Effective October 2011
Technical Data TD05003001E
ELC Programmable Logic Controllers
ELC modular controllers
The ELC lineup is focused on compact size, powerful
features, and affordability. Whether your needs involve
discrete standalone control, necessitate distributed
control networks, or even a control system, using
centralized control with distributed I/O, ELCs provide
the solution your application demands.
While the ELCs are perfectly suited for small
applications of <40 I/O with a diverse mix of I/O,
they can also expand to hundreds of I/O points when
needed. These controllers are modular, with a wide
range of digital, analog, thermocouple, RTD, and
even motion expansion modules. Despite a world-
class small footprint—with controllers as small
as 1.00-inch wide, these controllers perform like
much larger PLCs. With online editing, high-speed
processing (basic instructions as fast as 0.24
microseconds), multiple high-speed inputs/outputs
(up to 200 kHz), and multiple independent master
communication channels, these controllers excel
where only the largest PLCs could go only a few
years ago.
ELCM modular brick-style controllers
The next member of the ELC portfolio of controllers
is the ELCM. This midrange family comprises “brick-
style” controllers, with expansion I/O modules. These
all-in-one controllers combine inputs, outputs, logic
processing, and an integrated AC power supply into
a compact package—but also provide the means to
expand as applications change or grow. The controller
also provides 24 Vdc power for sensors, eliminating
the space, wiring, and expense of an additional
power supply. And with three communication ports,
the ELCM is able to interface into a local operator
interface, connect to other controllers or supervisory
computers, and still maintain an open port for
ELCB brick-style controllers
The ELCB controllers are the simplest and most
affordable members of the ELC portfolio. With ELCB,
the focus is on “just enough control” for applications
up to 40 I/O points. These controllers pack a lot into a
small, low-profile package. Like the ELCM controllers,
these controllers are AC powered and provide 24 Vdc
sensor power. But unlike the rest of the ELC family,
the ELCB controllers do not offer expansion I/O.
The ELCB is great as a standalone controller, or is
capable of networking with other controllers, operator
interfaces, drives, or other Modbus
serial devices.
ote: N For more information, see Volume 9—OEM
CA08100011E and Volume 7—Motor Controls, Logic
and Connectivity CA08100008E.
ELC Modular Controllers
ELCM Modular Brick-Style Controllers
ELCB Brick-Style Controllers
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
ELC—the scalable solution to
machine control
Power and flexibility in the smallest enclosures
The ELCs pack large controller modularity and power in a world-class
small package. Capable of supporting hundreds of I/O points, these
controllers thrive on putting together just the right mix of I/O into the
smallest cabinets.
All controllers are 24 Vdc powered, and commonly use ELC-PS01 or
ELC-PS02 power supplies to reduce space. There are five different
styles of these controllers: ELC-PB, ELC-PC, ELC-PH, ELC-PA, and
ELC-PV. Each style has different characteristics, but some shared
features: they all have embedded 24 Vdc sink/source inputs and
either 24 Vdc sinking transistor or relay outputs (with one exception
being the ELC-PC controller that supports AC inputs); all controllers
have two communication ports (RS-232 Modbus serial slave port
and an RS-485 Modbus serial master/slave port), and can use
DeviceNet or PROFIBUS-DP communication modules to enable the
controller to be a slave to a remote scanning master; all supply the
power for their attached digital I/O modules through an embedded
I/O bus; all can support distributed I/O (using an ELC-CARS485
adapter module); all have high-speed input/output capability; and all
support a robust instruction set that is programmed using ELCSOFT.
No racks required
A DIN rail lets you add as many as 14 I/O modules—with the
restriction that no more than eight modules may be analog or
specialty I/O per system. There are 17 different digital, analog,
and specialty modules. Just snap on, and slide into place.
All connections are done automatically.
Built-in potentiometers
The ELC-PC, ELC-PH, and ELC-PV controllers have two built-in
potentiometers that can be scaled and used for many applications
such as increasing and decreasing the speed of a drive/motor.
Built-in display
An integral LED display on the ELC-PA provides user-assigned
process monitoring, error messages, alarms, display counts,
and more.
ELC programming software
Program on your PC and download to the ELC through a serial cable
or over Ethernet. Make online changes, and monitor and remote-
control the run/stop operation. Software wizards simplify the
programming process and, with ELCSOFT 2.02 or later, offline
simulation is supported so you can program, troubleshoot, and verify
your ELC system without the need for physical inputs and outputs
attached to your controller.
