MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designers Data Sheet SWITCHMODE NPN Bipoiar Power Transistor For Switching Power Supply Applications The MJE/MJF18004 have an applications specific state-of-the-art die designed for use in 220 V line operated Switchmode Power supplies and electronic light ballasts. This high voliage/high speed transistors offer the following: e Improved Efficiency Due to Low Base Drive Requirements: High and Flat DC Current Gain hFE ~~ Fast Switching No Coil Required in Base Circuit for Turn-Off (No Current Tail) e Full Characterization at 125C e Motorola 6 SIGMA Philosophy Provides Tight and Reproducible Parametric Distributions * Two Package Choices: Standard TO-220 or Isolated TO-220 * MJFi8004, Case 221D, is UL Recognized at 3500 Vrnys: File #E69369 MJE18004* MJF18004* *Motorola Preferred Device POWER TRANSISTOR 5.0 AMPERES 1000 VOLTS 35 and 75 WATTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol | MJE18004 | MJF18004 | Unit CollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage VCEO 450 Vde Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage _VCES 1000 Vde SOA Emitter~Base Voltage VEBO 9.0 Vde MJE18004 Collector Current Continuous Ic 5.0 Adc Peak(1) IomM 10 Base Current Continuous . Ip 2.0 Ade Peak(1) IBM 4.0 RMS Isolation Voltage{2) Test No. 1 Per Fig. 22a] Visot _- - 4500 Volts (for 1 sec, R.H. Test No. 2 Per Fig. 22b _ 3600 < 30%, Ta = 25C) Test No. 3 Per Fig. 22c _ 1500 Total Devica Dissipation (To = 25C) Pp 75 35 Watts Derate above 25C 0.6 0.28 WrG Operating and Storage Temperature TJ: Tstg 65 to 150 C THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Rating Symbol | MJE18004 } MJF18004 | Unit Thermal Resistance Junction to Case ReJc 1.65 . 3.55 CAN CASE 221D-02 Junction to Ambient RaJA 62.5 62.5 ISOLATED TO-220 TYPE. Maximum Lead Temperature for Seldering TL 260 C MJF18004 Purposes: 1/8 irom Case for 5 Seconds ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic | Symbol | Min | Typ | Max | Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (Ic = 100 mA, L = 25 mH) VCEO(sus) 450 _ _ Vde Collector Cutoff Current (VcE = Rated VcEc, Ip = 0) ISEO _ _ 100 pAdc Collector Cutoff Current (Voge = Rated Voces, VEp=0) (To =25C) ICES _ _ 100 pAde (Tg = 125C) _ 500 (VCE = 800 V, VeB = 0) (To = 125C) +00 Emitter Cutoff Current (VER = 9.0 Vde, Ic = 0) lIEBO _ _ 700 pAdc (1) Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 5.0 ms, Duty Cycle <= 10%. {continued) (2) Proper strike and creepage distance must be provided. Designer's Data for Worst Case Conditions The Designer's Data Sheet permits the design of most circuits entirely from tha information presented. SOA Limit curves representing boundaries on device characteristics are given to facilitate worst case design. Proterred devices are Motorola recommended choices for future use and best overall value. REV 3 Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device Data 3-715MJE18004 MJF18004 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS continued (Tg = 25C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic | Symbol Min | Typ Max Unit | ON CHARACTERISTICS Base~Emitter Saturation Voltage (Ic = 1.0 Adc, Ip = 0.1 Adc) VBE(sat) _ 0.82 14 Vde (Ig = 2.0 Ade, Ip = 0.4 Adc) - 0.92 1.25 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) Vde (Ig = 1.0 Ade, Ig = 0.7 Adc} 0.25 0.5 (To = 125C) 0.29 0.6 (Ig = 2.0 Ade, Ig = 0.4 Ado) 03 0.45 (Te = 125C) 0,36 0.8 (Ic = 2.5 Ade, Ip = 0.5 Adc) 05 0.75 DC Current Gain (Ic = 1.0 Ade, VoE = 2.5 Vde) hrE 12 21 _ (To = 125C) _ 20 _ (Ic = 0.3 Ade, Veg = 5.0 Vdo) 14 34 (Tg = 125C) 32 (Iq = 2.0 