High-speed - 100 ps Gate Delay - 2-input NAND, FO = 2 (nominal)
Up to 6.9 Million Used Gates and 976 Pins
System Level Integration Technology
Cores: ARM7TDMI and AVR® RISC Microcontrollers, OakDSP and
LodeDSPCores, 10T/100 Ethernet MAC, USB and PCI Cores
Memory: SRAM, ROM and FIFO; Gate Level or Embedded
I/O Interfaces: CMOS, LVTTL, LVDS, PCI, USB - Output Currents up to 16 mA,
2.5 I/O and 3.3V Tolerant/Compliant
Deep Submicron CAD Flow
Notes : 1. One gate = NAND2
2. Routing site = 4 transistors
3. Nominal 2-input NAND gate FO = 2 at 2.5V
ATL25 Array Organization
Sites(2) Max Pa d
Count Max I/O
Count Gate
ATL25/44 9,535 10,727 15,892 44 36 100 ps
ATL25/68 30,096 33,858 50,161 68 60 100 ps
ATL25/84 50,410 56,712 84,018 84 76 100 ps
ATL25/100 75,472 84,906 125,788 100 92 100 ps
ATL25/120 106,278 120,449 188,940 120 112 100 ps
ATL25/132 131,670 149,226 234,080 132 124 100 ps
ATL25/144 159,778 181,081 284,050 144 136 100 ps
ATL25/160 200,998 227,797 357,330 160 152 100 ps
ATL25/184 270,663 306,751 481,179 184 176 100 ps
ATL25/208 329,281 376,321 627,203 208 200 100 ps
ATL25/228 401,010 458,298 763,830 228 220 100 ps
ATL25/256 512,398 585,598 975,998 256 248 100 ps
ATL25/304 733,635 838,440 1,397,400 304 296 100 ps
ATL25/352 925,815 1,068,248 1,899,108 352 344 100 ps
ATL25/388 1,133,594 1,307,994 2,325,323 388 380 100 ps
ATL25/432 1,417,125 1,635,145 2,906,925 432 424 100 ps
ATL25/484 1,651,406 1,926,640 3,669,792 484 476 100 ps
ATL25/540 2,069,052 2,413,894 4,597,895 540 532 100 ps
ATL25/600 2,567,790 2,995,755 5,706,200 600 592 100 ps
ATL25/700 3,520,954 4,107,780 7,824,344 700 692 100 ps
ATL25/800 4,231,979 5,001,430 10,259,344 800 792 100 ps
ATL25/900 5,378,257 6,356,122 13,038,200 900 892 100 ps
ATL25/976 5,765,320 6,918,384 15,374,188 976 968 100 ps
Gate Array/
Embedded Array
ATL25 Series
Rev. 1414B10/99
ATL25 Series
The ATL25 Ser ies Gate Array and Embedde d Array fami-
lies fr om Atmel are fabric ated on a 0. 25µ CMOS process
with 5 levels of metal. This family features arrays with up to
6.9 million routable gates and 976 pins. The high density
and high pin-count capabilities of the ATL25 family, cou-
pled wi th the abi lity to embed mi crocontro ller cores , DSP
engines and memory, all on the same silicon, make the
ATL25 series of array s an ideal choice for Sys tem Level
Design Systems Supported
Atmel supports several major software systems for design
with c omp le te ce ll li bra rie s, as wel l as u til it ies f or n etl ist ve r-
ification, test vector verification and accurate delay
Design Flow and Tools
Atmels Gate Array/Embedded Array design flow is struc-
tured to allow the designer to consolidate the greatest
number of system components onto the same silicon chip,
using widely available third party design tools. Atmels cell
libra ry reflects s ilicon perfor mance over ex tremes of tem-
perature, voltage and process, and includes the effects of
metal loading, inter-level capacitance and edge rise and fall
times. The design flow includes clock tree synthesis to cus-
tomer-specified skew and latency goals. RC extraction is
performed on the final design database and incorporated
into the timing analysis.
