VIC068A VMEbus Interface Controller Features -- Seven local interrupt lines * Complete VMEbus interface controller and arbiter -- 58 internal registers provide configuration control and status of VMEbus and local operations -- Drives arbitration, interrupt, address modifier utility, strobe, address lines A07 through A01 and data lines D07 through D00 directly, and provides signals for control logic to drive remaining address and data lines -- Direct connection to 68xxx family and mappable to non-68xxx processors * Complete master/slave capability -- Supports read, write, write posting, and block transfers -- Accommodates VMEbus timing requirements with internal digital delay line (12-clock granularity) -- Programmable metastability delay -- Programmable data acquisition delays -- Provides timeout timers for local bus and VMEbus transactions * Interleaved block transfers over VMEbus -- Acts as DMA master on local bus -- Programmable burst count, transfer length, and interleaved period interval -- Supports local module-based DMA * Arbitration support -- Supports single-level, priority and round robin arbitration -- Supports fair request option as requester * Interrupt support -- Complete support for the VMEbus interrupts: interrupter and interrupt handler Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** * -- 8-level interrupt priority encode -- Total of 29 interrupts mapped through the VIC068A * Miscellaneous features -- Refresh option for local DRAM -- Four broadcast location monitors -- Four module-specific location monitors -- Eight interprocessor communications registers -- PGA or QFP packages -- Compatible with IEEE Specification 1014, Rev. C -- Supports RMC operations * See the VMEbus Interface Handbook for more information Functional Description The VMEbus interface controller (VIC068A) is a single chip designed to minimize the cost and board area requirements and to maximize performance of the VMEbus interface of a VMEbus master/slave module. This can be implemented on VIC068A either an 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit VMEbus system. The VIC068A performs all VMEbus system controller functions plus many others, which simplify the development of VIC068Aa VMEbus interface. The VIC068A utilizes patented on-chip output buffers. These CMOS high-drive buffers provide direct connection to the address and data lines. In addition to these signals, the VIC068A connects directly to the arbitration, interrupt, address modifier, utility and strobe lines. Signals are provided which control data direction and latch functions needed for a 32-bit implementation. The VIC068A was developed through the efforts of a consortium of board vendors, under the auspices of the VMEbus International Trade Association (VITA). The VIC068A thus insures compatibility between boards designed by different manufacturers. 3901 North First Street * San Jose * CA 95134 * 408-943-2600 Revised July 23, 1997 VIC068A Pin Configurations Pin Grid Array (PGA) Bottom View A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R GND IPL2* LIACKO* LIRQ2* LIRQ5* ASIZ1 ASIZ0 SLSEL1* WORD* FIACK* A02 A04 VCC GND IRQ4* LD6 BLT* IPL1* VCC LIRQ1* LIRQ4* LIRQ6* ICFSEL* MWB* A01 A03 A05 A07 IRQ3* IRQ7* LD2 LD5 DEDLK* IPL0* LAEN LIRQ3* LIRQ7* GND SLSEL0* GND A06 IRQ1* IRQ2* IRQ6* ACFAIL* LD1 LD3 LD7 LOCATOR PIN IRQ5* VCC IACKOUT* LA7 LD0 LD4 LA3 LA5 LA6 IACKIN* IACK* AM0 LA2 LA4 GND GND AS* AM1 LA1 LA0 VCC GND AM2 AM3 CS* DSACK1* DS* VCC LWORD* AM4 PAS* LBERR* RESET* BERR* WRITE* AM5 DSACK0* R/W* FC1 BR2* DS1* DS0* HALT* RMC* LBR* BBSY* BR1* BR0* FC2 SIZ0 SCON* CLK64M LADI GND VCC GND SIZ1 IRESET* LADO LEDI DDIR LWDENIN* DENO* D06 LBG* ABEN* VCC LEDO ISOBE* D07 SYSFAIL* SYSRESET* DTACK* UWDENIN* SWDEN* VCC D03 D05 BGOUT1* BGIN2* BGIN0* BR3* GND D01 GND BGOUT0* BGIN3* BGIN1* BCLR* D04 D02 BGOUT3* BGOUT2* SYSCLK GND D00 VIC068A-1 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 2 of 15 VIC068A Pin Configurations (continued) 160-Pin Quad Flatpack (QFP) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 GND GND LBG* IRESET* SCON* CLK64M ABEN* LADO LADI LEDI VCC LEDO DDIR UWDENIN* GND