The BUF20820 programmable voltage reference allows
fast and easy adjustment of 18 programmable reference
outputs and two channels for VCOM adjustment, each with
10-bit resolution. It allows very simple, time-efficient
adjustment of the gamma reference and VCOM voltages.
The BUF20820 is programmed through a high-speed,
standard, two-wire interface. The BUF20820 features a
double-register structure for each DAC channel to simplify
the implementation of dynamic gamma control. This
design allows pre-loading of register data and rapid
updating of all channels simultaneously.
Buffers 1−9 are able to swing to within 200mV of the
positive supply rail, and to within 0.6V of the negative
supply rail. Buffers 10−18 are able to swing to within 0.8V
of the positive supply rail and to within 200mV of the
negative supply rail.
The BUF20820 can be powered using an analog supply
voltage from 7V to 18V, and a digital supply from 2V to
5.5V. The digital supply must be applied prior to or
simultaneously with the analog supply to avoid excessive
current and power consumption; damage to the device
may occur if it is left connected only to the analog supply
for extended periods of time. Figure 7 shows the power
supply timing requirements.
Digital Supply:
Analog Supply:
t1: 0s minimum delay between Digital Supply and Analog Supply.
Figure 7. Power Supply Timing Requirements
Figure 8 shows the BUF20820 in a typical configuration.
In this configuration, the BUF20820 device address is 74h.
The output of each digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is
immediately updated as soon as data is received in the
corresponding register (LD = 0). For maximum dynamic
range, set VREFH = VS − 0.2V and VREFL = GND + 0.2V.
The BUF20820 communicates through an industry-
standard, two-wire interface to receive data in slave mode.
This standard uses a two-wire, open-drain interface that
supports multiple devices on a single bus. Bus lines are
driven to a logic low level only. The device that initiates the
communication is called a master, and the devices
controlled by the master are slaves. The master generates
the serial clock on the clock signal line (SCL), controls the
bus access, and generates the START and STOP
To address a specific device, the master initiates a START
condition by pulling the data signal line (SDA) from a HIGH
to a LOW logic level while SCL is HIGH. All slaves on the
bus shift in the slave address byte, with the last bit
indicating whether a read or write operation is intended.
During the 9th clock pulse, the slave being addressed
responds to the master by generating an Acknowledge
and pulling SDA LOW.
Data transfer is then initiated and eight bits of data are sent
followed by an Acknowledge Bit. During data transfer,
SDA must remain stable while SCL is HIGH. Any change
in SDA while SCL is HIGH will be interpreted as a START
or STOP condition.
Once all data has been transferred, the master generates
a STOP condition indicated by pulling SDA from LOW to
HIGH while SCL is HIGH.
The BUF20820 can act only as a slave device; therefore,
it never drives SCL. SCL is only an input for the BUF20820.
Table 1 and Table 2 summarize the address and
command codes, respectively, for the BUF20820.
The address of the BUF20820 is 111010x, where x is the
state of the A0 pin. When the A0 pin is LOW, the device will
acknowledge on address 74h (1110100). If the A0 pin is
HIGH, the device will acknowledge on address 75h
Other valid addresses are possible through a simple mask
change. Contact your TI representative for information.
Table 1. Quick-Reference Table of BUF20820
BUF20820 Address:
A0 pin is LOW
(device will acknowledge on address 74h) 1110100
A0 pin is HIGH
(device will acknowledge on address 75h) 1110101
Table 2. Quick-Reference Table of Command
General Call Reset Address byte of 00h followed by a data byte
of 06h.
High-Speed Mode 00001xxx, with SCL ≤ 400kHz; where xxx
are bits unique to the Hs-capable master.
This byte is called the Hs master code.