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
ELC’s value-added differences
Five controller styles:
PB base model—14 I/O (8 in/6 out) More than 130 instructions
provide all the power you need; two serial ports for
master/slave communications
PC clock/calendar model—12 I/O (8 in/4 out) Same as the PB
model, plus clock/calendar, twice the program steps, distributed
I/O, and retentive data storage
PA analog model—10 I/O (6 in/4 out) Same as the PC model,
and includes embedded analog I/O
PH high-speed model—12 I/O (8 in/4 out) Same as the PC model,
plus the ability to capture or output 100 kHz pulses
PV high-speed model—28 I/O (16 in/12 out) Almost 10 times
faster than the other ELCs, high-speed I/O to 200 kHz, and
additional advanced features; add left-side expansion modules
for master communications on networks such as Ethernet
and DeviceNet
More controller features
High-speed pulse capture and high-speed pulse output on
all controllers
Broad selection of AC/DC in, relay/transistor, and high current
output modules
Large selection of analog I/O in various I/O counts per module
Two Modbus (ASCII/RTU) serial ports: 1 slave only, 1 master/slave
More than 200 instructions to choose from: floating point math,
communications, 16- and 32-bit integer math, logical, block move,
block compare, retentive data storage, conversion, time base
from clock/calendar
ELC benefits solve applications
Large PLC features in a 1.00-inch package. Half the size of some
competitive offerings. ELC can retrofit more I/O in the same
space or allow more cost savings by reducing cabinet size.
ELCs can address up to 252 I/O points.
Add only the amount of I/O you need. Choose I/O counts as small
as 2 analog points and as large as 16 digital points per module
DIN rail mounting lets you add as many modules as needed by
snapping them into mating connectors
Large PLC features
Multiple communications ports, distributed I/O capability, high-speed
counters, high-speed pulse outputs, interrupts, timer resolution to
1 ms, PIDs, and much more.
ELCSoft programs in standard ladder or sequential function chart
Display registers “in use” and modules attached to the ELC
Monitor runtime applications. Force (except PB model),
and enter/modify register values
Wizards and programming of ELC Link for distributed I/O,
standard communications, high-speed counters, pulse outputs,
positioning, interrupts, PIDs, and extension module setup
Connecting to networks is easy on Modbus, Modbus TCP,
DeviceNet, and PROFIBUS-DP
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
Table 1. ELC Controller Features and Specifications
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) 25.2 x 90.0 x 60.0 37.4 x 90.0 x 60.0 37.4 x 90.0 x 60.0 37.4 x 90.0 x 60.0 70.0 x 90.0 x 60.0
Maximum I/O—expandable Up to 14 expansion modules (maximum of 8 of these can be analog/specialty modules)
I/O type—embedded 14 (8DI/6DO) 10 (4DI/2DO/2AI/2AO) 12 (8DI/4DO) 12 (8DI/4DO) 28 (16DI/12DO)
DC inputs sink/source Yes Yes Yes (DR/DT) Yes Yes
AC inputs None None Yes (AR) None None
Execution speed Basic instructions—2 μs minimum 0.24 μs minimum
Program language Instructions + ladder logic + SFC
Program capacity (steps) 3792 7920 7920 7920 15,872
Data memory capacity (bits) 1280 4096 4096 4096 4096
Data memory capacity (words) 744 5000 5000 5000 10,000
Index registers 2 8 8 8 16
File memory capacity (words) None 1600 words 1600 words 1600 words 10,000 words
Retentive storage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Commands basic/advanced 32/107 32/168 32/168 32/168 32/193
Floating point Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SFC commands (steps) 128 1024 1024 1024 1024
Timers quantity 128 244 standard with additional timers for subroutine and retentive applications
Timers resolution 1–100 ms 1–100 ms 1–100 ms 1–100 ms 1–100 ms
Counters quantity 128 250 250 250 253
High-speed counters (see note) Up to 4 Up to 6 Up to 6 Up to 8 Up to 8
Max. high-speed counting (see note) 2 at 20 kHz 1 at 30 kHz 1 at 30 kHz 1 at 100 kHz 2 at 200 kHz
Pulse output 2CH, 10 kHz maximum 50 kHz maximum 50 kHz maximum 100 kHz 200 kHz
PID Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Master control loop 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops
Subroutines 64 subroutines 256 subroutines 256 subroutines 256 subroutines 256 subroutines
For/next loops Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interrupts 6 15 15 15 22
Real-time clock/calendar No Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Password security Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic relays Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic word registers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Specialty expansion modules (Analog in/analog out/TC/RTD/PT) up to a maximum of 8
Serial ports 2 Modbus (ASCII/RTU) 1=slave (RS-232)/1=master-slave (RS-485)
ELC link No With 16 other devices With 16 other devices With 16 other devices With 16 other devices
Online editing No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Run/stop switch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Removable terminal strips Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Special features 2, 7-segment displays 2 potentiometers 2 potentiometers 2 potentiometers
High-speed, left-side bus
ote: N High-speed counter inputs can be used for different types of 32-bit counting, such as single-ended, single-phase two inputs, and quadrature. Therefore,
all high-speed counters may not be used at the same time. Please refer to the ELC Systems Manual, MN05003006E, for details.
