19-5216; Rev 3; 4/10 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA Smart Card Interface The DS8113 smart card interface is a low-cost, analog front-end for a smart card reader, designed for all ISO 7816, EMVTM, and GSM11-11 applications. The DS8113 supports 5V, 3V, and 1.8V smart cards. The DS8113 provides options for low active- and stop-mode power consumption, with as little as 10nA stop-mode current. The DS8113 is designed to interface between a system microcontroller and the smart card interface, providing all power supply, ESD protection, and level shifting required for IC card applications. An EMV Level 1 library (written for the MAXQ2000 microcontroller) and hardware reference design is available. Contact Maxim technical support at https://support.maxim-ic.com/micro regarding requirements for other microcontroller platforms. An evaluation kit, DS8113-KIT, is available to aid in prototyping and evaluation. Applications Consumer Set-Top Boxes Access Control 8kV (min) ESD (IEC) Protection on Card Interface Ultra-Low Stop-Mode Current, Less Than 10nA Typical Internal IC Card Supply-Voltage Generation: 5.0V 5%, 80mA (max) 3.0V 8%, 65mA (max) 1.8V 10%, 30mA (max) Automatic Card Activation and Deactivation Controlled by Dedicated Internal Sequencer I/O Lines from Host Directly Level Shifted for Smart Card Communication Flexible Card Clock Generation, Supporting External Crystal Frequency Divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 High-Current, Short-Circuit and High-Temperature Protection Pin Configuration PIN Pads Automated Teller Machines TOP VIEW Telecommunications Pay/Premium Television Ordering Information TEMP RANGE Analog Interface and Level Shifting for IC Card Communication Low Active-Mode Current Banking Applications POS Terminals Debit/Credit Payment Terminals PART Features PIN-PACKAGE DS8113-RNG+ -40C to +85C 28 SO DS8113-JNG+ -40C to +85C 28 TSSOP Note: Contact the factory for availability of other variants and package options. +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. Selector Guide appears at end of data sheet. CLKDIV1 1 28 AUX2IN CLKDIV2 2 27 AUX1IN 5V/3V 3 26 I/OIN PGND 4 25 XTAL2 CP2 5 VDDA 6 24 XTAL1 DS8113 23 OFF CP1 7 22 GND VUP 8 21 VDD PRES 9 20 RSTIN PRES 10 19 CMDVCC I/O 11 18 1_8V AUX2 12 17 VCC AUX1 13 16 RST CGND 14 15 CLK SO/TSSOP EMV is a trademark owned by EMVCo LLC. Note: Some revisions of this device may incorporate deviations from published specifications known as errata. Multiple revisions of any device may be simultaneously available through various sales channels. For information about device errata, go to: www.maxim-ic.com/errata. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 DS8113 General Description DS8113 Smart Card Interface ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Range on VDD Relative to GND...............-0.5V to +6.5V Voltage Range on VDDA Relative to PGND ..........-0.5V to +6.5V Voltage Range on CP1, CP2, and VUP Relative to PGND...............................................-0.5V to +7.5V Voltage Range on All Other Pins Relative to GND......................................-0.5V to (VDD + 0.5V) Maximum Junction Temperature .....................................+125C Maximum Power Dissipation (TA = -25C to +85C) .......700mW Storage Temperature Range .............................