Philips Semiconductors Product specification
80C32/87C52CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
1996 Aug 16 8
Special Function Registers
The special function register space is the same as the 80C51 except
that the 80C32/87C52 contains the additional special function
registers T2CON, RCAP2L, RCAP2H, TL2, and TH2. Since the
standard 80C51 on-chip functions are identical in the 8XC52, the
SFR locations, bit locations, and operation are likewise identical.
The only exceptions are in the interrupt mode and interrupt priority
SFRs (see Table 1).
In addition to timer/counters 0 and 1 of the 80C51, the 80C32/87C52
contains timer/counter 2. Like timers 0 and 1, timer 2 can operate as
either an event timer or as an event counter. This is selected by bit
C/T2 in the special function register T2CON (see Figure 1). It has
three operating modes: capture, auto-load, and baud rate generator,
which are selected by bits in the T2CON as shown in Table 2.
In the Capture Mode there are two options which are selected by bit
EXEN2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, then T imer 2 is a 16-bit timer or
counter which upon overflowing sets bit TF2, the T imer 2 overflow
bit, which can be used to generate an interrupt. If EXEN2 = 1, then
T imer 2 still does the above, but with the added feature that a 1-to-0
transition at external input T2EX causes the current value in the
T imer 2 registers, TL2 and TH2, to be captured into registers
RCAP2L and RCAP2H, respectively. (RCAP2L and RCAP2H are
new special function registers in the 80C52.) In addition, the
transition at T2EX causes bit EXF2 in T2CON to be set, and EXF2
like TF2 can generate an interrupt. The Capture Mode is illustrated
in Figure 2.
In the auto-reload mode, there are again two options, which are
selected by bit EXEN2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, then when T imer 2
rolls over it not only sets TF2 but also causes the T imer 2 registers
to be reloaded with the 16-bit value in registers RCAP2L and
RCAP2H, which are preset by software. If EXEN2 = 1, then T imer 2
still does the above, but with the added feature that a 1-to-0
transition at external input T2EX will also trigger the 16-bit reload
and set EXF2. The auto-reload mode is illustrated in Figure 3.
The baud rate generation mode is selected by RCLK = 1 and/or
TCLK = 1. It will be described in conjunction with the serial port.
Serial Port
The serial port of the 8XC52 is identical to that of the 80C51 except
that counter/timer 2 can be used to generate baud rates.
In the 8XC52, T imer 2 is selected as the baud rate generator by
setting TCLK and/or RCLK in T2CON (see Figure 1). Note that the
baud rate for transmit and receive can be simultaneously different.
Setting RCLK and/or TCLK puts T imer into its baud rate generator
mode, as shown in Figure 4.
The baud rate generator mode is similar to the auto-reload mode, in
that a rollover in TH2 causes the T imer 2 registers to be reloaded
with the 16-bit value in registers RCAP2H and RCAP2L, which are
preset by software.
Now, the baud rates in Modes 1 and 3 are determined by Timer 2’s
overflow rate as follows:
Modes 1, 3 Baud Rate Timer 2 Overflow Rate
The timer can be configured for either “timer” or “counter” operation.
In the most typical applications, it is configured for “timer” operation
(C/T2 = 0). “Timer” operation is a little dif ferent for Timer 2 when it’s
being used as a baud rate generator. Normally, as a timer it would
increment every machine cycle (thus at 1/12 the oscillator
frequency). As a baud rate generator, however, it increments every
state time (thus at 1/2 the oscillator frequency). In that case the
baud rate is given by the formula:
Modes 1, 3 Baud Rate Oscillator Frequency
32 [65536 (RCAP2H,RCAP2L)]
where (RCAP2H, RCAP2L) is the content of RCAP2H and RCAP2L
taken as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
Symbol Position Name and Significance
TF2 T2CON.7 Timer 2 overflow flag set by a Timer 2 overflow and must be cleared by software. TF2 will not be set when either RCLK or TCLK = 1.
EXF2 T2CON.6 Timer 2 external flag set when either a capture or reload is caused by a negative transition on T2EX and EXEN2 = 1. When Timer 2
interrupt is enabled, EXF2 = 1 will cause the CPU to vector to the Timer 2 interrupt routine. EXF2 must be cleared by software.
RCLK T2CON.5 Receive clock flag. When set, causes the serial port to use Timer 2 overflow pulses for its receive clock in modes 1 and 3. RCLK = 0
causes Timer 1 overflow to be used for the receive clock.
TCLK T2CON.4 Transmit clock flag. When set, causes the serial port to use Timer 2 overflow pulses for its transmit clock in modes 1 and 3. TCLK = 0
causes Timer 1 overflows to be used for the transmit clock.
EXEN2 T2CON.3 Timer 2 external enable flag. When set, allows a capture or reload to occur as a result of a negative transition on T2EX if Timer 2 is not
being used to clock the serial port. EXEN2 = 0 causes Timer 2 to ignore events at T2EX.
TR2 T2CON.2 Start/stop control for Timer 2. A logic 1 starts the timer.
C/T2 T2CON.1 T imer or counter select. (Timer 2)
0 = Internal timer (OSC/12)
1 = External event counter (falling edge triggered).
CP/RL2 T2CON.0 Capture/Reload flag. When set, captures will occur on negative transitions at T2EX if EXEN2 = 1. When cleared, auto-reloads will
occur either with Timer 2 overflows or negative transitions at T2EX when EXEN2 = 1. When either RCLK = 1 or TCLK = 1, this bit is
ignored and the timer is forced to auto-reload on Timer 2 overflow.
Figure 1. Timer/Counter 2 (T2CON) Control Register