2 ne SIEMENS 3WN1 Circurt-Breakers 3WS1 Vacuum Circuit-Breakers for Low Voltage @ Construction and operation ll Types of construction @ Planning and mounting @- OLE'O CNC O10! = le . r | OES Lae | fs oC jone I ar efi? | ui i S 5 f|| @ Table of contents General Application Design Specifications Operating conditions Installation Effect of transformers and leads on short-circuit current Selection criteria for circuit-breakers Baoan N O@OORONDX = Ny Construction and method of operation of the circuit-breaker Construction Operating mechanisms Closing Readiness to close Closure interlocks ON pushbutton switch Opening Auxiliary releases Opening and interlocking devices Mutual mechanical interlocking Overcurrent release system Construction Function overview Overload protection Short-circuit protection Short-circuit protection with short-time grading control (ZSS) Earth-fault protection Tripping characteristics Typical diagram of tripping characteristics azng Graphing tripping characteristics Selection of overcurrent releases for motor and generator circuit-breakers Function testing instruments Circuit-breakers as disconnectors Mechanical reclosing lockouts (W02 and W05) Signals Solid-state tripped and fault warning displays / signals Conversion of trioped and fault signals of the overcurrent release Signalling units Tripped signalling contact (1 NO) Conversion of signals by programmable controllers NNUNMYNYNNNYONYUNNYNDY OBRwWhDo @iu Ny NNN NNENNUNNNN! t +4200 DNHH BDOMDHDONDRUARAWWWWHU 3s @ND NMNNN 226 4 N a = tO PON PO Mt aan om pb Types of construction Fixed-mounted version Installation Blocking device Draw-out version Guide frame Circuit-breaker positions in the guide frame Position signalling switches Shutter: Shock protection against touching live draw-out contacts Coding system Interlocking Main connectors Main connectors for fixed-mounted circuit-breaker Main connectors for draw-out version Auxiliary supply connectors Auxiliary switches and signalling switches Auxiliary supply connectors Auxiliary supply connectors, available until 9/96 Establishing the required number of auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the side of the circuit-breaker according to the circuit-breaker version NNN a a bony oe an WOWWWWWWWWW BWBHWWWWWWW Mu BRABR BR WWW MNNM= Nu anno bk ARE ~ 10 11 1 1 1 12 12 14 15 16 16 17 20 21 20 23 24 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 39 39 39 At At 42 43 43 43 43 43 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5 BRARASR ROMH 4.4.2 4.4.4 4.4.5 45 4.5.2 ODD oi Oa : : NNANNN Roo _ 9S 90 00 co 00 oO BRoOM4 11. 12. Auxiliary supply connectors for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers, available until 9/96 Auxiliary supply connectors for draw-out circuit-breakers, available until 9/96 Auxiliary supply connectors for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers, available as of 10/96 Auxiliary supply connectors for draw-out circuit-breakers, available as of 10/96 Auxiliary supply connectors, mounted at the top of the circuit-breaker Control/measuring cables for the overcurrent release connections (X5 and X6 terminals) Assignment of the auxiliary supply connectors Short-circuiting and earthing devices for 3WN1 circuit-breakers Planning and mounting Choosing circuit-breakers for the load feeder Typical circuits Mounting Auxiliary and main connectors Connecting the auxiliary conductors of fixed-mounted circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the side of the circuit-breaker Connecting auxiliary conductors to draw-out type connectors with auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 10/96 Main conductor copper bars Direct connection to flanges on draw-out version Connection via T-pieces on draw-out version Auxiliary and main connectors Connecting the auxiliary conductors of fixed-mounted circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the top to the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96 Connecting the auxiliary conductors of draw-out circuit-breakers, with auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the top to the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96 Arcing spaces Technical data Circuit diagrams Full circuit diagrams Circuit diagrams, overcurrent releases and signalling units 3WN1 DC circuit-breakers General Choosing a DC circuit-breaker Technical data Arc chute extension Retrofitting and conversion Procedure Rating plate and identity number Breakdown of the order number Replacement, retrofitting and spare parts Dimension drawings Troubleshooting Form for setting the overcurrent release Instruction manuals and planning aids Appendix Subject index 44 44 44 45 45 46 47 49 50 50 53 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 G61 63 65 73 73 75 89 89 89 91 92 97 97 98 98 105 112 131 132 134 1363B8WN1 and 38WS1 Circuit-Breakers 3WN and 3WS circuit-breakers * For the protection of distribution systems, motors, transformers and generators High short-time current carrying capacity for time grading * High electrical and mechanical service life Solid-state microprocessor-based, noise- immune overcurrent releases * Fixed-mounting or drawout version * ZSS short-time grading control with 50 ms total delay time Supplementary devices, e.g. signalling unit, test unit, capacitor time-delay unit 3WN1 circuit-breakers up to 1000 V 65/80/100 kA breaking capacity * 3-pole up to 6300 A 4-pole up to 5000 Asais ees s . 4 ere ey 3WS vacuum circuit-breakers up to 1000 V Switching without exposed arc Electrical and mechanical life 30,000 make-break operations Maintenance-free vacuum interrupter ( * 65 kA breaking capacity | * 3-pole up to 2500 A e 4-pole up to 1600 A | @3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers General 3WN circuit-breakers are open-type 1.2 Design circult-breakers. The main contacts are of ~The 3WN and 3WS circuit-breakers are available as 3 and 4-pole in fixed-mounting or open-type construction. Arc chambers drawout versions. The overview provides information on the sizes, type of mounting and quench the arc when switching off. rated current. 3WS circuit-breakers are vacuum circuit- breakers. a Overview of 3WN1 circuit-breakers The advantages of vacuum switching technology Type 3-pole version 4-pole version No exposed arc, no arcing spaces Size Typeof Rated Size Type of Rated current necessary. mounting current mounting In Current * High level of safety for operating _ 0 Mann pats of personnel during closing onto existing paths conductor short-circuits witht subsequent interrupt aos 3WN1 0 Val F+E 630 - - - = e No danger to personnel when switching large short-circuits, even with the EWN 1 "4 Pts 00 | Fre 800 800 switchgear door open. 3WN1 2 4 FE 1000 | F+E 1000 1000 : we 1250 a = High number of short-circuit disconnections. 3WN1 3 V2 F+eE 1250 I F+E 1250 1250 e Long electrical life SWN1 4 2 F+E 1600 | F+eE 1600 1600 High short-time current values: permits SWNI 5 ll F+E 2000 a F+E 2000 1600 time grading up to S00 ms, with full 3WN1 6 i F+E 2500 1 F+E 2500 1600 short-circuit currents. SWN1 7 1 F+E 3200 W2 Fue 3200 1600 * For high rated voltages up to 1000 V. 3WN1 8 v2. =#F+E 4000 HWA E 4000 2500 Low maintenance circuit-breaker. SRS y - We : Boo The vacuum interrupters require no 6300 900 2900 maintenance. Environment-friendly because no switching gases are produced. Overview of 3WS1 circuit-breakers Disconnector characteristics in Type 3-pole version 4-pole version accordance with IEC 947-3. . . Size Type of Rated Size Type of Rated current 1.1 Application mounting current mounting In Current The circuit-breakers are suitable: In Main paths of * for use as incoming and outgoing pate ine ctor circuit-breakers in 3-phase distribution systems, 3WS1 2 | F+eE 630 | F+eE 630 630 . : 800 800 800 for controlling and protecting motors, 1000 4000 1000 generators, transformers and capac- awSi4 | Fae {a50 i Fae T250 7250 itors, 1600 1600 1600 * as main switches for processing 3WS1 6 ri F+E 2000 and production machines; here the 2500 regulations concerning covering, installation and drive are to be F = fixed-mounting observed by the user (DIN VDE 0113), E = drawout version as EMERGENCY STOP devices in accordance with DIN VDE 0113 if the circuit-breaker is fitted with an under- Integrated RC circuitry in the main current A switching contact erosion indicator is voltage release and is used in com- paths of the 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breaker _ fitted in each current path. bination with an EMERGENCY STOP attenuates switching overvoltages, control device, reducing them to uncritical values. for switchgear with selective short- circuit protection by means of time L1 [LOAD | -F10 grading or ZSS short-time grading L2 LOAD at control L3 1].315 | For this purpose, the circuit-breakers ; |) |R; : . 1) 3) 8 | must be equipped with short-delay ' | overcurrent releases (azn or azng kf fe} \ \ | __7F10 | T Cc | releases), | 1 - as network circuit-breakers in R | + {+} : \ \ } a meshed low voltage system with a | number of high voltage incoming Tr G | 2) 4) 6 feeders, in conjunction with meshed 2) 4/6 [.... + &1 system relays for monitoring direction of OAD L2 power flow, LLoao | L3 ee ( * for systems which require earth-fault F10: Overvoltage limiter monitoring. Figure 1/1: Circuit diagram of the overvoltage limiting module of the 3WS1 circuit-breakerC'i cic 3WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers General 1.3 Specifications DIN VDE 0660, IEC 947. 3WN circuit-breakers are approved in ac- cordance with the following ship classifi- cation societies: BV, GL, LRS, DNV For use as generator circuit-breaker in shipbuilding, the SCR31, Type 7VH1313 time-delay unit should be used for the undervoltage release. 1.4 Operating conditions The circuit-breakers are resistant to extreme climates. They are intended for use in enclosed spaces where there are no excessive operating conditions (e.g. dust, corrosive vapours or damaging gases). Suitable enclosures must be provided if the circuit-breakers are to be installed in dusty or humid conditions. Sufficient fresh-air supply must be provided if there are harmful gases (e.g. hydrogen sulfide vapour) in the ambient air. The maximum permissible ambient temperatures and the rated currents per- mitted at different ambient temperatures are given in the Technical Data. 1.5 Installation The circuit-breakers are especially suitable for installation in closed switchgear (such as type 8PU) and distribution systems. The fixed-mounting circuit-breakers and the drawout frames of the drawout circuit- breakers have floor mountings. The feed-in to the circuit-breakers can be to the top or bottom terminals. The Technical Data of the circuit-breakers remain identical in both cases. Up to a rated operational voltage of AC 690 V, arc-chute extensions are available when the circuit-breakers are installed in confined spaces; they reduce the necessary arcing space considerably (see dimensioned drawings). 1.6 Effect of transformers and leads on short-circuit current The level of the short-circuit current depends with a given voltage on the resis- tances present in the current path from the generator to the point of short-circuit. In the low-voltage system, this will be decided by the resistance of the feeder transformer, and the cables and leads. In addition, there will be ohmic and inductive resistances in the wiring run, such as con- tact resistances and inductive influences resulting from ferrous metal structures, which are inaccessible or only accessible with difficulty for the purpose of calcu- lation. The dependence of the short-circuit current /; on the power Szr and short- circuit voltage Us of the transformers at a given rated voltage is illustrated in Figure 1/2. These short-circuit currents are only to be expected in the event of a three- phase dead short-circuit to earth directly at the low-voltage-side terminals. The significant suppressing effect of the line on the level of the short-circuit current is shown in Figures 1/3 and 1/4 with the example of a distribution system. More detailed data will be found in the Siemens publication Overload and short- circuit protection in low voltage systems Catalog No. E20001-P285-A326. PC-selected KUBS plus program The KUBS plus program (Short-circuit current computation, Back-up protection and Discrimination) computes the maximum single and three-phase, as well as the minimum single-phase short-circuit currents in low voltage radial networks (Catalog No. E86010-D1801-A107-A3). The program is based on the instructions in VDE 0102 Part 2 for computation of a single-supply short-circuit remote from the generator terminals. T short-circuit current / 605 KA 50. 6 48.2 [0 40- 30- 2274 204 80 230 290 360 455 880 720 1445 1810 2170 2310 2890 A3610 100 125 460 200 250 315 400 500 310 1160 raled current |, > 630 800 1000 1250 1500 1600 KYA 2500 raled power S _ Figure 1/2: Initial symmetrical short-circuit current !; of transformers (400 V, 50 Hz) dependent on the transformer power Snr and the short-circuit voltage Us.3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Minimum short-circuit current For protection by switching off as a protective measure, for example in the TN System (-mains) it is necessary to deter- mine the minimum short-circuit current in the event of a short-circuit between an outer conductor and the PEN conductor at the end of the conductor. Here, it is to be established whether automatic switch- ing off in the event of this short-circuit _ current will take place within the specified time. Rated short-circuit breaking capacity The rated short-circuit breaking capacity len (= leu = les) and the rated short-circuit making capacity fem of the circuit-breaker must be at least equal to the unaffected prospective initial symmetrical short- circuit current / occurring. Tss 50-; Zz a General Sy =2000 WA uy, 26% 400, 5O He Copper line ol laagih! and cross. sochonal arog. q q 1 70inma Figure 1/3: Initial symmetrical short-circuit current /", as a function of conductor length / and conductor cross sectional area q (example) |(| | & 3WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers 1. OO 5 je * +_*- 4 aa abel | | | 1 y y | y y a = ronge tl y j + + - - . *--+ | pay | | aA {argo Sig his @ a) supply by one transformer 1.7 Selection criteria for circuit-breakers > Switching duty AC voltage applications System protection / general protection Motor protection Generator protection Protection of capacitors DC voltage applications > Selection of release type and switching principle & Operating current of system / outgoing feeder le > Selection of circuit-breaker size and nominal current & Prospective short-circuit current of the equipment at location |, Operating voltage of the equipment > Selection of switching capacity level of circuit-breaker Designated by pairs of values: lou (KA) at Ue (V) Rated limit short-circuit breaking capacity Rated operating short-circuit breaking capacity les (KA) at Ue (V) bX Requirements as to short-time withstand current lew (1-second current) > lew medium high: time-discriminated grading at high currents > low low: open-type circuit-breaker / vacuum circuit-breaker open-type circuit-breaker / time-discriminated grading at low currents > lew not necessary: time-discriminated grading not necessary compact circuit-breaker compact circuit-breaker (current-discriminated grading) General Figure 1/4: Suppression of short-circuit current by the cables and lines of the distribution system in the case of one and in the case of three parallel-supply power transformers ' Y y | b) supply by three transformers > Current limitation necessary in the event of short-circuit? > Compact circuit-breaker & Frequency of switching / actuation: local or remote actuation? > Choice of type of Manual operation with closing by operation: snap action e Manual operation with spring stored-energy mechanism Electrical activation for remotely- controlled ON * Manual operation and motorized operation with spring energy store and electrical activation * Remotely actuated electrical break b> Requirements as to contact life / number of make-break operations > high: vacuum circuit-breaker medium: open-type circuit-breaker low: compact circuit-breaker (contacts not replaceable) & Simple circuit-breaker maintenance / circuit-breaker replacement or visible isolating distance necessary? > Drawout-type circuit-breaker >} Other equipment: E.g. auxiliary release, mechanical interlock, auxiliary, released, status signal circuit-breaker3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.1 Construction Functional diagram of the circuit-breaker 2 Depending on the particular version, the circuit-breakers comprise the following component parts: FE Basic breakers with contact systems, \ gids. , | breaker mechanism, spring storage and | 2 ' | operating handle ; CoH ' 1 Motorized operating mechanism | r $9 FS | Energy-store activation | ' rt ' Overcurrent release system, consisting ' F4 | | of: | To rire 2M Current transformer | L [P}- _ FH- x v x # V4 $1 a. $2 | Evaluating electronics | to i \ $44.55 : Trip solenoid 1 Operating ! F------ | \ ' ' | Summation current transformer for handle | \ | Fa ' i earth-fault protection | v1: 24-9 | . : ' ' : Tripped signaling contact wut 4 1 | Undervoltage rel ith/with a3, a6 ON: sal gop FS! tt | |g Alfe|? | 3 ndervoltage release (with/without pushbutton | some Vs c|? ; delay) | 4 12! IDct|? | | Shunt release (with/without power | : j=l? | | f storage) ' pp | 73) T5| a | Electrical closing lockout | S25--< 0 -i+ Tay ~4 | Auxiliary switch (2 NO + 2 NC or i : ' repped LE 1 4NO+4NC) qo OFF- | bea a es ssares ' | Signalling contacts for stored-energy pushbutton | = 1 status Le Signalling contacts for readiness to close Figure 2/1 The fixed-mounted circuit-breakers are available with terminal bars with single-tier, as well as with double-tier Qi Circuit-breakers F5 Rel solenoid with or arranged mounting rail joints (two-tier i1 Drive handle without S24 holes for mounting rail ends in Mit Motor for tensioning $24 Release signalling accordance with DIN 43 673, see the spring contact?) i i i P Spring F6 Solenoid system for dimension drawing). v4 Closing solenoid Closing mechanical reclosing For rear connection, the circuit-breakers 93, a6 ON pushbutton lockout and/or $27 can also be supplied with horizontal se Stored-energy status signal S27 _ Release signalling contact?) Overeurrent busbars A3 Readiness-for closing- fter short-ci ic | > : . . signal atter short-circuit release Sian The guide frames can be supplied either with rear connecting flanges or 6 OFF pushbutton or ; : : g g FA 1st shunt release "f1" i rr Solenoid system for with terminal bars accessible from the oom Opening mechanical reclosing lockout fi : : : F2 2nd shunt release f2 9g ront (with two-tier holes for mounting F3 Unelervoltaga release r and/or S25) rail ends in accordance with DIN 43673, $25 Release signalling contact?) see dimension drawing). T1toT3 Current transformer after overload and Auxiliary current terminals For earth-faut protectin: short-circuit release { : . T4 4th current transformert . : ran Control panel with displays for contact 5 Internal summation current Cuerennne F4 Electrical closing lockout fd Closing position and stored-energy status, transformer eyatun ockout ON and OFF pushbuttons, operating Al Solid-state overcurrent | Contact handle, front of the overcurrent release release / er e Auxiliary switches position (evaluating electronics) (evaluating electronics) ' signal a) with auxiliary supply connectors s1 b) with auxiliary supply connectors s1 manufactured up to 9/96 Start of delivery 10/96 Figure 2/2 3WN1 circuit-breaker, Size I, fixed mounted version, front view j 81 3WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers v) a) with auxiliary supply connectors s1, Start of delivery 10/96 Figure 2/3: 3WN1 circuit-breaker, Size |, fixed mounted version, front view with control panel removed i (1 Figure 2/4: 3WN1 circuit-breaker, size I/1, fixed mounted version, section through the breaker pole and breaker mechanism Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker on 704-5 ,e* b) with auxiliary supply connectors s1 available until 9/96 Figure 2/5: 3WN1 circuit-breaker, size 1/2, fixed mounted version, section through the breaker pole and operating mechanism al Steel sideplate iS Mechanical lockout and/or tripped indicator p a2 Moulded plastic block 61 Terminal bar Control panel and RESET button for resetting the mechanical pil Transparent cover for solid-state overcurrent reclosing lockout and/or resetting the tripped release b2 Connecting bar signalling contact (S25 or S27) Retaining screws for transparent covers, sealable b3 Flexible connector j1 Operating handle qi Contact position indicator d_ Breaker pole j2. Push rod q2_ Stored-energy status indicator d1 Contact carrier j8 Cage g3_ ON pushbutton, mechanical, d2 Contact spring j4 Pawl for stored-energy mechanism with d3 Connecting rod j5 Ratchet wheel electrical closing with sealing cap e Arc chute j6 Connecting rod q5 OFF pushbutton, mechanical e1 Arc runner j7 Back stop q6 ON pushbutton, for electrical closing solenoid e2 Arc splitter j8 Closing spring (S21) e4 Arc-chute extension k2 Eccentric cam q61Contacts for electrical ON closing solenoid 9g Current transformer (T1...T3, k3. Rocker (S21/13-14} with 4-pole circuit-breakers T1...T4) k4 Push rod q? Motor circuit-breaker, only with short designation h_ Solid state overcurrent release L1 Operating shaft (S13) __ {evaluating electronics) L2 Latching mechanism linkage r Auxiliary switch (S1...89) | Auxiliary release carrier L3 Latch s1 Auxiliary supply connectors, with circuit-breaker i1 Closing solenoid L4 Half-round shaft manufactured up to 30.9,.96 at the side of the . m1 Motor and gearing circuit-breaker. With circuit-breaker manufactured 1 ni Test jack X12 for testing the overcurrent as of t.10.96 mounted at the top ( 1} F release function s2 Fixed contact q n2 Test jack X15 for testing the earth-fault s3 Moving contact release function ut Rating plate () The designations in parentheses (e.g. S21 refer to u2 ID No. plate, visible only with the operating the numbering in the circuit diagrams) handle j1 swung out38WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.2 Operating mechanisms Version Function Closure (readiness to close available) Manual operating mechanism without stored energy. The figure shows the circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the breaker, manufactured up to 9/96. The operating handle j1 has to be pumped several times to charge the closing spring j8. When the stored-energy mechanism is charged, the circuit-breaker snaps closed automatically. Manual operating mechanism with mechanical stored energy activation. The figure shows the circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the breaker, start of delivery 10/96. Manual operating mechanism with mechanical and electrical stored energy activation. The figure shows the circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the breaker, manufactured up to 9/96. The spring storage mechanism has to be pumped several times with the operating handle j1 until operating mechanism handle can be moved without exerting force and the stored- energy status indicator (q2) indicates that the spring is ready for activation. By operating the mechanical ON pusbutton, (q3). This acts directly on the stored-energy mechanism. By operating the electrical ON" pushbutton, (q6) or by remote control. By operating the ON Pushbutton, mechanical (q3). This acts directly on the stored-energy mechanism. Motorized/manual operating mechanism with mechanical and electrical stored energy activation. The figure shows the circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the breaker, start of delivery 10/96. The spring storage is charged automatically by the geared motor m1 as soon as power is applied to auxiliary contacts X3/3 and X3/4, After the spring storage has been fully tensioned, the motor is switched off automatically, After closure, the spring storage will be retensioned automatically. In the event of control power failure, the spring storage should be tensioned with the operating handle j1 until the stored-energy status indicator q2 indicates energy-store ready for activation. Motorized and manual operating mechanisms are mechanically separated so that they do not interfere with one another (see Figs. 2/2 and 2/3), By operating the electrical ON pushbutton, (q6) or by remote control. This acts directly on the stored-energy mechanism. li ile Ie (1 QI) @ 3WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.3 Closing 2.3.1 Readiness to close A state of readiness to close exists when a circuit-breaker fulfils the following conditions: - Latching mechanism closed (e.g. undervoltage release active) - Circuit-breaker in OFF position - Stored-energy mechanism charged. On a circuit-breaker with electrical acti- vation of the spring storage mechanism, readiness for closing is checked by means of three contacts in the circuit- breaker which are connected in series with the activation solenoid Y1. For remote signalling of readiness for closing, the contact A3 (1 NO, Order No. suffix Z, Order Code M10) can be used. If necessary, the state of an external interlocking contact for the electrical ON pushbutton can be included. No-load switching If the Mechanical ON pushbutton is operated when the latching mechanism is open, the spring storage will discharge, but the main and auxiliary contacts of the circuit-breaker will remain open; they will not move or touch each other. Depending on the type of circuit-breaker, the following conditions have to be met to make sure that no-load switching does not occur: - The undervoltage release must be active ~ the electrical closing lockout must be inactive, ~ The OFF switch must not be locked in the OFF position (applicable only to EMERGENCY STOP switches, safety locks or locking devices), ~ Mechanical reclosing lockout mechanisms must be released after an overcurrent operation by the RESET pushbutton i5, ~ A draw-out circuit-breaker must be locked in one of the three positions (i.e. connected, test or disconnected posi- tions, the mutual mechanical interlock may not be activated). To prevent no-load switching when the mechanical ON pushbutton is operated, the mechanical ON pushbutton should be secured with the sealing cap supplied when used with circuit-breakers which have electrical/mechanical stored-energy mechanism. 2.3.2 Closure interlock The closure interlocks are subdivided into mechanical and electrical interlocks. Safety locks or locking devices are available for the mechanical interlock (see ON button and OFF button). Electrical interlocking is possible either with an undervoltage release or with an electrical closure lockout. 2.3.3 ON pushbutton switch Mechanical ON pushbutton switch On the normal version, the mechanically operating ON (q3) for the stored-energy mechanisms is of pushbutton design. In the case of manual operating mechanisms with stored-energy and electrical/mechanical closing and motorized/manual operating mechanisms with stored-energy, the mechanically operating ON switch is provided with a sealing cap. Instead of having a pushbutton switch with sealing cap, the mechanical ON device can also be provided with a safety lock (CES, BKS, ZEISS-IKON). If, with a safety lock, the key is removed in the O position, the circuit-breaker cannot be closed mechanically. Electrical ON pushbutton switch The electrical pushbutton switch can also be supplied with a sealing cap. A continuous remote ON command should be avoided because, after an over- current trip or an OFF command, this can lead to the circuit-breaker immediately reclosing again automatically. Automatic retensioning of the storage spring can be prevented with an addition- al motor circuit-breaker. (Available ready installed as accessory.) Linking the release signal switch in the ON circuit and the existence of the mechanical reclosing lockout prevent unintentional closure onto faulty line sections. L+ L- -- 6 - eH eK Ke Ke eK eK eee ee Su. F-- fa x33 <5> | fe, eo i ny rig \ ON | | <4> | R | $ret a a le a a a Ea | 88 We cece ueze te | cool Motor | MM) SS <1> oo | f------- rrr c cc passs= <2> ECM cece edeeeeeeeeeeeeeee need ON MP = <3> ' "MECH" | k eee eeee [n> > > ~~ Seta ot a eee ee ae eee a nee ee eae "OFF" | a 4 hbbllslel le T Io + | -- - eS = aE EE KE KE KE KE Ke ee L- 1438WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker Where motor drives are in service under conditions of high humidity and are operated with negative DC power (L+/MP/L-) the L terminal of the motor must be connected to an internal circuit- breaker contact to prevent corrosion of the motor at termial L- (see circuit dia- gram). 2.4 Opening The circuit-breakers can be opened: From the control panel of the circuit- breaker with the mechanical OFF push- button switch (q5), Remotely by means of auxiliary trips Operating cycle counter A 5-digit operating cycle counter is avail- able for the circuit-breakers. The display is visible at the control panel. The display is incremented by 1 as soon as the storage is fully recharged. 2.5 Auxiliary releases Auxiliary releases and electrical closing lockout The circuit-breakers can be fitted with up to two auxiliary releases in the following combinations: 1 shunt release or 1 undervoltage release e By overcurrent release on overload, 1 electrical closing lockout short-circuit or earth fault. i electrical Closing loCkou or 2 shunt releases Trip-free mechanism or 1 shunt release The circuit-breakers have a trip-free + 1 undervoltage release mechanism which prevents the operating or 1 shunt release mechanism trom Interfering with We + 1 electrical closing lockout tripping or opening action. Version Application Principle of operation Shunt release f", (F1, F2) Remote tripping of circuit-breaker When excited, the shunt release opens the latching mechanism. The coil of the shunt release is suitable for short-time operation only. After circuit- breaker opening, it is switched off by a built-in control switch (S3 or S7). If circuit-breaker opening should still be possible for a brief period after control power failure, a storage device 3WX3156-1J01 is to be used. It stores the energy required to operate the shunt release for a maximum of 5 minutes. Electrical closing lockout fd" (F4) Circuit-breaker lockout to prevent closing When excited, the electrical closing lockout holds the latching mechanism open. The electrical closing lockout is not suitable for remote opening. A shunt release is additionally required for this purpose. If the electrical closing lockout is excited with the circuit-breaker closed, the circuit-breaker does not trip, Undervoltage trip "r" (F3) and rc Remote opening, locking of circuit-breaker, use of circuit-breaker as EMERGENCY STOP device in conjunction with a separately located EMERGENCY STOP control device. When de-energized, the undervoltage release opens the latching mechanism. In order to prevent the undervoltage release opening the circuit-breaker as a result of short-time voltage dips or interrupts, a delay device 3WX3156-3J..0 is to be used, It stores the energy required for supplying the undervoltage release for a maximum of 3.5 s. This combination is known as undervoltage release with delay rc. If the voltage is not restored within the set delay time, the circuit-breaker is tripped.l@ \@ wv 1 i) & 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker Circuit diagrams of supplementary devices -F3A Delay device for undervoltage release with delay ] | ' | | 1 cro | rc | . bt _ fe -S.. ' . 93> =KA9 1 | UNDER- + 4 \ -F3, VOLTAGE | ca-rzh-cabe RELEASE Tit. Fe - < ee Delay time, fixed setting: | aah without link approximately 1 sc" > with link 8-9 approximately 2 sec with links 8-9 and 9-10 approximately 3 sec <88> external electrical interlock against closing by -F3 <93> external electrical OFF by -F3 = Delay device 3WX31 56-3J.00 for undervoltage release with delay -FIA Energy storage device for ' 1st or 2nd shunt release (-F1 or -F2) NS1-5188. les <21> 1st shunt release -F1 <22> auxiliary switch for <21> <27> 2nd shunt release -F2 <28> auxiliary switch for <27> <91> or <92> external electrical OFF by -F1 or -F2 pushbutton only Storage devices 3WX31 56-1JG01 and 3WX31 56-1JJ01 for shunt release with energy storage |} L. . . . _ -F3A Delay devices for undervoltage release with delay Delay time, steplessly adjustable: 0.3 to 3.5 sec vot <88> external electrical interlock against closing by -F3 <93> external electrical OFF by -F3 Delay devices with critical value switching and stepless delay time adjustment Delay devices 3WX31 56-3JG10 and 3WX31 56-3JJ10 for undervoltage release with delay 133WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.6 Opening and interlocking devices Version Activation of the lockout by: Range of action of the lockout Lockable cover over mechanical OFF (q5) and electrical ON (q6) Covering the mechanical OFF" button and electrical ON button and securing the cover with up to four padlocks, The mechanical OFF" button is constantly pressed, Prevents mechanical and electrical closing) EMERGENCY OFF pushbutton switch (self-latching) Operation by pressing Prevents mechanical and electrical closing) until the lockout is cancelled again CASTELL-/FORTRESS lock (supplementary lockable interlock) After pressing the mechanical OFF" button, the CASTELL or FORTRESS key is turned and can be pulled out. The CASTELL or FORTRESS lock holds the mechanical OFF" device in the OFF position. Prevents mechanical and electrical closing*) Safety lock (ZEISS-IKON, BKS, CES) Lock Prevents mechanical and electrical closing") instead of mechanical OFF pushbutton switch (q5) Sealing cap over mechanical OFF (q3). Only with Seal Prevents mechanical closing, Closing by circuit-breakers with manual operating mechanism electrical ON" pushbutton switch (q6) or external with electrical and mechanical energy-store pushbutton switch possible activation or motorized/manual operating mechanism with electrical and mechanical energy-store activation Safety lock (ZEISS-IKON, BKS CES) Lock instead of pushbutton switch mechanical ON (q3) Sealing cap over pushbutton switch electrical ON (q6) Seal Prevents electrical closing at control panel, but closing by external command possible, Sealing cap over pushbutton switch mechanical OFF" Seal Prevent mechanical opening at control panel, (q5) but opening by auxiliary release and external command possible. Undervoltage release No voltage at undervoltage release Electrical closing lockout Voltage at electrical closing lockout Mechanical reclosing lockout F Short-circuit release (n or z/n") Mechanical reclosing lockout F7 Short-circuit release (n" or z/n"), overload release (a), earth fault release ("g"), release by solid-state controller fault (only with overcurrent release Version 1-4, 7) Mutual mechanical interlock The switching positions of the interlocked circuit-breaker. Prevents mechanical and electrical closing) *) These lockouts result in the latching mechanism being kept open. Closing or even contact of the main contacts is impossible (jog-proof). If an attempt is made to close with the latching mechanism open: On actuation of an operating mechanism without stored energy, or on actuation of the mechanical ON pushbutton switch in the case of operating mechanism with stored energy, so-called no-load switching occurs, that is to say the energy stored in the energy store is dissipated in the store mechanism. The main and auxiliary contacts of the circuit-breaker remain open however and do not make contact. In the case of operating mechanisms with energy storage with electrical activation, the auxiliary switch S23, which is opened when the latching mechanism is open, prevents an electrical ON" command leading to activation of the spring-energy store, 14 (l= Ve 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.7 Mutual mechanical interlocking Mutual mechanical interlocking is available for two or three circuit-breakers. The circuit-breakers can be mounted side-by-side and above one another, the distance between the circuit-breakers being determined only by the length Bowden wires. Interlock signals are trans- ferred by means of the wires. The Bowden wires are supplied in standard lengths of 2 metres, which can also be shortened as required. Fhe mechanical duration of the Bowden wires is 10,000 operating cycles. Draw-out version: The mutual mechanical interlocking is only effective in the connected position. Receiver module Receiver 1 7 module Transmitter module } ~~ Transmitter j module Figure 2/6: Guide frames with mutual mechanical interlocking The figure shows the guide frame with the auxiliary supply connectors located at the top of the circuit-breaker, start of delivery 10/96. Example Version Possible switching positions | Description 1 A B Two opposed circuit-breakers: 0 0 One circuit-breaker can be switched on if the other is switched off. 1 0 Each circuit-breaker features one receiver and transmitter module, as well as one 0 1 Bowden wire, A\ B 2 A B Cc Three circuit-breakers, one above the other: 0 0 0 Any two circuit-breakers can be switched on if the third is locked. 1 0 0 Each circuit-breaker features two transmitter and receiver modules, as well as two 0 1 0 Bowden wires for signal transfer. 0 0 1 A gp 1 140 . 0 1 1 1 0 4 3 A B Cc Three circuit-breakers, one above the another: 0 0 0 If one circuit-breaker is switched on, the other two are locked. 1 0 0 Each circuit-breaker features two transmitter and receiver modules, as well as two 0 1 0 Bowden wires. \ 0 0 1 9 A\ B\ Cc 4 Ai B A2 Three opposed circuit-breakers: 0 0 0 This version represents a combination of version 1 and 2. Two circuit-breakers can be 1 0 0 closed and opened independently of one anotherand the third is only ready for closing 0 0 1 when the other two are open. If the third is closed, the other two circuit-breakers cannot A 1 0 1 be closed. The two circuit-breakers each feature one transmitter and receiver module, : " B A2 0 1 0 as well as one Bowden wire. The third circuit-breaker features two transmitter and receiver modules, as well as two Bowden wires. 153WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.8 Overcurrent release system 2.8.1 Construction Depending on the design, the overcurrent release system consists of: 3 or 4 current transformers. The 4th current transformer (N-conduc- tor) of the 4-pole circuit-breakers with integrated 4th current transformer is effective only for earth-fault protection (g), but not for the overcurrent protection of the N-conductor. Overcurrent release (evaluation electronics including summation current transformer in versions with earth-fault release) Tripping solenoid Mechanical reclosing lockout and/or tripped signalling contact. The switch-disconnectors possess neither transformer nor overcurrent release (see page 32). Current transformers The current transformers perform 2 functions: Measured value acquisition (current transformers T1, T2, T3 and, if applicable, T4 and T5) * Measured value acquisition (current transformers T1, T2, T3 and, if applicable, T4) e Power supply for overcurrent releases, tripping solenoids, magnetic system for mechanical reclosing lockout and/or tripped signalling contact, alarm signal (only through current transformers T1, T2 and T3). Therefore, no auxiliary pow- er supply is needed for the overcurrent release system. A certain minimum load current is necessary for activating the overcurrent release: Circuit-breakers without earth-fault release with single-phase current 0.35 x transformer rated current with two-phase current 0.25 x transformer rated current with three-phase current 0.2 x transformer rated current Circuit-breaker with earth-fault in all cases 0.2 x transformer rated current Overcurrent releases (evaluating electronics) The overcurrent releases are available in 8 versions. They are identical for all sizes of circuit-breaker and provide the following functions: e Power supply electronics Signal conditioning e Signal processing (microprocessor) Output stage e Displays and signalling Connected to the outputs of the over- current releases are: The tripping solenoid and depending on the version: The tripped and alarm signalling system, the magnet system for the mechanical re- closing lockout and/or for tripped signalling contact. The standard version of the overcurrent release system is suitable for frequencies of 40, 50, 60, 150 and 400 Hz. The digital signalling processing imparts high, consistent accuracy to the releases. The set pick-up values of the overload re- lease (a release) are not influenced by harmonics. The circuit-breakers may not be operated without overcurrent release, as otherwise the current transformers may be de- stroyed! Working temperature range of the overcurrent releases The characteristics and tolerance bands shown on pages 24 to 29 are applicable to ambient temperatures from -5 to +55 C. In addition, the release can be used for ambient temperatures at the circuit-break- er from -20 to +70 C. Temperatures be- low -5 C can involve an additional error of up to +5% along the current axis, and temperatures over +55 C an additional error of up to -5%.3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.8.2 Function overview Function Order No. 10th digit 3WN...-1.7..-.. Release "an" azn |azng| azn |azng Version 1 3 6 8 B D S/T U VAV Overload protection "E Inverse-time overload release a for the phases Setting of operating current /, Grading 0.05 (/, = 0.4-0.45-0.5 -..-0.95-1 X In) Grading 0.01 (/, = 0,4-0.41-0.42-..-0.99-1 X/n) Time-lag class T, = opening time at 6 X /,; fixed setting 7, = 10s & Adjustable T, = 2-3.5-6-10-17-30s ( Thermal memory (switchable) . BAIN Phase-failure sensitivity (switchable) (fixed) Short-circuit | Short-time delay Setting of response current /g protection short-circuit release z" (lg=2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-12X/) p>, Setting of delay time tq {fg = 80 - 150 - 220 - 300 - 400 - 500 ms) 7.2 and tg = 10 ms for rush insensitivity and tq = 10 30 50 ms for rush insensitivity With /2 dependent delay (/2 t = constant, switchable) With short-time grading control ZSS (switchable) {output signal fixed) Instantaneous short- circuit release 'n Setting of response current jj f= 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-12X/, f=2-4-6-12- 16-20 X In and Rush-insensitive Earth-fault protection @| Earth-fault release g Setting of response current / (ig = 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 0.6 - 0.7 X fy and infinity >) On circuit-breakers with transformer primary nom. currents iy = 315 A and in = 400A only the following settings are permissible: In = 315 At fg = 0.5 0.6 0.7 X fy and infinity o> iy = 400 A: fg = 0.4 - 0.5 ~ 0.7 X fy and infinity o> Setting of delay time fy (tg = 100 - 250 - 400 ms} With /2 dependent delay time (/2 t = constant, switchable) With short-time grading control ZSS (switchable) Release Signat Tripped signal a release, LED z/n" release, LED wan g release, LED For storage of the released signals Power supply to LED displays in overcurrent release, remote indication: Signalling unit: 3WX31 47-OJA00 ting tart or SPE 3WX31 47-1JA00 3WX31 47-2JA00 Warning signals (alarm) | Overternperature, LED Remote indication with signalling unit Phase imbalance > 50%, LED SWAT APE TIAOD Microprocessor fault, LED Display Operating current display (LCD) with serial transmission of current values Testing Overcurrent test socket Ground-fault test socket Mech. reclosing lockout and/or tripped signalling contact 1 NO) Remote triggering @ af , () == In = transformer primary nominal current 1) accessory, must be specified when ordering the circuit-breaker (see Other version"). 2) Switchable upon request at the factory prior to the delivery, no phase-failure protection function in this case. 173WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker Setting and display panel for overcurrent releases Mews a Figure 2/7: Release an Version 1 (without LEDs) Version 2 S/T Figure 2/10: Release azng Version 6 18 SSS M os O8 Ansgar or 10 Vieped) hoe os f=] I ig MK thay 2 16 34 meat @ ii Figure 2/8: Release azn Version 3 (without LEDs) Version 4 en }U | ol 2) oD yen My sane rE oped Lae 2 | + | oom fe) | aoe} | te | Oot my I, 2 ; MY op Ms ez mia 4 ms, Neen Figure 2/11: Release azn Version 7 wat @ f Pie Figure 2/9: Release azn Version 5 = Bg8Sbeesee! * Oy os J s52s? th us iH % 2 Qi | se ie % item @ jae Te e - font : | i. & a i moa k * Lo @: @ H Sed xt \ Figure 2/12: Release azng Version &or 8WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 7.2 6.1 6.2 6.3 1.3 2.3 4.3 8.4 Key to Fig. 2/13 Inverse-time release (a) 1.1. Current setting 1.2 Time-lag setting 1.3 Tripped LED 1.4. Precision adjustment Short-time-delay (z") 2.1 Operating current setting 2.2 Delay time setting 2.3 Tripped LED Instantaneous release (n") 3.1 Operating current setting 2,3 Tripped" LED Earth-fault release (g) 4.1 Operating current setting 4.2 Delay time setting 4.3 Tripped LED Selector switch for supplementary functions (Position 0: off} (Position 1: on) 5.1. Thermal memory for inverse-time releases 5.2 l2t characteristic for short-time delay release 5.3 Short-time grading control for short- time delay and earth-fault release 5.4 l2t characteristic for earth-fault release 5.5 Phase-failure protection Alarm signalling LED 6.1 Overtemperature 6,2 Phase imbalance 6.3 Fault 7.1 LCD for operating current measurement 7.2 Current measurement pushbutton switch for phase selection 7.3 Sealing plug for measuring range setting switch 8.1 Stored signal reset button 9.1 Overcurrent test socket (X 12} Figure 2/13: Release 3WX3141-6, Version 8: azng 193WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker Opening time Preset overload protection char- we acteristic = Overload protection characteristic after overload trip NSW2721 Current Figure 2/14: Current-time curve before and after overload, setting with memory 2.8.3 Overload protection Inverse-time delay overload release a The inverse-time delay overload release is used for protecting load equipment and conductors against overloading. See page 17 for setting ranges and setting values. The settings are made with the aid of twist switches. The step distance depends on the version and amounts to 1% at highest resolution. Tripping characteristics The tripping characteristics on pages 24 to 28 are applicable to 2-phase or 3-phase loads. The tripping times are independent of prior loading with currents of less than 1.1 times the current setting (/,), that is to say unlike conventional bimetal releases, there is no difference between cold and hot characteristics. This enables a motor under normal load to be restarted after a shutdown (out not after an overload release) immediately and without restric- tions. e Thermal memory (Overload memory) Overcurrent releases Versions 5, 7 and 8 have a switchable thermal memory. 