Panasonic 7))=~=9LSRIYFYT Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors/EA SUP IU KBP IDEAL Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors ameoIysyy even (Radial Lead Type) Series: EA type: A (Radial Leads) syle: O4/JIS C5141 BFNDAlA RSH DS ala.) BU PILAR For Electronic Ballast Long Life Miniaturization High Ripple BH & Features @ (RAEI 105 C 5000h @ Lifetime: 105 C 5000 h @ X20, 25mm (ERD) @ Height: 20, 25 mm (Low Profile) BtAe Recommended Applications @ Bf NTA @ Electronic Ballast Mtt # Specifications ff Aoim & @ i Operating Temp. Range zm % @ it gw Rated W.V. Range ef & FF & @ Nominal Cap. Range af A Sm at Ae Capacitance Tolerance a #1 & it DC Leakage Current ~25 to +105C 160 to 450 V.DC 10 to 150 uF +20 % (120 Hz/+20 C) 10.06 CV +10 (pA) after 2 minutes application of rated working voltage at +20 C 16k fH O EF W.V. (V) 160 | 200 | 250 | 350 | 400 | 450 = (120 Hz/+20 C) tan & tan 6 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.20] 0.24 |0.24 (max.) iin is i ME W.V. (V) 160 | 200 | 250 | 350 | 400 | 450 Characteristics Z(-25 *CYZ(+20 C)| 3 3 3 6 6 6 at Low Temperature (100HzTO4 Ye - 8 ALE Impedance ratio at 120 Hz) +105 CHD THEO) TAs BEL EAE cE (tA TIE) OPA. FER BELEL< 4494 BF +5000 ME, if a A et PHFD +20 WA EF ih K AY Ok PABLO 200 %LLF BSB HR M im 1 Bit PAARL After 5000 hours application of DC voltage with specified ripple current ( < rated DC working voltage) at +105 C. the capacitor shall meet the following limits. Capacitance change | +20 % of initial measured value tan 6 < 200 % of initial specified value DC leakage current < Initial specified value +105 C1000HF RE seis A fa ee, hacen Ba PEE TS. wee (EL, BMS 0) Er vB 4H a 4 : . . Si it Life Bott et After storage for 1000 hours at +105 C with no voltage applied and then being nelf Lite stabilized at +20 C, capacitors shall meet the limits specified in Endurance. (With voltage treatment} Endurance GQdt thou PRS EET SR GA HOES. CHR ARO CEMA YELL AER SE EERILY SME THAROHIL TOA SETHISMOL ET. ah, BHMOREHCLOUCTHRAEL LE 2d, BEMIS CMM EEA A, UPR LTC ESO Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail. EE84 Panasonic 7))=-9LS8IYFYV aAuminium Electrolytic Capacitors/EA @ aie Explanation of Part Numbers FBEMEWOOOOOO ae A acy YW Rae ef Bac RAPS al > FP PR(L ER Product Code Series Code R.W. Voltage Code N.Capacitance Code Option M@ RZiKT5% Dimensions in mm (not to scale) AY-F # Vent 6.35 P.V C Sleeve LS16:L+1.0 max. L220 : L+2.0 max. Body Dia. @D = 0 112.5) 16] 18 Lead Dia. d/ 0.6] 0.6]0.8]0.8 Lead Space P|} 5.0/5.0]7.5/7.5 BTA/AFS PIB RBR Case size/Ripple current @DxL (mm)/(mA) r.m.s. (120 Hz/+105 C) Cap pF) wets iV OC} 160 (2C) 200 (2D) 250 (2E) 350 (2V) 400 (2G) 450 (2W) 10 (100) 10 x20 100) 10 x20 | 100) 12.5x20 | 110 22 (220) 10 x20 | 160] 10 x20 | 160)12.5x20 | 160/12.5x20 | 160] 12.5x25 | 170] 16 x25 | 190 16 x20S] 170] 18 x20S| 190 33 (330) 10 x20 | 210] 12.5x20 | 210]12.5x20 |210/12.5x25 | 230/16 x25 | 230 16 x20S | 230)18 x20S] 230] 18 x25S | 240 47 (470) 12.5x20 | 260) 12.5x20 | 260)]12.5x25 | 270/16 x25 | 270 16 x20S | 270|18 x20S | 270| 18 x25S | 290 68 (680) 12.5x25 | 360; 12.5x25 | 360/16 x25 | 380 16 x20S | 360] 16 x20S|/ 360/18 x20S | 380/18 x25S | 380 100 (101) 16 x25 |440|16 x25 | 440 _ 18 x20S/ 440/18 x20S] 440/18 x25S [500 vee Pe 150 (151) 18 x25S) 650) 18 x25S | 650 sere aes * TAO GH cH (S) LBRO Kee oT (S) after dimention is a suffix code of part number. Example EEVEALCILUILILIS B AiR AMBR Frequency correction factor for ripple current Filipe (Hz) 50,60| 120 | 1k |10kto Frequency FE RR 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 Correction factor dat: (ERLOUT PRaK BET SMASH OET TBA ROT RFA SELOUM SER BAM, TRGB TMAMOMEAL TORE RE TE DEAL & v aH KMA OREM OU CHADEL LE Sid, PAC GHRATMMAOKES, UPRARATSA LTC Re Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail. EE8