CA3240, CA3240A Data Sheet August 2001 Dual, 4.5MHz, BiMOS Operational Amplifier with MOSFET Input/Bipolar Output The CA3240A and CA3240 are dual versions of the popular CA3140 series integrated circuit operational amplifiers. They combine the advantages of MOS and bipolar transistors on the same monolithic chip. The gate-protected MOSFET (PMOS) input transistors provide high input impedance and a wide common-mode input voltage range (typically to 0.5V below the negative supply rail). The bipolar output transistors allow a wide output voltage swing and provide a high output current capability. The CA3240A and CA3240 are compatible with the industry standard 1458 operational amplifiers in similar packages.The offset null feature is available only when these types are supplied in the 14 lead PDIP package (E1 suffix). Ordering Information PART NUMBER TEMP. RANGE ( oC) PACKAGE PKG. NO. File Number 1050.5 Features * Dual Version of CA3140 * Internally Compensated * MOSFET Input Stage - Very High Input Impedance (ZIN) 1.5T (Typ) - Very Low Input Current (II) 10pA (Typ) at 15V - Wide Common-Mode Input Voltage Range (VICR ): Can Be Swung 0.5V Below Negative Supply Voltage Rail * Directly Replaces Industry Type 741 in Most Applications Applications * Ground Referenced Single Amplifiers in Automobile and Portable Instrumentation * Sample and Hold Amplifiers * Long Duration Timers/Multivibrators (MicrosecondsMinutes-Hours) * Photocurrent Instrumentation CA3240AE -40 to 85 8 Ld PDIP E8.3 * Intrusion Alarm System * Active Filters CA3240AE1 -40 to 85 14 Ld PDIP E14.3 * Comparators * Function Generators CA3240E -40 to 85 8 Ld PDIP E8.3 * Instrumentation Amplifiers * Power Supplies Functional Diagram Pinouts 2mA 4mA V+ BIAS CIRCUIT CURRENT SOURCES AND REGULATOR 200A 1.6mA 200A 2A 2mA + INPUT A 10 A 10,000 - A1 CA3240, CA3240A (PDIP) TOP VIEW OUTPUT (A) INV. INPUT (A) NON-INV. INPUT (A) 1 8 V+ 2 V- 4 7 OUTPUT INV. 6 INPUT (B) 5 NON-INV. INPUT (B) 3 OUTPUT CA3240A (PDIP) TOP VIEW C1 12pF OFFSET NULL NOTE: Only available with 14 lead DIP (E1 Suffix). V- INV. INPUT (A) NON-INV. INPUT (A) OFFSET NULL (A) VOFFSET NULL (B) NON - INV. INPUT (B) INV. INPUT (B) 1 OFFSET 14 NULL (A) 2 13 V+ 3 12 OUTPUT (A) 4 11 NC 5 10 OUTPUT (B) 6 9 V+ 7 8 OFFSET NULL (B) Pins 9 and 13 internally connected through approximately 3. 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | Intersil and Design is a trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. | Copyright (c) Intersil Americas Inc. 2001 CA3240, CA3240A Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Information Supply Voltage (Between V+ and V-). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36V Differential Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8V Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (V+ +8V) to (V- -0.5V) Input Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mA Output Short Circuit Duration (Note 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indefinite Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 2) JA (oC/W) 8 Lead PDIP Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 14 Lead PDIP Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Maximum Junction Temperature (Plastic Package) . . . . . . . 150oC Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . -65oC to 150oC Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . 300oC Operating Conditions Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40oC to 85oC Voltage Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4V to 36V or 2V to 18V CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTES: 1. Short circuit may be applied to ground or to either supply. Temperatures and/or supply voltages must be limited to keep dissipation within maximum rating. 