Altera Corporation 1
in MAX Devices
September 2005, ver. 1.5 Application Note 95
Introduction MAX® devices are programmable logic devices (PLDs), based on the
Altera® Multiple Array MatriX (MAX) architecture that and supports the
IEEE Std. 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface. MAX devices
are also in-system programmable, which adds programming flexibility
and provides benefits in many phases of product development,
manufacturing, and field use. This application note provides background
information on in-system programmability (ISP) and the IEEE Std. 1149.1
JTAG interface and discusses the advantages of using ISP-capable MAX
Features &
In-system design, prototyping, and manufacturing, reduces cost, shortens
development time, and provides a wider range of programming options
than standard device programming methods. With ISP, you can:
Program and reprogram devices after they are soldered onto the
printed circuit board (PCB), minimizing the possibility of lead
damage or electrostatic discharge (ESD) exposure.
Manufacture systems before you finalize device configuration.
Perform boundary-scan test (BST) procedures and program devices
using in-circuit testers.
Upgrade systems in the field after they have been shipped.
2Altera Corporation
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
Table 1 describes the features and benefits of using ISP-capable
MAX devices.
ISP-capable MAX devices support ISP through a VCC-level programming
voltage. The devices generate a 12.0-V programming voltage internally to
program, verify, and erase the device’s EEPROM cells, eliminating the
need for the external 12.0-V programming voltage typically required for
ISP-capable MAX devices are guaranteed for 100 erase and programming
cycles with 100% programming and functional yields.
Table 1. ISP-Capable MAX Device Features & Benefits
Product Development
Features Benefits
Device prototyping Devices are programmed with a VCC-level
programming voltage. Eliminates the need for a 12.0-V
programming voltage and the possibility of
accidental damage to lower voltage parts.
Also reduces system power requirements.
Devices can be programmed while
soldered to a PCB. Minimizes device handling, thereby
protecting devices from ESD and lead
Prototype systems can be assembled
before the device configuration is
Cuts prototype development time and saves
development costs.
System manufacturing PLDs can be treated the same way as
other board-level devices because they
can be programmed after the PCB is
Simplifies manufacturing, saves time, and
protects devices from ESD and lead
ISP is implemented using the IEEE Std.
1149.1 (JTAG) interface; therefore, circuit
testing and device programming can be
combined into a single manufacturing step
using a standard in-circuit tester.
Programming data can be downloaded
from in-circuit testers, PCs, or
workstations during final PCB test.
Devices can be programmed with test
configurations. Enhances design debugging and board-
level testing capabilities.
In-field programming Devices can be reprogrammed in the field. Adds versatility and reduces service costs,
thereby making products more attractive to
the consumer.
Altera Corporation 3
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
In Altera devices, ISP is implemented using the IEEE Std.1149.1 JTAG
interface, which streamlines PCB testing and device programming
operations into a single manufacturing step.
ISP-capable MAX devices are supported by the following systems:
MAX+PLUS II development system
In-circuit testers
Embedded processors
MAX+PLUS II Development System
You can use a PC or UNIX workstation, the MAX+PLUS II Programmer,
and the BitBlaster serial or ByteBlasterMV parallel port download cable
to download Programmer Object Files (.pof), Jam Files (.jam), or
Jam Byte-Code Files (.jbc)from the MAX+PLUS II software to ISP-
capable MAX devices mounted on a PCB. This method is more cost-
effective than other programming methods because design, simulation,
and prototyping can be performed using the same PC- or UNIX
workstation-based system.
For production, you can implement ISP using Altera’s free stand-alone
programming software and the BitBlasterMV cable to download POFs.
1PC-based stand-alone programming software, asap2.exe, is
available from Altera’s FTP site at in the
\pub\misc directory.
Figure 1 shows the 10-pin female plug dimensions for the BitBlaster or
ByteBlasterMV download cable.
