AC SERVO SYSTEMS Q Vol. 3 English Save installation time and expense Economical Smaller profile, less wiring time needed Quick Setup No adjustment needed; complete with measurement functions and setup software Improved precision and speed Stability Doubled from earlier models AccuracyMinimal positional deviation (achieves zero deviation) Vibration Control Rapid response with minimal vibration Worldwide compatibility assured ReliabilityImproved MTBF Maintenance Reduced MTTR; offers preventative maintenance functions,fault location recognition, and setup software Safety Conforms to international standards Waterproofing: Entire line meets IP67 protection standards (optional for Q1 motors with diameter less than 76mm,and Q2 motors less than 42mm; Q4 motor components rated at IP40) Reduced operating costs Economical Energy efficient, boosts energy savings INDEX Features and Functions p.3 Dimensions p.33 System Configuration p.9 DC Motor / Amplifier System p.37 Model Number Nomenclature p.13 Setup Softwarep.39 Standard Specifications p.15 Positioning Amplifier Specs. p.41 External Wiring Diagram p.29 Optional Equipment p.43 Sensor Wiring Diagram p.31 Sanyo Denki Q Series Servo Systems reduce the time and expense needed for system construction and installation. Real-time Auto Tuning Function AC DC P/A/T PF Machine characteristics are automatically measured to set the proper servo gain. Optimum settings are easily achieved. 5-digit LED with Integrated Controls AC P/A/T PF Make on-site modifcations and monitor parameter settings with ease, using the integrated operator controls. Speed command value Detected speed value Tuning initiated One Input Point for All Controls AC P/A/T Torque, position and speed control can be configured specifically and precisely by modifying user parameters. Test Operations (JOG Functions) Use the system's JOG Functions to check connections between the motor and amplifier, for simple testing-without having to enter position and speed commands. QS1A100A MODE Position or speed Torque Control GO R t C N A r C N 1 DL1 3 In cl in e DL2 RT A ST Flat surface POWER P C T S Capable of JOG operations without upper controller. /WR CHARGE AL AC P/A/T P C N B Operations are only tested between the motor and amplifier. RB1 RB2 W V U C N C C N 2 PF Amplifer with Positioning Function Internal Regenerative AC DC P/A/T PF Resistor The servo amplifier automatically configures itself relative to the servo motor capacity and model type. [Note that 131,072-division (17-bit) single-rotation sensor resolution is supported only by PA035 and PA062 reduced wiring absolute sensors.] If the capacity of the internal regenerative resistor is insufficient, an optional external regenerative resistor can be added to boost power dissipation. Q4 Q1 Smart Motor Recognition/ AC P/A/T PF Configuration Feature AC Models DC DC Input Type QS AC AC Input Type P/A/T Pulse/Analog/Torque Internal regenerative resistor QS1A100A MODE /WR QS1A100A MODE /WR Q2 POWER P C CHARGE C N A R t POWER P C T r S R t C N 1 DL1 r C N B DL2 P C N A C N 1 - RB1 DL1 RB2 DL2 P W C N B RB1 C N 2 C N C V U DC Models T S RB2 W V U C N C C N 2 AC DC P/A/T PF The internal dynamic brake provides emergency stopcapability during power off or alarm events. Dynamicbraking sequence parameters are open for configuration. Versatile I/O Positioning Operation AC PF Options Internal Dynamic Brake Setup Software Optional external regenerative resistor The system offers simple positioning by means of specifying point numbers via the I/O of the upper controller (such as a PLC). QS1A100A Controlled Dynamic state braking state MODE /WR CHARGE R t POWER P C T S C N A r C N 1 DL1 DL2 P Rotation speed(min-1) QS1A100A MODE /WR CHARGE R t POWER P C T S C N A r C N 1 - Point Number Specify "1" Time(s) DL1 DL2 P C N B RB1 RB2 W V PLC U C N C C N 2 C N B RB1 RB2 W V U C N C C N 2 Positionng General Spec CHARGE Point 1 Point 0 Q Motor 4 Major improvements in equipment precision and speed AC P/A/T PF Rapid Response The high-performance CPU shortens sampling time to half that of earlier models, providing a 600-Hz frequency response. AC P/A/T PF Vibration Control Vibration control functions such as high-order torque command low-pass filter, broadband secondorder notch filter and vibration control monitoring provide rapid-response, low-vibration performance. Stopping Position Deviation with vibration control without vibration contro 10 Gain(dB) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1 5 10 50 100 Frequency(Hz) 500 1000 1800 100ms/div Faster Positioning Stabilization AC P/A/T PF A new speed controller substantially shortens position stabilization time, to one fifth that of earlier models. Command Track Control AC P/A/T PF A new position and speed controller algorithm improves position control tracking ability to better than twice that of earlier models. In addition, nearzero position deviation has been achieved. Positioning Command Position Deviation Stabilization Time Position Completion Signal Position Deviation (0.7ms) 5ms/div 20ms/div 5 i vi si o ns ) Q1 Q4 ts r (17 bi or 131,07 2d ode 0.029 N*m (0.3% of rated torque) Q2 lu n tio c en AC P/A/T PF New, patented motor technology reduces motor cogging torque by 33%, to a fifth of that of earlier models. This smooth motor rotation is ideal for highprecision processes and conveyance applications that are adversely affected by vibration. Hig hre so The high-resolution absolute encoder (17 bits or 131,072 divisions) greatly improves positioning resolution. Reduced Motor Cogging Torque one rotation Q Motor DC Models AC P/A/T PF Setup Software 0.14 N*m (1.5% of rated torque) one rotation Earlier model RA062 Resolver-type Absolute Encoder Sensor To decrease positioning stabilization time, the magnetic circuit has been redesigned to increase the maximum instantaneous power rating to nearly twice that of earlier models. In addition, the maximum rotation speed has been increased by 20% over that of earlier models, to 5000 min-1. Full-close Control The system supports full-close control using information from a high-resolution linear scale encoder mounted on the load side. QS1A100A MODE Maximum instantaneous power rating (kW/s) AC P/A/T PF Options AC P/A/T PF Power Rating /WR 2.5 CHARGE 2.0 R t POWER P C T S C N A r C N 1 - 1.5 DL1 DL2 P Capable of precise and accurate positioning C N B RB1 RB2 1.0 W V U C N C C N 2 Loa d 0.5 0 Q Motor Earlier Model 40mm frame/0.1kw Q Motor Positionng General Spec High Resolution PF Amplifer with Positioning Function AC Models DC DC Input Type QS AC AC Input Type P/A/T Pulse/Analog/Torque Earlier Model 130mm frame/4kw 2 Increased maximum instantaneous power rating (Qp=Tp /Jm) Improved acceleration and deceleration performance 6 Worldwide compatibility is assured Conforms to International Standards AC P/A/T Standard specification SANMOTION Q Series servo amplifiers comply with UL, CSA and EN international standards. SANYO DENKI also provides UL and EN compliant servo motors, as well as EMC filters to satisfy applicable EMC directives. Waterproof and Durable AC An IP67 ingress protection rating for the entire SANMOTION Q Series ensures environmental endurance. (This rating is optional for the Q1 Series motors of 76 mm dia. MAX. and for Q2 Series of 42 mm dia. Option.) AC P/A/T Rich Product Lineup SANMOTION Q Series servo motors are available in 62 models, from small to medium capacities. Motors equipped with brakes and gears are also available. The small size and low weight of Q Series products can greatly improve performance and suitability for a wide range of applications. AC P/A/T PF Harmonic Suppression DC reactor connectors are provided for power harmonic suppression. QS1A100A MODE /WR CHARGE S R t IP67 POWER P C T C N A r DL1 C N 1 DL1 DL2 DL2 P C N B RB1 RB2 W V U Optional DC Reactor Note:The fan motor and fan motor housing of the Q4 Series are rated at IP 40 7 C N C C N 2 P C T S C N A R t r C N 1 DL1 C N B DL2 P RB1 RB2 W C N 2 C N C V U AC Models 90% Q2 POWER 80% 70% DC Models Relative Power Loss Reduction (compared to previous models) /WR CHARGE Power losses in the amplifier circuitry are reduced by enhancements such as a low-loss power module. Motor power losses are reduced by improvements in the magnetic circuitry, particularly in the windings. The result is an overall power loss reduction of 20% as compared to earlier models. 100% Parameter setting: Monitor position, speed and torque waveforms QS1A10A MODE AC P/A/T PF Q1 Optional setup software enables the user to set parameters, graphically display monitoring waveforms of position, speed, and torque data, and perform system analysis functions via a PC connection Conserves 20% of Lost Power Q4 Setup Software via PC AC DC P/A/T PF QS Reduced Operating Cost 60% Q Motor Previous Model 86mm flange/750W Q Motor Previous Model 130mm flange/2kW Power Savings Results Setup Software Annual Power Reduction=[Reduced Loss]x[8760 hrs] 86mm flange/0.75kW: 245kWh/unit 130mm flange/2kW: 438kWh/unit Simultaneous Monitoring Function AC DC P/A/T PF AC AC Input Type P/A/T Pulse/Analog/Torque DC DC Input Type PF Amplifer with Positioning Function The Q Series Setup software can monitor up to 15 axes / amplifiers, a useful function when monitoring waveforms of synchronous operations. Daisy chain connection for up to 15 axes RS232C QS1A100A MODE /WR CHARGE R t POWER R t DL1 P POWER C N B CHARGE R t C N 1 - P C N B POWER R t POWER C N 1 C N B R t C N 1 C N B DL2 P RB1 RB1 RB1 RB1 RB2 RB2 RB2 RB2 V U C N C C N 2 W V U C N C C N 2 W V U C N C C N 2 W V U C N C C N 2 C N 1 DL1 RB1 RB2 W POWER C N A r - P Max. of 15 amplifiers P C T S C N A DL1 DL2 /WR CHARGE P C T S QS1A100A MODE r - P /WR CHARGE P C C N A DL1 DL2 QS1A100A MODE r DL1 DL2 /WR T S C N A r C N 1 QS1A100A MODE P C T S C N A r DL2 /WR CHARGE P C T S QS1A100A MODE W V U C N B C N C C N 2 Note: Optional PC connection cable is available 8 Positionng General Spec 88 to 90% efficiency Loss is reduced 20% Options Note: Use optional cable AL-00490833-01 for PC connection Pulse/Analog/Torque Input Amplifier System Configuration Noise Filter Circuit Breaker (MCCB) Electromagnetic Contactor T S R Cuts off power in the case of an overload, to protect the power line. Protects the power line from external noise, and from noise generated by the servo amplifier. Brake Power Switches servo power on and off. Installation of a surge protector is required. DC Reactor External Regenerative Resistor Required for use when the servo motor is equipped with a brake. Suppresses power harmonics. Use as required, such as for heavy inertial load operations. For special operations, such as highfrequency applications that require greater power dissipation than that provided by the servo amplifier's internal regenerative resistor. Wiring required for brake. Connector Types CNA CN1 Connectors for Amplifier Connections CNB CNC Contents Single Connectors CN2 Model Number CN1 (Plug, Housing) AL-00385594 CN2 (Plug, Housing) AL-00385596 CNA (Plug) AL-00329461-01 CNB (Plug): Accessory AL-Y0000988-01 CNC (Plug) AL-00329458-01 CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) AL-00292309 CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) CNA, CNC (Plug) AL-00393603 Connector Sets 9 AC Models AC P/A/T Monitoring Function AL-00490833-01 Setup Software pp. 39 - 40 See p.43 Q1 PC QS Parameter configuration and monitoring is possible via communication with a PC. Upper Controller CN1 Q4 SANYO DENKI upper controller devices permit communication with third-party products. External Drawing p. 29 DC Models Q2 SMS-15 Setup Software CN2 B Options Positionng General Spec A A Motor Power Connectors Motor Model No. Standard Specification Plug (Cable Clamp) for Power Side TUV Standard Plug (Cable Clamp) with Waterproof Spec. for Power TUV Standard Plug (Cable Clamp)* with Waterproof Spec. for Brake Straight L-Angle Straight L-Angle Straight MS3106B20-15S (MS3057-12A) MS3108B20-15S (MS3057-12A) JL04V-6A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-8A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-6A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) MS3106B24-11S (MS3057-16A) MS3108B24-11S (MS3057-16A) JL04V-6A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) JL04V-8A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single-block) MS3106B20-15S (MS3057-12A) MS3108B20-15S (MS3057-12A) JL04V-6A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) L-Angle Q1AA10100*** Q1AA10150*** Q1AA10200*** JL04V-8A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) Q1AA10250*** Q1AA12100*** Q1AA12200*** Q1AA12300*** Q1AA13300*** Q1AA13400*** Q1AA13500*** Q1AA18450*** Q1AA18750*** Q2AA10100*** Q2AA10150*** JL04V-8A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) Q2AA13050*** B Motor Encoder Connectors Q2AA13100*** Q2AA10150*** Q2AA13200*** Q2AA18200*** MS3106B24-11S (MS3057-16A) MS3108B24-11S (MS3057-16A) JL04V-6A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-8A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) JL04V-6A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) JL04V-8A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) Q2AA18450*** Q2AA18550*** MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single-block) MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single-block) Q2AA2215K*** Q4AA2215K*** Straight L-Angle MS3108B20-29S (MS3057-12A) TUV Standard Plug (Cable Clamp) with Waterproof Spec. for Encoder Straight L-Angle JA06A-20-29S-J1-EB (JL04-2022CK) JA06A-20-29S-J1-EB (JL04-2022CK) C Cooling Fan Connectors Q2AA18750*** Q4AA2211K*** Standard Specification Plug (Cable Clamp) for Encoder All Q1, Q2, and MS3106B20-29S (MS3057-12A) Q4 Models Q2AA18350*** Q2AA2211K*** Motor Model No Motor Model No All Q4 Models Cooling Fan Standard Specifications Straight L-Angle MS3106B10SL-4S (MS3057-4A) MS3108B10SL-4S (MS3057-4A) TUV Std. Plug, Waterproof Straight JA06A-10SL-4S-J1 (Single-block) *Order a plug that conforms to TUV standards for brakes with waterproof specification separately from the motor power connector. 10 Amplifier System (with Positioning Function) Configuration Circuit Breaker (MCCB) Noise Filter Cuts off power in the case of an overload, to protect the power line. Protects the power line from external noise, and from noise generated by the servo amplifier Electromagnetic Contactor T S R Brake Power Switches servo power on and off. Requires installation of a surge protector. DC Reactor External Regenerative Resistor Required for use when the servo motor is equipped with a brake. Suppresses power harmonics. Use as required, such as for heavy inertial load operation. For special operations, such as highfrequency applications that require greater power dissipation than that provided by the servo amplifier's internal regenerative resistor. Wiring required for brake. Connector Types CNA CN1 Connectors for Amplifier Connections CNB CNC Contents Single Connectors CN2 Model Number CN1 (Plug, Housing) AL-00385594 CN2 (Plug, Housing) AL-00385596 CNA (Plug) AL-00329461-01 CNB (Plug): Accessory AL-Y0000988-01 CNC (Plug) AL-00329458-01 CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) AL-00292309 CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) CNA, CNC (Plug) AL-00393603 Connector Sets 11 AC Models AC PF Monitoring Function See p.43 Q1 AL-00490833-01 PC QS Parameter configuration and monitoring is possible via communication with a PC. Setup Software pp. 39 - 40 Upper Controller PLC Q4 SANYO DENKI upper controller devices permit communication with third-party products. External Drawing p. 30 DC Models Q2 CN1 Setup Software CN2 B Options Positionng General Spec A A Motor Power Connectors Motor Model No. Standard Specification Plug (Cable Clamp) for Power Side TUV Standard Plug (Cable Clamp) with Waterproof Spec. for Power TUV Standard Plug (Cable Clamp)* with Waterproof Spec. for Brake Straight L-Angle Straight L-Angle Straight L-Angle MS3106B20-15S (MS3057-12A) MS3108B20-15S (MS3057-12A) JL04V-6A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-8A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-6A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) JL04V-8A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) MS3106B24-11S (MS3057-16A) MS3108B24-11S (MS3057-16A) JL04V-6A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) JL04V-8A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single-block) MS3106B20-15S (MS3057-12A) MS3108B20-15S (MS3057-12A) JL04V-6A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-6A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) JL04V-8A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) Q1AA10100*** Q1AA10150*** Q1AA10200*** Q1AA10250*** Q1AA12100*** Q1AA12200*** Q1AA12300*** Q1AA13300*** Q1AA13400*** Q1AA13500*** Q1AA18450*** Q1AA18750*** Q2AA10100*** Q2AA10150*** JL04V-8A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) Q2AA13050*** B Motor Encoder Connectors Q2AA13100*** Q2AA10150*** Q2AA13200*** Q2AA18200*** MS3106B24-11S (MS3057-16A) MS3108B24-11S (MS3057-16A) JL04V-6A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) JL04V-8A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) Q2AA18450*** Q2AA18550*** MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single-block) MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single-block) Q2AA2215K*** Q4AA2215K*** Straight L-Angle MS3108B20-29S (MS3057-12A) TUV Standard Plug (Cable Clamp) with Waterproof Spec. for Encoder Straight L-Angle JA06A-20-29S-J1-EB (JL04-2022CK) JA06A-20-29S-J1-EB (JL04-2022CK) C Cooling Fan Connectors Q2AA18750*** Q4AA2211K*** Standard Specification Plug (Cable Clamp) for Encoder All Q1, Q2, and MS3106B20-29S (MS3057-12A) Q4 Models Q2AA18350*** Q2AA2211K*** Motor Model No Motor Model No All Q4 Models Cooling Fan Standard Specifications Straight L-Angle MS3106B10SL-4S (MS3057-4A) MS3108B10SL-4S (MS3057-4A) TUV Std. Plug, Waterproof Straight JA06A-10SL-4S-J1 (Single-block) *Order a plug that conforms to TUV standards for brakes with waterproof specification separately from the motor power connector. 12 AC P/A/T PF Servo Motor Model Number Nomenclature Servo Motor Example: The following model number defines a Q1 (low-inertia) servomotor with a 60-mm square flange,200W output rating, 5000 min-1 maximum rotation speed, brake (24V), absolute sensor (131,072 divisions/rotation), CE Marking conformity and A-type 1/3 gear. Q 1 AA 06 020 D C P 00 E A Specification 00...Standard Q Series Gear A ... A-type 1/3 Holding Brake X ... Without Brake B ... 90V Brake C ... 24V Brake Motor Type 1...Low-inertia 2...Medium-inertia 4...Low-inertia (high volume) Maximum Rotation Speed 1000min-1 S... M ...1500min-1 B ... 2000min-1 R ... 2500min-1 Supply Votage AA ......200V Motor EA ......100V Motor Flange Size Rated Output 04 .........40 or 42mm (1.57 or 1.65in) 05 .........54mm(2.13in) 06 .........60mm(2.36in) 07 .........76mm(2.99in) 08 .........86mm(3.39in) 10 .........100mm(3.94in) 12 .........120mm(4.72in) 13 .........130mm(5.12in) 18 .........180mm(7.09in) 22 .........220mm(8.66in) 003 ... 30W 005 ... 50W 006 ... 60W 010 ... 100W 020 ... 200W 030 ... 300W 040 ... 400W 050 ... 500W 075 ... 750W 3000 3500min-1 H... L ... 3000min-1 D ... 4500 5000min-1 V ... 2000min-1 Standard Compliance E ... CE Marking U ... UL M ... CE and UL Sensor Type 100 ... 1kW 150 ... 1.5kW 200 ... 2.0kW 350 ... 3.5kW 450 ... 4.5kW 550 ... 5.5kW 750 ... 7.5kW 11K ... 11kW 15K ... 15kW 20K ... 20kW S ... Red. Wiring Incremental Encoder PP031/PP038/PP062 D ... Absolute (w/ incremental function) Encoder PA035M P ... Reduced Wiring Absolute Sensor PA035C W ... Reduced Wiring Absolute Sonsor RA062C Combined Motor/Sensor Specification Standard PP038 PP062 Absolute Type RA062C Resolver Optical Detection System System PA035M 2000P/R 2000P/R2048P/R 8000 Resolution 80008192 Flange Size Dimension (sq.) 40mm (1.57 in) MIN 16384P/R - 2000P/R2500P/R 4096P/R to 25000P/R 42mm (1.65 in) MIN 20482500x24810 2000P/R 8000 2000P/R2048P/R 5000P/R8192P/R10000P/R 8000819220000 72mm (2.83 in) MIN 3276840000 Flange Size Remarks Dimension (sq.) 40mm (1.57 in) MIN Red. Wiring Absolute Per rotation Multiple Rotations 131072(17bit) 65536(16bit) 8192(13bit) - 74mm (2.91 in) MIN Absolute Incremental 131072(17bit) 8192(13bit) 74mm (2.91 in) MIN Batteryless Please contact our Sales Division for assistance. 13 Encoder Pulse Count Standard Model PA035C Supported Range Encoder Pulse Count Resolution Incremental Type PP031 Optical Detection System Model Remarks Red. Wiring Incremental Red. Wiring Incremental Red. Wiring Incremental Servo Amplifier QS Example: The model number shown below is for when a Q series servo amplifier with input voltage of AC200V, 15A capacity, full clothesline receiver, and minimum wiring absolute sensor (131,072 divisions per second), and a Q1 motor with a 200W rated output 60 mm flange size and position control are selected. AC Models AC P/A/T PF Servo Amplifier Model Number Nomenclature A 01 A T 34 0 A3 P 00 Q1 QS1 Specification Q Series 00...Standard Q4 Input Power and Internal Regeneration Setting 200V With Internal Regeneration Resistor Q2 L...15A, 30A, 300A(option.setting) A...50A,100A,150A Without Internal Registration Resistor A...15A,30A,300A L...50A,100A,150A DC Models 100V With Internal Regeneration Resistor N...15A, 30A (option.setting) Without Internal Registration Resistor E...15A,30A Motor Type 01 ... 15A 03 ... 30A 05 ... 50A 10 ... 100A 15 ... 150A 30 ... 300A A ... Rotary Motor L ... Linear Motor Control Section Hardware Type Motor Combination Sensor Combination Description A ... Reduced Wiring Absolute Sensor Red. Wiring Incremental Encoder T ... Full-close C ... Positioning Function G ... Linear Motor Support 0 ... Q Motor Standard Comb. 01...Red. Wiring Incremental Encoder PP031/38/62 (2000P/R) 03...Absolute Incremental Encoder PA035M (2048P/R) A3...Red. Wiring Absolute Sensor PA035C 2.5M 17bit A8...Red. Wiring Absolute Sensor RA062C 2.5M 17bit Options (with positioning function) Applicable Motor Code Q1 Series 31... Q1AA04003D 32... Q1AA04005D 33... Q1AA04010D 34... Q1AA06020D 35... Q1AA06040D 36... Q1AA07075D 37... Q1AA10100D 38... Q1AA10150M 39... Q1AA10200D 3A...Q1AA10250D 3B...Q1AA12100D 3C...Q1AA12200D Q2 Series 3D... Q1AA12300D 3E... Q1AA13300D 3F... Q1AA13400D 3G... Q1AA13500D 3H... Q1AA18450M 3S... Q1EA04003D 3T... Q1EA04005D 3U... Q1EA04010D 3V... Q1EA06020D 41...Q2AA04006D 42...Q2AA04010D 43...Q2AA05005D 44...Q2AA05010D 45...Q2AA05020D 46...Q2AA07020D 47...Q2AA07030D 48...Q2AA07040D 49...Q2AA07050D 4A...Q2AA08050D 4B...Q2AA08075D 4C...Q2AA08100D 4D...Q2AA10100H Q4 Series 4E... Q2AA10150H 4F... Q2AA13050H 4G... Q2AA13100H 4H... Q2AA13150H 4J... Q2AA13200H 4K... Q2AA18200H 4L... Q2AA18350H 4M...Q2AA18450R 4N... Q2AA18550R 4P... Q2AA22250H 4R... Q2AA22350H 4S... Q2AA22450R 4T... Q2AA22550B 4U... Q2AA22700S 7M... Q2AA18550H 7N... Q2AA18750L 7R... Q2AA2211KV 7S... Q2AA2215KV 4V... Q2EA04006D 4W... Q2EA04010D 4X... Q2EA05005D 4Y... Q2EA05010D 4Z... Q2EA05020D 71... Q2EA07020D Positionng General Spec Amp. capacity S...Speed Control T...Torque Control P...Position Control X...Speed and Torque Switch Y...Position and Torque Switch U...Position and Speed Switch V...Internal Speed Control A...Direct Operation Type Setup Software Interface Specification A1...Q4AA1811KB A2...Q4AA1815KB 14 Servo Motor Amplifier Specifications QS Servo Amplifier Amplifier Capacity 15 to 300A Eight Models Amplifiers for Q1 Motors 200V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Q1AA04003D 40 40 40 60 kW 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.2 Motor Flange Dimension Motor Rated Output Page 17 Page 18 Q1AA04005D Q1AA04010D Q1AA06020D Page 17 Q1AA06040D Q1AA07075D Q1AA10100D 60 76 100 0.4 0.75 QS1A01 Amplifier Model QS1A05 Amplifier Power Supply 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Operating Temp. and RH Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, Relative Humidity: 50% maximum, no condensation Power Consumption* kVA 0.2 1 QS1A03 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.7 2.5 Amplifier Mass kg(lbs) 200V AC Type Refer. Page 17 Motor Model Unit Q1AA10150D Q1AA10200D Q1AA10250D Q1AA12100D Q1AA12200D Q1AA12300D 100 100 100 120 120 120 1.5 2 2.5 1 2 Motor Flange Dimension Motor Rated Output kW 1.25 (2.76) QS1A10 Operating Temp. and RH QS1A05 3.0 Amplifier Mass kg(lbs) 2.2 (4.85) 200V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Motor Flange Dimension kW 4.0 4.2 2.5 2.2 (4.85) 5.5 (12.13) Page 20 Q1AA13400D Q1AA13500D Q1AA18450M Q1AA18750H 130 130 180 180 4 5 4.5 7.5 QS1A15 Amplifier Model QS1A30 Amplifier Power Supply 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Operating Temp. and RH Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, RH: 50% maximum, no condensation Power Consumption* kVA Amplifier Mass kg(lbs) 100V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Motor Flange Dimension Motor Rated Output kW 6.7 8.3 12.5 10 (22.05) Page 27 Page 28 Q1EA04003D Q1EA04005D Q1EA04010D 40 60 40 60 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.2 Q1EA06020D QS1E01 QS1E03 100V to 115V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Amplifier Power Supply Operating Temp. and RH Amplifier Mass 7.4 6.8 (14.99) Amplifier Model Power Consumption* Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, RH: 50% maximum, no condensation kVA 0.2 0.3 kg(lbs) 0.5 1.25 (2.76) 1.3 (2.87) Amplifiers for Q4 Motors 200V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Motor Flange Dimension Motor Rated Output kW Page 19 Q4AA1811KB Q4AA1815KB 180 180 11 15 QS1A30 Amplifier Model Amplifier Power Supply 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Operating Temp. and RH Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, RH: 50% maximum, no condensation Power Consumption* Amplifier Mass kVA 12.5 kg(lbs) 10(2.76) *Actual power consumption depends on load impedence, and is shown here at the amplifier's rated output. 