Key Benefits
Powerful tools to
ensure networks
function effectively
and securely
Practical, Comprehensive Network
A powerful yet easy to use range of
management software offering network
administrators a choice of three applica-
tions so they can optimize their 3Com
equipment, no matter what the size or
complexity of their network.
Fast and Effective Problem Handling
Robust capabilities for monitoring,
administering,and troubleshooting net-
wor k pr oblems. Innovative smart event
handling lets networ k managers imple-
ment f ast solutions b y focusing attention
on root causes .
Scalable Solutions
Three software options—3Com®
Networ k Supervisor , 3Com Netw ork
Su pervisor Advanced Package, and
3Com Integration Kit f or HP OpenV ie w
—let users address their network needs,
from the most basic to the mor e advanced.
Integration With Third-Party
Management Systems
Full support provided for 3Com equip-
ment in networks managed by HP
OpenView Network Node Manager on
Windows NT, W indo ws 2000, and UNIX.
3Com® Network Management Software
3Com Network Supervisor
For small to mid-sized networ ks, 3Com
Networ k Supervisor pro vides a pow e r-
ful y et easy-to-use tool that gra phically
discovers , ma ps, and displays network
links and IP devices, including 3Com
NBX®telephones and some popular
third-party products . It ma ps devices
and connections for easy monitoring of
stress lev els , setting thr esholds and alerts,
viewing netw or k events, g enerating
reports in user-defined f ormats , and
launching device configuration tools.
3Com Network Supervisor detailed
reports—on inventory, ports used,
and network topology—make it easier
to manage a network. The software's
advanced event processing speeds the
time needed to resolve network prob-
lems. Automated operations , intellig ent
defaults, as w ell as the ability to detect
network misconfigurations and offer
optimization suggestions give manager s
at all levels of experience support for
robust network supervision.
3Com Network Supervisor
Advanced Package
Lar g er or mor e sophisticated netw or ks
can manage up to 2,500 IP devices with
3Com Network Supervisor Advanced
Packa ge. The char gea ble software also
ad ds f eatures such as configuration
backu p and restor e f or 3Com switches
on the networ k, bulk administration,
and task scheduling flexibility to the
management capabilities offer ed b y
3Com Networ k Supervisor .
3Com Integration Kit for HP OpenView
For lar ger enterprises with heter o geneous
networ ks using an Open Management
Platform, the 3Com Integration Kit f or
HP OpenVie w pro vides custom icons,
MIBs, and trap definitions so 3Com
devices discovered and monitor ed b y
HP OpenVie w ar e identified b y pr oduct
name and depicted as 3Com icons in
HP OpenView network maps. This
chargeable software installs as a plug-
in on a system running HP OpenView
Network Node Manager.