uChapter 11 Die and Wafer Shipments
Package s and Packi ng Publ ic atio n 11-4
Revision A (3/1/03)
•Surftape Design - The surftape, as illustrated
in Figure 11.4, consists of a conductive, poly-
styrene tape with windows punched in it to
create a slightly recessed pocket for each dice.
Two strips of sticky tape backing are attached
along the two sides of the window. The sticky
tape has a pressure-sensitive adhesive coating
which holds each dice in place, thus eliminat-
ing the risk of d amage to the di ce due to move-
ment. The sticky tape allows for easy and safe
removal of each dice during the push-up step
in the pick-and-place operation.
Each dice is loaded into the surftape with the topside of the dice
exposed and the dice orientation consistent throughout the reel.
The adhesive strips within each window secure each dice in place.
Because the pocket is slighted recessed, each dice is protected
from exposure by the next layer of surftape wound around the
reel. There are at least 1000 mm of surftape left empty at the
beginning of the reel (i.e., the leader pockets) and at least 1000
mm of tape left empty at the end of the reel. A cover tape of ace-
tate is wrapped around the outer layer, and a surfwrap end sticker (see Figure 11.5) holds this in place.
•Surftape Dimensions - The dimensions of AMD’s surftape, which conform to the EIA 481 standards,
are shown o n page 11-5. The Ao and Bo di mensions are the cri ti ca l one s f or determining which t ape size
is requ ired f or a s pecif ic dic e size . Consul t your AMD sa le s represe nt ative to obt ain spe cifi c produ ct dic e
size information.
•Die O rientation - D ie orientation in the surftape is uniform for all die in the tape. For the most part, the
device pin one is orientated to the top of the pocket, parallel with and on the side closest to the sprocket
holes. Contact your AMD sales representative for more product-specific information.
Placement of the dice in the cavity shall be centered, with no more than a ±0.05 mm variation from the
centerlines of the cavity.
•Reel Design - Each surftape is wound around a plastic, antistatic reel that has a uniform diameter of
seven inches for all surftape sizes. The dimensions for these and the die counts per reel are provided on
page 11-6.
•OPNs per Reel - Only o n e w a fer lo t is lo a ded i nto e a ch re el . T he re fo re, the re wi ll n e ver b e a mixtu re of
different Ordering Part Numbers (OPNs) in a reel.
•Surftape and Reel Packing - Surftape and reel packing is covered in the following paragraphs, includ-
ing information about what labels are applied to the reel , dry pack bag, and 1R box.
Figu re 11.4 Sticky tape r uns along the two side s of each window
of the surftape to hold the die in place.
Figure 11.5 An end sticker is applied to
the ou te r s tr ip of acetone ta pe to s ec ure
the surftape on the reel.