CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC DIMENSIONS (Unit : mm) Straight Type Forming Type omer D Max ce ' HH : pa Lo | | | x 1741 90 120 25 5.041 rf !lN aa: 15t7 90 120 25 6041 2 t \ 1541 90 120 2 6041 \ / 1541 90 120 25 50+1 2041 96 120 2 50+#1 2041 90 20 2 5041 2041 90 120 2 50+#1 2241 90 120 2 50+1 3041 90 120 2 5041 3041 90 20 2 5041 3541 90 120 25 59+] 35t1 90 120 2 5.041 _ 22+1 135 65 25 75t1 1521 135 65 2% 7541 1641 135 165 25 75+] 18=1 135 165 2 7541 2141 135 165 2 75+] 5 2341 135 165 5 7541 ae Ze 2441 135 165 2 75+) 75 5 50+1 0. 26=1 135 16.5 25 7541 75 2 $0z1 9 3241 40 4170 2% 7521 25 2 S021 06 3421 140 WO 2 7541 75 a 5021 0 3741 140 170 5 7527 75 10.0 25 50x} o 3941 14.0 7.0 25 7541 75 1G 2 5021 6 4041 40 170 2 7521 75 100 060.2505 Ort OO. Aict 40 70 2 7521 W721 75 WO 2 50-1 06 4441 140 170 2 7821 4 48+1 140 170 2 75#1 17#1 90 700 25 50-1 O86 ace . 1721 90 100 25 5021 06 S01 40 170 2 7524 W721 9.0 10 2 8021 06 5221 40 179 25 7544 W721 9.0 10 2 8021 06 5741 140 17.0 2 7824 17+1 90 100 2 5041 06 6221 MO 170 2 7541 Wit 90 06 26 0+1 06 6721 40 170 2 7521 17+1 90 100 2 50+1 G6 a 7 5 F521 i7t1 90 100 28 0=1 06 eet eT 1641 135 165 5 75+1 08 1621 170 20 2 7541 1941 135 65 25 7541 O7 18+1 170 200 2% 75:3 2241 135 5 2 7541 QO? 1621 135 165 25 7541 07 2t=t 970 200 2% 752) 2321 17 200 25 75+ 1821 13.5 16.5 25 7841 07? 24-4 17.0 20.0 25 7521 . 2.021 135 16.5 25 7541 QO? 2624 17.0 20.6 5 7544 Co? Wet 135 165 2 7541 O?7 5 , . . 1941 135 165 2 7541 07 32a] We ay e aon O? 1641 170 200 2 7541 08 a7at 178 lO Bed OG 1.941 17.9 20.0 25 7554 O7 3941 175 216 25 7524 oO? 2247 170 20 2% 7541 O07 tonto 510 TRe4 " 1641 170 200 2% 7541 Q7 41e1 178 1G Rd 181 170 200 2% 7541 a7 4421 75 210 2% 7541 2G%% 17.0 20.0 25 75214 7 4B+4 17.5 21.0 25 7521 T7#4 17.0 20.0 25 7.541 07 502) WS 210 25 75+] 1941 170 200 2 7541 O7 ; - 7 aA 5.241 75 21.0 25 7521 941 23.0 270 36 10.0+ 1 08 57=1 75 210 25 75+ 2141 230 270 30 10021 08 B22. 175 210 98 75a 2421 230 270 30 100-1 08 6721 WS 210 28 75st 841 230 270 3 10021 08 g621 178 20 28 7544 2041 230 270 30 W0+1 08 SAT any 2241 BG 270 30 1021 08 Zaet 230 270 300 10047 foe1 3 171 2306 270 30 10041 + 230 270 30 WO+t 08 < Seas 2121 230 270 30 10021 08 iBet 239 270 30 1G x8 2041 230 270 30 00#1 23+1 230 270 30 19 251 230 270 30 10 2641 230 70 30 70 2841 230 270 30 1% y 3441 240 280 30 10 ot 3621 240 280 30 1 45 17+ 3941 249 280 30 10 47 15+ 4it1 240 280 30 10041 48 15% 4.241 240 280 30 10021 5.0 154 43+1 240 280 30 10041 52 20+ 4621 240 280 30 100=1 53 20+ 5O0+1 240 280 30 10021 54 20+ 5341 240 280 30 100+#1 56 222 5441 240 280 30 10041 62 30+ 59+? 240 280 30 100-1 84 3.04 6341 240 280 30 10041 67 35+ 6941 240 20 30 10041 70 38+ 1O2+1 240 26 30 i00#1 177CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC SVC CHARACTERISTIC CURVES V-I CURVE Small-current region of V-I curve Temporary power frequency over voltage capability ~ 50/60Hz Voltage (peak) (per nominat varistor voltage) Permissible duration (sec) Voltage (A) B TYPE Withstand discharge impulse current characteristics (Typical) OF . F 5g 2am : @ & -20 i oS 37 2 -40 Cc o wag oO 60 LL | ALN 0 5 103 2 345 104 Transient peak current (A) 8/20us waveform, 1-pulse > Withstand discharge impulse current characteristics (Typical) 0 6s e Q = Dm SP -20 = o > 2 Pad g oO oO . 