The Gate Array/Embedded Array Design Flow, shown on
the following page, provides a pictorial description of the
typical interaction between Atmels design staff and the
customer. Atmel will deliver design kits to support the cus-
tomers synthesis, verification, floorplanning and scan
inserti on activities. Tool s such as Synopsys , Cadence®,
Verilog-HDL, CTgen, Exemplar, PathMILL and
TimeMILL are used, and many others are available.
Should a design include embedded memory (SRAM or
ROM) or an embedded core, Atmel will conduct a design
review with the customer to understand the partition of the
Gate Array/Embedded Array and to define the location of
the memor y block s and/or co res so that an underlay er lay-
out model can be created.
Following Databa se Acceptance, automated test patter n
generati on (ATPG ) i s perfor m ed, if r eq uire d, o n s can p aths
using S ynopsy s or Su nrise tools, th e design i s routed,
and post-route RC data is extracted. After post-route
verifica tion an d a F inal De sign Review, the desi gn is tape d
out for fabrication.
The following design systems are supported:
System Version Tools
Opus - Schematic and Layout
NC Verilog - Verilog Simulator
Pearl - Static Path
Verilog-XL - Verilog Simulator
Logic Design Planner - Floorplanner
BuildGates - Synthesis (Ambit)
Mentor/Model Tech5.2e
B2 and Later Modelsim Ver ilog and VHDL (VITAL) Simulator
98.08, 98. 05
VSS - VHDL Simulator
Design Compiler - Synthesis
Test Compiler - Scan Insertion and ATPG
Primetime - Static Path
VCS - Verilog Simulator
Exemplar1998.2f Leonardo Spectrum - Synthesis
Syntest V2.2
TurboCheck - Gate
ATL25 Series
Gate Array/Embedded Array Design Flow
Tape Out
Personality Layers
Final Design
DVS Assembly
and Test
Place and Route/
Clock Tree
Tape Out
Static Path
Design Kit
If Embedded Array
If Embedded Array
ATL25 Series
Pin Definition Requirements
The corner pads are reserved for Power and Ground only.
All other pads are fully programmable as Input, Output,
Bidirectional, Power or Ground. When implementing a
design with 5 V com pliant buffers, one bu ffer sit e must be
reserv ed for the VD D5 pin, which is used to distr ibute 5V
power to the compliant buffers.
Gate Array
Embedded Array
Design Options
Logic Synthesis
Atmel can accept netlists in VHDL (MIL-STD-454, IEEE
STD 1076) or Verilog-HDL format. Atmel fully s upports
Synopsys for VHDL simulation as well as synthesis.
VHDL or V erilog-HDL is A tmels preferred database format
for ASIC design.
ASIC Design Translat ion
Atmel has successfully translated existing designs from
most major ASIC vendors (LSI Logic®, Motorola,
SMOS, Oki®, N EC ®, Fujitsu®, AMI® and others) into Atmel
ASICs. These designs have been optimized for speed and
gate co unt and modi fied to add lo gic or memo ry, or repli-
cated as a pin-for-pin compatible, drop-in replacement.
FPGA and PLD Conversions
Atmel has successfully translated existing FPGA/PLD
designs from most major vendors (Xilinx®, Ac tel®, Altera®,
AMD® and Atmel) into Atmel ASICs. There are four pri-
mary reasons to convert from an FPGA/PLD to an ASIC.
Conversion of high volume devices for a single or com-
bined design is cost effective. Performance can often be
optimi zed for speed o r low powe r consum ption. Several
FPGA/PLDs can be combined onto a single chip to mini-
mize cost while reducing on-board space requirements.
Finally, in situations where an FPGA/PLD was used for
fast cycle time prototyping, an ASIC may provide a lower
cost answer for long-term volume production.
ATL25 Series
Macro Cores
AVR (8-bit RISC) Microcontroller
The A VR RISC micr ocontro ller is a tru e 8-bit RIS C archi-
tecture, ideally suited for embedded control applications.
The AVR is offered as a gate level, soft macro in the ATL25
The AVR supp orts a powerful set of 120 ins tructions. The
AVR pre-fe tch es an ins truc tion du ring pr ior ins truc tion ex e-
cution, enabling the execution of one ins truction per clock
The Fast A ccess RISC register file consists of 3 2 general
purpose working registers. These 32 registers eliminate the
data transfer delay in the traditional program code intensive
accumulator architectures.
