SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD SERIES 43E D MM 41357889 00001795 oO EASLCB Tpc-U Temperature Compensated Diode 6V35 Volts Ultra Stable APPLICATIONS Semitron Certified Semiconductor Reference Diodes are intended for use as a robust and reliable standard voltage. They can replace standard cells in many applications with the advantage of superior stability and temperature coefficient. They are more rugged, both electrically and mechanically, than voltage reference depending on electrochemical processes. FEATURES This series of Compensated Reference Diodes pass through a stabilising process and their performance is monitored over an operating period in excess of 1000 hours. MECHANICAL DATA Diodes may be mounted in any position using either mechanical or solder methods for lead connections. Low E.M.F. type preferred. If solder is used a thermal shunt should be clamped between the diode body and soldering iron to avoid overheating the junction. Otherwise thermal stress may change the diode stability. To protect the diode from rapid changes of temperature and other surface effects it is recommended that the diode be mounted within a large thermal mas. The certification is carried out under tightly controlled conditions. Room ambienti is controlled to + 1C, the oil bath temperature is maintained at 35C + 0.01C, and the test current is maintained at 7.5mA 100nA. The zener voltage is measured by potentiometric method to seven digits, LuV resolution, after 168 hours running at this test current. The measurements are then repeated at 168 hour intervals over a total test time of 1,176 hours. Diodes are shipped individually, packed with a certificate giving: 1. Diode type and serial number, allowing the performance to be checked against the laboratory records. 2. Test voltage reading. 3. The maximum voltage drift over the 1,000 hour test expressed in parts per million (PPM). 25.0 min 3.2 dia 7.0 max a 52 dia max 25.0 min Dimensions in mm 3-29SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD SHEGH 4W3E D MM 8137889 0000180 7 BMSLCB T-M= Id) Electrical Characteristics @ 25C Zener Zener Maximum Maximum Voltage Voitage Test Zener Temperature Stabitity Type (Nom.) Current Impedance Coefficrent Zero to Peak (4) (2) (3) Vz Voits izmA Rz Ohms % per C PPM/1000 hrs. cROS 63 15 10 0.0005 5 cR10 63 1S 10 0.0005 10 CR20 63 75 10 0.0005 2 CRSO 6.3 75 10 0.0005 50 NOTE 1 NOTE 2 NOTE 3 - owen ran Tolerance + 5% Measured at 7.5mA dc. Measured over the . Reduced Tolerance with 10% supenmposed temperature range . ws 4 available. ac. at 1 KHz -25C to 100C = Available tested to JEDEC specifications IN3501 ~IN3504A : fi 2 IN4890 - IN489SA ae on > 8 | gS | Diode Operation ig 2 | This series of certified diodes ts designed to be operated at 7.5mA d.c. They may however be operated up to owe 100mW at 100C ambient and stil maintain their stabulity. The normat temperature coefficient of 0.0005% per C 1s obtained at the standard working current of 7.5mA. At other currents the temperature coefficient will be slightly different and a zero temperature coefficient point can be found by suitable adjustment of the working current. If the operating current is changed thermal equilibrium must be reached before full stability is again obtained.