20 Or---37~ r it oO > il a = | 3 0If* ro] I % 5 mint I= Time after overload trip Figure 2/15: Tripping time characteristic after overload tripping without memory @ with memory In contrast to bimetal releases which, until they cool down, prevent reclosing of the circuit-breaker, solid-state overcurrent releases (without reclosing lockout) allow the circuit-breaker to be reclosed imme- diately after an overload trip. With solid-state releases with switched-in memory, after an overload trip the time lag is so short that the overcurrent release very quickly trips again in the event of a major overload (even the starting of a motor) see Figure 2/14. If the reclosure of the overload is immedi- ate, the new trip is almost instantaneous, see Figure 2/15, Curve @ (since the overload release also regards the starting current of the motor as an overload, start- up of the motor will also be interrupted). The overcurrent release is restored to its preset overload protection characteristic at the earliest 10 minutes after the over- load trip (see Figure 2/15, Curve @). This prevents the load (for example a motor) after an overload release from Opening time s Overload protec- tion characteristic during an unsymmetrical current loading > 50% Overload protec- tion characteristic ~ set 08 1 x Setting current /, " Figure 2/16: Current-time curve before and during an unsymmetrical current loading > 50 % with the setting phase failure sensitivity being supplied with more power than its power absorption capacity permits at this time. In the without memory mode, the full tripping time corresponding to the tripping characteristic setting becomes operative again immediately. This enables a motor to be restarted following an over- load trip without any serious delay (see Figure 2/15, Curve ). Phase failure sensitivity Overcurrent releases Versions 7 and 8 have a phase failure sensitivity function, to protect a motor from overheating under critical load conditions in the event of a phase failure. For Version 8, this function is switchable; for Version 7, it is fixed. With an unsymmetrical current load, where the current of the lowest loaded phase is less than 50% of the current of the highest loaded phase, the current setting /, is reduced automatically to 80% (see Figure 2/16). If the three phase currents vary by less than 50%, the set current /, will reach its originally set value again.or IC er 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.8.4 Short-circuit protection Depending on the version of overcurrent release, short-circuit protection can be short-time delayed or released instanta- neously. Instantaneous short-circuit release n 1. Versions 1_and 2 of overcurrent release e Setting ranges, see page 17 Rush in sensitivity The release has a fixed delay time of 10 ms, so that it is not activated by transient events, such as the inrush when starting a motor. Tripping characteristics, see page 24. 2. Versions 3 to 8 of over current release Setting range, see page 17. The instantaneous release can be deacti- vated by setting the switch to the position marked oo, Then, the short-circuit protection is only provided by the z release. The instantaneous release must be set so that its operating value / is greater than the normal service current of the con- nected load, including any starting current peaks, such as inrush current (e.g. motors). For tripping characteristics, see page 27. e Short-time-delay short-circuit current release z Only on overcurrent release Versions 3 to 8. The lowest delay step of 10 ms (or 10 - 30 - 50 ms for Versions 7 to 8) can be used for single motor feeders: these delay times prevent the starting current inrush of a motor activating the release. Thus, it is possible, in the interest of effective short- circuit protection, to set the z release to a low response value (< motor starting current). (This instantaneous short-circuit release n must be set to a response value above the motor starting peaks). For time-graded short-circuit protection, the short-time-delay releases can be used in different modes: Short-time-delay short-circuit release with definite-time delay Only overcurrent release Versions 3 to 8. The time grading of time-graded short- Circuit protection is obtained by using delayed releases which are independent of the magnitude of short-circuit current (constant delay time) Setting ranges, see page 17. Tripping characteristics, see page 25. Short-time delay short-circuit release with /2-dependent delay (7.t = constant) Only on overcurrent releases Versions 5 and 8. The selector switch enables the short-time delay release to be changed over from definite-time delay to /2-dependent delay. The /2-dependent delay provides better discrimination to downstream fuses. In addition, it provides optimum protection for cables, conductors and busbars. The /2-dependent delay applies only up to the point of intersection of the 72,t-characteristic with the relevant setting of delay time ta, that is to say, at higher currents, the constant time tg is operative again. For release characteristics, see page 26. 213WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.8.5 Short-circuit protection with short-time grading control (ZSS) Only available with overcurrent releases, Versions 5, 7 and 8 (5 and 8 switchable; 7 fixed output signal). Short-time grading (ZSS) offers full dis- crimination with the very short delay time tzss = 50 ms, regardless of the number of grading levels and regardless of where the short-circuit occurs in the distribution system. The advantage of the ZSS be- comes all the greater, the more grading levels there are in extensive systems and the longer the necessary delay times would be in the case of the customary grading. This reduction in the break time by ZSS considerably reduces the stresses and damages in the switchgear when a short- circuit occurs. Grading _times for the time-graded short-circuit protection (example) Circuit-breaker Delay time Power system NS1-2229b 3WN 220 ms a 3WN 150 ms > 3WN 80 ms - 3WN, 10 ms or 3VF or similar instantaneous : Figure 2/17: Delay times settings of the z release (example) tg= Delay time setting of short-time release z" tisg = Programmed delay time with "ZSS ty = 220 ms trss = 50 ms ZSS" acti- Qn y x53 a valed 7 X34 | 3 i 3 2 ty = 80 ms 7 yan ty = 10 ms lass = 50 ms i _ . toss = ta 2ss" xot2 62 ZSs" acti O21) y [xs Yas a\ O22 acti- ted - Xgl ASM = vated vate L\_ | K2 tg= 10 ms ig = 80 ms i ty = 80 ms toss = ta f tse = 50 ms tig = 50 ms Z8s" xa "288" bed 788 inacti- 31] , _ inact O52) a Q33 acti- vated \ __ vated * vated load_ Instantaneous, total! break time < 40 ms Switches Q11, Q21, Q22, Q31, Q32 and Q33 are 3WN circuit-breakers. Switch Q41 is equipped with an instantaneous overcurrent release(s), for example: 3VF. Figure 2/18: Distribution system with short-time grading control For the discrimination control described, the overcurrent releases of the circuit- breakers concerned must be intercon- nected by means of communication leads. Short-circuit protection with short-time grading control (ZSS) (continued) Mode of operation of *ZSS (Figure 2/18) With ZSS set in a distribution system consisting of several grading levels, in the event of a short-circuit, each upstream circuit-breaker affected by the short- circuit interrogates its directly downstream circuit-breaker to determine whether the short-circuit has occurred in the next lowest grading level: Examples in Figure 2/18: Short-circuit at K1 When the short-circuit current is sufficient, the overcurrent releases in the following circuit-breakers are activated: Q11 Q22 Q33 - Q41 Since Q41 clears the short-circuit in less than 40 ms, no other circuit-breaker trips, although Q41 has no ZSS and therefore can emit no blocking signal to Q33. Q22 signals the short-circuit to Q11, so that after elapse of the test time of 50 ms, only Q22 trips. Without ZSS, the open- ing time of Q22 would be 150 ms. Short-circuit at K3 Since Q11 receives no blocking signal, it trips in 50 ms. Without ZSS, the break time of Q11 would be 220 ms. If the short-circuit has also occurred in the next lowest grading level, tripping of the preceding circuit-breaker is delayed to allow the circuit-breaker immediately upstream of the short-circuit sufficient time to clear the short-circuit. - If the circuit-breakers of the next lowest grading level signal no short-circuit (i.e. if the short-circuit has occurred between the two grading levels), after the programmed delay tzss of 50 ms has elapsed, the preceding circuit-breaker performs a short-circuit trip.is. om =" Po @ 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.8.6 Earth-fault protection Earth-fault release g Only with overcurrent release Versions 6 and 8. Earth-faults can be caused by foreign objects in switchgear and distribution systems, insulation fractures, cable damage, etc. Since such faults can lead to fires in electrical installations, despite the fact that they may give rise to only low fault currents, the earth-fault pratection is designed to operate at between 20 and 70 % of the rated primary current of the transformer, depending on the setting. Several of the circuit-breakers connected in series can be given time-graded discrimination by means of the adjustable operating delay time. The following methods of measurement can be employed in the TN-S system: 1. 3-pole circuit-breakers In three-wire systems (L1, L2, L3): Measurement of the phase currents by the built-in current transformers, secondary current summation by the built-in summation current transformer (Holmgreen circuit). In four-wire systems (L1, L2, L8, N): Measurement of the phase currents by the built-in current transformers, measure- ment of the neutral current by an external neutral current transformer. Secondary summation current from the built-in summation current transformer (Holmgreen circuit). 2. 4-pole circuit-breakers Measurement of the phase currents and the neutral current by 4 built-in current transformers. Secondary current summa- tion by the built-in summation current transformer (Holmgreen circuit). Setting options on earth-fault rel The earth-fault releases can be used in different modes: a) Earth-fault protection with definite time delay The delayed earth-fault release, which is independent of the magnitude of the earth-fault current, is used for the time grading of time-discriminating earth-fault protection. in addition, the delay prevents the circuit-breaker being tripped by transient earth-faults. For applications where the regulations specify a limit to the maximum setting of the operating current, the release can be supplied with a restricted setting range, with the higher settings blocked (please state when ordering). For operating current and time delay, see page 17. The earth-fault release can be disabled by setting the switch to position. For tripping characteristics, see page 28. b) Earth-fault protection with /2-dependent delay (7 f = constant) Available with Version 8 only. The earth-fault release can be changed over from definite-time delay to 72-dependent delay by means of a selec- tor switch. The /2-dependent delay is only applicable up to the point of intersection with the relevant delay time tg. At higher currents, the constant time tg is operative again. For tripping characteristics, see page 29. c) Earth-fault protection with short-time grading control (ZSS") Available only with Version 8. This supplementary function is linked to the ZSS function of the short-time-delay release z. The ZSS function operates in a similar manner for earth-fault protection as the ZSS function for short- circuit protection. Switching on the function selector switch reduces the delay time tg of the earth-fault tripping to 100 ms, regardless of whether a higher value is set on the scale. In the event of an earth-fault, the circuit- breaker nearest to the fault clears it. At the same time, this circuit-breaker prevents the higher-level circuit-breakers in a distribution system from performing an earth-fault trip. This ensures full discrimination. The short-time grading control operates only when the function /2-dependent relay is not simultaneously switched on. Trip by microprocessor fault Overcurrent release Versions 1 to 4, 6 and 7 trip without delay in the event of a microprocessor fault. For the overcurrent release Versions 5 and 8, the behaviour of the overcurrent release in the event of a microprocessor fault is described on page 32 under Solid state tripped and fault warning displays/signals. L1 ) 2 L3 : N 3-pole: 4th current transformer = external current transformer 4-pole: 4th current transformer built-in 3-pole - 4-pole circult-breaker current transformer input for neutral Figure 2/19: Earth-fault protection by means of current summation with neutral current transformer 233WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2 2.8.7 Tripping characteristics These characteristics show the behaviour of the overcurrent release when it is acti- vated by a current which is already flow- ing before the trip takes place. Tripping characteristics an Opening time 60-4 min a s 30> 0 : 1000 0- 500 54 200 9 100 i 3x 05 02 0.1 0.05 0,02 0,01 Figure 2/20: Tripping characteristics of overcurrent release Versions 1 and 2 If the overcurrent trip occurs immediately after closing of the circuit-breaker, when the overcurrent release has not yet been activated, the opening time will be longer (by 3 to 10 ms, depending on the overcurrent). .. | adjustable as 7 multiples of /, (6x /, | 7xfand 10x /, | Hot shown) Sx Ox- 6x ax | Inverse-time overload release a J, Current setting (adjustable) Instantaneous short-circuit release n" , Operating current (adjustable) In order to ascertain the total opening times of the circuit-breakers, it is necessary to add approximately 15 ms for arcing to the given values of opening time. 40 60 80 100 150 x], Current "er or le. 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker Working temperature range The tolerance bands shown below are applicable to ambient temperatures at the circuit-breaker between -5 and +55 C. Tripping characteristics a and z: z = definite-time dela Opening time 60 min _] s 30-4 207) 5000 10- 500 5-5 200 hos 100 al 50 05 0,2 01 0,05 0,02 0.01 0,005 1 i 2 25 al, Figure 2/21: Tripping characteristics of overcurrent release Versions 3 to 8 For overcurrent release Versions 5 and 8, selector Switch in O position; z" in definite-time-delay Mode, fq adjustable as mul- tiples of J, (5% 4.7 x /-and 7 and 10x J, not shown} 4 ' . Inverse-time overload release a" /, Current setting (adjustable) T, Time lag (adjustable, for Version 6 fixed to 10s) NS1-705ee " t 41 tt CT a a | Delay times for inrush insensitivity ty = 30-and 50 ms (with versions 7 and 8) and delay times ty = 220 and 400 ms not shown 40 60 80 100 Current. = 150 xI, Short-time-delay short-circuit release z" fq Operating current (adjustable) ty Delay time (adjustable) 2538WN1/8WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker These characteristics show the behaviour of the overcurrent release when it is activated by a current which is already flowing before the trip takes place. If the overcurrent trip occurs immediately after closing of the circuit-breaker, when the overcurrent release has not yet been activated, the opening time will be longer (oy 3 to 10 ms, depending on the overcurrent). In order to ascertain the total opening times of the circuit-breakers, it is necessary to add approximately 15 ms for arcing to the given values of opening time. Tripping characteristics a and z: z Opening time 60-] min _] s 30- 20-1 1000 10-7 500 5 f iC A aa ee 200 9-] 100 05 02 01 0,05 = l2-dependent delay "Jy adjustable as multiples of /, (5 x I, 7 X ty and 10 x J, not shown) + 0.02 0.01 Figure 2/22: Tripping characteristics of overcurrent release Versions 5 and 8 Selector switch in I position; z in "12-dependent delay mode 26 Inverse-time overload release a J, Current setting (adjustable) T. Time lag (adjustable) Short-time-delay short-circuit release z Ig Operating current (adjustable) ty Delay time (adjustable) NSL-2659 " Delay times for inrush insensitivity tg = 30 and 50 ms (for Version 8) and delay times ty = 220 and 400 ms not shown 40 60 80 100 150 xJ, Current *-r Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers | Working temperature range The tolerance bands shown below are applicable to ambient temperatures at the | circuit-breaker between -5 and +55 C. Tripping characteristics n Opening time 60 | min _ 5 30-4 207) 000 0-7 500 . ) 200 2-1 100 1 a 50 20 | : | 2 GS 05 0,2 04 0.05 0.02 0.01 0,005 1 15 2 25 3 ly Figure 2/23: Tripping characteristics of overcurrent release Versions 3 to 8 LL j, adjustable as multiples of fy (16 x Jy not shown) 4x 4 5 In 6x | 8x 6 8 0 % 20 50 Rated primary current of current transformer Instantaneous short-circuit release n A Operating current (adjustable) 40 60 80 100 NSt-2609a 150 200 =. 300 xIy Current, 273WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker These characteristics show the behaviour If the overcurrent trip occurs immediately overcurrent). of the overcurrent release when it is after closing of the circuit-breaker, when In order to ascertain the total opening activated by a current which is already the overcurrent release has not yet been times of the circuit-breakers, it is flowing before the trip takes place. activated, the opening time will be longer necessary to add approximately 20 ms for (by 3 to 10 ms, depending on the arcing to the given values of opening time. Tripping characteristics g: definite-time delay Opening time 60> min _ s 30= 205 1000 10- - 500 54 200 jj ey Ig adjustable as ' 27 | multiples of /y ' 100 SEES (0.4 and 0.6 x fy not shown) 1 J 50 20 10 5 2 1 05 02 0.1 0,05 0,02 0.01 0,005 01 015 02 03 04 06 O08 1 15 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 ale) xy 2ly Current. Figure 2/24: iy Rated primary current of current transformer 1) With current transformer rated primary currents Tripping characteristics of overcurrent release ten fy = 315 A and with /y = 400 A only the followin Versions 6 and 8 Earth fautt r slease "g 5 operating current settings are fg Operating current (adjustable) issible: Selector switch /2ty in 0 position: ty Delay time (adjustable) permissible: g" in definite-time delay mode. In = 315 Az Ig = (0,5 0,6 0,7) x In and (Version 8 only) In = 400 A fg = (0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7) x fy and 2 28or [)t~~ Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 3WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Working temperature range The tolerance bands shown below are applicable to ambient temperatures at the circuit-breaker between -5 and +55 C. Tripping characteristics gq: 12-dependent delay Opening time 60-7 min s 30-4 20") 1000 0- 500 200 fg adjustable as 254 multiples of Ay i 100 {0.4 and 0.6 /), not shown) ae 1 60 ax 07x Noy") 1) 0,2x 3x! es 20 0 5 2 | " 0,2 0,1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0,005 01 0 02 03 O04 06 08 1 18 2 ely Figure 2/25: Jy Rated primary current of current transformer Tripping characteristics of overcurrent release gn Earth fault release g !g Operating current (adjustable) tg Delay time (adjustable) Version 8 Selector switch /2-tg in 1 position; g" in /2-dependent delay mode lL | 3 NSL-26620 4 5 6 8 0 txly Current _ 1) With current transformer rated primary currents fy = 315 A and with fy = 400 A only the following operating current settings are permissible: In = 315 A: Ig = (0.5 0.6 0.7) x In and co In = 400 A: Ig = (0,4 0.5 0.6 0.7) x In and 293WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.8.8 Typical diagram of tripping characteristics azng Graphing tripping characteristics The operating current J; of the instanta- neous short-circuit release n in over- current release Versions 1 and 2 is a multiple of the current setting /; of the inverse-time overload release a. The operating current /g of the short- time-delay short-circuit release z in overcurrent release Versions 3 to 8 is a multiple of the current setting /, of the inverse-time overload release a. The operating current J; of the instanta- neous short-circuit current release n is a multiple of the rated primary current Jy of the current transformer. The operating current of the earth-fault release g in overcurrent release Versions 6 and 8 is a multiple of the rated primary current of the current transformer Jn. The operating current is always lower than the rated primary current /y of the current transformer. For joint graphing of the tripping charac- teristics of a circuit-breaker, all character- istics must be referred to the current setting /;. For this purpose it is necessary, in the case of trip Versions 3 to 8 to convert the operating values /;, and in the case of release Versions 6 and 8 to convert the operating value Ig, from Xin to... xX fp. 1. Example of setting an overcurrent release in azng mode Assuming: 3-pole circuit-breaker with overload release Version 8 with externally fitted neutral current transformer: 38WN1 371-1GV..-... rated primary current of the current transformer /y = 1250 A Operational current of the system: 1=1110A, required time lag 7. = 17s ~ Required operating current of the short-time-delay short-circuit release 2 (definite-time-delay): Tq = 4500 A. Delay time: tg = 150 ms. Required operating current of the instantaneous short-circuit trip n f, = 25,000 A Required operating current of the earth-fault release g: Jg = 625 A Delay time tg = 250 ms Maximum prospective short-circuit current: 7, = 80 kA corresponding in this case to the rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (up to 500 V AC). 30 Opening time | Selting grade for /y 05x ty = 0,560, 0.56 os o4 06 08 Iy 2], 625A 125A 45 kA 1 Sotting gtactes tor f, | ad a rinuttigte of 7 hibah Tahand TO) not Guetrated > Setting grade for J) 7 (20x 1 = 22.2x 1) 5 fa J [fay Figure 2.26: Example of graphing an azng tripping characteristic a - Inverse-time overload release a Current setting: /; TSf,_1110A in = 7959 A ~ 0-888 selected is 0.9, thus /,= 1125 A Time lag setting: 7, = 17s - Short-delay short-circuit release 2 (definite-time-delay) Setting of the response current /g Ig _ 4500 A _ 4 TI, 1125A Time-lag setting: tg = 150 ms Setting factor: Setting factor: Instantaneous short-circuit release n Setting of the response current /; fi _ 25000 A _ 20 Setting factor: iy T350 A - Earth-fault protection g Setting of the response current Ig Ig 625A _ In 1250A Time lag setting: tg = 250 ms Setting factor: 3. Diagram of the tripping characteristics Inter alia, the factors of the horizontal axis are decisive for graphing on double-loga- rithmic spacing graph paper. Response currents (fg, fi or Ig) Graphing factor =_~& I~ "g _ current setting J; For short-time-delay short-circuit protection z: [yg = 4500 A : _ 4500 A _ Graphing factor = 1125 A7 4 For instantaneous short-circuit protection nf = 25,000 A : _ 25000 A _ Graphing factor =T705 A = 22.2 For earth-fault protection g: Jy = 625A _ 625A _ Graphing factor = 1125A7 0.56 Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Graphing factor = 80000 A = 71 1125 Aer I, 1a cis | 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.8.9 Selection of overcurrent releases for motor and generator circuit- breakers Motor feeders For optimum matching, there is a selec- tion of overcurrent release versions with special functions and settings for the protection of single inductive loads. Overload protection: on the characteristic = tripping time at 6 x /,) of the thermal characteristic (Versions: 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8) Dependent on the mechanical inertia of the load of the motor, the characteristic can be matched to heavy starting (T. = 17; 30 s) and normal starting (To = 6; 10 s). Switchable thermal memory (Versions: 5, 7 and 8) After overload tripping, the time-lag characteristic is reduced on reclosing within 10 minutes, so that the tripping time is shorter when overload occurs again. This function takes into account the prior temperature rise of the equip- ment due to the overload. If the function is disabled, immediate re-acceleration of the motor with full tripping time (without any interval) is possible. Phase-failure sensitivity (Versions: 7 and 8) In the event of amplitude differences in the operational currents of the three outer conductors of > 50 %, current setting Ir is reduced internally to 80 % in order to take into account the overload- ing of the other two phases. This func- tion can only be employed on 3-phase AC motors (not suitable for inverter- controlled operating mechanisms). Short-circuit protection: 10 ms inrush-insensitivity (Versions: 1 to 6) The instantaneous short-circuit trips (Versions 1 and 2) or the short-time- delay short-circuit releases (Versions 3 to 6) have a minimum delay of 10 ms, SO as not to trip as a result of motor startup rush currents (surge currents during the 1st current half-wave). For this purpose, the instantaneous short- Circuit release must be set higher than the motor rush current +20% in the case of Versions 3 to 6. Requirements as to short-circuit protection and discrimination can thus be met in spite of high starting current surges. Rush insensitivity adjustable 10-30-50 ms (Versions 7 and 8) With heavy inductive loads (motors, transformers), closing rush can extend over several current half-waves. Here, the adjustable rush insensitivity can be adjusted accordingly. Generator circuit-breakers Overload protection: on the characteristic = tripping time at 6 x /,) of the thermal characteristic (Versions 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8) According to the thermal overload capa- bility of the generator, the characteristic can be matched to the protection requirements, To = 2...30 S. Thermal memory switchable (Versions 5, 7 and 8) After overload releases, a cooling curve of 10 min duration is simulated, during which the release time is reduced in the event of renewed overload, in order to take account of the prior thermal load- ing of the generator windings. Warning signal Phase imbalance > 50 % (Versions 5 and 8) In the event of load imbalance at the generator (amplitude differences of the operating currents > 50 %), a warning signal is emitted at the release (LED) and via the signalling unit (1 NC / 1 NO). Short-circuit protection: Adjustability of short-circuit releases to low operating values (Versions 1 to 8) The delayed and instantaneous short- circuit release is adjustable down to low operating values, from 2 x /,, in order to prevent dynamic loading of the genera- tor windings. l?-dependent delay of short-time- delayed short-circuit releases (Versions 5 and 8) With the function engaged, changeover takes place from a definite-time-delay to I2-dependent delay (I?t = constant). This results in improved discrimination with downstream fuses. 2.8.10 Function testing instruments According to the version of the over- current release, the circuit-breakers have 1 or 2 test sockets for testing the function of the overcurrent release: Test socket X12 for checking the overcur- rent function with Overcurrent function with Overcurrent release versions 1 to 8, see Fig. 2.2, Test socket X15 for checking earth-fault function with overcurrent release versions 6 and 8, see Fig. 2.2. There are two test instruments for testing the overcurrent releases: For testing the functions of the overcur- rent releases, function testing instrument 3WX36 47-5JA00. This generates a test current which simulated three times the secondary current of the current trans- former. The reliability performance of the overcurrent release and of the release solenoid is checked by the circuit-breaker being tripped by the test current. The current transformers are also tested for continuity. Measurement and test instrument 3WX31 47-6JA00 is available on loan for checking the overcurrent release characteristic set- tings. With this instrument, the test current can be continuously adjusted, in order to simulate every secondary current of the current transformers. The tripping time is determined by means of a timer which measures the duration of the test process from the commencement of the test until the release of the circuit-breaker. The current transformers can be tested for continuity. Figure 2/27: Measurement and test instrument 3WX3147-6JA00 3138WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.9 Circuit-breakers as disconnectors Circuit-breakers are also available in the form of non-automatic circuit-breakers. Non-automatic circuit-breakers are constructed without the overload release system and thus do not perform any protection functions for the system. 2.10 Mechanical reclosing lockouts (W02 and W05) Circuit-breakers are available with mechanical reclosing lockouts W02 and W05. Mechanical reclosing lockouts W02 and W05 are activated in the event of the following types of release: After such tripping operations, the circuit- breaker cannot be closed until the Reset button has been pressed. This button is only accessible after breaking of the seal on the transparent cover of the cover- current release, and is consequently safe from tampering. The lockout acts mechanically on the breaker latching mechanism. If the reclosing lockout is in blocked state, the breaker latching mechanism remains open. Closing of the circuit-breaker or even touching of the main contacts is ruled out. Version| Type of release Overcurrent release Version Wwo2 Overload ("a") 1 to 8 K021) Short-circuit (n or z/n") 1to8 Earth-fault ("g") 6 and 8 Microprocessor fault 1 to 4,6 and 7 WO5 Short-circuit K051) (n" or z/n) 1 to 8 1) Mechanical reclosing lockout combined with tripped signalling contact 2.11 Signals 2.11.1 Solid-state tripped and fault warning displays/signals Overcurrent release versions 2 and 4 to 8 incorporate light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to indicate the cause of an overcurrent trip with the aid of a supplementary device, depending on the version: - Overload (a release) ~ Short-circuit (z/n release) Earth-fault (g release) In addition, Versions 5 and 8 have fault indicators in the event of: 32 Overtemperature in the overcurrent release If the temperature in the overcurrent release exceeds the limit of 90 C, over- temperature is signalled. To prevent damage to the circuit-breaker and to the overcurrent release, the ambient temperature of the circuit-breaker must be reduced to a maximum value of 70 C. Phase imbalance If the operating current of the lowest- loaded phase is 50% lower than the operating current of the highest-loaded phase, phase imbalance is signalled. This warning can also be used as addi- tional protection for three-phase motors: For a three-phase motor, the signal Phase load imbalance usually means that one phase has failed: On overcurrent release Version 8, phase failure sensitivity provides protection against overload when the motor is running on two phases. The phase imbalance signal can be used to induce an electrical reclosing lockout which prevents (after an overload trip) any attempt to restart the motor on two phases, thus endangering it. Microprocessor fault If on overcurrent releases of Versions 5 and 8, there is a microprocessor fault, a warning is signalled. In the event of a short-circuit current greater than 20 x Jn, short-time-delayed tripping of the short-circuit tripping of the circuit- breaker takes place with the aid of a bypass circuit. The trips and faults can also be signalled remotely. For signalling faults and tripped condition, overcurrent releases of Versions 2 and 4 to 8 incorporate optocouplers (solid-state optical isolating relays) which undergo a change in their signal state; for tripped signalling (a, z/n, g), the duration of the signal of the optocouplers is approxi- mately 20 ms. In the case of fault signal- ling, the signal is maintained as long as the fault condition exists and sufficient current is flowing through the current transformer primary conductor bars to operate the microprocessor. LCD operating current display Versions 5 and 8 have a digital LCD display with phase selector switch. The power is supplied from the current transformers. The measured current values can be transmitted via a serial data bus. 2.11.2 Conversion of tripped and fault signals of the overcurrent release The following options exist for display and signalling of a tripped or fault warning: 1. Individual signalling (overcurrent release Release Signalling unit or SPS Individual signalling An overcurrent release with signal capa- bility combined with a signalling unit or a stored-program controller (SIMATIC) converts the signals in the event of a fault (eg, overload or short-circuit trip) into individual signals. 2. Group signal Tripped signalling contact Release A tripped signalling contact can be used for group signalling of all releases.nd Sse 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.11.3 Signalling units The signalling units consist of a power supply unit with storage capability, the relays for signal input and contact multi- plication and an output for the tripped and microprocessor fault indicators (LEDs) on the overcurrent release. The signalling units monitor the opto- couplers of the overcurrent releases and depending on the Version of the over- current release, provide the appropriate signal in the event of a fault or a-trip: For overload (a), short-circuit (z/n) and earth-fault (g) tripping, and for micro- processor fault (UP), the signal is trans- ferred to a latching relay and the respec- tive LED on the solid-state overcurrent release supplied by the signalling unit. The signal continues until it is cancelled by pressing the signal RESET pushbutton on the solid-state overcurrent release, or by a remote reset pulse (closing of the NO contact at terminals 8 and 10 of the signalling unit, see also page 50). For indicating the faults overtemperature in the overcurrent release and phase imbalance, the signal is transferred to a simple type of relay in the signalling unit, because of the possible transient nature of the fault, and maintained as long as the fault is present. The respective LEDs on the overcurrent release are supplied by the integral cur- rent transformers in the circuit-breaker independently of the signalling unit. Power ON is indicated by an LED. The relays permit remote transmission of the indicating signals (potential-free contacts: 1 NO + 1 NC; for details, see Technical Data). Should the power supply be interrupted by a fault in the electrical equipment, the indicators will come on again as soon as the power supply is restored (the corre- sponding remote signals are retained, due to the latching relay, even when the power supply fails). The signalling unit must be mounted at a sufficient distance from the conductor bars and the conducting paths in the Circuit-breaker in order to prevent that in the event of a short-circuit the strong Magnetic fields affect the function of the built-in relays. Auxiliary battery supply The signalling unit has a connection (terminals 11 and 12) fora 12 VDC auxiliary battery supply. This enables the tripped and microprocessor fault indica- tions on the overcurrent release to be sustained, even when the mains power supply has failed. 2.11.4 Tripped signalling contact (1 NO) The circuit-breaker can be fitted with one signalling unit for common signalling of all releases or of all releases on a short- circuit trip only. The tripped signalling contacts S24, S25 and S27 are operated by the following trips: Tripped Type of trip Overcurrent signalling release contact Version $24, $25 Common signalling with Overload (a) 1 to 8 Short-circuit (n or z/n") 1 to 8 Earth-fault (g") 6 and 8 Microprocessor fault (UP) 1 to 4, 6,7 S27 Short-circuit (n" or z/n") 1to8 1. Tripped signalling contact $24 The signal duration is approximately 15 ms. Because of the short duration of the signal (Figure 2/28), it is necessary to have an arresting circuit with a fast-response relay. A secure control voltage which is not influenced by the voltage dip in the event of short-circuit is absolutely essential for the circuit! 2. Tripped signalling contacts $25 or S27 With the tripped signalling contacts $25 and $27, it is not necessary to have an arresting circuit or a secure voltage supply. If the circuit-breaker releases, the signalling contact will be operated by overcurrent release-controlled magnet system. Simultaneously, the RESET pushbutton located beneath the sealed transparent cover will spring forward approximately 5 mm. Thus, the tripped signal can also be seen at the circuit-breaker. The tripped signal remains until the magnet system and the tripped signalling contact are reset (to the state before tripping) by pressing the RESET pushbutton. Remote tripping with the solid-state overcurrent release Only avaitable with overcurrent release Versions 5 and 8. If there are other protective functions in external devices in addition to the functions incorporated in the overcur- rent release, the circuit-breaker can be tripped by feeding a trip signal to the tripping solenoid of the overcurrent release. $24 "Tripped signalling contact in circuit-breaker R RESET (signal cancellation) H1 Tripped indicator K4 Coupling element for DC 24 V 3TX7002-1CB00 Figure 2/28: Arresting circuit with tripped signalling contact S24 1 Power indicator (LED) 2 Fuse 3 AC/DC selector switch 4 AC voltage selector Figure 2/29: Signalling unit 3WX31 47-1JA00 333WN1/8WS1 Circuit-Breakers Construction and Method of Operation of the Circuit-Breaker 2.11.5 Conversion of signals by programmable controllers \f solid-state control systems, for example SIMATIC, are used for conversion of the tripped and fault signals (see page 51 for example of circuit), the following should be observed: The control system must be connected to a secure power supply as, in the event of a short-circuit, the mains voltage will be reduced to an undetermined value. The control system must be mounted at a sufficient distance from the conductor bars and conducting paths in the circuit- breaker. This will prevent the occurrence, in the event of a short-circuit, of malfunc- tions which could be caused by high voltage peaks of inductive loads in neigh- bouring lines and by strong magnetic fields of conductor bars, circuit-breakers and lines. 34 * Permissible external operating voltage Us at terminals X6/9 and X6/10: Us = 10.8 to 26.4 V Characteristics of the optocouplers: Fault signal: Low signalU, <0.5V High signal Uy = Up-2V Max. load capability: 10 mA Signal duration of tripped signals 20 ms On account of the short signal duration, a suitable memory circuit or correspond- ing program structure will be necessary. The signal can be cancelled by pressing the Signal RESET pushbutton at the overcurrent release; this generates an active High signal at terminal X6/8. * According to the Version of the overcur- rent release, the signalling system must issue a High signal to terminals X 6/5 to X 6/7 for storage of the tripped and microprocessor fault indications (LEDs). The load impedance of the LED indica- tor circuits is approximately 2.5 kQ. For a suggested circuit for connection of a solid-state control system to an over- current release, see page 51.3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers 3.1. Fixed-mounted version 3.1.1 Installation 3.1.2 Blocking device To protect the operating personnel and the switchgear, the fixed mounted circuit- Types of Construction The fixed-mounted circuit-breakers can breakers can be fitted with a blocking zee be fitted either on existing horizontal racks __ device, which prevents opening of the in the cubicle or with the aid of bracket cubicle when the circuit-breaker is in the 3WX31 81-QJA00 on a vertical surface. closed state. Connection For adjustment and testing work, the ng The fixed mounted circuit-breakers canbe block can be outwitted with the aid of , supplied both with connecting bars with a tool. single-row drilled holes or with connection As soon as the tool is removed and the bars, the double-row holes of which at the door is closed again, the blocking device Ire ends of the bars are designed for is automatically reactivated. st connection of busbars in accordance with to ' DIN 43673. For rear-side connection, the Figure 3/1 circuit-breakers can be supplied with 3WN1 fixed mounted circuit-breaker, Size |, j mounted on bracket 3). | horizontal bars. a) with auxiliary supply connectors located at the : side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96. 4- ~ @ b) with auxiliary supply connectors located at the top of the circuit-breaker, start of delivery 10/96. 3.2 Draw-out version 3.2.1 Guide frame The guide frame is designed for mounting on a horizontal surface. 5 . ! Figure 3/2 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breaker, Size | a) with auxiliary supply connectors located at the b) with auxiliary supply connectors located at the top side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96. of the circuit-breaker, start of delivery 10/96. Draw-out version - The draw-out version of the circuit-breaker consists of: Guide frame - with auxiliary circuit plug connector Number depending on circuit-breaker version (page 43, Fig. 3/13) FT connection pieces sometimes optional connecting bars with position signalling switch (4 versions) optional - with shutter (touch protection) with folding rails for maintenance position sometimes optional with blocking and interlocking components sometimes optional Draw-out circuit-breaker Door sealing frame 3WX31 86-OJA01 ( Coding device 3WX31 62-1JE0O The dimension drawings show the required clearance to the front edge of the cubicle, 3538WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.2.2 Circuit-breaker positions in the guide frame There are 3 positions behind the closed Shutter cubicle door for draw-out circuit-breakers in the cubicle: e Connected position: Auxiliary circuit . lug connector Main draw-out contacts engaged, pig auxiliary draw-out contacts engaged, circuit-breaker ready for operation. Position signalling switch operated by draw-out mechanism Test position: Shutter locking Main draw-out contacts disengaged, lever (lockable auxiliary draw-out contacts engaged, with padiock) functional testing of auxiliary supply systems possible. Cable penetrations for position signalling switch Disconnected position: Unlocking slide Main draw-out contacts disengaged, (lockable with Se ee auxiliary draw-out contacts disengaged. padlock) connected and test . . . ition: The circuit-breaker is moved between Engagement Positions the three positions using a crank handle spindle and a spindle drive. Figure 3/3 Guide frame, Size | (without hinged rails), position signalling switch operated by draw-out mechanism. The figure shows the version with the auxiliary supply connectors, available until 9/96. Auxiliary supply connector Shutter Position signalling switch operated by draw-out Shutter mechanism locking lever (lockable with padlock) Cable penetrations for position signalling switch Indication of Legend for Figure 3/5: circuit-brekaer Interlock to prevent 41 Door position in the door opening in 2 Auxiliary supply connector) guide frame connected and 3 Shutter test positions 4 Main plug-in contact Engagement 5 Guide frame spindle 6 Position interlock (version 1) 7 Engagement spindle Figure 3/4 Guide frame, Size | (without hinged rails), 8 Hinged rail position signalling switch operated by draw-out circuit-breaker The figure shows the version with the auxiliary supply connectors located at the top of the circuit-breaker, Start of delivery 10/96, see Fig. 3/5a, Page 38. 1. Connected position 3. Disconnected position Main and auxiliary circuits open Main and auxiliary circuits closed Cc 2. Test position 4. Maintenance position [ ] | Main circuit open, Main and auxiliary | auxiliary circuit closed circuits open - | oe | ln +; -_JS. _ B C = Crank handle c | Figure 3/5 Schematic sketch of 3WN draw-out circuit-breaker 1) For 83WN1 Sizes IV (3-pole) and III (4-pole), the auxiliary supply connectors are positioned at the bottom, The figure shows the version with the auxiliary supply connectors located at the side at the guide frame. Available until 9/96. 