-55C to +150C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (VDD = +3.3V, VDDA = +5.0V, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS POWER SUPPLY Digital Supply Voltage VDD 2.7 6.0 V Card Voltage-Generator Supply Voltage VDDA VDDA > VDD 5.0 6.0 V VTH2 Threshold voltage (falling) 2.35 2.45 2.60 V VHYS2 Hysteresis 50.0 100 150 mV Active VDD Current 5V Cards (Including 80mA Draw from 5V Card) IDD_50V ICC = 80mA, f XTAL = 20MHz, fCLK = 10MHz, VDDA = 5.0V 80.75 85.00 mA Active VDD Current 5V Cards (Current Consumed by DS8113 Only) IDD_IC ICC = 80mA, fXTAL = 20MHz, fCLK = 10MHz, VDDA = 5.0V (Note 2) 0.75 5.00 mA Active VDD Current 3V Cards (Including 65mA Draw from 3V Card) IDD_30V ICC = 65mA, f XTAL = 20MHz, fCLK = 10MHz, VDDA = 5.0V 65.75 70.00 mA Active VDD Current 3V Cards (Current Consumed by DS8113 Only) IDD_IC ICC = 65mA, fXTAL = 20MHz, fCLK = 10MHz, VDDA = 5.0V (Note 2) 0.75 5.00 mA Active VDD Current 1.8V Cards (Including 30mA Draw from 1.8V Card) IDD_18V ICC = 30mA, f XTAL = 20MHz, fCLK = 10MHz, VDDA = 5.0V 30.75 35.00 mA Active VDD Current 1.8V Cards (Current Consumed by DS8113 Only) IDD_IC ICC = 30mA, fXTAL = 20MHz, fCLK = 10MHz, VDDA = 5.0V (Note 2) 0.75 5.00 mA IDD Card inactive, active-high PRES, DS8113 not in stop mode 50.0 200 A IDD_STOP DS8113 in ultra-low-power stop mode (CMDVCC, 5V/3V, and 1_8V set to logic 1) (Note 3) 0.01 2.00 A Reset Voltage Thresholds CURRENT CONSUMPTION Inactive-Mode Current Stop-Mode Current 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Smart Card Interface (VDD = +3.3V, VDDA = +5.0V, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0 20 MHz 0 20 MHz Low-level input on XTAL1 -0.3 0.3 x VDD High-level input on XTAL1 0.7 x VDD VDD + 0.3 CLOCK SOURCE Crystal Frequency f XTAL External crystal f XTAL1 XTAL1 Operating Conditions VIL_XTAL1 VIH_XTAL1 External Capacitance for Crystal Internal Oscillator CXTAL1, CXTAL2 15 V pF f INT 2.7 MHz T SD +150 C SHUTDOWN TEMPERATURE Shutdown Temperature RST PIN Card-Inactive Mode Card-Active Mode Output Low Voltage VOL_RST1 I OL_RST = 1mA 0 0.3 V Output Current I OL_RST1 VO_LRST = 0V 0 -1 mA Output Low Voltage VOL_RST2 I OL_RST = 200A 0 0.3 V Output High Voltage VOH_RST2 I OH_RST = -200A VCC 0.5 VCC V Rise Time tR_RST CL = 30pF 0.1 s Fall Time tF_RST CL = 30pF 0.1 s Shutdown Current Threshold IRST(SD) Current Limitation IRST(LIMIT) RSTIN to RST Delay tD(RSTIN-RST) -20 -20 mA +20 mA 2 s CLK PIN Card-Inactive Mode Output Low Voltage VOL_CLK1 I OLCLK = 1mA 0 0.3 V Output Current I OL_CLK1 VOLCLK = 0V 0 -1 mA Output Low Voltage VOL_CLK2 I OLCLK = 200A 0 0.3 V I OHCLK = -200A VCC 0.5 VCC V ns Output High Voltage Card-Active Mode VOH_CLK2 Rise Time tR_CLK CL = 30pF (Note 4) 8 Fall Time tF_CLK CL = 30pF (Note 4) 8 ns -70 +70 mA MHz Current Limitation ICLK(LIMIT) Clock Frequency fCLK Operational 0 10 CL = 30pF 45 55 SR CL = 30pF 0.2 Duty Factor Slew Rate % V/ns VCC PIN Card-Inactive Mode Output Low Voltage VCC1 ICC = 1mA 0 0.3 V Output Current ICC1 VCC = 0V 0 -1 mA _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 DS8113 RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (continued) DS8113 Smart Card Interface RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (continued) (VDD = +3.3V, VDDA = +5.0V, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER Output Low Voltage SYMBOL VCC2 Card-Active Mode CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 65mA < ICC(5V) < 80mA 4.55 5.00 5.25 ICC(5V) < 65mA 4.75 5.00 5.25 ICC(3V) < 65mA 2.78 3.00 3.22 ICC(1.8V) < 30mA 1.65 1.80 1.95 5V card; current pulses of 40nC with I < 200mA, t < 400ns, f < 20MHz 4.6 5.4 3V card; current pulses of 24nC with I < 200mA, t < 400ns, f < 20MHz 2.75 3.25 1.8V card; current pulses of 12nC with I < 200mA, t < 400ns, f < 20MHz 1.62 1.98 VCC(5V) = 0 to 5V Output Current Shutdown Current Threshold Slew Rate ICC2 VCC(3V) = 0 to 3V -65 VCC(1.8V) = 0 to 1.8V -30 120 Up/down; C < 300nF (Note 5) V -80 ICC(SD) VCCSR UNITS 0.05 0.16 mA mA 0.25 V/s tD(IO-IOIN) 200 ns DATA LINES (I/O AND I/OIN) I/O I/OIN Falling Edge Delay Pullup Pulse Active Time Maximum Frequency Input Capacitance t PU 100 ns f IOMAX 1 MHz CI 10 pF I/O, AUX1, AUX2 PINS Card-Inactive Mode Output Low Voltage VOL_IO1 I OL_IO = 1mA 0 0.3 V -1 mA 19 k 0.3 V Output Current I OL_IO1 VOL_IO = 0V 0 Internal Pullup Resistor RPU_IO To VCC 9 Output Low Voltage VOL_IO2 I OL_IO = 1mA Output High Voltage Card-Active Mode 0 I OH_IO = < -20A 0.8 x VCC VCC I OH_IO = < -40A (3V/5V) 0.75 x VCC VCC Output Rise/Fall Time Input