PWMF2 output pin. This pin is used as the tertiary function of the PC2 and also the
quaternary function of the PB5 pin. Tertiary/
Quaternary Positive/
Pin name I/O Descr iption
External Interrupt
EXI0 to 2 I External maskable interrupt input pins. Interrupt enable and edge selection can be
erformed for each b it by software. These p ins are used as the primar y function s of the
PA0 – PA2 pins. Primary Positive/
EXI4 to 7 I External maskable interrupt input pins. Interrupt enable and edge selection can be
erformed for each b it by software. These p ins are used as the primar y function s of the
PB0 – PB3 pins . Primary Positive/
TETE, TF T G I External clock input pin used for both Timer E and Timer F.These pins are used as the
prim ary function of the PA0- PA 2 , PB0- PB 7 pins. Primary —
TM9OUT O Timer 9 output pin. This pin is used as the quaternary function of the PA0 and PC0 pin. Quaternary Positive
TMFOUT O Timer F output pin. This pin is used as the quaternary function of the PA1 and PC3 pin. Quaternary Positive
Successive approximation type A/D converter
AIN0 I Channel 0 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PA0 pin. Primary —
AIN1 I Channel 1 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PA1 pin. Primary —
AIN2 I Channel 2 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PB0 pin. Primary —
AIN3 I Channel 3 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PB1 pin. Primary —
AIN4 I Channel 4 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PB6 pin. Primary —
AIN5 I Channel 5 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PB7 pin. Primary —
AIN6 I Channel 6 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PC6 pin. Primary —
AIN7 I Channel 7 analog input for successive approximation type A/D converter. This pin is
used as the primary function of the PC7 pin. Primary —
CMP0P I Non-i nverting inpu t for c omparat or0. This pi n is used a s the prim ary function of the PB4
pin. Primary —
CMP0M I Inverting in put for comparat or0. This pin is used as the primary f unction of t he PB5 pin. Prim a ry —
CMP0OUT O Output for comparator0. This pin is used as the quaternary function of the PA2 pin. Quaternary —
CMP1P I Non-i nverting inp ut for c ompara tor1. This pin is used a s the prim ary function of the PA 1
pin. Primary —
CMP1OUT O Output for comparator1. This pin is used as the quaternary function of the PB0 pin. Quaternary —
TEST I/O Input/output pin for testing. A pull-down resistor is internally connected. — Positive
TESTF — Test pin for flash memory. A pull-down resistor is internally connected. — —
Power Supply
VSS — Negative power supply pin. — —
VDD — Positive power supply pin. — —