15 Q1AA13300D 130 3 QS1A10 Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, Relative Humidity: 50% maximum, no condensation kVA Motor Rated Output Page 19 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Amplifier Power Supply Power Consumption* 2.2 (4.85) Page 18 QS1A05 Amplifier Model 1.3 (2.87) 4.0 5.0 5.5 (12.13) AC Models AC P/A/T PF 200V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Q2AA04006D 42 42 kW 0.06 0.1 Motor Flange Dimension Page 22 Q2AA04010D Q2AA05005D Q2AA05020D 54 54 54 0.05 0.1 76 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 1.25 (2.76) Q2AA07040D Q2AA07050D Q2AA08050D Q2AA08075D Q2AA08100D Q2AA10100H Motor Flange Dimension Q2AA10150H 76 76 86 86 86 100 kW 100 Page 22 0.5 0.4 Page 23 0.75 1.5 1 QS1A03 Amplifier Model QS1A05 Amplifier Power Supply 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Operating Temp. and RH Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, Relative Humidity: 50% maximum, no condensation kVA Amplifier Mass kg(lbs) 200V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Motor Flange Dimension kW 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.3 (2.87) 3.0 2.2 (4.85) Page 24 Page 23 Q2AA13050H Q2AA13100H Q2AA13150H Q2AA13200H 130 130 130 130 0.5 1.0 1.5 QS1A03 Amplifier Model Q2AA18350H Q2AA18450H 180 180 180 2 QS1A05 Page 24 Q2AA18200H 3.5 QS1A10 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Operating Temp. and RH Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, Relative Humidity: 50% maximum, no condensation kVA 1.4 Amplifier Mass kg(lbs) 1.3 (2.87) 200V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Motor Flange Dimension Motor Rated Output kW Amplifier Model 2.5 3.0 5.0 2.2 (4.85) 6.9 5.5 (12.13) Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Q2AA18550R Q2AA22250H Q2AA22350H Q2AA22450R Q2AA22550B Q2AA22700S Q2AA18550H 180 220 220 220 220 220 180 5.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 7 QS1A15 QS1A10 QS1A30 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, Relative Humidity: 50% maximum, no condensation kVA 8.4 5.9 Amplifier Mass kg(lbs) 6.8 (14.99) 5.5 (12.13) 200V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Motor Rated Output kW 8.4 10.1 Page 26 Page 25 Q2AA2211KV Q2AA2215KV 180 220 220 7.5 11 15 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz kVA Amplifier Mass kg(lbs) 100V AC Type Refer. Motor Model Unit Motor Flange Dimension kW 12.5 15.7 10 (22.05) 21.4 Q2EA04006D Q2EA04010D Q2EA05005D Q2EA05010D Q2EA05020D 42 42 54 54 54 0.06 0.1 0.05 0.1 Page 27 Page 28 Amplifier Model QS1E01 Amplifier Power Supply 100V to 115V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Q2EA07020D 76 0.2 QS1E03 Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, Relative Humidity: 50% maximum, no condensation Operating Temp. and RH Amplifier Mass 10.1 10 (22.05) Op. Temp.: 0 to 55, RH: 50% maximum, no condensation Operating Temp. and RH Power Consumption* 12.2 6.8 (14.99) QS1A30 Amplifier Power Supply Motor Rated Output 7.4 Q2AA18750L Amplifier Model Power Consumption* 5.5 QS1A15 Operating Temp. and RH Motor Flange Dimension 7.4 6.8 (14.99) Amplifier Power Supply Power Consumption* 4.5 QS1A15 Amplifier Power Supply Power Consumption* kVA kg(lbs) 0.3 Q4 Page 21 Q2 Unit 1.0 0.5 0.3 1.25 (2.76) 0.5 DC Models Refer. 0.8 Setup Software 0.3 kg(lbs) 200V AC Type Motor Rated Output Q1 Operating Temperature: 0 to 55, Relative Humidity: 50% maximum, no condensation kVA Motor Model Power Consumption* 76 0.2 Positionng General Spec Operating Temp. and RH Motor Rated Output Q2AA7030D 200V to 230V AC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz 3 Hz Amplifier Power Supply Amplifier Mass Q2AA07020D QS1A01 Amplifier Model Power Consumption* Page 21 Q2AA05010D Options Motor Rated Output Page 21 QS Amplifiers for Q2 Motors 1.0 1.3 (2.87) *Actual power consumption depends on load impedence, and is shown here at the amplifier's rated output. Amplifier Dwgs p.35-36 16 Servo Motor Standard Specifications Servo Motor 200V System Capacity Flange Size 40mm to 120mm (1.57in to 4.72in) Q1AA04005D 40mm (1.57in) 0.05 3000 5000 0.098(13.88) 0.108 (15.29) 0.322 (45.60) 0.49 0.53 2.2 0.220 7.68 15 9.60 0.87 0.93 0.01x10-4 (0.05) 0.159 (22.52) 0.159 (22.52) 0.477 (67.55) 0.80 0.80 2.9 0.230 8.0 8.1 18.8 0.8 0.6 0.0134x10-4 (0.07) 2000 0.3 (0.66) 0.098 (13.88) 0.35 (0.77) 0.157 (22.23) 90/24 0.07/0.26 0.0078x10-4 (0.04) 0.24 (0.53) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) Torque [N . m] 30W to 2.5kW (18 models) Q1AA04003D 40mm (1.57in) 0.03 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 Torque [N . m] Q1 QS1A01 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR Rated Power Rate kW/s te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V Brake Excitation Voltage VB Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.4 0.2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 100V System p.27-28 Motor Dwgs p.33-34 : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. 17 Q1AA10100D 100mm (3.94in) 1 Q1AA10150D 100mm (3.94in) 1.5 3000 5000 3.19 (451.73) 3.92 (555.10) 10.5 (1486.87) 6.5 7.8 24.5 0.55 19.3 0.34 78.9 7.6 0.43 1.29x10-4 (7.05) 4500 4.79 (678.30) 4.9 (693.87) 14.7 (2081.62) 8.2 8.2 26.5 0.705 24.6 0.272 143 11.4 0.26 1.61x10-4 (8.80) 2000 5.4 (11.90) 3.92 (555.10) 6.5 (14.33) 7.84 (1110.20) 90/24 0.2/0.75 0.15x10-4 (0.82) 0.4x10-4 (2.19) 1.3 (2.87) 1.5 (3.31) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 12 20 9 15 Torque [N . m] High Power (Low Inertia) Speed [min-1] QS1A05 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR kW/s Rated Power Rate te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V VB Brake Excitation Voltage Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity Torque [N . m] Features 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 6 3 0 0 10 5 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] AC P/A/T PF 2.38 (337.02) 2.38 (337.02) 7.16 (1013.91) 4.5 4.5 15 0.61 21.4 0.63 89.1 6.3 0.32 0.636x10-4 (3.48) 1.1 (2.43) 0.637 (90.20) 1.73 (3.75) 1.274 (180.41) 3.3 (7.28) 2.38 (337.02) WE TB VB IB JB W Symbol Unit PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) 2000 8.0 1.5 1.5 3.0 6.0 1.0 0.5 0 0 1.0 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 2.0 1.0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 4.0 2.0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] Speed [min-1] Speed [min-1] Q1AA10250D 100mm (3.94in) 2.5 QS1A05 Q1AA12100D 120mm (4.72in) 1 QS1A10 Q1AA12200D 120mm (4.72in) 2 3.19 (451.73) 3.92 (555.10) 11 (1557.68) 6.2 7.5 24.5 0.578 20.2 0.19 45.2 13 0.38 2.25x10-4 (12.30) 6.37 (902.04) 7.36 (1042.23) 21 (2973.75) 14.3 16.2 53 0.5 17.6 0.06 93 20 0.31 4.37x10-4 (23.89) 5.4 (11.90) 3.92 (555.10) 8.7 (19.18) 7.84 (1110.20) QS1A10 Q1AA10200D 100mm (3.94in) 2 Q2 4.0 Torque [N . m] 2.0 Torque [N . m] 2.0 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 0.08/0.37 0.343x10-4 (1.88) 0.8 (1.76) 3000 5000 6.37 (902.04) 7.36 (1042.23) 19.6 (2775.50) 15.9 18 55 0.47 16.4 0.086 189 12.1 0.25 2.15x10-4 (11.76) 7.97 (1128.61) 8.82 (1248.97) 24.4 (3455.21) 16.6 17.2 55 0.587 20.5 0.104 240 13 0.24 2.65x10-4 (14.49) 8.7 (19.18) 7.84 (1110.20) 9.4 (20.72) 9.8 (1387.75) DC Models 90/24 0.07/0.31 0.06x10-4 (0.33) 0.44 (0.97) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 0.07/0.26 0.0078x10-4 (0.04) 0.24 (0.53) 2000 90/24 0.2/0.75 0.15x10-4 (0.82) 1.3 (2.87) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 0.4x10-4 (2.19) 1.5 (3.31) 20 40 15 30 15 30 10 5 0 0 20 10 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 Torque [N . m] 40 Torque [N . m] 20 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 0.4x10-4 (2.19) 1.5 (3.31) 10 5 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 WE TB VB IB JB W 20 10 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 18 Software 0.5 (1.10) 0.32 (45.31) kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) Setup 0.637 (90.20) 0.637 (90.20) 1.91 (270.47) 1.5 1.5 5.8 0.49 17.2 2.5 28.7 3.3 0.4 0.141x10-4 (0.77) PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM Positionng General Spec 0.318 (45.03) 0.318 (45.03) 0.955 (135.23) 1 1 3.6 0.360 12.6 7.6 43.4 0.97 0.41 0.0233x10-4 (0.13) Unit QS 1.27 (179.84) 1.27 (179.84) 3.82 (540.94) 2.9 2.9 10.5 0.510 17.8 1.3 65.3 3.7 0.4 0.247x10-4 (1.35) 3000 5000 Symbol Q1 Q1AA07075D 76mm (2.99in) 0.75 Q4 Q1AA06040D 60mm (2.36in) 0.4 AC Models AC QS1A03 Q1AA06020D 60mm (2.36in) 0.2 Options QS1A01 Q1AA04010D 40mm (1.57in) 0.1 Servo Motor Standard Specifications 100V System p.27-28 Motor Dwgs p.33-34 Q4 Servo Motor 200V System Capacity Flange Size 180mm to 220mm (3.94in to 8.66in) 11kW to 20kW (3 models) Features High Power (Low Inertia) Motor Dwgs p.33-34 19 : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. 2000 11.4 (25.13) 11.8 (1670.96) 90/24 0.2/0.75 0.5x10-4 (2.73) 1.7(3.75) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 40 40 30 30 20 10 Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. 