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3/8/99 741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 • 805/388-3700 • FAX: 805/987-5896
Target Specification
Transport Terminating Transceiver
G52199-0, Rev. 1.2
TXRST Parallel Drop
Transmit Reset O TTL
STS-3/12/48 Transmit Interface Reset.
Indicates synchronisation errors on the STS-3/12/48 transmit
data str eams. Th e signal is used for resynchronizing the STS-
3/12 t ransmit flows. Synchroni zation st atus is base d on the
transmit frame pulses (TXFP_xN), which must be aligned
within +/- 2 clock cycles. TXRST changes on the rising edge
x = [A,B,C,D], N = [1,2,3,4].
Paralle l Drop Recei v e
Data O TTL
STS-3 /12 /4 8 R ece ive Data.
In STS-3 mode, RXDAT_A1[1..0] carries STS-3 #1,
RXDAT_A2[1..0] carries STS-3 #2, …, RXDAT_D3[1..0]
carries STS-3 #15 and RXDAT_D4[1..0] carries STS-3 #16,
i.e. each STS-3 interface is 2 bits wi de. RXDAT_xN[1] is the
most significant bit.
In STS-12 mode, RXDAT_A[1..4][1..0] carries STS-12 #1,
RXDAT_B[1..4][1..0] carries STS-12 #2, …, and
RXDAT_D[1..4][1..0 ] ca rries STS-12 #4, i.e. each STS-12
interface is 8 bits wide. RXDAT_x1[1] is the mos t significa nt
bit, RXDAT_x1[0 ] the second mo st significant bit, …, and
RXDAT_x4[0] the least significant bit.
In STS-48 mode, RXDAT_[A..D][1..4][1..0] carries the STS-
48 data stream, i.e. RXDAT_[A..D][1..4][1..0] is interpreted
as one 32 bit bus. RXDAT_A1[1] is the most significant bit,
…, and RXDAT_D4[0] the least significant bit.
RXDAT_xN changes on the fallin g e dge of RXCLKA-D.
x = [A,B,C,D], N = [1,2,3,4]
[A..D] Para llel Drop Rec eiv e
Clock O TTL
STS-3 /12/48 R ece ive Cloc k .
Clock reference for t he S TS- 3/12/48 receive flow carried in
RXDAT_xN. The clock frequency is nominally 77.76MHz
equivalent to STS-3/1 2/48 operation.
x = [A,B,C,D], N = [1,2,3,4].
[A..D] Para llel Drop Rec eiv e
Frame Pulse O TTL
STS-3/12/48 Receiv e Frame Pulse.
Frame reference for the STS-3/12/48 receive flows carried in
RXDAT_xN. Th e frame pulse is a one clock cycle pulse
coincid ent with the f irst pay load byte (i.e . first b yte follo wing
last Z0) of the STS-3/12/48 frames (optionally the first
overhead byte, A1). RXFP_[A..D] changes on the falling
edge of RXCLK_[A..D].
In STS-3 mode, the frame pulse is only asserted during the
f irst cy cl e of the first paylo ad b y te (optio n al ly the first
ove rhead byte).
x = [A,B,C,D], N = [1,2,3,4].
Pin Name I/O Freq
Type Description