BIY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZI8, BTZI9 BTY27 to BTY3I BTZI8 to BTZI9 Tjunction =!25C > < = 2 c e a a 9 9 & 3 aX 9 2 wo 3 3 ev Cc 3 2 c 3 wv Increases to breakover voltage with zero gate signal I 2 3 Instantaneous forward voltage drop (Vv) MAXIMUM FORWARD CONDUCTING CHARACTERISTICS CS [Mullard | MAY 1964 (1) SA Page C1SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BTZ18, BIZI9 BTY27 Series 3) MadwD) os (Wop X Wp) ULeAl x ~UlZZ1 WIG X WIG) UYX UZ Ulfe: Guiopds uly winuijuios uss Burjoos uaddos uo Ajjoauip pnys au, 06 30 AZIAISSIWwe UPM uaddos ul 9\y aun sul} Buijooo liv Gv-O = ,O 09-0 09 (Wing x w9g) UIE x UIE 02:0 206 se8-0 O2l Ovi oP 'S40}OD; Burmoyioy Aq sBulpoau quauuns Aidiqjnwi saj6up uolosnpuos vaujo voy (UWI9G] x WOG]) UIQX UG 081 jo atbup Uo!ONpuod uo} auo UMOUS SaAuND (W201 X WOOI) Ulyx ULp > < 9 a a a 8 ~ g S or] a Q c s i] Q 3 oo ~ > 2 sazis uly Burjoes Buljooo uolj2aAu0d aau4 $1200 93 0G PDO] 2AIZONpPU! uo aaizsisay 6I1Z1G 9} BIZ1G tAL8 9} ZEALB Page C10 CY HZ MAXIMUM AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT PLOTTED AGAINST AMBIENT TEMPERATURE FOR VARIOUS HEAT SINK SIZES MAY 1961 (1)BTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER } BTZ18, BTZI9 (S$) au +O du WIS Wet) _ o,6ZI Lu aounjsisag jouay, jUaisubu} 34} AG papiaipdway yuls yay "xD snujWw (*xDUW UO!IUNT yy DeGZl SloNba * ainjpuadwa} yuIs yD2Yy Wous BulyDys Hof} aut} YO} uaiyiy2au Ul UONDdssIp aiqDMoliD YD2d *} UO!YDuNp Jo asind ppdoy ajBuis wo} yuIs yay Vacgp uoljoUNf Jo asiu sunyDsadway Ssauljap aAunD =Dad q pnjs 0} UOI}DU pnis 24} Jo UoIZUOd jDUCBDxaYy ayy Wo) Ul >y yulod D 7D ulj uaddod ulSs, Uo paunspaw 61219 9} BIZ1d lIeALE 9} 2Z2ALE - 3 a 3 v, a 3 oe oo 5 a 5 3 a 3 a a, a 8 3 a a > 9 Oo Q = Ss TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE CHARACTERISTICS Page Cit MAY 1961 (1)BTY27 Series BIZ18, BIZI9 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BTY27 to BTY3I BTZI8 to BTZI9 Gate open or shorted to cathode Tjunction =!25C BTY27(max ST yeras Bry ~ C s a & 2 Vv gv o 3 x a 2 2] 3 9 iS c o ? So - uw atzig (man Sry 3 (tye) pTzi9 (typ) 100 200 300 Instantaneous ied (v) FORWARD AND REVERSE CHARACTERISTICS (CS) MAY 1961 (1) ana . Page C2BTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZI8, BIZI9 BTZI8 to BTZ19 Resistive or inductive load 50 to 400c/s o > a - nt n > bt a Average forward current (A) Conduction angle = 30 2 o (D.) aunjouadwiay pnys wnwixow MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STUD TEMPERATURE PLOTTED AGAINST AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT WITH CONDUCTION ANGLE AS PARAMETER : (CS) MAY 1961 (1) Mullaya Page C3BIY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZ18, BIZI9 125C BTZI8 to BTZzI9 a > b qQ 2 nw nN z a Tjunction Average forward current (A) =30 Conduction angle Conduction angle oO w (M) UO!}DdISSID 4aMod punmioy 2BouaAy FORWARD POWER DISSIPATION PLOTTED AGAINST AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT WITH CONDUCTION ANGLE AS PARAMETER (co) MAY. 1961 (1) Mallar Page C4BIY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZI8, BTZI9 BTY27 to BTY3I BTZI8 to BTZI9 Tjunction =~ 55 to +125C Shaded areo represents iocus of possible firing points at Tjunction= -55 to +125C. Minimum gate current at Minimum gate voltage at which all units will fire. which all units will fire. +125 + 25C ~ 55C ny ao = > = v n 5 ~ > v ~ 9 a a 3 y c 0 owt c o ~ ny c H imum gate voltage at +125C 4 which firing will not occur, Instantaneous gate voitage(V) 3 10 20 30 Instantaneous gate current (mA) 10 5 2:0 Instantaneous gate current (A) GATE CHARACTERISTICS MAY 1961 (1) Page C5BTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZ18, BIZI9 BTY27 to BTY3I BTZ18 to BTZI9 Typical turn-on tire for 10A dc. Gate signal applied