0 0 : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] QS1A30 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Status Symbol Unit kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque Arms IR Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR kW/s Rated Power Rate te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V VB Brake Excitation Voltage Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity PF W Cooling Fan Motor : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. Torque [N . m] Capacity Flange Size 120mm to 180mm (4.72in to 7.09in) 3kW to 7.5kW (18 models) Features High Power (Low Inertia) 4500 9.5 (1345.27) 10.8 (1529.36) 28.4 (4021.64) 16.7 17.6 55 0.693 24.2 0.087 184 17.9 0.27 4.92x10-4 (26.90) 5000 9.6 (1359.43) 11 (1557.68) 31 (4389.82) 16.2 17.3 55 0.73 25.4 0.075 143 13.9 0.3 6.4x10-4 (34.99) Q4AA1815KB 180mm (8.66in) 15 Q4AA1811KB 180mm (3.94in) 11 1500 2000 95.5 (13523.47) 95.5 (13523.47) 220 (31153.54) 61 59 155 1.75 61.1 0.032 1100 32 0.27 85 (4647357.57) 70 (9912.49) 70 (9912.49) 190 (26905.33) 54 53 155 1.42 49.7 0.025 780 31 0.23 63 (3444512.08) 2000 75 (165.35) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 39/33 200V AC +10% Single phase 50/60Hz 60 (132.28) 250 300 200 250 Torque [N . m] 200V System 3 3000 Torque [N . m] Servo Motor Q1AA13300D 130mm (5.12in) Q1AA12300D 120mm (4.72in) Torque [N . m] Q1 QS1A10 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR Rated Power Rate kW/s te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V Brake Excitation Voltage VB Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity 150 100 50 0 0 200 150 100 50 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 3000 4000 0 0 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 3000 4000 14.4 (31.75) 18.1 (39.90) 1.37 47.7 0.0838 295 24 0.37 27.5x10-4 (150.36) 3000 48 (6797.14) 55 (7788.38) 125 (17700.87) 55 60 155 0.91 31.7 0.021 443 23 0.40 52x10-4 (284.31) 21.7 (47.84) 32 (4531.42) 47 (103.62) 54.9 (7774.22) 1500 28.5 (4035.80) 31.6 (4474.78) 105 (14868.73) 24.8 24.8 PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) 2000 19.6 (2775.50) 90/24 0.37/1.4 120 30 60 90 20 10 20 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 500 1000 Speed [min-1] 1500 2000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] Symbol Unit PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) WE TB VB IB JB W Positionng General Spec (Note 1) Q4AA2220KB 220mm (8.66in) 20 1500 2000 127 (17984.09) 127 (17984.09) 305 (43190.13) 106 102 262 1.4 48.8 0.012 1600 46 0.19 102 (5576829.09) 2000 104 (22.928) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 39/33 200V AC +10% Single phase 50/60Hz 50 30 Setup Software Speed [min-1] 60 100 Options 0 0 40 150 Torque [N . m] 80 Torque [N . m] 40 5.5x10-4 (30.07) 6 (13.23) Q2 5.5x10-4 (30.07) 5 (11.02) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 0.25/0.95 0.58x10-4 (3.17) 2.2 (4.85) WE TB VB IB JB W QS 0.612 21.4 0.048 251 19.2 0.25 6.43x10-4 (3.17) 15.7 (2223.23) 18.1 (2563.09) 47.6 (6740.49) 25.8 27.5 83 0.724 25.3 0.0461 291 20.8 0.22 8.47x10-4 (46.31) 12.7 (1798.41) 14.7 (2081.62) 39.2 (5550.99) 23.4 26.4 Unit Q1 1500 3000 4500 Symbol Q4 QS1A30 Q1AA18750H 180mm (7.09in) 7.5 Q1AA18450M 180mm (7.09in) 4.5 DC Models QS1A15 Q1AA13500D 130mm (5.12in) 5 Q1AA13400D 130mm (5.12in) 4 AC Models AC P/A/T PF Note1: For those interested in the 20kW Q4 motor, please contact our Sales Division for assistance. 20 Servo Motor Standard Specifications Servo Motor 200V System Capacity Flange Size 42mm to 86mm (1.65in to 3.39in) Q2AA04010D 42mm (1.65in) 0.1 3000 5000 0.191 (27.05) 0.216 (30.59) 0.65 (92.04) 0.67 0.67 2.7 0.310 10.97 11.3 6.46 0.69 1.94 0.0565x10-4 (0.31) 0.318 (45.03) 0.353 (49.99) 1 (141.61) 1.1 1.2 3.6 0.325 11.34 6.77 11.8 0.56 1.7 0.086x10-4 (0.47) 2000 0.46 (1.01) 0.191 (27.05) 0.59 (1.30) 0.319 (45.17) 90/24 0.07/0.26 0.0078x10-4 (0.04) 0.24 (0.53) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) Torque [N . m] 50W to 1kW (31 models) Q2AA04006D 42mm (1.65in) 0.06 0.8 2 0.6 1.5 Torque [N . m] Q2 QS1A01 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR Rated Power Rate kW/s te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V Brake Excitation Voltage VB Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity 0.4 0.2 0 0 100V System p.27-28 Motor Dwgs p.33-34 : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. 21 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] Speed [min-1] QS1A01 Q2AA07030D 76mm (2.99in) 0.3 QS1A03 Q2AA07040D 76mm (2.99in) 0.4 3000 5000 0.955 (135.23) 0.98 (138.77) 3.4 (481.46) 2.1 2.5 7.9 0.519 18.1 2.22 20.3 2.5 1.1 0.45x10-4 (2.46) 1.273 (180.27) 1.372 (194.28) 4.1 (580.59) 3.0 3.1 12 0.482 16.8 1.26 21.6 2.6 1.2 0.75x10-4 (4.10) 2000 1.7 (3.5) 0.98 (138.77) 2.0 (4.41) 1.37 (194.00) 90/24 0.08/0.3 0.245x10-4 (1.34) 0.57 (1.26) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 4.0 8.0 3.0 6.0 Torque [N . m] High Efficiency and Low Ripple (Medium Inertia) Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR kW/s Rated Power Rate te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V VB Brake Excitation Voltage Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity Torque [N . m] Features 1 2.0 1.0 0 0 4.0 2.0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] AC P/A/T PF 0.53 (1.17) 0.167 (23.65) 0.74 (1.63) 0.353 (49.99) 0.637 (90.20) 0.686 (97.14) 2.05 (290.29) 1.6 1.7 5.9 0.435 15.2 3.24 16.2 0.92 1.3 0.25x10-4 (1.37) 2.1 (297.37) 2.1 2.2 7.5 0.34 11.8 1.88 10.6 1.8 1.9 0.38x10-4 (2.08) 1.1 (2.43) 0.353 (49.99) 1.4 (3.09) 0.69 (97.71) WE TB VB IB JB W kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) Symbol Unit PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) 2000 0.6 1.5 3.0 3.0 0.2 1.0 0.5 0 0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 2.0 1.0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 2.0 1.0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] Speed [min-1] Speed [min-1] Q2AA08050D 86mm (3.39in) 0.5 Q2AA08075D 86mm (3.39in) 0.75 Q2AA08100D 86mm (3.39in) 1 2.387 (338.02) 2.941 (416.47) 9 (1274.46) 5.9 7.0 23.7 0.441 15.4 0.358 27.5 3.6 1.1 2.07x10-4 (11.32) 3.18 (450.31) 3.92 (555.10) 12.5 (1770.09) 6.0 6.9 25 0.59 20.5 0.410 37 4.1 0.96 2.7x10-4 (14.76) Setup Software 0.4 DC Models 4.0 Torque [N . m] 4.0 Torque [N . m] 2.0 Q2 0.08/0.3 0.245x10-4 (1.34) 0.57 (1.26) 0.8 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 90/24 0.11/0.4 0.029x10-4 (0.16) 0.3 (0.66) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) QS1A05 QS1A01 Q2AA07050D 76mm (2.99in) 0.5 3000 5000 1.59 (225.16) 1.85 (261.97) 5.2 (736.36) 4.3 5.0 15 0.442 15.4 0.8 27.3 2.6 1.3 0.85x10-4 (4.65) 1.592 (225.44) 1.96 (277.55) 6.56 (928.94) 3.7 4.3 15 0.520 18.1 0.8 19.4 3.3 1.2 1.3x10-4 (7.11) 2.3 (5.07) 1.85 (261.97) 2.75 (5.95) 1.96 (277.55) 2000 3.9 (8.60) 5.1 (11.24) 2.94 (16.32) 90/24 0.08/0.33 0.343x10-4 (1.88) 0.8 (1.76) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 20 20 6.0 6.0 15 15 4.0 2.0 0 0 4.0 2.0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 Torque [N . m] 8.0 Torque [N . m] 8.0 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 0.245x10-4 (1.34) 0.57 (1.26) 10 5 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 WE TB VB IB JB W 10 5 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 22 Positionng General Spec 0.318 (45.03) 0.353 (49.99) 1.06 (150.10) 1.1 1.2 4.3 0.33 11.4 4.05 7.78 1.0 1.5 0.13x10-4 (0.71) PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM Options 0.159 (22.52) 0.167 (23.65) 0.518 (73.35) 0.86 0.88 3.3 0.210 7.26 4.72 3.78 0.70 2.2 0.067x10-4 (0.37) Unit QS 0.2 3000 5000 Symbol Q1 Q2AA07020D 76mm (2.99in) Q4 Q2AA05020D 54mm (2.13in) Q2AA05010D 54mm (2.13in) 0.1 AC Models QS1A01 Q2AA05005D 54mm (2.13in) 0.05 Servo Motor Standard Specifications Servo Motor 200V System Capacity Flange Size 100mm to 220mm (3.94in to 8.66in) Q2AA10150H 100mm (3.94in) 1.5 2000 3500 5 (708.03) 6 (849.64) 16.6 (2350.68) 6.8 8.1 24.5 0.814 28.4 0.477 46.0 4.8 1.2 5.44x10-4 (29.74) 3000 7.2 (1019.57) 8 (1132.86) 20.5 (2902.94) 8.6 9.4 25.5 0.94 32.7 0.34 65 6 0.93 8x10-4 (43.74) 2000 5.4 (11.90) 3.92 (555.10) 6.5 (14.33) 7.84 (1110.20) 90/24 0.20/0.75 0.15x10-4 (0.82) 0.4x10-4 (2.19) 1.3 (2.87) 1.5 (3.31) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) Torque [N . m] 500W to 5.5kW (31 models) Q2AA10100H 100mm (3.94in) 1 20 40 15 30 Torque [N . m] Q2 QS1A05 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR Rated Power Rate kW/s te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V Brake Excitation Voltage VB Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity 10 5 10 0 0 100V System p.27-28 Motor Dwgs p.33-34 : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. 23 1000 2000 3000 0 0 4000 1000 2000 3000 Speed [min-1] Speed [min-1] QS1A10 Q2AA18200H 180mm (7.09in) 2 QS1A15 Q2AA18350H 180mm (7.09in) 3.5 4000 2000 3500 9.5 (1345.27) 12 (1699.28) 27.9 (3950.84) 15 18 55 0.75 25.9 0.075 45.7 14.7 0.82 20x10-4 (109.3496) 16.7 (2364.84) 21.1 (2987.91) 55 (7788.38) 22.6 28 83 0.840 29.3 0.048 73 15 0.77 38x10-4 (207.76) 2000 13.6 (29.98) 12 (1699.28) 17.7 (39.02) 32 (4531.42) 90/24 0.37/1.4 5.5x10-4 (30.07) 5 (11.02) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 60 40 50 30 Torque [N . m] High Efficiency and Low Ripple (Medium Inertia) Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR kW/s Rated Power Rate te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V VB Brake Excitation Voltage Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity Torque [N . m] Features 20 20 40 30 20 10 10 0 0 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 3000 4000 0 0 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 3000 4000 3000 5 (708.03) 6 (849.64) 15 (2124.10) 7 8.3 23.7 0.803 28.0 0.276 46 12 0.69 5.4x10-4 (29.52) 4.7 (10.36) 3.5 (495.62) 6.6 (14.55) 9 (1274.46) 3500 7.5 (1062.05) 9 (1274.46) 20.3 (2874.62) 8.7 10.2 26.5 0.981 34.2 0.266 64 12 0.73 8.8x10-4 (48.11) 9.55 (1352.35) 12 (1699.28) 30.5 (4319.01) 13.1 16.3 48 0.822 29.0 0.119 78 14 0.63 12x10-4 (65.61) 7.8 (17.20) 9 (1274.46) 9.8 (21.61) 12 (1699.28) PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM WE TB VB IB JB W kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) Symbol Unit PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) 2000 40 6.0 15 30 30 2.0 0 0 10 5 1000 2000 3000 0 0 4000 Speed [min-1] 20 10 1000 2000 3000 QS1A15 Q2AA18450H 180mm (7.09in) 4.5 2000 3000 21.5 (3044.55) 27.1 (3837.55) 70 (9912.49) 24 29 81 1.04 36.4 0.044 84.0 18 0.67 55x10-4 (300.71) Q2AA18550R 180mm (7.09in) 5.5 1500 2500 35 (4956.24) 37.3 (5281.94) 88 (12461.42) 32.2 33.7 83 1.24 43.2 0.039 180 21 0.53 69x10-4 (377.26) 21.7 (47.84) 32 (4531.42) 31.7 (69.89) 54.9 (7774.22) 10 0 0 4000 Speed [min-1] 20 1000 2000 3000 0 0 4000 1000 2000 3000 Speed [min-1] Speed [min-1] QS1A10 Q2AA22250H 220mm (8.66in) 2.5 QS1A15 Q2AA22350H 220mm (8.66in) 3.5 4000 Setup Software 4.0 Torque [N . m] 40 Torque [N . m] 20 Q2 1.7 (3.75) 8.0 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 1.3 (2.87) 0.28/1.0 DC Models 90/24 0.25/0.86 0.5x10-4 (2.73) 1.5 (3.31) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 0.25/0.91 2000 3500 12 (1699.28) 13.5 (1911.69) 30 (4248.21) 19.6 21.8 55 0.685 23.9 0.0735 44.7 12 1.5 32.2x10-4 (176.05) 17 (2407.32) 22 (3115.35) 50 (7080.35) 23.3 29.8 78 0.814 28.4 0.0559 61.1 15 1.2 47.33x10-4 (258.78) 2000 15.5 (34.17) 18.5 (40.79) WE TB VB IB JB W 32 (4531.42) 90/24 0.42/1.6 9.9x10-4 (54.13) 5.9 (13.01) 0.37/1.4 5.5x10-4 (30.07) 6 (13.23) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 40 80 60 90 30 60 40 20 0 0 60 30 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 3000 4000 0 0 Torque [N . m] 120 Torque [N . m] 80 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 5.5x10-4 (30.07) 5 (11.02) 20 10 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 3000 4000 0 0 40 20 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 3000 4000 0 0 QS 3500 2.5 (354.02) 3 (424.82) 7.1 (1005.41) 4.6 5.2 15 0.607 21.2 0.442 22.3 8.5 1.0 2.8x10-4 (15.31) Unit Q1 2000 Symbol Q4 QS1A10 Q2AA13200H 130mm (5.12in) 2 Q2AA13150H 130mm (5.12in) 1.5 1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed [min-1] 24 Positionng General Spec Q2AA13100H 130mm (5.12in) 1.0 Options QS1A05 QS1A03 Q2AA13050H 130mm (5.12in) 0.5 AC Models AC P/A/T PF Servo Motor Standard Specifications Servo Motor 200V System Capacity Flange Size 180mm to 220mm (3.94in to 8.66in) Q2AA22550B 220mm (8.66in) 5.5 1500 2000 35 (4956.24) 42 (5947.49) 90 (12744.63) 30 35.1 79.7 1.32 46 0.0464 128.5 24 0.76 95.3x10-4 (521.05) 2000 22 (48.50) 32 (4531.42) 34.8 (76.72) 90 (12744.63) 90/24 0.42/1.6 0.36/1.3 9.9x10-4 (54.13) 23x10-4 (125.75) 5.9 (13.01) 10.4 (22.93) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) Torque [N . m] 4.5KW to 15KW (31 models from 50W to 15kW) Q2AA22450R 220mm (8.66in) 4.5 2000 2500 21.5 (3044.55) 32 (4531.42) 70 (9912.49) 23 33 83 1.06 37.1 0.0497 68.5 19 0.89 67.45x10-4 (368.78) 80 120 60 90 Torque [N . m] Q2 QS1A15 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR Rated Power Rate kW/s te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V Brake Excitation Voltage VB Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity 40 20 0 0 30 1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed [min-1] High Efficiency and Low Ripple (Medium Inertia) 100V System p.27-28 Motor Dwgs p.33-34 : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. 