LWDENIN* DENO* SWDEN* ISOBE* VCC GND D07 D06 D05 D04 VCC D03 D02 D01 D00 BGOUT3* GND BGOUT2* BGOUT1* BGOUT0* SYSCLK BGIN3* BGIN2* GND GND 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 GND GND IPL0* IPL1* IPL2* VCC LAEN LIAKO* LIRQ1* LIRQ2* LIRQ3* LIRQ4* LIRQ5* LIRQ6* LIRQ7* ASIZ1* ASIZ0* ICFSEL* SLSEL1* GND SLSEL0* WORD* FCIACK* MWB* A1 GND A2 A3 A4 VCC A5 A6 A7 VSS IRQ1* IRQ2* IRQ3* IRQ4* GND GND 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 VCC VCC GND BLT* DEDLK* LD7 LD6 LD5 LD4 LD3 LD2 LD1 LD0 LA7 LA6 LA5 LA4 LA3 LA2 GND VCC LA1 LA0 CS* PAS* DS* DSACK1* DSACK0* LBERR* RESET* HALT* R/W* FC2 FC1 RMC* SIZ1 SIZ0 LBR* VCC VCC Top View VCC VCC IRQ5* IRQ6* IRQ7* VCC SYSFAIL* ACFAIL* SYSRESET* IACKOUT* IACKIN* IACK* DTACK* AS* GND AM0 AM1 AM2 AM3 GND VCC AM4 AM5 LWORD* WRITE* BERR* DS0* DS1* BR0* GND BR1* BR2* BR3* BCLR* BBSY* BGIN0* BGIN1* GND VCC VCC VIC068A-2 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 3 of 15 VIC068A Pin Configurations (continued) 144-Pin Thin Quad Flatpack (TQFP) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 LBG* IRESET* SCON* CLK64M ABEN* LADO LADI LEDI VCC LEDO DDIR UWDENIN* GND LWDENIN* DENO* SWDEN* ISOBE* VCC GND D07 D06 D05 D04 VCC D03 D02 D01 D00 BGOUT3* GND BGOUT2* BGOUT1* BGOUT0* SYSCLK BGIN3* BGIN2* 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 IPL0* IPL1* IPL2* VCC LAEN LIAKO* LIRQ1* LIRQ2* LIRQ3* LIRQ4* LIRQ5* LIRQ6* LIRQ7* ASIZ1* ASIZ0* ICFSEL* SLSEL1* GND SLSEL0* WORD* FCIACK* MWB* A1 GND A2 A3 A4 VCC A5 A6 A7 GND IRQ1* IRQ2* IRQ3* IRQ4* 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 GND BLT* DEDLK* LD7 LD6 LD5 LD4 LD3 LD2 LD1 LD0 LA7 LA6 LA5 LA4 LA3 LA2 GND VCC LA1 LA0 CS* PAS* DS* DSACK1* DSACK0* LBERR* RESET* HALT* R/W* FC2 FC1 RMC* SIZ1 SIZ0 LBR* Top View IRQ5* IRQ6* IRQ7* VC C SYSFAIL* ACFAIL* SYSRESET* IACKOUT* IACKIN* IACK* DTACK* AS* GND AM0 AM1 AM2 AM3 GND VCC AM4 AM5 LWORD* WRITE* BERR* DS0* DS1* BR0* VSS BR1* BR2* BR3* BCLR* BBSY* BGIN0* BGIN1* GND VIC068A-3 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 4 of 15 VIC068A VIC068A on 68030 Board 512/256K X 36 DRAM 512/256K X 36 DRAM 32 32 Address Mux Latching Transceivers Latching Transceivers Parity Check Logic LD0 -LD31 68030 4 JEDEC EPROMs LA 0 -LA31 EPROM Map Decoder VMEbus DRAM I/O FCT 543 D24-D31 FCT 543 D16-D23 FCT 543 D 08-D16 MWB* WORD* ASIZ1 ASIZ0 FCT 245 FCT 245 ISOBE* FCT 245 SWDEN* DDIR FCT 245 SYSCLK D00 -D07 LD0 -LD7 VIC068A LA0 -LA7 FCT 543 IRQ1*, IRQ7*, ACFAIL*, SYSFAIL* STSRESET* FCT 543 Slave Select Decode A31-A24 A23-16 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** AM 0 - AM 5 AS*, DS0*, DS1*, DTACK*, WRITE*, LWORD*, BERR* BGiIN*, BGiOUT*, BRi*, BBSY* IACK*, IACKIN*, IACKOUT* SCON* W1 FCT 543 A1 - A 7 SLSEL0* SLSEL1* ICFSEL LIACKO* LIRQ1* - LIRQ7* VIC068A-4 A15-A08 Page 5 of 15 VIC068A Theory of Operation The VIC068A is an interface between a local CPU bus and the VMEbus. The local bus interface of the VIC068A emulates Motorola's family of 32-bit CISC processor interfaces. Other processors can easily be adapted to interface to the VIC068A using the appropriate logic. Resetting the VIC068A The VIC068A can be reset by any of three distinct reset conditions: Internal Reset. This reset is the most common means of resetting the VIC068A. It resets select register values and all logic within the device. System Reset. This reset provides a means of resetting the VIC068A through the VMEbus backplane. The VIC068A may also signal a SYSRESET* by writing a configuration register. Global Reset. This provides a complete reset of the VIC068A. This reset resets all of the VIC068A's configuration registers. This reset should be used with caution since SYSCLK is not driven while a global reset is in progress. All three reset options are implemented in a different manner and have different effects on the VIC068A configuration registers. VIC068A VMEbus System Controller The VIC068A is capable of operating as the VMEbus system controller. It provides VMEbus arbitration functions, including: * Priority, round-robin, and single-level arbitration schemes * Driving IACK* Daisy-Chain * Driving BGiOUT* Daisy-Chain (All four levels) * Driving