4Altera Corporation
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
Figure 1. 10-Pin Female Plug Dimensions
Dimensions are shown in inches. The spacing between pin centers is 0.1 inch.
Table 2 identifies the 10-pin female plug’s pin names for the
corresponding download mode.
1The circuit board must supply VCC and ground to the
ByteBlasterMV cable.
0.250 Typ.
0.700 Typ.
0.425 Typ.
0.100 Sq.
0.025 Sq.
Color Strip
Table 2. Female Plug’s Pin Names & Download Modes
Pin JTAG Mode PS Mode
Signal Name Description Signal Name Description
1TCK Clock signal DCLK Clock signal
2GND Signal ground GND Signal ground
3TDO Data from device CONFIG_DONE Configuration
4VCC Power supply VCC Power supply
5TMS JTAG state
machine control nCONFIG Configuration
6 No connect No connect
7 No connect nSTATUS Configuration
8 No connect No connect
9TDI Data to device DATA0 Data to device
10 GND Signal ground GND Signal ground
Altera Corporation 5
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
ISP-capable devices are programmed via a device’s JTAG pins: TCK, TMS,
TDI, and TDO. Figure 2 shows how the BitBlaster or ByteBlasterMV
download cable interfaces with an ISP-capable device. The I/O pins are
tri-stated during in-system programming.
Figure 2. ISP-Capable MAX Device Programming with the BitBlaster or
ByteBlasterMV Download Cable
fSearch for “Programming a Single Device with the BitBlaster or
ByteBlasterMV” in MAX+PLUS II Help, or go to the BitBlaster Serial
Download Cable Data Sheet and ByteBlasterMV Parallel Port Download Cable
Data Sheet in this handbook for more information.
In-Circuit Test Programming
You can program ISP-capable MAX devices during the final PCB testing
stage using in-circuit testers and the IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) interface. To
program a device using in-circuit testers, create a Jam or SVF File with the
MAX+PLUS II software and download this file from an in-circuit test
station to one or more ISP-capable MAX devices.
Embedded Processor Programming
You can program ISP-capable MAX devices in-system using an
embedded processor. For example, programming information can be
stored in an EPROM and shifted into the ISP-capable MAX device using a
4-bit interface from the processor to the device’s JTAG pins. This method
lets you program devices during burn-in and upgrade devices in the field.
Target Altera Device
10-Pin Male
Header (Top View)
Pin 1 VCC
1 k
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
1 k
6Altera Corporation
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
You can program MAX devices with an embedded processor by creating
a Jam File from the MAX+PLUS II software and downloading it with the
Jam Player.
fRefer to AN 122: Using Jam STAPL for ISP & ICR via an Embedded Processor
for more information on embedded processor programming.
MAX device JTAG pins and functions are described in Table 3.
During erasure, programming, and verification, all device I/O pins are
tri-stated to eliminate interference from other devices on the PCB. Devices
are programmed by applying the appropriate signals on the TMS and TCK
inputs and shifting data into and out of the devices on the TDI and TDO
pins, respectively. After programming, the IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG Test
Access Port (TAP) controller state machine must be advanced to the
RESET state, which is maintained by external pull-up resistors on the TCK,
TMS, and TDI pins. During normal operation, the pull-up resistors
prevent the device from entering other modes.
Figure 3 shows the timing waveforms for the IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG TAP
controller state machine.
Table 3. JTAG Pins
Pin Description Function
TDI Test data input Serial input pin for data and instructions, which are
shifted in on the rising edge of TCK. This signal needs
to be externally pulled high during normal operation.
TDO Test data output Serial data output pin for instructions and data. Data is
shifted out on the falling edge of TCK. This signal is
tri-stated if data is not being shifted out of the device.
TMS Test mode select Input pin controls the IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG state
machine and is evaluated on the rising edge of TCK.
This signal needs to be externally pulled high during
normal operation.