2 -40F= a 8 Sof o -60 Le peel aes 4 Q 5 108 2 3.4 65 104 Transient peak current (A) -> 8/20us waveform, t-pulse 174CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC SPECIFICATIONCERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC Notes : @The waveform of the maximum DC applied voltage is flat. voltage as from a rectifier source is supplied make sure voltage is kept under the Vdem. An AC applied voltage(50/60Hz) forms a since waveshape. When the distortion in the waveform is extensive make sure that the peak voltage is less than /Z times the Vacm. @Energy : Wtm Transient energy ratings are given in the Wtm column of the specifica- tions in Joules (watt-second). The rating is the maximum allowable energy for a single impulse of 2ms square-waveform current with continuous voltage applied. Energy rat- ings are based on a shift of Vnom of less than + 10% of initial value. @Transient peak current (itm) The peak current rating. itm. of varistor is based on an 8/20us test im- pulse waveshape. When a ripple that the peak 176 This peak current is the maximum peak current in which the nominal var- istor voltage shift does not exceed + 10% when the test impulse is ap- plied twice at 5 minutes intervals. @Nominal varistor voltage : Vnom Indicates the varistor terminal voltage measured with a IMA DC applied. - 0.1mA OC in the case of the O5A and OSB series. @Maximum clamping voltage : Ve Indicates the peak teminal voltage measured with an 8/205 impulse cur- rent applied. * Operating ambient temperature : -40C to + 85C + Storage temperature : -40C to + 125C *UL and CSA recognized (UL 1449, UL 497B or UL 1414, CSA) SVC varistors have been tested by Underwiters Laboratories, Inc. and Canadian Standards Association UL File No. 97754, 151195, 154171. CSA File No. LR78923.CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC DIMENSIONS (Unit : mm) Straight Type Omar Tmax PE OU | w Forming Type OD Max | 25.0 mi | 6.0Max tt oe F+ 2.0 Gd 45 1741 75 40.0 25 5.0+1 06 45 V7+4 75 10.0 25 5.041 0.6 45 L71 7.6 10.0 25 5.041 0.6 45 1.741 75 10.0 25 .0+1 06 45 L744 75 10.0 25 .0+1 0.6 45 1744 75 10.0 25 5.0+1 06 45 1741 75 10.0 25 5.0+1 06 45 1741 75 10.0 25 5.041 06 45 V74 9.0 10.0 25 5.0+1 06 4 V7+1 9.0 10.0 2 5.041 06 45 1741 9.0 10.0 25 50x+1 06 45 171 3.0 10.0 25 5.0+1 06 45 V71 9.0 10.0 25 5.041 06 45 V71 93.0 10.0 25 5.0+1 0.6 45 W741 9.0 10.0 25 5.0+14 06 45 17+ 9.0 10.0 25 5.041 0.6 46 1641 13.5 16.5 25 7544 08 47 1941 135 165 2 7541 07 48 2.241 13.5 16.5 25 7541 07 5.0 16+1 13.5 16.5 25 7547 0.7 5.0 1841 13.5 16.5 25 7541 0.7 5.0 2.041 13.6 16.5 26 7.54 4 07 5.0 V7+1 13.5 16.5 25 7541 0.7 5.3 19+1 13.5 16.5 25 7541 0.7 46 1641 17.0 20.0 25 75+1 08 47 4.941 17.0 20.0 2 7541 0.7 48 2.241 17.0 20.0 25 75+1 0.7 5.0 1641 17.0 20.0 25 75+14 0.7 5.0 1821 17.0 20.0 25 7541 0.7 5.0 2041 17.0 20.0 25 75+1 