2. JA is measured with the component mounted on an evaluation PC board in free air. For Equipment Design, VSUPPLY = 15V, TA = 25oC, Unless Otherwise Specified Electrical Specifications CA3240 PARAMETER CA3240A SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset Voltage VIO - 5 15 - 2 5 mV Input Offset Current IIO - 0.5 30 - 0.5 20 pA II - 10 50 - 10 40 pA AOL 20 100 - 20 100 - kV/V 86 100 - 86 100 - dB Input Current Large-Signal Voltage Gain (See Figures 13, 28) (Note 3) Common Mode Rejection Ratio (See Figure 18) - 32 320 - 32 320 V/V 70 90 - 70 90 - dB VICR -15 -15.5 to +12.5 11 -15 -15.5 to +12.5 12 V PSRR (VIO/V) - 100 150 - 100 150 V/V 76 80 - 76 80 - dB CMRR Common Mode Input Voltage Range (See Figure 25) Power Supply Rejection Ratio (See Figure 20) Maximum Output Voltage (Note 4) (See Figures 24, 25) VOM+ 12 13 - 12 13 - V VOM- -14 -14.4 - -14 -14.4 - V Maximum Output Voltage (Note 5) VOM- 0.4 0.13 - 0.4 0.13 - V Total Supply Current (See Figure 16) For Both Amps I+ - 8 12 - 8 12 mA Total Device Dissipation PD - 240 360 - 240 360 mW NOTES: 3. At VO = 26VP-P, +12V, -14V and RL = 2k. 4. At RL = 2k. 5. At V+ = 5V, V- = GND, ISINK = 200A. For Equipment Design, VSUPPLY = 15V, TA = 25oC, Unless Otherwise Specified Electrical Specifications TYPICAL VALUES PARAMETER SYMBOL Input Offset Voltage Adjustment Resistor (E1 Package Only) TEST CONDITIONS CA3240A CA3240 UNITS Typical Value of Resistor Between Terminals 4 and 3(5) or Between 4 and 14(8) to Adjust Maximum VIO 18 4.7 k Input Resistance RI 1.5 1.5 T Input Capacitance CI 4 4 pF Output Resistance RO 60 60 Equivalent Wideband Input Noise Voltage (See Figure 2) eN 48 48 V 2 BW = 140kHz, RS = 1M CA3240, CA3240A For Equipment Design, VSUPPLY = 15V, TA = 25oC, Unless Otherwise Specified (Continued) Electrical Specifications TYPICAL VALUES PARAMETER SYMBOL Equivalent Input Noise Voltage (See Figure 19) eN Short-Circuit Current to Opposite Supply Gain Bandwidth Product (See Figures 14, 28) Slew Rate (See Figure 15) CA3240A CA3240 UNITS f = 1kHz, RS = 100 TEST CONDITIONS 40 40 nV/Hz f = 10kHz, RS = 100 12 12 nV/Hz IOM + Source 40 40 mA IOM- Sink fT 11 11 mA 4.5 4.5 MHz 9 9 V/s 0.08 0.08 s SR Transient Response (See Figure 1) tr OS Settling Time at 10VP-P (See Figure 26) tS Crosstalk (See Figure 23) RL = 2k, C L = 100pF Rise Time RL = 2k, C L = 100pF Overshoot 10 10 % AV = +1, RL = 2k, CL = 100pF, Voltage Follower To 1mV 4.5 4.5 s To 10mV f = 1kHz 1.4 1.4 s 120 120 dB For Equipment Design, at VSUPPLY = 15V, TA = -40 to 85oC, Unless Otherwise Specified Electrical Specifications TYPICAL VALUES SYMBOL CA3240A CA3240 UNITS Input Offset Voltage PARAMETER |VIO| 3 10 mV Input Offset Current (Note 8) |IIO| 32 32 pA II 640 640 pA AOL 63 63 kV/V 96 96 dB Input Current (Note 8) Large Signal Voltage Gain (See Figures 13, 28), (Note 6) Common Mode Rejection Ratio (See Figure 18) Common Mode Input Voltage Range (See Figure 25) Power Supply Rejection Ratio (See Figure 20) Maximum Output Voltage (Note 7) (See Figures 24, 25) Supply Current (See Figure 16) Total For Both Amps Total Device Dissipation Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Voltage CMRR 32 32 V/V 90 90 dB VICR -15 to +12.3 -15 to +12.3 V PSRR (VIO/V) 150 150 V/V 76 76 dB VOM+ 12.4 12.4 V VOM - -14.2 -14.2 V I+ 8.4 8.4 mA PD 252 252 mW VIO/T 15 15 V/oC NOTES: 6. At VO = 26VP-P, +12V, -14V and RL = 2k. 7. At RL = 2k. 8. At TA = 85oC. For Equipment Design, at V+ = 5V, V- = 0V, TA = 25oC, Unless Otherwise Specified Electrical Specifications TYPICAL VALUES PARAMETER SYMBOL CA3240A CA3240 UNITS Input Offset Voltage |VIO| 2 5 mV Input Offset Current |IIO| 0.1 0.1 pA II 2 2 pA Input Resistance RIN 1 1 T Large Signal Voltage Gain (See Figures 13, 28) AOL 100 100 kV/V 100 100 dB Input Current 3 CA3240, CA3240A For Equipment Design, at V+ = 5V, V- = 0V, TA = 25oC, Unless Otherwise Specified (Continued) Electrical Specifications TYPICAL VALUES PARAMETER SYMBOL Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CA3240A 32 32 V/V 90 dB -0.5 -0.5 V 2.6 2.6 V 31.6 31.6 V/V 90 90 dB VOM+ 3 3 V