at zero time from 3:O0V Copen circuit) 200 source a fe} Anode-to-cathode voltage %o. change t Rise time Time (ys) \ TYPICAL TURN-ON CHARACTERISTIC MAY 1961 (1) OF, Page CBTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZ18, BIZ19 Page C7 (D.)OH SUNS (sf) auuty JJo-yunt ool OS Or 02 Oo [ | +} LTT] [ COPE F | "papaaoxa aq you ysnw Burau yuareud 0} ft i AOI 0 Buryou aBoyor 2306 DPOLOA pupMyo} JO i BSU2A2Z PUD PUDMUOJ YDIq uolD2yddpau Jo 2}Du j SIGOMO|D jDIIdAL ' z ict sa to ool a s, < Q 2 i z a ro} R a a oF = | c < 5 = 3 8 Mi o02 3 O18 ] sii 2 Q pajddoau aq Apu |4 a abo yJOA pupmuoy | o c ] auojaq pauinbau {+ @Q 3 | aut} jDIdAL I 4 > t = ~ < 2 LTT TT TT th ~ ~ vov= LH 3 | }UZIUND asuardy | sip } wood winwiuiw L+4 OOF ~ i PITLLLert yp vo-G= yU24sND apoud Ip YUIOE 40 f JJO-uun} 2uojaq | Bulusnz 40} pauinbay juasun> 1 quausn> pupMsos [4 2306 yoad antyoBbau fo31dAL snoaup UD ysUL [4 61Z1d 9} SIZLg 61ZLd 9} BIZLE [4 lIALB OF ZZALE I 1ALG 0} LZZ2ALE +4! OOF TYPICAL TURN-OFF CHARACTERISTIC AND TYPICAL ANODE TURN-OFF CONTROLLED BY GATE MAY 1964 (4)BTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZ18, BIZI9 BTZi8 to BTZI19 o > kK a - w N > Fe na Cycles at 50c/s oO o v a () JUauuns aBuns wnwixow MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SURGE CURRENT PLOTTED AGAINST NUMBER OF CYCLES AT f = 50c/s Cc {Mullard | MAY 1961 (1) CH Page C8BTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BTZ18, BIZI9 BTY27 to BTY3I BTZI8 to BTZI9 T junction = -20 to +125C -55 to - 20C o Oo i oO - uj E c < wo c A] co a 3 Vv P 3 Ww) DG 5 w De) o Maximum allowable surge current for sub-cycle (Less than one cycle pulse width) 10 tp (ms) SUB-CYCLE SURGE CURRENT PLOTTED AGAINST TIME MAY 1961 (1) SZ Page C9BTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZI8, BTZI9 A silicon controlled rectifier is a p-n-p-n semiconductor device for use in power control applications. The reverse characteristic of such a device is similar to that of o normal rectifier, but the forward characteristic is such that without a signal applied to the gate terminal, it will block positive anode-to-cathode voltages. The controlled rectifier is normally returned to its non-conducting state, by momentarily removing the positive anode voltage. The BTY27, BTY28, BTY29, BTY30, BTY31, BTZ18 and BTZ19 are identical except for reverse voltage ratings and leakage current (see appropriate sections of data). PRELIMINARY DATA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS The equipment designer must ensure that no controlled rectifier exceeds these ratings. In arriving at the actual operating conditions, variations in supply voltages, component tolerances and ambient temperature must also be taken into account. The designer must take his own safety factors to ensure that transient voltages do not exceed the maximum reverse voltage rating. The ratings apply for a resistive or inductive load at frequencies from 50c/s to 400c/s. Voltage ratings BTY27 BTY28 BTY29 BTZI8 BTY30 BTY3I BIZI9 Maximum reverse voltage (< 5ms) 75 150 225 300 350 400 500 v Maximum recurrent PLY. 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 Vv Maximum forward voltage 480 Vv Maximum recurrent peak forward voltage 480 Vv Maximum forward gate voltage (anode positive) 10 Vv Maximum peak forward gate voltage (anode positive) 10 Vv Maximum forward gate voltage (anode negative) 250 mV Maximum peak forward gate voltage (anode negative) 250 mV Maximum reverse gate voltage 10 v Maximum peak reverse gate voitage 10 Vv Current ratings Maximum forward current in a half-wave single phase circuit with a resistive load. With infinite heat sink and a mounting Average D.C. base temperature of 60C 4.7 6.0 A For other values of ambient temperature and conduction angle see curves on page C10. Maximum