0.7 5.0 17+ 1 17.0 20.0 25 7.541 0.7 5.3 19+1 17.0 20.0 2 75414 0.7 5.1 1941 23.0 27.0 30 100+t1 08 5.2 2.141 23.0 27.0 30 10041 08 5.3 24414 23.0 27.0 30 10.041 08 .4 1841 23.0 27.0 30) 6100t1 08 55 2041 23.0 27.0 30 100+1 08 5.6 2.241 23.0 27.0 30 610.01 08 5.7 1941 23.0 27.0 30 10041 08 58 2.141 23.0 27.0 30 100+1 08 45 V7+1 70 10.0 25 5.01 0.6 47 1541 7.0 10.0 25 5.0+1 06 48 1841 70 10.0 25 5.0+1 0.6 5.0 1541 70 10.0 25 5.0+1 0.6 5.2 2.0+1 70 10.0 25 5.041 0.6 53 20+1 7.0 100 26 50t1 O86 54 20+1 7.0 10.0 25 .0+1 0.6 5.6 2.241 7.0 10.0 25 5.041 0.6 6.2 3.0+1 7.0 10.0 25 5.0+1 0.6 6.4 3.0+1 7.0 10.0 25 .0+1 0.6 6.7 3.541 7.0 10.0 25 5.041 0.6 70 3.541 7.0 10.0 25 5.0+1 0.6 177 17t1 90 120 25 6041 06 15+7 90 120 25 5041 086 15t1 90 120 2 041 06 15t1 90 120 2 5041 06 2041 90 120 2% 80+! 06 2041 90 120 2 5021 06 20t1 90 120 2 0+1 06 2241 90 120 2 6041 06 3041 90 120 2 0+1 06 3041 90 120 2 6041 06 3521 90 120 2 0+1 06 3541 90 120 2 8041 06 2241 135 165 2 7541 O7 1541 135 165 2 7541 07 1641 135 165 2 7541 OF 18+1 135 165 2 7541 07 2141 135 165 2 7841 07 2321 185 165 2% 7541 07 2441 135 165 2 7841 07 2641 135 165 2% 7841 07 3241 1440 170 2 7841 07 3441 140 170 2 7541 07 3.741 14.0 17.0 25 7541 07 3941 140 170 2% 7841 07 40+t 140 170 2 7541 07 4141 140 170 2 7541 08 4441 140 170 2 7541 08 48+1 140 170 2 7541 08 50+1 140 170 2 7541 08 5221 40 170 2% 7841 O08 5741 140 170 2 7541 08 6241 140 170 2 7541 08 6741 14.0 17.0 25 75+1 08 2241 170 200 2 7541 OF 1St1 170 200 2 7541 07 16+1 170 200 2 7541 07 1841 170 20 2 7541 07 2141 170 200 2% 7841 a7 2321 170 20 2% 7541 07 2441 170 200 2% 7541 07 2641 170 200 2% 7841 O7 3241 175 210 2% 7841 07 3441 175 210 28 7841 07 3741 175 210 2 75+1 a7 3941 175 210 2% 7541 07 4041 175 210 25 751 08 4141 175 210 2% 7541 08 4441 PS 21.0 25 751 08 48+1 175 210 2% 7541 08 5041 175 210 2% 7541 08 B.2t1 175 210 2 7541 08 B7+1 175 210 2 7541 08 6241 175 210 % 7541 O08 671 5 210 2 7541 08 95:1 175 210 28 7541 08 2441 20 270 30 10041 08 171 230 270 30 10041 8 1841 230 270 30 10041 08 201 230 270 30 10041 08 2341 230 270 30 10041 a8 25+1 230 270 30 10041 08 2641 230 270 30 10041 08 28+? 230 270 30 00+1 O08 3441 240 280 30 10041 08 36+1 240 280 30 10041 08 3941 240 280 30 100+1 08 4141 240 280 30 10041 08 4241 240 20 30 10041 08 43#1 240 280 30 10041 08 46+1 240 280 30 10041 O8 5041 240 280 30 10041 08 5.341 240 280 30 10041 08 5441 240 280 30 10041 08 5941 240 280 30 10041 08 63+1 240 280 30 WOt1 08 6941 240 280 30 10041 08 10.241 240 280 30 10041 08CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC @FS5 Type @FK5 Type " " we omy Ho 1a ao ou Tu on ey @ FF9 Type He ligt let ie. 7S 00 PO Pye | @FF8 Type eo 7 2 |= === 178 Body Diameter Body Thickness Lead Diameter Pitch of sprocket hole Pitch of component Lead length from hole center to Lead Leda length from hole center to component center Lead spacing Deviation along tape Deviation across tape Carrier tape width Hold down tape width Position of sprocket hole Hold down tape position Lead wire clinch height Height of component hole Component Height