VICR Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR Maximum Output Voltage (See Figures 24, 25) Maximum Output Current UNITS 90 CMRR Common-Mode Input Voltage Range (See Figure 25) CA3240 VOM - 0.3 0.3 V Source IOM+ 20 20 mA Sink IOM- 1 1 mA SR 7 7 V/s MHz Slew Rate (See Figure 15) Gain Bandwidth Product (See Figure 14) fT 4.5 4.5 Supply Current (See Figure 16) I+ 4 4 mA Device Dissipation PD 20 20 mW Test Circuits and Waveforms 50mV/Div., 200ns/Div. Top Trace: Input, Bottom Trace: Output 5V/Div., 1s/Div. Top Trace: Input, Bottom Trace: Output FIGURE 1A. SMALL SIGNAL RESPONSE FIGURE 1B. LARGE SIGNAL RESPONSE +15V 0.1F 10k SIMULATED LOAD + CA3240 - 100pF 2k 0.1F -15V 2k BW (-3dB) = 4.5MHz SR = 9V/s 0.05F FIGURE 1C. TEST CIRCUIT FIGURE 1. SPLIT-SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOLLOWER TEST CIRCUIT AND ASSOCIATED WAVEFORMS 4 CA3240, CA3240A Test Circuits and Waveforms (Continued) +15V 0.01F RS + 1M NOISE VOLTAGE OUTPUT CA3240 - 30.1k 0.01F -15V 1k BW (-3dB) = 140kHz TOTAL NOISE VOLTAGE (REFERRED TO INPUT) = 48V (TYP) FIGURE 2. TEST CIRCUIT AMPLIFIER (30dB GAIN) USED FOR WIDEBAND NOISE MEASUREMENT Schematic Diagram (One Amplifier of Two) BIAS CIRCUIT INPUT STAGE SECOND STAGE OUTPUT STAGE DYNAMIC CURRENT SINK V+ D7 D1 Q2 Q1 R9 50 Q3 Q4 R11 20 Q7 Q17 R1 8K Q20 D8 R10 Q19 1K Q5 Q6 R13 15K R 12 12K R14 20K Q21 R8 1K Q8 OUTPUT Q18 D4 D3 D2 D5 INVERTING INPUT - Q9 Q10 NON-INVERTING INPUT + R2 500 Q11 R4 500 C1 12pF R3 500 Q13 9. Only available with 14 Lead DIP (E1 Suffix). 10. All resistance values are in ohms. 5 Q15 R5 500 Q16 D6 Q12 OFFSET NULL (NOTE 9) NOTES: Q14 R6 50 R7 30 V- CA3240, CA3240A Application Information Circuit Description Input Circuit Considerations The schematic diagram details one amplifier section of the CA3240. It consists of a differential amplifier stage using PMOS transistors (Q9 and Q10) with gate-to-source protection against static discharge damage provided by zener diodes D3, D4, and D5. Constant current bias is applied to the differential amplifier from transistors Q2 and Q5 connected as a constant current source. This assures a high common-mode rejection ratio. The output of the differential amplifier is coupled to the base of gain stage transistor Q13 by means of an NPN current mirror that supplies the required differential-to-single-ended conversion. Provision for offset null for types in the 14 lead plastic package (E1 suffix) is provided through the use of this current mirror. As indicated by the typical VICR, this device will accept inputs as low as 0.5V below V-. However, a series currentlimiting resistor is recommended to limit the maximum input terminal current to less than 1mA to prevent damage to the input protection circuitry. The gain stage transistor Q13 has a high impedance active load (Q3 and Q4) to provide maximum open-loop gain. The collector of Q13 directly drives the base of the compound emitter-follower output stage. Pulldown for the output stage is provided by two independent circuits: (1) constant-currentconnected transistors Q14 and Q15 and (2) dynamic currentsink transistor Q16 and its associated circuitry. The level of pulldown current is constant at about 1mA for Q15 and varies from 0 to 18mA for Q16 depending on the magnitude of the voltage between the output terminal and V+. The dynamic current sink becomes active whenever the output terminal is more negative than V+ by about 15V. When this condition exists, transistors Q21 and Q16 are turned on causing Q16 to sink current from the output terminal to V-. This current always flows when the output is in the linear region, either from the load resistor or from the emitter of Q18 if no load resistor is present. The purpose of this dynamic sink is to permit the output to go within 0.2V (VCE (sat)) of V- with a 2k load to ground. When the load is returned to V+, it may be necessary to supplement the 1mA of current from Q15 in order to turn on the dynamic current sink (Q16). This may be accomplished by placing a resistor (Approx. 