Electrical Characterist ics @ TJ = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
V(BR)DSS D r ai n- to-Sou r c e B reakdow n Volta ge 40 ––– ––– V
∆TJ Breakdow n Voltage Temp. Coefficient ––– 0.032 ––– V/°C
RDS(on) Stati c D rain- to- Sour c e O n- R e s i s tanc e ––– 4. 3 5.5 mΩ
VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 2.0 ––– 4.0 V
gfs For wa rd Transconductance 63 ––– ––– V
IDSS Dr ai n- to- Sour c e Leak age Cu r rent ––– ––– 20 µA
––– ––– 250
IGSS Gate-to- Sou r c e For war d Lea kag e ––– ––– 200 nA
Gate- to- Sour c e R ev e r s e Leaka ge ––– ––– -20 0
QgTotal Gate Charge ––– 68 100
Qgs Gate- to- Sour c e C ha r ge ––– 21 ––– nC
Qgd Gate-to-Drain ("Mille r " ) Char ge ––– 27 –––
td(on) Turn-On Delay Time ––– 16 –––
trRise Ti me ––– 13 0 –––
td(off) Turn-Off Delay Ti me ––– 38 – –– n s
tfFall Time ––– 77 –––
LDInternal Drain Inductance ––– 4.5 ––– Between lead,
nH 6mm (0.25in.)
LSInt er nal Source Inducta nce ––– 7.5 ––– from package
and center of die contact
Ciss Input Capacitance ––– 3000 –––
Coss Output Capacitance ––– 660 –––
Crss Reve rse Tr a ns fer Capac ita nc e ––– 380 ––– pF
Coss Output Capacitance ––– 2160 –––
Coss Output Capacitance ––– 560 –––
Coss ef f. Ef fec t iv e O utput C ap ac it a nce ––– 850 –––
Source-Drain Ratin
s and Characteristics
Par a me te r Min. Ty p. Max . Units
ISContinuous Source Curr ent ––– ––– 75
(Body Diode) A
ISM Pulsed Source Current ––– ––– 470
(Body Diode)
VSD Diod e For ward Voltage –– – ––– 1.3 V
trr Reverse Recovery Time ––– 23 35 ns
Qrr Rev e r s e R ec ov er y C ha r ge ––– 6. 8 10 nC
ton Forward Turn-On Time Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD)
VDS = 10V , I D = 75A
ID = 75A
VDS = 32V
VGS = 10V
VGS = 0V
VDS = 25V
ƒ = 1. 0M H z
VGS = 20V
VGS = -20V
MOSFET symbol
showing the
integra l revers e
p-n ju nction diode.
TJ = 25°C, IS = 75A, VGS = 0V
TJ = 25°C, IF = 75 A , V DD = 20V
di /dt = 100A/µ s
VGS = 0V, ID = 25 0µA
Refere nce to 25 °C, ID = 1m A
VGS = 10V, ID = 75A
VDS = VGS, ID = 250µ A
VDS = 40V , V GS = 0V
VDS = 40V , V GS = 0V , TJ = 125°C
VGS = 0 V, VDS = 1.0V, ƒ = 1.0MHz
VGS = 0 V, VDS = 32V, ƒ = 1.0MH z
VGS = 0V, VDS = 0V to 32V
VGS = 10V
VDD = 20V
ID = 75A
RG = 6.8 Ω