The AVR can i ncorporate up to 8K x 8 program memory
(ROM) and 64K x 8 data memory (SRAM). Also included
are several optional peripherals: UART, 8-bit timer/counter,
16-bit timer /counter, external and internal i nterrupts and
programmable watchdog timer.
AVR (8-bit RISC) ASIC Core
ARM7TDMI Embedded Microcontroller Core
The ARM7TD MI is a powerful 32-bit proces sor offered as
an embedded core in the ATL25 series arrays.
The ARM7TDMI is a member of the Advanced RISC
Machines (ARM) family of general purpose 32-bit micropro-
cessor s, which offer high performance for very low power
The ARM architectu r e is bas ed on Red uc ed Inst ruc ti on Se t
Comp u ter ( RI SC ) pri n ci pl es . Th e in st ru ction s et a nd re la t ed
decode mechanism are much simpler than those of micro-
programm ed Complex Instruction Set Computers. This
simplicity results in a high instruction throughput and
impressive real-time interrupt response from a small and
cost -e f fe c ti ve ch ip.
Pipelining is employed so that all parts of the processing
and memory systems can operate continuously. Typically,
while on e instruction is be ing executed, its successor is
being decoded, and a third instruction is being fetched from
The ARM memory interface has been designed to allow the
performance potential to be realized without incurring high
costs in the memory system. Speed critical control signals
are pip elined to all ow syste m con trol f unctio ns to be imple-
mented in standard low-power logic, and these control
signals facilitate the exploitation of the fast local access
modes offered by industry standard SRAMs.
8-bit Data Bus
ATL25 Series
The ARM7TDMI core i nclud es se veral o ptio nal peri pheral
macros. The options offered are Real-time Clock, DMA Con tr oller , US ART, E xt ernal Bus Int erfac e, Int er rupt, T imer
and Advanced Power Management and Controller.
ARM7TDMI Embedded Microcontroller Core
The Lo de DSPCor e will be offered in the ATL25 se ries o f
arrays as an embedded core. Lode is an advanced, 16-bit
Digita l Sign al P rocesso r (DSP ) cor e desi gned for o ptimal
perform ance in di gi tal c ell ular , s pe ech a nd voi c e c om mun i-
cations applications.
The Lode core architecture efficiently performs the base-
band functions-speech compression, forward error
correction, and modem functions-required by digital cellular
Lode i s the fi rst genera l-purpo se D SP that pr ovides tw o
multiplier-accumulators (MACs) that reduce power con-
sumption by effectively cutting cycle times in half.
Lodes sui te of user-fr iendl y develo pment tools are easy t o
learn, thus accelerating the time it takes to get your product
to market.
ATL25 Series
Note: All I/Os 2.5V Compliant
Absolute Maxim u m Ratings*
Operating Ambient
Temperature................................................... -55°C to +125°C*NOTICE: Stresses beyo nd thos e lis ted under Absolute
Maximum Ratings may cause permanent dam-
age t o the dev ice . This is a s tress ratin g only an d
functio nal oper a tion of the device at these or an y
other conditions beyond those indicated in the
operational sections of this specification is not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect
device rel iabilit y.
Storage Te mperature..................................... -65°C to +150°C
Maxim u m Inpu t Voltag e:
Inputs.......................................................................VDD + 0.5V
3.3V Tolerant/Compliant ........................................VDD3 + 0.5V
Maxim u m Op erating Voltage (VDD)................................... 2.7V
Maxim u m Op erating Voltage (VDD3).................................. 3.6V
2.5V DC Characteristics
Applicable over recommended operating temperature and voltage range unless otherwise noted.
