The ODAC and FSODAC are loaded from the EEPROM
lookup tables using an index pointer that is a function of
temperature. An ADC converts the integrated temperature
sensor output to an 8-bit value every 1ms. This digitized
value is then transferred into the temp-index register.
The typical transfer function for the temp-index is as fol-
temp-index = 0.6879 Temperature (°C) + 44.0
where temp-index is truncated to an 8-bit integer value.
Typical values for the temp-index register are given in
Table 6.
Note that the EEPROM is byte wide and the registers that
are loaded from EEPROM are 16 bits wide. Thus each
index value points to two bytes in the EEPROM.
Maxim programs all EEPROM locations to FFhex with the
exception of the oscillator frequency setting and Secure-
Lock byte. OSC[2:0] is in the Configuration Register (Table
3). These bits should be maintained at the factory preset
values. Programming 00hex in the Secure-Lock byte
(CL[7:0] = 00hex), configures the DIO as an asynchronous
serial input for calibration and test purposes.
Communication Protocol
The DIO serial interface is used for asynchronous serial
data communications between the MAX1452 and a host
calibration test system or computer. The MAX1452 auto-
matically detects the baud rate of the host computer when
the host transmits the initialization sequence. Baud rates
between 4800bps and 38,400bps can be detected and
used regardless of the internal oscillator frequency setting.
Data format is always 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and
no parity. Communications are only allowed when Secure-
Lock is disabled (i.e., CL[7:0] = 00hex) or the UNLOCK
pin is held high.
Initialization Sequence
Sending the initialization sequence shown below enables
the MAX1452 to establish the baud rate that initializes the
serial port. The initialization sequence is one byte trans-
mission of 01hex, as follows:
The first start bit 0 initiates the baud rate synchronization
sequence. The 8 data bits 01hex (LSB first) follow this
and then the stop bit, which is indicated above as a 1,
terminates the baud rate synchronization sequence. This
initialization sequence on DIO should occur after a period
of 1ms after stable power is applied to the device. This
allows time for the power-on-reset function to complete
and the DIO pin to be configured by Secure-Lock or the
Reinitialization Sequence
The MAX1452 allows for relearning the baud rate. The
reinitialization sequence is one byte transmission of
FFhex, as follows:
When a serial reinitialization sequence is received, the
receive logic resets itself to its power-up state and waits
for the initialization sequence. The initialization sequence
must follow the reinitialization sequence in order to re-
establish the baud rate.
Serial Interface Command Format
All communication commands into the MAX1452 follow a
defined format utilizing an interface register set (IRS). The
IRS is an 8-bit command that contains both an interface
register set data (IRSD) nibble (4-bit) and an interface
register set address (IRSA) nibble (4-bit). All internal cali-
bration registers and EEPROM locations are accessed for
read and write through this interface register set. The IRS
byte command is structured as follows:
IRS[7:0] = IRSD[3:0], IRSA[3:0]
● IRSA[3:0] is the 4-bit interface register set address
and indicates which register receives the data nibble
● IRSA[0] is the first bit on the serial interface after the
start bit.
● IRSD[3:0] is the 4-bit interface register set data.
● IRSD[0] is the fifth bit received on the serial interface
after the start bit.
The IRS address decoding is shown in Table 10.
Special Command Sequences
A special command register to internal logic (CRIL[3:0])
causes execution of special command sequences within
the MAX1452. These command sequences are listed as
CRIL command codes as shown in Table 11.
Write Examples
A 16-bit write to any of the internal calibration registers is
performed as follows:
1) Write the 16 data bits to DHR[15:0] using four byte
accesses into the interface register set.
2) Write the address of the target internal calibration reg-
ister to ICRA[3:0].
MAX1452 Low-Cost Precision Sensor
Signal Conditioner Maxim Integrated