2k) between the output and V-. Moreover, some current-limiting resistance should be provided between the inverting input and the output when the CA3240 is used as a unity-gain voltage follower. This resistance prevents the possibility of extremely large inputsignal transients from forcing a signal through the inputprotection network and directly driving the internal constantcurrent source which could result in positive feedback via the output terminal. A 3.9k resistor is sufficient. The typical input current is on the order of 10pA when the inputs are centered at nominal device dissipation. As the output supplies load current, device dissipation will increase, rasing the chip temperature and resulting in increased input current. Figure 4 shows typical input-terminal current versus ambient temperature for the CA3240. +HV V+ LOAD CA3240 RL RS LOAD 120VAC 30V NO LOAD MT2 Output Circuit Considerations Figure 24 shows output current-sinking capabilities of the CA3240 at various supply voltages. Output voltage swing to the negative supply rail permits this device to operate both power transistors and thyristors directly without the need for level-shifting circuitry usually associated with the 741 series of operational amplifiers. Figure 3 shows some typical configurations. Note that a series resistor, RL, is used in both cases to limit the drive available to the driven device. Moreover, it is recommended that a series diode and shunt diode be used at the thyristor input to prevent large negative transient surges that can appear at the gate of thyristors, from damaging the integrated circuit. 6 CA3240 RL MT1 FIGURE 3. METHODS OF UTILIZING THE VCE (SAT) SINKING CURRENT CAPABILITY OF THE CA3240 SERIES CA3240, CA3240A shift in the output voltage (Terminal 7) of the CA3240E. These positive transitions are fed into the CA3059, which is used as a latching circuit and zero-crossing TRIAC driver. When a positive pulse occurs at Terminal 7 of the CA3240E, the TRIAC is turned on and held on by the CA3059 and its associated positive feedback circuitry (51k resistor and 36k/42k voltage divider). When the positive pulse occurs at Terminal 1 (CA3240E), the TRIAC is turned off and held off in a similar manner. Note that power for the CA3240E is supplied by the CA3059 internal power supply. 10K INPUT CURRENT (pA) VS = 15V 1K 100 10 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE (oC) 100 120 140 FIGURE 4. INPUT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE It is well known that MOSFET devices can exhibit slight changes in characteristics (for example, small changes in input offset voltage) due to the application of large differential input voltages that are sustained over long periods at elevated temperatures. Both applied voltage and temperature accelerate these changes. The process is reversible and offset voltage shifts of the opposite polarity reverse the offset. In typical linear applications, where the differential voltage is small and symmetrical, these incremental changes are of about the same magnitude as those encountered in an operational amplifier employing a bipolar transistor input stage. Offset-Voltage Nulling The input offset voltage of the CA3240AE1 and CA3240E1 can be nulled by connecting a 10k potentiometer between Terminals 3 and 14 or 5 and 8 and returning its wiper arm to Terminal 4, see Figure 5A. This technique, however, gives more adjustment range than required and therefore, a considerable portion of the potentiometer rotation is not fully utilized. Typical values of series resistors that may be placed at either end of the potentiometer, see Figure 5B, to optimize its utilization range are given in the table "Electrical Specifications for Equipment Design" shown on third page of this data sheetAn alternate system is shown in Figure 