Variable Optical Attenuator OPCV Series Features: Designed to meet Bellcore 1073, 1221 reliability and performance standards Wide dynamic voltage control attenuation range from 0-30 dB Potentiometer feedback to monitor attenuator settings Optional integrated optical taps Applications: Power equalization in multi-channel optically amplified networks Gain-tilt control in optical amplifiers Power control into receivers Laboratory RD Specifications: OPC-VS0R1-11100 Wavelength Range 1 Attenuation Range 2 Attenuation Resolution Min. Insertion Loss 3 Temperature Dependent Loss Wavelength Dependent Loss 4 Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Return Loss Max. Optical Power Tuning Time 5 Repeatability Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Housing Dimensions (LxWxH) 6 SCL Band 0 ~ 30 dB 0.12 dB 0.6 dB (without monitoring tap detector) 0.15 dB 0.2 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 ps 55 dB 300 mW 100 ms 0.1 dB -5 to +70 -40 to +85 50x25x12 mm All specifications referenced without connectors. 1. Customers specify 2. Customers attenuation ranges available 3. Monitoring tap detectors are optional 4. WDL at 15 dB of attenuation 5. From 0 to 3 dB 6. With output tap mode: 50x29x12 DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. (TAOYUAN PLANT II) 252, SHANG YING ROAD, KUEI SAN SHIANG, TAOYUAN SHIEN 333, TAIWAN R.O.C. TEL: +886-3-3591968 FAX: +886-3-3591991 1 Dimension: Pin Define: Order Information: DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. (TAOYUAN PLANT II) 252, SHANG YING ROAD, KUEI SAN SHIANG, TAOYUAN SHIEN 333, TAIWAN R.O.C. TEL: +886-3-3591968 FAX: +886-3-3591991 2