Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
BVDSS Drain-Source 400 V V GS = 0V, I D=1.0 mA,
Breakdown Voltage
RDS(on) Static Drain-to-Source ------ .300 V GS = 10 V, I D= 9.0 A 3
On-State Resistance ------ .400 V GS = 10 V, I D= 14 A 3
VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 2.0 --- 4.0 V V DS = VGS
, ID= 250 µA
DSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain ------ 25 µA VDS = 320 V, VGS = 0V
Current ------ 250 VDS = 320 V, V GS = 0V, T J= 125°C
GSS Gate -to-Source Leakage Forward ------ 100 nA VGS = 20 V
GSS Gate -to-Source Leakage Reverse ------ -100 nA V GS = -20 V
QG(on) On-state Gate Charge 52 --- 110 n C V GS = 10 V, I D= 14A
QGS Gate-to-Source Charge 5.0 ---18nCV
DS = 200 V
QGd Gate-to-Drain (“Miller”) Charge 25 --- 65 n C See note 4
D(on) Turn-On Delay Time ------35nsV
DD = 200 V, I D= 14 A, RG = 2.35
rRise Time ------ 190 ns See note 4
D(off) Turn-Off Delay Time ------ 170 ns
rFall Time ------ 130 ns
Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
VSD Diode Forward Voltage ------ 1.7 V T J= 25°C, IS= 14 A 3, VGS= 0 V
trr Reverse Recovery Time ------ 1200 ns TJ= 25°C, IF= 14 A,d i/dt<100A/µs 3
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
RthJC Junction-to-Case ------ 0.83 Mounting surface flat,
RthCS Case-to-sink --- 0.21 --- °C/W smooth, and greased
RthJA Junction-to-Ambient ------ 48 Typical socket mount
1. Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature.
2. @VDD
= 50 V, Starting T J= 25 °C, L = 100 µH + 10%, RG = 25 , Peak IL = 14 A
3. Pulse width < 300 µs; Duty Cycle < 2%
4. See MIL-S-19500/543
205 Crawford Street, Leominster, MA 01 453 USA (508) 534-5776 FAX (508) 537-4246
Parameter JANTXV, JANTX, 2N6768 Units
D @ VGS = 10V, TC= 25°C Continuous Drain Current 14 A
D @ VGS = 10V, TC= 100°C Continuous Drain Current 9.0 A
DM Pulsed Drain Current156 A
PD@ TC= 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 150 W
Linear Derating Factor 1.2 W/°C
VGS Gate-Source Voltage ± 20 V
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy 211.3 4mJ
AR Avalanche Current114 4A
TJOperating Junction -55 to 150 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature Range
Lead Temperature 300(.06 from case for 10 sec) °C
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ TJ = 25°C (Unless Otherwise Specified)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC= 25°C unless otherwise noted
2N6764, JANTX2N6764, JANTXV2N6764 2N6768, JANTX2N6768, JANTXV2N6768
2N6766, JANTX2N6766, JANTXV2N6766 2N6770, JANTX2N6770, JANTXV2N6770