11/16" Data Display Products (R) MOUNT PANEL LIGHT WITH LENS High Intensity, Wide Angle 1 Model 1116 TO ORDER, FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE: Wires Select one BOLD component from each numbered category in the tables below. W (optional) LED Voltage 1Model 2 3 4 1116W -R 12 Lens -CW Part Number 1116W-R12-CW 2 LED -R -O -A -G -B -W -L pk Iv[1] V/C Color (nm) (mcd) Table[2] RED ORG AMB GRN BLU CWHT WWHT 634 609 592 520 465 2800 (*4) 2000 (*4) 2800 (*4) 2400 (*2) 700 (*2) 2500 (*2) 1800 (*2) I I I II II II II 3 Voltage/Current Design Max Vf/If Vf/If V/C Table I 5V/75mA 5.5V/85mA 6V/40mA 7V/60mA 12V/30mA 14V/40mA 15V/30mA 16.5V/35mA 24V/30mA 26V/35mA 28V/25mA 30V/28mA 48V/20mA 52V/22mA 60V/16mA 65V/18mA 120VAC/9.5mA 130VAC/10.5mA Voltage[3] 5 6 12 15 24 28 48 60 120 4 Lens -CW 1116 Voltage/Current Design Max Vf/If Vf/If V/C Table II 5V/26mA 5.5V/35mA 6V/28mA 7V/39mA 12V/15mA 14V/22mA 15V/15mA 16.5V/19mA 24V/15mA 26V/18mA 28V/15mA 30V/18mA 48V/9mA 50V/9.5mA 60V/6.5mA 65V/7.2mA 120VAC/5mA 130VAC/5.5mA [1] Iv = typical luminous intensity @ If = 20mA(Ta=25C). (*4) = 4 LEDs per package; (*2) = 2 LEDs per package. [2] See Voltage/Current table for design specifications. [3] Ta = 25C. Voltages 6 through 60 are VDC. For AC operation, insert D after Voltage (e.g 24AC), not required for 120V. Contact factory for VAC design currents. For 120 VDC, insert DC after Voltage (e.g. 120DC). Standard Wire Leads: 6.0" total length(nominal)/.50" stripped (nominal), red anode/black cathode, 18 AWG stranded UL1015 insulation. Contact factory for other lengths, gauges and colors. All dimensions are in inches (mm) Tolerances: .xx"(.x) .025"(.63) / .xxx"(.xx).010"(.25) Specifications are subject to change without notice. 445 S. Douglas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245-4630 * (800) 421-6815 * (310) 640-0442 * FAX (310) 640-7639 ww w.datadisplay.com (c) 2005 Data Display Products 61