interface. Layer 1 is the
coding layer that includes the 8b10b encoding/decoding, comma character insertion/deletion, clock/data recovery
and parallel-to-serial/serial-to-parallel conversions. Layer 2 deals with higher level functionalities such as creating
transport stream packets and Reed-Solomon encoding/decoding.
Figure 2-1. DVB-ASI Interface Layers
The IP core along with LatticeECP3 SERDES implements Layer 1 interface functions. The top-level functional
block diagram of the DVB-ASI IP core is shown in Figure 2-2. The upper half of the figure shows the transmitter and
the lower part, the receiver. A detailed description of the transmitter and the receiver are given below.
Figure 2-2. Top Level View of the DVB-ASI IP Core
Sync Byte
(FC Comma)
Sync Byte
(FC Comma)
Recovery &
Layer 1Layer 2 Layer 0
Transmit Logic
Receive Logic
Layer 2
To Layer 2
To LatticeECP3
Chapter 2:
Functional Description
Lattice Semiconductor Functional Description
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 7 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
As shown in Figure 2-2, the transmitter consists of a transmit (Tx) FIFO and comma insertion logic. The input data
to the transmitter, tx_din is the MPEG-2 payload data from Layer 2. This data contains the packet synchronization
(sync) byte (47h or B8h) at the start of each packet. As the transmitter does not process the data, the start of
packet must be indicated by the one clock cycle wide tx_psync input. The transmitter inserts two comma words just
before the start of packet. The IP transmitter does not check for giant or runt packets. It is important that the
tx_psync is properly flagged to the IP to avoid packet loss.
The Tx FIFO is an asynchronous FIFO that is written using the user’s tx_clk and read using the SERDES’
tx_full_clk. The SERDES transmit clock, tx_full_clk is required to be maintained at 27 MHz plus or minus 100 ppm
(parts per million) to comply with the DVB-ASI standard. The user clock for transmit, tx_clk must be maintained at
or less than (188/190)*27 MHz or (204/206)*27 MHz (depending on whether the packet size is 188 or 204), for con-
tinuous operation with a shallow FIFO depth. This reduced rate is required to allow for the insertion of the manda-
tory twin sync words at the beginning of each packet by the IP. By providing a configurable depth FIFO and an input
valid control signal (tx_dvalid), the IP allows the use of a wide range of clock rates and non-contiguous data inputs.
For example, the input clock can be equal to 27 MHz, but the tx_dvalid input can be made zero for two clock cycles
per packet. If the input clock is very low, the IP inserts comma characters to keep the FIFO from becoming empty.
On the other hand, if the input clock rate is higher than 27 MHz, tx_dvalid can be de-asserted for sufficient number
of cycles to ensure the FIFO is not getting filled. If the data rate is fluctuating, but averages out to 27 Mbps in the
long run, a deeper FIFO will be required, the depth depending on the kind of fluctuation. If the rate of valid input
data is continuously high for an extended period of time, the FIFO becomes full and asserts Tx FIFO full (tx_ffull). If
this happens, the input data is lost and may lead to loss of one or more packets.
As shown in Figure 2-2, the receiver has a comma removal block, a FIFO and a Layer 2 functions block. The
comma removal block deletes comma characters from the received parallel data stream.
Rx FIFO is a configurable asynchronous FIFO which is written with rx_full_clk and read using rx_clk. The rate of
rx_clk must be lower than the received data rate, which is equal to the rate of received data excluding all comma
characters. If rx_clk is lower than the data rate, the Rx FIFO gets filled and rx_ffull is asserted, leading to erroneous
output data. If rx_clk is higher than the data rate, the IP receiver asserts rx_dvalid low for appropriate duration to
offset the high rate clock.
The receiver provides limited Layer 2 functionality which includes receiver lock detection, synchronization (sync)
byte determination, packet size determination, runt packet detection and giant packet detection. The receiver deter-
mines the sync byte and packet size by looking for continuous periodic occurrences of a valid sync byte over a valid
packet size. To do this, the receiver sequentially sets the sync byte and packet size values to one of their valid val-
ues and checks to see if it can lock. The receiver locks when the number of matches of continuous valid sync bytes
is more than the value set by lock match threshold. It unlocks when the number of errors (sync not received at the
expected instances) exceeds unlock error threshold. If the receiver is not able to lock within a certain number of
packets, defined by sync hunt threshold, it goes on to look for sync matches for a different combination of packet
size and sync byte values.
Once the receiver is locked and the values of sync byte and packet size have been determined, the receiver checks
for runt and giant packets. If the number of valid words between two consecutive start-of-packet sync bytes is less
than the determined packet size (either 188 or 204), it is identified as a runt packet. If the number of valid words
between two consecutive start-of-packet sync bytes is more than the determined packet size (188 or 204), it is
identified as a giant packet.
Interface Description
The top-level interface diagram for the DVB-ASI IP is shown in Figure 2-3.
Lattice Semiconductor Functional Description
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 8 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Figure 2-3. DVB-ASI IP Interfaces
Top-Level I/O Interface
Table 2-1 provides the list of ports and descriptions of each port for the DVB-ASI IP core.
Table 2-1. DVB-ASI IP Core Port Descriptions
Port Bits I/O Description
Layer 2 Tx Interface
tx_din 8 I Parallel input data from Layer 2. This data is read using tx_clk.
tx_clk 1 I Clock input for the parallel input data.
tx_psync 1 I Transmit packet sync word identifier. This one clock cycle pulse indicates the start of a MPEG-
2 packet. The IP will insert two consecutive comma characters before transmitting the packet.
tx_dvalid 1 I Transmit data valid. The data at tx_din is considered valid only if this input is high. The data at
tx_din is ignored if tx_dvalid is low.
tx_ffull 1 O Transmit FIFO full output. If this output is high, the IP can not read any further data from the
tx_fafull 1 O Transmit FIFO almost full output.
tx_faemp 1 O Transmit FIFO almost empty output.
Common Interface
rstn 1 I System-wide asynchronous active-low reset signal. This signal resets all the registers in the
ce 1 I Optional clock enable signal. An active high input at ce freezes all the switching operations in
the IP. It is useful for putting the IP in a power save mode.
Layer 2 Rx Interface
rx_dout 8 O Parallel output data to Layer 2. This output is synchronous with rx_clk.
rx_clk 1 I This is the receive clock with which Layer 2 reads out the received parallel data.
1 O Received packet sync identifier. This one clock cycle pulse indicates the start of a MPEG-2
packet, as determined by the occurrence of a relevant 47h or B8h character in the received
rx_dvalid 1 O Rx data valid output. If rx_clk is too fast, the Rx FIFO becomes empty and there is no data
available for reading. Under these conditions, rx_dvalid goes low.
