G1 2le Am26L$31 Quad High Speed Differential Line Driver ct Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Output skew 2.0 ns typical Input to output delay - 12 ns Operation from single +5 V supply 16-pin hermetic and molded DIP package Outputs wont load line when Vcc = 0 Four line drivers in one package for maximum package density @ Output short-circuit protection m@ Complementary outputs M Meets the requirements of EIA standard RS-422 @ High output drive capability for 100 Q terminated transmission lines M Available in military and commercial temperature range M@ Advanced low-power Schottky processing GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Am26LS31 is a quad-differential line driver, designed for digital data transmission over balanced lines. The AM26LS31 meets all the requirements of EIA standard RS-422 and federal standard 1020. It is designed to provide unipolar differential drive to twisted-pair or parallel-wire transmission lines. The circuit provides an enable and disable function common to all four drivers. The Am26LS31 features 3-state outputs and logical OR-ed complementary enable inputs. The inputs are ail LS compatible and are all one unit load. The Am26LS31 is constructed using advanced low- power Schottky processing. BLOCK DIAGRAM Input Enable Enable Input input Input C A > Ovtput Output O D+ D- Vec GNO RELATED PRODUCTS utput Output Output Output O C+ Cc- tput Output u B+ B- A+ A- 05392-001A Part No. Description 26LS30 Dual Differential RS-422 Party Line/Quad Single Ended RS-423 Line Driver 26L532 Quad Differential RS-422 Line Receiver 4-28 Publicauons 05392 Rev. B Amendment} issue Data: May 19981708 6809 59 FAR -44-$ 2768 03--298- - FECH SUPPORT a Gees AMD & PRELIMINARY ORDERING INFORMATION Standard Products AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (Vatid Cambination) is formed by a combination of: Am26LS31 P Cc 5LS31 __ B Lo OPTIONAL PROCESSING Blank = Standard processing B = Burn-in 5 TEMPERATURE RANGE _ . C = Cammercial (0 to +70C) VM _ yn t ; PACKAGE TYPE wet P = 16-Pin Plastic DIP (PD 016) D = 16-Pin Ceramic DIP (CD 016) S = 16-Pin Small Outline (SO 016) SPEED OPTION Nat Applicable DEVICE NUMBER/DESCRIPTION Am26LS31 Quad High Speed Differential Line Driver Valid Combinations Valid Combinations PC. PCB Valid Combinations list configurations planned ta be AM26L$31 DC. DCB supported in volume for this device. Cansult the lo- sc cal AMO sales office to confirm availability of specific valid combinations or to check on newly released combinations, and to obtain additional data on AMD's standard military grade praducis. - 4-30 Am26L3S31PRELIMINARY ry AMD il MILITARY ORDERING INFORMATION SMD/DESC Products ducts for Aerospace and Defense applications are available in several packages and operating ranges. Standard Mili- Drawing (SMD)/DESC products are fully compliant with MIL-STD-883C requirements. The order number (Valid Combina- tion) is formed by a combination of: 78023 01 ier tant E A L LEAD FINISH A = Solder Dip CASE OUTLINE E = 16-Pin Ceramic DIP (CD 016) F = 16-Pin Ceramic Flatpack (CF 016) 2 = 20-Pin Leadiess Chip Carrier (CL 020) 5962-7802301 Valid Combinations 5962-7802301 MEA, MFA, M2A MILITARY DEVICE TYPE O01= AM26LS31 ~ MILITARY ORAWING PART NUMBER/DESCRIPTION Valid Combinations Valid Combinations list configurations planned to be supported in volume for this device. Con- sult the local AMD sales office to confirm avail- ability of specific valid combinations, or to check an newly released combinations. Group A Tests Group A tests consist of Subgroups 1, 2,3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Am26LS31 4-31' : 1276 803 298 TECH _SIIPPORT fdjoos AMD & PRELIMINARY MILITARY ORDERING INFORMATION