Ade, Voge = 1.0 Vde) 6.0 11 _ (Tg = 125C) _ 7.5 _ {Iq = 10 mAdo, Vg = 5.0 Vde) 10 22 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Current Gain Bandwidth (Io = 0.5 Ade, Vcg = 10 Vde, f = 1.0 MHz) fT _ 13 _ MHz Output Capacitance (Vop = 10 Vde, IE = 0, f 1.0 MHz) Cob _ 50 65 pF Input Capacitance (VeB = 8.0 V) - Cib _ 800 7000 pF Dynamic Saturation Voltage: 10 VCE(dsat) _ 6.8 _ Vde (ig=1.0Ade | 1-98 | 7g = 128C) _ 14 _ Determined 1.0 us and 'B1 = 100 mAdc 24 3.0 us respectively after Voc =300V) | 3.0us . _ . _ rising Ig reaches 90% of (To = 125C) ~~ 5.6 ~ final IBj 11.3 = (see Figure 18) (Ig = 2.0 Adc 1.0 ps (Tc = 125C) _ 15.5 _ 1B1 = 400 mAdc 13 Voc = 300 V) _ . CG 3.08 | (74. 1250) _ 6.1 _ SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS: Resistive Load (D.C. = 10%, Pulse Width = 20 ps) Turn-On Time (Ic = 1.0 Ade, Ip = 0.1 Ade, ton _ 210 300 ns Igo = 0.5 Ade, Vag =300V) (Tq = 125C) 480 Turn-Off Time toff _ 1.0 1.7 ps (1c = 125C) _ 1.3 TurnOn Time (Ic = 2.0 Ade, Igy = 0.4 Ade, ton 75 110 ns Ip1 = 1.0 Adc, Voc = 300 V} (1c = 125C) _ 90 _ Turn-Off Time toff 1.5 2.5 us (To = 125C) 18 Turn-On Time (Ig = 2.5 Ade, Ip, = 0.5 Ade, ton _ 450 800 ns Ip2 = 0.8 Ade, Voc =250V) = (Tg = 125C) _ 900 1400 Storage Time ts 2.0 3.0 ps (Tc 125C) 2.2 3.5 Fall Time tf _ 275 400 ns (Tc = 125C) - 500 800 3-716 Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS continued (Tc = 25C unless otharwise specified) MJE18004 MJF18004 Characteristic Symbol | Min | Typ | Max Unit | SWITCHING CHARACTERISTIGS: Inductive Load (Velamp = 309 V, Voc = 15 V, L = 200 yh) Fall Time (Ig = 1.0 Ade, Ipj = 0.1 Ade, ti 100 150 ns Ipa = 0.5 Adc) (To = 125C) _ 100 _ Storage Time tsi _ 14 17 ps (To = 125C) _ 1.4 _ Crossover Time tg _ 180 250 ns (To = 125C) _ 160 Fall Time (Ico = 2.6 Ade, Ipj = 0.4 Ade, ti _ 90 175 ns ipa = 1.0 Adc) (To = 125C) _ 150 _ Storage Time - oo tgij _ 1.7 2.5 ps (To = 125C) _ 2.2 _ Crossover Time ~ ty _ 180 300 ns (To = 125C) _ 250 _ Fall Time (Io = 2.5 Ade, Ipy = 0.5 Ade, tf _ 70 130 ns IBe = 0.5 Ade, (To = 125C) _ 100 175 wee = 5, Vi Storage Time VBE (off) = 5.0 Vdc) tei _ 0.75 1.0 MS (Tc = 125C) 1.0 1.3 Crossover Time : te _ 250 350 ns (To = 125C) _ 250 500 Motorcla Bipolar Power Transistor Device Data 3-717MJE18004 MJF18004 TYPICAL STATIC CHARACTERISTICS 100 Ty = 125C Ty = 125C z = & 3 5 Ty =-20C & Fy = 720C Ty = 25C buy ug c ce 10 co a 3 3 8 8 ww rs = 1 : 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 Io, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 1. DC Current Gain @ 1 Voit Figure 2. DG Current Gain @ 5 Volts 10.00 = w A F100 = = og & : : = *, 0.10 > > Ty) =25C Ty= 125C 0.01 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 ip, BASE CURRENT (AMPS) Io, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 3. Collector Saturation Region Figure 4, Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage 1 10000 1.0 Ty = 25C / 7 f= 1 MHz & og HH 1000 g Lr vy 5 rae @ um 08 ete oO 2 . apr LH = 100 a 07 b T= 25C 4 Lhe g > an am - or 3 w 06 = > 0 Lo 2 10 Ty= 126C [ileus 05 Pay lofig= 10 LH = Icilg=5 04 c_| ti) ft { 0.01 0.10 1.06 10.00 i 10 100 Ic, COLLECTOR GURRENT (AMPS) Voge, COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 5. Base-Emitter Saturation Region Figure 6. Capacitance 3-718 . Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataMJE18004 MJF18004 TYPICAL SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (IB2 = I/2 for all switching) 1800 IB(off) = Io/2 . 