1 O Rx FIFO full output. If rx_clk is too slow, Layer 2 will not able to read all the received data from
the Rx FIFO. Under these conditions, rx_ffull is asserted to indicate that Layer 2 is losing
some of the streamed-in data.
rx_fafull 1 O Rx FIFO almost full output.
IP Core
Layer-2 Tx
Layer-2 Rx
Layer 2 Function
Lattice Semiconductor Functional Description
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 9 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Interface Description
This section describes the Layer 2 and SERDES interfaces of the IP core.
Layer 2 Tx Interface
The DVB-ASI IP core is a Layer 1 implementation and hence does not process the data values. The IP core trans-
mits the data that comes in through tx_din as is except for inserting comma characters (K28.5) to match the input
data rate to the line rate of 270 Mbps. The IP also inserts two consecutive comma characters (K28.5) right before
the sync byte. The occurrence of the sync byte at the input needs to be informed to the IP by asserting the
tx_psync input. The IP does not verify the sync byte by reading the data at tx_din nor does it monitor the frequency
of tx_psync. The input signal, tx_dvalid informs the IP if the data on tx_din is valid and transmitted or to be ignored.
It must be noted that tx_dvalid is used strictly as a data valid identifier as opposed to the signal dvalid defined in
DVB-SPI which is used to identify normal bytes from null bytes.
When the Tx FIFO full status output, tx_ffull is high, the IP will ignore the input data at tx_din, irrespective of the
value of tx_dvalid. It is important that this output is monitored and the data input is suspended when it is high to
avoid packet loss. The flags tx_fafull and tx_faemp are early warning flags for Tx FIFO full and empty respectively.
The user may be able to set the thresholds for almost empty and almost full flags from the IP GUI before generating
the IP.
rx_faemp 1 O Rx FIFO almost empty output.
SERDES Tx Interface
txdata 8 O Parallel data that is to be serialized by the SERDES. This is connected to txdata_chx (x is the
channel number in the quad) input of the SERDES block.
1 I This is the clock that is used to read the data out of the IP, txdata. Since the data rate is the
same as the transmit data line rate, the clock should be the same as the line rate transmit
clock. This clock can be driven by the Tx PLL output clock, tx_full_clk, from the SERDES.
1 O Transmit comma character identifier. This output identifies that a comma character is placed at
the parallel output, txdata. This output must be connected to tx_k_chx input of the
SERDES/PCS block to enable appropriate encoding of the comma data.
Layer 2 Function Outputs
rx_sync_byte 1 O Rx sync byte identifier. The sync byte is 47h, if rx_sync_byte is 0 and B8h, if 1.
rx_pkt_size 1 O Indicates the received packet size. The received packet size is 188 if rx_pkt_size is 0 and 204
if 1.
rx_locked 1 O Indicates the receiver is locked to a DVB-ASI input. The lock implies that valid sync bytes are
being received at appropriate packet intervals.
1 O Runt packet indicator. This indicates that a runt packet has been received. This condition is
ascertained if the packet size as counted between two consecutive start-of-packet identifiers,
is less than the standard packet size (188 or 204).
1 O Giant packet indicator. This indicates that a giant packet has been received. This condition is
ascertained if the packet size as counted between two consecutive start-of-packet identifiers,
is more than the standard packet size (188 or 204).
SERDES Rx Interface
rxdata 8 I Received parallel data from the SERDES/PCS. This data is read using rx_full_clk.
rx_full_clk 1 I This is the clock that is used to read-in rxdata. The nominal frequency of this clock for DVB-
ASI is 27 MHz. This input can be driven by the Rx recovered clock from the SERDES.
1 I Received comma character identifier. This input identifies if the parallel input at rxdata is a
comma character. This input is connected to the SERDES output rx_k_chx, where x is the
SERDES channel that is used.
Table 2-1. DVB-ASI IP Core Port Descriptions (Continued)
Port Bits I/O Description
Lattice Semiconductor Functional Description
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 10 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Layer 2 Rx Interface
The received parallel data appears at rx_dout port. The received data is valid only when the qualifier output,
rx_dvalid is high. Similar to the transmit data valid signal, the rx_dvalid is just a data valid qualifier and bears a dif-
ferent meaning compared to the dvalid signal defined in the DVB-SPI standard. The duration and frequency of
rx_dvalid going low depends on the received data rate and the user receive clock, rx_clk. The output at rx_dout
during the times rx_dvalid is high contains only the data and no comma characters (K28.5).
The Rx FIFO full output indicates that the there is more data received from the DVB-ASI link than that is read out at
rx_dout. The receive clock (rx_clk) rate has to be increased appropriately to avoid losing data. The optional out-
puts, rx_fafull and rx_faemp give early indication of Rx FIFO almost full and almost empty conditions.
SERDES Tx Interface
The SERDES Tx interface signals have been designed to make the connection to LatticeECP3 SERDES simple
and straightforward. The outputs txdata and tx_k can be connected to the SERDES inputs txdata_chX and
tx_k_chX respectively, where X is the channel number. The transmit full clock output from the SERDES,
tx_full_clk_chX can be directly connected to the tx_full_clk input of the DVB-ASI IP.
Layer 2 Function Outputs
The Layer 2 function outputs, rx_sync_byte, rx_pkt_size, rx_locked, rx_runt and rx_giant are available in this cate-
gory. If there is a runt or a giant packet, the output rx_runt or rx_giant goes high for the duration of the packet.
SERDES Rx Interface
The inputs rxdata and rx_k can be driven directly by the SERDES outputs rxdata_chX and rx_k_chX respectively,
where X is the channel number. The recovered clock output from the SERDES, rx_full_clk_chX can be directly con-
nected to the rx_full_clk input of the DVB-ASI IP.
Interface Waveforms
The timing diagrams for the transmit and receive interfaces are provided in Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-4. Timing Diagram for the Transmit Interface
tx_din p1_187 47 p2_1 p2_2
xp2_3 47 p3_1
s2_1k28.5 s2_2s1_187 k28.5 s2_186 s2_187
k28.5 k28.5
k28.5 47
Lattice Semiconductor Functional Description
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 11 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
In Figure 2-4, p<x>_<y> denotes the input data to the IP core corresponding to packet x and data number y. Simi-
larly, s<x>_<y> denotes the parallel data out of the transmitter to the SERDES corresponding to packet x and data
number y. As shown in Figure 2-4, a tx_psync pulse causes two consecutive comma characters (K28.5) to be
added to the output data stream just before the sync byte. The comma characters preceding the sync byte as well
as those inserted to match the rate are flagged to the SERDES by asserting tx_k high during those periods.