25 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque Arms IR Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR kW/s Rated Power Rate te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V VB Brake Excitation Voltage Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 Speed [min-1] QS1A01 Q2AA04006D 42mm (1.65in) 15 1500 2000 95.5 (13523.47) 95.5 (13523.47) 215 (30445.50) 66 66 157 1.54 53.6 0.016 360 33 0.52 255x10-4 (1394.21) 2000 70 (154.32) 90 (12744.63) 90/24 0.44/1.7 24x10-4 (131.22) 11 (24.25) 0 to 40; max. 90% RH (no condensation) Torque [N . m] Features 60 3000 3000 4000 3000 2000 70 (9912.49) 80 (11328.56) 176 (24922.83) 60 66 155 1.29 45.1 0.015 260 33 0.50 186x10-4 (1016.95) 48 (6797.14) 55 (7788.38) 135 (19116.94) 52 57 155 1.03 36.0 0.017 240 20 0.46 95x10-4 (519.41) 35 (4956.24) 37.3 (5281.94) 107 (15151.95) 47 47 155 0.830 29.0 0.018 170 17 0.57 73x10-4 (399.13) Symbol Unit PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) 2000 31 (68.34) 40 (88.18) 54.9 (7774.22) 90/24 0.37/1.4 5.5x10-4 (30.07) 6 (13.23) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 0.36/1.3 23x10-4 (125.75) 10.4 (22.93) 150 200 150 200 50 100 50 DC Models 100 Torque [N . m] 100 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 100 50 1000 1500 2000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Speed [min-1] Setup Software 500 Speed [min-1] Positionng General Spec 50 Options Torque [N . m] 0.44/1.7 24x10-4 (131.22) 11 (24.25) 150 150 0 0 WE TB VB IB JB W 58 (127.87) 90 (12744.63) Q2 52.8 (116.40) 90 (12744.63) QS Q2AA2211KV 220mm (8.66in) 11 Q1 QS1A30 Q2AA18750L 180mm (7.09in) 7.5 1500 Q2AA18550H 180mm (7.09in) 5.5 Q4 QS1A15 Q2AA22700S 220mm (8.66in) 7 1000 1000 67 (9487.67) 70 (9912.49) 150 (21241.05) 34 34 83 2.13 74.5 0.057 243 30 0.7 185x10-4 (1011.48) AC Models AC P/A/T PF 26 Servo Motor Standard Specifications 100V System p.27-28 Q2 Servo Motor 100V System Capacity Flange Size 42mm to 76mm (1.65in to 2.9in) 50W to 200W (6 models) Features High Effieciency, Low Ripple (Medium Inertia) Motor Dwgs p.33-34 27 : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. 2000 0.3 (0.66) 0.098 (13.88) 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.1 Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] QS1E01 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque Arms IR Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR kW/s Rated Power Rate te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V VB Brake Excitation Voltage Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity : Indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is 20. 0.35 (0.77) 0.157 (22.23) 90/24 0.07/0.26 0.0078x10-4 (0.04) 0.24 (0.53) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) Note: Actual power consumption depends on load impedance. : Indicates a typical value after warm-up and thermal stabilization, together with a standard amplifier. 0.159 (22.52) 0.159 (22.52) 0.477 (67.55) 1.90 1.90 7 0.096 3.3 1.4 18.8 0.8 0.6 0.0134x10-4 (0.07) Torque [N . m] Capacity Flange Size 40mm to 60mm (1.57in to 2.36in) 30W to 200W (4 models) Features High Power 0.098 (13.88) 0.108 (15.29) 0.322 (45.60) 0.9 0.95 4 0.115 4.03 4.28 9.60 0.75 0.97 0.01x10-4 (0.05) Q2EA04010D 42mm (1.65in) 0.1 Q2EA04006D 42mm (1.65in) 0.06 3000 5000 0.318 (45.03) 0.353 (49.99) 1 (141.61) 2 2.2 7 0.188 6.55 1.9 11.8 0.59 1.39 0.086x10-4 (0.47) 0.191 (27.05) 0.216 (30.59) 0.65 (92.04) 1.9 1.9 7.9 0.117 4.09 1.5 6.46 0.62 1.9 0.0565x10-4 (0.31) 2000 0.46 (1.01) 0.191 (27.05) 0.59 (1.30) 0.319 (45.17) 90/24 0.07/0.26 0.0078x10-4 (0.04) 0.24 (0.53) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 0.8 1.2 0.6 0.9 Torque [N . m] 100V System Q1EA04005D 60mm (2.36in) 0.05 3000 5000 Torque [N . m] Servo Motor Q1EA04003D 40mm (1.57in) 0.03 Torque [N . m] Q1 QS1E01 Amplifier Model Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Status Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 NR Rated Rotation Speed NMAX Max. Rotation Speed min-1 TR Nm(ozin) Rated Torque TS Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque IR Arms Rated Armature Current Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP KT Nm/Arms Torque Constant KE mV/min-1 Induced Voltage Constant Per-Phase Armature Resistance R QR Rated Power Rate kW/s te ms Electrical Time Constant tm ms Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V Brake Excitation Voltage VB Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.6 0.3 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) 2000 1.1 (2.43) 0.637 (90.20) 2.0 0.9 1.5 0.3 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] Setup Software Speed [min-1] QS1E01 Q2EA05010D 54mm (2.13in) 0.1 Q2AEA05005D 54mm (2.13in) 0.05 Q2EA05020D 54mm (2.13in) 0.2 Q2EA07020D 76mm (2.99in) 0.2 0.637 (90.20) 0.686 (97.14) 2.1 (297.37) 3.9 4.1 15.5 0.184 6.41 0.64 16.2 0.98 1.4 0.25x10-4 (1.37) 0.637 (90.20) 0.686 (97.14) 2.1 (297.37) 4.4 4.6 15.5 0.162 5.67 0.5 10.6 1.9 2.2 0.38x10-4 (2.08) 1.1 (2.43) 0.353 (49.99) 1.4 (3.09) 0.69 (97.71) 3000 5000 0.159 (22.52) 0.167 (23.65) 0.518 (73.35) 1.5 1.5 5.6 0.121 4.23 1.84 3.78 0.68 2.5 0.067x10-4 (0.37) 0.318 (45.03) 0.353 (49.99) 1.03 (145.86) 2.1 2.3 7.9 0.169 5.9 1.22 7.8 0.96 1.7 0.13x10-4 (0.71) 0.53 (1.17) 0.167 (23.65) 0.74 (1.63) 0.353 (49.99) Symbol Unit PR NR NMAX TR TS TP IR IS IP KT KE R QR te tm JM kW min-1 min-1 Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Nm(ozin) Arms Arms Arms Nm/Arms mV/min-1 kW/s ms ms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) P/R kg(lbs) Nm(ozin) V Arms kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) kg(lbs) 2000 0.08/0.3 0.245x10-4 (1.34) 0.57 (1.26) 4.0 4.0 0.6 0.9 3.0 3.0 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.6 0.3 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 Torque [N . m] 1.2 Torque [N . m] 0.8 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 90/24 0.11/0.4 0.0029x10-4 (0.16) 0.3 (0.66) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 2.0 1.0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 WE TB VB IB JB W 2.0 1.0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 28 Positionng General Spec 0 0 1.0 Options 0.6 Q2 1.2 Torque [N . m] Torque [N . m] 90/24 0.07/0.26 0.07/0.31 0.0078x10-4 (0.04) 0.06x10-4 (0.33) 0.24 (0.53) 0.44 (0.97) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) WE TB VB IB JB W DC Models 0.5 (1.10) 0.32 (45.31) QS 0.637 (90.20) 0.637 (90.20) 1.91 (270.47) 4.5 4.5 15.5 0.161 5.63 0.33 28.7 2.7 0.5 0.141x10-4 (0.77) 0.318 (45.03) 0.318 (45.03) 0.955 (135.23) 2.2 2.2 7.9 0.176 6.13 2.2 43.5 0.82 0.50 0.0233x10-4 (0.1274) Unit Q1 3000 5000 Symbol Q4 QS1E03 Q1EA06020D 60mm (2.36in) 0.2 QS1E01 Q1EA04010D 40mm (1.57in) 0.1 AC Models AC P/A/T PF AC P/A/T External Wiring Diagram Note 3) Note 2) T Note 11) Note 13) DL1 DL2 P RB1 Note 4) CNA MC RB2 User Devices 3-phase AC power 200 - 230V CNB 200V Internal Regeneration Resistor SERVO MOTOR S CNC R 5060Hz W t Black Note 6) r Note 10) Operation Prep. Operation Prep. ON OFF MC RY1 90V 24V Orange (yellow) Red U MC Orange (yellow) White V Holding Brake (install with Brake only) Green Emergency Stop System Error Encoder Connector CN2 CN1 27 47 SG Reverse Rotation Pulse Note 12) SG F-PC Torque Compensation Torque Command Input Input/Speed Input SH Plug: 10120-3000VE. Shell: 10320-52A-008 Note 5) F-PC +5 +5 SG 28 R-PC SG 29 R-PC 48 SG Line Driver 26LS31 SG SG Torque Limit Input SH Line Receiver 26LS32 SG SG 21 V-REF / T-REF 20 SG AO 3 AO 4 BO 5 BO 6 ZO 7 ZO 8 Divided Encoder Output Signal 26 Normal Rotation Pulse SG PS 9 PS 10 SG 11 SG 12 SG 22 T-COMP 23 SG SG SG 18 F-TLA 17 SG 19 R-TLA Single-phase (100V or 200V) SG SG Normal Reverse User Devices SG MON1 30 SG 31 OUT-PWR 49 OUT1 39 Monitor Output Position Command Pulse Input Line Driver 26LS31 Encoder +5 +5 SG MC Single-phase AC Power SG DC 3.6V Lithium Battery Battery Input SG 1 BTP-I 2 BTN-I DC12V - 24V 50/60Hz Note 8) Note 10) Operation Prep. ON Operation Prep. OFF MC MC Note 8) 50 CONT-COM 37 CONT1 36 CONT2 35 CONT3 DC5V - 24V OUT2 40 OUT3 41 OUT4 42 Note 1: CONT4 OUT5 33 32 43 CONT5 OUT6 Signifies shielded twisted-pair cable. When using an external regeneration resistor, connect it between RB1 and 2. If RB1 and 2 are connected to the internal General-purpose Outputs General-purpose Inputs Note 2: 34 Emergency Stop System Error 44 amplifier s resistor, or if a shorting bar is connected between RB1 and 4, first disconnect them. Note 3: a short circuit between DL1 and DL2 terminals with the attached shorting bar. Note 4: CONT6 Terminals DL1 and DL2 are dedicated for connecting DC reactors. If a harmonic suppression reactor is not in use, create The - and P terminals (high-voltage circuit) are reserved for maintenance. Do not wire these terminals. +5 +5 13 CONT7 14 CONT7 15 CONT8 16 CONT8 38 SG SG OUT7 45 OUT8 46 Note 5: Refer to the Instruction Manual for instructions on the shielding process. Line Receiver 26LS32 Note 6: Motor connection specifics may vary depending on the motor specifications. Lead-type motor power and brake wires +5 +5 are shown as red, white, black, green, and orange. When using SG SH SG SG SG Note 12) a cannon plug, connect it according to the motor specifications. OUT-COM 24 OUT-COM 25 Note 7: For wiring of the encoder connectors, refer to the encoder Note 8: The user must supply the external power supply. Note 9: R, S, T, r, t, - , P, DL1, DL2, RB1, RB2, U, V, W are wiring diagram. SH high-voltage circuits; all other signal lines are low-voltage circuits. When wiring, maintain sufficient distance between high-voltage and low-voltage circuits. Plug: 10150-3000VE. Shell: 10350-52A0-008 Note 10: Installation of a UL compliant and IEC / EN compliant Note 11: When wiring the single-phase power supply, do not wire Note 12: Always connect the SG (signal ground) between devices Note 13: QS1*10 and QS1*15 models offer an RB4 terminal. earth leakage circuit breaker is recommended. the S-phase to the amplifier. when using differential operation input signals. 29 External Wiring Diagram Note 4) CNA 3-phase AC power MC Note 12) (-) DL1 DL2 P RB1 RB2 User Devices Note 2) CNB Note 3) T 200 - 230V Internal Regeneration Resistor SERVO MOTOR + S Note 11) AC Models AC PF CNC W t Note 10) Note 6) Black r Operation Prep. Operation Prep. ON OFF SERVO AMPLIFIER MC 90V (24V) Holding Brake (install with Brake only) Green Emergency Stop (Orange/Yellow) Encoder Connector CN2 Note 7) Q1 CN1 Encoder 1 2 4 Error (ERR) 5 External Operation Enabled (EXT) 6 Running (MOVE) 7 Positioning Finished(PFIN) 8 In-Position Output (INPS) 9 Zero Return Complete (ZFIN) 10 OUT(1) 11 OUT(2) 12 OUT(3) 13 OUT(4) 14 OUT(5) 15 OUT(6) 16 OUT(7) 17 OUT(8) External Power Supply (24G) 18 24 25 SH SH Plug: 10120-3000VE. Shell: 10320-52A0-008 Q4 3 Q2 NC Ready (NCRDY) Holding Brake Drive Timing Output (HBON) DC Models Note8) Setup Software System Error External Power Supply (24V DC) General Outputs RY1 Orange (yellow) Red U MC Orange (yellow) White V QS R 5060Hz Note8) External Power Supply (24V) Deceleration before Origin (SDN) 26 (+) Overtravel (+OT) 20 (-) Overtravel (-OT) 21 External Data Setup (E_STR) 22 External Error (EXT-E) 23 Start (RUN) 27 Zero Return (ZRT) 28 (+) Manual (+ JOG) 29 30 31 Alarm Reset (ARST) 32 Cancel (CACL) 33 Servo ON (S-ON) 34 Output Selection 1 (SEL1) 35 Output Selection 2 (SEL2) 36 Output Selection 3 (SEL3) 37 Note 1: Note 2: Signifies shielded twisted-pair cable. Options (-) Manual (- JOG) Override (OVRID)/ Manual High-speed (RAP) Positionng General Spec 19 When using an external regeneration resistor, connect it between RB1 and 2. If RB1 and 2 are connected to the internal amplifier's resistor, or if a shorting bar is connected between RB1 and 4, first disconnect them. Note 3: Terminals DL1 and DL2 are dedicated for connecting DC reactors. If a harmonic suppression reactor is not in use, create a short circuit between DL1 and DL2 terminals with the attached +1 Step Forward (+lstep) 38 -1 Step Forward (-lstep) 39 Interrupt Activated (I_RUN) 40 MFIN (MFIN) 41 shorting bar. Note 4: The - and P terminals (high-voltage circuit) are reserved Note 5: Refer to the Instruction Manual for instructions on the Note 6: Motor connection specifics may vary depending on the for maintenance. Do not wire these terminals. shielding process. motor specifications. Lead-type motor power and brake wires are shown as red, white, black, green, and orange. When using a cannon plug, connect it according to the motor specifications. For wiring of the encoder connectors, refer to the encoder 43 Note 8: The user must supply the external power supply. IN4 44 Note 9: R, S, T, r, t, -, P, DL1, DL2, RB1, RB2, U, V, W are IN8 45 IN16 46 IN32 47 IN64 48 IN128 External Power Supply (24G) 49 50 Point-specified Input Note 7: IN1 42 IN2 wiring diagram. high-voltage circuits; all other signal lines are low-voltage circuits. When wiring, maintain sufficient distance between high-voltage and low-voltage circuits. Note 10: Installation of a UL compliant and IEC / EN compliant Note 11: When wiring the single-phase power supply, do not wire Note 12: QS1*10 and QS1*15 models offer an RB4 terminal. earth leakage circuit breaker is recommended. the S-phase to the amplifier. 