Diameter of sprocket hole Length of snipped lead Total tape thickness Total thickness Tape and Lead W ire Length of snipped lead Body Diameter Body Thickness Lead Diameter Pitch of sprocket hole Pitch of component Lead Jength from hole center to Lead Lead length from hole center to component center Lead spacing Deviation along tape Deviation across tape Carrier tape width Hoid down tape width Position of sprocket hole Hald dawn tape position Lead wire clinch height Height of component hole Component Height Diameter of sprocket hole Length of snipped lead Total tape thickness Total thickness Tape and Lead Wire Length of snipped lead See Page 0.640.056 12.7403 12.7410 3.85+0.7 0.75+0.1 26.4+ 1.0 8.954 1.0 6.3541.3 ) 12.7415 5.07* 0+1.0 O+2.0 18.0248 5.0min 3.0 min 9.0+0.5 3.0 max 16.0405 20.0218 32.25 max 4.0+0.2 11.0 max 0.740.2 4.5 max 7.54 1.0 1.0 max See Page 0.75+0.1 15.0403 75.04 1.0 3.754 1.0 30.04 1.0 7. 5041.5 7541.0 O+ 1.0 0420 18.072 5.0 min 9.00.5 3.0 max 16.040.5 20.0715 40.00 max 4.040.2 41.0 max 0740.2 1.7 max 1.0 maxCERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC CURVES AND LIFETIME f CHAR M@ PULSE LIFETIME RATINGS -1| CHARACTERISTIC CURVES @ TRANSIENT V G > a 2 ws. > 52 25 o wy 1 SN &.. E io wo 3 BO 3 ao 1 NO uv ao 2 3 Zz yy 4 oO g oO qt T Oo - hee & > ) Current waveform Under 107? A : DC -pulse : 10-second interval Up to 10 -058) 05B (SVC 180D-05B to SVC680D ~O5B to SVC680D-05B) + O5B (SVC 180D (y) }UauINS asind yead payey 883883 8 B83 828 2 MoT ON a aa (A) sBeyon 00 10000 10 HS) 1 20 2 510%2 510'2 10? 1 22 10 2 51032 S810 4 10% 2 51052 510 ( impulse duration Current (A) O5A to SVC471D-05A) * OBA (SVC820D O5A to SVC471D-05A) * O5A (SVC820D 10000 ESE ee 10000 4000 Impulse duration (us) 100 yo0%2 51052 51042 510 5 1072 5 102 5 102 10'2 510" 250 Current (A) 179Voltage (V) CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC Mi TRANSIENT V-I CHARACTERISTIC CURVES @ PULSE LIFETIME RATINGS Current waveform Under 10? A: DC Notes : 2-pulse 5-minute interval Over 107' A: 8/20us 3 to 10-pulse : 2-minute interval Up to 10-pulse : 10-second interval * 07B (SVC 180D-07B to SVC680D-07B) + 07B (SVC 180D-07B to SVC680D-07B) 1000 Fe 500 400 300 50 fe 40 30 25 205 15 be Rated peak pulse current (A) ~ 10 10% 2 31082 51042 5 1092 51022 510'2 102 510'2 510? 250 Current (A) ~ 8 Impulse duration (us) ~ + O7A (SVC820D-07A to SVC471D-07A) + 07A (SVC820D-07A to SVC471D-07A) er Voltage (V) Rated peak pulse current (A) > a i Ht Su ka i ; : H i | ee eeetemnnmeaneerrY ES rt tt te 10 2 510%2 510 5102 5102 510" 2 5102 sio'2 51072 Current (A) > impulse duration (1s) ~ 180CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC @ TRANSIENT V-| CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Current waveform Under 107? A : DC Over 10 A: 8/20us * 10B (SVC 180D- 10B to SVC680D-~ 10B) 1000 ES 50 40 30 & 25 F 20 15 Voltage (V) 10 5 102 510'2 5 10%2 S00 Current (A) to%2 s10%2 5 10%2 * 10A (SVC820D-10A to SVC471D-10A) @ PULSE LIFETIME RATINGS Notes : 2-pulse : 5-minute interval 3 to 10-pulse : 2-minute interval Up to 10-pulse : 10-second interval * 10B (SVC 180D- 10B to SVC680D- 10B) Rated peak pulse current (A) 20 100 1000 10000 impulse duration (us) * 10A (SVC820D- 10A to SVC471D-10A) 1000 500 | Rigas ooo 1000 oe eee ee te eweiA = 200 8VC2610-104 SVEZAIO-10A Svczi0-10a 400 500 Paper 4 = : aoe Laks qe eet =z 300 = 50 250 = 30 200 5 20 150 f > 8 = 400 3 @ a. mo ri x = G 5 Oo o > 50 a 40 3 3 30 " 2 2 25 FF rc 20 F 1 15 05 10 f 0.3 0.2 Ee 5 = . 