Figure 2-5. Timing Diagram for the Receive Interface
As shown in Figure 2-5, the data coming out of the SERDES contain several comma characters, each identified by
the signal rx_k going high. The IP core strips the data of all the comma characters and provides only the packet
data at the output rx_dout. If the rx_clk rate is higher than the packet data rate, periods of data not being valid occur
that are identified by rx_dvalid going low.
rxdata 47
p2_1 p2_2
s2_1 k28.5
s2_2 s2_3 s2_4
k28.5 k28.5 k28.5
xx x x
47 s3_1
xx 47 x
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 12 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
The IPexpress™ tool is used to create IP and architectural modules in the Diamond or ispLEVER software. Refer to
“IP Core Generation” on page 16 for a description on how to generate the IP.
Table 3-1 describes the user-configurable parameters for the DVB-ASI IP core. The parameter settings are speci-
fied using the DVB-ASI IP core Configuration GUI in IPexpress. The DVB-ASI parameter options are partitioned
across two GUI tabs as shown in this chapter.
The various IP core options for each tab are discussed in further detail in the following sections.
PHY Settings Tab
The PHY function option selects whether transmit, receive or both transmit and receive functions are required for
the IP core. Since transmit and receive functionalities are independent of each other, it is possible to select only the
part that is required. The Tx and Rx FIFO options available are FIFO depth, whether almost full/empty flags are
brought out and if yes, the threshold values for the almost full and almost empty flags.
Figure 3-1 shows the controls in the PHY settings tab.
Table 3-1. IP Core Parameters
Name Range Default
PHY Function
PHY function {Tx, Rx, Both} Both
Tx FIFO Options
Tx FIFO depth {32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096} 256
Enable almost full/empty flags for Tx FIFO {Yes, No} Yes
Almost full threshold for Tx FIFO 1 to Tx FIFO depth 242
Almost empty threshold for Tx FIFO 1 to Tx FIFO depth 16
Rx FIFO Options
Rx FIFO depth {32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096} 256
Enable almost full/empty flags for Rx FIFO {Yes, No} Yes
Almost full threshold for Rx FIFO 1 to Rx FIFO depth 242
Almost empty threshold for Rx FIFO 1 to Rx FIFO depth 16
Optional Ports
Clock enable port {Yes, No} No
Layer 2 Rx Settings
Rx Sync Identification Scheme {sync word, 2 successive, 2-in-5} 2 successive
Sync hunt threshold {2 to 254 } 12
Lock match threshold {2 to 254 } 3
Unlock error threshold {2 to 254 } 3
Chapter 3:
Parameter Settings
Lattice Semiconductor Parameter Settings
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 13 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Figure 3-1. DVB-ASI IP Core PHY Settings Tab
PHY Function
This parameter selects whether transmit, receive or both transmit and receive functions are required for the IP core.
Since transmit and receive functionalities are independent of each other, it is possible to select only the part that is
Tx FIFO Options
FIFO Depth
This parameter sets Tx FIFO depth.
Enable Almost Full/Empty Flags
This parameter determines if almost full/empty flags are enabled for Tx FIFO. If yes, almost full and almost empty
output flags are provided for the Tx FIFO. The following two additional parameters for the thresholds are also made
Almost Full Threshold
This parameter sets Almost full threshold for Tx FIFO.
Almost Empty Threshold
This parameter sets Almost empty threshold for Tx FIFO.
Rx FIFO Options
FIFO Depth
This parameter sets Rx FIFO depth.
Enable Almost Full/Empty Flags
This parameter determines if almost full/empty flags are enabled for Rx FIFO. If yes, almost Full and almost empty
output flags are provided for the Rx FIFO. The following two additional parameters for the threshold are also made
Lattice Semiconductor Parameter Settings
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 14 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Almost Full Threshold
This parameter sets Almost full threshold for Rx FIFO.
Almost Empty Threshold
This parameter sets Almost empty threshold for Rx FIFO.
The Tx and Rx FIFO options available are FIFO depth, whether almost full/empty flags are brought out and if yes,
the threshold values for the almost full and almost empty flags.
Optional Ports
Determines if a clock enable port is required in the IP.
Layer 2 Rx Settings
The Layer 2 Rx Settings tab offers some advanced settings for the receive Layer 2 functions. The parameter Rx
Sync Identification Scheme determines how a receive start of packet is identified. In most applications, the Rx start
of packet is identified by the occurrence of the sync byte (47h or B8h) preceded by two consecutive comma charac-
ters (K28.5). There are some systems that mark the start of packet with a sync byte (47h or B8h) which is preceded
by two comma characters (K28.5) in the 5-word period preceding the sync byte.
The receiver goes to lock state (asserts rx_locked) when the packet sync bytes are correctly received for a certain
period of time. The Lock match threshold parameter sets the time in number of packets after which the receiver
goes to lock state. Similarly, when the packets are not received regularly or received with errors, the receiver transi-
tions into unlock state. The number of sync byte errors that is required to take the receiver from locked to unlocked
state is set by the Unlock error threshold parameter.
Figure 3-2 shows the Layer 2 Rx settings tab.
Figure 3-2. DVB-ASI IP Core Layer 2 Rx Settings Tab
Rx Sync Identification Scheme
This parameter determines how Rx sync is identified. The sync is identified as follows for different options:
Sync word: Whenever a sync word (47h or B8h) is received
2 successive: When a sync word and two preceding successive commas are received.
2-in-5: When a sync word and two preceding commas are received in a 5-word period.
Lattice Semiconductor Parameter Settings
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 15 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Sync Hunt Threshod
This parameter determines how many packets to wait while trying to lock before proceeding to the next sync byte
and packet size combination.
Look Match Threshold
This parameter determines the number of sync matches required to transition to the receive lock state from the
unlock state.
Unlock Error Threshold
This parameter determines the number of sync errors tolerated before going to the receive unlock state from the
lock state.
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 16 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
This chapter provides information on licensing the DVB-ASI IP core, generating the core using the Diamond or isp-
LEVER software IPexpress tool, running functional simulation, and including the core in a top-level design.
The Lattice DVB-ASI IP core can be used only in LatticeECP3 device families.
Licensing the IP Core
An IP license is required to enable full, unrestricted use of the DVB-ASI IP core in a complete, top-level design. The
license specifies the IP core (DVB-ASI) and device family (LatticeECP3).
Instructions on how to obtain licenses for Lattice IP cores are availabe on the Lattice web site:
Users may download and generate the DVB-ASI IP core for LatticeECP3 and fully evaluate the core through func-
tional simulation and implementation (synthesis, map, place and route) without an IP license. The DVB-ASI IP core
for LatticeECP3 also supports Lattice’s IP hardware evaluation capability, which makes it possible to create ver-
sions of the IP core that operate in hardware for a limited time (approximately four hours) without requiring an IP
license (see “Hardware Evaluation” on page 22 for further details). However, a license is required to enable timing
simulation, to open the design in the Diamond or ispLEVER EPIC tool, and to generate bitstreams that do not
include the hardware evaluation timeout limitation.
