Operation READ: The AT49BV002A(N)(T) is accessed like an EPROM. When CE and OE are low and
WE is high, the data stored at the memory location determined by the address pins is asserted
on the outputs. The outputs are put in the high impedance state whenever CE or OE is high.
This dual-line control gives designers flexibility in preventing bus contention.
COMMAND S EQUENCES: W hen the d evi ce is first powe red on i t wil l be r ese t to the r ead or
standby mode depending upon the state of th e control line inputs. In or der to perform other
device fu nctio n s, a s er i es o f com mand se que nce s are en ter ed i nto th e dev ic e. The command
sequences are shown in the Command Definitions table. The command sequences are written
by applying a low pulse on the WE or CE input with CE or WE low (respectively) and OE high.
The addres s is la tched on th e falling edge of CE or WE, whic hever occu rs last. The data is
latched b y the firs t rising edge of CE or W E. Stand ard micr opr ocess or write timing s are u sed.
The addres s lo ca tions used in the co mmand sequenc es are not affe cte d by enterin g the c om-
mand sequences.
RESET: A RESET input pin is provided to ease some system applications. When RESET is at
a logic high level, the device is in its standard operating mode. A low level on the RESET input
halts the present device operation and puts the outputs of the device in a high impedance
state. If the RESET pin ma kes a hi gh t o lo w tr ansi tio n du rin g a pr ogr am or er as e oper ati on, the
operatio n may n ot be suc cessfu lly c omple ted and th e opera tion wi ll have to b e repea ted after
a high level is applied to the RESET pin. When a h igh lev el is re asser ted on th e RESET pin,
the device returns to the read or standby mode, depending upon the state of the control inputs.
By apply ing a 12V ± 0.5V inpu t signal to the RESET pin, the boot bloc k array can be repro-
grammed even if the boot block lockout feature has been enabled (see Boot Block
Programming Lockout Override section). The RESET feature is not available on the
ERASURE: Before a byte can be reprogrammed, the main memory blocks or parameter
blocks whi c h c onta ins th e by te m us t be er ased. T h e eras ed sta te o f the mem ory b its i s a log i-
cal “1”. The entire device can be erased at one time by using a 6-byte software code. The
software chip erase code consists of 6-byte load commands to specific address locations with
a specific data pattern (please refer to the Chip Erase Cycle Waveforms).
After the software chip erase has been initiated, the device will internally time the erase opera-
tion so that no external clocks are requ ired. The maximu m time ne eded to e rase the w hole
chip is tEC. If the boot bloc k loc kou t feat ure has been enab led, the d ata i n the boo t sec tor wi ll
not be erased.
CHIP ERASE : If the boot block lockout has been enabled, the Chip Erase function will erase
Parameter Block 1, Parameter Block 2, Main Memory Block 1 - 4, but not the boot block. If the
Boot Block Lockout has not been enabled, the Chip Erase function will erase the entire chip.
After the full chip erase the device will return back to read mode. Any command during c hip
erase will be ignored.
SECTOR ERASE: As an alternative to a full chip erase, the device is organized into sectors
that can be individually erased. There are two 8K-byte parameter block sections and four main
memory blocks . T he 8K-b yte paramet er bl ock sect ions and th e fo ur main me mory b locks can
be independently erased and reprogrammed. The Sector Erase command is a six bus cycle
operation. The sector ad dress is l atched on the falling WE edge of the sixth cy cle while t he
30H data in put co mma nd is lat che d at the ris ing edge of WE. The se ct or erase s tar ts after the
rising edge of WE of the sixth cycle. The erase operation is internally c ontrolled; it will auto-
matically time to completion.