30 External Wiring Diagram Reduced Wiring Incremental Encoder PP031/PP038/PP062) (Cannon plug and lead-wire types) SERVO AMPLIFIER SERVO MOTOR CN2 A _ or U _ channel input A or U channel input B_ or V _ channel input B or V channel input C_ or _ W channel input C or W channel input Note2DC 5V Note2GND(0V) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 A D B E F G J N Sensor: Incremental encoder A _ or U _ channel output A or U channel output B_ or V _ channel output B or V channel output C_ or _ W channel output C or W channel output DC 5V Optical Encoder GND (OV) Blue Brown Green Purple White Yellow Red Black Note 2) H(Shield Wire) Case ground (shield) Note1 Note2 JL04V-6A20-29S-J1(A72), JL04V-8A20-29S-J1-EB, JL04V-6A20-29S-J1-EB, MS3108B20-29S, MS3106B20-29S Plug : 10120-3000VE, Shell : 10320-52A0-008 (With cannon plug) Sensor Absolute Encoder PA035M (Cannon plug and lead-wire types) SERVO AMPLIFIER SERVO MOTOR CN2 EA EA- EB EB- EC EC- ES ES- EBAT 0V ERES Note3 5V Note3 0V 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 14 1 2 15 16 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 A(Wht/Blu) B (Blue) C (Wht/Ylw) D(Yellow) K L E (Wht/Org) F (Orange) T (Black) S (Wht/Blk) R (Green) Sensor EA EA- EB EB- EC EC- ES ES- EBAT 0V ERES H(Red) G(Wht/Red) 5V 0V J(Shield Wire) FG Absolute Encoder ABS-E Note1 JL04V-6A20-29S-J1(A72), JL04V-8A20-29S-J1-EB, JL04V-6A20-29S-J1-EB, MS3108B20-29S, MS3106B20-29S Plug : 10120-3000VE, Shell : 10320-52A0-008 Note1 Use a twisted-pair shielded cable. Note2Sensor power connections depend on sensor cable length. See the following table: Sensor cable length 5V DC Wiring 0V DC Wiring 5m MAX Connect pin 19 10m MAX Connect pins 17, 19 20m MAX Connect pins 12, 17, 19 (Do not connect pins 9,12,17) (Do not connect pins 9,12) (Do not connect pin9) Connect pin 20 Connect pins 18, 20 (Do not connect 10,11,16,18) (Do not connect pins 10,11,16) 30m MAX Connect pins 9, 12, 17, 19 Connect pins 11,18, 20 Connect pins 10, 11, (Do not connect 10, 16) 16, 18, 20 Note3Sensor power connections depend on sensor cable length. See the following table: Sensor cable length 31 5m MAX Connect pin 19 5V DC Wiring (Do not connect pins 9,12,17) 0V DC Wiring (Do not connect pins 10,11,18) Connect pins 16, 20 10m MAX 15m MAX Connect pins 17, 19 Connect pins 12, 17, 19 (Do not connect pins 9,12) (Do not connect pin 9) Connect pins 16,18, 20 Connect pins 11,16,18,20 (Do not connect pins10, 11) (Do not connect 10) 25m MAX Connect pins 9, 12, 17, 19 Connect pins 10, 11, 16, 18, 20 AC P/A/T PF SERVO AMPLIFIER AC Models Sensor Absolute Encoder PA035C / RA062C (Cannon plug and lead-wire types) SERVO MOTOR E (Brown) ES F (Blue) ES- T (Pink) EBAT S(Purple) Wire-saving Abolute Sensor Note: For the RA062C (Resolver System and Start-Stop), neither EBAT+ nor EBAT- wiring is necessary, as it does not use batteries. Q1 EBAT- Note2 H (Red) 5V G(Blk.) 0V J Q4 Note35V Note3 0V 13 14 1 2 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 QS Sensor: Absolute Encoder CN2 ES ES- EBAT EBAT- FG(Shield) Note1 Q2 Note2 Use a twisted-pair shielded cable. Setup Software Note1 DC Models JL04V-6A20-29S-J1(A72), JL04V-8A20-29S-J1-EB, JL04V-6A20-29S-J1-EB, MS3108B20-29S, MS3106B20-29S (With cannon plug) Plug : 10120-3000VE, Shell : 10320-52A0-008 Note2Sensor power connections depend on sensor cable length. See the following table: 5V DC Wiring 0V DC Wiring 10m MAX Connect pin 19 25m MAX Connect pins 17, 19 (Do not connect pins 12,17) (Do not connect pin 12) Connect pin 20 Connect pins 18, 20 (Do not connect pins 11,18) (Do not connect pin 11) 40m MAX Connect pins 12, 17, 19 Connect pins 11,16, 18, 20 Positionng General Spec Sensor cable length Options Note3Use 0.2mm2 sensor cable. 32 Servo Motor Dimensions Unit:mm 40mm to 76mm Flange Size 0.07 M LC LR 0.02 LH LLMAX. LE 0.06 M 4- LZ LG A S LB L KL M D1 50 50 D2 1100100 QE Tapping Depth LT 1100100 Oil Seal (Option) Teflon wire (for mounting) For Motor, Brake, and Ground Shielded Cable (for mounting) For Sensor Q1 Motor Series: High Power (Low Inertia) Incremental MODEL Q1AA04003*** W/out Brake With Brake LL LL Incremental LG KL LA LB LE 46 0 30-0.021 LH LC LZ LR 83 129.5 Q1AA04010*** 102 148.5 Q1AA06020*** 113 142 Q1AA06040*** 142 171 Q1AA07075*** 156 179.5 Q QE LT D1 0 6-0.008 77 123.5 Q1AA04005*** S 5 30 2.5 40 4.5 25 54 0 8-0.009 - - - - 41 8 0 50-0.025 3 0 70-0.030 3 70 50 90 81 60 5.5 30 100 76 5.5 40 0 14-0.011 Oil Seal 4.7 Options 7 6 D2 M5 12 7.5 0 16-0.011 35 Q2 Motor Series: High Efficiency / Low Ripple (Medium Inertia) Incremental W/out Brake With Brake MODEL Q2AA04006*** Q2AA04010*** LL 82 96 LL 114 128 Q2AA05005*** 81 110 Q2AA05010*** 89 117 Q2AA05020*** 105 133 Q2AA07020*** Q2AA07030*** Q2AA07040*** Q2AA07050*** Q2AA08050*** Q2AA08075*** Q2AA08100*** 98 105 112 120 130 147 166 123 130 137 145 166 183 200 Incremental LG KL 5 31 5 38 LB LE LH LC LZ LR S 48 0 34-0.025 2 57 42 3.5 24 0 7-0.009 Q QA QK W T U QE LT D1 2 slot cuts 20 - 15 7 6.50.2 0 50-0.025 2.5 71.5 24 0 8-0.009 20 - 60 LA 54 4.5 15 2 slot cuts 7.50.2 D2 Oil Seal Note 1) Options M3 8 30 0 11-0.011 25 2 20 4 4 1.5 M4 10 7.5 8 50 90 0 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0 14-0.011 25 2 20 5 5 2 M5 12 8 55 100 0 80-0.030 3 115 86 6.6 35 0 16-0.011 30 2 25 5 5 2 M5 12 4.7 Included Note 1) If an oil seal is needed for Q2AA04, the ovearll motor length ill be slightly different. 180mm Flange Size Q4 Motor Series: High Power (Low Inertia / High Volume) Weight Caution Nameplate Key Position Key Position (opposite side) MS3102A32-17P (suitable mod.) (for motor) (KB1) (IL2) (IL1) (LG) (KB2) 7.5 Arrow Nameplate (opposite) Intake N.P. S LB A R1 N.P. (IE) QK C1 (115) Exh aust Q QA A L (KL2) LE (19) LR Motor Nameplate (Opposite side) ( LH) MS3102A20-29P (suitable mod.) (for sensor) (KL3) (KL1) Eye Bolt 2-M8 MS3102A10SL-4P (for fan motor) LL M M (15) LC (50) (50) A W M 4-LZ1 S Type For Oil Seal M10X1.5 (IL1) (IL2) ust ha Ex 2-M8 Caution Nameplate Min. of 50mm space needed (145) Depth LT 2-LZ2 U (Motor Removal Tap) For Eye Bolt (Opposite side) T Section A-A MODEL Q4AA1811K*** Q4AA1815K*** Note 1) Incremental Connector W/out Brake Motor, Ground LL KB2 MS3102A 497 587 72 32-17P LG KL1 KL2 KL3 19 144 22 79 LA LB LE LH LC LZ1 LZ2 LR 0 200 114.3-0.035 3 230 180 13.5 M8 79 S Q 0 42-0.016 0 55-0.019 75 QA QK Note 1) Waterproof specification IP67 requires that the connector be attached; for IP67 compliance, use a waterproof connector for the mating plug. 33 3 67 QE W T U KB1 0 12-0.043 0 16-0.043 8 10 3 4 337 145 90 84 0.03 0.08 0.10 M10 25 124 50 427 155 170 109 LT IE IF IL1 IL2 AC P/A/T PF AC Models 100mm to 220mm Flange Size 0.07 M LC LR 0.02 4-LZ1 (IF) (IL2) 2-M8 Q QK H (IL1) U (IL2) (KB3) (KB2) (KB1) T 2-LZ2 Section H-H (IE) Q1 (IF) MS3102A20-29P(or comparable) (for sensor) (Tap for removing motor) MS3102A - (or comparable) (for motor, brake and ground) Eye bolt 2-M8 MS3102A10SL-4P Note 3 Q4 QE tapping Depth LT Oil Seal (S-type) ( KL2) W (KL1) (19 ) H M (KL3) S LB QA QS A L ( LH) LL (LG) LE 0.06 M Incremental LL KB2 LL KB2 KB3 219 184 244 209 80 116 269 234 259 294 204 168 205 72 241 108 278 242 205 249 112 232 67 281 117 269 318 288 67 338 117 384 72 434 122 54 Connector Note 1 Note 2 Motor Brake(only grounding when mounted) MS3102A LG KL1 KL2 KL3 20-15P LA LB LE 3 130 100 9 - 3 162 120 9 - 10 78 19 63 115 0 95-0.035 12 93 21 67 135 0 110-0.035 LH LC LZ1 LZ2 Q QA QK LR S 45 0 22-0.013 40 3 W T U 32 0 6-0.030 6 2.5 45 0 22-0.013 40 3 32 0 6-0.030 6 2.5 55 0 28-0.013 50 3 42 0 8-0.036 7 3 M6 55 0 28-0.013 50 3 42 0 8-0.036 7 3 180 13.5 M8 65 79 0 35-0.016 0 42-0.016 60 75 3 3 50 67 0 10-0.036 0 12-0.043 8 8 3 3 24-11P 32-17P 10SL-4P 12 98 21 16 19 123 144 21 22 80 80 145 200 0 110-0.035 0 114.3-0.035 4 3 165 230 130 9 KB1 84 109 134 159 76 113 150 117 144 181 200 291 QE LT 0.02 0.08 0.08 M6 20 M6 20 M8 25 0.02 0.08 0.08 M8 25 0.02 0.08 0.08 M8 25 0.02 0.08 0.08 M10 25 IE IF IL1 IL2 124 124 50 50 93 85 50 145 DC Models MODEL Q1AA10100*** Q1AA10150*** Q1AA10200*** Q1AA10250*** Q1AA12100*** Q1AA12200*** Q1AA12300*** Q1AA13300*** Q1AA13400*** Q1AA13500*** Q1AA18450*** Q1AA18750*** With brake Setup Software Without brake Q2 Q1 Motor Series: High Power (Low Inertia) Note 1) Waterproof specification IP67 requires that the connector to be attached; for IP67 compliance, use a waterproof connector for the mating plug. Note 2) Brake connector JL04V-2E10SL-3PE-B used for CE compliance. Note 3) Brake is included only with Model Q1AA18750. MODEL Q2AA10100*** Q2AA10150*** Q2AA13050*** Q2AA13100*** Q2AA13150*** Q2AA13200*** Q2AA18200*** Q2AA18350*** Q2AA18450*** Q2AA18550*** Q2AA18750*** Q2AA22250*** Q2AA22350*** Q2AA22450*** Q2AA22550*** Q2AA22700*** Q2AA2211K*** Q2AA2215K*** LL 196 226 135 152 169 186 171 203 218 282 332 150 163 181 252 310 335 394 With brake KB2 LL KB2 KB3 231 113 77 261 171 188 103 205 67 226 107 221 253 117 268 332 72 122 54 382 196 65 209 111 227 309 82 140 368 73 Connector Motor grounding Note 1 Brake(only Note 2 when mounted) MS3102A 20-15P LG KL1 KL2 KL3 LA LB 0 95-0.035 10 78 19 67 115 12 98 0 21 80 145 110-0.035 LE LH 130 100 9 4 165 130 9 S 0 22-0.013 3 32 W 0 6-0.030 T 40 M6 55 0 22-0.013 50 3 42 0 6-0.030 6 0 8-0.036 7 50 0 10-0.036 8 67 0 12-0.043 8 50 0 10-0.036 8 - 0 28-0.013 24-11P 0 16 123 21 80 200 114.3-0.035 3 32-17P 10SL-4P 0 19 144 22 80 200 114.3-0.035 3 16 230 180 13.5 M8 65 0 35-0.016 230 180 13.5 M8 79 0 42-0.016 75 65 0 35-0.016 60 4 270 220 13.5 M10 79 0 55-0.019 75 0 19 162 22 80 235 200-0.046 4 270 220 13.5 M10 79 0 55-0.019 75 19 10SL-4P 60 0 141 21 80 235 200-0.046 24-11P 32-17P Q QA QK 45 LC LZ1 LZ2 LR 3 3 3 3 3 U KB1 98 128 47 2.5 64 81 3 98 83 3 115 130 189 3 239 64 3 77 95 149 4 207 241 4 300 6 2.5 67 0 16-0.043 10 67 0 16-0.043 10 QE LT IE IF IL1 IL2 0.02 0.08 0.08 M6 20 0.02 0.08 0.08 M6 20 Options Incremental Without brake Positionng General Spec Q2 Motor Series: High Efficiency / Low Ripple (Medium Inertia) M8 25 0.02 0.08 0.08 M8 25 124 50 61 0.02 0.08 0.08 M10 25 124 50 85 0.02 0.08 0.08 M8 50 25 142 60 0.03 0.08 0.10 M10 55 0.03 0.08 0.10 M10 25 142 60 69 20 35 50 100 10 20 40 50 110 120 180 Note 1) Waterproof specification IP67 requires that the connector to be attached; for IP67 compliance, use a waterproof connector for the mating plug. Note 2) Brake connector JL04V-2E10SL-3PE-B used for CE compliance. Note 3) Brake is included only with Models Q2AA18550, Q2AA18750, Q2AA2211K and Q2AA2215K. 34 Servo Motor Dimensions Unit:mm(inch) 70max. (2.76max.) 45(1.77) 7(.28) QS1A03 / QS1E03 5(.20) 5(.20) QS1A01 / QS1E01 130(5.12) 135.5(5.33) 5 CHARGE CHARGE 160(6.61) 160(6.30) R t 168(6.61) 160(6.30) T S C N A r C N 1 DL1 DL2 P V r P C N 2 C N C W V U C N 1 C N B C N C C N 2 2-M4 70max. (2.76max.) 90(3.54) 80(3.15) CHARGE 168(6.61) 160(6.30) t C N A RB1 QS1A05 R t POWER P C T S C N A r C N 1 DL1 DL2 P C N B RB1 RB1 RB2 RB2 W V U C N C C N 2 3-M4 35 R RB2 2-M4 5(.20) S DL2 RB2 U P C T DL1 C N B RB1 W POWER POWER P C 130(5.12) 135.5(5.33) 130(5.12) 135.5(5.33) 38(1.50) 5 33(1.30) 70max. (2.76max.) 50(1.97) 7(.28) AC Models AC P/A/T PF QS1A15 Q1 QS QS1A10 130(5.12) .2 4) 70max. (2.76max) Q4 15 (.59) 70max. (2.76max) R R S S T CHARGE T POWER CHARGE POWER - - DL1 DL2 P C N 1 RB4 205 C N 1 225(8.86) P 205(8.07) DL2 RB4 235(9.25) DL1 Q2 RB1 RB1 RB2 RB2 U U C N 2 V V W W C N 2 r r t t 6(.24) 6(.24) Optional pitches (in parentheses) also permit mounting. 