Getting Started
The DVB-ASI IP core is available for download from the Lattice IP Server using the IPexpress tool. The IP files are
automatically installed using ispUPDATE technology in any customer-specified directory. After the IP core has
been installed, the IP core will be available in the IPexpress GUI dialog box shown in Figure 4-1
The ispLEVER IPexpress tool GUI dialog box for the DVB-ASI IP core is shown in Figure 4-1. To generate a spe-
cific IP core configuration the user specifies:
Project Path – Path to the directory where the generated IP files will be located.
File Name – “username” designation given to the generated IP core and corresponding folders and files.
(Diamond) Module Output – Verilog or VHDL.
(ispLEVER) Design Entry Type – Verilog HDL or VHDL.
Device Family – Device family to which IP is to be targeted (e.g. LatticeSCM, Lattice ECP2M, LatticeECP3,
etc.). Only families that support the particular IP core are listed.
Part Name – Specific targeted part within the selected device family.
Chapter 4:
IP Core Generation
Lattice Semiconductor IP Core Generation
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 17 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Figure 4-1. IPexpress Dialog Box (Diamond Version)
Note that if the IPexpress tool is called from within an existing project, Project Path, Module Output (Design Entry in
ispLEVER), Device Family and Part Name default to the specified project parameters. Refer to the IPexpress tool
online help for further information.
To create an IP configuration, the user clicks the Customize button in the IPexpress tool dialog box to display the
DVB-ASI IP core Configuration GUI, as shown in Figure 4-2. From this dialog box, the user can select the IP
parameter options specific to their application. Refer to “Parameter Settings” on page 12 for more information on
the DVB-ASI parameter settings. Additional information and known issues about the DVB-ASI IP core are provided
in a ReadMe document that may be opened by clicking on the Help button in the Configuration GUI.
Lattice Semiconductor IP Core Generation
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Figure 4-2. Configuration GUI (Diamond Version)
Lattice Semiconductor IP Core Generation
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IPexpress-Created Files and Top-Level Directory Structure
When the user clicks the Generate button in the IP Configuration dialog box, the IP core and supporting files are
generated in the specified Project Path directory. The directory structure of the generated files is shown in Figure 4-
Figure 4-3. Lattice DVB-ASI IP Core Directory Structure
The design flow for IP created with the IPexpress tool uses a post-synthesized module (NGO) for synthesis and a
protected model for simulation. The post-synthesized module is customized and created by the IPexpress tool dur-
ing IP generation. The protected simulation model is not customized by the IPexpress tool during the generation
process, and relies on parameters provided to customize behavior during simulation.
Lattice Semiconductor IP Core Generation
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 20 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Table 4-1 provides a list of key files and directories created by the IPexpress tool and how they are used. The IPex-
press tool creates several files that are used throughout the design cycle. The names of most of the created files
are customized to the user’s module name (<username>) specified in the IPexpress tool.
Most of the files required to use the DVB-ASI IP core reside in the root directory created by the IPexpress tool. This
includes the synthesis black box, simulation model, and post synthesis NGO files for the PMI modules.
The \dvb_eval and subtending directories provide files supporting DVB-ASI IP core evaluation. The \dvb_eval
directory contains files/folders with content that is constant for all configurations of the DVB-ASI IP core. The
\<username> subfolder (\dvb_core0 in this example) contains files/folders with content specific to the <user-
name> configuration.
The DVB-ASI ReadMe document is also provided in the \dvb_eval directory.
For example information and known issues on this core, see the Lattice DVB-ASI ReadMe document. This file is
available when the core is installed in the Diamond or ispLEVER software. The document provides information on
creating an evaluation version of the core for use in Diamond or ispLEVER and simulation.
The \dvb_eval directory is created by the IPexpress tool the first time the core is generated and updated each time
the core is regenerated. A \<username> directory is created by the IPexpress tool each time the core is generated
and regenerated each time the core with the same file name is regenerated. A separate \<username> directory is
generated for cores with different names, e.g. \<my_core_0>, \<my_core_1>, etc.
The \dvb_eval directory provides an evaluation design which can be used to determine the size of the IP core and
a design which can be pushed through the Diamond or ispLEVER software including front-end and timing simula-
tions. The models directory provides the library element for the PCS and PLLs.
The \<username> directory contains the sample design for the configuration specified by the customer. The \<user-
name>\impl directory provides project files supporting Precision RTL and Synplify synthesis flows. The sample
design pulls the user ports out to external pins. This design and associated project files can be used to determine
the size of the core and to push it through the mechanics of the Diamond or ispLEVER software design flow.
The \<username>\sim directory provides project files supporting RTL and timing simulation for both the Active-
HDL and ModelSim simulators. The \<username>\src directory provides the top-level source code for the eval
design. The \testbench directory provides a top-level testbench file.
Table 4-1. File List
File Description
<username>_inst.v Provides an instance template for the IP.
<username>_beh.v Provides the front-end simulation library for the DVB-ASI IP core.
dvb_params.v Provides the user options of the IP for the simulation model.
<username>_bb.v Provides the synthesis black box for the user’s synthesis.
<username>.ngo Provides the synthesized IP core.
<username>.lpc This file contains the IPexpress tool and DVB-ASI IP GUI options used to recreate or modify the
core in the IPexpress tool.
The IPX file holds references to all of the elements of an IP or Module after it is generated from the
IPexpress tool (Diamond version only). The file is used to bring in the appropriate files during the
design implementation and analysis. It is also used to re-load parameter settings into the IP/Module
generation GUI when an IP/Module is being re-generated.
pmi_*.ngo These files contain the FIFOs used by the IP core. These files need to be pointed to by the Build
step by using the search path property.
dvb_eval This directory contains a sample design. This design is capable of performing a simulation and run-
ning through the Diamond or ispLEVER software.
Lattice Semiconductor IP Core Generation
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 21 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Running Functional Simulation
Simulation support for the DVB-ASI IP core is provided for Aldec and ModelSim simulators. The DVB-ASI IP core
simulation model is generated from the IPexpress tool with the name <username>_beh.v. This file is an obfuscated
simulation model. An obfuscated simulation model is Lattice’s unique IP protection technique which scrambles the
Verilog HDL while maintaining logical equivalence. VHDL users will use the same Verilog model for simulation.
When compiling the DVB-ASI IP core, the file, dvb_params.v must be compiled with the model. This files provides
“define constants” that are necessary for the simulation model.
The ModelSim environment is located in \<project_dir>\dvb_eval\<username>\sim\modelsim. Users
can run the ModelSim simulation by performing the following steps:
1. Open ModelSim.
2. Under the File tab, select Change Directory and choose folder:
3. Under the Tools tab, select Tcl > Execute Macro and execute one of the ModelSim “do” scripts shown,
depending on whether RTL or netlist simulation is required.