36ng iliary 3. bottom. tC 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction In the disconnected position, the draw-out circuit breaker in the main and auxiliary supply systems satisfies the disconnec- tor conditions. The disconnected position (or connected position) is reached when the circuit- breaker is moved to the stop (or pushed in). Mechanical interlocking ensures that the circuit-breaker is in the OFF position be- fore it is moved. There is similar interlock- ing to prevent the circuit-breaker being closed at any intermediate point between the 3 positions (see also Readiness to close, page 11). Position mechanism Version 1 (only as substitute) Sizes | to III (8-pole) and | and II (4-pole) of the 3WN circuit-breakers: The circuit-breaker is drawn out to the various positions by means of a position interlock (page 36, Fig. 3/5). It is not pos- sible to change the position of the circuit- breaker unless the unlocking slide has been pressed. Version 2 All sizes: The circuit-breaker positions are clearly indicated without latching. Maintenance position Hinged rails allow the circuit-breaker to be drawn out to an additional maintenance position (these rails are an optional extra for Sizes | and II, but part of the standard equipment of the guide frame for Sizes III and IV). Indication of the circuit-breaker positions in the guide frame Version 1 (only_as substitute) of the position mechanism (Figure 3/3) Sizes | to Ill (3-pole) and | and II (4-pole) of the 83WN circuit-breakers: The markings and the position signalling Switch show the 3 possible positions of the circuit-breaker (connected, test or dis- connected): * With the cubicle door closed, the circuit- breaker position can be seen from the markings on the control panel. With the cubicle door open, the position Can be seen both from the markings on the top right-hand side of the circuit- breaker and from the matching notches in the guide frame. Position signalling switches are available for remote indication of the circuit-breaker Position (see page 38). A 1 suffix must be added to the Order No. of the guide frame as the 16th digit. Circuit-breaker = _ position indicator Figure 3/6 Guide frame, Size | (without hinged rails), position indicator, mutual mechanical interlock Version 2 of the position mechanism (Fig. 3/4) All sizes: The connected, test and disconnected positions of the circuit-breaker are shown: through an inspection window when the cubicle door is closed Main plug-in contacts Mechanical interlock (transmitter and receiver module with Bowden wires} directly on the indicator when the cubicle door is open (Figures 3/4 and 3/6). A 2 suffix must be added to the Order No. of the guide frame as the 16th digit. 3.2.3 Position signalling switches The position signalling switches are avail- able in two basic versions, differing in their operating mechanisms: Operated by draw-out mechanism (not for Sizes IV (3-pole) and III (4-pole) of the 3WN: With this version, the position of the draw-out circuit-breaker is signalled only when the breaker is in the connected, test or disconnected position. This version is not suitable for interlock circuits with other protective devices. Two versions are available: Operated by draw-out circuit-breaker: This version is suitable for interlock cir- cuits with other protective devices. The position signalling switches are actuated by the draw-out circuit-breaker via an additional mechanism. Not only the position, but also the presence of the circuit-breaker in the guide frame is there- by signalled. Signal Operation by: Draw-out mechanism draw-out circuit-breaker 1st version 2nd version 3rd version 4th version Circuit-breaker in connected position 3NO+3NC 1NO+4+1NC 3NO+3NC 1NO+1NC Circuit-breaker in test position 2NO+2NC 1NO+1NC 2NO+2NC 1NO+1NC Circuit-breaker in disconnected position |} 1 NO + 1 NC 1NO+1NC 1NO+1NC 1NO+1NC 373WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction on . Connected position, fo main and auxiliary circuits closed ao \ soon Nm Door Auxiliary supply connector Shutter Main plug-in contact Plug-in contact Engagement spindle Crank Hinged rail . Test position, main circuit open, auxiliary circuit closed ONO Ro a . Disconnected position, main and auxiliary circuits open 4. Maintenance position, main and auxiliary circuits open | : Figure 3/5a Schematic sketch of 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors located at the top of the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96. Signalling switches for the circuit-breaker positions in the guide frame Guide frame for 3WS1: 3WX6118-8...0-.... 38WX6118-8..,.01-.... Guide frame for 3WN1: 3WX3.83-8...0-.... 3WX3.83-8...0-.... Operated by t + draw-out mechanism 3WX31 84-1JA21 3WX31 84-1JA01 Operated by draw- out circuit-breaker 3WX31 84-1JB21 3WX31 84-1uB01 [6] Disconnected Test Connected Disconnected Test Connected position position position Position position position _ _ aTa_____ | | ! | eee eeeeee Peele V1] | | irorh | ) ' t sob bh fsa | loss h | -saop [+ {-saap saz) [ {saab f-sauh [y-sash fs Heap dovcbopccep Reeekeeed pect --L--t-- eon De mei =~ ---f---\---} f---! ~~~ ---\---f ===? ' se ki \ k oP ! } h oP Y ho oO hop h oR hoo ue ! | ! | ! : 3 ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' | | | \ | | | os easy eofied bo. 2.4 a en if og pilisned - 4.1 ae a> 2> ea : <2 : . Z | | 2 Contact position when: Creuoreaer, Bl UE UE Ue UE USB position commer QB 6U GU U8 Us UE woneee UB U8 UB Ell BU BU position Co i ef U Contact Contact closed open 38on Aol=Frr-s tl 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.2.4 Shutter: Shock protection against touching live draw-out contacts Unintentional touching of live contacts or busbars is prevented by a shutter which is mounted on the rear section of the guide frame (see page 36, Figs. 3/3 and 3/4). The shutter is made of insulating material and has cutouts for the isolating blades of the circuit-breaker. The apertures are automatically sealed off by a slide, also made of insulating material, as soon as the circuit-breaker is moved to the disconnected position. The shutter is locked automatically. It is automatically opened again when the circuit-breaker is racked in. To prevent unauthorized opening of the closed shutter when the breaker is removed, it can be fitted with 2 padlocks. 3.2.5 Coding system In order to prevent interchanging of several same-size circuit breakers in a switchgear when inserting them into the guide frame, the circuit-breakers and guide frames can be fitted with a coding system. The coding system is available as a set consisting of 8 coding pins, bolts and nuts. 36 codes are possible (see Fig. 3/7). 3.2.6 Interlocking Interlock to prevent opening of the cubicle door when the circuit-breaker is in the connected or test position. A hook inside the guide frame engages in the eyelet on the cubicle door (see Fig. 3/8). (For testing and adjustment purposes it is possible for this interlock to be defeated by means of a tool ("overrideable") - see Fig. 3/9). Figure 3/7 Draw-out version with coding system Figure 3/8 Interlock to prevent opening of the cubicle door (part mounted on door) Figure 3/9 "Interlock to prevent opening of the cubicle door overridden 393WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction Interlock to prevent the circuit-breaker 3 being moved (connected position (<> test position <> disconnected position) when the cubicle door is open. (For adjustment purposes it is possible for this interlock to be defeated by means of a tool ("overrideable). As soon as the tool is removed, the interlock is automatically effective again). Unlocking e Interlock to prevent the circuit-breaker ete being racked in with. the shutter down: see "Shutter: shock protection against touching live draw-out contacts"). Figure 3/10 Locking the circuit-breaker position, Version 1 Interlock to prevent the circuit-breaker being moved, e.g. from the test position to the connected position: With circuit-breaker position indicator version 1: The unlocking slide inside the guide frame (Fig. 3/10) has a hole for fitting a padlock. This makes it impossible to defeat the position interlock. With circuit-breaker position indicator version 2: (Sizes I, Il and Ill, 3-pole; Sizes | and Il, 4-pole): A padlock prevents the crank being fitted and the circuit-breaker being moved (Fig. 3/11a). If the slide is pressed and a padlock fitted in front of it (Fig. 3/11b), it is impossible to close the circuit-breaker. Figure 3/11a Locking the circuit-breaker position, Version 2 Figure 3/11b Preventing the circuit-breaker from closing 40ion 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.3. Main connectors 3.3.1 Main connectors for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers Horizontal connection Vertical connection, on rear side single-row holes (standard equipment) for connection on front side 3WN1 circuit-breaker 3-pole Vertical connection, double-row holes for connection on front side (bars drilled in accordance with DIN 43673) max. 3200 A | (Standard equipment) 4000 A 4-pole max. 3200 A | (Standard equipment) | 3WS1 circuit-breaker 3-pole Max. 1000 A, | {Standard equipment) | 1250 - 2500 A (Standard equipment) | 4-pole Max. 1000 A, | (Standard equipment) 1250, 1600 A Please refer to the chapter entitled "Dimension drawings for the exact dimensions v | ies ee en a eit -HlG Figure 3/12 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breaker, 3-pole, 800 A for fixed mounting, ep connectors in standard equipment, Sttical connection, single-row holes (Standard equipment) | 413WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3 3.3.2 Main connectors for draw-out version 42 The main connector is on the guide frame. 3WN1 circuit-breaker 3-pole Horizontal connection on rear side Vertical connection flange Extended connecting bars, single-row holes for connection on front side Extended connecting bars, double-row holes for connection on front side (bars drilled in accordance with DIN 43673) Max. 3150 A | (Standard equipment) 4000 A (Standard equipment) 5000-6300 A | (Standard equipment) 4-pole Max. 3150 A (Standard equiprnent) | 4000-5000A (Standard equipment) 3WS1 circuit-breaker 3-pole Max. 2500 A | | (Standard equipment) _| | | 4-pole Max. 1600 A | | (Standard equipment) _| | | Please refer to the chapter entitled Dimension drawings" for the exact dimensions_ 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.4 Auxiliary supply connectors 3.4.1 Auxiliary switches and signalling switches Contact position-driven auxiliary switches The circuit-breakers can be ordered with 1 or 2 auxiliary contact blocks, each having 2 NO and 2 NC contacts (S1/2 and $4/5). Signalling switches The circuit-breakers with: -a manual operating mechanism with a stored-energy feature with electrical and mechanical closing a motorized/manual operating mechanism with a stored-energy feature are supplied with a stored-energy status indicator S9 (1 NO + 1 NC). These circuit- breakers can additionally be fitted with a ready-to-close signalling contact A3 (1 NO). This contact can be mounted as a module and retro-fitted in the circuit- breaker. 3.4.2 Auxiliary supply connectors As of 10/96, the original auxiliary supply connectors of the 3WN1 circuit-breaker were adapted to the newly developed connector system of the 3WN6 circuit- breaker. Thus, depending on the delivery date there are different auxiliary supply connectors for the 8WN1 circuit-breakers. The original auxiliary supply connectors consisted of max. six connector blocks mounted at the side of the circuit-breaker with 10 poles each. The new auxiliary supply connectors consists of max. four connector blocks mounted at the top of the circuit-breaker with 14 poles each. In order to ensure compatibility with the versions in the circuit diagrams, the terminal markings were kept. Auxiliary supply connectors, available until 9/96 The auxiliary supply connectors of the circuit-breakers, Sizes | to III, are mounted on 10-pole connector blocks (X1 ... X6) on each side. For Sizes IV (3-pole) and Ill (4-pole) of the 3WN circuit-breakers, the connector blocks are positioned at the bottom. The fixed-mounted circuit-breakers can be connected up either by using single conductors or with 10-pole manual plugs. NS1-2664a Auxiliary supply connectors Establishing the required number of auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the side of the circuit-breaker according to the circuit-breaker version Connector block X1 1st auxiliary switch block (2 NO + 2 NC) is fitted to each IWN circuit-breaker 1 connector x1 and, if fitted, 1st shunt release Operating mechanism nergy feature Manual operaling mechanism wilh stored- energy feature with mechanical closing 2nd shunt release Manual operating mechanism without stored- Manual operating mechanism with slored-energy feature with electrical and mechanical closing Motorized/manual operating mechanism wilh stored-energy feature + 1 connector x2 + 1 connector or electrical closing Yes No Yes')ino lockout or | undervoltage release + 1 connector x2 2nd auxiliary switch [ block (2 NO + 2 NC) Yes No (total number of auxiliary switches 4 NO + 4 NC) and/or + 1 connector tripped signalling x4 contacts 24, S 25 or S 27 | La Overcurrent I | . s | releases: Versions Versions Versions 1 and 3%) 2,4 and 6 (4-pole) 5, 6 (3-pole), 7 and & Zoo", remote tripping + 1 connector and N-conductor XS current transformer Tripped Tripped and fault alarm signals + 1 connector + 1 connector signals and LCD for x6 x6 operational current } Total number of required draw-out auxiliary supply connectors (for appropriate Order No. suffix see Accessories for draw-out circuit-breakers") or auxiliary supply connectors (see Accessories for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers") Figure 3/13 Examples: For fixed-mounted circuit-breakers with: manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with electrical and mechanical closing 1st shunt release f" undervoltage release "r" - auxiliary switch block with 2 NO + 2 NC contacts (1st auxiliary switch block) overcurrent release version 3 azn three 3WX31 25-1J..0 auxiliary supply connectors are required for X1, X2 and X3, For draw-out circuit-breakers with: manual operating mechanism without stored- energy feature 1st and 2nd shunt releases f auxiliary switch with 4 NO + 4 NC contacts (1st and 2nd auxiliary switch blocks) overcurrent release version 5 five draw-out auxiliary supply connectors for X1, X2, x4, X5 and X6 are required for the guide frame. 1) If a circuit-breaker with a manual operating mechanism with a stored-energy feature with electrical or mechanical closing or with a motorized/manual operating mechanism with a stored-energy feature is also equipped with: 2nd shunt release and/or - electrical closing lockout and/or undervoltage release, these are also connected to X2. 2) Also applies to circuit-breakers without overcur- rent release (non-automatic circuit-breakers). The draw-out circuit-breakers have an automatic auxiliary plug connector system. The plant-side connections are established on the draw-out type connectors, which are snapped onto standard mounting rails in guide frames. Flexible conductors should be used for the connection to the plant. The number of connector blocks on a circuit-breaker can be seen from Fig. 3/13. This indicates the number of manual plug connectors or draw-out type connectors to be ordered. 433WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction Auxiliary supply connectors for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers, available until 9/96 The connector blocks are 10-pole and can accommodate both single conductors (up to 2.5 mm?) and 3WX31 25-1J..0 codable manual connectors (the required numbers are indicated on page 43, Fig. 3/13). The 10-pole connectors can be supplied complete with connecting cables 2 or 3m long (10 x 1.5 mm/?). The connector cables can be PVC-insu- lated or rubber-insulated (see Accessories for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers, page 3/80). The PVC-insulated cables are suitable for temperatures from 5 to 70 C (inside the cubicle). The rubber-insulated cables (halogen-free) are suitable for temperatures between -20 and +70 C. Coding pins Figure 3/14 Connector and connector block Auxiliary supply connectors for draw-out circuit-breakers, available until 9/96 The auxiliary supply connectors comprise a connector block and an adapter on the circuit-breaker and a draw-out connector on the guide frame. The connectors are rated for AC 600 V/ DC 440 V operational voltage and 10 A operational current. They are touch-safe and are closed or opened automatically when the circuit-breaker is moved into the connected/test positions or the discon- nected position respectively. The required number of auxiliary supply connectors is specified on page 43, Fig. 3/13. Onthe | On the draw- guide frame ; breaker ] l l l | | | | Draw-out connector out circuit- Adapter Connector block Figure 3/15 Draw-out connector, adapter and connector block, availaple until 9/96 Auxiliary supply connectors for fixed-mounted circuit breakers, available as of 10/96 Depending on the version, fixed-mounted circuit-breakers are provided with max. four 14-pole manual connectors for the auxiliary conductor connection. These manual connectors feature coding pins and thus cannot be interchanged. The single conductors are connected to the terminals of the 14-pole manual connector by the customer. Each terminal can be connected to either 1 x 2.5 mm? or to 2x 1 mm. The manual connectors with the coding pins are also available as accessories. 44 Figure 3/16 Manual connector with coding pins, start of delivery 10/96; SoS on 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction Auxiliary supply connectors for draw-out circuit-breakers, available as of 10/96 The guide frames of the draw-out version are fitted with auxiliary supply draw-out connectors. Depending on the circuit- breaker version a maximum of four 14-pole connectors are mounted at the top of the frame. The terminals of the circuit-breaker automatically make contact with the draw-out connectors when the ; circuit-breaker is racked into the frame (test- <> connected position). With the disconnected position the auxiliary supply connections are open. The auxiliary supply draw-out connectors are touch-safe and with a standard factory assignment they are rated for 400 V AC/DC operational voltage and max. 10 A operational current. Figure 3/18 Draw-out connectors for guide frame Figure 3/19 Auxiliary supply connectors of draw-out version Auxiliary supply connectors, mounted at the top of the circuit-breaker The segmented contact blade strip at the top of the circuit-breaker provides max. 56 auxiliary supply terminals. For fixed- mounted circuit-breakers, the contacting of these auxiliary supply terminals is effected via max. 14-pole auxiliary supply connectors, which are plugged onto the corresponding segments of the contact __ blade strip. By using the supplied coding pins, identical connectors receive an indi- vidual assignment and marking. For draw- out circuit-breakers an automatic contact- ing is effected during the position change via a maximum of four 14-pole draw-out connectors with draw-out contacts, which are snapped onto a cross-rail in the guide Figure 3/21 Auxiliary supply connector for fixed-mounted versions with 14 connection possibilities, frame. available as of 10/96 a The basic equipment for each circuit- Auxiliary supply connector breaker comprises the auxiliary supply 4 3 { 2 connector with the terminals X1.1 ... X1.10 as well as X2.1, X2.2, X41 and X4.2. For the retrofitting of accessories or for eines modifications it must be checked if hry WT hae ey a possibly required auxiliary supply : a > tq connector is already installed or if it must be ordered. For separate orders of draw-out circuit- breakers and guide frames the number of the draw-out connectors must be stated when ordering the guide frame. The factory assignment of the auxiliary supply terminals is shown on the following diagram. Figure 3/20 Fixed-mounted circuit-breaker with four auxiliary supply connectors 453WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.4.3 Control/measuring cables The control/measuring cables for the The control cables for the ZSS and for the overcurrent electronic signals connected to the X5 remote tripping signals must not exceed release connections and X6 terminals of the circuit-breaker 300 m in length. The length of the (X5 and X6 terminals) must be protected both against the high measuring cable for the N-conductor voltage peaks of inductive loads in neigh- current transformer must not exceed 5 m. Connections Shielded 1+ C bouring cables and against the strong A minimum cross-section of 0.75 mm? cables (LSYCY) magnetic fields of busbars, circuit- is recommended in view of the required either Siemens j _ : or equivalent make breakers and other cables. It is conse mechanical strength. Overcurrent release, quently advisable to use shielded | + C versions 2 and 4 (instrumentation and control) cables. Tripped signals With fixed-mounted circuit-breakers, the Terminals ye X6/5, X6/6, X6/8, X6/9, X6/10__|5 x 0.75 mm? SWX31 25-1J..0 auxiliary supply connec- Overcurrent release, tors can be connected with non-shielded, versions 5 to 8 10-pole control cables. These control Tripped signals cables are available in lengths of 2 and Terminals 3 m. The relatively short cable lengths X6 (1-10) 10 x 0.75 mm? : mean that no interference can be caused ZSS" _o Terminals as a result of external magnetic fields. If X5/1, X5/2, X5/3, X5/4 2 x (2 x 0.75 mm?) longer cables are required, it is advisable Remote tripping to connect the above-mentioned | + C Terminals cables from intermediate terminals. X5/5 and X5/6 2x 0.75 mm? N-conductor current transformer Terminals X5/9 and X5/10 2 x 0.75 mm? Determination of the required number of auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the top of the circuit-breaker, start of delivery 10/96 a_ First auxiliary supply connector, for standard signals, always necessary 1 b Operating mechanism b1 Manual operating mechanism with spring closing +0 b2 Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature and mechanical closing +0 b3 Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature and mechanical and electrical closing +4 b4 Manual/motorized operating mechanism with stored-energy feature and mechanical and electrical closing +1 c Overcurrent release c1 Versions 1, 3 or without overcurrent release (non-automatic circuit-breaker) +0 c2 Versions 2, 4 or 5 (with 4-pole circuit-breakers) +1 c3 Versions 5, 6 (with 3-pole circuit-breakers), 7 or 8 +2 d_ Auxiliary releases d1 with/without 1st auxiliary release (shunt release f, F1) +0 d2 1st auxiliary release (undervoltage release r", F3 or electrical closing lockout fd, F4; +0 needed if b3 or b4 is not selected) d3 2nd auxiliary release (shunt release f", F2; needed if b3 or b4 or d2 is not selected) +1 e Auxiliary switch e1 1st auxiliary switch block 2 NO + 2 NC +0 e2 1st and 2nd auxiliary switch block 4 NO + 4 NC, required if c2 or c3 not chosen +1 f Tripped signalling contact f1 Without +0 f2 Signalling contacts S24, $25 or S27 (corresponds to short designation M02, M05, KO2 or KO5; required if e2 not chosen) +1 g Total auxiliary supply connectors (max. 4) 463WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.4.4 Assignment of the auxiliary supply connectors supplied up to 9/96 Se x4 oo x1 oO XS 60 X2 X6 X3 NS1-2664a = a 4 _x. 1 | -S1 : | |: at ae 23 if? and Ist 2Ns aa Contact 1 auxiliary auxiliary 1 Contact position me 4 een boc 4 position oc oc Hy wD | 35 | a Overcurrent release signal from contact $24 or $25 or S27 our (E20 X21 u HX put 2 A9_| $3 7.2 Short-time 3 as 18. ST Sy = ale ns 2. 5 Remote tripping 6 KI Tar Ready 2 7 toclose External summation current transformer 9 N-conductor = current transformer 10> grading control ; ee (ZSS) M 4 -S9\ 4 s 3 Stored-energy 9 signal wen a j77_| | | ( Overtemperature -X6_1- ) 25 C X34 5 Ew Microprocessor fault 25 26 (+ 2 3 <2 | Phase unbalance mech 277 _| 28! 5 Overload/SDA 4 28 vy 4 <4 oa Overload release 5 31] 5 > | SS) Shortcircuit release _.6 307_| $7 6 =| | Earthfault release _7 29 $23 7 S Signal reset fy 23 (4 $8 S24 E= External + a - 9. K operational voltage 10 22 cat SDA: Serial output for the current values in overcurrent release versions '5 ("R") and 8 ("V/W") as standard wiring; the overload alarm signal is only available if X6.4 and X11.17 are wired together internally! Legend Al Solid-state overcurrent release Qi Circuit-breaker $22 Charges electrical storage spring Fl 1st shunt release "f" $1,S2 1st auxiliary switch block $23 Ready-to-close contact F2 2nd shunt release f" $3 Auxiliary switch for F4 latching mechanism F3 Undervoltage release r $4, $5 2nd auxiliary switch block $24 Signalling contact of FS F4 Electrical closing lockout "fd" S7 Auxiliary switch for F2 $25 Signalling contact of F7 F5 Tripping solenoid $8 Ready-to-close storage spring $27 Signalling contact of F6 F6, F7 Reclosing lockout charged X1 to X6 Terminal block KI Ready to close, auxiliary relay S9 Stored-energy status indicator X11 Plug connector M1 Motor $21 Electrical ON Y1 Closing solenoid 47 '3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.4.5 Assignmet of the auxiliary supply connectors, available as of 10/96 X6X5 X4X1X2X3 p4 [3] 1] 2 | SS oo Contact position = 3 5 oO oO = 8 Overcurrent release signal >| from contact @) S24 or S25 or S27 a 2 & X at { o . lu 3] Short-time 2 | grading control | (ZSS} ~ { put a# Remote tripping { y A : External summation current transformer N-conductor = current transformer a S 3 7 c Overtemperature = -X6.1- Oo a . o| < | E@) Microprocessor fault _.2 =/ 2] 3 =. 21S | << | Phase unbalance 3 a3 oO >| Overload/SDA 4 oO =| 22 vu ( Overload release 5 3S] c OG | 5 | 2&< Short-circuit release _.6 S| o| co vw) ]/ | Earth-fault release 7 QD Ss Signal reset 8 a 2 External + X operational voltage 10 22 (4 mx. 1 -o4 . ist = auth ] a Contact switch position block i 1st auxiliary supply connector -X2.1 $3 52 3 A -S7 4 Ja -so\4 o8 3 E Stored-energy cz signal SOT F. 10 | 2nd auxiliary supply connector SDA: Serial outpuit for the curent values in overcurrent release versions 5 ("R") and 8 (V/W") as standard wiring; the overload alarm signal is only available if X6.4 and X11.17 are wired together internally! Legend Al Solid-state overcurrent release Fl 1st shunt release "f" F2 2nd shunt release "f" F3 Undervoltage release "r" F4 Electrical closing lockout "fd" F5 Tripping solenoid F6, F7 Reclosing lockout K1 Ready to close, auxiliary relay M1 Motor 48 Qi $1,82 $3 $4, S5 Ss? Circuit-breaker 1st auxiliary switch block Auxiliary switch for F473 2nd auxiliary switch block Auxiliary switch for F2 Ready-to-close storage spring charged Stored-eneray status indicator Electrical ON $22 $23 $24 $25 $27 X1 to X6 x11 Y1 Charges electrical storage spring Ready-to-close contact latching mechanism Signalling contact of F5 Signalling contact of F7 Signalling contact of F6 Terminal block Plug connector Closing solenoidon JY 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Types of Construction 3.5 Short-circuiting and earthing devices for 3WN1 circuit-breakers Applications Portable, positively-driven short-circuiting and earthing devices are installed on isolated electrical system components in order to ensure safe isolation from the supply in the work area. Earthing drawers and switches are a simple and effective means of earthing. They can be installed easily in the guide frame in place of the relevant draw-out circuit-breakers. This ensures that these devices are first connected to the earth electrode and then to the components which are to be earthed. Design The earthing contact is mounted on the side of the circuit-breaker casing and establishes the connection to the guide frame when the earthing device is inserted. Short-time current of earthing 15 kA (500 ms) contact Rated operational voltage 690 V Specification DIN VDE 0683 1 Earthing contact Figure 3/16 Draw-out short-circuiting and earthing switch Draw-out short-circuiting_and earthing switch This version is a complete switch with Circuits, an operating mechanism and possibly accessories. The contact blades can be shunted at either the top or the bottom. Since, depending on the design of the operating mechanism, short-circuiting can also occur by remote closure of the Stored-energy device, additional protection for operating personnel is provided here. The short-circuiting and earthing switches can be equipped with operating mechanisms and auxiliary releases in the same way as the 3WN circuit-breakers. The scope of supply includes a locking facility which acts via the Mechanical OFF and Electrical ON switches. The components The components at the bottom outgoing at the top outgoing feeder are short-circuited feeder are short-circuited and earthed and earthed In contrast with the 3WN circuit-breakers, the "Mechanical OFF" switch is not ac- tually operated by means of the locking facility, but merely prevented from being switched off by unauthorized persons. Short-citcuiting and earthing drawer The short-circuiting and earthing drawer Comprises the circuit-breaker casing with Contact blades which are connected to the shorting link. The shorting links are arranged at the top and/or bottom, depending on the version. The earthing and shorting connections are established as soon as the device is in- Serted, It must be ensured that the shorting side fe Safely insulated from the earthing side. tis therefore recommended that the rawer only be cranked in when the door is closed. The components at the The components at the The components at the top outgoing feeder bottom outgoing top and bottom outgoing are short-circuited feeder are short-circuited feeder are short-circuited and earthed and earthed and earthed 493WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 4.1 Choosing circuit-breakers for the load feeder Circuit-breakers are an important part of any electrical system which is responsible for an electricity supply (Fig. 4/1}. Siemens offer an extensive range of circuit- breakers for low-voltage supply systems in the rated current range from 100 A to 6300 A, enabling the engineer in charge of planning power distribution plants to find the right components for every con- ceivable situation. The criteria on which the choice of circuit-breakers should be based are described below, taking a 400 V power distribution system as an example. This example demonstrates how the optimum circuit-breaker for any desired application can be found from among the numerous alternatives. e 38WN circuit-breakers (Fig. 4/2a) The high short-time withstand current of these circuit-breakers permits time grading with up to six grades. Two different series - 3WN6 for medium breaking capacities up to 65 kA and 3WN1 for high breaking capacities up to 100 kA - are available in the form of 3 and 4-pole circuit-breakers for rated currents of up to 6300 A and rated voltages of up to 1000 V. The circuit-breakers can be supplied in both fixed-mounted and draw-out versions. Figure 4/2a-c The extensive range of circuit-breakers (WN, 3WS, 3VF) ensures that the optimum breaker can be found for every situation, The low-maintenance 3WS circuit-breaker is based on the most reliable, robust switching principle currently available for supply systerns, including low-voltage systems, namely vacuum technology * 3WS circuit-breakers (Fig. 4/2b) The 83WS vacuum circuit-breakers repre- sent an attractive alternative to the 3WN range. Siemens is not only the world's first, but also the only, supplier of vacuum circuit-breakers for low voltage systems. The development process benefitted from the extensive experience gained from the successful manufacture of circuit-breakers for medium-voltage applications. The switching operations take place in a hermetically sealed vacuum tube, so that the environment is no longer subjected to loud breaking noises or switching gases, whose deposits impair the dielectric strength. Another major advantage of the 3WS circuit-breaker is that there is no need to inspect and possibly replace the contacts or the arc chutes following short- circuit tripping accompanied by heavy loads. The 3WS is designed to withstand short-circuit tripping up to 30 times with- out damage. The plant only remains shut down for as long as it takes to remove the cause of the short-circuit. A vacuum cir- cuit-breaker thus helps to increase the plant's availability. It can be supplied in two different sizes for rated currents between 630 A and 2500 A, a switching capacity of 50 kA and rated voltages of up to 1000 V, in both a fixed-mounted ver- sion and a draw-out version. The 3WS is suitable for graded operation up to its maximum switching capacity. e 3VE moulded-case circuit-breakers (Fig. 4/2c) The 3VF circuit-breakers are distinguished by their compact design and their current- limiting action. They are available in three different sizes for a switching capacity of 35 kA to 100 kA and rated currents of up to 2000 A. Figure 4/1 Siemens offer a wide range of circuit-breakers such as the 3WN series shown here for secure power distribution Playing safe with KUBS Fig. 4/3 is a one-line diagram of the above-mentioned 400 V power distribu-- tion system, whereby particular attention should be paid to the circuit-breakers la- belled Q1 and Q2. The starting point for choosing these two circuit-breakers should always be the load currents of the feeders: 600 A has been assumed for Q1 and 180 A for Q2. The transformer should have a rating of 2000 kVA and a maximum short-circuit current of 45 kA.1g 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting [ | | Q3 02 Qi O6 Q2 Q5 Figure 4/3 This example of a power distribution system demon- strates how to optimize the choice of the Q1 and Q2 circuit-breakers This information enables a 3VF6 (630 A) and a 8VF4 (1200 A) moulded-case circuit-breaker, each with a switching capacity of 65 kA, to be selected from the NS1 Catalogue for Q1 and Q2 respec- tively. If the choice is based on the rated Current, account must be taken of the anticipated ambient temperature of the circuit-breakers during operation. The decision is especially easy using the KUBS PC software (a program for calcu- lating short-circuits and choosing circuit- breakers). The software can also be used r W to verify a choice; Fig. 4/4a shows a sample printout. he y Current or time grading? um The term grading means that in the event of a fault in a distribution system, only the feeder which is directly affected by it is actually disconnected and the oth- er feeders continue to supply power as normal. This means that if the circuit- breakers are connected in series, only the ? lowest of the breakers through which the Ye Short-circuit current is flowing is in fact disconnected. A distinction is made | between current grading and time ay grading. Current grading is defined as being when the lowest short-circuited breaker opens, but the cutoff current is so low that the Circuit-breaker above it is not tripped. This type of grading is particularly common in Figure 4/4 The KUBS PC software makes planning and design Y More transparent: 4) Feeder with 3VF6 circuit-breaker for Q1 and 3VF4 Cicuit-breaker for Q2 Feeder with 8WN5 circuit-breaker for Q1 and 3VF4 Circuit-breaker for Q2 je connection with fuses and current-limiting circuit-breakers, such as those in the 3VF series. The current-grading range ends at the grading limit. This is the current at which current-graded tripping can stil! just about be clearly identified. In the case of time grading, the higher cir- cuit-breaker waits for a short period, which is needed by the lower breaker to disconnect and which is set independent- ly of the magnitude of the short-circuit current. Time-grading circuit-breakers must therefore have a high short-circuit current-carrying capacity. However, if KUBS is used for the choice and calculation described above, the grading limit between the two selected circuit-breakers is revealed to be just 4.9 kA. The reason for this is that only current grading has been taken into account. The probability that the current will exceed 4.9 kA in the event of a short- circuit is extremely high in view of the rat- ings of the above-mentioned transformer. Sk: = 500.00 MVA UnQ = 20.00 kV f = 50.00 Hz Trafo #1 ~ Sn = 2000 kVA In = 2887 A uz = 6.00% 20 kV/400 V Ik" = 44.84 kA Point 1 L x=0 |= 600 A, T = 40C y=0 3VF6211-2BM44 Icn = 65 kA 1.0 m copper rails 1x 4x 400 mm*2 Ik" = 43.76 kA Point 2 | \ l= 180A,T =40C 3VF4211-2BK41 Ion = 65 kA Sel < 4.9 kA 2.0 m copper rails 1x 4x 70 mm2 Ik" = 41.02 kA Point 3 x=0 y=2 A 3WN10 is now chosen as the higher Q1 circuit-breaker, in order to increase the grading limit. Fig. 4/4b (KUBS printout) shows the new grading limit to be 13 kA. The grading is still not satisfactory how- ever, so that the time-grading characteris- tics of the 83WN circuit-breaker need to be exploited as well. Since 3WN breakers are able to carry the full short-circuit current for a short period up to the maximum switching capacity, the short-circuit trip can be delayed briefly in order to wait for the short-circuit trip of the lower breaker. Short-time grading control The above example reveals that current grading is only possible to a limited ex- tent. The advantages of time grading are particularly evident in multi-level distribu- tion systems, in which several circuit- breakers are connected in series. The de- lay times of the higher circuit-breaker are prolonged by up to 500 ms as compared with the lower breaker. Sk: = 500.00 MVA UnO = 20,00 kV f = 50.00 Hz Trafo #1 Sn = 2000 kVA In = 2887 A uz = 6.00% 20 kV/400 V Ik" = 44.84 kA Point 1 x=0 |= 600 A, T= 40C 3WN10.1-1DB len = 65 kA y=0 1,0 m copper rails 1x 4x 400 mm*2 Ik" = 43.76 kA Point 2 |= 180A, T= 40C 3VF4211-2BK41 Icn = 65 kA Sel < 13 kA 2.0 m copper rails 1x 4x 70 mm2 Ik" = 41.02 kA Point 3 x=0 y=2 513WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting \f a short-circuit occurs directly down- stream of the incoming-feeder circuit- breaker however, the short-circuit current may flow for this same length of time as a result. The plant may consequently be subjected to considerable thermal loads or to loads caused by arcing faults. The desire for a substantially shorter delay time, whilst maintaining the full grading capacity over the entire short-circuit range, is satisfied by the ZSS feature (short-time grading control). This facility offers full grading in combination with an extremely short delay time of 50 ms, irrespective of the point at which the short-circuit occurs in the distribution system. The advantages of ZSS are enhanced as the number of grading levels increases in large plants and the delay times necessary as a result if conventional time grading were to be used become longer. Optimum choice and settings Flexible overcurrent releases, the settings of which can be varied according to the particular application, are available for the circuit-breakers. Fig. 4/5 shows an example of an overcurrent release with an "azn" characteristic for 3WN/3WS circuit- breakers. Taking the example of a power distribution system shown in Fig. 4/3 again, the following choice can be made, whereby that the feeder with the 3WN and 3VF circuit-breakers must work with full grading: 8WN1 0.1-IDU.. circuit-breaker for a rated current of /, = 680 A e 3VF4 211-2BK41 circuit-breaker for a rated current of In = 200 A, 52 Current setting of inverse time-delay overcur- rent release a ol | Short-time grading 2 | ~control ZSS solves = | Thermal memory With coarse selting 5 a eo! Tipped signal o o i) fs) Wilh fine setting Selectable time-lag class Setting of short- circuit release short- time delay 2 Delay time ta = 80 ., 500 ms Instantaneous n "2" release activated when f= co Delay time ts = 10... 50 ms for rush insensitivity Tripped signal The desired operational current for the feeder of the 83WN is 600 A. The following factor must therefore be set with the in- verse time-delay overcurrent release "a": at 1/In = 600 A/630 A = 0.95 This means a coarse setting of 0.9 anda fine setting of 0.05 (see Fig. 4/5). The se- lected overcurrent release moreover al- lows various time-lag classes to be set for thermal overcurrent protection. Tc = 10s is chosen for the plant protection required here. The operating value of the short time-de- lay short-circuit release "z" must be set to a value which is higher than any overcur- rents which may occur during operation, for example if several loads or certain high loads are connected at the same time. A factor of 4 is chosen for this setting. The operating value of the "z" release is thus fg=41,=4* 600 A= 2400A The delay time ta is set to 80 ms. The "z" release does not start the trip until a short-circuit current greater than 2400 A has been flowing for longer than 80 ms. The instantaneous short-circuit release "n" is set to /, = 0, This ensures full grading up to the maximum short-circuit currents. The 3VF is designed for an operational current of 180 A. rai ~ Reset button cancels Tripped signal 20 D&C 1/94 Figure 4/5 Only a few settings are necessary to adapt the overcurrent release to a particular power distribution system (azn" version for 3WN/3WS circuit-breakers shown here) The factor for the inverse time-delay over- current release "a" is as follows: IfTn = 180 A/200 A = 0.9 A factor between 6 and 10 times the rated current is normally chosen for the instan- taneous short-circuit release "n", in order to protect the plant. If the factor 8 is taken, the operating current will be: h=81=8*200A=1600A Accessories matter Remote control and monitoring of switch- gear and controlgear are extremely impor- tant in modern industrial and building sys- tems. Motorized operating mechanisms, possibly with a stored-energy feature, are available for this purpose (e.g. for syn- chronization tasks). Shunt or undervoltage releases can be used for breaking operations. An under- voltage release can also perform the role of an EMERGENCY STOP facility in con- junction with a suitable button.ition kers ver- ated an- der tch- 1por- sys- 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 4.2 Typical circuits ooi|i [3 3WX31 47-O0JA00 Se UO ee i Oe te | oven 9 oe Al | Version 4 a | [> TTT SSe ss - om Pols i ' "azn" 28 | | (aa) i xi] [a = | 4 ' i We aa "a" @ ngn 28 8 Tripped signal " 18 STL lpagte. Be oon ee - : J er Od | te tf ~ : 5 a = fo? = | | ek hE 3 L jl | | | : | a | : | a 119 | | | 10, lis | | ; | | . Signal [2 | | i | Test reset | | | a b | | (68) ' ao) xnle pa falta Te te | | 1 ols | | mm: | | | t2 |&{SI | \ on | sr | | | ee & ke j te =e + Signal reset te 13 oe | 3 \ | a , kb upply to signalling circuits |? = = | | lz SS Se mul eT ig wy 3 tea ss oc Power *) Latchina relay Ac supply Circuit-breaker with signalling overcurrent release and signalling unit Remote signal reset Example: Overcurrent release, Version 4, with 3WX31 47-QJA00 signalling unit (The signalling unit is connected in the Same way for Version 2 of the overcurrent release) Circuit-breaker <4> Indicator and reset button <41> Main contacts Q1 <42> Current transformer T1/T2/T3 <43> Solid-state overcurrent release Al <44> Tripping solenoid for (43) F5 <45> Mechanical reclosing lockout, operated by solenoid system F6, active only following short-circuit tripped by <43>, effective until reset of <4> <61> Terminal X6 <68> Test socket for <43> X12 <72> Plug connector to <43> x11 Remote signal reset <3> Button or relay contact $1 Short-time signal 3WX31 47-0JA00 signalling unit <1> Auxiliary supply connector at circuit-breaker <2> External series resistor for DC voltages greater than 24 V: DC Required | Power Recom- voltage series loss mended resistor rating of series resistor Vv Q Ww Ww 48 330 2 4 60 510 3 8 110 1200 8 25 220 2700 17 100 53Planning and Mounting -Breakers ircui 3WN1/3WS1 C jsuononasu) BulesedQ ay} uM souepsooIe Q UOISJOA 8SP9/A4 UBAINDIGAO UL O} (19]]01]U09 jqeulwesBHoid e 6-a) Wa}sAs josjU0D DIU0A]99a/9 Ue 6HuNnoeuuod JO} Ino peyseb6nsg a LM,, te yl Jeusequ Ul |BUILUJO1 pgX au? le pa/ele aq IsNW LLX (Ep) 0} JOJD@UUOD HNig (ZL) JOWWO}SUeJ) JUBND VOIeWULUNS Gl saUUOJSUes] JUaIUND UOeLULUNS (/} JOe81q-{INOWID By) yo BuLIM psepueys au GLX (Lv) JO, e490S Ise1 (69) [2Usa}X9 JO} (PaP|a!ys) ajqeo BuNdsuUoD (79) Ss (Et) 10} plougjos Buddy (Pr) JeuBls Wue|e PeO|9A0,, JO} FLON ZiXx (Ev) Op 18990 Ise, (89) ased|al a]OWs JO! (papjaiys) ajqeo Bullseuu0D (9) ly OSB9|9J JUBIINDIBAO 9}eIS-PI|OS (Ep) : _ JOWIOJSUAJ} JUBIIND JOJONPUOS-NY JOJQBUUOI SSZ {Z9) CVZUILL J@UJOJSULS] JUBIIND (Z7) _| a JEW8IX9 JOy (PEP|alys) ejqeo Bunosuuog (gg) 9x 'SX sjeuiwea| (19) LO sjoequoo ule (LP) S |._. 2 PeOLOAO =F yeuBis Wuery fe yndino _ Ae aouejequn aseyd = - [ey yeubis Welly | ts aunjesedWeyaao0 = Ww = yeuBis wey | _ 25 ae E 1 JOSS900100191WW ui yyney = yeuBis Wey L__& (6) Ne}, yes - euBis pedduy ce indino (2) PeoyeAo Aejay eubis paddy, |! < u/Z) WNo1d-WOYs babs paddy oz * BL o's pz Snoud Guyjeubis 20) eeyor jeuoneiadg * Ih eros PZ S}NDD Huljjeubis JO] aHEYOA jeuoNessd_) et 3 ot ; indino jeubiq - SLUG PZ (u/z) Winod-OYs jeubis paddiy Ole s/o ore (2) peOLaAO "jeubis paddiy Ne +7 T re 6 8's PeOWeAo jeusis wueyy ee a. 8S Souejequn aseyd jeubis wey oo fl a's aumeiadweuand jeubis wey cote 8'2'9'S'r'Z jasa) (eubIS indur jey5iq : S gg TOSSBOOITOIONW Ul 1/Ne) |PUBIS GUely : 9 9'9 (6) ney Yes jeubis paddiy oo g saseaial W . quaLNUWeAc Zz BIqISSIWUBd JO} $ajqged Buljjeubis 4 wun Guissaoqid alarm indications/signals Tripped and fault Ww Jamog jenuey " 9 Ww ajnpow . Adding 20 Av 4 541g 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting Electrical interlocking of two circuit-breakers with undervoltage release r, F3 A3 Ready-to-close signal uu. Fi Fuse mr my F3_Undervoltage release r" | 5 - . | T i Hz == : H1 Ready to close signal lamp . 