Table 2. Controller Module
Controller Module
Inputs Outputs
110 Vac 24 Vdc Sink/Source Analog Relay 24 Vdc Sinking Analog
ELC-PB14NNDR 8 —6 ——
ELC-PC12NNAR 8 —4 ——
ELC-PC12NNDR 8 —4 ——
ELC-PA10AADR —4 2 2 2
ELC-PA10AADT 4 2—22
ELC-PV28NNDR —16 12
ELC-PV28NNDT —16 12
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
Table 3. ELC Expansion Features (Dimensions W x H x D [mm] 25.2 x 90.0 x 60.0)
Model Number
Input Unit Output Unit
Power Point Type Point Type
Digital I/O Model
ELC-EX08NNAN 24 Vdc 8 110 Vac 0
ELC-EX08NNDN 24 Vdc 8 DC sink or source 0
ELC-EX16NNDN 24 Vdc 16 DC sink or source 0
ELC-EX08NNNR 24 Vdc 0 DC sink or source 8 Replay
ELC-EX08NNNT 24 Vdc 0 DC sink or source 8 Transistor DC sink
ELC-EX06NNNI 24 Vdc 0 DC sink or source 6 High current relay
ELC-EX08NNDR 24 Vdc 4 DC sink or source 4 Relay
ELC-EX16NNDR 24 Vdc 8 DC sink or source 8 Relay
ELC-EX08NNDT 24 Vdc 4 DC sink or source 4 Transistor DC sink
ELC-EX16NNDT 24 Vdc 8 DC sink or source 8 Transistor DC sink
ELC-EX16NNDP 24 Vdc 8 DC sink or source 8 Transistor DC source
Analog I/O Model
ELC-AN02NANN 24 Vdc 0 2 0 to +20 mA/0 to +10V
ELC-AN04NANN 24 Vdc 0 4 0 to +20 mA/0 to +10V
ELC-AN06AANN 24 Vdc 4 –20 to +20 mA/–10 to +10V 2 0 to +20 mA/0 to +10V
ELC-AN04ANNN 24 Vdc 4 –20 to +20 mA/–10 to +10V 0
ELC-PT04ANNN 24 Vdc 4 Platinum temperature 0
ELC-TC04ANNN 24 Vdc 4 Thermocouple 0
Table 4. ELC Electrical Specifications
Description Specification
Input voltage requirements ELC: 24 Vdc (–15 to +20%) (with DC input reverse polarity protection), Expansion unit: supplied by the ELC
Power consumption Typically 3–6W
Insulation resistance >5M ohms at 500 Vdc (between all inputs/outputs and earth)
Noise immunity ESD: 8 kV air discharge / EFT: power line 2 kV / Digital I/O: 1 kV / Analog and communication I/O: 1 kV / Damped-oscillatory wave:
Power Line: 1 kV / Digital I/O: 1 kV / RS: 26 MHz–1 GHz / 10 V/m
Temperature Operation: 0°C to 55°C (temperature), 50 to 95% (humidity), pollution degree 2; Storage: –25°C to +70°C (temperature), 5 to 95% (humidity)
Vibration/shock resistance Standard: IEC 61131-2, IEC 68-2-6 (Test Fc) / IEC 61131-2 and IEC 68-2-27 (Test Ea)
Certifications C-Tick, cULus, CE
Table 5. ELC Accessories
Catalog Number Description
ELCSOFT ELC programming software
ELC-PS01 24W, 24 Vdc, 1A power supply
ELC-PS02 48W, 24 Vdc, 2A power supply
ELC-HHP Hand-held programmer (includes cable)
ELC-CBPCELC1 Cable to connect a PC or ELC-GP unit to ELC, one meter with right angle connector (DB9 pin female to 8-pin DIN)
ELC-CBPCELC3 Cable to connect a PC or ELC-GP unit to ELC, three meters (DB9 pin female to 8-pin DIN)
ELC-CBPCGP3 Cable to connect a PC to an ELC-GP unit, three meters (DB9 pin female to DB9 pin female)
ELC-GPXFERMOD Program transfer module for ELC-GP units
ELC-ACPGMXFR Program transfer module for ELCs
ELC-ACCOVER Plate mount for specialty modules, qty. 10
ELC-COENETM 10/100 Ethernet module, need ELC-PV, Modbus TCP, P-P, for use with ELC-PV only
ELC-CODNETM DeviceNet module, need ELC-PV, scanner, poll, CC, COS, BS, for use with ELC-PV only
ELC-CODNET DeviceNet slave module
ELC-485APTR RS-485 easy connect adapter, DB9, RJ-12, 2-pin connections to RS-485
ELC-MC01 Motion control, one axis module (up to eight modules per controller)
ELC-CARS485 Modbus remote I/O communication module
ELC-CADNET DeviceNet remote I/O communication module
ELC-CAENET 10/100 Ethernet remote I/O communication module, EtherNet/IP Modbus TCP
ELC-CAPBDP PROFIBUS-DP remote I/O communication module
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
