4-4 Schottky Barrier Diodes Standard Surface-Mount VRM (V) IF (AV) (A) 40 60 90 100 Package Part Number IFSM (A) 50Hz Single Half Sine Wave Tj (C) Tstg (C) VF (V) max IF (A) IR (mA) VR=VRM max IR(H) (mA) VR=VRM max Ta (C) 30 40 188 Mass (g) 1.0 Surface-Mount (SFP) SFPB-54 30 -40 to +150 0.55 1.0 1 35 150 20 1.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-D4 30 -40 to +150 0.55 1.0 0.1 35 150 20 0.072 2.0 Surface-Mount (SFP) SFPB-64 60 -40 to +150 0.55 2.0 5 70 150 20 0.072 2.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-H4 50 -40 to +150 0.55 2.0 0.2 70 150 20 0.072 3.0 Surface-Mount (SFP) SFPB-74 60 -40 to +150 0.5 2.0 5 100 150 20 0.072 0.072 3.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-L4 60 -40 to +150 0.55 3.0 0.3 100 150 20 0.072 3.0 Surface-Mount (D pack) SPB-G34S 50 -40 to +150 0.55 3.0 3.5 100 150 5 0.29 5.0 Surface-Mount (D pack) SPB-G54S 60 -40 to +150 0.55 5.0 5 175 150 5 0.29 6.0 Surface-Mount (D pack)Center-tap SPB-64S 50 -40 to +150 0.55 3.0 3.5 100 150 5 0.29 0.7 Surface-Mount(SFP) SFPB-56 10 -40 to +150 0.62 0.7 1 30 150 20 0.072 1.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-D6* 20 -40 to +150 0.70 1.0 0.1 30 150 20 0.072 1.5 Surface-Mount (SFP) SFPW-56 25 -40 to +150 0.7 1.5 1 70 150 20 0.072 1.5 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPW-F6* 25 -40 to +150 0.70 1.5 1.0 70 150 20 0.072 2.0 Surface-Mount(SFP) SFPB-66 25 -40 to +150 0.69 2.0 1 55 150 20 0.072 2.0 Surface-Mount(SFP) SFPB-76 40 -40 to +150 0.62 2.0 2 70 150 20 0.072 2.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-H6* 40 -40 to +150 0.69 2.0 0.2 55 150 20 0.072 3.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-L6 50 -40 to +150 0.70 3.0 0.3 70 150 20 0.072 5.0 Surface-Mount (D pack) SPB-G56S 60 -40 to +150 0.7 5.0 3 125 150 5 0.29 0.7 Surface-Mount (SFP) SFPB-59 10 -40 to +150 0.81 0.7 1 30 150 20 0.072 1.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-D9* 20 -40 to +150 0.85 1.0 0.1 30 150 20 0.072 1.5 Surface-Mount (SFP) SFPB-69 40 -40 to +150 0.81 1.5 2 55 150 20 0.072 2.0 Surface-Mount (SJP) SJPB-H9* 40 -40 to +150 0.85 2.0 0.2 56 150 20 0.072 120 -40 to +150 0.85 10.0 1 100 150 2.5 1.04 20 Surface-Mount (TO220S)Center-tap MPE-220A *: Under development Thru-hole VRM (V) Rth(j-l) Rth(j-c) (C/W) IF (AV) (A) Package Axial (Body Diameter/Lead Diameter) Part Number IFSM (A) 50Hz Single Half Sine Wave Tj (C) Tstg (C) VF (V) max IF (A) IR (mA) VR=VRM max IR(H) (mA) VR=VRM max Ta (C) Rth(j-l) Rth(j-c) (C/W) Mass (g) 1.0 Axial(2.4/0.6) AK 03 25 -40 to +150 0.55 1.0 1.0 35 150 22 1.0 Axial(2.7/0.6) EK 03 40 -40 to +150 0.55 1.0 5.0 35 150 20 0.3 1.7 Axial(4.0/0.78) RK 13 60 -40 to +150 0.55 2.0 5 70 150 15 0.45 2.5 Axial(4.0/0.98) RK 33 50 -40 to +150 0.55 2.5 