APL Products AMD products for Aerospace and Defense applications are available in several packages and operating ranges. APL (Approved Products List) products are fully compliant with MIL-STD-883C requirements. The order number (Valid Combination) is formed by a combination of: AM26LS31 _ /B E test _ /8 A Le LEAD FINISH A = Hat Solder Dip PACKAGE TYPE = 16-Pin Ceramic DIP (CD 016) F = 16-Pin Ceramic Flatpack (CF 016) 2 = 20-Pin Leadless Chip Carrier (CL 020) DEVICE CLASS /B = Class B DEVICE NUMBER/DESCRIPTION Am26LS31 Quad High Speed Differential Line Driver Valid Combinations /BEA, Am26LS31 IBFA, (B2A SPEED OPTION Nat Applicable Valid Combinations Valid Combinations list configurations plannad to be supported in volume for this device. Con- suit the local AMD sales office to canfirm avail- ability of specific valid combinations, or to check on newly released combinations. Group A Tests Group A tests consist of Subgroups 1,2,3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 4-32 Am26LS$31PRELIMINARY TYPICAL APPLICATION Shield or Cammon Ground Return 05392-0044 Fat Am26LS31 4-3301/08 "00 10:00 FAX 44 1276 803 298 TECH SUPPORT _ i007 AMD & PRELIMINARY ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS OPERATING RANGES Storage Temperature 65 to +150C Commercial (C) Devices Supply Voltage ~0.5t07.0 V Ambient Temperature (Ta) 0 to +70C Supply Volt V +4.75 to +5.25 V DC Input Voltage -15t07.0 V upply Voltage (Vcc) O+ DC Output Voitage ~0.5 to Voc max Military (M) Devices Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Rat- ings may cause permanent device failure. Functionality at or above these limits is not implied. Exposure to absolute maxi- mum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability. ~55 to +125C +4.51t0o +5.5V Temperature Supply Voltage (Vcc) Operating ranges define those limits between which the func- tionality of the device is guaranteed. DC CHARACTERISTICS over operating ranges unless otherwise specified Parameter | Parameter Typ. Symboi | Description Test Conditions (Note 2) Min. | (Note 1)} Max. Unit Vou Output HIGH Voltage | Vcc = Min; loH = -20 mA 2.5 3.2 V Vou Output LOW Voltage {Vcc = Min; lo. = 20 mA 0.32 0.5 Vv Vin Input HIGH Voltage Vcc = Min; (Note 3) 2.0 V VIL Input LOW Voltage Vec = Max. (Note 3) 0.8 V Ie Input LOW Current Voc = Max. Vin = 0.4 V 0.20 | -0.36 mA iH Input HIGH Current Vcc = Max.,Vin = 2.7 V 0.5 20 LA It input Reverse Currant | Vcc = Max., Vin = 7.0 V 0.1 mA lo Off-State (High-Imped-| Vcc = Max. Vo=25V 20 WA ance) Output Current Vo=0.5V ~20 Vi input CLAMP Voltage | Vcc = Min., IN =-18 MA -0.8 1.5 Vv lorF Power off leakage Vec=OV Vout = 6 V 100 HA Current Vout =-.25 V 100 Isc Output Short Circuit Vcc = Max., (Note 4) -30 ~60 -150 mA Current lec Power Supply Current | Vcc = Max., all outputs disabled 60 80 mA AC Parameters Vcc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C tPLH input to Output Vcc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C, Load = Note 2 12 20 ns tPHL Input to Output Vcc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C, Load = Note 2 12 20 ns SKEW Output to Output Voc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C, Load = Note 2 2.0 6.0 ns tLz Enable to Output Vcc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C, Cr = 10 pF 23 35 ns Rus = 180 9, Ri2= 759 tuz Enable to Output Vcc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C, Ci = 10 pF 17 30 ns Rut = 180 2, Ri2= 752 t2L Enabie to Output Vcc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C, Load = Note 2 35 45 ns t2H Enable to Output Voc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C, Load = Note 2 30 40 ns Notes: _ All typical values are Vcc = 5.0 V, Ta = 25C. 2. CL. = 30 pF, Vin = 1.3 Vto Vout = 1.3 V, VpuLse =0 V to 43.0 V, Rt: = 180.9, Ria =75 2. 