1) Valid, if leads are kept at ambient temperature at a distance of 5 mm from case
Gültig, wenn die Anschlußdrähte in 5 mm Abstand von Gehäuse auf Umgebungstemperatur gehalten werden
TIP32, TIP32A ... C General Purpose Transistors
PNP Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistors PNP
Version 2004-06-29
Collector current – Kollektorstrom 3 A
Plastic case TO-220AB
Weight approx. – Gewicht ca. 2.2 g
Plastic material has UL classification 94V-0
Gehäusematerial UL94V-0 klassifiziert
1 = B 2 = C 3 = E Standard packaging in tubes
Standard Lieferform in Stangen
Maximum ratings (TA = 25°C) Grenzwerte (TA = 25°C)
Collector-Emitter-voltage B open - VCE0 40 V 60 V 80 V 100 V
Collector-Emitter-voltage B shorted - VCES 40 V 60 V 80 V 100 V
Emitter-Base-voltage C open - VEB0 5 V
Power dissipation – Verlustleistung
without cooling – ohne Kühlung Ptot 2 W 1)
with cooling – mit Kühlung TC =25°C Ptot 40 W
Collector current – Kollektorstrom - IC3 A (dc)
Peak Collector current
Kollektor-Spitzenstrom - ICM 5 A
Base current – Basisstrom - IB1 A
Junction temp. – Sperrschichttemp. Tj150°C
Storage temp. – Lagerungstemperatur TS- 65…+ 150°C
Characteristics, Tj = 25°C Kennwerte, Tj = 25°C
Min. Typ. Max.
Collector saturation volt. – Kollektor-Sättigungsspannung
- IC = 3 A, - IB = 375 mA - VCEsat – – 1.2 V
Base-Emitter voltage – Basis-Emitter-Spannung
- VCE = 4 V, - IC = 3 A - VBEon – – 1.8
DC current gain – Kollektor-Basis-Stromverhältnis
- VCE = 4 V, - IC = 1 A
- VCE = 4 V, - IC = 3 A hFE
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