TCK Test clock Provides the clock signal for the JTAG circuits. The
maximum operating frequency is 10 MHz. This signal
needs to be externally pulled low during normal
Altera Corporation 7
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
Figure 3. JTAG Waveforms for MAX Devices
Table 4 shows the JTAG timing parameters and values for ISP-capable
MAX devices.
fGo to AN 39: IEEE Std.1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera
Devices for information on the IEEE Std.1149.1 JTAG TAP controller state
Table 4. JTAG Timing Parameters & Values for MAX Devices
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit
tJCP TCK clock period 100 ns
tJCH TCK clock high time 50 ns
tJCL TCK clock low time 50 ns
tJPSU JTAG port setup time 20 ns
tJPH JTAG port hold time 45 ns
tJPCO JTAG port clock to output 25 ns
tJPZX JTAG port high impedance to valid output 25 ns
tJPXZ JTAG port valid output to high impedance 25 ns
tJSSU Capture register setup time 20 ns
tJSH Capture register hold time 45 ns
tJSCO Update register clock to output 25 ns
tJSZX Update register high impedance to valid output 25 ns
tJSXZ Update register vali d output to high impedance 25 ns
to Be
to Be
8Altera Corporation
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
MAX Devices
You can use an IEEE Std.1149.1 JTAG-compatible header to program a
single device or a chain of devices, depending on the layout of your PCB.
Single-Device Programming
For PCBs that contain a single ISP-capable MAX device, a
JTAG-compatible header—such as the 10-pin BitBlaster or ByteBlasterMV
header—can be used to program the device. See Figure 4.
Altera Corporation 9
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
Figure 4. Single-Device Programming
JTAG-Chain Device Programming
When programming a chain of devices, one JTAG-compatible plug, such
as a BitBlaster or ByteBlasterMV 10-pin male plug, is connected to several
devices. The number of devices in the JTAG chain is limited only by the
drive capability of the BitBlaster or ByteBlasterMV download cable.
However, when three or more devices are connected in a JTAG chain,
Altera recommends buffering the TDO,TCK, TDI, and TMS pins.
JTAG-chain device programming is ideal when the circuit board contains
multiple devices, or when the circuit board is tested using JTAG BST. See
Figure 5.
ISP Target Device
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
IEEE Std. 1149.1
JTAG Interface
1 k
10 Altera Corporation
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
Figure 5. JTAG-Chain Device Programming with a BitBlaster or ByteBlasterMV Cable
To program a single ISP-capable MAX device in a JTAG chain, the
programming software puts all other devices in the JTAG chain in
BYPASS mode. When in BYPASS mode, devices pass programming data
from the TDI pin to the TDO pin through a single bypass register.
Bypassed devices are not affected internally, thereby enabling the
programming software to erase, program, or verify the target device.
fGo toAN 39: IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera Devices
for more information on the BYPASS mode.
Conclusion ISP-capable MAX devices offer benefits in product design, prototyping,
and manufacturing. ISP simplifies the manufacturing flow by allowing
the devices to be mounted on a PCB with standard pick-and-place
equipment before they are programmed. ISP-capable MAX devices can
be programmed by downloading the information via in-circuit testers,
embedded processors, or the BitBlaster or ByteBlasterMV download
cables. In addition, programming these devices after they are placed on
the board eliminates lead damage on high pin-count packages, e.g., quad
flat pack (QFP) packages, due to device handling. These devices can also
be reprogrammed in the field (i.e., product upgrades can be performed in
the field via software or modem).
Other IEEE Std.
1149.1 JTAG-
Compliant Device
Other IEEE Std.
1149.1 JTAG-
Compliant Device
Altera Device
10-Pin Male Header
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
1 k
101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 544-7000
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Copyright © 2005 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company
the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified a
trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Alter
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spective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pendin
applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor product
to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make chang
es to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liabilit
arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described
herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers
are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any pub-
lished information and before placing orders for products or services.
AN 95: In-System Programmability in MAX Devices
11 Altera Corporation
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