Low Voltage VIL_IO -0.3 +0.8 Input High Voltage VIH_IO 1.5 VCC t OT CL = 30pF 0.1 V s V Input Low Current I IL_IO VIL_IO = 0V 600 A Input High Current I IH_IO VIH_IO = VCC 20 A 1.2 s +15 mA Input Rise/Fall Time Current Limitation Current When Pullup Active 4 VOH_IO2 11 t IT I IO(LIMIT) I PU CL = 30pF -15 CL = 80pF, V OH = 0.9 x VDD -1 _______________________________________________________________________________________ mA Smart Card Interface (VDD = +3.3V, VDDA = +5.0V, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0 0.3 V No Load 0.9 x VDD VDD + 0.1 I OH < -40A 0.75 x VDD VDD + 0.1 I/OIN, AUX1IN, AUX2IN PINS Output Low Voltage VOL Output High Voltage I OL = 1mA VOH Output Rise/Fall Time t OT Input Low Voltage VIL Input High Voltage VIH CL = 30pF, 10% to 90% V 0.1 s -0.3 0.3 x VDD V 0.7 x VDD VDD + 0.3 V Input Low Current I IL_IO VIL = 0V 700 A Input High Current I IH_IO VIH = VDD 10 A t IT VIL to VIH 1.2 s Input Rise/Fall Time Integrated Pullup Resistor RPU Pullup to VDD 9 Current When Pullup Active I PU CL = 30pF, V OH = 0.9 x VDD -1 11 13 k mA CONTROL PINS (CLKDIV1, CLKDIV2, CMDVCC, RSTIN, 5V/3V, 1_8V) Input Low Voltage VIL -0.3 0.3 x VDD V Input High Voltage VIH 0.7 x VDD VDD + 0.3 V Input Low Current I IL_IO 0 < VIL < VDD 5 A Input High Current I IH_IO 0 < VIH < VDD 5 A 0.3 V INTERRUPT OUTPUT PIN (OFF) Output Low Voltage VOL I OL = 2mA 0 Output High Voltage VOH I OH = -15A 0.75 x VDD Integrated Pullup Resistor RPU Pullup to VDD 16 V 20 24 k 0.3 x VDD V PRES, PRES PINS Input Low Voltage VIL_PRES Input High Voltage VIH_PRES 0.7 x VDD V Input Low Current I IL_PRES VIL_PRES = 0V 40 A Input High Current I IH_PRES VIH_PRES = VDD 40 A _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 DS8113 RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (continued) DS8113 Smart Card Interface RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (continued) (VDD = +3.3V, VDDA = +5.0V, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 220 s 100 s TIMING Activation Time tACT Deactivation Time CLK to Card Start Time 50 tDEACT 50 Window Start t3 50 130 Window End t5 140 220 tDEBOUNCE 5 PRES/PRES Debounce Time 80 8 11 s ms Operation guaranteed at -40C and +85C but not tested. IDD_IC measures the amount of current used by the DS8113 to provide the smart card current minus the load. Stop mode is enabled by setting CMDVCC, 5V/3V, and 1_8V to a logic-high. Parameters are guaranteed to meet all ISO 7816, GSM11-11, and EMV 2000 requirements. For the 1.8V card, the maximum rise and fall time is 10ns. Note 5: Parameter is guaranteed to meet all ISO 7816, GSM11-11, and EMV 2000 requirements. For the 1.8V card, the minimum slew rate is 0.05V/s and the maximum slew rate is 0.5V/s. Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Smart Card Interface PIN NAME 1, 2 CLKDIV1, CLKDIV2 FUNCTION 3 5V/3V 5V/3V Selection Pin. Allows selection of 5V or 3V for communication with an IC card. Logic-high selects 5V operation; logic-low selects 3V operation. The 1_8V pin overrides the setting on this pin if active. See Table 3 for a complete description of choosing card voltages. 4 PGND Analog Ground 5, 7 CP2, CP1 6 VDDA 8 VUP Charge Pump Output. Unused for the DS8113. 9 PRES Card Presence Indicator. Active-low card presence inputs. When the presence indicator becomes active, a debounce timeout begins. After 8ms (typ) the OFF signal becomes active. 10 PRES Card Presence Indicator. Active-high card presence inputs. When the presence indicator becomes active, a debounce timeout begins. After 8ms (typ) the OFF signal becomes active. 11 I/O 12, 13 AUX2, AUX1 14 CGND 15 CLK 16 RST Smart Card Reset. Card reset output from contact C2. 17 VCC Smart Card Supply Voltage. Decouple to CGND (card ground) with 2 x 100nF or 100 + 220nF capacitors (ESR < 100m). 