The Aldec Active-HDL environment is located in \<project_dir>\dvb_eval\<username>\sim\aldec.
Users can run the Aldec evaluation simulation by performing the following steps:
1. Open Active-HDL.
2. Under the Tools tab, select Execute Macro.
3. Browse to the directory \<project_dir>\dvb_eval\<username>\sim\aldec\scripts and execute
one of the Active-HDL “do” scripts shown.
Synthesizing and Implementing the Core in a Top-Level Design
The DVB-ASI IP core itself is synthesized and provided in NGO format when the core is generated through the
IPexpress tool. You can combine the core in your own top-level design by instantiating the core in your top-level file
as described above in the “Instantiating the Core” section and then synthesizing the entire design with either Syn-
plify or Precision RTL Synthesis.
The top-level file <username>_top.v provided in:
supports the ability to implement the DVB-ASI IP core in isolation. Push-button implementation of this top-level
design with either Synplify or Precision RTL Synthesis is supported via the Diamond or ispLEVER software project
files <username>_top.syn located in the
\<project_dir>\dvb_eval\<username>\impl\precision\core_only directories, respectively.
To use this project file in Diamond:
1. Choose File > Open > Project.
2. Browse to
\<project_dir>\dvb_eval\<username>\impl\synplify (or precision) in the Open Project dia-
log box.
Lattice Semiconductor IP Core Generation
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 22 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
3. Select and open <username>.ldf. At this point, all of the files needed to support top-level synthesis and imple-
mentation will be imported to the project.
4. Select the Process tab in the left-hand GUI window.
5. Implement the complete design via the standard Diamond GUI flow.
To use this project file in ispLEVER:
1. Choose File > Open Project.
2. Browse to
\<project_dir>\dvb_eval\<username>\impl\synplify (or precision) in the Open Project dia-
log box.
3. Select and open <username>.syn. At this point, all of the files needed to support top-level synthesis and imple-
mentation will be imported to the project.
4. Select the device top-level entry in the left-hand GUI window.
5. Implement the complete design via the standard ispLEVER GUI flow.
Hardware Evaluation
The DVB-ASI IP core supports supports Lattice’s IP hardware evaluation capability, which makes it possible to cre-
ate versions of the IP core that operate in hardware for a limited period of time (approximately four hours) without
requiring the purchase of an IP license. It may also be used to evaluate the core in hardware in user-defined
Enabling Hardware Evaluation in Diamond
Choose Project > Active Strategy > Translate Design Settings. The hardware evaluation capability may be
enabled/disabled in the Strategy dialog box. It is enabled by default.
Enabling Hardware Evaluation in ispLEVER
In the Processes for Current Source pane, right-click the Build Database process and choose Properties from the
dropdown menu. The hardware evaluation capability may be enabled/disabled in the Properties dialog box. It is
enabled by default.
Updating/Regenerating the IP Core
By regenerating an IP core with the IPexpress tool, you can modify any of its settings including device type, design
entry method, and any of the options specific to the IP core. Regenerating can be done to modify an existing IP
core or to create a new but similar one.
Regenerating an IP Core in Diamond
To regenerate an IP core in Diamond:
1. In IPexpress, click the Regenerate button.
2. In the Regenerate view of IPexpress, choose the IPX source file of the module or IP you wish to regenerate.
3. IPexpress shows the current settings for the module or IP in the Source box. Make your new settings in the Tar-
get box.
4. If you want to generate a new set of files in a new location, set the new location in the IPX Target File box. The
base of the file name will be the base of all the new file names. The IPX Target File must end with an .ipx exten-
Lattice Semiconductor IP Core Generation
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 23 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
5. Click Regenerate. The module’s dialog box opens showing the current option settings.
6. In the dialog box, choose the desired options. To get information about the options, click Help. Also, check the
About tab in IPexpress for links to technical notes and user guides. IP may come with additional information. As
the options change, the schematic diagram of the module changes to show the I/O and the device resources
the module will need.
7. To import the module into your project, if it’s not already there, select Import IPX to Diamond Project (not
available in stand-alone mode).
8. Click Generate.
9. Check the Generate Log tab to check for warnings and error messages.
10.Click Close.
The IPexpress package file (.ipx) supported by Diamond holds references to all of the elements of the generated IP
core required to support simulation, synthesis and implementation. The IP core may be included in a user's design
by importing the .ipx file to the associated Diamond project. To change the option settings of a module or IP that is
already in a design project, double-click the module’s .ipx file in the File List view. This opens IPexpress and the
module’s dialog box showing the current option settings. Then go to step 6 above.
Regenerating an IP Core in ispLEVER
To regenerate an IP core in ispLEVER:
1. In the IPexpress tool, choose Tools > Regenerate IP/Module.
2. In the Select a Parameter File dialog box, choose the Lattice Parameter Configuration (.lpc) file of the IP core
you wish to regenerate, and click Open.
3. The Select Target Core Version, Design Entry, and Device dialog box shows the current settings for the IP core
in the Source Value box. Make your new settings in the Target Value box.
4. If you want to generate a new set of files in a new location, set the location in the LPC Target File box. The base
of the .lpc file name will be the base of all the new file names. The LPC Target File must end with an .lpc exten-
5. Click Next. The IP core’s dialog box opens showing the current option settings.
6. In the dialog box, choose desired options. To get information about the options, click Help. Also, check the
About tab in the IPexpress tool for links to technical notes and user guides. The IP core might come with addi-
tional information. As the options change, the schematic diagram of the IP core changes to show the I/O and
the device resources the IP core will need.
7. Click Generate.
8. Click the Generate Log tab to check for warnings and error messages.
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 24 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
This chapter provides supporting information on how to use the DVB-ASI IP core in complete designs. Topics dis-
cussed include IP simulation and verification, DVB-ASI sample designs, and board-level implementation and test-
Simulation and Verification
This section discusses strategies and approaches for verifying the proper functionality of the DVB-ASI IP core
through simulation.
Simulation Strategy
Included with the core from the IPexpress tool is the evaluation test bench located in the <username> directory.
The intent of the evaluation test bench is to show the core performing in simulation, as well as to provide post place
and route netlist simulations. Many IP cores work in a loopback format to simplify the data generation process and
to meet the simple objectives of this evaluation test bench. A loopback format has been used in this case as well.
The DVB-ASI IP is a single-channel transmit and receive PHY that does not include the SERDES in it. The
SERDES can be generated by the user using the .lpc template provided for the SERDES configuration in the DVB-
ASI demo designs. The names of the IP ports that connect to the SERDES are made the same as those of the
SERDES, except for the channel number suffix. Figure 5-1 shows a typical connection between the IP and the
SERDES. In the configuration shown, the SERDES channel 0 is used for Rx and Tx. The SERDES transmitter is
configured to use REFCLK and receiver, the FPGA reference clock.
