ALPHA IND/ SEMICONDUCTOR 4OE D WM 0545443 0001378 73T MALP 767-11 GaAs Multiplier Diodes for Millimeter Waves Features lm Efficient Multiplication to 94 GHz H Millimeter Wave Packages M@ High Reliability and Space Qualified Description Alpha offers a line of Gallium Arsenide multiplier var- actors specifically designed for low order multiplication at high output frequencies. These varactors are diffused junction epitaxial devices (mesa structure). The circuit designer can take advantage of the diodes high capaci- tance swing to generate the needed harmonics in dou- bler and tripler circuits. These diodes may be used to double, triple, or quad- ruple the frequency output of Gunn or FET oscillators to produce outputs from 20 GHz to 90 GHz. Alphas Advanced Technology Group has successfully used them to fabricate millimeter wave phase shifters, modu- lators and upconverters as well as multiplier signal sources. The diodes are offered in the 023 outline for applica- tion up to 35 GHz output, the 067 outline for application up to 60 GHz output (the 067 outline has the same interior dimensions as the 082 but has a cathode prong to permit good heat sinking), and the 290 outline which has been used in doubling to 94 GHz and tripling to 130 GHz. Burn-in A special variation of this diode family is the only space-qualified, high reliability varactor available today and is used on the ESA European satellite program. All GaAs varactors are subjected to burn-in screening prior to final measurements: typical burn-in for C,,, =0.3 pF is: 60 Hz, |, = 30 mA, V, = 2.5 V (50 ohm series resistor) at 100C, 16 hours. MTTF Determination Aipha has added new oven equipment which is used to perform step-stress tests on various diodes. Properly designed test programs can be used to make a mean time to failure (MTTF) determination at normal applicationtemperatures from step-stress testing meas- urements performed at higher temperatures. The testing procedure consists of electrically stress- ing a sample quantity of diodes taken from a known lot at two elevated temperatures for a time period sufficient toproduce 50% failures at each temperature. The failure rate (where failure carries a definition assigned by the investigator, a specific parameter, for instance, can be chosen and considered to have failed whenit changes by some fixed percentage) obeys the equation of Ahren- nius: f = Fo(e*") where f = failure rate at temperature T. Fo = is a constant. E = activation energy for the processes involved in the specific parameter change. T = absolute temperature. K = Boltzmanns constant. The failure rate f, is 0.5/time period (required at the elevated temperature for 50% failure). The value of MTTFis 1/f. Onecancalculate E from atwo temperature measurement of MTTF at high temperatures and calcu- late MTTF at another temperature. 4-80ALPHA IND/ SEMICONDUCTOR 4BE D MM 0585443 9001379 bE MB ALP 77-/] GaAs Multiplier Diodes for Millimeter Waves The advantage of using high temperatures for diode Environmental Ca pa bility stressing is that failure can be caused to occur rapidly (in a week or less), so a rapid determination can be made. Thermal SHOCK ......cceecccceceseeee -195.8C to +100C Alpha has recently completed testing GaAs varactor Centrifuge ...........ceeccscsscsssseeetscsscsscessscees 20,000 G multiplier diodes using these high temperature ovens. Gross Leak Test ..........cccccecssessercesssseseenes 10" -co/sec The testing was carried out in the range 225C to 290C. Fine Leak TOSt ........0ccccscccssssssssccccceeeeceseeees 10*-cc/sec High Temperature Storage ...............cccccsseeeeees 200C The ovens are nitrogen gas flushed and are capable of reaching 325C. Diode test blocks are specially con- structed to withstand high temperatures: Performance Data 1. Contact springs are a special stainless steel alloy so tension is retained at temperature. Typical doubler performance is as follows: 2. Vespel insulation is used for mounting contact Fon Past Ci, springs. Package | (GHz); (mW) | % | (Typ.) | V, 3. Surfaces used to contact the diodes are .005 inch gold 023-001 discs which are eutectic alloyed to the spring and test 067-001 20 200 50 0.5 35 block surfaces. These discs will withstand high tempera- 082-001 tures better than thinner gold plating. 