36 @ | es $9 [ H2 = Ready to close signal lamp st | . ag | S4 Auxiliary switch ' xa6. cape ant ji ~~ MS xajoxgs nap __ xa 9x : ' i ew ] ' S6 Remote-operated, electrical ON \ i { [APA a | S7 Remote-operated, electrical OFF FE , F3 I $8 Remote-operated, electrical ON rE - | f Tees pd + | Sg Remote-operated, electrical OFF : v1 \ | i | Y1 Closing solenoid 1! ; i J 1 | 2 :| i c3- ii- oe SE ' ;Q2 ' : Sa TERE map" I i Transformer switch Generator switch Electrical interlocking of two circuit-breakers with electrical closing lockout fd, F4 AS Ready-to-close signal FA Fuse F4 Electrical closing lockout fd H1 Ready to close signal lamp H2 Ready to close signal lamp S4 Auxiliary switch S6 Remote-operated, electrical ON $8 Remote-operated, electrical ON Y1 Closing solenoid Transformer switch Generator switch Suggested circuit for connecting an electronic control system (e.g. a programmable controller) to an overcurrent release, version 8 553WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting Terminal connection diagram for shunt release when used in a meshed network Shunt release used in a meshed network, with network master relay and stored- energy unit i+ Power supply sale Sa SIN ciemibres her 533 (43) i phnnaadianeiie ine ALE Version 2 aaa i | on 144) KN, i 3 #2 agi : | - , @ x20]5 (71) 113 [5 1 Signal , | | Test reset | a . 1 M12 | 681 : FIA Stored-energy unit i for shunt release i | Order No Rated control voltage x1 1 16 3WX31 56-1JGO1 | AC 110-127 V, | DC 110 V ! 3WX31 56-1JJ01 | AC 220-240 V, ! DC 220-250 V Circuit-breaker | The rated control voltage which is supplied (21) Shunt release U,:...V Fl ; to the stored-energy unit must be identical (22) Auxiliary switch for (21) S6 | to the rated control voltage (41) Main contacts Q1 j supplied to the shunt release. (42) Current transformer T1/12/T3 (see table, page 3/56) (43) Solid-state overcurrent release Al K2 Network master relay (44) Tripping solenoid for (43) F5 T1 Substation and distribution transformer (66) Connecting cable (shielded) Q1 3WN1 circuit-breaker for 3WX31 47 signalling unit or SIMATIC system (section with operating mechanism not shown) (68) Test socket for (43) X12 (72) Plug connector to (43) x11 (91) External Electrical OFF by (21), pushbutton only 561g 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers 4.3 Mounting Fixed-mounted circuit-breaker on a horizontal plane The circuit-breaker is bolted from below onto two mounting bars by means of four M8 bolts with locking elements. The height of the bolt-on points must not vary by more than 1 mm; if so, washers must be fitted to compensate. Fixed-mounted circuit-breaker on a vertical surface with supporting brackets If no horizontal mounting bars are avail- able, 3WX31 81-OJA00 supporting brackets, which can be purchased as accessories, must be used instead. Draw-out circuit-breaker Please refer to the dimension drawings for details of the mounting dimensions and holes. The circuit-breaker is mounted on a horizontal plane using four M8 bolts. The height of the bolt-on points must not vary by more than 1 mm. The front bolts 2.122 must not protrude out of the guide rails 2.121. Strain washers in accordance with DIN 6796 must be used as locking elements. Planning and Mounting A Figure 4/6 Mounting on a horizontal plane < Figure 4/7 Fixed-mounted circuit-breaker, Size I, mounted on supporting brackets Vv Figure 4/8 Base mounting in the cubicle ba Eo bas VEL Tee Mounting Cc > 20Nm 2.122 surface 20 Nm 57ee 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 44 AAA Auxiliary and main connectors Connecting the auxiliary conductors of fixed-mounted circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the side of the circuit-breaker Depending on the version, the circuit- breakers are supplied wired ready for operation. For terminal assignment dia- gram, see page 45. All external control, signalling and supply cables must be con- nected in accordance with the enclosed unit wiring diagrams. The auxiliary cables are connected to 10-pole connector blocks. Up to 6 connector blocks are available. The connector blocks can be used to connect single conductors either directly Figure 4/9 Connecting a single conductor (Fig. 4/9) or via 10-pole multiple plugs (Fig. 4/10) with precut cables and connectors. The single conductors must be stripped to a length of 10 mm and if necessary fitted with 1.5 - 10 or 2.5 - 12 end sleeves in accordance with DIN 46 228. 2.62 2.612 Cable strap 2,621 Figure 4/12 Installing a draw-out type connector 58 See tet on ns RIDIN 6 ~ Fs Ss Max. 0.6x3.5 Figure 4/11 Connecting a draw-out type connector Figure 4/10 Connecting a multiple plug 4.4.2 Connecting auxiliary conductors to draw-out type connectors with auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 10/96 Each conductor must either be prepared as shown in Fig. 4/11 or fitted with 1.5 - 10 or 2.5 - 12 end sleeves in accor- dance with DIN 46 228. The draw-out type connectors 2.61 (Fig. 4/12) must be connected to the auxiliary cables outside the draw-out guide before being installed. The conduc- tor bundle must thereby be inserted through the cable penetration 2.612 and the draw-out type connector snapped onto the rail 2.62. It is important to ensure that the tabs 2.611 on the draw-out type connectors are correctly engaged in the recesses 2.621 in the rail 2.62. 2.61 | 2.61 | 2.62 HY(9 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 4.4.3 Main conductor copper bars Before a connection is made, the faces of the copper bars must be brushed until they are clean and bright using a clean steel-wire brush, which is not allowed to be used for any other metals. All swarf must be removed using a clean cloth and the faces immediately given a thin coating of contact grease, e.g. Centoplex 24 DL, Shell Vaseline B422 or Shell Alvania R3. The bars must be bolted using strain washers in accordance with DIN 6796. In view of the short-time electrodynamic forces, the incoming and outgoing conductors must be braced in a suitable manner immediately before or after the circuit-breaker. Please refer to the chapter entitled "Technical Data" for details of the connector cross-sections and tightening torques. It is advisable to connect cables using lugs in accordance with DIN 46 234 or DIN 46 235. The faces must be prepared in the same way as when bars are used. The connections can be made either - directly to the flanges if vertical bars are used, or - to T-pieces (available as accessories) if horizontal bars are used. 7] | -$ 2.314 2 Detail Z 7042Nm 2.311 2.31 | \ } 2.312 2.313 |ai8...24 mmr 2 Guide frame 2.31 Connecting flange 2.311 Connecting bar 2.312 Bolt (M12) 2.313 Strain washer 2.314 Busbar braced on plant side 2.315 T-pieces Figure 4/13 Guide frame - main connection with flange and vertical plant-side busbars 4.4.4 Direct connection to flanges on draw-out version The bolt length must be determined in accordance with Fig. 4/13. The bolts must conform to strength class 8.8 and the strain washers to DIN 6796. The connecting bars must be braced as shown in Fig. 4/13. 2.314 2.311 L <150 = Figure 4/14 Connection via T-pieces 4.4.5 Connection via T-pieces on draw- out version Please refer to the Mounting Instructions SW 9551 enclosed with the T-pieces (2.315) for further details. The connecting bars must be braced as shown in Fig. 4/14. 593WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 4.5 Auxiliary and main connectors 4.5.1 Connecting the auxiliary conductors of fixed-mounted circuit-breakers with auxiliary Contact blade Contact blade supply connectors mounted strip at the top of the circuit-breaker. } A Start of delivery 10/96 Ls [| In accordance with the order data the circuit-breakers are supplied wired ready for operation. All external control, signal- ling and supply cables must be connected in accordance with the enclosed unit wiring diagrams. Contact blade - Auxiliary tool The auxiliary conductors are connected to a contact blade strip situated behind the control panel in the upper part of the circuit-breaker. This plastic strip is split into four segments with 14 receptacles for contact blades. Thus, a total of 56 auxiliary conductor terminals are available. The factory assignment of the receptacles depends on the circuit-breaker version. Receptacles which are not used are avail- able for the retrofitting of accessories or also for a customer-specific assignment. Accessories from the catalog with auxil- iary conductor terminals are supplied with a contact blade at the single conductors. The mounting of the contact blades on the contact blade strip does not require any tools. For a possibly necessary removal, an auxiliary tool is included in the scope of delivery. The auxiliary conductors are connected to the terminals of the supplied, codable 14- pole manual connectors by the customer. The number corresponds to the ordered fixed-mounted circuit-breaker version (min. one, max. four). After inserting the coding pins, the manual connectors snap onto the corresponding segment of the contact blade strip. If the manual connec- tors are removed, the coding pins are also Insert the coding pins Snap on the manual connector removed automatically. Thus, the assign- ment of the manual connector to the rele- vant segment of the contact blade strip is clear. The connection of the auxiliary conduc- tors to the manual connectors can easily be carried out by the customer. Insulated solid copper conductors of 0.5 to 2.5 mm? can be used. Flexible conductors should be fitted with end sleeves. The connection of two max. 1 mm? conductors per terminal is also possible. The single conductors must be stripped to a length of 10 mm. The laying and strapping of the conduc- tors can be carried out as shown. Connect the conductors Strap the conductors 60(a 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 4.5.2 Connecting the auxiliary conduc- tors of draw-out circuit-breakers, with auxiliary supply connectors mounted at the top to the circuit- breaker. Start of delivery 10/96 With the draw-out circuit-breaker supplied together with the guide frame, a number of draw-out type connectors (depending on the circuit-breaker version: min. one, max. four) is delivered instead of the manual connector. The draw-out type connectors are mounted by snapping them onto the top front cross-rail on the guide frame. Since the draw-out type connectors can- not be coded, a marking must be carried out by the customer. A specification of the marking can be seen on the cross-rail of the guide frame. As with the previously described manual connectors for fixed-mounted circuit- breakers, insulated solid copper conduc- tors of 0.5 to 2.5 mm? can be connected to the screw terminals. Flexible conduc- tors should be fitted with end sleeves. The connection of two max. 1 mm? conductors per terminal is also possible. The single conductors must be stripped to a length of 10 mm. The laying and strapping of the conduc- tors can be carried out as shown. Snap-on the draw-out socket [| SS | '| Connect the conductors 40 mm Strap the conductors 613WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 3WN1 fixed-mounted circuit-breakers, 3 and 4-pole Cover for arcing space (not included as standard equipment} he a | 7 Sg L F oko NSK-SHT? Size No. of poles Cubicle width A Cc D, with arc Dz without arc E F chute chute extensions extensions AC 690 V V1 3 490 320 185 265 93 270 V2 3 550 320 185 265 93 270 Il 3 550 320 245 445 93 390 WIT, IN/2 3 800 320 285 645 93 570 I 4 550 320 185 265 93 390 I/1, W2 4 800 320 285 645 93 570 AC 1000 V Tal 3 490 325 263 - 93 270 V2 3 550 325 263 - 93 270 ll 3 600 325 263 - 93 390 WIA, 42 3 800 325 263 = 93 570 t 4 600 325 263 - 93 390 A specified dimensions are minimum values. Ventilation slots (L) must be provided for heat dissipation, They must not be directly in line with the gas discharge. A smaller arcing space is permitted for Sizes II and Ill up to AC 440 V (with arc chute extension): D; = 200 mm. 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breakers, 3 and 4-pole Cover for arcing space (not included as standard equipment) \ u L L ae a Size | No. of poles Cubicle width A Cc Dy with arc chute extensions Dz without arc chute extensions AC 690 V Tal 3 490 360 132 232 \/2 3 550 360 132 232 ul 3 550 360 252 412 W4, M2 3 800 360 252 612 IV 3 1000 410 252 - | 4 550 360 132 232 WAL, 1/2 4 800 360 252 612 WI/4, M72 4 1000 410 252 = AC 1000 V | 1 3 490 360 232 = V2 3 550 360 232 - SI 3 600 360 232 = WN4, V2 3 800 360 232 - | | 4 600 360 232 = | A specified dimensions are minimum values. Ventilation slots (L) must be provided for heat dissipation. They must not be directly in line with the gas discharge. A smaller arcing space is permitted for Sizes II and Ill up to AC 440 V (with arc chute extension): Di = 167 mm. 62(> 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting 4.6 Arcing spaces (8WN1 circuit-breakers only) Fixed-mounted and draw-out circuit- breakers Protection against switching gases |f there are components above or behind the circuit-breaker which remain live following short-circuit tripping (e.g. recovery voltage on the top supply side of the circuit-breaker or voltage at other non-disconnected parts of the plant), covers must be provided for the arcing space as specified on page 58. The design of the required arcing spaces depends on the rated operational voltages U. of the circuit-breakers. Rated operational voltage Ue up to AC 690 V For circuit-breakers with a rated opera- tional voltage up to AC 690 V, the necessary arcing spaces are specified both with and without arc chute exten- sions. The height of the arcing spaces may be lower if the circuit-breakers are fitted with arc chute extensions. The circuit-breakers of Sizes IV (3-pole) and Ill (4-pole) are always supplied with arc chute extensions. Rated operational voltage Ue up to AC 1000 V The circuit-breakers with a rated opera- tional voltage up to AC 1000 V are always delivered with arc chute extensions for AC 1000 V already mounted. If controlgear or similar is mounted above the circuit-breaker, the covers should also be used for protection against penetration of switching gases into the controlgear, even if recovery or interference voltages do not occur. The shutter should be used in addition for draw-out circuit-breakers for protection against the ingress of switching gases between the main plug-in contacts of the guide frame. The guide frames of draw-out circuit- breakers with a rated operational voltage of up to AC 1000 V and a power supply from the top must always be equipped with a shutter. Even if covers are not necessary, the arc- ing spaces specified on page 58 must be kept free of any built-in accessories at all times. It must be ensured that there is adequate heat dissipation from the circuit-breaker. The ventilation slots (labelled "L" on page 58) must not be directly in line with the gas discharge. No components which may still be live following short-circuit trip- ping must be located above the ventila- tion slots. Control panel The control panel of the 3WN1 and 3WS1 circuit-breakers is designed to project through a cutout in the door, so that all control elements and indicators remain accessible when the door is closed. Door sealing frame The 3WX31 86-0JA01 door sealing frame must be used to prevent switching gases escaping from the gap between the con- trol panel and the door cutout in the event of a short-circuit trip. The door sealing frame also has a rubber flap, which cov- ers the crank hole of the draw-out circuit- breaker. This flap must be removed for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers. The door cutout moreover conforms to degree of protection IP 54 as a result of the frame. Figure 4/15 Door sealing frame Suggested alternatives for fixing the cover over the arcing space of a draw-out circuit-breaker (see side views of the 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breakers in the Dimensional drawings section) For Size |, 3-pole NT 2882 oy we Lae uc==> T (oi 4 Cc. Cover with @, Cover must be made of insulating material Bracing at cable penetration * @ Guide frame 8 Penetration for signalling and control cables Connecting flange Shutter (optional) Cover for arcing space (not included in the scope of delivery) Gan) For cireuit-breakers with arc chute extensions @35) For circuit-breakers without are chute extensions _ NS1-2883 For Sizes Il and Ill, 3-pole and For Size IV, 3-pole, and Sizes | and Il, 4-pole Size III, 4-pole Lise) ca ~ 3 [0 |e 2 i lh gis | t#"|A | On| | - cc} 6 | nsraese |} Fixed with @, Bracing at cable cover must be made penetration * of insulating material M 6 fixing bolt for cover over Fixing bracket for cover, arcing space, mounted on guide frame max. depth of tread 12 mm (For dimensions, see page 11/27) not included in @ Hole for M 6 x 20 fixing bolt with the scope of delivery self-locking M 6 nut for fixing cover over arcing space * Shutter action must be checked after Hole for M 6 fixing bolt mounting the cover (43a or 43b) 633WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Planning and Mounting Installing two 3WN circuit-breakers, Size |, adjacent to one another in a switchgear The minimum permissible clearance between two 3WN circuit-breakers installed adjacent to one another is dependent on the projecting part of the cover. The cover must be made of an insulating material. 64 Min, 380. AMR Oo ort 0 |r Oo = a je Oo = ; "014 flee Tarp = apo al | | 90+! | 60. .__ 39 _+ zr The figure shows the circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors, available until 9/96.3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data 3WN1 circuit-breakers, 3-pole, up to 6300 A Size V1 V2 I q/4 W2 Iv Type 3WN10 | 3WN11 | 83WN12 3WN13 | SWN14 | 3WN15 | 3WN16 | 8WN17 | 83WN18 | 3WN19 Rated current fn at 40 C, 50/60 Hz A | 630 800 1000 1250 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 | 6300 Rated operational voltage Ue at 50/60 Hz AC V_ | Up to 690/1000V acc. to version Up to 690 Rated impulse Main circuits) kV ]8 strength Uinp Auxiliary circuits kV | 4 Utilization category B Rated short-circuit up to AC 500 V (440 V4) kA | 1431/176 176 176 220 220 making capacity fem up toAC 690V kA | 132 132 132 176 176 (peak value) up to AC 1000 V kA 55 55 55 55 Rated service short-circuit up to AC 500 V (440 V7))_ kA 65")/ 80 80 80 100 100 breaking capacity [cs up toAC 690V kA 60 60 60 80 80 (rms value) up to AC 1000 V kA 25 25 25 25 - Rated ultimate short-circuit upto AC 500 V kA 65")/ 80 80 80 100 100 breaking capacity fou up toAC 690V kA 60 60 60 80 80 (rms value) up to AC 1000 V kA 25 25 25 25 - Permitted Operation -20 to +70 C, possibly with reduced current rating above +40 C ambient temperature Storage -40 to +70 C Rated short-time Circuit-breakers 0.5 s kA | 651)/75 80 80 100 100 100 withstand current fow for rated is kA | 50 80 80 100 100 100 2 at 50/60 Hz operational 2s kA | 35 60 70 90 90 100 voltages 35 kA | 25 50 60 80 80 100 up to AC 690 V for rated 0.5 to operational 3s kA | 25 25 25 25 25 - voltages up to AC 1000 V Permissible loading of at 40 C A | 630 800 1000 1250 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000) | 6300 fixed-mounted and draw-out at 50C A | 630 800 1000 1250 1250 1500 2000 2350 3000 3800 50005) | 5900 circuit-breakers with internal at 60 C A | 630 800 1000 1250 1250 1400 2000 2200 2750 3550 50007) | 5400 cubicle temperatures)*) at 70C A | 630 800 1000 1200 1150 1250 2000 2050 2500 3300 4600) | 4740 Rotor rated operational voltage Uer Vv | 2000 Power loss at /, with 3-phase Fixed-mounted balanced load (without con- version Ww 50 80 130 200 200 350 360 600 760 870 |= = ductor bars and metal ; : Draw-out version Ww 70 120 190 300 300 520 530 870 1110 1530 1850 2600 components on plant side)) including guide frame Endurance Mechanical Operating | 20000 20000 10000 10000 5000 cycles Electrical) at /n Operating 6000 6000 1000 1000 500 and cos 9 = 0.8 cycles Switching frequency 1/min | 1 Minimum interval ms | 120 between circuit-breaker opening and next closing command Mounting position and/ or ) Degree of protection Circuit-breaker IP 00, control panel with door sealing frame IP 54 Min. cross-sections Copper bars, Qty. | 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 3x 3x - - - of main conductors bare mm? | 50x10 | 60x10 | 40x10 [50x10 | 50x10 | 60x10 | 100 x 10] 100 x 10] 120 x 10) - - - Copper bars, Qty. | 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 3x 4x J|/6x 4Y18x painted black mm? | 40x10 [50x10 |60x10 | 40x10 | 40x10 |50x10 | 80x10 | 100 x 10] 100 x 10] 120 x 10] 120 x 10] 120 x 10 Protective conductor Bolts M 12 Stranded copper mm? | 185 185 300 2x 140 conductors with cable lugs Copper bars mm? | 30x 5 30x 5 30 x 10 40 x 10 Main conductor connection Bolts M 12 with strain washers) Recommended Nm | 70 tightening torque Required bolt 8.8 acc. to DIN 267 strength class Auxiliary conductors (copper) Max. number of aux. solid conductors finely stranded 1x4 mm x cross-section with end sleeves | 2 x (0.5 to 1.5 mm?); 1 x 2.5 mm?; 1 x AWG 14 Weights Fixed-mounted version ca.kg | 54 58 83 119 123 = = Draw-out version ca.kg | 53 57 81 116 118 202 204 Guide frame ca.kg | 30 30 49 69.5 69.5 | 100 100 Footnotes for pages 65 and 66: 1) If the rated primary current fy of the current ? transformers is less than the rated current of the citcuit-breaker, then Ja = In. Jy 2) According to the Classification Societies BV, GL, LRS and DNV. 3) The temperatures refer to the air space around the upper third of the circuit-breaker. 4) The values refer to sinusoidal current (50/60 Hz). Heating and losses will rise due to harmonics and higher frequencies. 5) Per set of contacts. Breaking the rated current fn. 6) For fixed mounting: 3 x 120 x 10 mm. 7) The bolts and strain washers are not supplied. Suitable washers have an inside diameter of 12 mm in acc, with DIN 6769-Fst. 8) With connector cross-section of 5 x 120 x 10 mm?: 5000 A up to 50 C, 4600 A at 60 C, 4100 A at 70 C 9) Rated insulation voltage Ui = 1000 V AC 10) The values apply for a 3WN10 circuit-breaker with a higher selting value fr of 315 A and 400A 6538WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data 38WN1 circuit-breakers, 4-pole, up to 5000 A Size | (For Sizes 11/1, II/2, IIl/1 and IIl/2 see page 67) Type 3WN1 1 3WN1 2 | 3WN13 | 3WN1 4 Rated current J, Main conductors A | 800 1000 1250 1600 at 40 C, 50/60 Hz N-conductor A 800 1000 1250 1600 Current transformer rated primary current Zn A | 315 | 400 | 500 | 630 | 800 1000 1250 1600 Rated operational voltage U. at 50/60 Hz ACV | Up to 690/1000 V acc. to version Rated impulse Main circuits kV | 8 strength Uimp Auxiliary circuits kv | 4 Utilization category B Rated short-circuit Main conductor/N-conductor making capacity fom up to AC 500 V (440 V*}) kA ] 143/143 176/176 {peak value} up toAC 690V kA | 132/132 132/132 up to AC 1000 V kA 55/ 55 56/ 55 Rated service short-circuit Main conductor/N-conductor breaking capacity {cs up to AC 500 V (440 V?)) kA 65/ 65 80/ 80 (rms value) up toAC 690 V kA 60/ 60 60/ 60 up to AC 1000 V kA 25/ 25 25/ 25 Rated ultimate short-circuit Main conductor/N-conductor breaking capacity Jcu uptoAC 500 V kA 65/ 65 80/ 80 (rms value) up toAC 690 V kA 60/ 60 60/ 60 up to AC 1000 V kA 25/ 25 25/ 25 Permitted Operation -20 to +70 C, possibly with reduced current rating above +40 C ambient temperature Storage -40 to +70 C Rated short-time Main conductor/N-conductor withstand current few Circuit-breakers for rated operational at 50/60 Hz voltages up to AC 690 V 0.58 kA 65/ 65 80/ 80 1s kA 65/ 65 80/ 80 2s kA 60/ 60 60/ 60 3s kA 50/ 50 50/ 50 up to AC 1000 V 0.5sto3s kA | 25 Permissible loading of Main conductors fixed-mounted and draw-out at 40 C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 circuit-breakers with internal at 50 C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1500 cubicle temperatures*)*) at 60 C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1400 at 70C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1150 1250 N-conductors at 40 C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 at 50 C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1500 at 60 C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1400 at 70C A | 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1150 1250 Rotor rated operational voltage Ue, Vv | 2000 Power loss at /, with 3-phase Fixed-mounted version WwW 12 20 30 50 80 130 200 350 balanced load (without con- Draw-out version w | 47 30 45 70 120 190 300 520 ductor bars and metal including guide frame components on plant side)*} 99 Endurance Mechanical Operating | 8000 Electrical) at J, and cos g = 0,8 cycles | 6000 Switching frequency 1/min 1 Minimum interval ms | 120 between circuit-breaker opening and next closing command Mounting position af + ioe, att fs, and/ or Degree of protection Circuit-breaker IP 00, control panel with door sealing frame IP 54 Min. cross-sections Copper bars, Qty. | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x of main conductors bare mm? | 60x5 60x5 50 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 40 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 for phase currants L1, L2, L3 Copper bars, Qty. | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x painted black mm? | 50x5 50x 5 40x10 | 40x10 | 50x10 | 60x10 | 40x10 50 x 10 Min. cross-sections Copper bars, Qly. 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x of N-conductors bare mm? | 60x5 60 x5 50x10 | 50x10 | 60x10 | 40x10 | 40x10 | 60x10 for N-conductor current = phase current Copper bars, Oty. | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x (max. unbalanced load) painted black mm? 50x 5 50x5 40x 10 40x10 50x 10 60 x 10 40x 10 50 x 10 Protective conductor Bolts M 12 Stranded copper conductors with cable lugs mm? | 185 Copper bars mm? | 30x5 Main conductor connection Bolts with strain washers) M12 Recommended tightening torque Nm | 70 Required bolt strength class 8.8 acc, to DIN 267 Auxiliary conductors (copper) Max. number of aux, conductors x cross-section solid finely stranded with end sleeves x 4 mm? 1 2 x (0.5 to 1.5 mm; 1 x 2.5 mm?; 1 x AWG 14 Weights Fixed-mounted version kg Draw-out version kg Guide frame kg 7 76 39 For footnotes see page 65: 663WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data 3WN1 circuit-breakers, 4-pole, up to 5000 A Size W4 IW/2 qI/4 I/2 Type 3WN1 5 3WN1 6 3WN1 7 3WN1 8 3WN1 9 Rated current J,") Main conductors A | 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 at 40 C, 50/60 Hz N-conductor A | 1600 1600 1600 2500 2500 Current transformer rated primary current Jy A 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Rated operational voltage Ue at 50/60 Hz ACV Up to 690 Rated impulse Main circuits kV 8 strength Ump Auxiliary circuits kV | 4 Utilization category B Rated short-circuit Main conductors/N-conductor making capacity fom up to AC 500 V (440 V2) kA | 176/176 176/176 220/176 220/176 (peak value} up toAC 690V kA | 132/132 132/132 176/132 176/132 up to AC 1000 V kA - - - - Rated service short-circuit Main conductors/N-conductor breaking capacity Ics up to AC 500 V (440 V4) kA 80/ 80 80/ 80 100/ 80 100/ 80 (rms value) up to AC v kA 60/ 60 60/ 60 80/ 60 80/ 60 up to AC 1000 V kA | = = - - Rated ultimate short-circuit Main conductors/N-conductor breaking capacity feu up to AG V kA 80/ 80 80/ 80 100/ 80 100/ 80 (rms value) up te AC 690 V kA 60/ 60 60/ 60 80/ 60 80/ 60 up to AC 1000 V kA = = = - Permitted Operation -20 to +70 C, possibly with reduced current rating above +40 C ambient temperature Storage -40 to +70 C Rated short-time Main conductor/N-conductor 0.5 s kA 80/ 80 80/ 80 100/ 80 100/ 80 withstand current few Circuit-breakers for 1s kA 80/ 80 80/ 80 100/ 80 100/ 80 at 50/60 Hz rated operational 2s kA 70/ 70 80/ 80 80/ 70 90/ 70 voltages up to AC 690 V 3s kA 60/ 60 80/ 80 80/ 60 80/ 60 Permissible loading of Main conductors fixed-mounted and draw-out at 40 C A 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 circuit-breakers with internal at 50 C A | 2000 2450 3000 4000 4600 cubicle temperatures?}*) at 60 C A | 2000 2250 2750 3650 4100 at 70 C A | 1950 2000 2470 3220 3600 N-conductors at 40C A | 1600 1600 2500 2500 at 50 C A | 1500 1500 2450 2450 at 60 C A | 1400 1400 2250 2250 at 70 C A | 1250 1250 2000 2000 Rotor rated operational voltage User Vv 2000 Power loss at /, with 3-phase Fixed-mounted balanced load (without con- version Ww 370 620 790 = - ductor bars and metal j : Draw-out n W | 550 900 1150 1450 1800 components on plant side)*) including guide frame y ) 1) If the rated primary current /y of the current 3) The temperatures refer to the air space around transformers is less than the rated current of the the upper third of the circuit-breaker. | Circuit-breaker, then /n = In. 4) The values refer to sinusoidal current (50/60 Hz). 2) According to the Classification Societies BV, GL, Heating and losses will rise due to harmonics and LRS and DNV. higher frequencies, 67 se3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data 3WN1 circuit-breakers, 4-pole, up to 5000 A Size WA W/2 W/4 W/2 Type 3WN1 5 3WN1 6 3WN1 7 3WN1 8 3WN1 9 Current transformer rated primary current In A | 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 Endurance Mechanical Operating 5000 5000 5000 Electrical) at fs and cos = 0.8 cycles 1000 1000 500 Switching frequency 1/min 1 Minimum interval ms | 120 between circuit-breaker opening and next closing command Mounting position Tite, af tte, and/ or Degree of protection Circuit-breaker IP 00, contro! panel with door sealing frame IP 54 Min. cross-sections Copper bars, Qty. 2x 3x 3x ~ - of main conductors bare mm? 100 x 10 100 x 10 120 x 10 for phase currents L1, L2, L3 Copper bars, Qty. 2x 2x 3x 4x 5x painted black mm? | 80x 10 100 x 10 100 x 10 120 x 10 120 x 10 Min. cross-sections Copper bars, Qty, | 2x 2x 2x = = of N-conductor bare mm? | 60x10 60 x 10 60 x 10 with N-conductor current ~ = phase current Copper bars, Qty. | 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x (max. unbalanced load) painted black mm? | 50x10 50 x 10 50 x 10 120 x 10 120 x 10 Protective conductor Bolts M 12 Stranded copper conductors with cable lugs mm? | 2x 240 Copper bars mm? | 40x10 Main conductor connection Bolts with strain washers?) M12 Recommended tightening torque Nm 70 Required bolt strength class 8.8 acc, to DIN 267 Auxiliary conductors (copper) Max. number of aux. solid 1x 4 mm? conductors finely stranded 2x (0.5 to 1.5 mm; 1 x 2.5 mm?; 1 x AWG 14 x cross-section with end sleeves Weights Fixed-mounted version kg | 90 103 a - Draw-out version kg 89 102 196 198 Guide frame kg | 52 57 97 102 1) Per set of contacts, Breaking the rated current Jn. 68 2) The bolts and strain washers are not supplied. Suitable washers have an inside diameter of 12 mm in acc, with DIN 6769-Fst.) ) 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breakers, 3- and 4-pole, up to 2500 A Size |, 3- and 4-pole Il, 3-pole Type 3WS1 2 3WS1 4 3WS1 6 Rated current fn at 40 C, 50/60 Hz A | 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 Rated Main circuits ACV 1000 voltage U Auxiliary circuits AC/DC V | AC 660/DC 600 Rated operational voltage Ue. at 50/60 Hz ACV Up to 1000 Rated Main circuit kV 8 impulse Auxiliary circuits kV 4 strength Uimp Utilization category B Rated Rated short-circuit upto AC 500 V kA 105 143 short-circuit making capacity fom upto AC 690V kA 105 143 switching (peak value) up to AC 1000 V kA 84 84 Rated service upto AC 500V kA 50 65 short-circuit breaking up toAC 690V kA 50 65 capacity fos up to AC 1000 V kA 40 40 (rms value) Rated ultimate short-circuit up toAC 500 V kA 50 65 breaking capacity /cu upto AC 690V kA 50 65 (rms value) up to AC 1000 V kA 40 40 Permitted Operation -20 to +70 ambient temperature Storage -40 to +70 Rated short-time current or 1s kA | 50 65 rated short-time withstand current few at 50/60 Hz Permissible continuous loading at 40 C A 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 of fixed-mounted and draw-out at 50 C A 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2380 circuit-breakers (at 50/60 Hz) at 60 C A | 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2265 with internal cubicle temperatures. at 70C A 630 800 1000 1250 1450 2000 2145 These values refer to the air space around the upper third of the circuit-breaker Endurance Mechanical Operating 30000 20000 cycles Electrical at /,and cos = 0.8 Operating 30000 20000 per contact cycles disconnection of rated current fn Operating cycles 1/min 1 Mounting position Degree of Circuit-breaker IP 00 protection Control panel and door sealing frame IP 54 Power loss at /, with 3-phase Fixed-mounted balanced load (without version Ww 90 140 180 200 350 360 600 conductor bars and metal components on plant side)') Draw-out version Ww 130 200 240 300 520 530 850 Main conductor Bolts with strain washers M12 connection (inside diameter = 12 mm acc. to DIN 6769-Fst) Recommended tightening torque Nm 70 Required bolt strength class 8.8 acc. to DIN 267 (strain washers and bolts not included as standard equipment) Min. cross- Copper bars, bare Qty. 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 2x 3 x sections of mm 50 x 10 60 x 10 40 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 100 x 10 100 x 10 main conductors for loading correspanding to permissible continuous Copper bars, painted black Qty. 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 2x loading mm | 40x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 40 x 10 50 x 10 100 x 10 100 x 10 Auxiliary Max. number of aux. solid mm? 1x4 conductors conductors finely stranded mm? 2x (0,5 to 1.5); 1 x 2.5 (copper) x cross-section with end sleeves AWG 1x14 SIGUT connection system Protective Bolts M12 conductor Stranded copper conductors mm 300 with cable lugs Copper bars mm 30 x 10 Weight kg | 66 69 95 1) The values refer to sinusoidal current (50/60 Hz). Heating and losses will rise due to harmonics and higher frequencies. 69= 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data | Operating mechanisms Size < | 3-pole 1 4-pole ll Ul Manual operating mechanism without stored-energy feature and manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with mechanical closing Closing/charging Max. operating force required on handle N | 200 200 storage spring Number of handle strokes required Approx. 16 | Approx. 6 Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with electrical and mechanical closing Charging See Manual operating mechanism without stored-energy feature and manual storage spring operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with mechanical closing Closing Operating range AC 0.85 to 1.1 x Us, DC 0.7 to 1.26 x Us solenoid Power consumption including control AC 600 VA: DC 200 to 260 W Min. command duration at Us for closing solenoid ms | 40 Total closing time at Us after start of command signal for closing solenoid ms | <50 Minimum interval between circuit-breaker opening and next closing command (e.g. by means of a time relay} ms | 130 Short-circuit protection Smallest permitted DIAZED fuse at Us < 60 V 6 A TDz(time-lag)/6 A (Class gL)/m.c.b, with C characteristic at Us > 60 V 2 A TDz(time-lag)/4 A 5 Largest permitted DIAZED fuse 10 A TDz(time-lag)/10 A (Class gL)/m,c.b, with C characteristic Motorized/manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature Manual operating See "Manual operating mechanism without stored-energy feature and manual mechanism operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with mechanical closing Motor Operating range 0.85 to 1.1 x Us Power consumption of motor AC VA | 400 900 DC W | 400 900 Time for charging storage spring at 1 x Us s |}<15 <10 Closing See Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy solenoid feature with electrical and mechanical closing Short-circuit protection Motor and closing solenoid for same rated control supply voltage: For motor and Smallest permitted DIAZED fuse at Us = 24 V 10 A TDz 16 A TDz(time-lag)/10 A closing (Class gL}/m.c.b. with C characteristic (lime-lag)/ 6A solenoid at Us = 42-60 V 6ATDz 10 A TDz(time-lag)// 6 A (lime-lag)/ 6 A at Us = 110-127 V 4ATOz 6 A TDz(time-lag// 4A (time-lag)/ 4A at Us = 220-250 V 2ATDz 4 A7TDz(time-lag/ 4A (time-lag)/ 2A Largest permitted DIAZED fuse at Us = 24 V 10 A TDz 16 A TDz(time-lagy/10 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic (time-lag)/10 A at Us > 24 V 10 ATDz 10 A TDz(time-lagy/10 A (lime-lag)/10 A For motor Motor and closing solenoid See Motor and closing solenoid for same rated for different rated control supply voltages: control supply voltages For closing See Manual operating-mechanism with stored- solenoid energy feature with electrical and mechanical closing" Auxiliary releases and electrical closing lockout Size I to lV Shunt release f" Direct Response value Pickup 2 0.7 x Us (breaker tripped) connection to auxiliary Operating range AC 0.7 to 1.1 x Us, DC 0,7 to 1.26 x Us ower supply, for Rated control supply voltage Us AC 50/60 Hz 42, 110, 120-127, 220-240, 380-415 V momentary DC 24, 48, 60, 110-125, 220-250 V iriopi cera and Power consumption AC 600 VA, DC 200-260 W onl y Min. command duration at Us 25 ms Opening time of circuit-breaker at Us = 100% With AC/DC <30 ms Short-circuit protection Smallest permitted DIAZED fuse at Us < 60 V 6 A TDz(time-lag)/6 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic at Us > 60 V 4 A TDz(time-lag)/4 A Largest permitted DIAZED fuse 10 A TDz(time-lag)/10 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic With energy- Rated control supply voltage Us AC 50/60 Hz 110-127, 220-240 V storage DC 110-125, 220-250 V feature comprising f" Operating range 0.85 to 1.1.x Us release and 3WX31 56-1... Power consumption AC 1 VA,DC 1W storage device Storage time) at Us/recharging time 2) at Us Max. 5 min/min, 5 s Opening time of circuit-breaker, short-circuit protection As with Direct connection to auxiliary power supply For footnotes see page 71: 703WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data Auxiliary releases and electrical closing lockout Size | to IV Undervoltage Instantaneous Response values Pickup > 0.85 x Us (breaker can be closed) releases "I" for continuous Dropout {0.35 to 0.7) x Us (breaker tripped) excitation Operating range 0.85 to 1.1 x Us Rated control supply voltage Us AC 50/60 Hz 42, 110, 120-127, 220-230, 240, 380-400, 415, (440, 480-500 V)5) DC 24, 48, 60, 110, 220, 250 V Power consumption Pickup AC 110 VA, DC 110 W Continuous AC 5 VA, DC 5 W Opening time of circuit-breaker at AC/DC < 60 ms at Us =0 Short-circuit protection Smallest permitted DIAZED fuse 2 A TDz(time-lag)/2 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic Largest permitted DIAZED fuse 10 A TDz{time-lag}/10 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic With delay Response values Pickup > 0.85 x U; (breaker can be closed) comprising Dropout (0.35 to 0.7) x Us (breaker tripped) r" release \ and 3WX31 Operating range 0.85 to 1.4.x Us 56-3J.00 delay device, Rated control supply voltage Us of the delay device AC 50/60 Hz 110-127, 220-240, 380-415, 400-500 V delay time: DC 110-125, 220-250 V L2or3s; fixed Power consumption Pickup : 8 W; continuous: 6 W Short-circuit protection Smallest permitted DIAZED fuse 2 A TDz(time-lag)/1 A (Class gL)/m.c.b, with C characteristic Largest permitted DIAZED fuse 10 A TDz{time-lag/10 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic With delay Response values Pickup > 0.85 x Us (breaker can be closed) comprising Dropout (0.4 to 0.7) x Us (breaker tripped) )" release and 3WX31 Operating range 0.85 to 1.1 x Us 56-3.10 delay device, Rated control supply voltage Us; of delay device AC 50/60 Hz 110-115, 220-230 V delay time: DC 110-115, 220-230 V 0.3 to 3.5 s; stepless Power consumption Pickup : 8 W; continuous: 6 W Short-circuit protection Smallest permitted DIAZED fuse 2 A TDz(time-lag)/1 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic Largest permitted DIAZED fuse 10 A TDz(time-lag)/10 A (Class gL}/m.c.b. with C characteristic Electrical For Response values Pickup > 0.85 x Us (breaker can be closed) closing continuous lockout fd excitation Operating range 0.85 to 1.1 x Us i] Rated control supply voltage Us AC 50/60 Hz 42, 110, 120-127, 220-230, 240 V ) DC 24, 48, 60, 110, 220, 250 V | J Power consumption Pickup : 8 W; continuous: 8 W Time from beginning of lockout command < 100 ms to its activation Short-circuit protection Smallest permitted DIAZED fuse 2 A TDz(time-lag)/1 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic Largest permitted DIAZED fuse 10 A TDz(time-lag)/10 A (Class gL)/m.c.b. with C characteristic 1) Storage time = maximum time after failure 2) Recharging time = minimum time for recharging ~, Footnotes for page 70 and 71: ) Of the auxiliary power supply for which safe the energy-storage device following tripping by aang by the shunt release is still assured, the shunt release. charged at the storage device was fully 3) Applies for auxiliary supply connectors, delivered up to 9/96. 713WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Technical Data Technical data Contact position-driven auxiliary switches, signalling contacts for stored-energy status Size Ito IV Rated insulation voltage Ui 400 (415) V AC/DC (AC 660 V, DC 600 V)* Rated operational voltage Ue 400 (415) V AC/DC (AC 660 V, DC 440 V) Switching capacity AC 50/60 Hz Rated operational voltage Us Vv Upto 240] 400/415 5009) 660 Rated operational current /-/AC-1 A 10 10 10 10 FelAC-15 A 4 3 2 - DC Rated operational voltage Ue Vv 24 48 110 220 440) Rated operational current fe/DC-1 A 10 8 3.5 1 0.5 1e/DC-13 A 8 4 1.2 0.4 0.2 Short-circuit Largest permitted DIAZED fuse (Class gL) 10 A TDz {time-lag) protection) Largest permitted m.c.b, with C characteristic 10A Ready-to-close signalling contact (to DIN VDE 0630) Switching capacity AC 50/60 Hz Rated operational voltage Ue Vv Up to 250 Rated operational current Je A | 2 DC Rated operational voltage Ue. Vv 24 250 Rated operational current fe A 2 0,2 Short-circuit protection) Largest permitted DIAZED fuse (Class gL) 2 A Dz (quick-response) Position signalling switch on guide frame Contacts Signalling: Circuit-breaker in Connected position 3NO+3NC 1NO+1NC "Circuit-breaker in Test position 2NO+4+2NC or 1NO+1NC Circuit-breaker in Disconnected position 4NO+1NC 1NO+1NC Rated insulation voltage U 400 Vv, AC/DC Rated operational voltage Us AG 240 V, DC 220 V Switching capacity AC 50/60 Hz Rated operational voltage Ue Vv Up to 240 Rated operational current fe/AC-1 A 8 EfAC-15 A] 1 DG Rated operational voltage Ue Vv 24 48 110 220 Rated operational current /-/DC-1 A 8 8 8 1 Ie/DC-13 A 6 5 4.2 0.15 {L/R = 50 ms) Short-circuit Largest permitted DIAZED fuse (Class gL) 8 A TDz (time-lag) protection") Largest permitted m.c.b. with C characteristic 8A Signalling units for overcurrent releases Rated operational voltage Ue AC 50/60 Hz 110-127, 220-240 V } reconnectable DC 24V With external series resistor also for higher DC voltages DG Required | Power Recommended series loss rating of resistor series resistor 48V 330 Q 2W 4w 60 V 5102 3Ww Bw 110 V 1200 Q 8w 25W 220V 2700 Q 17 Ww 100 W Operating range 0,85 to 1.1 x Ue Power consumption 6 VA with AC, 2 W with DC (without series resistor) Short-circuit protection for power supply DIAZED fuse/m.c.b. with C characteristic 4 A Dz (quick-response) /4 A Permitted ambient temperature range at signalling device -20 to + 70 C Output relay Rated operational voltage Ue AC 250 V, DC 250 V contacts Switching capacity AC 50/60 Hz Rated operational voltage Ue v 42 110-127 220-240 Rated operational current /e/AC-1, fe/AC-11 A 4 4 4 DC Rated operational voltage U. Vv 24 48 60 110 220 Rated operational current fe/DC-1, fe/DC-11 A 2 1 0.8 0.4 0.2 Short-circuit Largest permitted DIAZED fuse 4 A Dz (quick-response) protection) Largest permitted m.c,b. with C characteristic 4A Tripped signalling contacts $24, $25, $27 (in acc. with DIN VDE 0630) Switching capacity AC 50/60 Hz Rated operational voltage U. Vv 110 220 Rated operational current /e A 0.14 0.1 DC Rated operational voltage Ue Vv 24 220 Rated operational current fe A 0.2 0.1 Short-circuit protection") Largest permitted DIAZED fuse (Class gL) 2 A Dz (quick-response) Signal duration following tripping $24: 15 ms $25 and S27: continuous until reset 1) Absolutely weld-free contacts only at /shou < 1 kA according to DIN VDE 0660 Part 200, 3) Applies for circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors, delivered up to 9/96 72n oO ~ @)/ O00VL-X-8SZA-S86d- -00023 -ON 48PAO (GS/pS + ZS/LS) ONY + ON Yowms Aeyrxne yn (24 a 5 qd ojUl/mous INME eu} UO asee|ai JUNYS PUR (f4) ,.PJ,, INOFDO| Bulsojo jeoude[o YUM gZg JOBJUCS Buyyeubls peddisy ym (u *e Busmoyioy Blo) N0490] Bulsojoe |Bo|UeYOSW YUM 0 | @ (BuyjpeuBis paddy yNoyW ]. UOISJSA) ,,UE,, SSBI[a1 JUSUNDAAO YUM Bulso]d /EQIUEYOOLU YM eunyee} ABJeUS-PS0}s UM LUSIUEYOSUY Bulyesiedo yenuely 5 e weiboid YALSny ey Jo ped 3 FSME/9NME/LNME O42 Puy UES NOA 3 5 EV-ZOLV-000LG-00024 -ON 49P10 =| weaBoid YALSny 24? bulsn Oleg poyuud oq ued SUOISJaA a/qeTIEAe 2 ye jo swej6eip UNIDAD JNJ OY = 3 l n 3 9 2 <> a (-) -vD 3 QV (2) 5 |= 4 o- N = < oO o 3a Ss ' g Oe a oO & 3 j 10 8 i 3 Qa oc lu be wm > = nD x no = a [BoU09|8,, |BUSIX_ Ss pi Aq * [ Haw. 3 ysuleBe yOoL19zUI! }eO1O9I2,, <68> 7 2 oy Ajddng = oj Ajddng : * LOO- = oLx