Figure 5-1. Interfacing the DVB-ASI IP Core with LatticeECP3 SERDES
DVB-ASI IP Demo Design
A self-checking top-level design is provided with the IP core that includes the IP, LatticeECP3 SERDES, DVB-ASI
traffic generator and a data comparison block. The test bench instantiates the sample design and applies clock and
other control signals to it. The demo designs generated along with the IP are in plain Verilog and provide examples
of complete DVB-ASI Tx/Rx systems using the IP, SERDES and other test logic.
A block diagram of the single-channel demo design is shown in Figure 5-2.
27 MHz clk
IP Core
Layer-2 Tx Interface
SERDES Tx Interface
SERDES Rx Interface
Common Interface
Layer-2 Rx Interface
Chapter 5:
Application Support
Lattice Semiconductor Application Support
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 25 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Figure 5-2. Sample Top-Level (Demo) Design
A brief description of each of the major blocks of the demo design is given below.
DVB-ASI Packet Generator
The DVB-ASI packet generator is a simple LFSR to generate random data for the DVB-ASI packet. Each packet is
either 188 or 204 bytes long and a sync byte (47h or B8h) is inserted at the beginning of each packet. Since the IP
is a DVB-ASI Layer 1 implementation, the simple packet generator does not include MPEG-2 packet headers. The
payload data does include occurrences of 47h and B8h sync-bytes. A random data valid signal is created so the
functionality of tx_dvalid can be tested as well.
The LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS is not a part of the DVB-ASI IP. The demo design includes the SERDES/PCS
module that has been pre-generated by IPexpress. The SERDES module is available under
<project_dir>/dvb_eval/models/<device>/dvb_pcs. The SERDES channel is set for generic 8b10b
protocol. The Max. Data Rate is set to 270 Mbps for both Tx and Rx paths. For this sample design, the transmit ref-
erence clock is set to external and the receive reference clock to internal. However, users may set the clock
sources according to their requirements. The dvb_pcs.lpc file provided under the model directory can be used as a
starting point to create custom SERDES modules.
Data Comparison
A data comparison module is provided in the demo design to verify the correctness of the received data. The
received data (rx_dout) is compared with the delayed version of the transmitted data (tx_din), using tx_psync and
rx_psync signals to synchronize the delay. The result of the comparison is provided at the cmp_err output signal. A
synthesizable data comparison block in the top-level sample design absolves the self-checking complexity from the
test bench. This also makes the sample design usable for hardware validation of the DVB-ASI functionality.
Test Bench
The test bench instantiates the DVB IP demo design. Since the self-checking capability is provided in the top-level
design, the test bench is not required to do data comparisons. The test bench supplies all the required clocks to the
demo design. The test bench also counts the number of compare, FIFO full, run packet and giant packet errors.
DVB-ASI Sample Designs
To help users create a complete DVB-ASI transmit/receive system including the SERDES, two sample designs are
provided with the generated DVB-ASI IP. The design, dvb_ip_demo, is a single-channel DVB-ASI transmit/receive
IP Core
hdin cmp_err
Lattice Semiconductor Application Support
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 26 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
system and the design, dvb_ip_demo_2ch is a two-channel design. The single-channel and two-channel designs
are available in the following locations:
Single-channel: <project_dir>/dvb_eval/impl/<synplify/precision>/dvb_ip_demo
Two-channel: <project_dir>/di_eval/impl/<synplify/precision>/dvb_ip_demo_2ch
The sample designs are designed to work on the LatticeECP3 Video Protocol Board (Rev B) using a pushbutton
implementation flow. The LatticeECP3 Video Protocol Board has a LFE3-95E-7FN1156CES ECP3 device, clock
generator chipsets, crystal oscillators, LEDs and an LCD display unit. The sample designs are designed to work
with the IP created using the default parameters in the IP GUI. If one or more parameters are changed from their
default values in the IP GUI, the demo designs can still be used, but may require some changes depending on the
changed configuration of the IP. This section provides more details of the demo designs and their usage.
Single-Channel Demo Design
The single-channel DVB-ASI demo design can be used to test the transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) logic of the IP
without the help of an external DVB-ASI source or sink. It includes a random data generator module, LatticeECP3
SERDES/PCS, a character LCD display interface and other test logic, in addition to the IP. The demo scheme is
shown in Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3. DVB-ASI Demo Design Scheme
A DVB-ASI generator and/or analyzer can be optionally used instead of the loopback cable to source and/or moni-
tor the DVB-ASI traffic. All the transmit and receive functions of the IP can be tested with this loopback setup.
A detailed block diagram of the single-channel demo design is shown in Figure 5-4. Some of the functional blocks
shown in the figure have been explained in the previous section. A brief description of the other major blocks is
given below.
IP Core
for Loopback
LCD Display
LatticeECP3 FPGA
DIP Switches
Lattice Semiconductor Application Support
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 27 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Figure 5-4. Detailed Block Diagram of the Single-Channel DVB-ASI Demo Design
The LatticeECP3 Video Protocol Board (Rev B) has two 27 MHz clock sources, one 100 MHz clock and two Gen-
num GS4911 video clock generator chips. The Tx reference clock for the SERDES comes from the Gennum
GS4911 video clock generator and GS4915 clock cleaner chip sets. GS4911 is programmed to generate a 27 MHz
clock. The clock output of GS4911 is cleaned by GS4915 to provide a low-jitter Tx reference clock to the SERDES.
The SERDES clock outputs, tx_full_clk_ch0 and rx_full_clk_ch0 are directly used to drive the tx_full_clk and
rx_full_clk ports of the IP core. In order to test and demonstrate the effect of different rates for the user clocks
(tx_clk and rx_clk), three different frequencies (20 MHz, 27 MHz and 40 MHz) are generated from the 27 MHz on-
board crystal oscillator clock using a PLL for each transmit and receive path. The PLL outputs are multiplexed and
connected to the tx_clk and rx_clk ports of the IP core. The select inputs to the multiplexers are connected to the
DIP switches in SW4.
LCD Interface
The LCD interface module provides the interface for the 2-line LCD character display on the LatticeECP3 Video
Protocol Board. The module also counts the number of compare, runt and giant errors. As the primary means of
showing the test results, the module displays Rx lock condition, sync byte value, packet size, compare, runt and
giant errors, and time since reset. The module also has counters that continuously monitor the frequencies of
tx_clk, tx_full_clk, rx_full_clk and rx_clk and display them on the LCD display. The details of the LCD display are
provided later in this document.