2 a 0.1 to 2 sta%2 stot2 sto2 51072 510'2 102 510 510 2500 impulse duration (us) Current (A) 181CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC Voltage (V) @ TRANSIENT V-I CHARACTERISTIC CURVES @ PULSE LIFETIME RATINGS Current waveform Under 107? A : DC Notes : 2-pulse : 5-minute interval Over 1071 A: 8/20us 3 to 10-pulse : 2minute interval Up to 10*-pulse : 10-second interval * 10A (SVC561D-10A to SVC112D- 10A) * 10A (SVC561D-10A to SVC 112D- 10A) = A Syeee 10 Rated peak pulse current ( toe 2 Stoe2 S10%2 102 S1072 51072 81072 S10'2 51072 510 2500 Current (A) Impulse duration (us) > * 14B (SVC 180D- 14B to ENC680D- 14B) * 14B (SVC 180D- 14B to SVC680D- 14B) 10000 Rated peak pulse current (A) Pina 7 oh PH Lea Pa qT | Hy 2 =e Pa ek Bs RL aM = 10*2 51052 51042 51072 51072 S510'2 5102 510'2 5 1072 5 10 Current (A} Impulse duration (.s}- 182CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC @ TRANSIENT V-I CHARACTERISTIC CURVES @ PULSE LIFETIME RATINGS Current waveform Under 107? A : DC Notes : 2-pulse : 5-minute interval Over 1071 A: 8/20us 3 to 10-pulse : 2minute interval Up to 10*-pulse : 10-second interval - 14A (SVC820D- 14A to SVC471D- 14A) - 14A (SVC820D- 14A to SVC471D-14A) t HH 1 = 5 > a = a s 2 : a 2 x e = = = r . , 7 - "30 _ 100 : +000 10000 wo 2 102 55102 5102 102 510 2 510 2 510 2 510 2 510 2 4000 . Gurrent (A) Impulse duration (us) * 14A (SVC561D-14A to SVC 182D- 14A) : 14A (SVC561D~-14A to SVC 182D-14A) Voltage (V) > 10000 5000 3000 2000 g 500 ny wo Qo Qo oo a QQ o Ny wo oo 10 Rated peak pulse current (A) nm oO 20 100 4000 10000 Impulse duration (41s) > 202 202 5 202 5202 2072 5 20'2 5 202 5 20'2 2072 5 202 4000 Current (A) > 183CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) VC M@ TRANSIENT V-I CHARACTERISTIC CURVES @ PULSE LIFETIME RATINGS Current waveform Under 107? A : DC Notes 2-pulse : 5-minute interval Over 10'A:8/20us 3 to 10-pulse : 2-minute interval Up to 10~pulse : 10-second interval 20B (SVC 180D-20B to SVC680D~20B) - 20B (SVC 180D--20B to SVC680D-20B) 1000 aS 10000 5000 m0 2000 300 t 250 > 1000 200 > A 180 & 500 > 5 % 100 3 300 = 3 S 50 S 100 5 40 g Qa 25 3 206 s e 156 10 2 10% 25 10%2 51042 51032 51072 10-12 5 10 2 5 1012 51072 510% 2 3 104 Current (A) Impulse duration (us) + 20A (SVC820D-20A to SVC471D-20A) + 20A (SVC820D-20A to SVC471D-20A) 10000 Eee 1000 = ! 