ELCM—compact, modular, and ready
to communicate
The ELCM controllers merge the best parts of a “brick” controller
with the flexibility and power of a modular system. Like the ELCB,
the ELCM is an “all-in-one” form factor controller—embedding
24 Vdc sink/source inputs and either 24 Vdc sinking transistor or
relay outputs, logic processing, and an embedded 100–240 Vac at
50/60 Hz (nominal) power supply into a compact form factor. But the
ELCM controllers may also be expanded with digital, analog, and
specialty I/O modules.
If your application is likely to expand over time or requires a variety
of input or output types, the ELCM is the controller for today
and tomorrow. The ELCM controllers come in 10 varieties with
embedded 24 Vdc digital sink/source inputs and either 24 Vdc
sinking or relay outputs. Two of these controllers (ELCM-PA20AADR
and ELCM-PA20AADT) also have four analog inputs and two analog
outputs. To expand the ELCM controller, simply attach modules
to the right side. The ELCM supports a maximum of 14 extension
modules, where up to 8 of them can be analog or speciality
modules. There are 13 different digital, analog, and specialty
expansion modules. Communication is also a strength with these
three comm port controllers—port 0: RS-232 Modbus serial master/
slave; ports 1 and 2: RS-485 Modbus serial master/slave ports. The
ELCM controllers also program using ELCSoft (version 2 and higher).
The ELCM controllers offer flexibility and processing power not
usually found in small brick controllers.
No racks required
A DIN rail lets you add up to 14 expansion I/O modules, giving you
the ability to add I/O as your appropriations needs grow, or to mix
I/O types for more complex systems.
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
Table 6. ELCM Controller Electrical Specifications
Description Specification
Input voltage requirements 100 to 240 Vac (–15 to +10%), 50/60 Hz (–5% to +5%)
Power consumption 30 VA
Insulation resistance > 5M ohms at 500 Vdc (between all I/O point and ground)
Noise immunity ESD: 8 kV air discharge
EFT: power line 2 kV, Digital I/O 1 kV, analog and communication I/O 1 kV
RS: 26 MHz to 1 GHz, 10 V/m
Temperature Operation: 0°C to 55°C (temperature), 50 to 95% (humidity), pollution degree 2; storage: –25°C to +70°C (temperature), 5 to 95% (humidity)
Vibration/shock resistance Standard: IEC 61131-2, IEC 68-2-6 (test Fc) / IEC 61131-2 and IEC 68-2-27 (test Ea)
Certifications C-Tick, cULus, CE
Table 7. ELCM Expansion Module Electrical Specifications
Description Specification
Input voltage requirements 24 Vdc (20.4 Vdc to 28.8 Vdc), expansion bus: supplied by the ELC
Power consumption 0.5 to 3W
Insulation resistance > 5M ohms at 500 Vdc (between all I/O point and ground)
500 Vdc between analog circuits and ground, 500 Vdc between analog circuits and digital circuits
Noise immunity ESD: 8 kV air discharge
EFT: power line 2 kV, digital I/O 1 kV, analog I/O 1 kV
RS: 26 MHz to 1G Hz, 10 V/m
Temperature Operation: 0°C to 55°C (temperature), 50 to 95% (humidity), pollution degree 2; storage: –25°C to +70°C (temperature), 5 to 95% (humidity)
Vibration/shock resistance Standard: IEC 61131-2, IEC 68-2-6 (Test Fc) / IEC 61131-2 and IEC 68-2-27 (Test Ea)
Certifications C-Tick, cULus, CE
Table 8. ELCM Accessories
Catalog Number Description
ELCSOFT ELC programming software
ELC-HHP Hand-held programmer (includes cable)
ELC-CBPCELC1 Cable to connect a PC or ELC-GP unit to ELCM, one meter with right angle connector (DB9 pin female to 8-pin DIN)