18 1_8V 1.8V Operation Selection. Active-high selection for 1.8V smart card communication. An active-high signal on this pin overrides any setting on the 5V/3V pin. 19 CMDVCC 20 RSTIN Clock Divider. Determines the divided-down input clock frequency (presented at XTAL1 or from a crystal at XTAL1 and XTAL2) on the CLK output pin. Dividers of 1, 2, 4, and 8 are available. Step-Up Converter Contact. Unused for the DS8113. Charge Pump Supply. Must be equal to or higher than VDD. For the DS8113 this must be at least 5.0V. Smart Card Data-Line Output. Card data communication line, contact C7. Smart Card Auxiliary Line (C4, C8) Output. Data line connected to card reader contacts C4 (AUX1) and C8 (AUX2). Smart Card Ground Smart Card Clock. Card clock, contact C3. Activation Sequence Initiate. Active-low input from host. Card Reset Input. Reset input from the host. 21 VDD Supply Voltage 22 GND Digital Ground 23 OFF Status Output. Active-low interrupt output to the host. Use a 20k integrated pullup resistor to VDD. 24, 25 XTAL1, XTAL2 Crystal/Clock Input. Connect an input from an external clock to XTAL1 or connect a crystal across XTAL1 and XTAL2. For the low idle-mode current variant, an external clock must be driven on XTAL1. 26 I/OIN 27, 28 AUX1IN, AUX2IN I/O Input. Host-to-interface chip data I/O line. C4/C8 Input. Host-to-interface I/O line for auxiliary connections to C4 and C8. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 DS8113 Pin Description DS8113 Smart Card Interface Detailed Description The DS8113 is an analog front-end for communicating with 1.8V, 3V, and 5V smart cards. It is a dual inputvoltage device, requiring one supply to match that of a host microcontroller and a separate +5V supply for generating correct smart card supply voltages. The DS8113 translates all communication lines to the correct voltage level and provides power for smart card operation. It is a low-power device, consuming very little current in active-mode operation (during a smart card communication session), and is suitable for use in VDD GND XTAL1 XTAL2 CLKDIV1 CLKDIV2 POWER-SUPPLY SUPERVISOR CARD VOLTAGE GENERATOR CLOCK GENERATION TEMPERATURE MONITOR VDDA PGND CP1 CP2 VUP battery-powered devices such as laptops and PDAs, consuming only 10nA in stop mode. See Figure 1 for a functional diagram. Power Supply The DS8113 is a dual-supply device. The supply pins for the device are VDD, GND, VDDA, and PGND. VDD should be in the range of 2.7V to 6.0V, and is the supply for signals that interface with the host controller. It should, therefore, be the same supply as used by the host controller. All smart card contacts remain inactive during power-on or power-off. The internal circuits are kept in the reset state until VDD reaches VTH2 + VHYS2 and for the duration of the internal power-on reset pulse, tW. A deactivation sequence is executed when VDD falls below VTH2. An internal regulator generates the 1.8V, 3V, or 5V card supply voltage (VCC). The regulator should be supplied separately by VDDA and PGND. VDDA should be connected to a minimum 5.0V supply in order to provide the correct supply voltage for 5V smart cards. Voltage Supervisor 1_8V 5V/3V CMDVCC RSTIN PRES PRES OFF I/OIN AUX1IN AUX2IN CONTROL SEQUENCER VCC CGND RST CLK I/O TRANSCEIVER I/O AUX1 AUX2 DS8113 The voltage supervisor monitors the V DD supply. A 220s reset pulse (tW) is used internally to keep the device inactive during power-on or power-off of the VDD supply. See Figure 2. The DS8113 card interface remains inactive no matter the levels on the command lines until duration tW after VDD has reached a level higher than VTH2 + VHYS2. When VDD falls below VTH2, the DS8113 executes a card deactivation sequence if its card interface is active. Figure 1. Functional Diagram VTH2 + VHYS2 VTH2 VDD ALARM (INTERNAL SIGNAL) tW tW POWER ON SUPPLY DROPOUT Figure 2. Voltage Supervisor Behavior 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________ POWER OFF Smart Card Interface I/O Transceivers The card clock signal (CLK) is derived from a clock signal