Document Number: PD-0036_B Issue Date: 7/20/2010
Title: Product Data Sheet Supersedes: Rev. A
Subject: 3M™ PC Boardmount Plug and
Receptacle, 2 mm 95X Series
Page: 7 of 7
3M Electronic Solutions Division
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000
6.0 Heat Resistance
Heat Resistance Compliance — JEDEC-020C
Purpose of this test is to assure that the part does not deform, crack, craze, blister or split under the heat
environment needed for Pb-Free Assemblies and soldering with non leaded solder.
Test Method
Avg Ramp –Up Rate
(Tsmax to Tp)
3°C / sec max
(200° - 260°C)
Time (tsmin to tsmax)
60 - 180 sec
Time tL maintained above Temp TL
60 - 150 sec
Peak Tp/ Classification 260°C +3°C / MSL1
Time tp within 5°C of Tp 20 – 40 sec
Ramp – Down Rate
Time 25°C to Tp
6°C / sec max
8 minutes max.
The 3M™ PC Boardmount Plug and Receptacle, 2mm, product family of parts is JEDEC-20C compliant.
Important Notice Warranty; Limited Remedy; Limited Liability.
The information we are furnishing you is being 3M’s product warranty is stated in its Product
provided free of charge and is based on tests Literature available upon request. 3M MAKES NO
performed at 3M laboratory facilities or by our OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT
suppliers. While we believe that these test results a NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED
reliable, their accuracy or completeness is not WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
guaranteed. Your results may vary due to differences FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. If
in test types and conditions. This information is this product is defective within the warranty period
intended for use by persons with the knowledge and stated above, your exclusive remedy shall be, at 3M’s
technical skills to analyze, handle and use such option, to replace or repair the 3M product or refund
information. You must evaluate and determine stated above, your exclusive remedy shall be, at 3M’s
whether the product is suitable for your intended the purchase price of the 3M product. Except where
application. The foregoing information is provided prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any
“AS-IS”. In providing this information 3M makes no indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss
warranties regarding product use or performance, or damage arising from this 3M product,
including any implied warranty of merchantability or regardless of the legal theory asserted.
fitness for a particular use.
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