JO} JoyOOS Js@] 5 9x" LX S[PUILWIe| ' 2 syeuseyxXy 3 g ; 2 24 we3shs plousjos Aq peyesodo < Ee szs orjUoS Bulyyeubis pedduy 8 o eS/tS yoo|q youms Auenixne pug . 3 = SS/vS yoo|q yous /ueyixne Is; ou. [<=] <1 9) Ss oO >

jo ese a s a > |UN esAoaye (U e) TE NOISHRA co 3 T\e Sd

Jo} plougjos Buiddul : ~ | so El] o LY SSESISI JUSLINDIAO S}eIS-PIOS a 3/2 f\/= SLZULL JOWJOJSUBA] JUBUND 9 3 o 2 Lo SJORJUOD URI <|7> L___.. __ Oo Ss = ZS JO} youms Alelixny 5s 3/8 24 esesjalyunus o _ _ on 5/10 es 40 yous AuelIxny <9Z> 9 o ri ynoyao] Buisojo yeoujoe|y = s 31s JO, UOYINGYsnd jJese/ pue JOeO|pu]

2 Ss 2. uoyngysnd ,<440> peaiueyooyy,, 9 - 3 3S E uoyngusnd . |BdIUBYde/\,, $ 5 lL Se Buds eBer0ys BulBieya soy ajpueH <> ' o | Ole 6 _ 4ircuit diagrams Cc -Breakers ircui SWN1/3WS1 C _ ircuit diagram Example of a full c OOPL-X-8S0A-S8%ed- 100024 :ON 49P10 dO OJUI/MOUS ONME oul UO weiBoid yALSsny ey} jo ped -LSME/9NME/ELNME 24} Puls UbS NOA v-Z0LV-0001-0-200024 -ON 19P10 weiboid YALSNY eu} EIA payund aq UBD SUOISJDA 9/qeE/IEAe [Je Jo swesBelp PNAS ||Ny SUL BIA ,4AO [RdUEI9,, [BUIE]XQ - Ajuo uoyNqysnd <1 Z> BIA ,4AO [EdUOEI9,, [EUBIXQ- JO} Bulsojoes ysulebe <{NOHOO] [2O1U}O9I9,, [PUIS]IXY pue JO} Bupyoopeyul [Bue}xXQ <7g> (uoynqysnd) ,.NO |BoWj08]8,, [BUISIXy <9g> Joy A\ddng joy A\ddng pue 10} aGeyJoa joujuos Aiddng <,g> julod Bunsel LEX Jo}08uU0D Bniq Ozx JEUILUJa} SyEIPSUa}U] <|/> GLX

JO J@y90S Js8l oLX JO JoxOOS jSE] wayshks OVIVWIANS 40 wun Bulyeubis 40} papjaiys ajqeo uoloauu0g JOWIOJSUBA] JUBND JOJONPUOD-N JO} pepjeiys ajqeo uoIOeuUOg =~ JOWUUOJSUBI}] JUSND UO!ELUWINS JBUIE]Xe JO} papelys aiqeo uoNIeuUCD Bulddiy ay0wWed 10} papjaiys ajqeo UoOaUUOD SZZ JO} papjaiys ajqeo uolsuUEdg 9X OF LX S[PUILUS| <1, 9> Ss/7vs yooq Juans Avelixne ys, SL Sd <$p> Jo} prousjos Bulddi, Lv BSES|SU JUSNDISAO SYEYS-PIIOS SUCULL JBUUOJSUBI} JUAUIND. LO sjoejuos uley)

ZS JO} yoUms Aue z4 A" Sp esegjeu yunusg <2Z> eS e4 ev jeuBis asojo-o}-Apesy ZS AAO/NO ShNye}s JeyxeAG-UNIIO YM <> zs snjeys wisiueyool Buiyoye| yA 8s snyeys ABisua-pauoys YIM < > 40} JORJUCD Buljqeue Bursojg LA A SA plous|os Bulso|g 6S jeuBls snyeys ABuaus-paioyg 8s YSUMS UMOP-]NYs JOJO]

    A SN LIN ,SUIBIEYO SHBIOJS,, JO} JOJO) ZS JBYCSIQ-HINDID JOJOWY Les uoynqysnd NO feouyoe|q uoyngysnd 440 jealueyoajyy uoynqysnd NO [eauBYysey) aBesoys Buds jo Loo Bulbueyo joj ajpuey BuiyessdQ <|> JOWUOJSUBA} [USNS JOJONPUOD-N JBLUB}X9 O} UONOSUUCD YM (g UCISISA) BSBS|G1 JUBLINDAC, JOWJOJSUBI} JUBUND suyed Juans Uley] zIAISEI I a NSK-S815 13538 WNOIS 2 @ y @ 6, 6 wWi2, wey ue, (ey) Ul PEpNjoul si Jo SNJEIS ... AQUOJSUEJ} JUBLIND JOYONPUOI-N [BUsI]X9 ay} pue JaUUOJSUesy JUaIIND Ul-yINg auy Buisn SLUB}SAS O41IM-INOY 10} UONDa}OId YyINeJ-YUeF Jo UoNeINp JI PUBLULOS ,.NO,, Jeusayxe uy Aresseoeu A|UO JORIUOO ON 4. ZA (.4,,) ase9|e4 JuNYs pue Sd (4,) eseajas aBeyoussepun aseejes Aelixne puz (7) (7) (2) (27) i ->N -SsN | I

    ~6P> A A AA A i 2x Ope) 2x: | 2X: Ozx- "S | Spaeoxe UolTe1edo sayddns a6eyJoa joujUu09 (ONZ + ONZ) 490|q YOUMs AuelIxNe 4S |, Z7S JOHBSIG-HINDIID JOLOLW YM plougjos Buisoj9, JeoUEepl JO} JOJO (ey) jeuBls esojo-o}-Apeay YM wsIUeYyoeLU BuyeJedo [BNUBLU/PeZLO}O/\| af &X-_ 8] af aps] play apap te pp exe SP | dd og. uoyNqusnd jeusa}xe pue jeued joU09 984} ye UoWNQUusnd uN [2049913 UMA NO [e9298/9 , :e}dwexg ON Z + ON Z UMS Aueyrne YUM ,J,, 9SB9}O1 BBEYOA YM pue ,,, aseaja1 aBeyomapun yy (sjeubis peddis} ym g UOISIaA) ,,6UZP,, BSB9]O1 JUBLINDIBAO YM (ey) ;euBis asoj9-0}-Apeas yum ainyeay A6JaUa-paso}s YUM WslUeysoW Hulesedo jenueW/PeZoyoyy 743WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Circuit diagrams 6.2 Circuit diagrams, overcurrent releases and signalling units A signalling unit must be connected to the circuit-breaker, to ensure that the LEDs on the overcurrent release still function cor- rectly. In the event of a fault (tripping), this unit supplies power to the LED concerned and outputs a signal via floating relay contacts. Overcurrent release Fig. No. Page version 10th digit of circuit- breaker Order No. P 6/1 75 4 M 6/2 76 5 R 6/3 and 6/4 77 and 78 6 S (-pole) 6/5 79 T (4-pole) 7 U 6/6 80 8 V (8-pole) 6/7 and 6/8 81 and 82 W (4-pole) 75ircuit diagrams Cc -Breakers ircui 3WN1/3WS1 C LLX

    0} JOJO@ULON Bnd ZLX 10} JeyOos SOL. 9x" LX SPUN]

    JO JeSau |IJUN SAOAyS * UM Buddy ynaulo -Yoys Buimoyjjo} Ajuo aayqoe 94 waysAs plousjos Aq peyesedo qnoyoo0] Bursojoa, jeqrueYyoo/\ sd

    40} plousjos Burdduy. lv BSB9[OJ JUSLINOJGAO BJe]S-Pl|lOS SUZULL JOUVOJSUBA JUBUND Lo $]0B]U09 Ue] 40} UOWNGUsnd yese1 pue JoyeoIpU|


      AlddN'S 43MOd J [41 Jicvin i yy 30 [41 | oO 1g 4 (G9AYISEO 34 LSNW ALIYWIOd} + ot * SLINIAID ONITIVNOLS YO Aldd NS SLIVM NI WOLSISaY $aldas AHL 40 ONILVY GIONSWWODRE IP SLLVM NI NOILEWNSNOD Y3IMOd = IE SWHO NI JNVLSISIY $aldas (2 LIOA NIADVLIOA DQ IL A V2 NVHL 83HOIH S3OLIOA 20 YOd YOLSISIY SHlYIS WNYALXI Y3VIVE LIND IHL NO YOLDINNOD AlddN$ AXVITIXNY <1 > AVIZE SNIHDLYT le | 13838 TYNOIS 4 iNd9-Yoys pedd)ij,, *,,PEOLeAO peddy,, * 40} BuyypeuBis ayowes YM OOVPO-ZP LEXME YM (GuypeuBls padduy UyyM Z UOISUdA) ,,UL,, SSB9}Al JUSLINDBAC PPP | J Ay . . . . Hy eoo~ Ss a ihe el- IS] ces e St czv> Fsj= bla ol nf af g} of ofeua- en 3 ier We uu . --4 | ste isa THOS Lae mt ah JWNOIS Giddlal ee es A. OOVFO-7 LEXME lc, ENO [hy ony | Le phe L/g eunBi4 76ircuit diagrams Cc -Breakers ircui 3WN1/3WS1 C HNUID-LOYys paddy, ,PBOPeAo pedduy, 0) BuljjeuBls spouas YM OOVPO-ZP LEXME UM (BulleuBis peddisy ym p UOIsuaA) ,UZE,, SSBA[91 JUBNDIBAO 2/9 anBi4 SLIM NI YOLSISHY | = wv ten $alda$ 4H1 4O ONLY GIGNaWWODRY IP de th cota SLIVM NI NOLLUWNSNOD YaMOd Ie s SWHO NI 2DNVISISRY Salas 12 w al 4 HOA NI 2910A 90 fh Su i me 3d fey y-1 7 AV NWHL YaHOIH SIOVLIOA 30 cay fl YO HOISISTY SH1YIS TWNYALKG \4 YINVIYGLINDVID IHL NO ala YOLDINNOD AlddNS ABWITIXNY <1 > ae ae zi AVIZU ONIMDLYT ole . . . (2Ad3SEO 18 LSNW ALIYVIOd) 47a | SLINDHID ONITIYNDIS YOI AlddNS Y +O | 13534 TYNOIS 4 i | a ee tela] a] apie : ! : 1 j cm, | . eua- aye vb oad spicata east cs erect teas [| uasay aL | ; 1 IWNOIS i * | " ' a | | aT it . oF aim i. mre etresre eK i ran a a mi * 4 +E! arp : i wa u oe [eet ie | ff. i 172.8 ec a J. he iris me Se of ; SF 7 ot, [eet = (27?) LiNDa-LeOWS to Ss: i a TNOIS 34d - a= w Oe 7 i u70, ce PNOISHIA | LLX 0} JOJD9UUD Bnd isi gvowaAo es . i> eee GLX JO} J990S Jse]| TYNDIS Gadaiy! ox" LX SfeulUa} ee zi < . - . - .

      JO Jesad (NUN SAqoaye OOVIO-L9 LEXME YM Buidduy nowy -Lous Bulmoyjo} Ajuo sanoe *g4 Waishs plougos Aq payeiedo jNoyS0} Bulso|9a/ JeOUBYOSY] S4

      40) plousjos Bulddul | Lv BSE9[O1 JUBUNDISAO 9]BIS-plloS SUCZULL JOUUOJSUBI] JUBUND LO S]OBLUOD ule)

      JO} UOINGYsnd j98sa1 puke soyeoIpu;

      Pay 7 C9ircuit diagrams Cc -Breakers ircui 3WN1/3WS1 C LLX

      0} J0}08UU09 Bnid oLX

      JOJ JOHOOS 4S9] Budd} a}0WWes JO} aiqeo Buljoauuos pepjslys SSZ 40} aiqeo Buyosuuos paplalys S{EUIUS]

      JO JOSOI [JUN BASS Yum Buiddiy} wna -yoys Bumoyjoy Ajuo eAoe 9.4 Wayshs plousjos Aq peyeiedo noyoo| Bulsojoad eEUBYoO\y Sd

      40} ploue|os Buiddis, LY BSEO[Ol JUSLINDIBAO 9YL]S-p!|OS JSUOJSUBA} JUBLIND LO S]ORIUOD Ue 40} UOYNqYsnd jese/ PUue JO}eO|PU] Ox" LX <|9>


      x Bow yee eR Byes Z i Zas 322s 2 g2= Z22 ee ey 23e Gz EF 2 Qa a Oo 5 so a2 5 M0 pet [nt 1 | . i any He i al ti wy 47 SLINDUD ONITIWNOIS dOd AlddNS + Qndynogndul) soyssuu0s SSZ YUM jueWeuNseaW JUENd [euoyesodo 9uj JO UO!SS!LUSUE}9]9} YM ul yney, ,eouejequn eseud,, ,aimjeiadepeAo,, 10) sjeuBis Wue|e PUR ,jINDIO-LOYs peddiy, UBIS S]OWAI UNA OWE L-ZP LEXMe UA (BuyeuBis paddy yum Gg UO[SJaA) ,UZE,, OSB9/B1 JUBMNIIOAQ, 13598 TYNOIS 4 to NI lind TNOIS WAV TENDIS WHYTY im TNOIS Gaedlal ------- < | a GYOMRAG i Se = YIAVIIPLINIAID IHL NO YOLDINNOD AlddNS ABVIIXAY aN AW1da ONIHDIV1 le = = 7 M4 Bp ists El- =| cop isju} el- Bees sie bi 4 alg] im mee 1 vy tle Wy oA \: 4 . cen, et (uas3e = ea io tp =t: ; ; TNS sp tpt isp ~ u > ceo] mat @ P T |se=ad 7 [vy] | se e e (024) i. co 4 | i a a j al ast 4 arp ity ! ' 2 = eminent 1 i a et i i + ' a a a t+-55 are: iin ' 5 NOUSA ' o> > ae { ao beccesensenceecenes T ji " - . en OE AODINNOD wy LINN ONITIVNOIS OOVFL-ZPLEXME HLTA i i INAWAYNSYIW LNZYYND TWNOIVYIdO IHL JO NOISSIWSNVALITAL YOd ck NOISYJA 3S319Y LNIYINDYIAO fe r * JOSSBD01dOJOILU peopeao peddiy,, 78ircuit diagrams Cc -Breakers ircui 3WN1/3WS1 C Qndynofndul) 40J99UU09 SS7 YUM ,JOSSed0JOJOILY Ul NB], *,e0uelequn eseud,, ,eunyesadwiepeaoc,, *,PEOLOAO,, JO} SpeUB|s WUe|e pue ,jNdsId-LOUS padduy, ,Peo4eAoc paddiiy,, uo} Buyjjeubls e}oWas YM OOWTL-Zp LEXMe Una (Buyjjeubis paddy uy g UolssA) ,,UZe,, SSBS|O4 JUSLUNDIBAQ isuoyonyysu BuiyessdaQ, BU} YUM SOUBPIOODE UI [BUIWUS] POX OU} Te pelele aq JSNW Jayeeiq-yINoW9 eu 4O BULIM PuepUeys OU] yeubls Wee ,PeO|JeA0,, UO FION /9 aanB)4 SLIV WM HOUSTSRY 53138 341 | 40 ONIIVY G30NIWWODRY [y SOT MI ARNK SER Zager SLLYM NI NOWAWNSNOD aMOd [E a ! Sas 82ES5 SWHO NI 3INVISISIY S313S [2 a S=< 22-5 HOA NI39NOA 3A IL Ss aA se SS 2 Qsar a oO ~< z = ec a = = s 9 Jt | . ct t * ps - ! | . | A YZ NVHL Y3HOIH SIOVIIOA 20 i f j 404 YOLSISTY S1VIS TVNYIINA i $2) Tig YINYAUELINDVID IHL NO a 1 YOLDINNOD AlddN$ AVVITIKAY pds oe it) tts 3] coo- =P re AVIAN ONIHDLYT : - : (aaA8gs4O 38 SAW ALIBVIO) 4 - 9a ' SUINDIID ONITWNDIS YO Alddns | +f, 13838 1YNOIS 4 ; j = jana e Te] | fs- NULINYS ' : 1 | rp TWNOIS WaYTY PL a1 a [Seen ms $- 7 a a < GI a q- 7 a oF ? aOTYIAO i" czy] ao @ | IWNOIS WHVI = + [v] | | a 7 | . Co . & @ ? i om tea | 93> (8) Kinva HLeYa r Ls ed ig To TWNOIS O2ediHt | Ea if 37> s LLX

      0} 1O}OS8UUCS BNidq w } . : ZLX

      JO] Jay90s ysa] at | I | peap---------++-- J@WUOJSUBI, . a ee ~<] of f ct F ! o JUS1IND JOJANPUOS-NY [BUsa}XS 4/7) LINDYID-LYOHS ' =f OF ' S4- JO} a|qeo Burjgeuucs papjaiug TWNOIS C3ddlaL Sn = : o> Buiddi} ayowes Jo} ' L ; a ute, aiqeo Bunoeuucs pepjalugs ! =a Ct x NOISEIA uWe oe < ae i - nil SSZ 404 {) gvo1wgA0 i diss is cep b------------------ ajqeo Buseuuos papieiys TNOIS G3dd/4L 9x" LX S[BUILUS] . ; zd : ih <> JO JOSal |I]UN BAOayS OOWEL-EY LEXME v yum Buidduy yn y | T fe a Se umOIIO} Aluo eanoe LINN ONITIYNOIS OOVIL-ZPLEXME ryt 24 luars/s prousios Aq Peleiedo HIM sIYNOIS WEVTY GVOTUSAO, li! noy{00] Bulsojds) [BOUEYOSW NOISUIA 3SV3T2Y LN3YBNDYIAO rhe sd <$p> 10} plousjos BulddulL ret | LY BSBIOl JUSLINDIBAO SJEIS-pllOS SUCULL JOWUUOJSUB JUBUND LO SJOEJUOS URI) <| p> Jo} uoYNqysnd yeses pue Joyeoipuy

      79eg une) yes pedduy,, ,qinowjo-poys pedduy, ,peoyeno peddiy, 10) BuypeuBis ayowes YW OOWLS-Zh LEXME UNA a (Buljeubls paddy Uy YeLUOJSUBJ} JUSLND JO}ONPUOS-N [BUWA}XE UE JOJ JOJOSULOD YM g UOISIOA) ,6UZE,, SSBS[O1 JUCMNDIGAC & TG = g/g eunBi4 oO = o | SLLVM NI YOLSISAY $3183S IHL ~ WW Ubi jtziin sg JO ONILVY GJGNAWWODRY = (P 2 ( fh : 258 SLIVM NINOLLAWMSNOD YIMOd {CE = T 225 SWHO NI JNWLSISIY $3183S (2 & ose HOA NI 39110A 30 UL = -4 " aeSe bo Zz 2 a a 3 jel fot ~ BSk 2 rrr 0 wri hs ! AYU NVHL YaHOIH SADVLIOA 20 er tt Od YOLSISTY $3l3S TYNYILKA sm] 1 lye 4ayVaNeLINIYID FHL NO A haw J Ld ol ow re YOLDINNOD AlddNS ABVITIXMY <1 > (ee a hee z Td t- . AEEONIMDIVT [+ G ; (G3A3SO JE ISNW ALlavIOd] 47 2 3 | SUINIVID ONITWNOIS YOI Adds) +oF e e 13834 TYNOIS -| ; 4 s = a c | = Tis fi- | ' T | ey cane i 4 ~ | sjw] Zim a | im cen | j she ti- a 8 4 ea) f] 3) abba : . 1 <19> ay <0, ae nt alape | < on 4 eax os | | ll | us {si : nae LO~ | et TYNDIS cin 1 sz- * oF LEX

      Oo} Jojosuuo0s Hnid 7 1 GLX 1OJ JeyxOOs Se] i i ZLX

      JO} JeyOOS \SA]_ = +ThaTae J E a 6 5 =] 4 t a bad @ 5. | F is ABUUOJSULA] (= TWNOIS O3ddldl ee | } {U9MNO JOJONPUOD-N [BUsa]Xo 5 . wu. fe a - ust. ~ -- JOLWIOJSUBAY te a cs qe <] or t wt. |< 9 quauno uous JeUss}Xe aii {4/2} LINDYI-LIOHS a = a e. @. Aq Sa o JO, ajqeo HBunosuuos peplalys ei (= TWN9IS G2ddlaL on a nT Le Nine Sd x Buiddl4 ayOUWa4 40} 7 Bure, s giqeo Guyosuuce papjelug a | | za NORA. [yy a axm"hX sreuwel, Se ~~ aaane i oi : : . . . =