input to XTAL1 or from a crystal operating at up to 20MHz connected between XTAL1 and XTAL2. The output clock frequency of CLK is selectable through inputs CLKDIV1 and CLKDIV2. The CLK signal frequency can be fXTAL, fXTAL/2, fXTAL/4, or fXTAL/8. See Table 1 for the frequency generated on the CLK signal given the inputs to CLKDIV1 and CLKDIV2. Note that CLKDIV1 and CLKDIV2 must not be changed simultaneously; a delay of 10ns minimum between changes is needed. The minimum duration of any state of CLK is eight periods of XTAL1. The three data lines I/O, AUX1, and AUX2 are identical. This section describes the characteristics of I/O and I/OIN but also applies to AUX1, AUX1IN, AUX2, and AUX2IN. I/O and I/OIN are pulled high with an 11k resistor (I/O to VCC and I/OIN to VDD) in the inactive state. The first side of the transceiver to receive a falling edge becomes the master. When a falling edge is detected (and the master is decided), the detection of falling edges on the line of the other side is disabled; that side then becomes a slave. After a time delay tD(EDGE), an n transistor on the slave side is turned on, thus transmitting the logic 0 present on the master side. When the master side asserts a logic 1, a p transistor on the slave side is activated during the time delay tPU and then both sides return to their inactive (pulled up) states. This active pullup provides fast low-to-high transitions. After the duration of tPU, the output voltage depends only on the internal pullup resistor and the load current. Current to and from the card I/O lines is limited internally to 15mA. The maximum frequency on these lines is 1MHz. The frequency change is synchronous: during a transition of the clock divider, no pulse is shorter than 45% of the smallest period, and the first and last clock pulses about the instant of change have the correct width. When changing the frequency dynamically, the change is effective for only eight periods of XTAL1 after the command. The fXTAL duty factor depends on the input signal on XTAL1. To reach a 45% to 55% duty factor on CLK, XTAL1 should have a 48% to 52% duty factor with transition times less than 5% of the period. With a crystal, the duty factor on CLK can be 45% to 55% depending on the circuit layout and on the crystal characteristics and frequency. In other cases, the duty factor on CLK is guaranteed between 45% and 55% of the clock period. If the crystal oscillator is used or if the clock pulse on XTAL1 is permanent, the clock pulse is applied to the card as shown in the activation sequences in Figures 3 and 4. If the signal applied to XTAL1 is controlled by the host microcontroller, the clock pulse is applied to the card when it is sent by the system microcontroller (after completion of the activation sequence). Inactive Mode The DS8113 powers up with the card interface in the inactive mode. Minimal circuitry is active while waiting for the host to initiate a smart card session. * All card contacts are inactive (approximately 200 to GND). * Pins I/OIN, AUX1IN, and AUX2IN are in the highimpedance state (11k pullup resistor to VDD). * Voltage generators are stopped. * XTAL oscillator is running (if included in the device). * Voltage supervisor is active. * The internal oscillator is running at its low frequency. Table 1. Clock Frequency Selection CLKDIV1 CLKDIV2 fCLK 0 0 fXTAL/8 0 1 fXTAL/4 1 1 fXTAL/2 1 0 fXTAL Activation Sequence After power-on and the reset delay, the host microcontroller can monitor card presence with signals OFF and CMDVCC, as shown in Table 2. Table 2. Card Presence Indication OFF CMDVCC High High Card present. Low High Card not present. STATUS _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 DS8113 Clock Circuitry DS8113 Smart Card Interface If the card is in the reader (if PRES is active), the host microcontroller can begin an activation sequence (start a card session) by pulling CMDVCC low. The following events form an activation sequence (Figure 3): 1) CMDVCC is pulled low. 2) The internal oscillator changes to high frequency (t0). 