SCP1000 Series
Interface Options
Communication interface is pre-programmed in the factory and it can be either SPI (Serial Peripheral
Interface) or I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit). The SPI interface is a full duplex 4 wire interface and the
connection between the MCU and SCP1000 is achieved using MOSI, MISO, SCK and CSB. The I2C
interface is slave-only half duplex two-wire interfa ce a v ailable on SDA and SCL pins.
Interface Options
The SCP1000 Pressure sensor has 4 normal operation modes plus power down mode.
Mode Pressure measurement Resolution Output data refresh rate
High resolution Continues 17 bits 1.8 Hz
High speed Continues 15 bits 9 Hz
Ultra low power Periodical 15 bits Approximately 1 Hz
Low power External trigger 17 bits or 15 bits
Power Down Activated thro ugh PD pin
Electrical Connections
The SCP1000 pressure sensor supports two communication interfaces, SPI and I2C. Appropri ate
communication interfa ce i s pre -programmed in the factory.
SCP1000- D01 (SPI Interface)
Pin # Name Function Characteristics
1 ATST Connect to analog ground For factory use only
2 TRIG(6 Trigger input, connect to GND if
not used Digital input
3 DRDY Interrupt signal (data ready) Digital output
4 CLK Connect to digital GND
5 DVDD Digital supply voltage Powe r line
6 DVSS Digital ground Power line
7 DVDDS Digital supply filter Digital power supply filter
8 PD(6 Power down, connect to GND if
not used Input to force the chip in power down
9 SCK(6 SPI clock input Interface clo ck
10 MOSI(6 SPI data input Digital data input
11 MISO SPI data output Digital data output
12 CSB(6 SPI chip select Digital input
13 AVDD Analog supply voltage Power line
14 AVSS Analog ground Power line
15 AVSS Analog ground Power line
16 ATST Conne ct to analog g rou nd For factory use only
Note 6 The MCU has to actively drive the signal in high and low states
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