      Jo Jesu [NUN enoaye OOWIZ-ZF LEXME : va 2 _Yum Buydduy nso (1%, ONY Ze YOI GISN 18 OSTY NYO) y iT Oo -OYs BUIMO]o} A|UO eAljoR #9 ASVATRY AOI LINN ONITWNOIS 1,1 9.4 wWayshs plous|os Aq peyesedo ly! r *ynoy90| Bulsojoay jestuBYyooy tk Buidduy < PRE Sd

      40] plous|os Buiddu, i = lV @SEO[OI JUBMNDISAO BJLIS-PllOS 2 CL/CL/LL JQUUOJSUBA] JUSUND rr LO $}0e]U09 URW)


      JO} UO}INqUsNd jesad pue soyedipuy

      oircuit diagrams Cc -Breakers Ircul 3WN1/3WS1 C Qndjno) s0}99UU0D Sg7 YUM *.AINdwI0-LOYs pedduy,, |,,peo|JaA0 peddu},, oy BuypeuBis ejowe YM OOVPO-ZP LEXME UUM (GuyreuBis pedduy yy 7 UotsseA) ,UZe, OSeIOI JUSNDIBAQ 9/9 eanbl4 I 6 W [ti jtein eases g qo S288 - z= RmESh Ao=e< 20 1+) [-1 : ce ity r3 a tt aa ho - $4 t AWRY ONIHDIVT Cm IG3AYISAO 36 LSAW ALIYVIOd) 4 ~ ' SLINDYID ONITIVNOIS YOs AladAS , * | 1asaa wNois 4 | st] 94} j cay | wy \ =4 Teas ! 1 | uasay Asal | we xs 4 WASHES 7 i . Li | - te G a | ST we a | Sor Bp TY OF a? t a4 ayy ~W LLX

      0] JOYQ@UUOD BNig { t. ZLX

      JO) Jex90s se] & t4 Buddy ayouwas 104 SE? m= aiqeo Bunosuucs papjeius iz u2D, (Ajuo asuodsai) SS7 40} ca 2 NOISY3A aiqeo Burjseuuos papjaius wit eee tO 9x" LX SJBUIWUS8L <|{g> 199 aaa oo [0] Sees

      Jo jesau [JUN BANIAYS UM Buidduy ~ ynowo-Loys Bulmoy|o} Ajuo eayoe OOVFO-7 LEXME 94 wajshs plousjos Ag payeisdo {noyY90| Hulsojde7 feolUBYyooyy Sd

      40} ploueos Burdduy Lv @SE9IOI JUSLINDIAG Bye\s-pIlOS SV/ZULL JSWUOJSUB] UBUND | Ld S]OB]UOS UIE