1600 Venn 300V Ty 26C 1400 -- PW= 20 us Ty= 125C 0 a 120 5 = 1000 = = 800 _ 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 7. Resistive Switching, ton 3500 Vz =300V 3000 Voq=i5V [Broth = \gl2 2500 Lo = 200 pH & 2000 = E 1500 _ 1000 500 + Ty =25C Ty= 125C = 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 I COLLECTOR GURRENT (AMPS) Figure 9. Inductive Storage Time, tsj 300 250 200 # 150 - _ 100 50 Ty =25C Ty= 125C 0 1 2 3 4 Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 11. Inductive Switching, tc & tj, i/lg = 5 3000 = Iolip=5 N | | | op _ Tt. B(off) = 2500 SS ee en + Voc = 300V \ d PW = 20 ns NTN 2000 SON, = iollg = 10 NIA 1500 = aS F BA Nos 4909 HPN = ~ ee ne - ~~. hm mh, 500 ~~ ~~ | fn Se a 5 ie tl ede! 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 8. Resistive Switching, toff 3500 7 7 1 { PITT Tt | Vz = 300V . mom Ty = 26 Vag = 15V 3000 AC. = Ty=125CT Igo Io? N = NC . Lg = 200 pH 2500 Sr 2 N M e Ra}. ty 2000 wh N Ig=2A : N SN rs ic y bp, 500 moe - ATA Redtyk, 1000 Ig=1A pt Et HL Pe EEE 500 . $84 5 6 7 8 $ 0 N 12 13 14 +415 hre, FORCED GAIN Figure 10. Inductive Storage Time, tsi(hFE) ~~ 250 = - Ty=25C . Ty= 125C 200 @ 150 uJ 2 == 100 Vz = 300 V 50(- Veo = 15V Biot) = Io/2 0 Lo = 200 pH ti 0 { 2 3 4 5 Ig, COLLECTOR GURRENT (AMPS) Figure 12. Inductive Switching, te & tf, Ic/Ip = 10 Moiorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device Data 3-719MJE18004 MJF18004 TYPICAL SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Ip2 = I/2 for all switching) QD So Vz 300 V Voc= 15 [Broth = icl2 Le = 200 pH Ty=25C Ty= 125C _~ > a o So =2 tg, FALL TIME (ns) ssa 8 oo ao =| 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 #12 #138 #14 15 hfe, FORCED GAIN ~ So Figure 13. Inductive Fall Time 300 rn an oa 200 tc, CROSSOVER TIME (ns) 3 S comme Ty 25C Ty= 126C 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 ti 12 18 14 15 hee, FORCED GAIN ao o cw Figure 74, Inductive Crossover Time GUARANTEED SAFE OPERATING AREA INFORMATION 100 BC (MJF 18004) Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) 10 100 1000 Voge, COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 15. Forward Bias Safe Operating Area 1.0 > Co SECOND 08 BREAKDOWN .1 N P| DERATING IN [ee S a A POWER DERATING FACTOR o ne THERMAL A DERATING N 0 | as 20240 60 80 6 100 120s 40sK Tc, CASE TEMPERATURE (C) & Figure 17. Forward Bias Power Derating 3-720 6.0 Tos 125C iglig 24 Lo = 500 pH a = _ o 2 > ld = COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) S107 Vee Gig = -15V " (ch) 9 400 500 600 700 800 $00 =61000 = 1100 Ve, COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 16. Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area There are two limitations on the power handling ability of a transistor: average junction temperature and second break- down. Safe operating area curves indicate IC-VGE limits of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation; i.e., the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipa- tion than the curves indicate. The data of Figure 15 is based on Tc = 25G; Ty(pk) is variable depending on power level. Second breakdown pulse limits are valid for duty cycles to 10% but must be derated when Tc 2 25C. Second breakdown limitations do not derate the same as thermal limitations. Allowable current at the voltages shown on Figure 15 may be found at any case temperature by using the appropriate curve on Figure 17. Tj(pk) may be calculated from the data in Figures 20 and 21. At any case tempera- iures, thermal limitations will reduce the power thaf can be handled to values less the limitations imposed by second breakdown. For inductive loads, high voltage and current must be sustained simultaneously during turn-off with the basetoemitter junction reverse biased. The safe level is specified as a reverse-biased safe operating area (Figure 16). This rating is verified under clamped conditions so that the device is never subjected to an avalanche made. Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataVOLTS TIME Figure 18. Dynamic Saturation Voltage Measurements 416 V T ' twee | won 1000 MIP8P10 = 7 3W J (NPr980 | | #10V sOMPF930 502 COMMON ~ == 500 uF ~Vott _ ao oO o- NBO BR HD NO w < oS Rm MJE18004 MJF18004 3 4 5 TIME Figure 19. Inductive Switching Measurements Table 1. Inductive Load Switching Drive Circuit --"\ Ic PEAK Voge PEAK > VcE fe Ipt ~~ Ip {p2 V(BR)CEO(sus) INDUCTIVE SWITCHING RBSOA L=10mH L= 200 pH L = 800 pH AB? = co RB2 = 0 RB2 = 0 Voc =20 VOLTS Vec=15 VOLTS Voc = 18 VOLTS Ig(pk) = 100 mA RB1i SELECTED FOR RBi SELECTED DESIRED Ipi FOR DESIRED Ip1 Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device Data 3-721MJE18004 MJF18004 nt), TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE (NORMALIZED) r(), TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE (NORMALIZED) 0.10 0.01 0.01 O10 F O41 0.04 0.01 TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE Prok Rauclt) = ri} Resc Ty I | Rac = 1.25CAV MAX D CURVES APPLY FOR POWER PULSE TRAIN | 4 | SHOWN READ TIME AT ty Tyipk) - Te = Pek) Rescit) SINGLE PULSE DUTY CYCLE, D = ty/tg 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000 10000 400000 {, TIME (ms) Figure 20. Typical Thermal Response (Zyc(t)) for MJE18004 Pook Rasctt) = rt) ReJc t I] | Rac = 3.12GWV MAX D-CURVES APPLY FOR POWER PULSE TRAIN 7 4 nan SHOWN READ TIME AT ty Tyipk) Te = Prok) Rauctt SINGLE PULSE DUTY CYCLE, D= tty tek T= Peak) Rau 0.10 1.00 10.00 . _ 100.00 1000 t, TIME (ms) Figure 21. Typical Thermal Response for MJF18004 3-722 Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataMJE18004 MJF18004 TEST CONDITIONS FOR iSOLATION TESTS* MOUNTED MOUNTED MOUNTED FULLY ISOLATED FULLY ISOLATED FULLY ISOLATED CLIP PACKAGE CLIP PACKAGE 0.107" MIN PACKAGE 0.107" MIN LEADS LEADS LEADS - HEATSINK HEATSINK ~ HEATSINK 0.110" MIN Figure 22a, Screw or Clip Mounting Position Figure 22b. Clip Mounting Position Figure 22c. Screw Mounting Position for Isolation Test Number 14 for Isolation Test Number 2 for Isolation Test Number 3 * Measurement made between leads and heatsink with all leads shorted together MOUNTING INFORMATION** 4-40 SCREW CLIP CO runt )} ore - oS a - d HEATSINK Cr COMPRESSION WASHER - ~ se ar : Sy Te | NUT Nee < HEATSINK Figure 23a. Screw-Mounted Figure 23b. Clip-Mounted Figure 23. Typical Mounting Techniques for Isolated Package Laboratory tests on a limited number of samples indicate, when using the screw and compression washer mounting technique, a screw torque of 6 to 8 in Ibs is sufficient to provide maximum power dissipation capability. The compression washer helps to maintain a constant pressure on the package over time and during large temperature excursions. Destructive laboratory tests show that using a hex head 440 screw, without washers, and applying a torque In excess of 20 in - Ibs will cause the plastic to crack around the mounting hole, resulting in a loss of isolation capability. Additional tests on slotted 440 screws indicate that the screw slot fails between 15 to 20 In - lbs without adversely affecting the pack- age. However, in orderto positively ensure the package integrity of the fully isolated device, Motorola dees notrecommend exceeding 10 in - Ibs of mounting torque under any mounting conditions. * For more information about mounting power semiconductors see Application Note AN1040. Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device Data 3-723