Symbol Parameter Buffer Test Condition Min Typ Max Units
TAOperating Temperature All -55 125 °C
VDD Supply Voltage All 2.3 2.5 2.7 V
IIH High-lev el Inpu t Current CMOS VIN = VDD, VDD = VDD (max) 10 µA
IIL Low-level Input Current CMOS VIN = VSS, VDD = VDD (max)
Pull-up = 620K-10 µA
IOZ High-impedance State
Output Current All VIN = VDD or VSS,
VDD = VDD (max)
No pull-up or pull-down -10 10 µA
IOS Output Short-circ uit
Current PO11 VOUT = VDD, VDD = VDD (max) 14 mA
PO11 VOUT = VSS, VDD = VDD (max) -9
VIH High-lev el Inpu t Voltag e CMOS 0.7VDD V
CMOS Schmitt 0.7VDD 1.3
VIL Low-level Input Voltage CMOS 0.3VDD V
CMOS Schmitt 1.1 0.3VDD
VHYS Hysteresis CMOS +-Schmitt 0.4 V
VOH High-level Output Voltage PO11 IOH = TBD, VDD = VDD (max) 0.7VDD V
3.3V Tolerant IOH = TBD 0.7VDD
VOL Low-level Output Voltage PO11 IOL = TBD, VDD = VDD (max) 0.4 V
ATL25 Series
Note: All I/Os 3.3V Tolerant/Compliant
3.3 Vol t DC Characteristics
Applicable over recommended operating temperature and voltage range unless otherwise noted.
Symbol P aramete r Buffer Test Condition Min Typ M ax Units
Temperature All -55 125 °C
VDD Supply Voltage All Except 3.3V
Compliant I/O 2.3 2.5 2.7 V
VDD3 Supply Voltage 3.3V Compliant I/O 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
IIH High-level Input
Current CMOS VIN = VDD,
VDD = VDD (max) 10 µA
IIL Low -l evel Inpu t
Current CMOS VIN = VSS,
VDD = VDD (max)
Pull-up = 620K-10 µA
State Output
Current All VIN = VDD or VSS,
VDD = VDD (max)
No pull-up -10 10 µA
IOS Output Short-circuit
2 ma Buffer VOUT = VDD,
VDD = VDD (max) 14 mA
2 ma Buffer VOUT = VSS,
VDD = VDD (max) -9
VIH High-level Input
PCI 0.475VDD3
Schmitt 2.0 1.7
VIL Low -l evel Inpu t
CMOS 0.8
PCI 0.325VDD3
Schmitt 1.1 0.8
VHYS Hysteresis TTL-level Schmitt 0.6 V
VOH High-level Output
Voltage PO11 IOH = 2 mA,
VDD3 = VDD (min) 0.7VDD3 V
PCI IOH = 500 µA 0.9VDD3
VOL Low-level Output
Voltage PO11 IOL = 2 mA ,
VDD3 = VDD (min) 0.4 V
PCI IOL = 1.5 mA 0.1VDD
ATL25 Series
Testability Techniques
For complex designs, involving blocks of memory and/or
cores, careful attention must be given to design-for-test
techniques. The sheer size of complex designs and the
number o f fun ction al v ec tors tha t wou ld need to b e c reate d
to exercise them fully, strongly suggests the use of more
efficient techniques. Combinations of SCAN paths, multi-
plexed access to memory and/or core blocks, and built-in-
self-test logic must be employed, in addition to functional
test patte rns, to pr ovid e both the us er and Atm el the abil ity
to test the finished product.
An example of a highly complex design could include a PLL
for clock management or synthesis, a microcont roller or
DSP engine or both, S RAM to support the micr ocontroller
or DSP engine, and glue logic to suppor t the interconnec-
tivity of each of these blocks. The design of each of thes e
blocks must take into co nsidera tion the fact tha t the manu-
factured devi ce wil l be te sted on a h igh per fo rmanc e d igi tal
tester. Combinations of parametric, functional, and struc-
tural tests , defined for digita l testers, shoul d be employe d
to create a suite of manufacturing tests.
The type of block dictates the type of testability technique
to be em ployed. The PLL will, by construction, provide
access to key nodes so that functional and/or parametric
testing can be performed. Since a digital tester must control
all the clo cks during the tes ting of a Gate Arr ay/Embedde d
Array, provision must be made for the VCO to be
bypassed. Atmels PLLs include a multiplexing capability
for just this purpose. The addition of a few pins will allo w
other portions of the PLL to be isolated for test, without
impinging upon the normal functionality.