ELC-CBPCELC3 Cable to connect a PC or ELC-GP unit to ELCM, three meters (DB9 pin female to 8-pin DIN)
ELC-ACPGMXFR Program transfer module for ELCM controllers
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
Table 9. ELCM Controller Features and Specifications
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) 105.0 x 110.0 x 78.0 125.0 x 110.0 x 78.0 145.0 x 110.0 x 78.0 157.0 x 110.0 x 78.0
Maximum I/O—expandable Up to 14 expansion modules
(maximum of 8 analog/
specialty modules)
Up to 14 expansion modules
(maximum of 8 analog/
specialty modules)
Up to 14 expansion modules
(maximum of 8 analog/
specialty modules)
Up to 14 expansion modules
(maximum of 8 analog/
specialty modules)
I/O type—embedded 16 (8DI/ 8DO) 24 (16DI/8DO) 32 (16DI/16DO) 40 (24DI/16DO)
DC inputs sink/source Yes Yes Yes Yes
AC inputs None None None None
Execution speed Basic instructions—
0.54 μs minimum
Basic instructions—
0.54 μs minimum
Basic instructions—
0.54 μs minimum
Basic instructions—
0.54 μs minimum
Program language Instructions + ladder logic + SFC Instructions + ladder logic + SFC Instructions + ladder logic + SFC Instructions + ladder logic + SFC
Program capacity (steps) 15,872 15,872 15,872 15,872
Data memory capacity (bits) 4096 4096 4096 4096
Data memory capacity (words) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Index registers 16 16 16 16
File memory capacity (words) None None None None
Retentive storage Yes Yes Yes Yes
Commands basic/advanced 32/193 32/193 32/193 32/193
Floating point Yes Yes Yes Yes
SFC commands (steps) 1024 1024 1024 1024
Timers quantity 256 standard with additional
timers for subroutine and
retentive applications
256 standard with additional
timers for subroutine and
retentive applications
256 standard with additional
timers for subroutine and
retentive applications
256 standard with additional
timers for subroutine and
retentive applications
Timers resolution 1/10/100 ms 1/10/100 ms 1/10/100 ms 1/10/100 ms
Counters quantity 254 254 254 254
High-speed counters (see note) Up to 8 Up to 8 Up to 8 Up to 8
Maximum high-speed counting (see note) 2 at 100 kHz, 6 at 10 kHz 2 at 100 kHz, 6 at 10 kHz 2 at 100 kHz, 6 at 10 kHz 2 at 100 kHz, 6 at 10 kHz
Pulse output 2 at 100 kHz, 2 at 10 kHz 2 at 100 kHz, 2 at 10 kHz 2 at 100 kHz, 2 at 10 kHz 2 at 100 kHz, 2 at 10 kHz
PID Yes Yes Yes Yes
Master control loop 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops
Subroutines 256 subroutines 256 subroutines 256 subroutines 256 subroutines
For/next loops Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interrupts 21 21 21 21
Real-time clock/calendar None None None None
Password security Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic relays Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic word registers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Specialty expansion modules Up to 8 Up to 8 Up to 8 Up to 8
Serial ports RS-232 x 1 (master/slave),
RS-485 x 2 (master/slave)
RS-232 x 1 (master/slave),
RS-485 x 2 (master/slave
RS-232 x 1 (master/slave),
RS-485 x 2 (master/slave
RS-232 x 1 (master/slave),
RS-485 x 2 (master/slave
ELC link With 16 other devices With 16 other devices With 16 other devices With 16 other devices
Online editing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Run/stop switch Yes Yes Yes Yes
Removable terminal strips Yes Yes Yes Yes
ote: N High-speed counter inputs can be used for different types of 32-bit counting, such as single-ended, single-phase two inputs, and quadrature.
