-40ºC to +125ºC.
Rotational life
(depends on application and mounting) up to 50.000.000 cycles.
Operating temperature 1
Angular range
Linearity 1±1% absolute (0.5% upon request).
Programmable from 15 to 360 degrees.
1 Others: check availability.
Output Analog (Ratiometric), PWM. Serial Protocol upon request.
Switch output Upon request. Programmable.
Angular Resolution
(depends on electrical angle and rotational speed) Serial Protocol (SPI): up to 14 bits.
Analog & PWM: up to 12 bits.
Supply voltage 1
Supply current
Up to 25V.
Typ 8.5mA for single version.
Typ 17mA for redundant version.
Magnetic rotary angle and position sensor-control
Piher Sensing Systems
Our product competencies and services:
Potentiometers | Position / angle sensors | Rotary switches | Incremental encoders
Printed circuit resistors | Mechatronics | Value added assemblies
Mechanical specifications
The robust PSC-360 is a cost effective high performance non-contacting rotary position sensor for automotive, off-road, marine,
medical and industrial applic ations without the limita tions of poten tiometric solutions (we ar, limited electrical angles...). A c onfigur able
switch output, as an option, integrated within the sensor is available too.
Redundancy can be achie ved by employing a dual die v ersion pro viding independent voltag e outputs with fully customiz ed char acteristics
providing the possibility to detect error outputs by the host electronics.
Sealed for harsh environments and flange mounted for easy positioning when necessary, it provides high stability under harsh
environment conditions such as vibration, shock, extreme temperatures / humidity, dither, moisture or dirt. Available with fly lea ds,
can be customized to customer´s needs to any desired connector configuration.
Electrical specifications
Key features
• Steering wheel angle sensor.
• Brak e and clutch acceler ator pe dal.
• Arm control.
• Hitch position.
• Throttle control / sensor..
• Bucket position.
• Fork height and mast tilt.
• Transmission gear shifter.
• Suspension and height sensor.
• Steering, accelerator and shifter
sensor for marine engine.
Industries served
• Automotive and On-high wa y (road
vehicles, trucks, recreational
vehicles, road sweepers).
• Off-highway (agriculture,
construction and forestry,
motorsport, airport operations).
• Material handling.
• Marine engines.
• Medical.
• Industrial.
• Simple and robust magnetic de sign.
• High resolution (up to 14-bit).
• Ratiometric analog or PWM
• Absolute position feedback up to
360º (keeps position on po wer loss).
• True full redundant version.
• Sealed construction for harsh
environments such as off-highway
and marine.
• Protected from dust, moisture,
vibration and extr eme temperatur es.
• Endless rotation.
• Fully programmable transfer
function output at the factory with
electrical outputs up to 360º.
• Self-diagnostic features.
• Over voltage protection and
reverse voltage protection.
• Extended voltage input supply
Also upon request:
• Programmable switch output.
• SPI output.
• Lever with return spring.
Contactless sensor
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