Index-4 AltiVec Technology Programming Environments Manual MOTOROLA
floating-point conventions, 1-8
memory operands, 4-3
Operating environment architecture, see OEA
interelement operations, 1-9
intraelement operations, 1-9
Overflow exception, 3-17
Pack instructions, 4-31
Permutation instructions, 4-31
Permute instructions, 4-36
PowerPC architecture support
computation modes, 4-2
execution model, 4-2
features summary
defined features, 1-4
features not defined, 1-6
instruction list, A-1, B-1
levels of the PowerPC architecture, 1-5
operating environment architecture, xx
programming model, 1-6
registers affected by AltiVec technology, 2-8
user instruction set architecture, xix, 1-5
virtual environment architecture, xix, 1-5
Prefetch, software-directed, 5-2
Processor control instructions, 4-39
QNaN arithmetic, 3-18
Record bit (Rc), 6-2
CR, 2-8
overview, 1-6, 2-1
PowerPC register set, 2-1, 2-8
register file, 2-4
SRR0/SRR1, 2-10
VRs, 2-4
VSCR, 2-4
Rotate instructions, 4-16
Rounding/conversion instructions, FP, 4-21
Saturation detection, 4-4
aligned, LE mode, 3-4
loads and stores, 3-11
misaligned loads and stores, 3-11
Segment registers
T bit, Glossary-4
Select instruction, 4-36
Shift instructions, 4-16, 4-37
SIMD-style extension, 1-3, 1-7
Simplified mnemonics, 4-40
SNaN arithmetic, 3-18
Splat instructions, 4-35
SRR0/SRR1 (status save/restore registers), 2-10
address translation, 5-7
definition, 5-3
implementation assumptions, 5-9
synchronization, 5-7
usage notes, 5-7
Stride, 5-2
Swizzle, see Double-word swap
Synchronization streams, 5-7
Terminology conventions, xxvii
Transient streams, 5-4
UISA (user instruction set architecture), xix, 1-5
programming model, 2-2
Underflow exception, 3-17
Unpack instructions, 4-33
User instruction set architecture, see UISA
VEA (virtual environment architecture)
definition, xix, 1-5
programming model, 2-2
user-level cache control instructions, 4-41
Vector formatting instructions, 4-31
Vector integer compare instructions, see Integer
compare instructions
Vector merge instructions, 4-34
Vector pack instructions, 4-31
Vector permutation instructions, 4-31
Vector permute instructions, 4-36
Vector select instruction, 4-36
Vector shift instructions, 4-37
Vector splat instructions, 4-35
Vector unpack instructions, 4-33
Virtual environment architecture, see VEA
VRs (vector registers)
memory access alignment and VR, 3-6
register file, 2-4
VRSAVE register, 2-6
VSCR (vector status and control register), 2-4
Freescale Semiconductor, I
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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