Switch-Mode Controller
Current-Mode Control Loop
The advantages of current-mode control over volt-
age-mode control are twofold. First, there is the feed-for-
ward characteristic brought on by the controller's ability
to adjust for variations in the input voltage on a cycle-by-
cycle basis. Second, the stability requirements of the cur-
rent-mode controller are reduced to that of a single-pole
system unlike the double pole in the voltage-mode control
scheme. The MAX16809 uses a current-mode control
loop where the output of the error amplifier is compared to
the current-sense voltage (VCS). When the current-sense
signal is lower than the inverting input of the CPWM com-
parator, the output of the comparator is low and the switch
is turned on at each clock pulse. When the current-sense
signal is higher than the inverting input of the CPWM
comparator, the output is high and the switch is turned off.
Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
The turn-on supply voltage for the MAX16809 is 8.4V
(typ). Once VCC reaches 8.4V, the reference powers up.
There is a 0.8V of hysteresis from the turn-on voltage
to the UVLO threshold. Once VCC reaches 8.4V, the
MAX16809 operates with VCC down to 7.6V. Once VCC
goes below 7.6V (typ), the device is in UVLO. When in
UVLO, the quiescent supply current into VCC falls back to
32µA (typ), and OUT and REF are pulled low.
OUT drives an external n-channel MOSFET and swings
from AGND to VCC. Ensure that VCC remains below the
absolute maximum VGS rating of the external MOSFET.
OUT is a push-pull output with the on-resistance of the
pMOS typically 3.5Ω and the on-resistance of the nMOS
typically 4.5Ω. The driver can source 2A and sink 1A typi-
cally. This allows for the MAX16809 to quickly turn on and
off high gate-charge MOSFETs. Bypass VCC with one or
more 0.1µF ceramic capacitors to AGND, placed close to
VCC. The average current sourced to drive the external
MOSFET depends on the total gate charge (QG) and
operating frequency of the converter. The power dissipa-
tion in the MAX16809 is a function of the average output
drive current (IDRIVE). Use the following equation to cal-
culate the power dissipation in the device due to IDRIVE:
where ICC is the operating supply current. See the
Typical Operating Characteristics for the operating supply
current at a given frequency.
Error Amplier
The MAX16809 includes an internal error amplifier. The
inverting input is at FB and the noninverting input is
internally connected to a 2.5V reference. Set the output
voltage using a resistive divider between output of the
converter VOUT, FB, and AGND. Use the following for-
mula to set the output voltage:
V 1 x V
= +
where VFB = 2.5V.
The oscillator frequency is programmable using an exter-
nal capacitor and a resistor at RTCT (see RT and CT
in the Typical Operating Circuits). RT is connected from
RTCT to the 5V reference (REF), and CT is connected
from RTCT to AGND. REF charges CT through RT until
its voltage reaches 2.8V. CT then discharges through an
8.3mA internal current sink until CT's voltage reaches
1.1V, at which time CT is allowed to charge through RT
again. The oscillator's period is the sum of the charge
and discharge times of CT. Calculate the charge time as
tC = 0.57 x RT x CT
where tC is in seconds, RT in ohms (Ω), and CT in
Farads (F).
The discharge time is then:
tD = (RT x CT x 1000) / [(4.88 x RT) - (1.8 x 1000)]
where tD is in seconds, RT in ohms (Ω), and CT in
Farads (F).
Figure 1b. OUT_ _ Driver Internal Diagram
W/L OUT_ _
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated
MAX16809 Integrated 16-Channel LED Driver with
Switch-Mode Boost and SEPIC Controller