5C. This circuit uses only one additional resistor of approximately the value shown in the table. For potentiometers, in which the resistance does not drop to 0 at either end of rotation, a value of resistance 10% lower than the values shown in the table should be used. Typical Applications On/Off Touch Switch The on/off touch switch shown in Figure 6 uses the CA3240E to sense small currents flowing between two contact points on a touch plate consisting of a PC board metallization "grid". When the "on" plate is touched, current flows between the two halves of the grid causing a positive 7 The advantage of using the CA3240E in this circuit is that it can sense the small currents associated with skin conduction while allowing sufficiently high circuit impedance to provide protection against electrical shock. Dual Level Detector (Window Comparator) Figure 7 illustrates a simple dual liquid level detector using the CA3240E as the sensing amplifier. This circuit operates on the principle that most liquids contain enough ions in solution to sustain a small amount of current flow between two electrodes submersed in the liquid. The current, induced by an 0.5V potential applied between two halves of a PC board grid, is converted to a voltage level by the CA3240E in a circuit similar to that of the on/off touch switch shown in Figure 6. The changes in voltage for both the upper and lower level sensors are processed by the CA3140 to activate an LED whenever the liquid level is above the upper sensor or below the lower sensor. Constant-Voltage/Constant-Current Power Supply The constant-voltage/constant-current power supply shown in Figure 8 uses the CA3240E1 as a voltage-error and current-sensing amplifier. The CA3240E1 is ideal for this application because its input common-mode voltage range includes ground, allowing the supply to adjust from 20mV to 25V without requiring a negative supply voltage. Also, the ground reference capability of the CA3240E1 allows it to sense the voltage across the 1 current-sensing resistor in the negative output lead of the power supply. The CA3086 transistor array functions as a reference for both constantvoltage and constant-current limiting. The 2N6385 power Darlington is used as the pass element and may be required to dissipate as much as 40W. Figure 9 shows the transient response of the supply during a 100mA to 1A load transition. Precision Differential Amplifier Figure 10 shows the CA3240E in the classical precision differential amplifier circuit. The CA3240E is ideally suited for biomedical applications because of its extremely high input impedance. To insure patient safety, an extremely high electrode series resistance is required to limit any current that might result in patient discomfort in the event of a fault condition. In this case, 10M resistors have been used to limit the current to less than 2A without affecting the performance of the circuit. Figure 11 shows a typical electrocardiogram waveform obtained with this circuit. CA3240, CA3240A V+ V+ 13(9) 1(7) CA3240 12(10) CA3240 2(6) 4 3 (5) 14(8) R (NOTE 11) R 10k (NOTE 11) 10k V- V- FIGURE 5A. BASIC FIGURE 5B. IMPROVED RESOLUTION V+ CA3240 10k (NOTE 11) V- R FIGURE 5C. SIMPLER IMPROVED RESOLUTION NOTE: 11. See Electrical Specification Table for value of R. FIGURE 5. THREE OFFSET-VOLTAGE NULLING METHODS, (CA3240AE1 ONLY) 44M 10K (2W) 120V/220V AC 60Hz/50Hz +6V +6V "ON" 8 1M 6 +6V 0.01F 5 5.1M "OFF" 1M 3 2 0.01F 1M 36K - 1/2 CA3240 7 + 5 12K 13 1N914 9 42K 10 8 11 + 1/2 CA3240 1N914 4 +6V SOURCE 2 + - 100F (16V) NOTE: At 220V operation, TRIAC should be T2300D, RS = 18K, 5W. FIGURE 6. ON/OFF TOUCH SWITCH 8 G 4 7 1 MT2 40W 120V LIGHT T2300B (NOTE 12) CA3059 44M 12. RS (NOTE 12) 51K MT1 COMMON CA3240, CA3240A 12M +15V 0.1F 8 100K +15V +15V - 1/2 2 1 CA3240 + 3 3 240K HIGH LEVEL + 160K (0.5V) CA3140 100K 8.2K 5 100K 680 LED 4 100K 1/2 CA3240 6 - 2 + 0.1F 7 33K 7 - 6 4 LOW