75(2.95) DC Models 235(9.25) 225(8.86) 2(.08) o6 (o 2(.08) 235(9.25) 75(2.95) 6(.24) 5(.20) 15(.59) 0. 24 ) 6(.24) 100(3.94) 235(9.25) 50(1.97) o6 (o 5(.20) 100(3.94) Optional pitches (in parentheses) also permit mounting. Positionng General Spec Setup Software 50(1.97) Options QS1A30 70max. (2.76max.) 220(8.66) 10(.39) 100(3.64) 7) 7( .2 ) 235(9.25) 2(.08) .55 ( 4 1 30(1.17) 100(3.64) SANMO TION AC SERVO SYSTEMS R CHARGE WR/ POWER - P C DL2 C N 1 P U V 205(8.07) DL1 235(9.25) C N 2 W RB1 RB2 7(.26) r t 15(.59) 250(9.84) T MODE Q QS1A30AA SANYO DENKI S 36 DC Motor / Amplifier System Motor Model Number Nomenclature Example: The following model number describes a P5 (compact, square shaft-type) servomotor with 50W rated output, 4500min-1 maximum rotation speed, 24V motor with 42mm flange, incremental sensor, and brake (90V DC). P50 B 04 005 P5 Series J B S 00 Specification Rated Output 005 008 Indicates servo motor - Max. Rotation Speed Square Flange-type 04 - 00 - Standard 50W 80W 42mm Sensor Type S - Reduced Wiring Incremental Encoder PP038 (2000 P/R) P - Reduced Wiring Absolute Sensor PA0135 (2.5M,17-bit) J - 4500min-1 Holding Brake X - Without Brake B - 90V Brake C - 24V Brake DC 24V System Capacity Flange Size 42mm (1.65 in) Amplifier Model Number Nomenclature Example: The following model number describes a Q Series position control-type servo amplifier with 24V input, 30A capacity, reduced wiring absolute sensor (2.5M, 17-bit), 50W P5 motor, 42-mm (1.65 in.) square flange. QS1 50W and 80W J 03 Q Series A A 0 WN A3 P Amplifier Capacity Specification 03 - 30A 00 - Standard Motor Type Motor Combination A - Rotary Motor O - P Motor Combo. Input Voltage J - DC24V With Internal Regeneration Resistor Applicable Motor Code WN - P05B04005J WP - P05B04008J Control Section Hardware Type A - Reduced Wiring Absolute Sensor Reduced Wiring Incremental Encoder Sensor Combination 01 - Reduced Wiring Incremental Encoder PP038 (2000 P/R) A3- Reduced Wiring Absolute Encoder (2.5M, 17-bit) Standard Specifications P50B04005JXS 42mm (1.65in) 0.05 Motor Model and Flange Dimension in mm(in) Unit Symbol kW Rated Output PR min-1 Rated Rotation Speed NR Max. Rotation Speed NMAX min-1 Rated Torque TR Nm(ozin) Continuous Stall Torque TS Nm(ozin) Inst. Max. Stall Torque TP Nm(ozin) Arms Rated Armature Current IR Arms Continuous Stall Armature Current IS Arms Instant. Max. Stall Armature Current IP Torque Constant KT Nm/Arms Induced Voltage Constant KE mV/min-1 Per-Phase Armature Resistance R kW/s Rated Power Rate QR ms Electrical Time Constant te ms tm Mechanical Time Constant JM kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Rotor Inertia (INC) Sensor: Reduced Wiring INC P/R kg(lbs) Mass-including Red. Wiring INC WE TB Nm(ozin) Brake Holding Torque V VB Brake Excitation Voltage Arms IB Brake Excitation Current JB kgm2[GD2/4](ozin2) Brake Inertia W Brake Mass kg(lbs) Motor Operating Temp, Rel. Humidity Amplifier Model Amplifier Power Supply Amp. Operating Temp., Rel. Humidity kVA Power Consumption (rated output) kg (lbs) Amplifier Mass P50B04008JXS 42mm (1.65 in) 0.08 3000 4000 0.159 (22.52) 0.159 (22.52) 0.318 (45.03) 3.82 3.55 8.24 0.048 1.67 0.25 5.1 1.4 1.6 0.054x10-4 (0.03) 0.255 (36.11) 0.255 (36.11) 0.509 (72.08) 6.1 5.8 12 0.049 1.71 0.15 8.8 1.5 1.4 0.079x10-4 (0.04) 2000 0.46 (1.01) 0.191 (72.05) 0.59 (1.30) 0.319 (45.17) 90/24 0.07/0.26 0.0078x10-4 (0.04) 0.24 (0.53) 0 to 40; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) QS1J03 DC 24V+10%, -10% 0 to 55; maximum 90% RH (no condensation) 0.1 0.16 0.6 (1.32) 0.6 (1.32) 0.8 0.4 100 50 0.3 0.2 60 40 Torque [N . m] 20 0.6 80 Torque [oz . in] 30 Torque [N . m] Torque [oz . in] 40 0.4 0.2 0.1 20 10 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Speed [min-1] Note: Actual operating temperature depends on mounting conditions and motor model. 37 00 Interface Specification S - Speed Control Type T - Torque Control Type P - Position Control Type Y - Pos. and Torque Switch U - Pos. and Speed Switch 240.8 (.94.031) C N 2 1 Q1 1100100 (43.313.94) 5(.20) 20 (.79) 38(1.50) 42sq.(1.65sq.) Q4 38 (1 .50) N.P. 25(.98) 4) 20(.79) 21.5 (.85) 22(.87) 5(.20) 6 .24 External Wiring Diagram 721-108/026-000 (mfg. by Wago Co. of Japan) 721-105/026-000 (mfg. by Wago Co. of Japan) SERVO AMPLIFIER SERVO MOTOR DC24V Power Main Circuit Power DC24V MP MN 1 2 Note 6) MC 5 W Black 4 V White U Red Yellow 3 4 Regenerative Resistor Operation Operation Preparation Preparation OFF ON RB1 RB2 3 5 Note 3) 6 24V CNC SG Holding Brake (if installed) 2 CNA FG 7 Green 1 MC MC Yellow (Green/Yellow) 8 Emergency Stop Positionng General Spec CP CN Setup Software Note 7) Note 5) Control Power DC24V DC Models 1100100 (43.313.94) Sensor Shielded Cable (for mounting) 3-conductor 26 AWG 1100100 (43.313.94) Motor Cable (for mounting) Motor and ground, 0.5mm2 Q2 42.5(1.67) 1 System Error 13 Note 4) DC24V CN1 CN2 14 CONT-COM 1 CONT1 General Purpose Inputs 2 ES+ Brown ES- Blue 1 EBAT+ Pink 2 EBAT- Purple 5V 9 CONT2 3 10 CONT3 4 11 CONT4 5 12 17 General Purpose Outputs OUT1 OUT2 6 18 7 8 19 20 9 SG EN 5V Options M A 8(.32) .0000 .0000 22(.87) Sensor Shielded Cable (for mounting) 3-conductor 26 AWG A 0 0 1 5 5(.20) 5(.20) 2(.08) 200.3 (.79.012) 15(.59) 7-0.009 .28-.0004 34-0.025 1.34-.0010 5 7 ( 2.2 C N 1 CNC 21.5(.85) 20(.79) 21.5 (.85) 6 .24 240.8 (.94.031) 0.06 M 2) .3 .01 48 1.89 ( C N 3 109 (4.29)MAX. 0.07 M 0.02 4-3.5 (.16-.14) 8 30) 1.5 ( 1100100 (43.313.94) 29.5 (1.16) Motor Cable (for mounting) Motor and ground, 0.5mm2 42sq. (1.65sq.) C N 4 31(1.22) 0 0 4) P50B04008JXS 2 (.08) QS N.P. M A 95(3.74) POWER STATUS CNA 150(5.91) 140(5.51) .0000 A 34-0.025 1.34-.0010 5 7 ( 2.2 70(2.76)max. SANM TION Q 25 (.98) ) .3 012 . 42sq.(1.65sq.) 38(1.50) 8(.32) .0000 48 1.89 ( 35(1.38) 20(.79) 5 .20) ( O 4-3.5 (.16-.14) 5(.20) 2(.08) 200.3 (.79.012) 15(.59) 7-0.009 .28-.0004 42sq. (1.65sq.) 96 (3.78)MAX. 31(1.22) 0.02 5(.20) 0.07 M 0.06 M 125(4.92) P50B04005JXS Amplifier External Dimensions [unit: mm(inch)] 12.5 (.49) Motor External Dimensions [unit: mm(inch)] AC Models DC Wire-saving Absolute Sensor 5V SG 5V Red SG Black Shiold Note 2) Alarm Code Output ALM0 10 ALM1 11 ALM2 12 ALM-COM 13 Raw Pulse Inputs (CCW) F-PC F-PC Raw Pulse Inputs (CCW) R-PC R-PC Speed Command Input V-REF SG Plug: 10120-3000VE Shell: 10320-52A0-008 (mfg. by Sumitomo 3M) IL-2S-S3L-N (mfg. by Japan Aviation Electronic Industry, Ltd.) BAT+ 14 2 15 16 DC 3.6V Battery Input Lithium Battery CN4 1 17 BAT- 25 Note 1) 26 indicates shielded twisted-pair cable. SG Encoder Signal Outputs AO 18 AO 19 SG Note 3) When using an external registration resistor, connect it between RB1 and 2. If no optional resistor is used, terminals RB1 and 2 should be open. 20 BO BO 21 ZO 22 ZO 23 Note 4) I/O power connections must be provided by the user. Note 5) The actual CNA pin configuration is 1 to 8, from the bottom moving up. 26C31 SG 24 Note 2) The connector must be properly shielded. SG Note 6) CNA pins 2 and 4 connect to SG inside the amplifier. Note 1) Note 2) Note 7) To connect the CNA and CNC wires, the use of a specialized tool, provided by Wago Co. (Japan), is required. Plug: 10126-3000VE Shell: 10326-52A0-008 (mfg. by Sumitomo 3M) 38 Setup Software Pulse / Analog / Torque with Positioning Function Screen (1) Setup Software Start-up Screen (2) Main Screen Shown: Setup Software start-up screen logo (3) Parameter Configuration Screen Configuration of General Parameters: Enables parameter loading, saving, etc., via PC connection Configuration of Motor Parameters: Combined motors can be configured via PC connection (4) Monitor Functions Monitor Display: Observe Operation and Input/Output signal status Alarm Record Display: (Current and past alarm occurrence can be checked.) 39 Multi-monitor Display: Simultaneous monitoring of operational status of multiple servo amplifiers networked to a PC. AC Models AC DC P/A/T PF Pulse Forward Jog: Simplifies motor operation and the entering of distance and travel speed data from a PC Auto Notch Filter Tuning: Configures the appropriate notch filter settings System Analysis: Analyzes servo system frequency characteristics Setup Software DC Models Q2 Speed Jog: Simplifies motor operation and the issuing of speed commands from a PC Q4 Q1 QS (5) Test Run and Adjustment Function Options Positionng General Spec (6) Operation Trace Function Graphically displays servo motor speed, current, and terminal status Positioning Function Screen (1) Point Data Configuration (2) Test Run Operations 40 Positioning Amplifier General Specifications General Specifications Positioning Function Control Shaft Count Single Shaft Register Point Count Configurable up to 254 points (P000 to P253) Maximum No. of Commands From -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 Command Unit Either mm or pulse is acceptable Fast-forward Speed 2,147,483.647mm/sec (0.001mm/when "pulse" is selected) Acceleration and Deceleration Automatic acceleration and deceleration (straight and S switch) Point Data Setup Numerical input via PC, and setup by teaching Travel Point Number Setup Parallel 8 bits (binary code) Current Limit 0 to 510% (at 100% rating), but less than instantaneous maximum stall current Software Limit Exists Travel Mode Zero Return, Manual (JOG, 1Step), and Point-specified Travel Zone Signal Maximum of 8 zones Servo ON, alarm reset, start up, zero return, manual, override/manual high-speed, Sequence Input Signals cancel, deceleration before origin, external error, over-travel, external data setup1 step forward, interrupt activated, output selection, MFIN, point specified input Input and Output NC ready, holding brake timing, error, external operation enabled, running, Sequence Output Signals positioning completion, in-position output, zero return completion, general output (8 bits) Sample Operations of the Positioning-type Amplifier (1) Zero Return Operation (example) The system is capable of zero return operation by using sensor output for the zero return and deceleration signals. QS1A100A MODE /WR CHARGE R t Deceleration POWER Acceleration P C T S C N A Power ON Position r C N 1 DL1 DL2 P C N B RB1 PLC RB2 W V U C N C C N 2 -OT Sensor Deceleration Signal Sensor Offset Quantity (compensation quantity) Zero Return (Low Speed) Motor Speed Reverse Deceleration before Origin (Input) CN1-19 Zero Return (High Speed) ON OFF Encoder C-phase Signal Zero Return Signal (Input: CN 1-28) Running Output CN1-17 Positioning Completion Signal CN1-8 41 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF +OT Sensor AC PF AC Models (2) Positioning Operation with Speed Variation (example) By starting up Point 1, Points 2 and 3 will be executed consecutively. Q2 Q4 Q1 QS Point Data Setup: Enables configuration and saving of parameters, and the reading of point data from a PC. DC Models Mode 1: [01]= Positioning Operation enabled; Mode 2: [00]= Final Travel, [01]= Continue to next Point Number Gear Change: Stop / Continue: [1]= Consecutive Gear Shift Operation QS1A100A MODE R t POWER Pass Point 1 P C T S C N A r - P Move to Point 2 Mo ve to Point 3 C N 1 DL1 DL2 Setup Software /WR CHARGE C N B RB1 W V U C N C Positionng General Spec RB2 PLC C N 2 +OT Sensor Options -OT Sensor Deceleration Signal Sensor Starting Coordinates: Start-up Point 001 (P001) as 0.0 P001:100.0 P002:150.0 P003:180.0 Motor Speed 0.0 Point Input Point 1 (P001) ON only CN1-42 100.0 200.0 Coordinate ON OFF Start-up Signal Input CN1-27 ON OFF Running Output CN1-7 ON OFF Positioning Completion Signal CN1-8 ON OFF 42 Optional Equipment PC Interface Cable [unit: mm(inch)] + 50 + 1.97 2850 - 10 112.2 - 0.39 ( ) Model No.: AL-00490833-01 CN1 9 A note regarding RS-232C communications: The user must provide a PC for computer interface. Parameter settings may require adjustment. Cable 1 Amp side PC side Mounting Hardware [unit: mm(inch)] 188 (7.40) 6 (.24) 5 (.20) 5 (.20) 2 (.08) 5 (.20) 198 (7.80) 188 (7.40) 2 (.08) 62 (2.44) 50 (1.97) 45 (1.77) 25 (.098) 10(.39) 5(.20) Rear Side For mounting on the rear side of the amplifer Model No.: AL-00483540-01 Applicable Amplifiers: QS1*01***, QS1*03*** Material: SPCC Surface Finish: Chromate Plating (Green) For mounting on the rear side of the amplifer Model No.: AL-00483543-01 Applicable Amplifiers: QS1*05*** Material: SPCC Surface Finish: Chromate Plating (Green) 47 (1.85) 45 (1.77) 25 (.098) 52 (2.56) 45 (1.77) 25 (.98) 5 (.20) 5 (.20) Front Side 10 (.39) 5 (.20) 188 (7.40) 198 (7.80) 2 (.08) 188 (7.40) 198 (7.80) 120 (4.72) 120 (4.72) 10 (.39) 5 (.20) 2 (.08) For mounting on the front side of the amplifer Model No.: AL-00483542-01 Applicable Amplifiers: QS1*03*** Material: SPCC Surface Finish: Chromate Plating (Green) 65 (2.56) 50 (1.97) 7 (.28) 5 (.20) For mounting on the front side of the amplifer Model No.: AL-00483541-01 Applicable Amplifiers: QS1*01*** Material: SPCC Surface Finish: Chromate Plating (Green) 188 (7.40) 198 (7.80) 120 (4.72) 2 (.08) 5 (.20) Model No. AL-00483540-01 Contents Mounting Bracket: 1 Screws: 2 Model No. AL-00483543-01 Contents For mounting on the front side of the amplifer Model No.: AL-00483544-01 Applicable Amplifiers: QS10*05*** Material: SPCC Surface Finish: Chromate Plating (Green) 43 Mounting Bracket: 1 Screws: 2 AL-00483541-01 AL-00483542-01 Mounting Bracket: 1 Mounting Bracket: 1 Screws: 6 Screws: 6 AL-00483544-01 Mounting Bracket: 1 Screws: 6 AC DC P/A/T PF +.79 270 20 0 (10.63 .0) 4.3 (.17) 61 (.24.04) 61 (.24.04) 61 (.24.04) QS 4.3 Silicon Rubber Glass-braided Wire 0.5mm2, White (Thermostat) (1.69 -.11 .0 ) 43 (1.69 -.11 .0 ) -0.3 0 -0.3 0 23.5 (.093) 600.4 42.7 4.3 (.17) +.79 300 20 0 (11.81 .0 ) +.79 270 15 0 (10.63 .0) 200 (7.87) 61 (.24.04) 150 (5.91) 420.4 (1.65.02) 230 (9.06) 2200.4 (8.66.02) 30020 (11.81+.79.0 ) 0 182 (7.17) 1720.4 (6.77.02) AC Models External Regenerative Resistor Dimensions [unit: mm(inch)] Silicon Rubber Glass-braided Wire 0.5mm2, White (Thermostat) Silicon Rubber Glass-braided Wire 0.75mm2, Black Q1 1.2 (.05) Mass: 0.24kg Model Number Remarks 1 REGIST-120W100B 2 REGIST-120W50B Thermostat, B-contact Thermostat, B-contact 1 REGIST-220W50B 2 REGIST-220W20B 3 REGIST-220W100B Q4 Model Number Mass: 0.44kg Remarks Thermostat, B-contact Thermostat, B-contact Thermostat, B-contact Q2 1.2 (.05) 20 (.079) 20 (.079) Silicon Rubber Glass-braided Wire 0.75mm2, Black 4.5 (.18) 8 3 (.12) (Thermostat) 60 (2.36) M3 Ground Mark Setup Software Solderless Terminal (for M5) 24.5 UL 1430 Electric Wire 0.2 mm2, White 2-M5 (0.8-M5) Silicon Rubber Glass-braided Wire 2 mm2, White 218 (8.58) 70015 (27.56.59) A Positionng General Spec 40 (1.57) Mass: 1.4kg Model Number A Remarks 1 REGIST-500W20B 35015 (13.780.59) Thermostat, B-contact 2 REGIST-500W20 No Thermostat 3 REGIST-500W10B 35015 (13.780.59) Thermostat, B-contact 4 REGIST-500W10 No Thermostat 5 REGIST-500W7B 35015 (13.780.59) Thermostat, B-contact 6 REGIST-500W7 No Thermostat 7 REGIST-500W14B 35015 (13.780.59) Thermostat, B-contact 8 REGIST-500W14 No Thermostat Options 80 (3.15) +.016 DC Models 250 (9.84) +0.4 234 -1.2 (9.21 -.047 ) 44 Options AC Amplifier Connectors (AC 200V Models) Usage Single Connectors Contents Model No. Manufacturer CN1 (Plug and Housing) AL-00385594 CN2 (Plug and Housing) AL-00385596 CNA (Plug) AL-00329461-01 CNB (Plug) - accessory AL-Y0000988-01 CNC (Plug) AL-00329458-01 CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) CNA, CNC (Plug) AL-00393603 Sumitomo 3M Phoenix Contact CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) AL-00292309 Sumitomo 3M Manufacturer's Part No. 10150-3000VE+10350-52A0-008 Sumitomo 3M Max. Amp. Capacity No Limit 10120-3000VE+10320-52A0-008 MSTB2.5/5-STF-5.08 Phoenix Contact IC2.5/6-STF-5.08 50A Maximum IC2.5/3-STF-5.08 10150-3000VE+10350-52A0-008 10120-3000VE+10320-52A0-008 MSTB2.5/5-STF-5.08 IC2.5/3-STF-5.08 Connector Sets 50A Maximum 10150-3000VE+10350-52A0-008 10120-3000VE+10320-52A0-008 100A Maximum Amplifier Connectors (AC 100V Models) Usage Single Connectors Contents Model No. CNA (Plug) AL-00329461-02 Manufacturer Manufacturer's Part No. MSTB2.5/4-STF-5.08 Phoenix Contact 10150-3000VE 10350-52A0-008 Low Voltage / High Voltage Connector Sets CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) CNA, CNC (Plug) AL-00492384 10120-3000VE Sumitomo 3M Phoenix Contact 10320-52A0-008 MSTB2.5/4-STF-5.08 IC2.5/3-STF-5.08 Amplifier Connectors (AC 100V Models) Encoder Plug Standard Specifications (Cable Clamp) Motor Model No. Straight TUV-Standard Plug (Cable Clamp) Waterproof Specification L-Angle Straight TUV-Standard Plug (Cable Clamp) for Brake (Note 1) Waterproof Specification L-Angle Straight L-Angle Q1AA10100*** Q1AA10150*** Q1AA10200*** MS3106B20-15S (MS3057-12A) MS3108B20-15S (MS3057-12A) JL04V-6A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-8A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) MS3106B24-11S (MS3057-16A) MS3108B24-11S (MS3057-16A) JL04V-6A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) JL04V-8A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single Block) MS3106B20-15S (MS3057-12A) MS3108B20-15S (MS3057-12A) JL04V-6A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) JL04V-8A20-15SE-EB (JL04-2022CK) MS3106B24-11S (MS3057-16A) MS3108B24-11S (MS3057-16A) JL04V-6A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) JL04V-8A24-11SE-EB (JL04-2428CK) MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single Block) MS3106B32-17S (MS3057-20A) MS3108B32-17S (MS3057-20A) JL04V-6A32-17SE (Single Block) JL04V-6A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) JL04V-8A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) JL04V-6A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) JL04V-8A10SL-3SE-EB (JL04-1012CK) Q1AA10250*** Q1AA12100*** Q1AA12200*** Q1AA12300*** Q1AA13300*** Q1AA13400*** Q1AA13500*** Q1AA18450*** Q1AA18750 Q2AA10100*** Q2AA10150*** Q2AA13050*** Q2AA13100*** Q2AA10150*** Q2AA13200*** Q2AA18200*** Q2AA18350*** Q2AA18450*** Q2AA18550*** Q2AA18750*** Q2AA2211K*** Q2AA2215K*** Q4AA1811K*** Q4AA1815K*** Note1: Please order the plug that conforms to the TUV-standard waterproof specification separately from the motor power connector. Motor Encoder Connectors Encoder Plug Standard Specifications (Cable Clamp) Motor Model No. All Q1, Q2, Q4 Models TUV-Conforming Plug (Cable Clamp) for Encoder Waterproof Specification Straight L-Angle MS3106B20-29S (MS3057-12A) MS3108B20-29S (MS3057-12A) Straight L-Angle JA06A-20-29S-J1-EB (JL04-2022CK) JA06A-20-29S-J1-EB (JL04-2022CK) Cooling Fan Connectors Motor Model No. All Q4 Models Cooling Fan Standard Specifications Straight L-Angle MS3106B10SL-4S (MS3057-4A) MS3108B10SL-4S (MS3057-4A) Waterproof Spec. Straight JA06A-10SL-4S-J1 (Single Block) DC Amplifier Connections (AC 100V Models) Usage Single Connectors Contents Model No. CN1 (Plug and Housing) AL-00549202 CN2 (Plug and Housing) AL-00385596 CNA (Plug) AL-Y0001914-02 CNC (Plug) AL-Y0001914-01 Manufacturer Sumitomo 3M Max. Amp. Capacity 10120-3000VE+10320-52A0-008 Wago Japan 721-108/026-000 721-105/026-000 CN1, CN2 (Plug, Housing) AL-00549203 Sumitomo 3M CNA, CNC (Plug) AL-00549204 Wago Japan 10126-3000VE+10326-52A0-008 10120-3000VE+10320-52A0-008 Connector Sets 45 Manufacturer's Part No. 10126-3000VE+10326-52A0-008 721-108/026-000+231-131(Tool) 721-105/026-000 DC 24V Servo Amplifier 30A AC DC P/A/T PF Inquiry Check Sheet AC Models Please provide the following information when placing an order or making an inquiry. Also feel free to include any questions that require our attention. Name of target equipment Equipment name, category (transport, processing, test, other) Name of servo axis Axis name, axial mechanism (horizontal/vertical), brake mechanism (yes/no) Q4 Q1 QS Date: To contact us: Phone: +81(03) 3917-5157 Fax : +81(03) 3917-0643 Company Name: Department: Telephone : Fax: 1) Application: 2) Name of Machinery: 3) Number of Units: Current condition of above axis Positioning accuracy [1G=9.8,m/s2),1(m/s2)0.1G] [m/s] Feeding Speed V [ (m/s2)=V(m/sec) t1(sec)] [D(m)=V(m/sec) (t1+t2)(sec)] Feeding Speed Moving Distance [m/sec] t1 Time[sec] Ball-screw/screw-rotation type (horizontal), ball-screw/nut-rotation type (horizontal), rack and pinion (horizontal), belt/chain (horizontal), rotary table, roll feed, instability WT (table mass) kg WL (work mass) kg WA (mass of other drive parts) kg WR (rack mass) kg WB (belt/chain mass) kg WC (counterbalance mass) kg Fa (external force in axial direction) N Fb (ball-screw preload) N T (roll pushing force) N Dr1 (drive-side roll diameter) mm Dr2 (follower-side roll diameter) mm Lr1 (drive-side roll length) mm Lr2 (follower-side roll length) mm JG (speed-reducer inertia) kg.m2 JC (coupling inertia) kg.m2 JN (nut inertia) kg.m2 JO (other motor-axis conversion inertia) kg.m2 G (reduction ratio) Db (ball-screw diameter) mm Lb (ball-screw axial length) mm Pb (ball-screw lead) mm Dp (pinion/pulley diameter) mm Lp (pinion axial length) mm Tp (pulley thickness) mm LW (load shift from axis) mm Dt (table diameter) mm Dh (table-support diameter) mm Ds (table shaft diameter) mm Ls (table shaft length) mm kg/cm3 (specific gravity of ball-screw/pinion/pulley/table-shaft material) (friction coefficient between sheet and sliding-surface/support-section/roll) kg/cm3 1 (specific gravity of roll-1 material) 2 (specific gravity of roll-2 material) kg/cm (mechanical efficiency) 3 (internal friction coefficient of preload nut) kg.m2 N.m JL (load inertia of motor-axis conversion) N.m TF (friction torque of motor axis conversion) / Positionng General Spec Mechanical structure t3 Options Mechanism t2 DC Models (Stroke) Tu (imbalance torque of motor axis conversion) ); Sanyo standard (planet/spur/no-backlash-planet:: Speed reducer Customer-provided ( Sensor type Sensor type specified ( yes / no ) Yes: ( incremental , optical absolute , optical absolute [resolver absolute with incremental function] ) Resolution ( ) Input format Position , speed, torque, communications ( SERCOS / CAN / DeviceNet ) other ( ) Upper-level equipment (controller) Sequencer , laptop , customer-developed product , Sanyo-provided , other ( ) Usage environment and other requirements Cutting , clean-room use , anti-dust measures , other ( ) units/month / ) ) Estimated production Single product: ( Development schedule Prototype period: ( Various measures Related documentation ( already submitted ; send later by mail ) Visit/PR desired ( yes / no ) Meeting desired ( yes / no ) )Year ( ( / ); other ( )Month ) units/year Production period: ( )Year ( Setup Software Operation pattern Reference formula: Moving Distance [m/s2] G Q2 Acceleration )Month Miscellaneous (questions, pending problems, unresolved issues, etc.) 46 ECO PRODUCTS ECO PRODUCTS are designed with the goal of lessening nevironmental impact, from product development to disposal. Precautions For Adoption Cautions Failure to follow the precautions on the right may cause moderate injury and property damage, or in some circumstances,could lead to a serious accident. Always follow all listed precautions. For any question or inquiry regarding the above, contact our Sales Department. 1-15-1, Kita-Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8451, Japan Phone: +81 3 3917 5157 468 Amapola Avenue Torrance, CA 90501 U.S.A. Phone: +1 310 783 5400 P.A. Paris Nord II 48 Allee des Erables-VILLEPINTE BP.57286 F-95958 ROISSY CDG Cedex France Phone: +33 1 48 63 26 61 Frankfurter Strasse 63-69 65760 Eschborn Germany Phone: +49 6196 76113 0 9F 5-2, Sunwha-dong Jung-gu Seoul, 100-130, Korea Phone: +82 2 773 5623 Room 2116, Bldg B, FAR EAST INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, No.317 XianXia Rd., Shanghai 200051 China Phone: +86 21 6235 1107 Room 1208,12F, No.96 Chung Shan N, Rd., Sec.2, Taipei 104, Taiwan, R.O.C. Phone: +886 2 2511 3938 Room 2305, 23/F, South Tower, Concordia Plaza, 1 Science Museum Rd., TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: +852 2312 6250 10 Hoe Chiang Road #14-03A/04 Keppel Towers Singapore 089315 Phone: +65 6223 1071 *Remarks : Specifications Are Subject To Change Without Notice. CATALOG NO. 843-1 '07.1.N