SYSCLK output * VMEbus arbitration timeout timer The System controller functions are enabled by the SCON* pin of the VIC068A. When strapped LOW, the VIC068A functions as the VMEbus system controller. VIC068A VMEbus Master Cycles The VIC068A is capable of becoming the VMEbus master in response to a request from local resources. In this situation, the local resource requests that a VMEbus transfer is desired. The VIC068A makes a request for the VMEbus. When the VMEbus is granted to the VIC068A, it then performs the transfer and acknowledges the local resource and the cycle is complete. The VIC068A is capable of all four VMEbus request levels. The following release modes are supported: * Release on request (ROR) * Release when done (RWD) * Release on clear (ROC) * Release under RMC* control * Bus capture and hold (BCAP) The VIC068A supports A32, A24, and A16, as well as user-defined address spaces. latches the local data to be written and performs the VMEbus transfer without the local resource having to wait for VMEbus arbitration. Indivisible Cycles Read-modify-write cycles and indivisible multiple-address cycles (EMACS) are easily performed using the VIC068A. Significant control is allowed to: * Requesting the VMEbus on the assertion of RMC* independent of MWB* (this prevents any slave access from interrupting local indivisible cycles) * Stretching the VMEbus AS* * Making the above behaviors dependent on the local SIZi signals Deadlock Condition If a master operation is attempted when a slave operation to the same module is in progress, a deadlock condition has occurred. The VIC068A will signal a deadlock condition by asserting the DEDLK* signal. This should be used by the local resource requesting the VMEbus to try the transfer after the slave access has completed. Self-Access Condition If the VIC068A, while it is VMEbus master, has a slave select signaled, a self access is said to have occurred. The VIC068A will issue a BERR*, which in turn will cause a LBERR* to be asserted. VIC068A VMEbus Slave Cycles The VIC068A is capable of operating as a VMEbus slave controller. The VIC068A contains a highly programmable environment to allow for a wide variety of slave configurations. The VIC068A allows for: * D32, D16, or D8 configuration * A32, A24, A16, or user-defined address spaces * Programmable block transfer support including: -- DMA-type block transfer (PAS* and DSACKi* held asserted) -- non-DMA-type block transfer (toggle PAS* and DSACKi*) -- No support for block transfer * Programmable data acquisition delays * Programmable PAS* and DS* timing * Restricted slave accesses (supervisory accesses only) When a slave access is required, the VIC068A will request the local bus. When local bus mastership is obtained, the VIC068A will read or write the data to/from the local resource and assert the DTACK* signal to complete the transfer. Slave Write-Posting The VIC068A is capable of performing a slave write-post operation (bus decoupling). When enabled, the VIC068A latches the data to be written and acknowledge the VMEbus (asserts DTACK*) immediately thereafter. This prevents the VMEbus from having to wait for local bus access. Master Write-Posting Address Modifier (AM) Codes The VIC068A is capable of performing master write-posting (bus decoupling). In this situation, the VIC068A acknowledges the local resource immediately after the request to the VIC068A is made, thus freeing the local bus. The VIC068A The VIC068A encodes and decodes the VMEbus address modifier codes. For VMEbus master accesses, the VIC068A encodes the appropriate AM codes through the VIC068A FCi and ASIZi signals, as well as the block transfer status. For Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 6 of 15 VIC068A slave accesses, the VIC068A decodes the AM codes and checks the slave select control registers to see if the slave request is to be supported with regard to address spaces, supervisory accesses, and block transfers. The VIC068A also supports user-defined AM codes; that is, the VIC068A can be made to assert and respond to user-defined AM codes. each transfer. The local protocol for slave block