LEVEL LED ON WHEN LIQUID OUTSIDE OF LIMITS 12M FIGURE 7. DUAL LEVEL DETECTER VO IO V+ 2N6385 2 10K 13 3 DARLINGTON 75 - 1/2 CA3240E1 + 12 3K 1 1 180K 2 + 500 - F 4 100 1N914 2.7K VI = 30V + - 100K 2000F 50V 0.056F 2.2K 82K V+ 10 2 + 5F 16V - 11 9 100K 1 7 14 CA3086E 9 TRANSISTOR ARRAY 8 100K 12 3 6 - 1/2 CA3240E1 + 13 5 820 7 680K 50K 1K 4 6 6.2K 100K CHASSIS GROUND VO RANGE = 20mV TO 25V LOAD REGULATION: VOLTAGE <0.08% CURRENT <0.05% 1 1W OUTPUT HUM AND NOISE 150VRMS (10MHz BANDWIDTH) SINE REGULATION 0.1%/VO IO RANGE = 10mA - 1.3A FIGURE 8. CONSTANT-VOLTAGE/CONSTANT-CURRENT POWER SUPPLY 9 10 CA3240, CA3240A Top Trace: Output Voltage; 500mV/Div., 5s/Div. Bottom Trace: Collector Of Load Switching Transistor Load = 100mA to 1A; 5V/Div., 5s/Div. FIGURE 9. TRANSIENT RESPONSE +15V 0.1F 8 100K 1% 10M 3 2 GAIN CONTROL + 1/2 CA3240 - 1 2000pF 2000pF +15V 1% 5.1K 100K 1% 100K 7 OUTPUT 2 CA3140 3.9K 3 100K 1% TWO COND. SHIELDED CABLE 6 5 - 5.1K 1% 1/2 CA3240 + 6 2K 4 0.1F 2000pF -15V 7 FREQUENCY RESPONSE (-3dB) DC TO 1MHz SLEW RATE = 1.5V/s COMMON MODE REJ: 86dB GAIN RANGE: 35dB TO 60dB 10M 4 0.1F -15V FIGURE 10. PRECISION DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER 10 0.1F CA3240, CA3240A Vertical: 1.0mV/Div. Amplifier Gain = 100X Scope Sensitivity = 0.1V/Div. Horizontal: >0.2s/Div. (Uncal) FIGURE 11. TYPICAL ELECTROCARIOGRAM WAVEFORM 0.015F 100K +15V +15V 8 2 +15V 1/2 CA3240E 5.1K C30809 PHOTO DIODE - 3 1 3 + 200K 1.3 K 5 13K 6 7 2K + 1/2 CA3240E - CA3140 2 7 2K + 6 OUTPUT 4 -15V 4 C30809 PHOTO DIODE -15V 200k 100K 0.015F FIGURE 12. DIFFERENTIAL LIGHT DETECTOR Differential Light Detector In the circuit shown in Figure 12, the CA3240E converts the current from two photo diodes to voltage, and applies 1V of reverse bias to the diodes. The voltages from the CA3240E outputs are subtracted in the second stage (CA3140) so that 11 only the difference is amplified. In this manner, the circuit can be used over a wide range of ambient light conditions without circuit component adjustment. Also, when used with a light source, the circuit will not be sensitive to changes in light level as the source ages. CA3240, CA3240A RL = 2k 125 GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT (MHz) OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN (dB) Typical Performance Curves TA = -40oC 100 25oC 75 85oC 50 25 RL = 2k CL = 100pF 20 10 TA = -40oC 25oC 85oC 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 13. OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 20 TOTAL SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) FOR BOTH AMPS SLEW RATE (V/s) 15 25oC TA = -40oC 10 85 oC 5 0 RL = 9 25 oC TA = -40oC 8 85 oC 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO (dB) 25 20 15 10 5 100K 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 17. MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING vs FREQUENCY 12 15 20 25 FIGURE 16. QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPPLY VOLTAGE: VS = 15V TA = 25oC 0 10K 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 15. SLEW RATE vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VP-P) 25 FIGURE 14. GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 10 RL = 2k CL = 100pF 20 4M 120 100 SUPPLY VOLTAGE: VS = 15V TA = 25oC 80 60 40 20 0 101 10 2 103 104 105 10 6 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 18. COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO vs FREQUENCY 107 CA3240, CA3240A 1000 (Continued) POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO (dB) EQUIVALENT INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE (nV/Hz) Typical Performance Curves SUPPLY VOLTAGE: VS = 15V TA = 25 oC RS = 100 100 10 1 101 1 10 2 10 3 FREQUENCY (Hz) 10 4 80 -PSRR 40 20 101 17.5 VS = 15V ONE AMPLIFIER OPERATING 6 4 2 10 6 10 7 VS = 15V RL = 12.5 10 7.5 5 -5 0 5 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) -15 15 OUTPUT STAGE TRANSISTOR (Q15, Q16) TA = 25oC AMP A AMP B AMP B AMP A VS = 15V VO = 5VRMS 120 110 100 90 1 101 10 2 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 23. CROSSTALK vs FREQUENCY 13 10 3 -10 -5 0 5 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 15 FIGURE 22. SUPPLY CURRENT vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE 1000 SATURATION VOLTAGE (mV) -10 FIGURE 21. OUTPUT SINK CURRENT vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE CROSSTALK (dB) 10 5 2.5 -15 80 0.1 104 TA = 25oC 15 0 130 103 FIGURE 20. POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO vs FREQUENCY 8 140 102 FREQUENCY (Hz) TA = 25oC 10 +PSRR 60 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) PER AMP (DOUBLE FOR BOTH) OUTPUT SINK CURRENT (mA) PER AMP 100 105 FIGURE 19. EQUIVALENT INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE vs FREQUENCY 12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE: VS = 15V TA = 25 oC POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO = VIO/ VS V- = 0V TA = 25oC V+ = +5V 100 +15V +30V 10 1.0 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 LOAD (SINKING) CURRENT (mA) FIGURE 24. VOLTAGE ACROSS OUTPUT TRANSISTORS Q15 AND Q16 vs LOAD CURRENT CA3240, CA3240A Typical Performance Curves 0 INPUT AND OUTPUT VOLTAGE REFERENCED TO TERMINAL V- (V) INPUT AND OUTPUT VOLTAGE REFERENCED TO TERMINAL V+(V) RL = (Continued) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (+VO) COMMON MODE VOLTAGE (+VICR) -0.5 -1 TA = 25oC -1.5 TA = 85 oC TA = 85oC -2 -2.5 TA = 25 oC -3 0 TA = -40oC 5 TA = -40oC 10 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 20 RL = 1.5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (-VO) COMMON MODE VOLTAGE (-VICR) 1.0 0.5 TA = -40oC TO 85 oC 0 TA = 85oC -0.5 TA = -40oC -1.0 TA = 25 oC -1.5 0 25 5 10 15 20 25 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 25A. FIGURE 25B. FIGURE 25. OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING CAPABILITY AND COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPPLY VOLTAGE: VS = 15V TA = 25oC, RL = 2k, CL = 100pF +15V 10 1mV INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 8 10mV 1mV 0.1F 10mV 6 + 10k 4 SIMULATED LOAD CA3240 - 2 100pF FOLLOWER 0 INVERTING 0.1F -2 -15V -4 1mV -6 -8 -10 0.1 10mV 2 4 6 1mV 2k 10mV 8 1.0 TIME (s) 2 4 6 8 0.05F 10 FIGURE 26A. SETTLING TIME vs INPUT VOLTAGE FIGURE 26B. TEST CIRCUIT (FOLLOWER) 5k +15V 0.1F 5k SIMULATED LOAD CA3240 200 + 100pF 0.1F 4.99k D1 1N914 -15V 5.11k SETTLING POINT D2 1N914 FIGURE 26C. TEST CIRCUIT (INVERTING) FIGURE 26. INPUT VOLTAGE vs SETTLING TIME 14 2k 2k CA3240, CA3240A (Continued) 10K OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN (dB) INPUT CURRENT (pA) VS = 15V 1K 100 10 1 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 100 PHASE RL = 2k, CL = 0pF -90 -105 -120 -135 80 RL = 2k, CL = 100pF 60 -150 GAIN 40 20 0 101 TEMPERATURE (oC) FIGURE 27. INPUT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE -75 VS = 15V TA = 25oC 102 103 104 10 5 10 6 10 7 OPEN LOOP PHASE (DEGREES) Typical Performance Curves 10 8 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 28. OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN AND PHASE vs FREQUENCY All Intersil products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems. Intersil Corporation's quality certifications can be viewed at Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see Sales Office Headquarters NORTH AMERICA Intersil Corporation 7585 Irvine Center Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 TEL: (949) 341-7000 FAX: (949) 341-7123 Intersil Corporation 2401 Palm Bay Rd. Palm Bay, FL 32905 TEL: (321) 724-7000 FAX: (321) 724-7946 15 EUROPE Intersil Europe Sarl Ave. C - F Ramuz 43 CH-1009 Pully Switzerland TEL: +41 21 7293637 FAX: +41 21 7293684 ASIA Intersil Corporation Unit 1804 18/F Guangdong Water Building 83 Austin Road TST, Kowloon Hong Kong TEL: +852 2723 6339 FAX: +852 2730 1433