067-001 4. Electrical leads are woven glass insulated. 082-001 40 150 40 0.3 25 290-001 Tests performed on GaAs varactor multipliers at three temperatures show that log MTTF-vs-1/T data 290-001 80 40 25 0.15 15 points are properly linear and that extrapolated MTTF at 125C is 20 million hours (2283 years) for the particular electrical stress applied (60 Hz and 10ma peak current). 4-81ALPHA IND/ SEMICONDUCTOR 4BE D MB O585443 0001380 398 MBALP 7:O7-// GaAs Multiplier Diodes for Millimeter Waves Electrical Characteristics Package Outline: 023-001 V,"{min) 10 Volts 20 Volts 30 Volts 40 Volts C4?(PF) 0.3-0.35 | 0.3-0.45 | 0.3-0.6 0.6-1.0 | 0.3-0.45 | 0.45-0.6 | 0.6-1.0 0.3-0.6 0.6-1.0 0.3-0.6 0.6 1.0 P,{max) 200mW | 250mW | 250mW | 300mW | 250mW | 300mW | 350mW | 300mW | 400mW | 350mW | 400mW F, (GHz) 200 D5244-06 | D5244-06 D5245-06 | D5255-06] D5246-06 | D5256-06 | D5249-06 | D5259-06 250 D5244-12| D5244-12 D5245-12 | D5255-12} D5246-12 | D5256-12 | D5249-12 300 D5244-18| D5244-18 D5245-18 | D5255-18} DS246-18 D5249-18 350 D5244-24 D5245-24 D5246-24 D5249-24 400 D5244-30 D5245-30 D5246-30 450 D5244-36 D5245-36 500 D5244-42 550 D5244-48 Package Outline: 067-001 V,"(min) 10 Volts 20 Volts 30 Volts 40 Volts C,,(pF) 0.3-0.35 | 0.3-0.45 | 0.30-.6 0.6-1.0 | 0.3-0.45 | 0.45-0.6 |; 0.6-1.0 0.3-0.6 0.6-1.0 0.3-0.6 | 0.61.0 P, max) 200mW |} 250mW | 250Mw | 300mW | 250mW | 300mW | 350mW | 300mW | 400mW | 350mW | 400mW F. (GHz) 200 D5002-06 | D5005-06 D5006-06 | D5007-06 | D5008-06 | DS5009-06 | D5018-06 | D5019-06 250 D5002-12 | D5005-12 D5006-12 | D5007-12| D5008-12 | D5009-12 | D5018-12 300 D5002-18| D5005-18 DS5006-18 | 05007-18) D5008-18 D5018-18 350 D5002-24 D5006-24 D5008-24 D5018-24 400 DS5002-30 D5006-30 D5008-30 450 D5002-36 DS006-36 500 D5002-42 550 D5002-48 Package Outline: 290-001 V,"{min) 10 Volts 20 Volts 30 Volts c,,\pF) 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.3 0.3-0.6 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.3 0.3-0.6 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.3 0.3-0.6 P,S{max) 150Mw 200mW 250mW 200mW 250mW 300mWw 200mW 250mW 300mW F, (GHz) 400 DVF4559-01 | DVF4559-05 | DVF4559-11} DVF4559-21 | DVF4559-25/DVF4559-31| DVF4559-41 | DVF4559-44) DVF4559-51 450 DVF4559-02 | DVF4559-06 DVF4559-22 | DVF4559-26 DVF4559-42 500 DVF4559-03 | DVF4559-07 DVF4559-23 DVF4559-43 550 DVF4559-04 DVF4559-24 Notes: 1, Breakdown Voltage (V,) is measured at 10 microamps reverse current. 2. Total Capacitance is measured at 1 MHz and 0 bias. Junction Capacitance (C,) is calculated by subtracting the typical package capacitance from the total capacitance. 1 Self resonant frequency may be calculated from Fj. = Where L is the series inductance. 2 a Lc, R= 1 Series resistance may be calculated from = * y 2nF.C, P,(max) is maximum dissipated power at room temperature for the average capacitance range. At maximum dissipated power, junction temperature is 175C. Frequency Cutoff (F,) of the diodes is measured by the Houlding technique. Deloach measurements are available and are utilized for characterizing low capacitance diodes. See GaAs Parametric Amplifier Varactor data sheet for Technical Note on Frequency Cutoff Measure- ment. 4-82