300 250 = 200 = f 150 o = 100 3 gg a 20 3 15 x ra 102 5102 5102 5102 5102 sio2 5102 5t0'2 5102 5102 6000 Current(A) > Impulse duration 1 ( 4s) > 184CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC @ TRANSIENT V-1 CHARACTERISTIC CURVES W@ PULSE LIFETIME RATINGS Current waveform Under 10? A: DC Notes : 2-pulse : 5-minute interval Over 10' A: 8/20us 3 to 10-pulse : 2-minute interval Up to 10pulse : 10-second interval 20A (SVC561D-20A to SVC 182D-20A) 20A (SVC561D-20A to SVC 182D-20A) 10000 Max idle current Max.clamping 5000 10000 3000 5000 2000 f coe 3000 =z 500 2000 = 300 a t 1500 = 200 =~ 1000 So 2 @ 100 o A 500 a 50 3 x > 30 a 20 SVC6581D-20A 200 3 150 7 10 c 100 5 3 50 2 40 1 1025102 5102 5102 51072 51072 5102 $102 51072 51492 6000 20 100 1000 4000 Current(A) impulse duration 185CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC APPLICATIONS + The protection of semiconducting elements such as diodes, thyristors, transistors, IC and relays against transient voltages. * Similar protection of many types of measuring instruments, contro! machinery and communication equipment and broadcast- ing equipment against inductive lightning and switching surges. * Protection of general purpose electrical equipment, domestic mechinery and appliances. TV and radios and similar consumer products against lightning and switching surges. M Power supply circuit protection - Line circuit Varistor voltage selection table(Z.) 100V AC $VC201D-_ LIA SVC221D-L LA SVC241D-[ TA SVC271D-L] JA* SVC391D-L LIA SVC431D-LLIA SVC471D-LLJA* SVC220D-L_L 1B SVC390D-L]_ 1B 200V AC 12V DC 24V DC Notes @The power supply voltage must not exceed the maximum allowable circuit voltage. @Since independent wiring loads and capacitive loads cause the voltage uild-up at the time of opening or closing the load, use SVC having a varistor voltage as high as possible. ("mark) @ The bold faced portions of the type letters vary. - AC/DC single-phase circuit - AC three-phase circuit Fuse Fuse O-0 ~0-0~0 o--0~0 N iN N NI Electronic equipment LA . o-0~0-0~0 2, | Electronic equipment Nf I 1 Line and groud circuit Varistor voltage selection table(Zz) 100V AC, 200V AC SVC 431D-LT JA *SVC 471D-L_JA * SVC 751D-_LJA to SVC 112D-[ A" SVC 182D-[]_JA** Notes : @ When subjected to megger testing (50O0V DC), the insulation resistance value can decrease due to the leakage current of the SVC, To avoid this remove the varistor or use marked SVC. @ When subjected to dielectric strength test(1000V AC). re- move the SVC or use** marked SVC. Select varistors taking a note of operating conditions peculiar to the equipment. + AC DC single-phase circuit + AC three-phase circuit Fuse oo > | Electronic T | equipment oo Zu a ae oo Ze ze 186 Mi Telecommunication circuit protection o Za 7 2 4 Telephone : Telep! Formmunication terminal 7 tine 4 Zi Zs 2a Z Zs a ! Varistor voltage selection guide 12V DC -SVC 1800-[ LB *SVC 2200-[T B + SVC 8200-CILA 24V DC * SVC 390D-LLB SVC 8200-(LA Note: The varistor SVC has a capacitance value. Take not of this when applying them to high-frequency signal circuits. @ Switching circuit protection Protection of relay (Contact coil) Protection of semiconductors Coit a F Contact a Load ee Varistor voltage selection guide 12V DC SVC2200-(_ TB 24V DC $VC390D-LI_B 1OOV DC SVC151D-L] A 100V AC SVC2010-LT A SVC221D-[_L LIA SVC241D-L_1A S$VC271D-L LA