Reset Voltage VCCR
The MAX16050/MAX16051 monitor VCC to ensure the
DISC_, OUT_, and RESET pins are at the right level
when VABP goes below VUVLO. VCCR is the lowest
value of VCC for which these three pin types are guar-
anteed to be low. When a falling VCC goes below 2.2V
typical, the regulated supply voltage VABP falls below
VUVLO. See VABP vs. VCC curve in the Typical Operating
Characteristics. When VABP is below VUVLO, and VCC
is higher than VCCR, DISC_, OUT_, and RESET are all
asserted low. For VCC below VCCR, these pin voltages
are indeterminate. The FAULT output behaves differently.
Its voltage becomes indeterminate as soon as VABP falls
below VUVLO.
Charge-Pump Output (CP_OUT)
The MAX16050/MAX16051 feature an on-chip charge
pump that drives its output voltage to 5V above VCC, and
it can be used as a pullup voltage to drive one or more
external n-channel MOSFETs (see the Typical Operating
Circuit). The charge-pump output can be modeled as a
25μA current source with a compliance voltage of (VCC
+ 5V); the slew rate can be controlled by connecting
a capacitor from the gate of the MOSFET to ground.
When using CP_OUT to provide the pullup voltage for
multiple MOSFETs, ensure that the voltage is enough to
enhance a MOSFET despite the load of the other pullup
resistors (which may be connected to outputs that are
deasserted low).
Disabling Channels
If any channel is not used, connect the associated SET_
input to ABP. Connect DISC_ of the disabled channel to
GND. Do not leave the SET_ or DISC_ inputs discon-
nected. Disabling any one channel does not disable the
other channels. This channel exclusion feature adds more
flexibility to the device in a variety of different applications.
SHDN and EN Inputs
The shutdown input (SHDN) initiates a reverse sequenc-
ing event. When SHDN is brought low, the device will
sequentially power down in reverse order. During this
period, all DISC_ inputs are monitored to make sure the
voltage of each supply falls below 250mV before allowing
the next supply to shut down. The next OUT_ goes low
as soon as the previous DISC_ input drops below 250mV
without any capacitor-adjusted delay. This continues until
all supplies are turned off. SHDN is internally pulled up
to ABP.
When EN falls below its threshold, the device per-
forms a simultaneous power-down and does not reverse
sequence. When either SHDN or EN initializes the
power-down event, the reset output (RESET) immediately
asserts. At the end of the power-down event, when all
DISC_ voltages are below 250mV, the bus removal output
(REM) goes high impedance. SHDN and EN must be low
for a minimum pulse width before the device responds.
See the Electrical Characteristics Table.
For applications where both EN and SHDN go low, the
MAX16050/MAX16051 will ignore EN if it is taken low any
time after SHDN is asserted. However, for a simultane-
ous power-down using the EN pin, SHDN must not be
asserted within the EN to OUT_ Delay after EN is taken
low. Otherwise, it can initiate a reverse-sequence shut-
down. See the Electrical Characteristics Table.
Reset Output (RESET)
The MAX16050/MAX16051 include a reset output.
RESET is an open-drain output and requires an external
pullup resistor.
When any of the monitored voltages falls below its thresh-
old, SHDN is pulled low, EN falls below its threshold, or
FAULT is pulled low, RESET asserts and stays asserted
for at least the minimum reset timeout period after all of
these conditions are removed. Connect a capacitor from
TIMEOUT to GND to adjust the reset timeout period.
Connect TIMEOUT to ABP for the fixed timeout of 128ms
(typ). Leave TIMEOUT unconnected for a 10μs (typ)
timeout period.
FAULT Input/Output
The FAULT input/output asserts to signal a fault if any
of the SET_ monitored voltages falls below its threshold
while EN = SHDN = high. FAULT is internally pulled up
to ABP by a 100kΩ resistor. FAULT also can be used as
an input. Pull FAULT low to simultaneously shut down the
OUT_ outputs.
For multichip solutions, all of the FAULT input/outputs can
be connected together. In case of a fault condition, all out-
puts on every device are turned off and the internal pull-
down circuitry is activated simultaneously. FAULT must be
low for at least tFAULT_PW before the device responds.
MAX16050/MAX16051 Voltage Monitors/Sequencer Circuits with
Reverse-Sequencing Capability
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated