DS-IXD_604SI_SIA-R04 www.ixysic.com 1
•AEC Q100 Qualified
•4A Source/Sink Drive Current
•Wide Operating Voltage Range: 4.5V to 35V
•AEC Q100 Grade 1 -40°C to +125°C Operating
Temperature Range
•Logic Input Withstands Negative Swing of up to 5V
•Outputs Ma y be Connected in Parallel for Higher
Drive Current
•Matched Rise and Fall Times
•Low Propaga tion Delay Time
•Low, 10A Supply Current
•Low Output Impedance
•Automotive DC/DC regulators
•Electronic Power Steering
•Electric Vehicle Power Train Driv es
•Brushless DC motors
The IXD_604SI and IXD_604SIA are automotive
grade, dual high-speed gate driv ers that are qualified
according to AEC Q100 standards. Each of t he two
outputs can source and sink 4A of cur rent, while
producing rise and f all times of less than 10ns. The
outputs and inputs are rated to 35V. The input of each
driver is virtually immune to latch-up, and proprietary
circuitry eliminates cross-conduction and
"shoot-through." The IXD_604 has a Grade 1, -40°C
to +125°C ambient operating te mper at ure range.
The IXDD604 is a dual non-inv e rting driver with an
enable. The IXDN604 is a dual non-inverting driver,
the IXDI604 is a dual in verting driver , and the IXDF604
has one inverting driver and one non-inverting driver.
The AEC Q100 qualified IXD_604SIA is available in a
standard 8-pin SOIC package, and the IXD_604SI is
available in an 8-pin Pow er SOI C package with an
e xpo sed met al back.
Ordering Information
Part Number Logic
Configuration Package Type Packing
Method Quantity
IXDD604SI 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tube 100
IXDD604SITR 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tape & Reel 2000
IXDD604SIA 8-Pin SOIC Tube 100
IXDD604SIATR 8-Pin SOIC Tape & Reel 2000
IXDF604SI 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tube 100
IXDF604SITR 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tape & Reel 2000
IXDF604SIA 8-Pin SOIC Tube 100
IXDF604SIATR 8-Pin SOIC Tape & Reel 2000
IXDI604SI 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tube 100
IXDI604SITR 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tape & Reel 2000
IXDI604SIA 8-Pin SOIC Tube 100
IXDI604SIATR 8-Pin SOIC Tape & Reel 2000
IXDN604SI 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tube 100
IXDN604SITR 8-Pin Power SOIC with Exposed Metal Back Tape & Reel 2000
IXDN604SIA 8-Pin SOIC Tube 100
IXDN604SIATR 8-Pin SOIC Tape & Reel 2000
Automotive Grade
4-Ampere, Dual Low-Side, Ultrafast MOSFET Drivers