3) The voltage generator is started (between t0 and t1). 4) VCC rises from 0 to 5V, 3V, or 1.8V with a controlled slope (t2 = t1 + 1.5 x T). T is 64 times the internal oscillator period (approximately 25s). 5) I/O, AUX1, and AUX2 are enabled (t3 = t1 + 4T) (they were previously pulled low). 6) The CLK signal is applied to the C3 contact (t4). 7) RST is enabled (t5 = t1 + 7T). To apply the clock to the card interface: 1) Set RSTIN high. 2) Set CMDVCC low. 3) Set RSTIN low between t3 and t5; CLK will now start. 4) RST stays low until t5, then RST becomes the copy of RSTIN. 5) RSTIN has no further effect on CLK after t5. If the applied clock is not needed, set CMDVCC low with RSTIN low. In this case, CLK starts at t3 (minimum 200ns after the transition on I/O, see Figure 4); after t5, RSTIN can be set high to obtain an answer to request (ATR) from an inserted smart card. Do not perform activation with RSTIN held permanently high. Active Mode When the activation sequence is completed, the DS8113 card interface is in active mode. The host microcontroller and the smart card exchange data on the I/O lines. CMDVCC VCC ATR I/O CLK RSTIN RST I/OIN t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 = tACT Figure 3. Activation Sequence Using RSTIN and CMDVCC 10 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Smart Card Interface DS8113 CMDVCC VCC ATR I/O CLK 200ns RSTIN RST I/OIN t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 = tACT Figure 4. Activation Sequence at t3 CMDVCC RST CLK I/O VCC t10 t12 t13 t14 t15 tDE Figure 5. Deactivation Sequence ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 DS8113 Smart Card Interface Deactivation Sequence When a session is completed, the host microcontroller sets the CMDVCC line high to execute an automatic deactivation sequence and returns the card interface to the inactive mode (Figure 5). 1) RST goes low (t10). 2) CLK is held low (t12 = t10 + 0.5 x T) where T is 64 times the period of the internal oscillator (approximately 25s). 3) I/O, AUX1, and AUX2 are pulled low (t13 = t10 + T). 4) VCC starts to fall (t14 = t10 + 1.5 x T). 5) When VCC reaches its inactive state, the deactivation sequence is complete (at tDE). 6) All card contacts become low impedance to GND; I/OIN, AUX1IN, and AUX2IN remain at VDD (pulled up through an 11k resistor). 7) The internal oscillator returns to its lower frequency. VCC Generator The V CC generator has a capacity to supply up to 80mA continuously at 5V, 65mA at 3V, and 30mA at 1.8V. An internal overload detector triggers at approximately 120mA. Current samples to the detector are filtered. This allows spurious current pulses (with a duration of a few s) up to 200mA to be drawn without causing deactivation. The average current must stay below the specified maximum current value. To maintain VCC voltage accuracy, a 100nF capacitor (with an ESR < 100m) should be connected to CGND and placed near the DS8113's VCC pin, and a 100nF or 220nF capacitor (220nF is the best choice) with the same ESR should be connected to CGND and placed near the smart card reader's C1 contact. 12 Fault Detection The following fault conditions are monitored: * Short-circuit or high current on VCC * Removal of a card during a transaction * VDD dropping * Card voltage generator operating out of the specified values (VDDA too low or current consumption too high) * Overheating There are two different cases (Figure 6): * CMDVCC High Outside a Card Session. Output OFF is low if a card is not in the card reader and high if a card is in the reader. The VDD supply is monitored--a decrease in input voltage generates an internal power-on reset pulse but does not affect the OFF signal. Short-circuit and temperature detection is disabled because the card is not powered up. * CMDVCC