HARRIS 2N7272D, 2N7272R SEMICONDUCTOR 2N7272H REGISTRATION PENDING Currently Available as FRL130 (D, R, H) Radiation Hardened December 1992 N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features Package BA, 100V, ROS(on) = 0.1802 TO-205AF Second Generation Rad Hard MOSFET Resuits From New Design Concepts Gamma - Meets Pre-Rad Specifications to 100KRAD(SI) - Defined End Point Specs at SOOKRAD(SI) and 1000KRAD(SI) - Performance Permits Limited Use to 3000KRAXSI) * Gamma Dot - Survives SESRAD(Siysec at 80% BYDSS Typicaily - Survives 2E12 Typically if Current Limited to IDM pGs Photo Current - 1.5nA Per-RAD(SiVsec Typically Neutron - Pre-RAD Specifications for 3E13 Neutrons/cm? - Usable to 3E14 Neutrons/cm* * Single Event - Typically Survives 15ions/cm? Having an LET < 35MeV/mg/cm? and a Range 2 30um at 80% BVDSS gs Symbol Description The Harris Semiconductor Sector has designed a series of SECOND GENERA- TION hardened power MOSFETs of both N and P channel enhancement types with ratings from 100V to 500V, 1A to 60A, and on resistance as low as 25mQ Total dose hardness is offered at 100K RAD(Si) and 1000KRAD(Si) with neutron hardness ranging from 1E13n/cm? for 500V product to 1E14n/cm? for 100V prod- uct. Dose rate hardness (GAMMA DOT) exists for rates to 1E9 without current lim- G iting and 2E12 with current limiting. Heavy ion survival from signal event drain burn-out exists for linear energy transfer (LET) of 35 at 80% of rated voltage. This MOSFET is an enhancement-mode silicon-gate power field effect transistor of s the vertical DMOS (VDMOS) structure. It is specially designed and processed to exhibit minimal characteristic changes to total dose (GAMMA) and neutron (n) exposures. Design and processing efforts are also directed to enhance survival to heavy ion (SEE) and/or dose rate (GAMMA DOT) exposure. This part may be supplied as a die or in various packages other than shown above. Reliability screening is available as either non TX (commercial), TX equivalent of MIL-S-19500, TXV equivalent of MIL-S-19500, or space equivalent of MIL-S- 19500. Contact the Harris Semiconductor High-Reliability Marketing group for any desired deviations from the data sheet. Absolute Maximum Ratings (TC = +25C) Uniess Otherwise Specified 2N7272D, R, H UNITS Drain-Source Voltage... 6... eee cece ee ce ener e sete ee eee sees eeeea ea enens vos 100 v 2 Drain-Gate Voltage (RGS = 20KQ).... 06. cece ccc cee cece ete eeeeneeeeneeenes VDGR 100 v o Continuous Drain Current 5 a 1D 8 A a TO HF100C ooo ccc cee eee tee een e ee teens tence eneneettenenaas iD 5 A = Pulsed Drain Current... 000. c ccc cece cece cece seen eeeeeeeeseeeeeeesnnegees IDM 24 A = Gate-Source Voltage... cc cette cere ener te anette ate tnraneee VGS +20 Vv - Maximum Power Dissipation i Oe 915 On PT 25 Ww TC = 4100S ooo cece ee eee eee eee e tne eben ete en eens PT 10 Ww Derated Above +25C 0... ccc ccc etree eee e ener ee ee tee eeenes 0.20 WPC Inductive Current, Clamped, L = 100pH, (See Test Figure)... cee e cece eee ILM 24 A Continuous Source Current (Body Diode)... 00.0... . cee cece cc ee eer ewer teen enn enes IS 8 A Pulsed Source Current (Body Diode) 66.6... ee ee eee nee eee ene ISM 24 A Operating And Storage Temperature... 2... ccc eee reece nent eeee TJC, TSTG -55 to +150 C Lead Temperature (During Soldering) Distance > 0.063 in. (1.6mm) From Case, 105 Max... .... 2.0. c cece eee eee cee ceeee TL 300 C CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Users should follow proper |.C. Handling Procedures. File Number 3218 Copyright Harris Corporation 1992 12-13Specifications 2N7272D, 2N7272R, 2N7272H - Registration Pending Pre-Radiation Electrical Specifications Tc = +25C, Unless Otherwise Specified LIMITS PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNITS Drain-Source Breakdown Volts BVDSS VGS = 0, ID = 1mA 100 - Vv Gate-Threshold Voits VGS(th) VDS = VGS, ID = 1mA 2.0 4.0 Vv Gate-Body Leakage Forward IGSSF VGS = +20V - 100 nA Gate-Body Leakage Reverse IGSSR VGS = -20V : 100 nA Zero-Gate Voltage iDSS1 VDS = 100V, VGS = 0 - 1 Drain Current IpSs2 VDS = 80V, VGS = 0 - 0.025 mA IDSS3 VDS = 80V, VGS = 0, TC = +125C - 0.26 Rated Avalanche Current {AR Time = 20ps - 24 A Drain-Source On-State Volts VDS(on) VGS = 10V, ID = BA - 1.51 v Drain-Source On Resistance RDS(on) VGS = 10V, ID=5A - -180 a Turn-On Delay Time td(on) VDD = 50V, ID = 8A : 35 Rise Time t Pulse Width = 3us - 210 Turn-Off Delay Time td(off) Period = 300us, Rg = 250 - 200 6 Fall Time tf 0