3. Input thrasholds are tested during OC tests and may he dane in combination with testing of other DC parameters. 4. Not more than one output should be shorted at a time. Duration of the short circuit test should not exceed one second. 4-34 Am26LS31OAS a PRELIMINARY AMD &A SS SWITCHING CHAR ACTERISTICS eae Parameter [|---| Typ. Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Min. | (Note 1){Max.} Unit AC Parameters (Commerctal) Vcc = 4.75 V-5.25V: Ta = 90C ~70C tPLH Propagation Delay from Cu = 30 pF, Ruy = 180 2, Ri2 = 752 18 30 {| ns Input to Oy tPHi Propagation Delay from Ct = 30 pF, Au: = 180 Q, Riz = 752 18 30 | ns {nut to Output tsKEW Output to Output Ci = 30 pF, Ri: = 180 Q, Riz = 752 3.0 9.0} ns {PLZ Propagation Delay trom Ci = 10 pF, Ri; = 180 Q, RAi2 = 75 Q 35 53 ns Enable to Output teHz Propagation Delay from Ci = 10 pF, Ru: = 180 Q, Riz = 75 2 25 45 | ns Enable to Output te2 Propagation Delay trom C. = 30 pF, Ri: = 180.9, Ri2=752 53 68 | ns Enable to Output tPZH Propagation Delay from C. = 30 pF, Ru = 180 2, Ri2 = 752 45 60 | ns Enable to Output AC Parameters (Milltary) Voc = 4.75 V-5.25 V: Ta = -55C ~ +125C tPLH Propagation Delay from Cu = 30 pF, Rit = 180 Q, Ria = 75.2 18 30 | ns Input to Output tPHL Propagation Delay from Cu = 30 pF, Rut = 1809, Ri2=752 18 30 | ns Input to Output tsKEW Output to Output Ci = 30 pF, Ai: = 1809, Rio = 752 3.0 9.0] ns tPiz Propagation Delay trom Ci = 10 pF, Ri: = 180 Q, Riz = 752 35 53] ns Enable to Output tPHz Propagation Delay trom Ci = 10 pF, Rit = 1802, Al2=75Q 25 45 ns Enable to Output tezt Propagation Delay trom Ct = 30 pF, Ri: = 180 9, Ri2 = 750 53 68 | ns Enable to Output tezH Propagation Delay from Ci = 30 pF, Ri = 180 Q, Ri2= 752 45 60 | ns Enable to Output ee Am26LS$31 4-35 040800 10-01 FAR Aabid7s 803 298 AMD cl TECH. SUPPORT PRELIMINARY floog PERFORMANCE CURVES Vout (V) Guaranteed Vou and Vot (Ta = -55C 10 +125C) Vo. @4.5V<Vecs5.5V 4.9 8.0 12 16 20 lo. OR - lon (mA) 05392-CO5A Vout Versus Vcc 5.0 4.0 ~55C 3.0 ~ta "| | Vcc (V) 2sC fe | | 2.0 mn \ +125C N 1.0 eT Pin4dsO8V, Pin t1222.0V Rt = 10 kQ to ground area inside envelape is low mpedance { ~50 kQ). Area outside en- re is righ impedance (2 1/4 MQ) J ot ff 4 4 2.0 3.0 4.0 Vout (V) 05392-006A * 436 Am26LS3101/08 00 10:01 FAX 44 1276 803 298 __ TECH. SUPPORT ee do10 ee ee . | PRELIMINARY AMD & 4 ee | KEY TO SWITCHING WAVEFORMS WAVEFORM INPUTS OUTPUTS _ Must Be Will Be Steady Steady __ May Will Be : Change Changing : from H to L from H to L May Will Be Change Changing i from LtoH from Lto H Don't Care, Changing Any Change State Permitted Unknown dade Does Not Center Apply Line is High Impedance : Off State 3V Input. _ ~ _ x 139V Transition OV t PU VOH Output -_ - i13V VoL a VOH om Py ~ + fi TT Vor ten tem| rin tem| 05392-0088 Propagation Delay | (Notes 1 and 3) Enable \ 3 Input A - hi" i 0 tat tLz oe O5V Output -4.5V | . Normally 13V = ~1.5V | tot seforen N55 va | ge - tn tHz | Nome i Vou orma FF ~1.5V | to = High $1 Open ay } O5V ' a 05392-0094 | Enable and Disable Times (Notes 2 and 3) Notes: 1. Diagram shown for Enable LOW. : 2. Sand $2 at Load Circult are closed except where shown. 3. Pulse Generator for All Pulses: Rate $ 1.0 MHz; Zo = 50 9: tr < 15 ns: 6.0 ns. 7 Am26LS31 4-37ao 01/08 00 10:01 FAX 44 1276 803 298 __TECH. SUPPORT _ __ pi gj 011 a OT = = yO = Ta AMD &4 PRELIMINARY SWITCHING TEST CIRCUIT Test Paint Vee S2 From output - A | under test R2 Ct includes probe and jig capaci- oo tance 31 05392-0078 Three-State Outputs EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT (1/4 Am26LS31) Ras Raz WA To Ras Other Three Rae Drivers Riso (Feed Thru) 05392-010A : 4-38 Am26L331