Low Within a Card Session. Output OFF goes low when a fault condition is detected, and an emergency deactivation is performed automatically (Figure 7). When the system controller resets CMDVCC to high, it may sense the OFF level again after completing the deactivation sequence. This distinguishes between a card extraction and a hardware problem (OFF goes high again if a card is present). Depending on the connector's card-present switch (normally closed or normally open) and the mechanical characteristics of the switch, bouncing can occur on the PRES signals at card insertion or withdrawal. The DS8113 has a debounce feature with an 8ms typical duration (Figure 6). When a card is inserted, output OFF goes high after the debounce time delay. When the card is extracted, an automatic deactivation sequence of the card is performed on the first true/false transition on PRES and output OFF goes low. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Smart Card Interface DS8113 PRES OFF CMDVCC DEBOUNCE DEBOUNCE VCC DEACTIVATION CAUSED BY CARDS WITHDRAWAL DEACTIVATION CAUSED BY SHORT CIRCUIT Figure 6. Behavior of PRES, OFF, CMDVCC, and VCC OFF PRES RST CLK I/O VCC t10 t12 t13 t14 t15 tDE Figure 7. Emergency Deactivation Sequence (Card Extraction) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 DS8113 Smart Card Interface Stop Mode (Low-Power Mode) A low-power state, stop mode, can be entered by forcing the CMDVCC, 5V/3V, and 1_8V input pins to a logic-high state. Stop mode can only be entered when the smart card interface is inactive. In stop mode all internal analog circuits are disabled. The OFF pin follows the status of the PRES pin. To exit stop mode, change the state of one or more of the three control pins to a logic-low. An internal 220s (typ) power-up delay and the 8ms PRES debounce delay are in effect and OFF is asserted to allow the internal circuitry to stabilize. This prevents smart card access from occurring after leaving the stop mode. Figure 8 shows the control sequence for entering and exiting stop mode. Note that an in-progress deactivation sequence always finishes before the DS8113 enters low-power stop mode. DEACTIVATE INTERFACE CMDVCC 1_8V ACTIVATE STOP MODE DEACTIVATE STOP MODE 5V/3V 220s DELAY 8ms DEBOUNCE STOP MODE OFF ASSERTED TO WAIT FOR DELAY OFF OFF FOLLOWS PRES IN STOP MODE PRES VCC Figure 8. Stop-Mode Sequence 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Smart Card Interface logic-low state. Care must be exercised when switching from one VCC power selection to the other. If both 1_8V and 5V/3V are high with CMDVCC high at the same time, the DS8113 enters stop mode. To avoid accidental entry into stop mode, the state of 1_8V and 5V/3V must not be changed simultaneously. A minimum delay of 100ns should be observed between changing the states of 1_8V and 5V/3V. See Figure 9 for the recommended sequence of changing the VCC range. The DS8113 supports three smart card VCC voltages: 1.8V, 3V, and 5V. The power select is controlled by the 1_8V and 5V/3V signals as shown in Table 3. The 1_8V signal has priority over 5V/3V. When 1_8V is asserted high, 1.8V is applied to VCC when the smart card is active. When 1_8V is deasserted, 5V/3V dictates VCC power range. VCC is 5V if 5V/3V is asserted to a logichigh state, and V CC is 3V if 5V/3V is pulled to a Table 3. VCC Select and Operation Mode 1_8V 5V/3V CMDVCC VCC SELECT (V) 0 0 0 3 Activated 0 0 1 3 Inactivated 0 1 0 5 Activated 0 1 1 5 Inactivated 1 0 0 1.8 Activated 1 0 1 1.8 Inactivated 1 1 0 1.8 Reserved (Activated) 1 1 1 1.8 Not Applicable--Stop Mode VCC SELECT 1.8V 3V 5V CARD INTERFACE STATUS 3V 1.8V STOP MODE CMDVCC 1_8V 5V/3V Figure 9. Smart Card Power Select ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 DS8113 Smart Card Power Select DS8113 Smart Card Interface Applications Information Performance can be affected by the layout of the application. For example, an additional