Serial I/Os
The SERDES channel 0 transmit output is connected to a cable driver on the board. The output of the cable driver
goes to a 75-ohm BNC connector on the board edge. The external DVB-ASI input comes through a 75-ohm BNC
input connector on the board edge which is connected to the cable equalizer on the board. The equalizer output is
connected to the SERDES channel 0 Rx. For the loopback tests, the Tx 0 BNC output (labeled SDI Tx #0) is con-
nected to the Rx 0 BNC input (labeled SDI Rx #0) using a coaxial cable. Since the transmit and receive logic are
independent of each other, any DVB traffic generator can be connected to the BNC input to observe the reception.
However, since the data comparison is between the data created inside the FPGA and that received by it, the com-
parison will fail if external source and/or sink are used instead of a loopback cable. The BNC output can be con-
nected to a DVB-ASI analyzer to verify the DVB-ASI stream transmitted out of the FPGA. Since the simple DVB-
ASI traffic generator in the demo design is not a MPEG-2 transport stream generator, the analyzer will be able to
sync to the output, but will not detect a valid DVB-ASI transport stream.
IP Core
Tx 4915
27 MHz
27 MHz Oscillator
27 MHz XTL LCD Display
LatticeECP3 FPGA
rx_k_ch0 rx_k
rx_k_ch0 tx_k
27 MHz XTL
27 MHz XTL
Lattice Semiconductor Application Support
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 28 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Two-Channel Demo Design
The two-channel demo design is designed to test and demonstrate the functionality of two DVB-ASI channels oper-
ating within the same SERDES quad. A detailed block diagram of the two-channel demo design is shown in
Figure 5-5. As shown in the diagram, the two-channel design is an extension of the single-channel design with
many common modules and a few differences.
Figure 5-5. Detailed Block Diagram of the Two-Channel DVB-ASI Demo Design
The design contains two instances of the DVB-ASI IP cores, one LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS quad configured for
two generic 8b10b channels and other test logic that are part of the single channel design. The description below is
focused on the aspects of the two-channel sample design that are different from the single-channel design.
The DVB traffic originates from the DVB-ASI packet generator, goes to the first instance of the IP and is transmitted
through the channel 0 Tx of the SERDES quad. The SERDES output goes out to the BNC connector through a
cable driver. The BNC output is connected by a cable to the BNC input for channel 1, which goes into SERDES
channel 1 Rx through an equalizer. The channel 1 Rx parallel data is connected to the second instance of the DVB-
ASI IP. The IP’s parallel output, rx_dout, is directly connected to the parallel input, tx_din. This is possible by using
the same clock for the second IP instance’s tx_clk and rx_clk. The parallel output of IP instance 2 is connected to
Instance 1
Tx 4915
27 MHz
27 MHz XTL LCD Display
rx_k_ch0 rx_k
rx_k_ch0 tx_k
27 MHz XTL
27 MHz XTL
Instance 2
27 MHz OSC
LatticeECP3 FPGA
rx_k_ch1 rx_k
rx_k_ch1 tx_k
Lattice Semiconductor Application Support
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 29 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
SERDES channel 1 transmit. The channel 1 Tx BNC connector is then connected to channel 0 Rx BNC input
through a cable. The channel 0 receive logic is similar to that for the single channel design. The final received data
and status are displayed on the character LCD display.
Board-Level Implementation and Testing
A simple pushbutton option is offered for implementing the demo designs on the LatticeECP3 Video Protocol
Board. The demo designs can be implemented as follows:
In Diamond, open the project files provided, check Bitstream File under Export Files in the Process window,
right-click and select Run.
In ispLEVER, open the project files provided and run the Geneate Bitstream Data process in the Project Navi-
Refer to the Diamond or ispLEVER online help for more information.
Some components, like the Gennum chip sets, are controlled by a MachXO™ device on the board. Since the demo
designs use Gennum GS 4911 and GS4915 chip sets, it is required that both the LatticeECP3 and the MachXO
devices are programmed for proper operation. The source, constraint and project files for the MachXO design are
provided under <project_dir>/dvb_eval/<module_name>/impl/<synplify/precision>/MachXO.
Open the MachXO project by double-clicking on the project file and create the bitstream by following the usual pro-
Board Switch Assignments for the Demo Designs
Pushbutton switches
The pushbutton switches on the board are configured as follows:
SW10 – Master reset. Depress the switch momentarily for resetting the logic and the SERDES/PCS.
SW8 – Error reset. Depress this switch momentarily to reset the compare, Tx FIFO full, Rx FIFO full, runt and
giant error counters. This switch also resets the time that is displayed on the LCD display.
SW7 – LCD page advance. Depress the switch momentarily for advancing the displayed page of the LCD dis-
DIP Switches
The demo designs use the DIP switch banks SW4 and SW3. Each bank has four numbered switches. The switch
configurations are shown in Table 5-1. The switches have a “0” value when pushed toward the bottom of the board
(toward the PCI Express fingers) and a “1” value when pushed toward the top of the board (toward the channel link
Table 5-1. Switch Connections on the LatticeECP3 Video Prototocol Board
Switch Name Description
SW4-4 Transmit Clock Frequency
tx_clk_sel = {SW4-4,SW4-3}.
00 - 20 MHz, 01- 27 MHz (PLL out),
10- 40 MHz, 11- 27 MHz (PLL in)
SW4-2 Receive Clock Frequency
rx_clk_sel = {SW4-2,SW4-1}.
00 – 20 MHz, 01- 27 MHz (PLL out),
10- 40 MHz, 11- 27 MHz (PLL in)
SW3-4 Tx Sync Character tx_sync_char
0- 47h, 1- B8h
Tx Packet Size
tx_pkt_size = {SW3-3,SW3-2,SW3-1}
000- 188, 001- 204, 010- 187, 011- 203
100- 189, 101- 205, 110- 175, 111- 220
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The LED status (0 is off, 1 is lit) is shown in Table 5-2.
Table 5-2. LED Status Display
LCD Display
The demo design includes an interface for 2-line, 16-character LCD display. There are four display pages in the
LCD display as shown in Table 5-3.
Table 5-3. Display Pages
Page 0 displays the frequency of tx_clk, Tx and Rx packet sizes (188 0r 204), Tx and Rx sync bytes (47h or B8h)
and receiver lock status. The receiver is “Locked” when rx_locked is high, “Unknown” when rx_locked, Rx loss of
lock and Rx loss of signal are all low and “No Signal” when there is a Rx loss of signal or loss of lock error.
Page 1 displays the measured frequencies of tx_clk, tx_full_clk, rx_full_clk and rx_clk.
Page 2 displays the number of Tx FIFO Full, Rx FIFO full and Data compare errors. It also displays the time since
reset. The error values saturate at 999. The timer saturates at 9 hours and 59 minutes.
