Electrical Characteristics @ T
= 25 ° C (u n l es s o t h e rw i s e sp ec i f i ed)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 55 ––– ––– V
J Bre akdow n V oltage Tem p. C o ef fi c ient ––– 0.0 53 ––– V/ °C
––– 46 58
DS(on) Static Drain- to- Source On-Resistance ––– ––– 80
––– ––– 100
GS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 1.0 ––– 3.0 V
gfs Forward Transconductance 7.4 ––– ––– S
DSS Drain-to-Source Leakage Current ––– ––– 20 µA
––– ––– 250
GSS Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage ––– ––– 200 nA
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage ––– ––– -200
gT otal Gate Char ge ––– 6 .6 9.9
gs Gate-to-Source Charge ––– 1.6 ––– nC
gd Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge ––– 3.9 –––
d(on) Turn-On Delay Time ––– 8. 2 – ––
rRise Time ––– 43 –––
d(off) Turn-Of f D e lay Time – –– 1 9 ––– n s
fFall Time ––– 16 –––
DInternal Drain Inductance ––– 4 .5 ––– Bet ween lead,
nH 6m m ( 0.25in.)
SInternal Source Inductance ––– 7.5 ––– from package
and center of die contact
iss Input Capacitance ––– 380 –––
oss Output Capacitance ––– 62 –––
rss Re verse Tr a nsfer Capacitanc e ––– 39 ––– pF
oss Output Capacitance ––– 180 –––
oss Output Capacitance ––– 50 –––
Effective Output Capacitance ––– 81 –––
S o u r ce -D ra i n Ra tings an d Ch ar ac t e ri s tics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
ISCont i n uous S o ur ce Cur rent ––– ––– 16
(B ody Diode) A
ISM Pulsed Source Current ––– ––– 64
(B ody Diode)
VSD Di ode Forwar d Voltage ––– ––– 1. 3 V
trr Rever s e Rec ov ery Time ––– 16 24 n s
Qrr Re verse Rec over y Charge ––– 1 1 17 nC
ton For ward Turn-On Tim e I n tri n si c t urn -on tim e is neg li gi bl e (tu rn-o n is dom inated by LS +LD)
VGS = 5.0V, ID = 5.0A
VGS = 4.5V, ID = 3.0A
VGS = 0V, VDS = 1.0V, ƒ = 1.0MH
VGS = 0V, VDS = 44V, ƒ = 1.0MHz
VDS = 25V , I D = 9.6A
ID = 5.0A
VDS = 44V
VGS = 16V
VGS = -16V
VGS = 5.0V
VDD = 28V
ID = 5.0A
RG = 28 Ω
TJ = 25°C, IS = 9.6A, VGS = 0V
TJ = 25°C, IF = 9.6A, VDD = 28V
VGS = 0V, ID = 250µA
R ef e r enc e t o 25°C , I D = 1mA
VGS = 10V, ID = 9 .6A
VDS = VGS, I D = 250µA
VDS = 55V , V GS = 0V
VDS = 55V , V GS = 0V, TJ = 125°C
MO SFET symbol
showing the
integral revers e
p-n junction diode.
VGS = 5.0V
VGS = 0V
VDS = 25V
ƒ = 1.0MH z
VGS = 0V, VDS = 0V to 44V