5 100 150 12 0.6 3.0 Axial(6.5/1.4) RK 43 80 -40 to +150 0.55 3.0 5 100 150 8 1.2 1.0 Axial(2.4/0.6) AK 04 25 -40 to +150 0.55 1.0 1 35 150 22 0.13 1.0 Axial(2.7/0.6) EK 04 40 -40 to +150 0.55 1.0 5 35 150 20 0.3 1.5 Axial(2.7/0.78) EK 14 40 -40 to +150 0.55 2.0 5 70 150 17 0.3 1.7 Axial(4.0/0.78) RK 14 60 -40 to +150 0.55 2.0 5 70 150 15 0.45 2.5 Axial(4.0/0.98) RK 34 50 -40 to +150 0.55 2.5 5 100 150 12 0.6 3.0 TO-220F2Pin FMB-G14 60 -40 to +150 0.55 3.0 5 100 150 4 2.1 3.0 Axial(6.5/1.4) RK 44 80 -40 to +150 0.55 3.0 5 100 150 8 1.2 4.0 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMB-24 50 -40 to +150 0.55 2.0 5 250 150 4 2.1 5.0 Axial(6.5/1.4) 120 -40 to +150 0.55 5.0 1 150 150(Tj) 8 1.2 5.0 TO-220F2Pin FMB-G14L 60 -40 to +150 0.55 5.0 5 175 150 4 2.1 6.0 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMB-24M 60 -40 to +150 0.55 3.0 5 100 150 4 2.1 10 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMB-24L 60 -40 to +150 0.55 5.0 5 175 150 4 2.1 10 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMW-24L 100 -40 to +150 0.55 5.0 5 175 150 4 2.1 10 TO-220F2Pin FMB-G24H 150 -40 to +150 0.55 10.0 10 350 150 4 2.1 15 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMB-24H 100 -40 to +150 0.55 7.5 7.5 250 150 4 2.1 15 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMW-24H 120 -40 to +150 0.55 7.5 7.5 250 150 4 2.1 20 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMB-2204 150 -40 to +150 0.55 10 10 350 150 4 2.1 20 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMW-2204 150 -40 to +150 0.55 10.0 10 350 150 4 2.1 30 TO-220F(Center-tap) FMB-2304 150 -40 to +150 0.55 15 15 500 150 4 2.1 Diodes RW 54 0.13 Package Type (Dimensions) * No. 13 Axial ( 2.7/ 0.6) * No. 14 Axial ( 2.7/ 0.78) * No. 15 Axial ( 4.0/ 0.78) Silicon Varistors (Symmetrical) 0.78 0.05 0.78 0.05 0.6 Cathode band 2.70.2 7.2 0.2 62.5 0.7 5.0 0.2 62.3 0.7 5.0 0.2 62.3 1.0 Cathode band 2.7 0.2 * No. 16 Axial ( 4.0/ 0.98) 4.0 0.2 * No. 17 Axial ( 5.2/ 1.2) 0.98 0.05 * No. 18 Axial ( 6.5/ 1.4) 1.2 0.05 1.4 0.1 Cathode band Cathode band 50 0.1 8.0 0.2 9.1 0.2 62.5 0.7 7.2 0.2 5.2 0.2 4.2 0.2 C 2.80.2 0.5 0.85+0.2 -0.1 2.54 2.54 S type 0.45+0.2 -0.1 R type 4.00.2 0.2 0.80.2 0.2 3.9 1.350.15 1.350.15 3.3 0.2 a b c 1.350.15 1.350.15 2.40.2 2.54 0.85+0.2 -0.1 0.45+0.2 -0.1 S type U type R type a: Part Number b: Polarity c: Lot No. a: Part Number b: Polarity c: Lot No. w 16.9 5.08 q w 5.5 4.0 8.4 f 3.30.2 a b 3.3 0.8 1.750.15 2.150.15 1.05+0.2 -0.1 (13.5) 3.9 1.35 0.85 0.45 2.6 0.8 16.9 5.08 q (13.5) 3.9 1.35 0.85 2.2 2.6 0.8 2.2 3.3 5.50.2 3.450.2 15.60.2 4.2 2.8 0.8 10.0 * No. 24 TO-3PF 1.6 4.2 2.8 3.3 4.0 8.4 10.0 * No. 23 TO-220F2Pin (Two Elements) 23.0 0.3 9.5 0.2 * No. 22 TO-220F2Pin 2.40.2 2.54 3.0 10.00.2 