cross-capacitance of 1pF between card reader contacts C2 (RST) and C3 (CLK) or C2 (RST) and C7 (I/O) can cause contact C2 to be polluted with high-frequency noise from C3 (or C7). In this case, include a 100pF capacitor between contacts C2 and CGND. Application recommendations include the following: * Ensure there is ample ground area around the DS8113 and the connector; place the DS8113 very near to the connector; decouple the VDD and VDDA lines separately. These lines are best positioned under the connector, connected in a star on the main trace. * The DS8113 and the host microcontroller must use the same VDD supply. Pins CLKDIV1, CLKDIV2, RSTIN, PRES, AUX1IN, I/OIN, AUX2IN, 5V/3V, 1_8V, CMDVCC, and OFF are referenced to VDD; if pin XTAL1 is to be driven by an external clock, also reference this pin to VDD. * Trace C3 (CLK) should be placed as far as possible from the other traces. Selector Guide PART LOW STOPLOW ACTIVE- PINMODE POWER MODE POWER PACKAGE DS8113-RNG+ Yes Yes 28 SO DS8113-JNG+ Yes Yes 28 TSSOP Note: Contact the factory for availability of other variants and package options. +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. Package Information For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. Note that a "+", "#", or "-" in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE DOCUMENT NO. 28 SO (300 mils) W28+6 21-0042 28 TSSOP U28+2 21-0066 * The trace connecting CGND to C5 (GND) should be straight (the two capacitors on C1 (VCC) should be connected to this ground trace). * Avoid ground loops among CGND, PGND, and GND. With all these layout precautions, noise should be kept to an acceptable level and jitter on C3 (CLK) should be less than 100ps. Reference layouts, designs, and an evaluation kit are available on request. 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Smart Card Interface REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 1/08 Initial release -- 2/08 In the Recommended DC Operating Conditions table, changed I/OIN, AUX1IN/AUX2IN specs to reference VDD rather than VCC and corrected IOH to A. 5 1 In the Pin Description, removed references to active low from the PRES description. 7 DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED 2 5/08 In the Recommended DC Operating Conditions table, clarified specifications of VTH2, f INT, VCCSR, and IIL_IO. 2-5 3 4/10 Added the TSSOP package (see the Ordering Information, Pin Configuration, Selector Guide, and Package Information sections); added the lead temperature and updated the soldering temperature in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 1, 2, 16 EMVCo approval of the interface module (IFM) contained in this Terminal shall mean only that the IFM has been tested in accordance and for sufficient conformance with the EMV Specifications, Version 3.1.1, as of the date of testing. EMVCo approval is not in any way an endorsement or warranty regarding the completeness of the approval process or the functionality, quality or performance of any particular product or service. EMVCo does not warrant any products or services provided by third parties, including, but not limited to, the producer or provider of the IFM and EMVCo approval does not under any circumstances include or imply any product warranties from EMVCo, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose, or noninfringement, all of which are expressly disclaimed by EMVCo. All rights and remedies regarding products and services which have received EMVCo approval shall be provided by the party providing such products or services, and not by EMVCo and EMVCo accepts no liability whatsoever in connection therewith. Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________ 17 (c) 2010 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. DS8113 Revision History Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Maxim Integrated: DS8113-JNG+ DS8113-JNG+T&R DS8113-RNG+ DS8113-RNG+T&R