Therefore, all high-speed counters may not be used at the same time. Please refer to the ELCM Systems Manual, MN05003006E for details.
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
Table 10. Controller Module
Controller Module
Inputs Outputs
24 Vdc Sink/Source Analog Relay 24 Vdc Sinking Analog
ELCM-PH24NNDR 16—8 ——
ELCM-PH32NNDT 16——16
ELCM-PH40NNDT 24——16
Table 11. ELCM Expansion Module Features (Digital)
Digital I/O Model
Input Unit Output Unit
Power Point Type Point Type
ELCM-EX08NNDN 24 Vdc 8 DC sink or source
ELCM-EX08NNDR 24 Vdc 4 DC sink or source 4 Relay
ELCM-EX08NNDT 24 Vdc 4 DC sink or source 4 Transistor
ELCM-EX08NNNR 24 Vdc DC sink or source 8 Relay
ELCM-EX08NNNT 24 Vdc DC sink or source 8 Transistor
ELCM-EX16NNDN 24 Vdc 16 DC sink or source
ELCM-EX16NNDR 24 Vdc 8 DC sink or source 8 Relay
ELCM-EX16NNDT 24 Vdc 8 DC sink or source 8 Transistor
ELCM-EX16NNNR 24 Vdc DC sink or source 16 Relay
ELCM-EX16NNNT 24 Vdc DC sink or source 16 Transistor
Table 12. ELCM Expansion Module Features (Analog)
Analog I/O Model
Input Unit Output Unit
Power Point Type Point Type
ELCM-AN02NANN 24 Vdc 2 –10 to +10V
0 to 20 mA
4 to 20 mA
ELCM-AN04NANN 24 Vdc 4
ELCM-AN06AANN 24 Vdc 4 –10 to +10V, –5 to +5V
–20 to +20 mA
0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
ELCM-AN04ANNN 24 Vdc 4
ELCM-PT04ANNN 24 Vdc 4 Platinum temperature
ELCM-TC04ANNN 24 Vdc 4 Thermocouple
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
ELCB—when just enough I/O is just
what you need
The ELCB controllers are designed to be “just enough” controllers.
These non-expandable controllers are designed for applications
where cost is more critical than I/O flexibility.
Budget balanced with value
When the application calls for simplicity and the budget calls for
value, the ELCB family is an excellent choice.
There are 10 different sized controllers equipped with 24 Vdc sink/
source inputs and either 24 Vdc sinking transistor or relay outputs.
Communication ready
Communication between controllers, to local operator interface
devices, or to supervisory/programming devices is accomplished
through an RS-232 Modbus serial slave port or through an RS-485
Modbus serial master/slave port.
Low-profile designs
These compact controllers contain 100–240 Vac @ 50/60 Hz
(nominal) power supplies to eliminate the need for an external DC
supply. They also have an embedded 24 Vdc output power supply
for sensors. Smaller controllers (with 10 or 14 I/O points) supply
up to 200 mA; larger controllers (20 to 40 I/O points) provide up
to 300 mA for input sensors.
Simplified configuration
Program your ELCB with ELCSoft (version 2 and higher), an
easy-to-use programming environment with high-end capabilities,
including offline simulation.
