IXZR08N120 & IXZR08N120A/B Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET N-Channel Enhancement Mode Switch Mode RF MOSFET Low Capacitance Z-MOSTM MOSFET Process Optimized for RF Operation Ideal for Class C, D, & E Applications VDSS = 1200 V ID25 = 8.0 A Symbol Test Conditions RDS(on) 1.5 VDSS TJ = 25C to 150C 1200 V PDC = 250 W VDGR TJ = 25C to 150C; RGS = 1 M 1200 V VGS Continuous 20 V VGSM Transient 30 V ID25 Tc = 25C 8 A IDM Tc = 25C, pulse width limited by TJM 40 A IAR Tc = 25C 8 A EAR Tc = 25C TBD mJ IS IDM, di/dt 100A/s, VDD VDSS, Tj 150C, RG = 0.2 5 V/ns dv/dt >200 V/ns 250 W 180 W 3.0 W RthJC 0.60 C/W RthJHS 0.85 C/W Maximum Ratings PDC PDHS Tc = 25C, Derate 4.4W/C above 25C PDAMB Tc = 25C min. VDSS VGS = 0 V, ID = 4 ma VGS(th) VDS = VGS, ID = 250 IGSS VGS = 20 VDC, VDS = 0 IDSS VDS = 0.8VDSS VGS=0 typ. 4 TJ = 25C TJ =125C RDS(on) VGS = 15 V, ID = 0.5ID25 Pulse test, t 300S, duty cycle d 2% gfs VDS = 20 V, ID = 0.5ID25, pulse test 4 V 100 nA 50 1 A mA 5.5 6.5 S +175 C 175 TJM -55 Tstg Weight 6 1.4 -55 TJ TL V 4.9 1.6mm(0.063 in) from case for 10 s C + 175 Features * Isolated Substrate - high isolation voltage (>2500V) - excellent thermal transfer - Increased temperature and power max. 1200 S D D G S G = G S 0 = D 12 0A = 12 0B 12 IS = 0 C 300 C 3.5 g * * - - * * * cycling capability IXYS advanced Z-MOS process Low gate charge and capacitances easier to drive faster switching Low RDS(on) Very low insertion inductance (<2nH) No beryllium oxide (BeO) or other hazardous materials Advantages * High Performance RF Z-MOSTM * Optimized for RF and high speed switching at frequencies to 100MHz * Common Source RF Package * Easy to mount--no insulators needed IXZR08N120 & IXZR08N120A/B Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (TJ = 25C unless otherwise specified) min. typ. RG Ciss Coss VGS = 0 V, VDS = 0.8 VDSS(max), f = 1 MHz Crss Cstray Back Metal to any Pin max. 0.3 1900 pF 86 pF 11 pF 33 pF 4 ns 5 ns 4 ns 6 ns 39 nC 11 nC 19 nC Td(on) Ton Td(off) VGS = 15 V, VDS = 0.8 VDSS ID = 0.5 IDM RG = 0.2 (External) Toff Qg(on) Qgs VGS = 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS ID = 0.5 ID25 IG = 3mA Qgd Source-Drain Diode Symbol Test Conditions IS VGS = 0 V ISM Repetitive; pulse width limited by TJM VSD IF=Is, VGS=0 V, Pulse test, t 300s, duty cycle 2% Characteristic Values (TJ = 25C unless otherwise specified) min. Trr typ. max. 200 8 48 A 1.5 V ns CAUTION: Operation at or above the Maximum Ratings values may impact device reliability or cause permanent damage to the device. Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. IXYSRF reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document at any time and without notice. IXYS RF reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. IXYS RF MOSFETS are covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 4,835,592 4,860,072 4,881,106 4,891,686 4,931,844 5,034,796 5,049,961 5,063,307 5,187,117 5,237,481 5,381,025 5,640,045 6,404,065 6,583,505 6,710,463 6,731,002 5,017,508 5,486,715 6,727,585 IXZR08N120 & IXZR08N120A/B Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Gate Charge vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage V D S = 600V, ID = 4A, IG = 3m A Typical Output Characteristics 15 16 7.5V 8V - 12V ID , Drain Currnet (A) Gate-to-Source Voltage (V) 14 12 10 8 6 4 10 7V 5 6.5V 2 0 0 0 20 40 60 0 80 10 Fig. 3 40 50 60 Fig. 4 Typical Transfer Characteristics V DS = 60V, PW = 30uS Extended Typical Output Characteristics 25 25 20 20 Top ID , Drain Currnet (A) ID , Drain Current (A) 30 VDS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) Gate Charge (nC) 15 10 5 Bottom 9V - 12V 8V 7.5V 7V 6.5V 15 10 5 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 V GS , Gate-to Source Voltage (V) Fig. 5 V DS vs. Capactiance Ciss 1000 Coss 100 Crss 10 1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 VDS Voltage (V) 0 10 20 30 40 VDS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) 10000 C a p a cita n ce (p F) 20 700 800 900 1000 50 60 IXZR08N120 & IXZR08N120A/B Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET Fig. 6 Package Drawing 120: 1=G, 2=D, 3=S 120A: 1=G, 2=S, 3= D 120B: 1=D, 2=S, 3=G Doc #dsIXZR08N120A/B REV 05/09 (c) 2009 IXYS RF An IXYS Company 2401 Research Blvd., Suite 108 Fort Collins, CO USA 80526 970-493-1901 Fax: 970-493-1903 Email: sales@ixyscolorado.com Web: http://www.ixyscolorado.com