In a similar vein, access to microcontroller, DSP and SRAM
blocks must be provided so that controllability and observ-
ability of the inputs and outputs to the blocks are achieved
with the minimum amount of preconditioning. The AVR and
ARM microcontrollers supp ort SCAN testing, as do the
three main execution units of the Oak DSP. SRAM and
CAM blocks need to provide access to both address and
data ports so that comprehensive memory tests can be
performed. Multiplexing I/O pins provides a method for pro-
viding this acces s ibili ty .
The glue logic can be designed using full SCAN techniques
to enhance its tes tab il ity .
It should be noted that , in almost all of these cases, the
purpose of the testability technique is to provide Atmel a
means to assess the structural integrity of a Gate
Array/Embedded Array, i.e., sort devices with manufactur-
ing-i nduced defects. All of the tech niques describe d above
should be considered supplemental to a set of patterns
which exercise the functionality of the design in its antici-
pated operating modes.
I/O Buffer DC Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Typical Units
CIN Capacitance, Input Buffer (die) 3.3V 2.4 pF
COUT Capacitance, Output Buffer (die) 3.3V 5.6 pF
CI/O Capacitance, Bidirectional 3.3V 6.6 pF
ATL25 Series
Advanced Packaging
The ATL25 Seri es gate ar rays ar e offer ed in a w ide va riety
of standard packages, including plastic and ceramic quad
flatpacks, thin quad flatpacks, ceramic pin grid arrays, and
ball grid arrays. High volume onshore and offshore contrac-
tors provide assembly and test for commercial product,
with prototype capability in Colorado Springs. Custom
package des igns are also availabl e as required to meet a
customers specific needs, and are supported through
Atmels pac kag e desi gn c ente r. Whe n a stan dard pac kage
cannot meet a customers need, a package can be
designe d to prec isely fit the applic ation and to ma intain the
performanc e obtained i n silicon . Atmel has delivered cus-
tom-designed packages in a wide variety of configurations.
Note: 1. Partial list
Packaging Options
Package Type Pin Count
PQFP 44, 52, 64, 80, 100, 120, 128, 132, 144, 160, 184, 208, 240, 304
Power Quad 144, 160, 208, 240, 304
L/TQFP 32, 44, 48, 64, 80, 100, 120, 128, 144, 160, 176, 216
PLCC 20, 28, 32, 44, 52, 68, 84
CPGA 64, 68, 84, 100, 124, 144, 155, 180, 223, 224, 299, 391
CQFP 64, 68, 84, 100, 120, 132, 144, 160, 224, 340
PBGA 121, 169, 208, 217, 225, 256, 272, 300, 304, 313, 316, 329, 352, 388, 420, 456
Super BGA 168, 204, 240, 256, 304, 352, 432, 560, 600
Low-profile Mini BGA 132, 144, 160, 180, 208
Chip-scale BGA(1) 40, 49, 56, 64, 81, 84, 96, 100, 128
© Atmel Corporation 1999.
Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Companys standard war-
ranty which is detailed in Atmels Terms and Conditions located on the Companys web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for
any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or s pecifications detailed herein at any time without
notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual prop-
erty of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with th e sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmels products are
not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems.
Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations
Corporate Headquarters
2325 Orchard Parkway
San Jose, CA 95131
TEL (408) 441- 0311
FAX (408) 487-2600
Atmel U.K., Ltd.
Coliseum Business Centre
Riverside Way
Camberley, Surrey GU15 3YL
TEL (44) 1276- 686- 677
FAX (44) 1276-686-697
Atmel Asia, Ltd.
Room 1219
Chinachem Golden Plaza
77 Mody Road Tsimhatsui
East Kowloon
Hong Kong
TEL (852) 2721 -9778
FAX (852) 2722-1369
Atmel Japan K.K.
9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.
1-24 -8 Shinka wa
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033
TEL (81) 3-3523-3551
FAX (81) 3-3523-7581
Atmel Colorado Springs
1150 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
TEL (719) 576-3300
FAX (719) 540-1759
Atmel Rousset
Zone Indu strie lle
13106 Rousset Cedex
TEL (33) 4-4253-6000
FAX (33) 4-4253-6001
North America:
1-(800) 292-8635
1-(408) 441-0732
Web Site
1-(408) 436-4309
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