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
Table 13. ELCB Controller Features and Specifications
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) 95.0 x 107.6 x 48.5 95.0 x 107.6 x 48.5 150.0 x 107.6 x 48.5 150.0 x 107.6 x 48.5 164.0 x 107.6 x 48.5
Maximum I/O—expandable None None None None None
I/O type—embedded 10 (6DI/4DO) 14 (8DI/6DO) 20 (12DI / 8DO) 30 (18DI / 12DO) 40 (24DI / 16DO)
DC inputs sink/source Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
AC inputs None None None None None
Execution speed Basic instructions—
2 μs minimum
Basic instructions—
2 μs minimum
Basic instructions—
2 μs minimum
Basic instructions—
2 μs minimum
Basic instructions—
2 μs minimum
Program language Instructions +
ladder logic + SFC
Instructions +
ladder logic + SFC
Instructions +
ladder logic + SFC
Instructions +
ladder logic + SFC
Instructions +
ladder logic + SFC
Program capacity (steps) 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792
Data memory capacity (bits) 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280
Data memory capacity (words) 744 744 744 744 744
Index registers 22222
File memory capacity (words) None None None None None
Retentive storage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Commands basic/advanced 32/107 32/107 32/107 32/107 32/107
Floating point Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SFC commands (steps) 128 128 128 128 128
Timers quantity 128 128 128 128 128
Timers resolution 1–100 ms 1–100 ms 1–100 ms 1–100 ms 1–100 ms
Counters quantity 128 128 128 128 128
High-speed counters (see note) Up to 4 Up to 4 Up to 4 Up to 4 Up to 4
Maximum high-speed counting
(see note)
2 at 20 kHz 2 at 20 kHz 2 at 20 kHz 2 at 20 kHz 2 at 20 kHz
Pulse output 2 at 1 kHz 2 at 1 kHz 2 at 1 kHz 2 at 1 kHz 2 at 1 kHz
PID Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Master control loop 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops 8 loops
Subroutines 64 64 64 64 64
For/next loops Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interrupts 66666
Real-time clock/calendar None None None None None
Password security Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic relays Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic word registers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Specialty expansion modules None None None None None
Serial ports RS-232 x 1 (slave),
RS-485 x 1 (master/slave)
RS-232 x 1 (slave),
RS-485 x 1 (master/slave)
RS-232 x 1 (slave),
RS-485 x 1 (master/slave)
RS-232 x 1 (slave),
RS-485 x 1 (master/slave)
RS-232 x 1 (slave),
RS-485 x 1 (master/slave)
ELC link None None None None None
Online editing None None None None None
Run/stop switch None None None None None
Removable terminal strips None None None None None
ote: N High-speed counter inputs can be used for different types of 32-bit counting, such as single-ended, single-phase two inputs, and quadrature.
Therefore, all high-speed counters may not be used at the same time. Please refer to the ELCB Systems Manual, MN05003006E for details.
Eaton Corporation
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© 2011 Eaton Corporation
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Publication No. TD05003001E / Z10912
October 2011
Eaton is a registered trademark
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of their respective owners.
Technical Data TD05003001E
Effective October 2011
ELC Programmable
Logic Controllers
Table 14. Controller Module
Controller Module
Inputs Outputs
24 Vdc Sink/Source Relay 24 Vdc Sinking
Table 15. ELCB Electrical Specifications
Description Specifications
Input voltage requirements 100 to 240 Vac (–15 to 10%), 50/60 Hz (–5 to 5%)
Power consumption 12 VA to 15.6 VA
Insulation resistance >5M ohms at 500 Vdc (between all inputs/outputs and earth)
Noise immunity ESD: 8 kV air discharge / EFT: power line 2 kV / Digital I/O: 1 kV / Analog and communication I/O: 1 kV /
Damped-oscillatory wave: Power Line: 1 kV / Digital I/O: 1 kV / RS: 26 MHz–1 GHz / 10 V/m
Temperature Operation: 0°C to 55°C (temperature), 50 to 95% (humidity), pollution degree 2; storage: –25°C to 70°C (temperature),
5 to 95% (humidity)
Vibration/shock resistance Standard: IEC 61131-2, IEC 68-2-6 (Test Fc) / IEC 61131-2 and IEC 68-2-27 (Test Ea)
Certifications C-Tick, cULus, CE
Table 16. ELCB Accessories
Catalog Number Description
ELCSOFT ELC programming software
ELC-HHP Hand-held programmer (includes cable)
ELC-CBPCELC1 Cable to connect a PC or ELC-GP unit to ELC, 1 meter with right angle connector (DB9 pin female to 8-pin DIN)
ELC-CBPCELC3 Cable to connect a PC or ELC-GP unit to ELC, 3 meters (DB9 pin female to 8-pin DIN)
ELC-ACPGMXFR Program transfer module for ELCs
For easy reference
HMI: Volume 7—Motor Controls, Logic and Connectivity CA08100008E, Tab 39
XV/XP: Volume 7—Motor Controls, Logic and Connectivity CA08100008E, Tab 39
Sensors: Volume 8—Sensing Solutions CA08100010E
Count Control: Volume 8—Sensing Solutions CA08100010E
Pushbuttons: Volume 7—Motor Controls, Logic and Connectivity CA08100008E, Tab 37
Power Supplies/Terminal Block/Relays: Volume 7—Motor Controls, Logic and Connectivity CA08100008E, Tab 43