DS39969B-page 402 2010 Microchip Technology Inc.
ANSF (PORTF Analog Function Selection) .............. 162
ANSG (PORTG Analog Function Selection) ............. 162
BDnSTAT Prototype (Buffer Descriptor n
Status, CPU Mode)........................................... 247
BDnSTAT Prototype (Buffer Descriptor n
Status, USB Mode) ........................................... 246
CLKDIV (Clock Divider) ............................................ 145
CLKDIV2 (Clock Divider 2) ....................................... 147
CMSTAT (Comparator Status)..................................339
CMxCON (Comparator x Control)............................. 338
CORCON (CPU Core Control).............................. 43, 98
CRCCON1 (CRC Control 1) .....................................300
CRCCON2 (CRC Control 2) .....................................301
CRCDATH (CRC Data High) .................................... 302
CRCDATL (CRC Data Low)...................................... 302
CRCWDATH (CRC Shift High) ................................. 303
CRCWDATL (CRC Shift Low)...................................303
CRCXORH (CRC XOR High) ................................... 302
CRCXORL (CRC XOR Polynomial,
Low Byte) .......................................................... 301
CTMUCON (CTMU Control) .....................................345
CTMUICON (CTMU Current Control) ....................... 346
CVRCON (Comparator Voltage
Reference Control)............................................342
CW1 (Flash Configuration Word 1)........................... 348
CW2 (Flash Configuration Word 2)........................... 350
CW3 (Flash Configuration Word 3)........................... 351
CW4 (Flash Configuration Word 4)........................... 352
DEVID (Device ID) .................................................... 353
DEVREV (Device Revision) ...................................... 354
G1ACTDA (Active Display Area) ..............................317
G1CHRX (Character X-Coordinate
Print Position).................................................... 321
G1CHRY (Character Y-Coordinate
Print Position).................................................... 322
G1CLUT (Color Look-up Table Control) ................... 319
G1CLUTRD (Color Look-up Table Memory
Read Data)........................................................ 320
G1CLUTWR (Color Look-up Table Memory
Write Data)........................................................ 320
G1CMDH (GPU Command High) ............................. 306
G1CMDL (GPU Command Low)............................... 306
G1CON1 (Display Control 1) .................................... 307
G1CON2 (Display Control 2) .................................... 308
G1CON3 (Display Control 3) .................................... 309
G1DBEN (Data I/O Pad Enable) ............................... 323
G1DBLCON (Display Blanking Control).................... 318
G1DPADRH (Display Buffer Start
Address High) ................................................... 315
G1DPADRL (Display Buffer Start
Address Low) .................................................... 315
G1DPDPH (Display Buffer Height) ...........................316
G1DPHT (Display Total Height)................................ 316
G1DPW (Display Buffer Width)................................. 315
G1DPWT (Display Total Width) ................................ 316
G1HSYNC (Horizontal
Synchronization Control)................................... 317
G1IE (GFX Interrupt Enable) .................................... 311
G1IPU (Inflate Processor Status)..............................322
G1IR (GFX Interrupt Status) .....................................312
G1MRGN (Interrupt Advance) .................................. 321
G1PUH (GPU Work Area Height) ............................. 314
G1PUW (GPU Work Area Width) .............................314
G1STAT (Graphics Control Status) .......................... 310
G1VSYNC (Vertical Synchronization Control) .......... 318
G1W1ADRH (GPU Work Area 1
Start Address High) .......................................... 313
G1W1ADRL (GPU Work Area 1
Start Address Low) ........................................... 313
G1W2ADRH (GPU Work Area 2
Start Address High ........................................... 314
G1W2ADRL (GPU Work Area 2
Start Address Low) ........................................... 313
I2CxCON (I2Cx Control) ........................................... 226
I2CxMSK (I2Cx Slave Mode Address Mask) ............ 230
I2CxSTAT (I2Cx Status) ........................................... 228
ICxCON1 (Input Capture x Control 1)....................... 199
ICxCON2 (Input Capture x Control 2)....................... 200
IEC0 (Interrupt Enable Control 0) ............................. 109
IEC1 (Interrupt Enable Control 1) ............................. 110
IEC2 (Interrupt Enable Control 2) ............................. 112
IEC3 (Interrupt Enable Control 3) ............................. 113
IEC4 (Interrupt Enable Control 4) ............................. 114
IEC5 (Interrupt Enable Control 5) ............................. 115
IEC6 (Interrupt Enable Control 6) ............................. 116
IFS0 (Interrupt Flag Status 0) ................................... 101
IFS1 (Interrupt Flag Status 1) ................................... 102
IFS2 (Interrupt Flag Status 2) ................................... 103
IFS3 (Interrupt Flag Status 3) ................................... 105
IFS4 (Interrupt Flag Status 4) ................................... 106
IFS5 (Interrupt Flag Status 5) ................................... 107
IFS6 (Interrupt Flag Status 6) ................................... 108
INTCON1 (Interrupt Control 1).................................... 99
INTCON2 (Interrupt Control 2).................................. 100
INTTREG (Interrupt Controller Test.......................... 139
IPC0 (Interrupt Priority Control 0) ............................. 117
IPC1 (Interrupt Priority Control 1) ............................. 118
IPC10 (Interrupt Priority Control 10) ......................... 127
IPC11 (Interrupt Priority Control 11) ......................... 128
IPC12 (Interrupt Priority Control 12) ......................... 129
IPC13 (Interrupt Priority Control 13) ......................... 130
IPC15 (Interrupt Priority Control 15) ......................... 131
IPC16 (Interrupt Priority Control 16) ......................... 132
IPC18 (Interrupt Priority Control 18) ......................... 133
IPC19 (Interrupt Priority Control 19) ......................... 133
IPC2 (Interrupt Priority Control 2) ............................. 119
IPC20 (Interrupt Priority Control 20) ......................... 134
IPC21 (Interrupt Priority Control 21) ......................... 135
IPC22 (Interrupt Priority Control 22) ......................... 136
IPC23 (Interrupt Priority Control 23) ......................... 137
IPC25 (Interrupt Priority Control 25) ......................... 138
IPC3 (Interrupt Priority Control 3) ............................. 120
IPC4 (Interrupt Priority Control 4) ............................. 121
IPC5 (Interrupt Priority Control 5) ............................. 122
IPC6 (Interrupt Priority Control 6) ............................. 123
IPC7 (Interrupt Priority Control 7) ............................. 124
IPC8 (Interrupt Priority Control 8) ............................. 125
IPC9 (Interrupt Priority Control 9) ............................. 126
IPCn (Interrupt Priority Control 0-23) ........................ 137
MINSEC (RTCC Minutes and Seconds Value)......... 291
MTHDY (RTCC Month and Day Value) .................... 290
NVMCON (Flash Memory Control) ............................. 83
OCxCON1 (Output Compare x Control 1) ................ 206
OCxCON2 (Output Compare x Control 2) ................ 208
OSCCON (Oscillator Control)................................... 143