      JO} uoynqusnd jesei pue Joyeolpuy

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ZSl- LSL- a Or a {| 1 i 1 i i a @ S&S 5 = wv &@ = = wn = (g 9 udIsian aseaja.) uojoajod 3jNey-YpeE JO} JOWOJSUBJ} JUEUNS UOITEWILUNS e1/9 aunBi4 86Ol 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Circuit diagrams Circuit diagrams for supplementary devices \- - aj ~F3A Delay device for undervoltage [_ release with time delay" | ' jar I | | | | Titty gh. : __ it | , Delay time, fixed: | without link approx. 1s with link 8-9 approx, 2s with links 8-9 and 9-10 approx. 3s ' | <88> External olectrical closiriy lockout" by -F3 >93> External electrical " by -F3 us . ; __ Figure 6/14 3WX31 56-3J.00 delay device for undervoltage release with time delay : - -- FIA } Storage device for , 1st or 2nd shunt release (-F1 or -F2) ai <> os se _ - . . h =z H. re 1 2 | 4 leo _ ' wala $7 <28> at F2 <27> [AZ 1 -k2]3 <21> 1st shunt release -F1 <22> Auxiliary switch for <21> <27> 2nd shunt release -F2 <28> Auxiliary switch for <27> <91> or <92> External electrical by -F1 or -F2, : pushbutton only Figure 6/16 3WX31 56-3JG01 and 3WX31 56-1JJ01 storage devices for shunt release with stored-energy feature -F3A Delay devices for undervoitage release with time delay" & o> r hi I pak. ne i! rr =~ -F3 | UNDERVOLTAGE | ' . + RELEASE | i wu. at 2 ' l TT 1 - ad 31 hel Lip * Delay time, steplessly adjustable: 0.3 to 3.5 s <88> External electrical closing lockout by -F3 <93> External electrical " by -F3 Delay devices with trigger circuit and stepless adjustment of delay time a Figure 6/15 3WX31 56-3JG10 and 3WX31 56-3JJ10 delay devices for undervoltage release with time delay 873WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Circuit diagrams | open Figure 6/17 Signalling switch for the circuit-breaker positions in the guide frame Order No. Order No. Accessories 12th digit of Accessories 12th digit of guide frame guide frame Operated by draw-out mechanism: SWX31 84-1JA21 "3" SWX31 84-1JA01 q Operated by draw-out circuit-breaker: 3WX31 84-1JB21 5 3WX31 84-1JB01 6 Disconnected Test Connected Disconnected Test Connected position position position position position position _ _ _ | |! otters |) greet | Pru d i La 3 | t | =$30/) ft 4 -S34)y fy 1 -S29p ff | 1 =$30)3s |) -$31) ft -S32p ' $33)3 v-S34]) [1-S395p2 ft wadennbee nee} b= } bake nnf | senda haga pea po== fo bona tenn nfo Ft | 1 le P hoe 4 he ' P i ? KL oR ? ee ; ! ! | | | ! | | ee 4 ie + co | 5 _j-.-.. a + 41> i> ap! = ond <3? <3) 2 Contact 2 position when Gisoornigcted position Hl Oa U8 BU UB UB UB US UE U@ #0 Uf | U8 BU dU UG UB UE Samecied posit if U8 0 U8 Ub UG GU BU l Contact close Contact 88)! 3WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers 7 3WN1 DC circuit-breakers 7.1 General DIN VDE 0660, IEC 947 specifications Application 3WN1 circuit-breakers are suitable for service in DC installations, for such tasks as motor protection, generator protection, converter protection or traction equipment protection. Operating conditions 3WN1 circuit-breakers are climate-proof. They are intended for operation in closed rooms where there are no extreme opera- ting conditions. Versions 3WN1 circuit-breakers are equipped com- plete with operating mechanism, overcur- rent release, control switches and in some cases with auxiliary release. The non-automatic circuit-breakers are supplied without overcurrent release system. Design 38WN1 three-pole and four-pole fixed- mounted and draw-out circuit-breakers and non-automatic circuit-breakers for service in DC systems, correspond, with the exception of the overcurrent release and arc chute, in design and dimensions (apart from the circuit-breakers for fixed installation) to the 83WN1 versions for AC (see Part 1, page 4). The circuit-breakers for 1000 V are equip- ped with a different arc chute than those rated for voltages up to 600 V. Short-circuit protection The circuit-breakers are equipped with undelayed settable mechanical short- circuit releases (n release) or current-inde- pendent delayed overcurrent releases with delay via time relay (z release). The overcurrent release is equipped with one NC signal contact S28 for operating a time relay. This acts via a tire relay on the undervoltage release so as to trip the breaker in the event of a short circuit. The time relay, and the undervoltage release required for tripping, is to be ordered separately. The delay should be adjustable from 50 to 500 ms. Tripping occurs only when the short-circuit current iS maintained until about 30 ms before expiry of the delay time. Grading times of about 100 ms. If the control voltage is drawn from the main bus and falls to an indeterminate value in the event of a short circuit, delay- release time-delay relays without auxiliary voltage and with a setting range of 0.05 to 0.5 s must be used. These then act on the circuit for undelayed tripping of an under- voltage release with delay. See circuit diagram. Where there is a back-up control voltage supply, such as batteries, it is also per- missible to install undervoltage releases without delay and delay-release time- delay relays with auxiliary power supply. Please change the circuit diagram accord- ingly. It must be borne in mind with this control scheme that, after the response the S28 signalling switch does only return to the rest position at half the response value. The circuitry should therefore be planned so as to take account of the load current that continues to flow after a short-circuit fault has been cleared, for example caused by opening of a load-side protective device. Overload protection Separate current-dependent (thermal) delayed overload relays, such as 3UA2, are to be used for overload protection. Connection The incoming supply of up to 600 V DC can be connected at the upper or lower terminal. Incoming supplies of more than 600 V DC are to be connected to the upper terminals. The connecting bars must not exert any mechanical strain on the circuit-breaker. The forces set up by the current in the event of a short circuit must also be taken into account in this respect. LviL) 7.2 Choosing a DC circuit-breaker Operating voltage Depending on the circuit-breaker version and on the number of main current paths connected in series (see application examples), the maximum permissible operating voltage is 300, 600 or 1000 V DC. Highest switchable voltage The circuit-breaker must safely handle the transient recovery voltage occurring on opening. In the event of conduction through the inverter, this voltage can be considerably higher than the rated voltage (see Technical data for the maximum permissible motor voltage). The transient recovery voltage must be lower than the maximum arc voltage. Arc voltage (See Technical data). The arc voltage must not exceed the blocking voltage of the semiconductors or the test voltage of the DC circuit. Highest occurring operating voltage This voltage value must lie sufficiently far below the response value of the over- current release to ensure that no spurious tripping can arise. It must be kept in mind that the clapper armature of the magnet system for operating the signalling switch $28 does not return to rest until the current falls to a value equal to half the response value. or LiiLe 893WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers Description Application examples Series Parallel and/or series connection of the current paths breaks required at rated voltage with 3-pole circuit-breakers with 4-pole circuit-breakers Rated voltage | | (1) ' , ' 1 t i up to 300 V + 10% \ \ @ | \ |@ @ nal rho - 1-pole 1-pole 2-pole 1-pole 2-pole 2 parallel current paths, 3 parallel current paths, 1 current path 4 parallel current paths, 2 parallel current with earthed network only with earthed network only with earthed network only paths Rated voltage 4 @ @) over 300 V + 10% | | tt @ | | to 600V+ 10% \\\ \\\ \\\ \N \\\ | | | toad] 1-pole Load 1 2-pole 2 parallel current paths, 2-pole with earthed network only with earthed network only Rated voltage | 4) | over 600 V + 10% | rT] | m1 ,@ i # | to 1000V+10% \ \ Incoming feeder enters from above Load Load 2-pole 1-pole with earthed network with earthed network only only Adjustment of the overcurrent release fitted in the circuit-breaker: Setting current for @ = Desired response current x 0.5 @ = Desired response current x 0.33 @ = Desired response current x 0.25 @ = Desired response current Operating current The table of technical data gives the operating current for one current path as a function of the temperature at the circuit- breaker. If the main current paths are connected in parallel, the circuit-breaker can be expo- sed to higher currents. If parallel or series connections are made directly at the connecting bars, the circuit- breakers for reasons of heat development must be operated continuously at only 80% of the permissible operating current. lf the parallel or series connection is made 1 m away from the busbars, the circuit- breaker can be operated at full rated load current. 90 Installation The necessary arcing spaces above the arc chambers, which apply for the limit breaking capacity, must be taken into account (see page 92).4 re 3WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers 7.3 Technical Data [4 Technical data 3WN1 DC Size | 3- and 4-pole Il 3-pole I1/1 3-pole | IIl/2 3-pole Type SWN1O | 3WN1 1 SWN1 2 | 3WN13 | 3WN14 | 3WN15 | 3WN16 | 3WN17 | 3WN18 Rated current /, at 40 C DC 800 | 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 Rated operational voltage Versions up to 600 V 1 break DC 300V 2 breaks in series DC 600 V Versions up to 1000 V 3 breaks in series DC 1000 V Maximum permissible motor voltage U for inverter operation Versions up toDC 600 V 1 break ACV 240 2 breaks in series AC V 500 Versions up to DC 1000 V 3 breaks in series AC V 750 Rated impulse Main current paths kV | 8 strength Uinp Auxiliary circuits kv] 4 Utilization category B Rated insulation voltage U, Main current paths V | DC 1200 V Control circuits V|DC 600V Max. operational voltage per current path 350 Arc voltage Us, per current path (peak value) 700 Permissible ambient Operation -20 to +70 C, above +40 C reduce rated current if necessary temperature Storage -40 to +70 C ) Permissible loading 40C A] 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 . of fixed mounting and draw-out 50C A] 800 1000 1250 1600 1850 2500 2950 3750 4750 circuit-breakers at a cabinet 60C A| 800 1000 1250 1600 1750 2500 2750 3450 4450 Inside temperature of 70C A} 800 1000 1100 1450 1550 2500 2550 3100 4100 Short-circuit breaking capacity (time constant L/R < 15 ms) | 1 break up to 300 V + 10% kA | 40 | 2 breaks in series up to 600 V + 10% kA | 30 Im \\ ) 3 breaks in series up to 1000 V + 10% kA | 15 Rated short-time withstand up to 300 V kA | 40 current /,y 0.5 -3s up to 600 V kA | 30 up to 1000 V kA] 15 Power loss per current paths - Fixed mountig at I, circuit-breaker WY] 15.1 19.3 24 31 38.6 23.3 37.5 38.8 37 (Without load-side Draw-out circuit-breaker W | 23.4 29 36 46.5 57.9 44 56.3 58.2 55.5 busbars) incl. guide frame Life Mechanical Operating | 20000") 10000 cycles . Electrical at J, Operating | 6000 1000 ( ) cycles . Switching frequency A/min. | 1 Minimum interval ms | 120 between opening and next closure of the circuit-breaker Mounting position : and/ or 4 Degree of protection Circuit-breaker IP 00; operator panel with door sealing frame IP 54 Minimum cross-sections Bare copper bars Qty. | 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 2x 3x 3x ~ of phase conductors mm? | 50 x 10 60 x 10 40 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 100x10 }100x10 |120x10 |- Painted copper bars, Qty. | 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 2x 3x 4x black mm? | 40 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 40 x 10 50x 10 80 x 10 100x10 |100x10 |120x 10 Protective conductor Terminal srews M12 Stranded copper conductors mm? | 185 300 2x 240 with cable lugs Copper bars mm? | 30x 5 30 x 10 40 x 10 Phase conductor connection Terminal screws M12 with spring washers Recommended Nm | 70 tightening torque Necessary strength 8.8 according to DIN 267 of srews Auxiliary conductors {copper) Max. number of solid 1x4mm aux. conductors finely stranded | 2 x (0,5 up to 1,5 mm?); 1 x 2,5 mm?; 1 x AWG 14 x cross section end sleeves Y Weight Circuit-breaker for fixed mounting kg | 51 51 51 55 55 81 81 116 123 ) Non-automatic circuit-breaker for fixed mounting kg | 49 49 49 53 53 78 78 112 119 * J Draw-out circuit-breaker kg | 50 50 50 54 54 78 78 113 115 Draw-out non-automatic circuit-breaker kg | 48 48 48 52 52 75 75 109 111 Guide frame kg | 30 30 30 30 30 49 49 69,5 69,5 Further technical data See AC version ') Mechanical life of 4-pole circuit-breakers: 8000 operating cycles 91 _3WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers 7.4 Arc chute extension 38WN1 circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3-pole and 4-pole Covering of the arcing space (not supplied with the circuit-breakers). These figures show the auxiliary supply connectors delivered up to 9/96. Analogous for auxiliary supply connectors, delivered as of 10/96. A Cc te +f : SS TA = Size Number of poles A Cubicle width Cc D E F up to 600 V DG 1 3 490 320 185 93 270 V2 3 550 320 185 93 270 3 550 320 245 93 390 WI/1, WI/2 3 800 320 285 93 570 ! 4 550 320 185 93 390 1000 V DC Tal 3 490 325 263 93 270 2 3 550 325 263 93 270 3 600 325 263 93 390 W/1, IIV2 3 800 325 263 93 570 | 4 600 325 263 93 390 The dimensions given are minimum dimensions, Ventilation slots (L) are required for heat dissipation. These slots must not be directly in line with the gas discharge, 3WN1 circuit-breakers, draw-out type, 3-pole and 4-pole Covering of the arcing space (not supplied with the circuit-breakers, for proposals on the fastening of the cover, see page 57). This figures show the auxiliary supply connectors delivered up to 9/96. Analogous for auxiliary supply connectors, delivered as of 10/96. Sizes | Number of poles A cubicle width Cc D up to 600 V DC WA 3 490 360 132 /2 2 50 360 132 3 650 360 252 WIA, 1/2 3 800 360 252 VV 3 1000 410 252 ! 4 550 360 132 1000 V DC , V1 3 490 360 232 \/2 3 550 S60 232 3 600 360 232 W/4, W/2 3 800 360 232 | 4 600 360 232 The dimensions given are minimum dimensions, Ventilation slots (L) are required for heat dissipation, These slots must not be directly in line with the gas discharge. 92 ( (3WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers Oh 3WN1 DC circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3- and 4-pole Auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker (auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the breaker, manufactured up to 9/96) nS a a NSE-8068 2 1 ; @)- | ry es nstsooe | @ | | oO urs 8 = 38 a } | | _ peat }| 4 gl Ne | dll al | Me i ee Connection bars Connection bars _ _-! . vertical vertical ] - ees Tel at the top at the bottom, Set ae 305 ail and bottom horizontal at the top ( i Xj NBEtoos i I poate i ry E Se 20 * ll | 1h | 3 io | {= Qi : 8 74 | | " of rm 2 co L f 2 N ou | = ls read Ss ! tt i ae ST | 260 Veo | \| i r ae Connection bars Me | oe Connection bars | a, | 4 5 tical i i * | eaw-leole|? sete, aan cleo Nope i _ horizontal ke 305 66 and bottom B49 at the bottom 40 Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker Size | a b (new auxiliary supply connectors, standard version as of 10/96) sya | 300 276 ll 420 396 Hl 600 576 4-pole | 420 396 Us f DC 600V | 32 DC 1000 V | 66 Thickness of the connection bars x" Size x 3-pole 1, Ul, 4 10 iN2 20 4-pole i | 10 @ Connection element for auxiliary connections @ Cabinet door Center line of the circuit-breaker |) : Door opening for control panel, see page 129. Cover of the arcing space, see page 92. _3WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers 3WN1 DC draw-out circuit-breakers, 3- and 4-pole Auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker (auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the breaker, manufactured up to 9/96) Lee! ba 975 ma oS 475 *8 4 40 a Disconnected position b Test position c Connected position Size a b c 3-pole | 300 360 320 ll 420 480 440 Hl 600 660 620 4-pole ! 420 480 440 Uy f Arc-chute extension AC 690V 32 optional AC 1000 V 66 standard Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker (new auxiliary supply connectors, standard version as of 10/96) 221 eat] 5 ak B14 NSE-5043 a4] 4 Hl tA @ Connection element for auxiliary connections @) Guide frame @) Penetration for signalling and control cables @) Shutter (optional) (8) Cabinet door @) Center line of the circuit-breaker 94TT 3WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers 3WN1 circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3- and 4-pole 3-pole Size | Size Il Size | (4) ae Pato lo alo BS rSEEO PFLt Hoo} 04 The clearance between connection Size III/1 Size IIl/2 point P and the busbar support must not exceed 250 mm, r@ 7r@ @ Center line of the circuit-breaker [77 190 ep 180 my [7 190- =~ 190 Pp yoke tego t {oe p 522 | | NSt S222 at o | e o [ J | | 360 | s 2 9 i | | | Jers pri 999 } 090 al Ptoes [I ode | ese Laie! | i Lizo-! 13,5 a | | LL .| | L ud | L 30 30 30 30 30 30 160-4 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breakers, 3- and 4-pole i] 3-pole iD Size | Size Il Size III/1 and IH/2 | =80-90, 2130-130 | Mi2* 5 ' | M2" g 2 tH rat 4 ef] a] EE 4 o Gb A 7 Hg oe! 60 be 1g 40 | | | fg 18 = | = 100 ~ 8 | 8 | | | i I at 1 at 4-pole Size | 8) 3 l2fu10N = 90 + 90 + 90 c i ie | te o g a = @ Center line of the circuit-breaker om) = | Thread M12: Depth of engagement 18 ... 24 mm Torque 70 + 2 Nm 953WN1 DC Circuit-Breakers 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breakers, 3- and 4-pole Connection with T-pieces ted i & |! x |l 3 I 3 d Leas 250 +! The support d must be used for horizontal and vertical position of the connection bars. Main connections (8-pole) Size | Horizontal or vertical position as options 560 ray t mito EE NS1-5268 Size Il t_ 40 13,5 TEs Ea Gen L130 ba 130-1 NSE Horizontal position only 100 a oO peat Fit r L209 wtle49 Size I/1 @13,5 oe 0.30 30 30.30 : i r rary 3 er] Cee] Tee SS ee 199 190 Nii -Sa0S Horizontal position only 8Ee r Veo T-pieces cannot be used for Size III/2. @ Connection bars of the system joe 7D. -; ace @ T-pieces @ Connection flange in the guide frame 60 Main connections (4-pole) Size | 1 278 4 gy le l[] [eq Fells 9090 =e go =] 8 Horizontal or vertical position as options O60 [2 = r+] ++ at op3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion 8.1 Procedure The flowchart shows the procedure to follow for retrofitting, conversion, replacement or substitution. Every item of equipment in the circuit-breaker and guide frame is uniquely identified by a number. 3WN1 circuit-breakers for AC cannot be converted into circuit-breakers for DC, and vice versa. Retrofitting Replacement and substitution i Y Read off (on the circuit-breaker) / determine (from project documents) the * order number * identity number chapter entitled Rating plate and identity number Read off (on the circuit-breaker) / determine (from project documents) the * order number identity number chapter entitled Rating plate and identity number * Breakdown the items of the circuit-breaker ) y Breakdown the items of the circuit-breaker chapter entitled Breakdown of the order number chapter entitled Breakdown of the order number Y Are Select the replacement or substitution item chapter entitled Replacement, ... substitution items Ly required items available? Select the item to retrofit chapter entitled Replacement and retrofit items..." Is the item Yes | Please contact your Siemens partner, who will be pleased to advise you No intended for retrofitting an electrical item? Check whether auxiliary current connection available for retrofitting item chapter entitled Breakdown of the order number + Assignments of auxiliary current connections Yes e.g. connection rails Auxiliary supply connectors with additional connector blocks/add plug connector (see page 45 and 105) End of selection38WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion 8.2 Rating plate and identity number Further functions can be added to the circuit-breakers 3WN1 and 3WS1 later on. Updating the rating and order number plate The rating plate @ and also the order number plate @ on the circuit-breaker and, when using a draw-out circuit- breaker, the order number plate @) must be updated after retrofitting additional items of equipment. To do this, a new rating and order number plate should be obtained by quoting the complete order number 3NT009000010. This will ensure that the items installed in the circuit- breaker are uniquely and completely recognizable on the plates. The date of manufacture is specified in coded form in the identity number @. Rating plate @ 8.3 Breakdown of the order number Refer to the following tables listing the - Rated current of the current transformer circuit-breakers 3WN1 and 3WS1 for the ( BWNI 931-1FD18-1JA1-Z ~\ Order number breakdown of the ore number indicating S15 + + Loy | Additional order data characteristics and possible features. == { ; ; The breakdown serves only as an aid HL me VO0OA: Be 220-240) _ Closing solenoid to recognise the internal items of the AC -- - --V AC -- = =-V . . circuit-breakers. jane - =v @ pe == = == vy] Mores opmatng py, AC 220-240 V CaS en = Se VE cond DE 110-125 V DC -- - ~~ Shunt release f ( \ 2 72 AC6BOV DC--V }--Control switch \ of Shunt release f Undervoltage release r Order number plate @ Identity number @) 38WN1 231 - 1FD18 - 1JA1 - Z Breakdown of the 9-digit number, explained with reference to an example: S1I5+ + + + OO OF oO oO oO oO oO OQ Y Y Month: 1 2 = December Y Final digit of year : 3 = 1993 Order number plate @) SIEMENS Y Type 3WX31 83-8CA00-1BD1 _Sesanation Decade (as from the start of production) 1980-89 = 0 s02 1990-99 = 1 Development \ MADE IN GERMANY status J 983WN1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion SWN1 Circuit-breaker 1 2345 6/7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 Abbreviated 3WNOOCOH - OOO0Od - OoOod 4-pole 1 5 Rated current 1 i l 2000 A /2 I 71 AC only I/1_ AC only 1 1/2 AC only W/2 HI/4 AC only 5000 A - \V IN/2 6300 A - IV = Installation Fixed-mounted Draw-out Connecting bars vertical at top, vertical at bottom Connecting bars vertical at top, horizontal at bottom Connecting bars horizontal at top, vertical at bottom Connecting bars horizontal at top and bottom Connection at guide frame Number of poles and type of current 3-pole for AC operation 4-pole for AC operation 3-pole for DC operation 4-pole for DC operation Rated voltage AC690V |. : , AC 690 V with arc chute extension, DC 300 V with 1 break, DC 600 V with 2 breaks in series AC 1000 V, DC 1000 V, 3 breaks in series Setting range of the overcurrent release Load interrupter 126-315A = 160 - 400A 200 - S00 A 252 - 680A 320 - 800 A 400 - 1000A 500 - 1250 A 640 - 1600A 800 - 2000 A 1000 - 2500 A DC version 1250 - 3200 A 1600 - 4000 A 2000 - 5000 A 2520 - 6300 A 3-pole 6300 A 3 and 4-pole up to 5000 A Overcurrent release Without (load interrupter Version 1 (an) . Version 2 {an + signalling) Version 3 {azn) . Version 4 {azn + signalling) Version 5 (azn + signalling + LED current display), available until 08.92 Version 5 {anz + signalling + LCD current display), available from 08.92 Version 6 {azng + signalling) for 3-pole 3WN, available until 08.92 Version 6 {azng + signalling + LED current display) for 4-pole 3WN, unlii 08.92 Version 6 {azng + signalling) for 3-pole 3WN, available as from 08.92 Version 6 (azng + signalling) for 4-pole 3WN, available as from 08.92 Version 7 (azn'+ signalling Version 8 (azng + signalling + LCD) for 3-pole 3WN, for DC with z-release with control switch S 2 Version 8 (Gang + signalling + LCD) for 4-pole 3WN Version with undelayed release for DC Operating mechanism Operated manually without stored-energy feature _ Operated manually with stored-energy feature, with mechanica closing . . Operated manually with stored-energy feature, with mechanical and electrical closing fs Operated manually with stored-energy feature, with mechanical and electrical closing {D eno Motorized with stored-energy feature (DC ; Motorized with fiored energy feature (motor and closing solenoid for different control voltages) Motorized with stored-energy feature b| eee 1st auxiliary release None Shunt release f", F1 Le Undervoltage release r", F3 Electrical closing lock fd, F4 * 2nd auxiliary release None Shunt release f, F2 *P/MW)/2O;MNOM/Ms200/xKS <|CaMALUT| ZOU! S| Sa| MO!) VZ|RHAC|LAlamM|GO|aPla walwaw=!~alanane|oo| on) am) ro|rmrmsto Control switch/ Auxiliary supply connectors 1st control switch block 2NO + 2NC (switches SaiS6). applies to circuit-breakers with auxiliary Supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker, available unti 6 1st + 2nd control switch block 4NO + 4NC (switches S4/S5 + $1/S2), applies to circuit-breakers with auxilial supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96 Control switch/ Auxiliary supply connectors ist control switch block 2NO + 2NC (switches Sais), applies to circuit-breakers with auxiliary SupPIY connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker, availableas of 10/96 1st + 2nd control switch block 4NO + 4NC (switches S4/S5 + $1/S2), applies to circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker, available as of 10/96 | QO O Extended connection bars for fixed mounting 5-digit make and break operation counter Mechanical reclosing lock and tripped signalling contact (S25 and S27) Signal contact (S28) for short-time delay with time relay. Direct undelayed tripping inactive. Tripped signalling contact (S24, S25 or S27) Ready-to-close signal (A3) Locking device Safety lock EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton _ Motor switch (q7) on the control panel Sealing cap over the OFF, ON pushbutton Mechanical interlocking Mechanical reclosing lock Zalolnio|\n|/= em alo wo ogni |=||/o/- o- off 3 Depending on the data of the rated control supply voltages (see pages 103 and 104), -3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Guide frames for 3WN circuit-breakers 1234567 89 101112 13 14 15 16 3wWx3083-8HOOOH-OOO0O0 For circuit-breakers 3WN1 1 oO 5 Size |, 3-pole and 4-pole =| for 3WN . 0 to 3WN . 4 Cc Il, 3-pole for 3WN . 5 to 3WN.6 D Ill, 3-pole for 3WN . 7 to 3WN1 8 G IV, 3-pole for 3WN 19-1Q and -2Q and -1W and -2W H IV, 3-pole for 83WN 19-1S and -2Q and -1T and -2T U Oo \I/1, 4-pole for 3WN .5 to 3WN.6 K 1/2, 4-pole for 3WN . 7 P II/1, 4-pole for 3WN 18 G Wl/2, 4-pole for 3WN 19 H No, of poles 3 = A 4 B Main connection Directly to the connection flanges 0 With three T-connection pieces (for top or bottom connections) 1 With six T-connection pieces (for top and bottom connections) 2 oO With four T-connection pieces (for top or bottom connections) 3 With eight T-connection pieces (for top and bottom connections) 4 With prefitted connecting bars with drilled holes for connection to bars dimensioned in accordance with DIN 43 673 Size | Size Il Size Ill 2- and 4-pole 3-pole 4-pole 3-pole AG DC AC DG AG AG DC 1000 A 1250 A 1600 A 2000 A 2500 A 2500 A 3200A | 5 1600 A 2000 A 2500 A 3200 A 3200 A 4000 A 5000 A | 6 Remote signalling No signalling 0 of erroult-breaker With signalling switch (actuated by draw-out mechanism) Pp Connected (3N/O + 3N/C); test (2N/O + 2N/C); disconnected position (IN/O + 1N/C)] 1 Connected (1N/O + 1N/C); test (1N/O + 1N/C); disconnected position (IN/O + 1N/C}] 3 Oo With signalling switch (actuated by draw-out circuit-breaker) Connected (3N/O + 3N/C); test (2N/O + 2N/C); disconnected position (iN/O + 1N/C)| 6 Connected (1N/O + 1N/C); test (1N/O + 1N/C); disconnected position (IN/O + 1N/C)}} 5 Hinged rails/ Without hinged rails, without shutters 0 shutters With hinged rails, without shutters 1 0 With hinged railes, with shutters 2 Without hinged railes, with shutters 3 Draw-out auxiliary 1 draw-out auxiliary current connector B current connectors | 2 draw-out auxiliary current connectors Cc 3 draw-out auxiliary current connectors D g 4 draw-out auxiliary current connectors E 5 draw-out auxiliary current connectors F 6 draw-out auxiliary current connectors G Locking device None A Mechanical Locking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door D interlocking Locking device to prevent shifting of the circuit-breaker E Locking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door and shifting of the circuit-breaker | F Mechanical interlocking for 2 circuit-breakers, version 1 (or 4 = 1+3) G Mechanical interlocking for 3 circuit-breakers, version 2 H Mechanical interlocking for 3 circuit-breakers, version 3 (or 4 = 143) J Mechanical interlocking and locking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door For 2 circuit-breakers, version 1 (or 4 = 143) K For 8 circuit-breakers, version 2 L For 3 circuit-breakers, version 3 (or 4 = 1+3) M Indication of circuit- Marking, with position latching, with release pushbutton 1 breaker position/ Indication, without latching, with sight glass, 2 Version of the auxiliary supply connectors at the side O auxiliary supply Indication without latching, with sight glass, 3 connectors auxiliary supply connectors located at the top of the circuit-breaker 3) Only applies for guide frames with auxiliary supply connectors at the side. 100OT 3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion 3WS1 Vacuum circuit-breakers 1 234567 8 9 101112 131415 16 Abbreviated 3WS 1000-ODOO00-0O00 O-2 ood Size 3-pole | 4-pole Rated current 630 A | | (0) 2 800 A | | (Ay) 2 1000 A | | 2 1250 A | | (3) 4 Oo 1600 A | I 4 2000 A ll - (5) 6 2500 A ll - 6 Installation Fixed-mounting); Connecting bars vertical at top, vertical at bottom 3 q Draw-out Connection on the guide frame 7 Number of poles/ 3-pole, supply from above 0 supply 3-pole, supply from below 1 o 4-pole, supply from above 2 4-pole, supply from below 3 Rated voltage AC 690 V 0 oO AC 1000 V 5 Setting range of the 126 - 315A A overvoltage trip 160 - 400A B 200 - 500A Cc 252 - 630A D 320 - 800A E 400 - 1000 A F a 500 - 1250 A G 640 - 1600 A H 800 - 2000 A J 1000 - 2500 A K Load interrupter 3- and 4-pole WwW Overcurrent release Without (load interrupter) A Version 1 (an) B Version 2 (an + signalling) P Version 3 (azn) D Version 4 (azn + signalling) M ql Version 5 (azn + signalling + LCD current display) R Version 6 (azng + signalling) for 3-pole 3WS Ss Version 6 (azng + signalling) for 4-pole 3WS T Version 7 (azn + signalling) U Ausf. 8 (azng + signalling + LCD current display) for 3-pole 3WS Vv Ausf. 8 (azng + signalling + LCD current display) for 4-pole 3WS WwW Operating Operated manually without stored-energy feature 0 0 mechanism Operated manually with stored-energy feature, with mechanical closing 0 5 Operated manually with stored-energy feature, with mechanical and electrical closing (AC)] 1 * Operated manually with stored-energy feature, wilh mechanical and electrical closing (DC)| 2 * oo Motorized with stored-energy feature (AC) 5 * | Motorized with stored-energy feature (DC) 6 * Motorized with stored-energy feature (motor and closing 7 * j solenoid for different control voltages) 8 * 1st auxiliary release None OA Shunt rel f" FA 1 unt release oo Undervoltage release r", F3 3 + Electrical closing lock fd, F4 2 * 2nd auxiliary release | None A O Shunt release f", F2 * Control switch/ 1st control switchblock 2NO + 2NC (switches S4/S5), 1 Auxiliary supply applies to circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96 dst + 2nd control switch block 4NO + 4NC (switches S4/S5 + S1/S2), 2 applies to circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96 o Control switch/ 1st control switchblock 2NO + 2NC (switches S4/S5), 5 Auxiliary supply applies to circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker, available as of 10/96 1st + 2nd control switch block 4NO + 4NC (switches S4/S5 + $1/S2), 6 applies to circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker, available as of 10/96 oO|O)O 5-digit make and break operation counter C/o) Mechanical reclosing lock and tripped signalling contact (S25 and S27) K |) 0 Tripped" signalling contact (S24, $25 or $27) M/ oO}. Ready-to-close signal (A3) Mi 1/0 Locking device Safety lock S/O]. EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton $/t/2 Motor switch (q7} on the control panel $/4/3 Sealing cap over the OFF, ON pushbuttons $|2 Mechanical interlocking $|5 Mechanical reclosing lock Ww} 0 * Depending on the data of the rated control supply voltages (see pages 99 and 100). 1 Designation in brackets applies to vacuum load interrupter only. 1013WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Guide frames for 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breakers 345 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 WwW Xx6118-8O00O0-0OHO00 Size for 3WS1 2 and 3WS1 4 for 3WS1 6 3-pole and 4-pole I, Il, 3-pole No, of poles 3 4 Orloo}|oe; Main connection Connection bars Directly to the connection flanges With three T-connection pieces (for top or bottom connections) With six T-connection pieces (for top and bottom connections) With four T-connection pieces (for top or bottom connections) With eight T-connection pieces (for top and bottom connections) holMN-o With prefitted connection bars with holes drilled for connection to bars dimensioned in accordance with DIN 43 673 up to 1000 A for BGI, up to 1600 A for BGIl up to 1600 A for BGI, up to 2500 A for BGIl Remote signalling of circuit-breaker position No signalling alam With signalling switch (actuated by draw-out mechanism) Connected (3N/O + 3N/C); test (2N/O + 2N/C); disconnected position (1N/O + 1N/C) Connected (1N/O + 1N/C); test (1N/O + 1N/C); disconnected position (1N/O + 1N/C) + With signalling switch (actuated by draw-out circuit-breaker) Connected (3N/O + 3N/C); test (2N/O + 2N/C); disconnected position (1N/O + 1N/C) Connected (1N/O + 1N/C); test (1N/O + 1N/C); disconnected position (1N/O + 1N/C) Hinged rails/ shutters Without hinged rails, without shutters With hinged rails, without shutters With hinged rules, with shutters Without hinged rails, with shutters Draw-out auxiliary current connectors 1 draw-out auxiliary current connector 2 draw-out auxiliary current connectors 3 draw-out auxiliary current connectors 4 draw-out auxiliary current connectors 5 draw-out auxiliary current connectors 6 draw-out auxiliary current connectors Locking device Mechanical interlocking None Locking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door Locking device to prevent shifting of the circuit-breaker Locking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door and shifting of the circuit-breaker Mechanical interlocking for 2 circuit-breakers, version 1 (or 4 = 1+3) Mechanical interlocking for 3 circuit-breakers, version 2 Mechanical interlocking for 3 circuit-breakers, version 3 (or 4 = 1+3) CTO! AMO/SFIOM MV/ODlwnwn-o]ag Mechanical interlocking and locking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door For 2 circuit-breakers, version 1 (or 4 = 1+3) For 3 circuit-breakers, version 2 For 3 circuit-breakers, version 3 (or 4 = 1+3) Indication of circuit- breaker position/ Version of the auxiliary supply connectors Indication without latching, with sight glass, auxiliary supply connectors at the side Indication without latching, with sight glass, auxiliary supply connectors located at the top of the circuit-breaker nyalZi/r]~ a 1) Only applies for guide frames with auxiliary supply connectors at the side. 102i 3SWN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Order No. Order No. Addition 123 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Operating mechanism 8WOOKOOOO-OOO0O0O0-OO000 Version Rated control supply voltage Us Drive motor Closing solenoid AC DC AC DC 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz Vv Vv Vv Vv Manual operating mechanism without stored-energy feature fo] Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with mechanical closing (a) Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with electrical and mechanical closing - - 42 - - - 110 - 6] - - 120-127 - - - 220-240 - - - - 24 = ~ - 48 - - - 60 - - - 110-125 6] - - - 220-250 Motorized/Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy feature with electrical and mechanical closing Motor and 42 - 42 - closing solenoid 110 - 110 - (6] for the same 120-127 - 120-127 - control voltage 220-240 - 220-240 - OO supply - 24 - 24 6] - 48 - 48 6] - 60 - 60 6) = 110-125 - 110-125 fl [l - 220-250 ~ 220-250 6] Motor and 110-127 110-125 - 24 closing solenoid 110-127 140-125 - 48 for different control 110-127 110-125 - 60 voltage supplies 110-127 110-125 - 110-250 3] 110-127 110-125 - 220-250 220-240 220-250 - 24 220-240 220-250 = 48 4 220-240 220-250 ~ 60 220-240 220-250 5 110-125 6] 220-240 220-250 = 220-250 103oo |e 38WN1/3WSi1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Order No. = Order No. Addition 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1. Auxiliary release or electrical closing lock 8WOOO0H-AO000-0000 Features Rated control supply voltage | AC DC 50/60 Hz Vv Vv Without 1st auxiliary release and without electrical closing lockout (0) 1st auxiliary release | | Shunt release f - 24 | (designated F1" in circuit diagrams) 42 - ow oO 110 48 o ! Can also be used for shunt release with energy storage 120-127 60 with additional storage device 220-240 110-125 3WX31 56-1J.01 380-415 220-250 Others (max. AC 415/DC 250 V) Undervoltage release, - 24 undelayed r 42 - oO (designated F3" in circuit diagrams) _ 48 Also suitable for use as an undervoltage - 60 El Od release with delay" 110 - with additional delay device 120-127 110 3WX31 56-3J..0 220-230 - (J) 8 240 220 - 250 380-400 - M 415 - 440 - Pl 480-500 - Bl Others (max. AC 500/DC 250 V) Electrical closing fd - 24 (designated F4" in circuit diagrams) 42 = Dl + 48 - 60 El 110 - 120-127 110 fl 220-230 - 240 220 - 250 Others (max. AC 240/DG 250 V) 2nd auxiliary release Without 2nd auxiliary release - - Al Shunt release "f" - 24 (designated F2 in circuit diagrams) 42 - oO 110 48 Also suitable for use as a shunt release with stored-energy feature 420-127 60 O with additional stored-energy device 220-240 110-125 {J] 38WX31 56-1J.01 380-415 220-250 Others (max. AC 415/DC 250 V) 1043WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion 8.4 Replacement, retrofitting and spare parts Overview of items of equipment which, for example, can be replaced by a part of a different voltage or items which can be retrofitted completely. For fixed-mounted and draw-out circuit-breakers Control switches e Door sealing frames e Auxiliary current connection . Sliding rails for draw-out circuit- breakers e Arc chute extension e Locking device, CES, BKS, ZEISS-IKON Sealing cap Make and break operation counter * Ready-to-close signalling (A3) e N-conductor current transformer for earth fault protection e Overcurrent release (in some cases) For fixed-mounted circuit-breakers Connection bars for front connection Mounting brackets Auxiliary current connectors with cables Locking device For guide frames e T-connection pieces for horizontal connection Position signalling switches Hinged rails Shutters Auxiliary current connection Coding device Locking device Hand crank Kit for door installation The following further items can be retro- fitted; for this purpose, the fitter must be trained at the manufacturing plant for the circuit-breakers concerned. Please contact your Siemens partner. e Mechanical reclosing lock (order number addition: Z=WZ02 or W05) e Released signalling contact $24, S25 or S27 (order number addition: Z=M01, M02 or M08) Mechanical reclosing lock combined with released signalling contact $25 or S27 (order number addition: Z=KO02 or KO5) Electrical closing for remote ON (closing solenoid Y1) with wiring For fixed-mounting and draw-out circuit-breakers Motor drive for automatically tensioning the spring energy store Shunt release f (F1_and F2) (with wiring) for remote OFF Undervoltage release r (F3) (with wiring) for remote OFF or mains monitoring Electrical closing lock fd (F4) (with wiring) for remotely actuated locking to prevent closing Spare parts Shunt release f, (F1 and F2) and closing solenoid (Y1) Undervoltage release r (F3) Electrical closing lock fd (F4) Bowden wire for mechanical interlocking Contacts Are chutes Arc chute extension Designation For circuit-breaker size Quantity to order | Retrofitting For 1 set or 1 item per circuit-breaker | referred to manu- S-pole pole facture date Order No, Control switches with wiring, without connection element 1st Control switch block S4 / S5 (standard) 1.1/1, 1/2 - 1 item - 3WX31 16-1CB00 2NQO+2NC I | 1 item - 3WX31 16-1DB00 Connected to connection element X1 Ul ll 1 item - 3WX31 16-1GB00 \V il 1 item - 3WX31 16-1RB00 2nd Control switch block $1 / $2 1, 1/1, 1/2 - 1 item - 3WX31 16-1CC00 2NO+2NC i] I 1 item - 3WX31 16-1DC00 Connected to connection element X4 Ml Il 1 Item = 3WX31 16-1GC00 IV Il 1 item = 38WX31 16-1RC00 Door sealing frames 1,1, UM, IV 101, 1 1 item - SWX31 86-0JA01 Connection for the auxiliary circuits elements of the circuit-breaker 1H, HI, IV Ll, Il 1 itern up to 9/96 3WX31 24-1JA00 Plug adaptor for the auxiliary circuits ? of the draw-out circuit-breaker 4, Ul, Un, IV iN a 1 item up to 9/96 3WX31 26-1JA00 Auxiliary supply connectors for guide frame 1, NUM, IV Lua 1 item as of 10/96 3WX36 27-1JA00 Auxiliary supply connectors for fixed-mounted circuit-breakers 2 i, a 1, a 1 item as of 10/96 SWX36 25-1JCO0 1) For circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors located the side of the circuit-breaker 2) For circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors located the top of the circuit-breaker 1053WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Fixed-mounted and draw-out circuit-breakers For later installation Designation For Required order Retrofitting For 1 set or 1 item circuit-breaker size | quantity per referred to manu- circuit-breaker facture date Order number Arc chute extension for circuit-breakers 3WN1 |, 3-pole 3 items = 3WX31 12-1JA00 up to AC 690 V Il, 3-pole 3 items Ill, 3-pole 6 items Arc chute extensions are imperative for |, 4-pole 4 items circuit-breakers used in low-voltage switchgear II/1, 4-pole 4 items 8PU.003 and 8PU.011, 1/2, 4-pole 6 items - 3WX31 12-1PA00 + 1 item - 3WX31 12-1JA00 Locking either Security Make CES?} Kell, Hh WV 1 item up to 6.90 3WX31 63-1JA00 device to lock (8SB1) Normal lock number SSG10 as of 7.90 3WX31 63-1JA01 prevent instead of the unauthorized OFF pushbutton Make BKS?) up to 6.90 3WX31 63-1JB00 circuit-breaker (q1)') Normal lock number $1 as of 7.90 3WX31 63-1JB01 closing Make ZEISS-IKON?) up to 6,90 3WX31 63-1JC00 Normal lock number 360012 K1 as of 7.90 3WX31 63-1JC01 or Locking device for up to four padlocks LN, a, IV 1 item 3WX31 63-1JGO00 (stirrup diameter 4 to 8 mm) 4) Security Make CES?) 10, UL IV 1 item up to 6.90 3WX31 63-2JA00 lock (8SB1) Normal lock number SSG10 as of 7.90 3WX31 63-2JA01 instead of the mechanically Make BKS?) up to 6,90 3WX31 63-2JB00 acting ON Normal lock number $1 as of 7.90 3WX31 63-2JB01 pushbutton (q3) 1) Make ZEISS-IKON?) up to 6.90 3WX31 63-2UC00 Normal lock number 360012 K1 as of 7.90 3WX31 63-2JC01 Installation kit 4) for CASTELL lock or 1a MV 1 set as of 11.91 3WX31 63-1JE00 FORTRESS lock CASTELL (FS1) lock or FORTRESS lock (H31RH / AC 90 / standard) to be ordered from the manufacturer Sealing cap over the OFF pushbutton to prevent unauthorized deactivation) IT, UN, IV 1 item - 3WX31 63-1JKO1 Sealing cap over the electrical ON pushbutton to prevent unauthorized activation) I UN, IV 1 item = 3WX31 63-3JKO1 5-digit make and break operation counter [, 3-pole 1 item as of 01.91 3WX31 64-0CA00 |, 4-pole 1 item as of 01.91 3WX31 64-0QA00 I, Wl, IV Designation Rated control supply voltage of | 12th digit of the circuit-breaker's For 1 item the closing solenoid integrated | order number: see order number in the circuit-breaker plate on the circuit-breakers YI control panel AC 50/60 Hz DC Order number Vv Vv 38WN...-1...0-. Ready-to-close signalling contacts (A3} 42 - 3 3WX31 36-1JD00 For circuit-breakers with stored-energy operating mechanism: 110 - 6 -1JG00 Manual operating mechanism with stored-energy mechanism 110-127 = 7 -1JG00 featuring electrical and mechanical closing 220-250 - 8 -1JJ00 Motorised/manual operating mechanism with stored-energy mechanism, as from production date: January 89 (identity number [1090101 00) _ a8 i SWX31 36 00 If the component is installed in the circuit-breaker later on, - 60 5 -1JFOO the circuit-breaker order number on the rating plates - 410-125 6 -1JG00 on the control panel/circuit-breakers side panel must be updated - 220-250 8 -1JJ00 as detailed in the installation instructions. N-conductor current transformer (for 3-pole only) Primary rated current For circuit-breaker size For earth fault protection (for single installation only) : 315A I 3WX31 43-1CA00 for overcurrent release versions 6 and 8 only 400 A -1CBO0 (The size and rated current of the N-conductor 500 A -1CC00 current transformer must correspond to the 630 A -1CD00 current transformers in the affiliated circuit-breaker) 800 A -1CE00 1000 A -1CFOO 1250 A -1CG00 1600 A -1CH0O 1250 A ll 3WX31 43-1DG00 1600 A -1DHO0O 2000 A -1DJ00 2500 A -1DKOO 1600 A Ill 3WX31 43-1EHOO 2000 A -1EJ00 2500 A -1EKO0 3200 A -1EMO00 4000 A -1EP00 4000 A IV 3WX31 43-1RP00 5000 A -1RQ00 6300 A -1RS00 1) Security locks with special locking mechanisms are to be ordered in accordance with Catalog NS K Switchgear and Systems. 2) If the security lock is installed later instead of the pushbutton, the circuit-breaker's order number must be updated on the rating plate on the control panel and on the circuit-breakers side panel as detailed in the installation instructions, 106 3) The locking device for padlocks cannot be used together with a security lock instead of the OFF pushbutton (g5). 4) Can be retrofitted for circuit-breakers as from production date: November 91 {as from identity number 91 11 01). 5) If the sealing cap is fitted over the push- buttons q5 or 6, the circuit-breakers order number must be updated on the rating plates on the control panel and on the circuit-breaker's side panel as detailed in the installation instructions. See Figs. 2/2 to 2/4, (3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion 0 Fixed-mounted and draw-out circuit-breakers Electronic overcurrent releases The overcurrent releases can be replaced by an overcurrent release with the same function and of the same version. After replacement of the release, a function check using the tester is advisable. Designation / description Protective | Version | Circuit-breaker For 1 item function order No, 10th digit Order number Overcurrent releases (see also Chapter 2.8.2) 3-pole 4-pole Without released signalling an 1 B B 3WX31 41-1002 With released signalling an 2 P P 3WX31 41-2JC02 Without released signalling azn 3 D D 3WX31 41-3JC02 With released" signalling azn 4 M M 3WX31 41-4JC02 i ( With ZSS, warning and released signalling azn 5 R R 3WX31 41-5JC02 and operating current display (LCD) With released signalling azng 6 Ss 3WX31 41-6JC02 With ZSS output, released signalling azn 7 U 3WX31 41-4JD02 With ZSS, warning and released signalling azng 3 Vv 3WX31 41-6JE02 and operating current display (LCD) Replacement of electronic overcurrent releases Releases with additional short-delay short-circuit releases z The following overcurrent release versions can be replaced without the need for additional wiring: Overcurrent release an azn version 1 3 2 4 Overcurrent release with LED operating current display (10th digit of the circuit-breaker order no. F, H, K, G, J, L) 3WN1 OOO-OOWOH-OO t Delivery of overcurrent releases as replacements If it is intended to replace overcurrent releases of circuit-breakers featuring an FH, K, G, J or L in the 10th digit position (versions with ZSS manufactured up to July 1992), refer to the table below for details of successor types. The internal wiring of the circuit-breakers must be modified as detailed in the operating instructions of the overcurrent releases. In doing so, a wire (overload signalling) is reconnected on the internal connector strip. Circuit- Version Original overcurrent Overcurrent release | Circuit- Version breaker release with LED with LCD operating | breaker operating current display current display as replacement 10th digit of the 10th digit of the new original order num- order number ber manufactured manufactured up to 07.92 as from 08.92 FG 5 SWX31 41- S5JBO. 3WX31 41- 5JC02 |R 5 H, J 6 3WX31 41- 6JBO. 3WX31 41- 6JEO2 |V 8 K,L 6 3WX31 41- 6JBO. 3WX31 41- 6JEO2 |W 8 1073WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion | gE I Designation For circuit-breaker size Required order Retrofitting For 1 set. or 1 item E 3-pole 4-pole quantity per referred manu- i P P circuit-breaker facture date : Order number i For fixed mounting Connection bars - front connection for circuit-breakers 3WN1 1 set | Vertical 1-hole bar 1 os (3 iterns) - 3WX31 21-1AA00 \\ 1 - (6 items) - 38WX31 21-1AC00 We - (3 items) - 3WX31 21-1BA00 V2 = (6 items) _ 3WX31 21-1BC00 - I (4 items) - 38WX31 21-1CD00 } ll = (3 items) = 3WX31 21-1DA00 i] - (6 items) - 3WX31 21-1DC00 F\ Wa = (3 items) - 3WX31 21-1EA00 Ld nw - (6 items) - 3WX31 21-1ECO0 v2 - (6 items) - 3WX31 21-1FC00 - WA (3 + 1 items) - 3WX31 21-1KFOO - WW2 {3 + 1 items) - 3WX31 21-1PFOO Vertical double-hole bar vq = (3 items) - 3WX31 21-1AA20 W - (6 items) - 38WX31 21-1AC20 V2 - (3 items) - 3WX31 21-1BA20 We = (6 items) - 3WX31 21-1BC20 - | (4 items) - 3WX31 21-1CD20 Il = (3 items) = 3WX31 21-1DA20 Il = (6 items) - 3WX31 21-1DC20 nw - (3 items) = 3WX31 21-1EA20 WA = (6 items) = 3WX31 21-1EC20 - MA (3 + 1 iterns) - 3WX31 21-1KF20 8 = We (3 + 1 items) = 3WX31 21-1PF20 Horizontal bar V4, v2 = (3 items) - 3WX31 21-2CA00 - l (4 items) - 3WX31 21-2CD00 I - (3 iterns) - 3WX31 21-2DA00 - Wa (3 + 1 items) - 3WX31 21-2KFO0 - Wie (3 + 1 items) - 3WX31 21-2PFOO M4 - (3 items) - 3WX31 21-2EA00 Mounting brackets Including screws for securing the circuit-breaker Aut, tnt Ll 1 set - 3WX31 81-0JA00 Auxiliary current connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker With PVC-sheathed connecting cable Length 2 m||, Il, Ill ll 1 item - 38WX31 25-1JC10 Length 3m], Il, Ill 1 Il 1 item - 3WX31 25-1JE10 With rubber-sheathed connecting cable Length 2m], Il, lll ll 1 itern - 3WX31 25-1JC30 Length 3 mJ 1, Il, Ill il 1 item - 38WX31 25-1JE30 Locking device To prevent opening of the cabinet door when the circuit-breaker is on | 1, Il, Ill ll 1 item as of 11.88 3WX31 67-2JA01 1083WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Designation For circuit-breaker size Required order Retrofitting For 1 set or 1 item 7 quantity per referred to manu- 3-pole 4-pole circuit-breaker facture date Order number For guide frames 1 set T-connection pieces The T-connection pieces are mounted on the ( - {3 items) - 3WX31 23-1CA00 vertical connection flanges. The busbars on the system = | (4 items) = 3WX31 23-1CD00 side are connected horizontally. Il - (3 items) & 3WX31 23-1DA00 - W (3 + 1 items) - 3WX31 23-1KFO00 - W/2 (3 + 1 iterns} = 3WX31 23-1PFOO > 1 - (3 iterns) - 3WX31 23-1GA00 Position signalling switches for remote signalling of the circuit-breakers position; Actuated by the draw-out mechanism Connected (3N/O+3N/C}; test (2N/O+2N/C}; disconnected position ((N/O+IN/C) | 1, WU 1 Ul 1 set - SWX31 84-1JA01 Connected (iN/O+IN/C); test (IN/O+1N/C}: disconnected position (INO+IN/C) | 1, 1, Hl I, Il 1 set - 3WX31 84-1JA21 Actuated by the draw-out circuit-breaker Connected (3N/O+3NV/C}; test (2N/O+2N/C}; disconnected position (INW/O+IN/C) | 1, HUI I, ll 1 set - 3WX31 84-1JB01 Connected (IN/O+1N/C}; test (1NW/O+1N/C}; disconnected position (IN/O+1N/C) | 1, Ul, IU I, Il 1 set - 3WX31 84-1JB21 Hinged rails for the maintenance position Pa I, It 1 set As from 01.90 SWX31 84-4JA01 Shutters for protection against touching live draw-out contacts I, V1, 2 - 1 item - 3WX31 84-3CA00 = 1 item - 3WX31 84-3CB00 Il - 1 item - 3WX31 84 3-DA00 - WW, W/1, W/2 1 item - 3WX31 84-3DB00 WIAA, IN/2 - 1 item = 3WX31 84-3GA00 - Hl 1 item - 3WX31 84-3GB00 IV - 1 item - 3WX31 84-3RA00 Auxiliary current connection at the side of the circuit-breaker Draw-out connector LU AU, IV I Hl, tl Altem - 3WX31 27-1JA00 Coding device 1,1, Ul, IV 1,0 Ml 1 set As from 11.89 3WX31 62-1JE00 To prevent confusion with identically sized draw-out circuit-breakers in one switchgear installation Locking devices To prevent opening of the cabinet door in the 40, 10 (ll 1 item - 3WX31 67-2JB01 connected and test positions iV im 1 item L 3WX31 67-2RB01 To prevent shifting of the circuit-breaker 1, 1, Hl Ill 1 item = 3WX31 67-3JA00 while the cabinet door is open IV im 1 item S 3WX31 67-3RA00 Hand crank 1, Ul, Hl, IV LU a 1 item - 3WX31 84-0JA00 Door installation kit The door sealing frame 3WX 31 86-0JA01 covers the crank hole with a rubber flap. Guide frame, version 1 (16th digit 1) Cover slide for crank hole 1, Ul, I, IV 1, al 1 set - 3WX31 84-5JA00 Release pushbutton 40, Wu i, Il 1 set - 3WX31 84-6JA01 Cover slide for crank hole and release pushbutton 1, Ul, I Il 1 set i 3WX31 84-6JA00 Guide frame, version 2 (16th digit 2) Cover slide for crank hole VU WM, IV Lu 1 set ce 3WX31 84-5JA00 Sight glass for position indication I Al, I , Il 1 item - 3WX31 94-6JA02 1093WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Replacement and spare parts for fixed-mounted and draw-out circuit-breaker Designation For circuit-breaker Required | For 1 set or. 1 item order Size quantity Order number Weight per circuit- app. breaker kg Auxiliary releases Rated control supply voltage and electric closing locks) AC 50/60 Hz DC Vv Vv Shunt releases f I to IV - 24 1 item 3WX31 51-1JBO0 0.12 for 1st and 2nd 42 - -1JDO00 auxiliary releases 410 48 -1JG00 (F1 and F2) ~ and 120-127 60 -1JHOO closing solenoid (Y1) 220-240 110-125 -1JJ00 380-415 220-250 -1JL00 Others (max. AC 415 V/ DC 250 V)) -1JZ00%) Undervoltage Ito IV = 24 1 item 3WX31 53-1JB00 0.5 releases (F3) 42 - -1JD00 - 48 -1JE00 - 60 -1JFOO 110 - -1JG00 120-127 110 -1JHO00 220-230 - -1JJ00 240 220 -1JKO00 - 250 -1JL00 380-400 - -1JMO00 415 - -1JNO00 440 - -1JP00 480-500 - -1JR00 8 Others (max. AC 500 V/ DC 250 Vj?) -1JZ002) Electrical closing | to IV - 24 1 item 3WX31 52-1JB00 0.5 lock fd 42 - -1JD00 (F4) - 48 -1JE00 - 60 -1JFO0O 110 - -1JGOO0 120-127 110 -1JHOO a 220-240 - -1JJ00 ( 240 220 ~1JKO0 | - 250 -1JL00 Others (max. AC 240 V/ DG 250 V)?) -1JZ007) Bowden wire | to Ill, 3-pole Length 2m 1 Item 3WX31 84-8JA00 0,25 for mechanical | to Ill, 4-pole interlocking 1) Magnet part only, without wiring material. If an 2) Specify the required voltage and current type auxiliary release/electric closing lock is used for explicitely. replacement that has a rated voltage/current type different to the one originally delivered, the order number must be modified on the rating plate on the control panel of the circuit-breaker as detailed in the installation instructions. Please inquire about components for retrofitting or conversion. 