transfers can be configured in a full handshake mode by toggling both PAS* and DS* and expecting DSACKi* to toggle, or in an accelerated mode in which only DS* toggles and PAS* is asserted throughout the cycle. VIC068A VMEbus Block Transfers The VIC068A is capable of acting as a DMA controller between two local resources. This mode is similar to that of master block transfers with local DMA, with the exception that the VMEbus is not the second source or destination. The VIC068A is capable of both master and slave block transfers. The master VIC068A performs a block transfer in one of two modes: * MOVEM-type Block Transfer * Master Block Transfer with Local DMA In addition to these VMEbus block transfers, the VIC068A is also capable of performing block transfers from one local resource to another in a DMA-like fashion. This is referred to as a Module-based DMA transfer. The VMEbus specification restricts block transfers from crossing 256-byte boundaries without toggling the address strobe, in addition to restricting the maximum length of the transfer to 256 bytes. The VIC068A allows for easy implementation of block transfers that exceed the 256-byte restriction by releasing the VMEbus at the appropriate time and rearbitrating for the bus at a programmed time later (this in-between time is referred to as the interleave period), while at the same time holding both the local and VMEbus addresses with internal latches. All of this is performed without processor/software intervention until the transfer is complete. The VIC068A contains two separate address counters for the VMEbus and the local address buses. In addition, a separate address is counter-provided for slave block transfers. The VIC068A address counters are 8-bit up-counters that provide for transfers up to 256 bytes. For transfers that exceed the 256-byte limit, the Cypress CY7C964 or external counters and latches are required. The VIC068A allows slave accesses to occur during the interleave period. Master accesses are also allowed during interleave with programming and external logic. This is referred to as the "dual path" option. MOVEM Master Block Transfer This mode of block transfer provides the simplest implementation of VMEbus block transfers. For this mode, the local resource simply configures the VIC068A for a MOVEM block transfer and proceeds with the consecutive-address cycles (such as a 680X0 MOVEM instruction). The local resource continues as the local bus master in this mode. Master Block Transfers with Local DMA In this mode, the VIC068A becomes the local bus master and reads or writes the local data in a DMA-like fashion. This provides a much faster interface than the MOVEM block transfer, but with less control and fault tolerance. VIC068A Slave Block Transfer The process of receiving a block transfer is referred to as a slave block transfer. The VIC068A is capable of decoding the address modifier codes to determine that a slave block transfer is desired. In this mode, the VIC068A captures the VMEbus address, and latches them into internal counters. For subsequent cycles, the VIC068A simply increments this counter for Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Module-Based DMA Transfers VIC068A Interrupt Generation and Handling Facilities The VIC068A is capable of generating and handling a seven-level prioritized interrupt scheme similar to that used by the Motorola CISC processors. These interrupts include the seven VMEbus interrupts, seven local interrupts, five VIC068A error/status interrupts, and eight interprocessor communication interrupts. The VIC068A can be configured to act as handler for any of the seven VMEbus interrupts. The VIC068A can generate the seven VMEbus interrupts as well as supplying a user-defined status/ID vector. The local priority level (IPL) for VMEbus interrupts is programmable. When configured as the system controller, the VIC068 will drive the IACK daisy-chain. The local interrupts can be configured with the following: * User-defined local interrupt priority level (IPL) * Option for VIC068A to provide the status/ID vector * Edge or level sensitivity * Polarity (rising/falling edge, active HIGH/LOW) The VIC068A is also capable of generating local interrupts on certain error or status conditions. These include: * ACFAIL* asserted * SYSFAIL* asserted * Failed master write-post (BERR* asserted) * Local DMA completion for block transfers * Arbitration timeout * VMEbus interrupter interrupt The VIC068A can also interrupt on the setting of a module or global switch in the interprocessor communication facilities. Interprocessor Communication Facilities The VIC068A includes interprocessor registers and switches that can be written and read through VMEbus accesses. These are the only such registers that are directly accessible from the VMEbus. Included in the interprocessor communication facilities are: * Four general purpose 8-bit registers * Four module switches * Four global switches * VIC068A version/revision register (read-only) * VIC068A Reset/Halt condition (read-only) * VIC068A interprocessor communication register semaphores When set through a VMEbus access, these switches can interrupt a local resource. The VIC068A includes module switches that are intended for a single module, and global switches which are intended to be used as a broadcast. Page 7 of 15 VIC068A Buffer Control Signal for Shared Memory Implementation[1] CEBA* LEBA* OEBA* LADI LAEN '543 LE Q LA8 -LA31 A B VMEbus A8 -A31 OEAB* LEAB* CEAB* ABEN* D Q LE CEBA* LEBA* OEBA* UWDENIN* Q A A Q LE 1=A to B 0=B to A D32 CPU EN D32 SHARED MEMORY '543 D B D B D16 SHARED MEMORY LADO LE LD16 -LD31 '245 D VMEbus D16 -D31 OEAB* LEAB* CEAB* SWDEN* DDIR 1=A to B 0=B to A A B CEBA* LEBA* OEBA* LEDI LD0 -LD15 LWDENIN* EN LE Q A LD6 -D15 '245 '543 ISOBE* D Q LE LD0 -LD7 LA0 -LA7 D VMEbus D8 -D15 B OEAB* LEAB* CEAB* DENO* LEDO VMEbus D00 -D07 VIC VMEbus A01 -A07 DSACK1* LWORD* DSACK0* DS0* S1Z1 DS1* S1Z0 WORD* Note: 1. This configuration can support Slave Block Transfers and Master and Slave Write-Post Operation. This buffer configuration cannot support block transfers with DMA. Operating Range Range Ambient Temperature VCC 0C to +70C 5V 5% Industrial -40C to +85C 5V 10% Military -55C to +125C 5V 10% Commercial Related Documents VMEbus Interface Handbook Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 8 of 15 VIC068A Ordering Information Ordering Code VIC068A-AC Package Name Operating Range Package Type A144 144-Pin Thin Quad Flatpack VIC068A-BC B144 145-Pin Plastic Pin Grid Array VIC068A-GC G145 145-Pin Ceramic Pin Grid Array VIC068A-NC N160 160-Lead Plastic Quad Flatpack VIC068A-GI G145 145-Pin Ceramic Pin Grid Array Industrial VIC068A-GMB G145 145-Pin Ceramic Pin Grid Array MIL-STD-883 VIC068A-UM U162 160-Lead Ceramic Quad Flatpack Military Temp. Commercial VIC068A-UMB U162 160-Lead Ceramic Quad Flatpack MIL-STD-883 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Commercial Page 9 of 15 VIC068A Package Diagrams 144-Pin Thin Quad Flat Pack A144 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 10 of 15 VIC068A Package Diagrams (continued) 145-Pin Plastic Grid Array (CavityUp) B144 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 11 of 15 VIC068A Package Diagrams (continued) 145-Pin Grid Array (Cavity Up) G145 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 12 of 15 VIC068A Package Diagrams (continued) 160-Lead Plastic Quad Flatpack N160 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 13 of 15 VIC068A Package Diagrams (continued) 160-Lead Ceramic Quad Flatpack U162 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 14 of 15 (c) Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 1997. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress Semiconductor product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress Semiconductor does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress Semiconductor products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress Semiconductor against all charges. VIC068A Document Title: VIC068A VMEbus Interface Controller Document Number: 38-09004 REV. ECN NO. Issue Date Orig. of Change Description of Change ** 106239 04/20/01 SZV Change from Spec number: 38-00167 to 38-09004 Document #: 38-09004 Rev. ** Page 15 of 15