Page 3 displays the number of Rx runt, Rx giant and Data compare errors. It also displays the time since reset. The
errors values saturate at 999. The timer saturates at 9 hours and 59 minutes.
On reset, the LCD displays page 0. The pushbutton switch SW7 is used to cycle the display through the pages.
Depressing pushbutton switch SW8 resets the error counts for compare error, Tx FIFO full, Rx FIFO full, runt and
giant. The time display, which is the time elapsed since reset, is also reset to 0:00 when SW8 is depressed.
LED LED Color Name Description
D26 Red Tx FIFO Full tx_ffull. Lights when Tx FIFO Full goes high
D25 Orange Rx FIFO Full rx_ffull. Lights when Rx FIFO Full goes high
D23 Green RUNT rx_runt. Lights when runt packets are received
D22 Blue GIANT rx_giant. Lights when giant packets are received
D17 Red Rx Loss of Lock rx_lol_ch0. Rx loss of lock: 0 - Rx CDR is locked, 1 - Rx CDR loss of lock error
D16 Orange Compare Error cmp_err output. Lights when there is data comparison error
D15 Green Packet Size pkt_size output. This identifies the size of the packet. 0 - 188, 1 - 204.
D14 Blue Sync Byte sync_byte output. This identifies the received sync byte. 0-47h, 1-B8h.
D13 Red Tx Loss of Lock pll_lol. SERDES transmit PLL loss of lock: 0- PLL locked, 1- PLL unlocked
D12 Orange Rx Loss of Signal rx_los_low_ch0_s. 0 - Signal detected at SERDES input. 1 - No signal detected
at SERDES input
D11 Green Rx No Lock Rx not locked. This is the complement of rx_locked output.
D10 Blue Rx Locked rx_locked. 0 - Receiver not locked to DVB-ASI, 1 - Receiver locked to DVB-ASI
Page Line 0123456789101112131415
Page 0 Line 1 T x C tx_clk Tx pkt_size Tx sync
Line 2 Locked/Unknown/No Signal Rx pkt_size Rx sync
Page 1 Line 1 T x C tx_clk ftx_full_clk
Line 2 R x C rx_clk frx_full_clk
Page 2 Line 1 T F F tx_ffull cnt R F F rx_ffull cnt
Line 2 E r cmp_err cnt T i m e Hr : Sec Sec
Page 3 Line 1 R N T rx_runt cnt G N T rx_giant cnt
Line 2 E r cmp_err cnt T i m e Hr : Sec Sec
IPUG90_April 2010 31 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
The functionality of the Lattice DVB-ASI IP core has been verified via simulation and hardware testing in a variety
of environments, including:
Simulation environment verifying DVB-ASI functionality using pseudo random number generator. The simulation
was carried out using RTL as well as using post-place and route netlist.
Hardware testing of the simulation environment in loopback mode, with a cable providing the loopback of serial
transmit out to serial receive in.
Hardware testing of 2-channel sample design, with cable connecting channel 0 transmit to channel 1 receive and
channel 1 transmit to channel 0 receive.
Hardware testing of the sample designs by using a standard DVB-ASI source and sink. A setup similar to the
loopback scheme was used, but either the source or sync or both were replaced by a DVB-ASI standard source
and/or sink.
Chapter 6:
Core Verification
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 32 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Lattice Technical Support
There are a number of ways to receive technical support as listed below.
Online Forums
The first place to look is Lattice Forums ( Lattice Forums contain a
wealth of knowledge and are actively monitored by Lattice Applications Engineers.
Telephone Support Hotline
Receive direct technical support for all Lattice products by calling Lattice Applications from 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Pacific Time.
For USA and Canada: 1-800-LATTICE (528-8423)
For other locations: +1 503 268 8001
In Asia, call Lattice Applications from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Beijing Time (CST), +0800 UTC. Chinese and English
language only.
For Asia: +86 21 52989090
E-mail Support
Local Support
Contact your nearest Lattice sales office.
Lattice DVB-ASI Web Page
For more information on Lattice’s DVB-ASI and other video solutions, visit the DVB-ASI IP core web page at
EN 50083-9, Part 9 – Interfaces for CATV/SMATV headend and similar professional equipment for DVB/MPEG-2
transport streams.
ISO/IEC 13818-1 Information Technology – Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information
HB1009, LatticeECP3 Family Handbook
TN1176, LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Chapter 7:
Support Resources
Lattice Semiconductor Support Resources
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 33 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
Evaluation Boards
LatticeECP3 Video Protocol Evaluation Board Web Page
•EB39, LatticeECP3 Video Protocol Board- Revision B User's Guide
Revision History
IP Core
Version Change Summary
April 2010 01.0 1.0 Initial release.
December 2010 01.1 1.1 Added support for Diamond software throughout.
IPUG90_01.1, December 2010 34 DVB-ASI User’s Guide
This appendix gives resource utilization information for Lattice FPGAs using the DVB-ASI IP core.
IPexpress is the Lattice IP configuration utility, and is included as a standard feature of the Diamond and ispLEVER
design tools. Details regarding the usage of IPexpress can be found in the IPexpress and Diamond or ispLEVER
help system. For more information on the Diamond or ispLEVER design tools, visit the Lattice web site at:
LatticeECP3 Devices
Table A -1. Performance and Resource Utilization1
Table A -2. Parameter Settings for Sample Configurations1
Ordering Part Number
The Ordering Part Number (OPN) for all configurations of the DVB-ASI IP core targeting LatticeECP3 devices is
Configuration Slices LUTs Registers
EBRs Tx Clk Tx Full Clk Rx Full Clk Rx Clk
1 249 478 343 2 113 119 127 219
2 84 162 136 1 183 121
3 156 301 202 1 117 203
1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting an LFE3-95E-7FN1156C device with Lattice’s Diamond 1.1 software.
Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeECP3
(Default) Config2 Config3
Tx and Rx Tx Only Rx Only
PHY Settings
PHY Function Both Tx Rx
Tx FIFO Depth 256 256 NA
Tx Enable Almost Full/Empty Flags Yes Yes NA
Tx Almost Full Threshold 242 242 NA
Tx Almost Empty Threshold 16 16 NA
Rx FIFO Depth 256 NA 256
Rx Enable Almost Full/Empty Flags Yes NA Yes
Rx Almost Full Threshold 242 NA 242
Rx Almost Empty Threshold 16 NA 16
Clock Enable Port No No No
Layer-2 Rx Settings
Sync Identification Scheme Successive NA Successive
Sync Hunt Threshold 12 NA 12
Lock Match Threshold 3 NA 3
Unlock Error Threshold 3 NA 3
1. 1.The DVB-ASI IP core is an IPexpress user-configurable core and can be used to generate any allow-
able configuration.
Appendix A:
Resource Utilization
Mouser Electronics
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