1103WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Retrofitting and conversion Spare parts for fixed-mounted and draw-out circuit-breakers 3WN1 Designation For circuit-breaker Required | For 1 set or 1 item order Size Rated Typ Rated current quantity Order number. Weight No, of poles operational per circuit- app. voltage breaker kg Contacts Main contacts = erosion contacts V1, up to 3WN, 031 up to 3WN. 231 up to 1250 A 3 sets: 3WY31 12-2AA00 0.45 3-pole AC 1000 V - 3WN. 071 up to 3WN. 271 Erosion contacts only \/2, up to 3WN, 331 up to 3WN. 431 1250 and 1600 A 3 sets 3WY31 12-1MA00 0.35 3-pole AC 1000 Vs 3WN. 371 up to 3WN. 471 I, up to 3WN. 133 up to 3WN., 433 up to 1600 A 4 sets 3WY31 12-1MA00 0.45 4-pole AC 1000V 3WN. 173 up to 3WN, 473 ll, up to 3WN. 531 and 3WN. 631 2000 and 2500 A 3 sets 3WY31 12-1 MAOO 0.35 3-pole AC 1000 V SWN. 571 and 3WN. 671 IA, up to 38WN., 533 and 3WN. 633 2000 and 2500 A 4 sets 3WY31 12-1 MA00 0.35 4-pole AC 690 V 3WN. 573 and 3WN. 673 1/2, up to 3WN. 733 3200 A 3 sets + SWY31 12-1EA00 0.6 4-pole AC 690 V 3WN, 773 1 set 3WY31 12-1MA00 0.35 I/1, up to 3WN. 731 3200A 3 sets 3WY31 12-1EA00 0.6 3-pole AC 1000 Vo SWN.. 771 W/2, up to 3WN1 831 4000 A 6 sets 3WY31 12-1MA00 0.35 3-pole AC 1000 V 3WN1 871 tl, up to 3WN1 873 and 3WN1 973 4000 and 5000 A sets + 3WY31 12-1MA00 0.35 4-pole AC 690 V 1 sat SWY31 12-1MA00 0.35 lv, up to 3WN1 971 5000 and 6300 A 9 sets 3WY31 12-1MA00 0.35 3-pole AC 690 V Arc chute) land tl, 3WN, 031-1 up to 3WN. 631-1 up to 2500 A 3 items 3WY31 11-ONA00 27 Without arc _ 3-pole 3WN, 071-1 up to SWN. 671-1 Onto oe ooo I, 3WN,133-1 up to 3WN. 433-1 up to 1600 A 4items | 3WY31 11-ONA00 27 4-pole 3WN,173-1 up to 3WN, 473-1 WA, 3WN, 533-1 and 3WN. 633-1 2000 and 2500 A 4 items 3WY31 11-NA00 2,7 4-pole 3WN. 573-1 and 3WN. 673-1 W2, 3WN, 733-1 3200 A 3 items + | 3WY31 11-OPA00 5.0 4-pole 3WN. 773-1 1 item 8WY31 11-ONA00 2.7 Ml, 3WN. 731-1 and 3WN. 831-1 3200 and 4000 A 3 items 3WY31 11-OGA00 5.8 3-pole 3WN. 771-1 and SWN. 871-1 Arc chute | and Il, SWN. 031-1 up to 3WN. 631-1 up to 2500 A 3 items 3WX31 12-1JA00 0.5 extension 3-pole 3WN. 071-1 up to 3WN. 671-1 Up to AC 690 V i, 3WN. 123-1 up to SWN, 433-1 up to 1600 A ditems | 3WX31 42-1gA00 0.5 4-pole 3WN. 173-1 up to 3WN. 473-1 WA, 3WN. 533-1 up to 3WN. 633-1 2000 and 2500 A 4 items 3WX31 12-1JA00 0.5 4-pole 3WN. 573-1 up to 3WN, 673-1 1/2, 3WN. 733-1 3200 A 6 items + | 3WX31 12-1PA00 0.4 4-pole SWN. 773-1 1 item 3WX31 12-1JA00 0.5 Ul, 3WN, 731-1 and 3WN, 831-1 3200 and 4000 A 6 items. 3WX31 12-1JA00 0.5 3-pole 3WN. 771-1 and 3WN. 871-1 Arc chute | and Il, 3WN. 031-1 up to 83WN. 631-1 up to 2500 A 3 items SWY31 11-1NA00 3.2 with arc chute 3-pole 3WN., 071-1 up to 3WN. 671-1 Geto Ac 690V I, 3WN,133-1 up to 3WN. 433-4 up to 1600 A ditems | 3WY31 11-1NAOO 3.2 4-pole 3WN.173-1 up to 3WN, 473-1 Iq, 3WN, 533 and 3WN, 633 2000 and 2500 A 4 items 3WY31 11-1NA00 3.2 4-pole SWN., 573 and 3WN. 673 1/2, SWN. 733 3200 A Sitems + | 3WY31 11-1PA00 5.8 4-pole SWN. 773 1 item 3WY31 11-1NA0O 3.2 Il, 3WN., 731 and 3WN, 831 3200 and 4000 A 3 items 3WY31 11-1GA00 6.8 3-pole 3WN. 771 and 3WN. 871 Ul, 3WN1 873 and 3WN1 973 4000 and 5000 A 3 items + | 3WY31 11-1TAOO 6.8 4-pole 1 item 3WY31 11-1NA0O 3,2 Vv, 3WN1 971 5000 and 6300 A 3 items 3WY31 11-1RA00 10.4 3-pole Arc chute | and Il, 38WN1 031-5 up to 3WN1 631-5 up to 2500 A 3 iterns 38WY31 11-2NA10 3.5 with arc chute 3-pole 38WN1 071-5 up to 83WN1 671-5 Gaeclal version) L 3WN1 133-5 up to 3WN1 433-5 up to 1600 A 4items | 3WY31 11-2NA10 3.5 4- SWN1 173-5 -5 Up to AC 1000 V pole up to 3WN1 473 Il, 3WN1 731-5 3200 A 3 items 3WY31 11-2GA10 7.4 3-pole 3WN1 771-5 and 3WN1 871-5 3200 and 4000 A 1) Please check whether arc chute extensions are required. Sizes IV (3-pole) and III (4-pole) must only be used with arc chute extensions. 1113WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers 112 2nd auxiliary switch block Motor drive (installation location) Arc chutes 1st auxiliary switch block with wiring Gading devi ______> levice => Mechanical reclosing lockout/ Tripped signalling contact (reset by the RESET pushbutton in the control panel) Connector element Draw-out connector Electrical ON pushbutton (draw-out circult- breakers only) Slide rails (draw-out circult- breakers only) Circuit-breaker 3WN1 - Make and break operation counter inside view. The figure shows the circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors available until 9/96. Release plate with closing solenoid 1st auxiliary release (shunt/undervoltage release or electrical closing lockout) and 2nd auxiliary release (shunt release) Overcurrent release 2nd auxiliary switch block 1st auxiliary switch block with wiring Auxiliary supply connector Overvoltage limiter Mechanical reclosing lockout/ Tripped signalling contact {reset by the RESET pushbutton in the control panel) Electrical ON pushbutton i Bi | 3WS1 circuit-breaker inside view. The figure shows the circuit-breaker with the auxiliary supply connectors Make and break operation counter . P available as of 10/96 Release plate with closing solenoid ist auxiliary release (shunt, undervoltage release or electr. closing lockout) and 2nd auxiliary release (shunt release) = rae Overcurrent release Dimension drawings3WN1 Circuit-Breakers for AC Dimension drawings 3WN circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3 and 4-pole Auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker. Available until 9/96. (2) a WS {2) * Size | a | b 3-pole l 300 276 ll 420 396 tl 600 S76 4-pole I 420 396 tl 600 576 Securing with mounting brackets On the vertical plane The same holes for the bottom side of the circuit- breaker apply when securing on the horizontal plane. The minimum clearance of the circuit-breakers rear side from the cabinet back panel (metal) is around 75 mm. N 4) r fea fe==a sno (z3 @ Connection element for auxiliary connections Securing holes for mounting brackets : @ Arc chute extension (optional) * o | Us f Are chute r B11 Bl 2 4 extension r fet al . of 5 t | 2| | ae AC 690 V 32 (optional) o i f | o en z ; AC 1000V_ | 66 {is included) a} | | je oo (only 3WN1) | | t ; 3 1 | (Ty aa lei | + | | + 2 Cabinet door b | i | | Bids.. + F214 Middle line of circuit-breaker ~ hy |: a a a a a . = | ! | 1 fl wea ff Mounting bracket (optional) Tub; L ty | | | ____ _q, __ ze 36-1 4+ | lege d - Thickness of connection rails x" Size | c | d Size x 3-pole 3-pole | 300 360 1 5 I 420 480 2, Ul, WI/4 10 i 600 660 {1/2 20 4-pole 4-pole ! 420 480 iM 10 ' 600 660 e Door cutout for operating panel, see page 129. e See Page 63, Chapter 4.6, Arcing spaces, for details of covering the arcing space. 1133WN1 AC Circuit-Breakers Dimension drawings 3WN1 circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3 and 4-pole Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96. 300 420 600 276 396 576 20 i Q N o go a 420 600 396 576 23 Cc 360 NSK-7300 BOSS Securing with mounting brackets on the vertical plane The same holes for the bottom side of the circuit- | breaker apply when securing on the horizontal plane, The minimum clearance of the circuit-breaker's rear side from the cabinet back panel (metal) is around 75 mm. | 7 907 >) AD | \ 1 TC ze @ Connection element for auxiliary connections Securing holes for mounting brackets | if ; = 2) @ Arc chute extension (optional) ro (~~ peo ie = = ih (4) ty aH al 6 | = = Us f Are chute f | 3] 8 extension 2 | | = El o} = AC 690 Y 32 (optional) | | | | 8 p ac too0v | 66 | Standard i | | HT I+ | oO @ Cabinet door ed | | ' { P @ Middle line of circuit-breaker 7 Ll: | | i ' L @ Mounting bracket (optional) Vit}. be g14 or Tor aliad a 1 LL 260 a ff _ a * 36 Le b =| 36 Thickness of connection rails x" 9 Size c | d Size x 3-pole 3-pole | 300 360 Ww 5 i 420 480 Wa, Ul, M4 10 IN 600 660 Me 20 4-pole 4-pole | 420 480 tl 10 ll 600 660 Door cutout for operating panel, see page 129. See Page 63, Chapter 4.6, Arcing spaces for details of the cover of the arcing space. 114 ~~3WN1 Circuit-Breakers for AC and DC Dimension drawings 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breakers, 3- and 4-pole Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96. 2 a Cs | j-@ C= eS iz \ | ie Size a b b ' } 3-pole i { oO 8 | 300 360 ' I 420 480 i i { itl 600 660 4-pole I | oft 3% 5 14- 5 =a : 20 480 i (| = pares Ll a a} il 600 660 260 7 | 2 b - BPS O @ Are chute extension Us f Arc-chute extension AC 690V 32 optional AC 1000 V 66 fitted as standard up toDC 600 Vj 32 fitted as standard up to DC 1000 V| 66 fitted as standard @ Connection element for auxiliary connections @ Guide frame @ Penetration for signalling and control cables i @ Shutter (optional) ot ) Cabinet door Center line of the circuit-breaker 3-pole Sizes I/1 and !/2 Size Il Sizes IH/1 and III/2 r z @ =90-490~ | T Mi2" | NSt-5229 ll = % NS1-6234 10 ' Lose | Lote | bes 233 30 = eso bor! | sol Thad? =F Le 4-pole Size | Size II/1 for AC only Size Il/2 for AC only /@ 3 wf ou oN La if Lt oN pe 155 apes oie 25 re 155 aT iss ert |49 p= M12" | oo90 oo | evo r H, | = EH 18 30=1 [| = 130)! 60 1 ao Lb FIFA Fa NSL-Sea2 NS1-5233 N5tG234 =a} 283 1931 283 * Thread M12: Depth of engagement 18 ... 24 mm Torque 70 + 2 Nm 1153WN1 AC Circuit-Breakers Dimension drawings | 3WN1 draw-out circuit-breakers, 3- and 4-pole | Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96. | Size IV, 3-pole 519 AA 4; Sizes III/1 and III/2, 4-pole . a a_ Disconnected position b Test position c Connected position @ Arc chute extension (supplied with the circuit-breaker) @ Connection element for auxiliary connections G Cabinte door @ Guide frame Supports over the field width must be fitted and have to be provided by the customer Crank hole @) Center line of the circuit-breaker Mounting of the supporting bracket (see page 11/155) Circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker (auxiliary supply connectors delivered up to 9/96) available upon request. NSK-7288 Size IV, 3-pole Busbar connection The connection pieces are fixed-mounted to the guide frame 7 9 @ 160-4 2 230 -+ f 1 It Lf {1 | tt 1 013.5, ransom it 13,5. rr 8x30] ii 3 ie 8 poadaod 48 a SET Se es fs pe NSH-5025 ' NSK-Siee ! I Connection for 5000 4 Connection for 6300 A T te | a : ! 2 | | 8 _f" LL 2@9 +l. 280 -! Nees Baxsribenhaliand Wl? polig Busbar connection The connection pieces are fixed-mounted to the guide frame ed N Size II/1 Size IIV/2 ___, [ [ -} [ [ ] a f H f f 1 an LI, L2, L3 L1, L2, L3 N : o N 120 t=-160~} 120 7 oxo " -| 8 i Rae x20") = t 1 4 = 13,454 , | i 013, b> +78 2) O13, A , | | : | g 8 NBi-S200 q NS1-5270 NS1-5271 | : | | o a t 170 fs | NEKES2a 230 230 185 - 1163WN1 Circuit-Breakers for DC and AC Dimension drawings 3WN circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3 and 4-pole 3-pole Sizes I/1 and I/2 360 P- i a] z | oh A 60 U, #135 & Size Il . prisoef1304 p 010 oto 3 | e ' 3 2 | y 23 100 = 13,5 Sizes HI/1 = 190 1904 o & o [ | payee Todo | | | |4o00 + o90- eeeg a | LL so Lrzoe| o135 Sizes II/2 ooo 14 a = | 10 1 2 : oS o | 13,5 | Lode LT Sve of J | red mo} a 30 30 30 30 = 460 NS1-5223 Size II/1, for AC only /@ L3 Le | u4 N pee y= 155 | pFoTe LJo-o-tJolo NS1-8224 ao op de - 100 cite Lal Sizes II/2, for AC only @ Ls af ou N 155 = 165-9125 pPode LPodo Lh ogo al [| _ | | $ i 3 3 er s P ool orere! oop ar ( (777 | | 120-1 213,5 wleole a 30 30 The distance between connection point P and the support of the busbars must not exceed 250 mm. @ Middle line of circuit-breaker 4173WN1 Circuit-Breakers for AC Dimension drawings 3WN circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3-pole and 4-pole yQ 1, (4 NS1-S235 Thickness of connection bars x Size x 3-pole 1 5 2, Ml, WAT 10 With extended connection bars (holes for bar ends for the connection of busbars in accordance with DIN 43 673) Arc chute extension (optional) @ Middle line of circuit-breaker Auxiliary supply connectors of circuit-breaker, available until 9/96 @ Auxiliary supply connectors of circuit-breaker, available as of 10/96 The distance between connection point P and 4-pole the support of the busbars must not exceed Il 10 250 mm. - 365 + 3-pole Sizes I/1 and I/2 Size Il Size II/1 r@ r i r oS =] 90 + 90 ~ oe 130 130 3 oy 1 [rere] te] 1 o >-| ogo ogo 590) & o | o]|__ 4 Palo f }- = 4 Patode LU odo 0$04-f oo | a | | o | 2 3 | 2 2 : 5 4 | 8 S | | 3 | P rs) es ! pP ooollose jf OF tt ales. 11 * = 7 [=] 7 ae goo] Logo] loog} man o'o| | 4 cleole nas S sbd-| |) 88 al oh 82 400 gins ~ a 4-pole Size | 13) Size 11/4 Size Il/2 pe r (2) r@) is tatu oN o L3 lef ou N 3 L3 i2f wu N es ol 155 == 185 == 125 N - 155-155 125 a | 1 r | | q iz Tv | 1 Lo] [+> & ogo oo] [odo + oto] [ole [ote | P % 6 $- = Pppoh P0990 F990 fas y o ere eine 5 | si | | | 8 j 8 8 2 " It 2 | | || 3 P 9 | Bae ! Poo LJ ooo Looe ! Oo oLis of] ote ott tt o |] | | ry ape god aco ego o |e o eo ote 2 res \ &i a i | L ) a LL al ! sol i | L. Rd So o = 50 ol .| 60 L @13.5 a 50 + 100 213.5 160 8 ~!60 ~ L420 60 Si Rear, horizontal connections Sizes I, Il and III/1 (size III/1 3-pole only) YD Bottom connection horizontal = @ = 40 10 20 a 1 Top connection horizontal rie 248 148-+ 10 Or WS1-5133 Top and bottom connection horizontal 1180 3WN1 Circuit-Breakers for AC and DC Dimension drawings 3WN circuit-breakers, draw-out version, 3 and 4-pole Auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96 =|44-- Discon- 5. | =26e nected, test, connected ition @ Arc chute extension Ue f Are chute extension AC 690V 32 optional AC 1000 V 66 toDC 600V)| 32 to DC 1000 V| 66 fitted as standard fitted as standard fitted as standard @ Connection element for auxiliary connections @ Guide frame @ Bushing for signalling and control lines Shutter (optional) Cabinet door @ Middle line of circuit-breaker Size [a [b 3-pole | 300 360 Il 420 480 Ml 600 660 4-pole ! 420 480 ll 600 660 3-pole Sizes I/1 and I/2 Size Il > 130 130- rf 283 ge ms Sizes III/1 and Ill/2 eee) Cae ee 730 pO L320 a0 ~! |30 . = INSt-s2a: 183=| 283 INS1-5232 a | 283 pain 183 * M12 thread: screw-in depth 18 to 24 mm Torque 70 + 2Nm Size II/1, for AC only N51-5233. 283 = E- 183 Size II/2, for AC only L3 La pe 155 ee 155 ee 125 /@ uy N 1193WN1 Circuit-Breakers for AC Dimension drawings 3WN circuit-breakers, draw-out type, 3-pole and 4-pole Circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker. Available until 9/96 Size IV, 3-pole 44 Discon- =| 66 | nected, | 26) ;= test, / : il The. aie ] 3 a 6x30- -| | ys 4 it ee ES | \ Lf oe~feobedt 8 Ne oe boos] 8 a] T oo --t- at T id } : wo | I Conneetion for 5000 A Connectiomdor 6300 / ' aS = | Cc 1 )- | g i | | 4 | | wee. 208 780 __ = 280 __~ Sizes III/1 and III/2, 4-pole Busbar connection {the connection pieces are mounted permanently on the guide frame) . Size III/1 Size II1/2 @ ; f I 1 rt a 2 a Li, La, L3 LH, L2, 13 N N 160~ 120 2 4x30] 2x30") . { I f ) c +. 7 4 13,5 213,57; tht B13,5 | t 8 = NS1-5270 NS1-5271 | C } [ Cc ' | 1 J_ | 8 | 4 wtih | =| 70 + 230 +!- 230 -l-185- =| 1203SWN1 Circuit-Breakers for AC and DC Dimension drawings 3WN circuit-breakers draw-out version, 3 and 4-pole With extended connection bars for front connection (holes for bar ends for the connection of busbars in accordance with DIN 43 673) with auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker. Available until 9/96 Sizes I, II/1, II/2 and III/1 Sizes IIl/2, (3-pole) a Il/2 (4-pole) Thickness of connection bars "x" 1) i An Size a on : i 3-pole = = | i/1, fr < 1000 A 10 ! ! V/2, In < 1600 A 20 U in Il, in < 1600 A 10 8 S$ Il, fn < 2500 A 20 i WW 1 II, In < 2500 A 20 2 4-pol c f e @ he pole tc 1 cp I, fn < 1000 A 10 eo > Lp Saar PP Da TOTTI TTT T OTTO TTTT OTE | x |, 6 < 1600 A 20 = =| z Ii/1, in < 2500 A 20 | "| ~ = for AC only 40-1 bb. 475 8 4o-=! dl ___ -a7s 2 x 10 20 @ Arc chute extension (optional) with auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker. @ Middle line of circuit-breaker Start of delivery 10/96 . . The distance between connection point P and Sizes I, II/1, /2 and III/1 Sizes III/2, (3-pole) and II/2 (4-pole) the support of the busbars must not exceed @ 210 mm. g r| mo e Support for the extended connection bars is 5 included in the scope of delivery. w wo = i % Live part, 1_ PH Pay attention to clearance! 8 $ 1 | 2 4e 8 58 te a 1c hb ret Zs Ss PPTTI TPT 7 |. Hh ins ; {ih Le ; 404 40 1 - 47s -_ 10 20 3-pole Size Il Sizes III/1 and III/2 2) S 210 210 | 4 ago B Ptodo T my Paro oo aoe ooo 19 ! lie oo ooo oqo} > so~=! 100 | @13.5 It ist} Size II/1, for AC only Size II/2, for AC only sy 2 Ls vw fou N 3 en N o 155 sy 155 1 } a [om 155 ep 155 125 t o/s oro oT s ARE j LJ _ + in 5 | fe | = 5 | | . & e : +} ts | 7 g t ; = Z \ Pete [Po flo lo} aaa a P PETid flo af]}o,of]o ele \Le = EE; o all: All stel [et F | i = 5b ] i eleals 13,5 & =60 eizd 3 wleols & 4213WN1 Circuit-Breakers for AC and DC Dimension drawings 3SWN circuit-breakers, draw-out version, 3 and 4-pole Connection with T-connection pieces a d to eli .. ; il : eh Le-max.260--| The support d must be used for both horizontal and vertical arrangement of the connection bars, see page 155 Main connections (3-pole) Sizes I/1 and I/2 Either horizontal or vertical arrangement NS1-5268 Size II 40 13.5 ate to ree] [i = CI] i. 130-=-130 ___j sst-2666a Only horizontal arrangement 100 ~tit te e+ tT =| 80 = Size II/1 as. OBS =n ir, Lo Qaihoce ae it Only horizontal arrangement T-connection pieces must not be used for size |II/2 Connection bars piece from the system | Connection flange in the guide frame NS1-5250 Main connections (4-pole) Size I 1901+ 90-1 90-4 eee NS1-2738a Either horizontal or vertical arrangement =|" = EH OE Size II/1, for AC only L3 L2 uu N L 40 213.5 NS1-8080 i aa + = * ~ ry L H 155 155 25 > re 60-8 i 100 -P o o cw Or i 36 optional NStsoat Ea 22 | = ~155- Liss 1304 60;+ 8 , 7130 7 9 2 bee ORF 36 optional 1223WS1 Circuit-Breakers for AC Dimension drawings 3WS vacuum circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3-pole Vacuum circuit-breakers with auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker. Available until 9/96 Size | 451 oy e ps _o. g 5 90-+ 90 L. --H- =f TI Ell ms 3; @ : tal id 3 | | I ~ - 1 = j LLL eg aw I 2 So 35 oo Ss ) y e | 4] oo | b | H H " | o iat 2 14 eo ce 8 P- | S i fir tor? er "4 b Leg | iL. 300 | Laws" SA2-505 43.5 max.60 36 276 36 | cL er 20 356 Ai Connection Connection - 380 66 Connection Connection for 4 =1600A for /,=1000A for n= 1000A for fn =1600A Size Il p=80" ~~ 151 | i prs0--p 130] P | o eo] fo o _ - = el o 0] fo -o & o o o o o 7+ a (3) o oo o o o 6 [I 35 ; r | | = a0 g = a oO P S % 00 , = 100 ue = = ao o of}o offo off a4 [--o14 pH $ ol lo 9] }o-off 2 rs \ ah i | i 2 el ae TEX, | iOelle- jc be 913.5 ie 420 - - t 50 4 Lg 36} 39g _+l35 i @ Connection element for auxiliary connections The distance between connection point P and c Pay attention to the @ Manually-actuated connector (optional) the support of the busbars must not exceed insulation distance. @ Cabinet door 250 mm. Door cutout for 3WS and 3WN; page 129 1233WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers Dimension drawings 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 3-pole Size | lz b he g oo o oo 4 e14 p+ o@ 14 2", Connection Connection for n= 1250 A, for fn = 1000 A 1600 A Size Il NSK-723770 = o14 420 ao Lo 396 @ Connection element for auxiliary connections @ Cabinet door @ Mounting bracket Door cutout for 3WS and 3WN; page 129. Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96 re 55 = 152-4 peeee 40;~ 1 S aa 115 i ro i Yj 40 +392 -200 *~ 1 Sa a [8 ah &S l on o 89 =| 55 j= 1524 -151=| ~20 The distance between connection point P and the busbar support may not exceed 250 mm, ! 20 p | i oy | | | | 2 a3 So @ p {| MOST 213.5 mated & Connection Connection for fs = 1000 A for In = 1250 A, 1600 A a Po 9 a9 Oo Of- c Pay attention to the insulation distance, 124a 3WS1 Circuit-Breakers for AC Dimension drawings 3WS vacuum circuit-breakers draw-out version, 3-pole Sizes | and Il Sizes | and Il Thickness of connection bars *x xt (73 44-5 a Size x 265 pb es 10 c I, dn < 1000 A 10 1, fn < 1600 A 20 ll, in < 1600 A 10 I, in < 2500 A 20 a disconnected position b test position c connected position e support between the connection 590 __-"+} oO 3 bars and against to the control cabinet. = = 4 * Size d f | 300 90 < \ op Ne It 420 130 ct Ly _\ Los ase t dO 350 40 476 O Connection with T-connection pieces Size | Size Il 789 j71100 oO ort tr Pr r D135 @ *feohr3 iw 40 F b 1 Either horizontal Only or vertical horizontal arrangement Connection directly to connection flanges Size | Size Il 60~ M12 100% pthread depth L 2 |e] max. 24mm 3 Tsaz-s080n v L1,L2,L3 L1,L2,L3 9 0 Connection of busbars in accordance with DIN 43 673 : Size | Size Il 480 p> 130 -4- 130 e aE | es g cl ad a8 100 i 9135 4} o +f 4 at hm S Ro w ee ie tb +o; lof sol o o 813,56 @ 40 t 8 i max. 1253WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Dimension drawings 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breakers, draw-out version, 3-pole Sizes | and Il 6 4 2 5 z La, oOo o oo Ls f ft ei | | o 9 [| Sets Thickness of connection bars x Size x |, in = 1000 A 10 |, in < 1600A 20 Il, tn < 1600 A 10 Il, fn < 2500 A 20 Size | Size Il 18 mz ar004 5059a S Thread deptha g 8 [of max. 24 mm elas SA2-5060a 40) L1,L2, L3 L1, L2, L3 Busbars in acc. with DIN 43 673 Size | 577 SALSA Connection directly to connection flanges xa es 590 340 545 J 414 ie 4 Ae 145, | 7-89 MB a Wy UE se | Laglt | ee 259 I) . 476 A Disconnected position B Test position C Connected position Oo Support between the connection bars and against to the control cabinet. Genter line of the circuit-breaker 44 poA 26-1 -B _ 104=C / Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker. Start of delivery 10/96 Size a b qd f I 420 480 300 90 ul 600 660 420 130 Vacuum circuit-breaker with auxiliary supply connectors at the side (former auxiliary supply connectors) upon request Connection wirh preassembled connection bars Size Il 480 [> 130 + 130 + 13,5 180 ' p-- 787 Connection with T-connection pieces The support e must be used for both horizontal and vertical position of the connection bars. @ Connection bars of the system @ T-pieces @ Connection flange in the guide frame Size | ger. 2 8 FH alt ls 2 35> es o Ow Horizontal or vertical position as option 042 Size Il ci LS te] 10 SA2-5041 2 13,5 - o 20~| 52 Horizontal position only 12638WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Dimension drawings 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breakers for fixed mounting, 4-pole, Size | Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker (see also 3-pole circuit-breakers). Start of delivery 10/96 5) N Lt 2 Lb a i _ 5 JH a 0 =I Eee Is @ 4 - i oo z o oo 2 4 s14|. j#14 sh. oT rar +-_ 420 =! 36-4 Le - 996 J has Connection Connection for In = 1250 A, for fn = 1000A 1600 A Connection element for auxiliary connections 3) Manually operated connecors (optional) @) Cabinet door @ Mounting bracket 89+) 55 = 152- = 151 ra a @ | dl Or aT] , o . a | 7 Me eed / s. Pik a [ers | 10: + 70}= +200-!50 ed - arr ie __ @) Standard connection bars, standard for 630 to 1000 A @ Extended connection bars, standard for 1250 to 1600 A 475 392 B Hetitel | otto - \, Eo. he ee } . max: [LW ten ) 9135 otc Connection Connection for In = 1000 A for In = 1250 A, 1600 A The distance between the connection point P and the busbar support must not exceed 250 mm c Pay attention to the insulation distance 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breakers draw-out version, 4-pole, Size | Auxiliary supply connectors at the top of the circuit-breaker (see also 3-pole circuit-breakers). Start of delivery 10/96 0 NSK-E48S gQ w a e a 52 The support e must be Horizontal used for both horizontal or vertical and vertical position of the position connection bars. as option @ @ @ Connection bars of the system @ T-pieces @ Connection flange in the guide frame xem pst 465 A 26-4 -B 104--C NSK- a3 | 590 Connection with preassembled connection bars Busbars in acc. with DIN 43 673 ol @13,5 -___ 480 90 SA2-5042 150, 617 |, ______737 17 40 max. 150 wal SACSIIG a ary rT] a) le | iL) Ll a7] + + qj + 4} }0 4 q,| ob es ram Connection directly to connection flanges Thickness of connection bars x Size x n= 1000 A 10 nS 1600 A 20 A Disconnected position B Test position C Connected position e Support between the connection bars and against the cabinet. Size 420 480 1273WS1 Circuit-Breakers for AC Dimension drawings 3WS vacuum circuit-breakers for fixed-mounting, 4-pole, size | SAZ-53tIa N LI L2 3 7 - 434 | fo] [o o| fo} [fe] fe Hf oo oo + B14a. (_. a6 L 96 36 Connection : Connection forf,=1600A ; for/,=1000A @ Connection element for auxiliary connections @ Manually-actuated connectors (optional) @ Cabinet door @ Additional securing holes dia. 11 for use in ships installations With standard connection bars With extended connection bars o- -+40-_ Auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96 151-4 j=-20 jo sL@ 3 A | 4 uc 1 2 | a | h & | oO #1 Ky i Wd - | 1 Ps | Tot itd Fi 1 w14t 10-4) a = 70 200+ 50 12 20 356 380 6a The distance between connection point P and the support of the busbars must not exceed 250 mm, L [ 472 515 475 392 LI a Ulett isiclite FIFA \ rer & 135 lel SAP-S3 14a c Pay attention to the insulation distance, 44) fa 265 -b $A2-50ab0 10q-- / \ #3 + + = \ ws MB - LAW Wve 25-1 t bolt Either horizontal or vertical arrangement i 60 3 F gao-5362 LT, 12,L3 Connection directly to connection flanges 3WS vacuum circuit-breakers draw-out version, 4-pole, size | Auxiliary supply connectors at the side of the circuit-breaker, available until 9/96 x7 ol 3 te UU N SAnSoide li | i AN Ea Connection of busbars in accordance with DIN 43 673 480 304 | e | 13.5 max. 150 737 max 150 Thickness of connection bars "x Size x fn $1000 A 10 fn < 1600 A 20 a disconnected position b test position c connected position e support between the connection bars and against to the control cabinet. 128ST 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Dimension drawings 3WN/8WS circuit-breakers, 3 and 4-pole Door cutout for door sealing frame 3WX31 86-0JA01 Door cutout for edge protection For sizes | to Ill (size III 3-pole only) For sizes | to II! (size Ill 3-pole only) ~150-=p=- 150 283 Draw-out version Draw-out version 51-5253 || 4 = 4 120-404 Ty | | 8 RB...10 | 8 i 2 | | 2 ; 855 Ky i 2 b 2 ayy Tf PIX 8 Ba oe | | 623-1 70 230 6231 70 e230 2] : E = i! 40 120 l Locking device Locking device t | I = - 5,5 | Draw-out version Draw-out version 2 ' * 8 j NS15254 8 Locking device Locking device . Fixed mounted version Fixed mounted version p For sizes IV (3-pole) and Ill (4-pole) Securing plane a b pe 150 ps 150-4 Fixed mounted version 165 20 = 7 #83 = wsreannea Draw-out version 46.5 50 as 1 be = 120- gi 4 = 2 Size c d O55 1 B ro fe + Fixed mounted version, 3-pole 2 ~)40=-120 + paren lara | | 91 265 . 53 Dt Fe i 146-265 _, es | 7 i 231 265 red " " a Fixed mounted version, 4-pole I 146 265 3) I 231 265 9 Draw-out version I to III (size Ill 3-pole only) 49 274 @ Insertion opening for crank for spindle drive @ Holes for locking device @ Holes and opening for position indication 1293WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Dimension drawings Accessories -1182> ye } | g8 eoo0000000000000 00000 | NSE -258ia wm 4 ol ASI-2987a 130 200 Signalling device 3WX31 41-.JA00, for AC circuit-breakers only Optionally secured on top-hat rail or with feet (included) @ Operation indication Securing feet @ Fuse Top-hat rail in acc. with AC/DC 24 V selector switch DIN EN 50022-35 @ AC 110 to 127 V/220 to 240 V selector switch @ In the case of delay device 3WX31 56-3J.10 only = 118.2 Jp O000000000,) Ol +| C121 A 73,2 breakers Delay device 3WX31 56-3J..0, for DC and AC circuit- for delayed undervoltage releases Storage device 3WX31 56-1J.01, for DC and AC circuit-breakers for shunt releases , freooeccoc00th (ay | __ 121 J, i__- st i - 100 + of 121+ 20 be N-conductor current transformers, for AC circuit-breakers anly N-conductor Current transformers | Size Dimensions For earth fault protection current transformers primary rated current For 3-pole circuit-breakers only SWXS1 43-1..00 h A B With overcurrent release versions 6 and 8 approx. For details of installation, see operating instructions CA 315 ! 95 60 3WN1, N-conductor current transformers 3WX31 43-1,.00 CB 400 | 95 60 Order No. SW 9572 cc 500 | 95 60 cD 630 | 95 60 For sizes I, I, Il} CE 300 \ 95 60 CF 1000 ! 95 60 k | Ll K . ) K CG 1250 ! 95 60 0 CH 1600 | 95 60 | 8 2 DG 1250 Ml 135 100 t T a DH 1600 I 135 100 J DJ 2000 ll 135 100 | 2 I - z DK 2500 ll 135 100 be He so os T EH 1600 IN 195 160 ae EJ 2000 Il 195 160 EK 2500 Il 195 160 A a ; 7 EM 3150 Ml 195 160 sca EP 4000 Ul 195 160 i Me RP 4000 iv - as RQ 5000 IV _ - RS 6300 IV 146 - For size IV NS1-5251 A =| L ir) K 1 9 tr : | = 30 +20 100 = | ; 9 399, -+ : Li gg +! -_ 231 = 132 _ - 273 i - 262 @ Additional transformer, only in the case of N-conductor current transformers for In = 6300 A 1303WN1/38WS1 Circuit-Breakers 10. Troubleshooting Procedure for tracing the cause of a fault and remedial measures 10 Fixed-mounted Draw-out . circuit-breaker | circuit-breaker Malfunction Cause Remedy X X The stored-energy mechanism cannot be | 1. Already tensioned Observe the stored-energy indication tensioned manually (idle strokes) x xX 2. Idle strokes of the hand lever Depress the hand lever completely owing to an extreme position until the angle between the control of the motor's eccentric panel and hand lever is > 90 4 xX 3. After activation, stored-energy Actuate the hand lever with > 200 Nm mechanism of sizes II and III are already partly tensioned, thus necessitating a high actuation- force on the hand lever X xX The stored-energy mechanism cannot 1. Already tensioned Observe the stored-energy indication be,tensioned electrically X Xx 2. No control voltage Check the voltage X xX 3. Incorrectly wired Check wiring layout Xx Xx The stored-energy mechanism can be 1. Undervoltage release Apply voltage to undervoltage mechanically actuated, but the not energised release circuit-breaker is not activated xX xX (idle switching of the stored-energy 2. Reclosing lock in the Remedy the cause of mechanism) locked position overcurrent release and press the Reset knob xX x 3. Electrical closing Cancel the lock lock active Xx xX 4, OFF pushbutton Release the pushbutton continuously pressed Xx x 5. Mechanical interlocking Set the other interlocking switches to the activated or Bowden wire OFF setting or, if the Bowden wire is defective. defective, renew the Bowden wire. xX Circuit-breaker cannot be pushed 1. Spindle of the guide frame not in Move spindle of the guide frame to into the disconnected position end position for disconnection position for disconnection x 2. Securing screws of the Ensure the correct screw guide frame length protrude out of the guide rails 3. Left and right side rails Install correctly inadvertently swapped xX 4. Installation error on draw-out Check connector, bushing or guide wedges (when retrofitting) xX 5. Circuit-breaker and guide Check coding or frame coding does affiliations of circuit-breaker/ not match guide frame xX 6. Shutter Remove padlocks locked Xx Circuit-breaker cannot 1. Position lock not Press the pushbutton be moved in the guide frame released Xx 2, Release knob cannot Insert the crank and move be pressed it lightly to and fro Xx 3. Circuit-breaker Remove the padlock position locked 4, Wrong cranking Change the cranking direction. Only to the direction left in the operating position and only to the right in the disconnected position xX 5. Movement locked while system Close the system door door is open (accessory) xX Circuit-breaker cannot be 1. The circuit-breaker is in an Move the circuit-breaker to the latched mechanically and electrically closed intermediate position in the position (version 1). In the case of guide frame version 2 of the guide frame, move the circuit-breaker until the position indication shows clearly. In the case of version 2, the operating position is the end stop. Xx 2. Lock preventing activation when Close the control cabinet door the control cabinet door is open is active (accessory) 3. Circuit-breaker has been pushed beyond the operating position; x guide frame version 1 only. (operating error) 1313WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers 11. Form for setting the overcurrent release The settings of the overcurrent release can be noted for the plant documentation. The form is to be filled in, or the appropriate spaces are to be marked with a cross F Breaker No.: Adjustment of the overcurrent release Breaker: 3W.1...-._][_].-....; trip unit type (10. digit of order No):[ | (B..W) c.t. rating current: A=In COW a) P = 4000 A, Q = 5000 A, S = 6300 A 9th digit of order No.: A = 315 A, B = 400 A, C = 500 A, D = 630A, E = 800 A, F = 1000 A, G = 1250 A, H = 1600 A, J = 2000 A, K = 2500 A, M = 3200 A, Overload protection - Inverse time overload release a Tripping class of the overload tripping curve Tc = tripping time at 6 x Ir Adjust. currentIr=[ OT AA, srl S=sdS:CsC I (factor: 0.4 to 0.99 ...1) 9 & ft Ir fixed at adjustable 10s 2 | 35 6 jo | 17 30 |s Tc Thermal memory after tripping operations, switchable on trip unit type: R, U, V, W. Position: | ON OFF Phase failure sensivity, [. permanently active on trip unit: U switchable on trip type: V, W. Position: | ON OFF Short-circuit protection Short time-delayed short-circuit release z j Short delay pick up current Id td (2]3]4f]s5 {e647 {sa | tof] 2 |x| lA Time delay td |. ld | 10 | 30 | 50 | 80 | 150] 220 | 300 | 400 | 500 |ms / l?t-dependent time delay (l?td = constant), Q switchable on trip unit type: V, W Position: ON OFF Short time grading control ZSS, switchable on trip unit type: R, V, W Position: (output signal permanently available on trip unit type: U) ON OFF Instantaneous short-circuit release n | Operating current li 1 1 i ; 2] 3 [| 4 ]5]6] 7 L 16 | dA, or | | 8 [ to | 12 | CO | = switched off 1323WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Breaker No.: Adjustment of the earth-fault release L | Breaker: 3W.1...-.L_I[_]..-.... ; trip unit type (10th digit of order No.): [__|(S, TV, W) c.t. rating current: | }A=In GW - - ) 9th digit of order No.: A = 315 A, B = 400 A, C = 500 A, D = 630 A, E = 800A, F = 1000 A, G = 1250 A, H = 1600 A, J = 2000 A, K = 2500 A, M = 3200 A, P = 4000 A, Q = 5000 A, S = 6300 A Earth-fault protection Earth-fault release g Operating current Ig 0.2 | 03 | 04 | 06 | 0.6 0.7 XIN= [| A, or = switched off Important! For current transformer rating currents In = 315 A, 400 A: minimum permitted current setting Ig: 160 A Time delay tg 100 250 l2t-dependent time delay (I?tg = constant), switchable on trip unit type: V, W. Position: | ON OFF Short time grading control ZSS, switchable trip unit type: V, W. Position: | ON OFF 11 13312 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers 12. Instruction manuals and planning aids The instruction manuals dealing with accessories and items of 3WN circuit-breakers also apply to the 3WS1 vacuum circuit-breaker. List of instruction manuals Designation Languages | Order number Designation Languages | Order number (info pool) (info pool) Order fram LZF Order from LZF (Fdirth) (Furth) Circuit-breakers 3WN Make and break operation counter De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-ODNO Gircuit-breakers 8WN10 to De-En 3Z2X1812-OWN15-0ANT SWX31 64-0 38WN18 and 3WN50 to 3WN57 Fr-Es 3ZX1812-OWN15-0ARO Released signalling or De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-2ENO De-Rus 3ZX1812-OWN15-0AQ0 mechanical reclosing Draw-out circuit-breakers De-En 3ZX1812-OWN19-0AN1 lock KO2/MO2W02 3WX3146-2J 3WN19 71, 3WN18 73, Released signalling or De-En 32ZX1812-OWX31-9BNO 38WN19 73 mechanical reclosing Circuit-breakers 3WS1 De-En 3ZX1812-OWS16-OANO lock KO5/MOSAWOS SWX3146-5J Fr-Es 3ZX1812-0WS16-0ARO Released signalling M01 ($24} De-En 32ZX1812-OWX31-9CNO It-Sv 32ZX1812-OWS16-0ATO 38WX3146-1JE00 Guide frames for 3WN and 3WS1._. Fixed-mounted accessories Guide frames 3WX31 83-8, Mounting brackets for fixed-mounted De-En- 3ZX1812-OWX31-1AU0 3WX61 18-8 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-2AN1 circuit-breakers 3WN1/3WN5 Fr-Es Guide frame for 3WN De-Rus 3ZX1812-OWX31-1AQO0 SWX3181-OJA00 Door sealing frame De-En- 3ZX1812-OWX31-OBU0 Overcurrent releases 3WX31 86-0)A04 FreEs Overcurrent releases 83WX3141-1 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-OAN2 Locking device for fixed-mounted to SWXS1 41-6 SZAIB12-0WX31-0ARD circuit-breaker 3WX31 67-2JAQ1 De-En 32X1812-0WX31-1DNO Sarena release Begs | S2X1612-0WX51-0AG0 Interlock for SWN SWX3172-2JB01 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-7ONO 7 ~ = Installation kit for door installation Teper for overcurrent release De-En 3ZX1812-OWX36-1BN1 3WX31 84-6JA00 De-En 37X1812-OWX31-1ENO - - 3WX31 84-6JA01 De-En 32X1812-OWX31-2DNO Signalling device for overcurrent De-En- 3ZX1812-O0WX31-4AU0 3WX31 84-6JA02 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-7DNO eee Ks tO at aps Fr-Es Connection busbars for fixed-mounted | De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-2CNO0 7 5 = WORD circuit-breakers 3WX3121 aie ucter current transformer Penta 3ZX1812-OWX31-7/AU! Draw-out accessories Sum current transformer 3WxX3143-4__| De-En 32X1812-0WX31-0CNO Sliding rails SWX31 72 er 32X1812-OWX31-6AU0 Transformer replacement 3WX3142-2 De-En 3Z2X1812-0WX31-5ANO0 Interlocking for De-En 327X181 2-0WX31-6DNO Handling drawer Labels for 3WN 32ZX1812-OWN15-0ABO Locking device for De-En- 3ZX1812-OWX31-3AU0 Unpacking and transporting De-En- 3ZX1812-OWN15-0AU0 guide frame 3WX31 67-2JB01 Fr-Es Fr-Es Door position-dependent De-En- 3ZX1812-0WX31-1BU0 Unpacking instructi 37X1812-OWN15-1Al movement lock for drawer Fr-Es p ing instructions 5-1AB0 3WX31 67-3,1400 cn Draw-out accessories cable harness SWX3146-7 pee S2RTST2-OWKSTTONO Position signalling switch operated by | De-En 3ZX1812-0WX31-OANO nalling swi a - - Control for motor drives 3WX3132-1 De-En 32X1812-OWX31-3CNO draw-out rechatiom SWXa1 Bt Attachment parts for motor 3WX3132-2 | De-En 32X1812-OWX31-4CNO Position signalling switch operated by De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-8BNO Motor without attachment parts 3WX3132-3 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-5CNO draw-out switch 3WX3184-1J De-En 3ZX1812-O0WX31-9AN1 Motor without attachment parts, BG | 3WX3132-4] De-En 32%1812-0WX31-3DN0 Coding 3WX31 62-1JE00 De-En- 3ZX1812-OWX31-8AU0 Electrical accessories Ente Voltage release / stored-energy De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-6ANO sitet 84-3 Den 3ZX1812-0WX81-0BNO retrieval magnet 3WX31 51-1 a i SeEa 37X15 Sc CEALD = 7 = lounting of T-connection pieces ie - 1+ 0 Energy Stofage unit for voltage De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-4ANO on guide frames 3WX3123-1 Hinged rails for De-En- 32ZX1812-OWX31-9AU0 poe yotage release De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-GANO guide frames 3WX3184-4JA01 Fr-Es Delay unit De-En 37X1812-0WX31-1BNO Conversion of connection bars 32X1812-OWX31-8CNO for delayed undervoltage Expendable parts of the 3WN release rc 3WX31 56-3 Replacement of contacts Electrical closing lock fd De 3ZX1812-OWX31-0ABO 3WN10 to 3WN12 De-En- 3ZX1812-OWY31-2AU0 3WX31 52-1 Fr-Es {st auxiliary switch block 2Wxa116-1___| De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-4BNO WAS NTS ang SWNT8 pee |S2X1812 OWY31-SAU0 2nd auxiliary switch block 3WX3116-1 3WN17 De-En- 32X1812-0WY31-4AU0 Ready to-close signalling De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-7BNO Fr-Es SWX31 36-1J.00 Arc chute extension General locks 38WX31 12-1JA00 and De-En- 32X1812-OWX31-2AU0 OFF key switch 3WY31 12-1PA00 Fr-Es 3WX31 63-1J.00 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-3ANO Replacing arc chutes De-En- 3ZX1812-OWY31-OAUO 3WX31 63-1J.01 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-4DNO Sizes | and Il Fr-Es Conversion kit for OFF De-En 32X1812-OWX31-GBNO SWY31 11-ONA0O key switch 3WX3163-5YD00 Replacing arc chutes De-En 3ZX1812-OWY31-OANO ON key switch Replacing arc chutes De-En- 3ZX1812-OWY31-1AU0 38WX31 63-2J.00 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-2BNO Size Ill, 3WY31 11-0GA00 Fr-Es 3WX31 63-2J.01 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-5DNO Tension stored-energy mechanism 3ZX1812-OWX31-3BNO key switch 3WX3163-3J De-En Accessories for CASTELL lock and De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-6CNO FORTRESS lock 3WX3163-6JE00 Locking device 3WX32 64-1JGOO De-En 32ZX1812-0WX31-8ANO 3WX31 63-1JGO0 De-En 3ZX1812-OWX31-7ANO 134(0 (@ 3WN1/3WS1 Circuit-breakers Instruction manuals and planing aids Planning Aids @ Handbook Switching, Protection and Distribution in Low-Voltage Networks Order No. ISBN 3-89578-000-6 @ Electrical Installations Handbook Part 1 and 2: Power-Supply and Distribution Systems Order No. ISBN 3-8009-4138-0 KUBS plus . Short-circuit and back-up protection, calculation of cables and bus-bars Program for the selection of circuit-breakers Order No, E86010-D1801-A107-A3 @ AUSTER Product database on PC for the selection of low-voltage switching devices and systems @ 3WNG Show/Info Order No. E20001 -P285-Y258-X-7400 135 123WN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Subject Index 3WN1 circuit-breaker, overview 4 3WS1 circuit-breaker, overview 4 Alarm 17 Arc voltage 89 Arcing fault 52 Arcing space 63, 92 Arcing spaces 90 Assignment of the auxiliary supply connectors 47, 48 Auxiliary and main connectors 58 Auxiliary battery supply 33 Auxiliary conductor connections 44 Auxiliary conductors 60 Auxiliary release 12 Auxiliary supply connectors 35, 36, 43, 44, 45, 46, 93 Auxiliary supply connectors $1 8, 9 Base mounting 57 CASTELL lock 14 Circuit diagrams 75 Circuit-breaker position indicator 40 Circuit-breaker positions 36 Closing 11 Closure interlock 11 Closure lockout 114 Coding pins 44 Coding pins, insert 60 Coding system 39 Conductors, connection 60, 61 Conductors, strapping 60, 61 Connected position 36 Connection flanges 59 Connection of the auxiliary conductors 60 Connectors 44 Connectors, 14-pole 45 Construction 8 Contact blade strip 60 Contact resistance 5 Control cables 46 Control panel 8, 63 Conversion 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 Cover of the arcing space 62 Current grading 51 Current transformer 16 136 DC circuit-breaker 89 Delay device 13 Delay times 25, 26 Dimension drawings 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 Direct connection 59 Disconnected position 36 Display panel 18 Door sealing frame 35, 63 Draw-out socket, snap-on 61 Draw-out type connectors 58 Draw-out version 35 Earth-fault protection 23 Earth-fault protection with l2-dependent delay 23 Earth-fault release 17 Earthing drawer 49 Earthing switch 49 Electrical closing lockout 12, 55 Electrical interlocking 55 Electrical ON pushbutton 11 Engagement spindle 36 Evaluation electronics 16 Extended connection bars 42 Fault warning signals 32, 33 Fixed-mounted circuit-breaker 8 Fixed-mounted version 35 FORTRESS lock 14 Full circuit diagrams 78, 74 Function overview 17 Function testing instruments 31 Geared motor 10 Generator circuit-breaker 31 Grading times 22 Guide frame 35 Heat dissipation 62 Heat dissipation 63 Hinged rail 36 Horizontal rear connection 42 ea l2-dependent delay 21, 31 I2t = constant 21 Identity number 98 Index 136 Inductive influences 5 Inside view 112 Installation 5 Installation of two circuit-breakers 64 Interlock 39, 40 KUBS 5, 50, 51 Latching relay 33 Lockout activation 14 Lockout range of action 14 Magnetic system 16 Main connectors 41 Mains power supply 33 Maintenance position 36, 37 Malfunction 131 Manual connector 61 Manual connector, snap-on 60 Marking 61 Measuring cables 46 Meshed network circuit-breakers 4 Meshed network release 56 Microprocessor faults 23 Minimum short-circuit current 6 CO) Motor and generator circuit-breaker 31 Motor feeders 31 Moulded-case circuit-breakers 50 Multiple plug 58 Mutual mechanical interlocking 15, 37 No-load switching 11 Non-automatic circuit-breakers 32SWN1/3WS1 Circuit-Breakers Subject Index ON pushbutton 11 Opening 12 Operating conditions 5 Operating current li 30 Operating cycle counter 12 Operating instructions 134 Operating mechanisms 10 Order number plate 98 Overcurrent release system 8, 16 Overload memory 20 . Overload protection 20, 31 Overload release 17 wOverrideable 39 PC selection guide 5 Planning 53 Planning aids 134, 135 Position mechanism 37 Position signalling switch 37 Programmable controllers 34 Pumping 10 Rated short-circuit switching capacity 6 Rating plate 98 RC circuits 4 Readiness to close 11 Reclosing lockout 32 Remedial measures 131 Remote signal reset 53 Remote triggering 17 Replacement 97 Replacement, retrofitting and spare parts 105 Reset button 11 Retensioning 11 Retrofitting 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 Rush insensivity 25, 26 Safety lock 11, 14 Sealing cap 11 Sectional view 9 Select 52 Selection criteria 7 Selection of circuit-breakers 50 Series connection 90 Setting 52 Setting of the overcurrent release 132 Setting ranges 20 Setting steps 24, 25, 27, 29 Setting steps for lg 28 Setting values 20 Short-circuit current 5 Short-circuit protection 21, 31 Short-circuit protection with ,ZSS* 22 Short-circuit release 17, 21, 31 Short-circuiting and earthing devices 49 Shunt release 12 Shunt release with energy storage 13 Shutter 39 Signalling switches 38 Signalling units 33 Single conductor connection 58 Spring storage 10 Storage device 56 Summation current 23 Suppression of the short-circuit current 7 Switching gases 63 T-pieces 59 Technical data 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72,91 Test position 36 Test socket 17 Thermal memory 20, 31 Time grading 51 Time-grading control 51 Time-lag class 25, 31 Trip-free mechanism 12 Tripped and fault alarm indication/signals 54 Tripped signal 17 Tripped signalling contacts 33 Tripping characteristics 20, 24 Tripping characteristics ,a and ,z 25, 26 Tripping characteristics ,an 24 Tripping characteristics ,azng 30 Tripping characteristics ,g 28, 29 Troubleshooting 131 Typical circuits 53 Undervoltage release 12 Undervoltage release with delay 13 Unlocking slide 37 Vacuum switching technology 4 Vertical connection flange 42 Working temperature 16 Working temperature range 29 ZSS short-time grading control 4, 22, 52 137v | Visit us in Internet under http.//www.asi.siemens.de" Drives and Standard Products Group Drives and @ Low Voltage Control Products Standard Products PO. Box 3240, D-91050 Erlangen from Siemens Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1/97 to change without prior notice Odor No. 2000 Pet-AS4-X 7600 Dispostelle 27604/SEK 30152 21U1122 220698 AG 12963.