Notes : @ The power supply voltage must not exceed the maximum allowable circuit voltage of the SVC Pay due attention to the surge energy generated by the load Select SVC referring to the pulse lifetime rating. @ To further reduce the tendency of sparking across the con- tacts connect a capacitor parallel with the SVC. This will also protect the equipment from electromagnetic wave jamming.CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC @ Application notes 1. Overcurrent protection When surges exceed the rating for the SVC, short-circuits or damages can be expected. Take following precautions. o I | + Z4 Pawer a Electronic supply | I equipment O- Ze 1/f @ Connect the SVC at a position nearer to the equipment than the overcurrent protection device 1 (fuse, MCCB) as is shown in the diagram. When the SVC is shorted, the overcurrent protection device 1 operates (trips or blow off the fuse). @ If the overcurrent protection device I can not be in- stalled in I position, connect a fuse at II position. Select fuse rated current for the SVC referring to the following table. O5A | OVA | 10A | 14A | 20A SVC o58 | 078 | 108 | 148 | 208 Applicable fuse rated current (A) 1to2]2to3| 3to 5 |3 to 10/5 to 15 @ When Z. SVC is connected between the equipment and ground install an ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker). If not possible, connect a fuse or thermal fuse at III position. W@ Recognized standards 2. Installation @ When operated at locations near heating element or ex- posed to direct sun light, confirm that the ambient temparature is within the rated temperature range. @ When operated in dusty or dirty locations,or exposed to corrosive atomospheres, or where metallic powders or salt can be expected, be sure to mount within a protective enclo- sure. 3. Molding When shielding the SVC in a resin malding, take a note of the materials used and temperature, since they influence the relia- biltty. For further information please contact SAMWHA 4. Current, power and energy rating vs. temperature Percent of rated current energy .power (%) & 8 8 8 ry 2 -40 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Ambient temperature(*c ) 5. Electrical Characteristics Operating ambient temperature Storage temperature -40C to + B5C -40C to +125C Voltage temperature coefficient -0.05%0'C Insulation resistance (at 500V) Over 1000M.2 05 Series Cord connected 07 Series and Direct Plug in 10 Series 151195 Transient Voltage type equipment 14 Series surge suppressors 20 Series Permanently 10 Series connected type 14 Series equipment 20 Series Across~The-Line 125V AC SVC 201D-JA Components ~SVC 391D-JA 250V AC SVC 391D-L A 97754 ~SVC182D-L]A Protectors for data communication SVC 1800-[]~SVC 821D-[] 154171 and fire alarm circuit Varistor for Across -The-Line use as SVC 201D-L/A transient protection 125V AC ~SVC 182D-A LR78923 on 120 Vac system KRO-007/94CERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC APPLICATION EXAMPLE Fire alarm system SVC201D -14A 100VAG vge2i5 -14A Traffic signal control SVC820D -10A SVC101D-14A