recurrent peak current 20 A *Maximum surge current for 1 cycle at 50c/s 55 A Maximum gate current 2.0 A Maximum peak gate current 2.0 A Maximum peak gate power 5.0 Ww **Maximum average gate power 500 mW *For determination of I?t rating for fusing see curve on page C8, **Averaging time 20ms. (CS) MAY 1961 (1) Multarsl Page D1BTY27 Series BIZ18, BIZI9 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER Temperature ratings Operating temperature range ~55 to +125 c Storage temperature range -55 to +150 C Junction temperature rise above stud 3.1 C/W Thermal resistance of mica washer 6.5 C/W To ensure that no device will thermally run-away at full ratings the thermal resistance between mounting base and ambient must be < 18C/W. CHARACTERISTICS Tjunction = 125C BTY27 BTY28 BTY29 BTZI8 BTY30 BTY31 BTZI9 {Minimum forward breakover voltage 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 Maximum reverse current at maxi- mum recurrent P.LV. 90 90 80 60 50 40 2.0 Maximum forward voltage drop at forward current of 10A 1.6 Typical anode current to maintain conduction 4.0 Typical turn-on time See curves on page C6 Typical recovery time See curves on page C7 mA v mA {This voltage may be exceeded up to the maximum forward voltage without damage to the device but the controlled rectifier may fire at any voltage over the minimum forward breakover voltage. Gate characteristics Firing requirements at maximum ratings (See curves on page C5) Minimum instantaneous positive gate voltage which will fire all units 2.0 Vv Maximum instantaneous positive gate voltage at which firing will not occur 300 mV Minimum instantaneous gate current which will fire all units at Tjunction = 25C 15 mA Minimum instantaneous gate current which will fire all units at Tjunction = 125C 8.0 mA MECHANICAL DATA . 17.5 Maximum torque on nut 15 Mullard MAY 1961 (1) aa Page D2BTY27 Series SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BIZI8, BIZI9 OPERATING NOTES 1. To ensure that all controlled rectifiers fire, the firing circuit must provide the minimum instantaneous positive gate voltage to fire all units, combined with the minimum instantaneous gate current at the operating junction temperature. To do this, the source resistance load line on the operating characteristic must pass through, or abovevand to the right of, the inter- section of the minimum instantaneous positive gate voltage to fire all units and the minimum instantaneous gate current, providing the absolute gate voltage, current and power ratings are not exceeded, 2. A positive voltage greater than 250mV must not be applied to the gate when the anode voltage is negative with respect to cathode. 3. The thermal resistance of a heat sink depends on the cooling conditions under which the controlled rectifier is used i.e., dimensions, position and surface conditions of heat sink, etc. The dimensions of heat sink required can be obtained from page C10. 4. Controlled rectifiers may be soldered directly into the circuit but the heat conducted to the junction should be kept to a minimum by the use of a thermal shunt. MAY 1961 (1) CF Page D3BTY27 Series BIZI8, BTZI9 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER DIMENSIONS Inches Millimetres A 0.070+ 0.002 1.78+0.05 B 0.2194 0.010 5.56+0.25 Cc 0.062 + 0.005 1.57+0.13 D 0.437+0.015 11.10+ 0.38 +0.015 +0.38 E 0.094 0.010 2.39 ~0.25 +0.015 +0.38 F 0.270 9540 6.86955 G 0.400 10.16 max. H 0.540 13.72 max. J 0.700 17.78 max. K 0.770 19.56 max: +0.000 -+-0.00 L 0.437 p'o40 11.10 955 k -gate Positive connector when used in rectifier circuit. A&A i T 2: : a / p>| E - F + | ELT TTT tL Py N 1 | Cathode Size 10 6 I Gat 32 TRL.) *7~o7* ate Nut . f Wolsner \ |---| L Mica washers J Terminal pee KO Lockwasher Anode : (Co ) [Mullard | > age D4 MAY 1961 (1) ,