4.20.2 C 2.80.2 0.5 10.00.2 16.90.3 8.40.2 16.90.3 8.40.2 3.3 0.2 a b c 13.0min 56.00.7 10.00.02 C2 Cathode band 4.00.2 10.00.2 1.30.05 * No. 21 TO-220F (Center-tap) 0.80.2 * No. 20 TO-220F (Two Elements) 0.2 * No. 19 Axial ( 10.0/ 1.3) 6.5 0.2 3.9 4.0 0.2 13.0min 62.5 0.7 Cathode band 0.45 5.450.1 1.5 5.450.1 4.4 0.65+0.2 -0.1 3.350.2 1.5 a: Part Number b: Lot No. Diodes 197 Characteristic Curves Ultra-Fast-Recovery Rectifier Diodes FMX-2203 Tc--IF (AV) Derating VF --I F Characteristics (Typical) VR =300V 15 D.C. 10 Sinewave 5 t / T =1/2 t /T =1/3 10 1 Ta=150C 0.1 100C 60C 0.01 0.1 100C 0.01 60C 0.001 25C 0.0001 25C t /T =1/6 50 75 100 125 150 0.001 0 0.3 Case Temperature Tc (C) SFPL-64 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 0.00001 VR =400V D.C. Sinewave 0.4 Tj =150C 0.2 t T 0 100 120 130 140 t T 1.6 t / T = 1/6 1.4 t / T = 1/ 3, Sinewave 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 t / T = 1/2 0.4 D.C. 0.2 150 250 300 VR (V) VR --PR Characteristics t 0.015 T 1- t / T = 5/6 1- t / T = 2/3 0.010 1- t / T = 1/2 0.005 Sinewave 0 0 110 200 Tj=150C Reverse Power Loss PR (W) 0.6 Forward Power Loss PF (W) t / T = 1/3 150 0.020 Tj=150C 1.8 t /T = 1/2 100 Reverse Voltage 2.0 t / T = 1/6 50 IF(AV) --PF Characteristics T -- I F(AV) Characteristics 0.8 0 Forward Voltage VF (V) 1.0 IF(AV) (A) Reverse Current IR (A) Ta=150C t T 0 25 Average Forward Current VR --IR Characteristics (Typical) 1 100 Tj=150C Forward Current I F (A) Average Forward Current IF(AV) (A) 20 0 Lead Temperature T (C) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1.0 100 200 300 Reverse Voltage Average Forward Current IF(AV) (A) 400 VR (V) MPX-2103 Sinewave t / T =1/2 t /T =1/3 4 t /T =1/6 Tj =150C 2 VR --PR Characteristics 10 20 t T Tj =150C 18 Tj =150C t T 16 Reverse Power Loss PR (W) D.C. 8 6 IF(AV) --PF Characteristics VR =300V Forward Power Loss PF (W) Average Forward Current IF(AV) (A) Tc--IF (AV) Derating 10 t / T = 1/6 14 t / T = 1/ 3, Sinewave 12 10 8 6 t / T = 1/2 4 D.C. 1- t / T = 5/6 6 1- t / T = 2/3 1- t / T = 1/2 4 2 2 Sinewave 0 0 0 50 t T 8 70 90 110 130 150 0 Case Temperature Tc (C) 2 4 6 8 0 10 50 Average Forward Current IF(AV) (A) 100 150 Reverse Voltage 200 250 300 VR (V) FMW-2204 VR --PR Characteristics 25 25 Tj =150C t /T =1/3 t /T =1/6 10 Sinewave 5 Tj =150C t T 0 Tj =150C Reverse Power Loss PR (W) D.C. t / T =1/2 15 0 IF(AV) --PF Characteristics VR =40V Forward Power Loss PF (W) Average Forward Current IF(AV) (A) Tc--IF (AV) Derating 20 t T 20 t / T = 1/6 15 t / T = 1/ 3, Sinewave t / T = 1/2 10 5 t T 20 1- t / T = 5/6 15 1- t / T = 2/3 1- t /T = 1/2 10 5 Sinewave D.C. 0 0 50 100 Case Temperature Tc (C) 150 0 10 20 30 Average Forward Current IF(AV) (A) 40 0 10 20 Reverse Voltage 30 40 VR (V) 81