Lamp G)r @)y T T >} + sve201D-144 | t 4 a 100VAC 4 z 3) SVC821D -14A x x $VC201D-14A (SVC431D -14A) [ Controller PEEL HY SVCD -148 o> 444 4 4 4 (SVC391D -14A) aT Solenoid 100VDC O.1pF | Solenoid SVC201D-14A Contact protection os _ el R svc201D-14A Thyristor protection TV booster VHF SVC 8200 -14A (~) 100VDC SvC201D 4A Fr I ! SVC 820D -14A SVC 8200 -14A 100VAC SVC201D -14A 30V zx E + KT SVC 820D -14A 4 2 SVC21D-14A aT 188 Stove, Boiler 100VAC x SVC 201D -14A) TN TZ Vending machine V SVC 8210 -14A tp Electronic circuit 100VAC SVC 821D! 414A 4 SVC 821D -14A Brake, Clutch ta SVC 201D 14k _ 1O0VAC = o_ q i. 2011p & : A 14A o if Microwave oven SVC 201D -14A Triac protection 1OOVAC Sound output circuit HH SVC201D-14A 7 uN i Gate Bt100V eal a 1 Fi SVC201D-10ACERAMIC SURGE ABSORBERS (VARISTORS) SVC Varistor Terminology Varistor voltage : Vnom Varistor peak terminal voltage mea- sured with a specified current ap- plied. The DC current applied is 1mA nor- mally. Current (mA) > 1imA Ss 3 T I \ ' i \ \ NS Voltage (V) Clamping voltage : Vc Maximum terminal voltage (peak volt- age across the varistor) measured with an applied 8/20 s impulse of a given peak current. Clamping voltage + Impulse current V.1 characteristic curve * Capacitance Typical values measured at a4 test frequency of 1kHz - Rated peak transient cur- rent : Itm Maximum peak current through the varistor with line voltage ap- plied. The maximum peak current with- in the varistor voltage change ratio of + 10% with the standard 8/20 us impulse current applied two times at 5 minute interval. - Rated transient energy :Wtm Maximum allowable energy for a sin- gle impulse of 2rns square-wave Cur- rent waveform with rated continuous voltage applied. Maximum energy rat- ing base on a shift of Vnom of less than + 10% of initial value Max. 20% P/)\ yarn Min. 2ms Waveshape of square-wave current * Pulse lifetime rating This is expressed as the maximum allowable number of impulse currents applied. 8/20us impulse current (or 2ms square wave) is applied at prescribed interval. This curve aiso provides for derating current as required with repetitive pulsing. 1 pulse 10 Y Rated peak pulse current (A) Impuise duration (us) - 189 * Test current waveform Characteristics tests for Varistors are carried out by using 8/205 test impuls- es Data such as the maximum clamping voltage (Vc) and the transient peak cur- rent (Itm) are obtained by using this im- pulse current. However, for the Vc characteristics of the Axial package type a 10mA DC squarewave current is used to cary out the test 3 100 ------fe=<- r o = 90-----, ; S 1 om 1 3& 3 50p---4--4-----f------ es ' 1p : ox H : 5 8 ' 201 s -! v \ BBO 50 aig! ; 0 i 1 :_ Virtual start of wave | Time (us) Virtual front duration : (mpulse duration - Rated RMS voltage : Vacm Maximum continuous sinusoidal RMS voltage at 50/60HZ which may be applied. * Rated DC Voltage : Vdcm Maximum continuous DC voltage which may be applied. * Rated average power dissipa- tion : Ptam Maximum average power that can be applied within the specified ambient temperature.