PDF: 09005aef80804052/Source: 09005aef806e057b Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifica tions without notice.
DD9C16_32_64_128x72H.fm - Rev. F 4/10 EN 11 ©2004 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved
128MB, 256MB, 512MB (x72, ECC, SR) 200-Pin DDR SDRAM SODIMM
Electrical Specifications
Table 11: IDD Specifications and Conditions – 256MB
Values are shown for the MT46V32M8 DD R SDRAM only and are compu t ed from values specified in the
256Mb (32 Meg x 8) component data sheet
Parameter/Condition Symbol -40B -335 -262 -265 Units
Operating one bank active-precharge current:
tRC = tRC (MIN); tCK = tCK (MIN); DQ, DM, and DQS inputs
changing once per clock cycle; Address an d co ntrol inputs
changing once every two clock cycles
IDD0 1,215 1,125 1,125 1,080 mA
Operating one bank active-read-precharge current:
BL = 4; tRC = tRC (MIN); tCK = tCK (MIN); IOUT = 0mA; Address
and control inputs changing once per clock cycle
IDD1 1,530 1,530 1,440 1,305 mA
Precharge power-down standby current: All device banks
idle; Power-down mode; tCK = tCK (MIN); CKE = LOW IDD2P 36 36 36 36 mA
Idle standby current: CS# = HIGH; All device banks id le;
tCK = tCK (MIN); CKE = HIGH; Address and other control
changing once per clock cycle; V
= V
for DQ, DM,
and DQS
IDD2F 540 450 405 405 mA
Active power-down standby current: One device bank
active; Power-dow n mode; tCK = tCK (MIN); CKE = LOW IDD3P 360 270 225 270 mA
Active standby current: CS# = HIGH; CKE = HIGH; One
device bank acti ve; tRC = tRAS (MAX); tCK = tCK (MIN); DQ,
DM, and DQS inputs changing twice per cl oc k cyc le; Ad dress
and other control inputs changing once per cl ock cycle
IDD3N 630 540 450 450 mA
Operating burst read current: BL = 2; Continuous burst
reads; One device bank active; Address and control inputs
changing once per clock cycle; tCK = tCK (MIN); IOUT = 0mA
IDD4R 1,800 1,575 1,350 1,350 mA
Operating burst write current: BL = 2; Continuous burst
writes; One device bank active; Addr ess and control inputs
changing once per clock cycle; tCK = tCK (MIN); DQ, DM, an d
DQS inputs changing twice per clock cycle
IDD4W 1,755 1,575 1,350 1,350 mA
Auto refresh current tREFC = tRFC
(MIN) IDD5 2,340 2,295 2,115 2,205 mA
tREFC = 7.8125µs I DD5A 54 54 54 54
Self refresh current: CKE ≤ 0.2V IDD636363636mA
Operating bank interleave read current: Four device bank
interleaving reads (BL = 4) with auto precharge;
tRC = tRC (MIN); tCK = tCK (MIN); Address and control inputs
change only du ring active READ or WRITE commands
IDD7 4,230 3,690 3,150 3,285 mA